October 5, 2024

"Once I thought Trump would be an aberration for Republicans. But on Tuesday night, I saw the future of the party and it was lies piled on lies, and darkness swallowing darkness."

Maureen Dowd watched the VP debate and describes how she felt about it, in "JD Smirks His Way Into the Future" (NYT).
Vance seemed like a replicant. There was no sign of the smarmy right-wing troll who said Harris “can go to hell”....

When did Vance say Harris "can go to hell"? I don't remember, and we're not given a link. Earlier in the column Dowd goes on about a Trump ad and fails to give a link. I found that frustrating but I figured she (and the NYT) did not want to boost a Trump ad. But why can't we get the context for that "can go to hell"? It makes me assume that the context would make Vance look better. (I looked it up — here — and it does.)

Back to Dowd:

He has a bizarre, degrading view of the role of women in American society.

Again, no context. 

But on Tuesday night, he put on a mask of likability and empathy. “Christ have mercy, it is awful,” Vance said, looking down and shaking his head, when Walz told of his teenage son witnessing a shooting.

The chameleon brought back the JD Vance who was the darling of Hollywood, when “Hillbilly Elegy” was made into a movie, before he ambitiously code-switched into a Trumper. His wife, Usha, a debate adviser, helped him craft a persona that made him more palatable to women.

He was wily and deceptive in how he talked about abortion, stressing that women needed “options” and sending his love to an old friend who he said had had an abortion....
It’s remarkable, given Vance’s compassionate tone in his book, and his plea that the people of Appalachia be understood rather than ridiculed, how easily he morphed into someone with no compassion, stereotyping migrants and women.

Did he morph or did your view of him morph? It is very easy for your mental image of someone to change, especially if your template is partisan politics, and someone allies with a candidate you hate. If only Vance, having published "Hillbilly Elegy," had discerned what liberals thought they could get out of him and worked on providing it, I don't think Maureen Dowd would have found it wily or deceptive or ambitiously code-switchy at all.


ndspinelli said...

Dowd is one of those cat ladies.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Leftist women are obsessed with his "cat lady" remark. It hath crushed their souls. There in only darkness.

Dixcus said...

Maureen Dowd is the best argument I've ever seen for repealing the 19th Amendment and returning these ladies to their cat parlors.

Kai Akker said...

When reality keeps disproving one's assumptions, one must change his opinions or devise ever more sinister explanations for the disparity. Dowd cannot give up her religion so the only answer for her is Satan.

Aggie said...

I saw a clip of Dowd as a minor celebrity making an appearance on some show, and she came across as reasonably normal, fairly witty, cheerful. It was surprising, in a way, because up to that point, I only knew about her through her writing - which means when her vitriol is flowing. I don't read her regularly, so maybe I'm just getting the nuance when she's in this mode, and it's offered up as an example. But reading this installment, it really comes across as somebody who has run out of ideas, but still feels the old pull of the Party and has to turn out 'something'. 'Phoning it in.'

BUMBLE BEE said...

Baba Yaga!

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Man and the Legend.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Dowd - YOUR Party hired a patsy to kill Trump. Go f yourself.



Trump has placed Cory Comperatore’s Fire Fighter uniform in the stands where Cory laid down his life protecting his family from the assassin bullets.

Truly a place of honor for all to see.

Cory’s family will be at the rally tonight. pic.twitter.com/rtr6eE2Y9Y

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 5, 2024

Caroline said...

What’s dark is a political movement that celebrates women who kill their pre born babies. Our cities are pretty dark…The People are starting to notice. They’re noticing the tent cities under overpasses, their park benches taken over by degenerates. They’re starting to look into how much the government is spending on people who aren’t citizens. They’re noticing they don’t feel safe walking around at night anymore.
Lies? I kinda can’t believe she went there, what with her candidate having lied about the president’s condition for his entire administration. Puhleez.

narciso said...

Vances subtle bugs impression probably unnerved her

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

For some of us it's kinda hard to "get over" the fact that one party tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election and stormed the Capitol, and now are running the same candidate(s) who refuses to admit he lost last time.

Seems kinda important?

Maynard said...

Is MoDo still pissed that she got dumped by Michael Douglas ... and the next 25 guys she dated?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who's that I see walkin in' in these woods?
Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Meanwhile - the George Floyd riots caused over a billion in property damage, and people were actually killed.
No one brought a gun to the FBI honey-pot Capitol rally.

narciso said...


