October 5, 2024

"In a chilling tale of revenge, a 30-year-old man mowed down his father's murderer in Ahmedabad's Bodakdev locality after waiting 22 years for an opportune moment."

"The accused, who was eight years old when his father was crushed to death in a similar manner, grew up hearing stories about the killers, and nursed a deep grudge and an intense desire to avenge the murder. On Tuesday afternoon, Nakhat Singh Bhati (50)... was riding his bicycle when he was run over by a pickup truck...."

From "After 22-year wait, 30-year-old mows down father's murderer" (Times of India).


rehajm said...

…best served cold…

Creola Soul said...

Kinda like Sonny getting whacked in “ A Bronx Tale”.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

You killed my father... prepare to die.

Bear85 said...

I was thinking the same thing!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.

richlb said...

Ice cold.

richlb said...

When I first saw "mowed down" I literally thought "ran over him with a lawn mower".

Political Junkie said...

A Bronx Tale - Great movie. Never forget the door test.

Political Junkie said...

This is why, IMO, we should have killed every member of Osama Bin Laden's family tree. Every single one.

Jim said...

People don’t believe me when I say that State instituted capital punishment was a liberal innovation designed to put a stop to this.

Political Junkie said...

Jim - Good point.

Tarrou said...

The man was free. Good on the kid.

Robert Marshall said...

Summary: Gopal Singh Bhati's father, Hari Singh Bhati, was murdered by Nakhat Singh Bhati and Nakhat's four brothers, in 2002. Hari was run over by a truck. Nakhat and his four brothers got 7 years imprisonment for the murder. Gopal avenged the murder 22 years later, by running over Nakhat with a truck, just like Nakhat had done with Gopal's father.

Gopal will NOT get a trial by jury, despite India's legal system having been designed by the Brits. India abolished criminal jury trials in 1973. Too bad for Gopal, as a jury might understand his motivation. On the other hand, Nakhat only got 7 years for murdering Hari, so maybe punishments are usually light in India.

I suspect the Bhati family reunions must be a little fraught in light of all this feuding.

mezzrow said...

It's good to have a goal in life. What's he going to do now?

Lee Moore said...

One of my favorite WW2 related stories, which I read a looong time ago :

In a small village in the south of Italy, a young couple got married. But it was wartime and so the husband was sent off to be a soldier. The Mayor immediately moved in on the pretty wife, threatening her that as a fascist in good standing he had it in his power to make sure the husband was deployed to the most dangerous areas. Or to make sure he was kept out of harm's way. So the wife reluctantly complied with his demands. When the husband returned from the war, he heard from the gossip in the village that his wife had been the Mayor's mistress. So he did what any good Italian would do. He took down his shotgun from the wall, and announced his attention to go and deal with the now ex-Mayor.. But his wife begged him to stop. Did he think she had put up with the Mayor climbing all over her for years to try to keep her husband safe, only to lose her husband to prison as soon as he returned ? She made him promise to let it go. And so he put his shotgun back on the wall.

Forty years later, the wife died. So after the funeral, the husband got his shotgun back of the wall and went and shot the now very old ex Mayor.

I love a story with a happy ending.

Aggie said...

Which 'Bahti' family? Makes me wonder if they're related.

Whiskeybum said...

I learned a new term from the article: doing a “recce”. That would make a good Wordle.

Wince said...
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Wince said...

Don Ciccio was right?

"When he's a man, he'll come for revenge."

Creola Soul said...

“Now youse can’t leave.” Yes, a great movie.

Ice Nine said...

Years ago, my posthumously-bemedaled kid brother was murdered while saving the life of a person who was about to be murdered by bro's murderer. I'm an eye-for-an-eye kind o' guy and for many years I dreamed of killing that asshole. Well, it's an old story that I ultimately learned is true: That wish for revenge is psychically burdensome, and I managed to let it go. And yes, life is better without that persistent mental load.

That said, whenever I read of someone like this Indian guy, who sees it differently and takes well-deserved vengeance, I highly approve.

Narayanan said...


Narayanan said...

your elections are in such a mess for lack of desire for vengeance

Rusty said...

"Sometimes the only justice you're ever gonna get is the justice you make for yourself." S.E.M

Iman said...

Best served decades later…

Political Junkie said...

Sometimes I wonder.

Iman said...

Mahindra Bolero Trucks… “Oh, what a feeling!”

mccullough said...


mccullough said...


Ampersand said...

Try to quantify the number of lifelong murderous grudges that are out there these days. Scary.

Mikey NTH said...

Having the king take justice and vengeance into his hands wsd better than a family feud.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Give him a jury trial in the rural South. (US, not India). The "Sum bitch needed killing" defense will ensure the proper verdict is reached.

loudogblog said...

"He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up!" - Kahn, paraphrasing from Moby Dick

Freeman Hunt said...

His father's murderer only received seven years for an actual murder, not a negligent homicide? This is why you don't have overly light sentences. If justice isn't on offer through the justice system, people will seek to obtain justice themselves.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Well done, kid

As Glenn Reynolds keeps on pointing out: the purpose of the police and justice system are to keep people from getting their own "justice".

The police and system failed, so the kid took care of it. Good for him.

We should see more and more of this until the Left agrees to stop sabotaging the system

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Your problem was obsessing about doing it, rather than just doing it