Kate said...

I only got as far as the paragraph that claims Trump's return to Butler is "martyr-milking". Even for MoDo, that's tasteless. Comperatore died there. Have some respect.

Aggie said...

'Bugs impression' Hah, good one! I know exactly what you mean, and you're dead on.

Iman said...
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tcrosse said...

Still going on about the Reichstag fire?

narciso said...

Mo dowd is as relevant as pauline kael

Iman said...

Dowd?… She’s just so fucking rude.

planetgeo said...

Maureen Dowd is the NYT version of Inga. Read accordingly.

Iman said...


Professor likes you, she thinks you're swell
The drivel you write and
Dat cat lady smell
Your too-short skirt and your last year’s style
Stiletto heels and that crocodile smile
She says to read your shit
That there’s no need to wait
‘til Sunday

h/t Ronnie Lane

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kai Akker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

Yes, I notice you seem hung up on this one. Try this:

1. How many people died in the Jan 6th protest, and how did they die? Who was prosecuted for the deaths, and what was the outcome?
2. How many people died in the George Floyd riots, and how did they die? Who was prosecuted for the deaths, and what was the outcome?
3. What was the cost to repair the damage arising from Jan 6th, and what was the cost to repair the damage from the George Floyd riots? Compare & contrast !
4. What has the long-term consequence / impact been to Washington DC, and what has the long term consequence been to the protestors? How do the charges/penalties to those found 'guilty' align with the long historical precedents of similar charges? Compare & contrast !
5. What has the long-term consequence / impact been to the long list of American cities where George Floyd riots took place, and what has the long term consequence been to the protestors that were responsible for the violence, the looting, the fires? How do the charges/penalties to those found 'guilty' align with the long historical precedents of similar charges?

I think if you have the courage to answer these questions objectively for yourself, you wouldn't need to ask any more questions.

Wince said...

"...Harris 'can go to hell.'"

The alternative is Harris bring Hell to us.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What these rabidly drooling anti Trump people don't understand is the consequences of trying to destroy what Trump the man and what he stands for. Trump is a representative of millions of other people. They are destroying the electoral process, crippling Democracy, perverting the media.

They think that Trump is Hitler. The worst thing ever. What they fail to comprehend that if they continue what comes next will be much much worse. How do they think that the real Hitler rose to power. They think Trump is bad....wait until Trump 2.0 arises. No one is looking forward to that...but it seems ever more likely.

Do they think we aren't noticing? The silent majority is patient and hopeful for a better outcome, but eventually that patience will expire. Dowd and her ilk should beware of the result of their actions.

Beware the quiet man.
For while others speak, he watched.
And while others act, he plans.
And when they finally rest… he strikes.

Dave Begley said...

Ipse Dixit Dowd.

William said...

I don't have the figures at hand. Have more young women died because of a lack of abortion care or because they were raped and/or murdered by an illegal migrant?.......We know now that Kamala is a centrist Democrat. That's her true identity. Those defund the police, open the border, et al. remarks were just random musings. She doesn't wear a mask like Vance. She's authentic.

Sally327 said...

I don't know if Senator told VP Harris to go hell or not either but even if he did, why is that so egregious? It's pretty far down on the list of offensive things to say to someone, mostly because it's said a lot, sometimes as a joke even.

Dowd got a shot in at Vance's wife, that treacherous 'debate advisor', helping the man try and trick people into thinking he's a decent human being. This seems to be what Dowd finds most offensive, the wily Vance deceiving the gullible into thinking he's an okay, likeable guy. Strip away that mask, you monster, and go to Hell!

Ampersand said...

The rhetoric chosen by Dowd is telling her readers to cast aside any moral restraint in opposing Republicans. Naturally, the NYT is proud to publish this sort of incitement. Only a month until the election.

narciso said...

Shes a nasty meanng girl we saw this in 2008 most clearly

michaele said...

I suspect that back before Trump became a political figure or even a television "star", Maureen Dowd would have happily dated him if he had asked. However, she probably wasn't his type so it would never have happened.

Christopher B said...


Christopher B said...


Aggie said...

I didn't know it's possible to 'smirk', once you've been classified as 'weird'.

tim in vermont said...

Empathy with the working poor is misplaced. After all, they are the shock troops in the DNC plan to fight inflation by damping down wages in order to break the "wage price spiral" because, you know, cutting off the massive supplies of cheap money would hurt DNC cronies!

So bringing in millions of scabs to work cheap, even as it drives up the price of housing, is the plan, and anybody who opposes such a policy is plainly evil.

JAORE said...

I saw the future of MoDo and it was darkness swallowing darkness.

She's not a "never was" but she's high on the "has been" pile. At least, to my limited recent knowledge of her writing we are spared her dating/men failures.

narciso said...

The sleezy reporter in megaflopolis thats mo dowd

Levi Starks said...

She’s just licensing herself to conduct a 4 year long insurrection in the event Trump were to win.

Breezy said...

She writes this drivel because NY pays her a lot of money to do so. I wonder what she’d write if her status didn’t depend on it.

Christopher B said...

Like I said earlier, 'oily' is the new 'weird', and it wasn't original.

rehajm said...

But on Tuesday night, he put on a mask of likability and empathy…

Dowd would like Vance to fuck her…

Birches said...

I'd bet Dowd has never listened to the cat lady podcast. She's just going on because of what she's been told.

Ice Nine said...

>"His wife, Usha, a debate adviser, helped him craft a persona that made him more palatable to women."<

This is pure Dowd confabulation - telling us that she has never listened to or paid any attention to Vance prior to the debate. Because he did not look or sound a bit different then from how he always has.

Grandpa Publius said...

A large energetic mass of the current Democratic Party (and the media) loves socialism, hates capitalism, and therefore hates the current version of America and seeks to fundamentally change America into a utopian, socialist, equitable, paradise. This “progressive wing” of the Party refuses to tell this core truth about itself to the rest of the Party or to the rest of America. This energetic mass is, itself, one giant lie.

Add in the psychological phenomenon of projection, and add in a commitment to say or do anything in order to gain power, and everything makes sense.


hombre said...

If Dowd thinks Vance is a misogynist, she should read Usha's bio. This is an intelligent woman whose extraordinary accomplishments outshine those of any lefty woman of whom I am aware. Women like her don't marry misogynists. Matt Taibbi is correct. The modern media intends to make us "despise" one another.

Deep State Reformer said...

Honestly professor, what did you think Dowd was going to say? Were you expecting something else? Anything else? Sheesh. FMD.

SweatBee said...

"...go to Hell" was about the current administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and subsequent flippancy about it.

wildswan said...

MoDo's big problem is that she has been denouncing Trump for being off-hand, spontaneous and amusing in his speeches. Of course, she doesn't see it that way but we can agree that she dislikes likes Trump's presentation almost as much as his policies as she imagines them to be. Then along comes JD Vance. Well, it's hard to say what a "suburban woman" is - these days she might be a breast-feeding man - but I can assure that the real suburban woman wants the men around her to be like JD Vance. Handsome, well-dressed, well-spoken, quick on his feet, doing well.

A mental maneuver blocks out his beautiful, brilliant wife

but then comes something that can't be blocked. Supports Trump. Oh, my soul, did you say my blue-eyed babe supports Trump? Yes, you idiot, you are watching a debate in which he is Trump's VP. Oh, no, no no, no. I hate, him, hate him, hate him. And so does Maureen Dowd. She's knows her suburban women, She's one of us.

And, in an alt life, so am I. I grew up in an adjacent parish and suburb to The Dowd. In my opinion, the only point that will disturb these women is the fact that the government is no longer helping the poor. This isn't something they'll find out from their "news" sources. But I think JD Vance is almost making them hear what Trump has been saying which is that we have to go in a new direction whether our priority is helping the poor or getting rich in a decent way. Suddenly notices how FEMA is handling Helene, for example. But what does hearing the truth breaking into your house at night feel like? It feels like becoming hysterical over that handsome, smooth-talking ... man who ... Delta dawn, could it be a fading rose from days gone by ... Chamelon. Con man. Betrayed. Sob.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden did not get more than 65 million votes. Period. It is mathematically impossible. His vote tallies on November 3rd matched all mathematical regressions and put him around 62 million +/- 3 million 99% confidence interval.

On November 4th in early AM hours democrats put up plywood and cardboard over the counting facility windows and started counting "mail in" ballots. Joe Biden somehow got to 81 million votes.

These are unambiguous facts.

Nobody can honestly say that Joe Biden won that election fairly or honestly. Your attempts at censorship and the FBI led Reichstag J6 operation do not change any of that.

narciso said...

Shes a shallow stupid woman like a reporter in raccoon city

Krumhorn said...

Dowd is just another in the massive swarm of nasty and turd-ugly leftie Orcs who are media figures. I wish my ring could confine them to Mordor.

- Krumhorn

Sebastian said...

"no context" True, but then again, Dowd writing in the NYT confirming the bias of her fellow lefty women BAMN is all the context you need.

Even by prog standards, the BS about Trump/Vance vilifying immigrants is just a bit strange, considering their spouses. Hence the Dowdy attack on Usha.

Immanuel Rant said...

Why bother reading it, when we know precisely what she would say, regardless? She has not had a novel take as far back as I remember.

RAH said...

Of course Dowd in person can be likable, nice and witty. So are GOP voters. However most Democrats think us as morainic thugs. It surprises them when we are nice and normal. The difference is that we have fundamental disagreements on policy and freedoms. Charles Krauthammer said that Republicans think Democrats are wrong and Democrats think Republicans are evil. Lately Republicans are believing that Democrats are evil. People are people. We get passionate about our causes

Wince said...

Coincidence with the Springsteen endorsement?

Maureen Dowd: "But on Tuesday night, I saw the future of the [Republican] party and it was lies piled on lies, and darkness swallowing darkness."

Jon Landau: “I saw rock 'n' roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen”. Landau wrote the line in a review of a Bruce Springsteen show in the Boston newspaper The Real Paper on May 22, 1974.

Political Junkie said...

Fight Hillbilly, fight.

Political Junkie said...

She is Queen Cat Lady, and yet I don't think she has a cat.

Political Junkie said...

Dowd's parents were R's. Dad was a cop/inspector, mom was a housewife. They had 5 kids. Her parents produced productive children. Wish Dowd did not see the world the way she does, but one of her brothers is a strong R/C.

Political Junkie said...

Aggie - The D trolls have their talking points and will not change.

Political Junkie said...

Douglas and Dowd could have been a good marriage. Too bad it did not work out.

Political Junkie said...

That is not fair to Dowd.

Michael K said...

Well done by Trump.

Michael K said...

Actually, I don't think the senior people of the DNC believe that but it is useful to inflame the emotions of their sheep, like Inga.

Michael K said...

Ironically, Dowd has reason to know more about Biden than most Democrats.
"In 1987, after being tipped off by Jeffrey Lord, she broke the story that Delaware Senator Joe Biden had plagiarized several speeches from other politicians. The revelation was the first in a cascading series of damaging stories that ultimately ended Biden's first presidential campaign."
Yet she still supports him and his clone, Kamala

Political Junkie said...

Doc K - She is a hard D, after all.

mccullough said...

Vance has kids. Dowd and Kamala don’t. Empathy is the last refuge of a cat-lady

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Can’t wait for 2028 when Dowd writes her “(insert name of any Democrat opponent here) Is The Hitlerist Hitlering Hitler That The World Has Ever Seen!” column. It’s as easy to predict as the sunrise.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Context is everything when you look at the words, for example, Howard Stern is radioactive as opposed to Howard Stern remains active on radio. Same words can mean something almost opposite to one another by just changing the order of appearance.

J Severs said...

Ms. Dowd forgot 'Hitler merged with super-Hitler' or equivalent.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah Mo Do has a great fantasy life. She's also sort of like Peggy Noonan--they are both queens of just making (stuff) up. And when ol Mo Do gets around to the Hitler memes she'll note that Vance had both his wife and a German Shepherd dog with him when he got off the plane in Georgia yesterday.

Jupiter said...

"She writes this drivel because NY pays her a lot of money to do so. I wonder what she’d write if her status didn’t depend on it."
I'm guessing when she was (a lot) younger she had a plan to write "serious fiction". Meaning a novel about a young, female journalist in New York.

Penkville said...

She just can't accept that someone she thinks ought to be 'one of us' could support the Liberal's Great Satan. Does not compute...

Political Junkie said...

At least Peggy has been married and reproduced.

loudogblog said...

"he morphed into someone with no compassion"

When someone dehumanizes the other side's candidates like this, it's a red flag that they should not be believed on this issue because their bias has overcome their common sense.

I wouldn't vote for Walz, but I would never dehumanize him. He just represents his party's policies policies.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

I don't know what's going on with Trump. It's pretty clear that his campaign believes to their core, that the more Donald Trump speaks, the worse it is for the campaign. They let him do these rallies and it's really just two hours of insanity, which fortunately for them, the local news translates into something resembling coherence.

He makes no sense. He is stumbling over his words. I mean, if Biden had done that when he was in the race, there would have been a huge national story.

Fortunately Harris had the opportunity at the debate in front of 70 million people to invite everyone to go watch a Donald Trump rally. And I do think any undecided voter, if you have undecided voters in your life, please show them the rally. You can put it on 1.75, so they don't have to sit there for two hours.

But if you want to vote for that after the two hours, by all means do so…..

phantommut said...

Appalachia was, for a century, heavily Democratic. No area was more pro-union than coal country. That political orientation started changing with Reagan, and outside of densely urban cities (a relatively new thing in the South and Appalachia) the rate has increased, because the Democratic Party stopped being the party of the working class; it's now the party of special interests.

Dowd doesn't get that. Vance is an authentic hillbilly at heart. It's the Left that's lost its way.

Original Mike said...

I watched the entire Trump rally in Waunakee last week. Your harangue bears no resemblance to reality.

Big Mike said...

"Once I thought Trump would be an aberration for Republicans.”

Well, we Normals once thought that the Democrats’ acceptance of violence, open embrace of totalitarianism, and turn towards radicalism would be an aberration, but it does not look as though that’s going to be the case. A magazine like the New Yorker openly asks whether it’s “time to trash the Constitution” — this is supposed to be a mainstream magazine, not something thrown together by a couple stoners in Mommy’s basement. The First Amendment has been under attack for decades, and the Second Amendment even longer. Back in the day Harris asserted the right of police to kick your door down to check whether your firearms are safely and legally stored — so much for the Fourth Amendment.

I do not feel sorry for Dowd in her angst. She and people who think like her (if I might abuse words implying cognition by attributing them to Dowd) deserve whatever happens. I would go so far as to say that absent a major wipeout one month from now, the Democrats and the Left will only get worse.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

That the election is so hard to predict when one of the candidates is a liar, convicted criminal, abuser of women, tried to overturn the 2020 election and other countless disgraceful actions is really amazing….

Earnest Prole said...

You say ‘lies piled on lies and darkness swallowing darkness’ like it’s a bad thing.

Lazarus said...

Columnists' "personal take" on events isn't really personal now. Sure, they tell us their personal "feelings," but those are the same feelings that everyone else in their circle has. If you want your take to be unique and valuable, have some facts or evidence or at least ideas, or even explore those feelings and where they come from. Mo and the NYT dog on the roof columnist whose name I don't remember try to write clever and cute but they don't seem to have anything to say, let alone anything of their own to express.

Lazarus said...

But I do think Michael Douglas was no great prize anyway.

Iman said...

He dated her and she gave him cancer.

Iman said...

Bich stands all amazed.

Michael K said...

And we know why it was in his throat.

GRW3 said...

Remember everyone, when a progressive says "lies" they mean any statement of fact or opinion that contradicts progressive orthodoxy.

Former Illinois resident said...

Maureen Dowd apparently watched an alternate debate performance on Tues, perhaps performed by SNL? Dowd is all sour grapes and mean girl. Me, I'd vote for Vance for president before Harris, Walz, or Trump - he seems to be only fully-qualified fully-prepared candidate on either platform.

Former Illinois resident said...

Where is Dowd's moral outrage towards Doug Emhoff, first husband candidate and serial woman-abuser? Why won't Dowd address the detailed and footnoted and receipt-provided new "slap-punch" charges noted and discussed as we responsible grown-ups should prior to electing the worst possible female president candidate ever?

Laughing Fox said...

Achilles (10:43 AM) is so right about the election. Major city election centers sent away observers and continued "counting," even though counting without observers is against election law. That's very clear circumstantial evidence of cheating.

PM said...

What the Dowdies really hate about Trump - and Trump's greatest achievement - is he fixed 'their' Supreme Court for a good long time..

walter said...

And those pipe bombs,. "Seems kinda important?"

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"For some of us it's kinda hard to "get over" the fact that one party tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election"

Yes, Crossfire Hurricane and the Obama FBI pushing the Clinton campaign fraud about "Trump Putin collusion" really is disqualifying.

And the Democrat riots on Trump's Inauguration Day really were unacceptable

That IS what you're atalking about, right?