October 9, 2024

"[Howard] Stern predicted that the Republican whom [Kamala] Harris has pledged to place in her cabinet would end up being Liz Cheney..."

"... the former Wyoming congresswoman who last week appeared at a campaign rally with her in Wisconsin. Ms. Harris would not take the bait. 'I gotta win, Howard,' she said. 'I gotta win. I gotta win. And listen, but the thing about Liz Cheney, let me just say, she’s remarkable.'"

From "13 Things We Learned From Harris’s Interview With Howard Stern/In a lengthy sit-down, the veteran radio host extracted an array of new details about Kamala Harris’s life" (NYT).

What were the other 12 things? Let's just say that I chose not to use one of the 10 free links the has NYT empowered me to give to you in the month of October... and that one of the things is she eats Raisin Bran and Special K for breakfast.


Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

War machine pays.

Michael K said...

Cheney will be back in her "comfort zone, " if Kamala "wins." The Military Industrial Complex.

Gusty Winds said...

The alignment of the Cheney's with the totalitarian Democrats reassures me that abandoning those warmongering assholes in 2016 for Trump was the right thing to do. They never delivered anything but war. Their "conservative principles" were bullshit. Same with Romney, Paul Ryan etc...

Now Howard Stern is a feminist hero??

Gusty Winds said...

The more you see the convergence of the totalitarian Democrats and the Bush/Cheney/Romney/Ryan wing of the old GOP; you know 2020 was a fraudulent election. Liz Cheney was assigned to protect the 2020 fraud.

Evil people

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's nice to know that Kamala Harris eats Raisin Bran for breakfast but aren't we all really more interested in the quality of her boomers?

Aggie said...

Kamala, the candidate that relates so well to the common people, that she's unremarkable in every way.

Dave Begley said...

As if we need Liz Cheney as SecDef. Hello WW3!

Rocco said...

[Harris] eats Raisin Bran and Special K for breakfast.

Kelloggs or Pfizer?

Yancey Ward said...

I hope Liz Cheney is satisfied with running the Department of the Interior Decorating.

doctrev said...

"Liz Cheney was assigned to protect the 2020 fraud."

It didn't work. It didn't even come close to working. Liz Cheney being tossed out was little surprise, but Mitt Romney seeing the writing on the wall? That raised my eyebrows. A lot of people don't realize that most of the Republican base would be perfectly fine with both sides being wiped out if the "rioters" come back to finish the job.

Kate said...

But what kind of milk is on the cereal? Almond, low fat, soy? Typical press won't dig to answer the deep questions.

Original Mike said...

Endless war.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t think there’s a single country in the world that Liz Cheney doesn’t want to bomb and invade. Rejected 2-1 by Wyoming voters because she’s an insane warmonger who’s been lusting for nuclear war with Russia. A threat to the life of every man, woman and child on earth.

“Bad Genes” said...

The Trump campaign’s communications director Steven Cheung rejected the reports and launched a personal attack on Woodward, calling him a “truly demented and deranged man”. Cheung said Trump gave Woodward “absolutely no access for this trash book”, adding: “Woodward is a total sleazebag who has lost it mentally.”

Cheung doesn't sound worried at all...

Steven Cheung vs Bob Woodward on credibility and truth?

Think I'm with Woodward, thanks.

The obvious anger and lack of a substantive response in Cheung's statement is a dead giveaway that those words are angry Trump blaming the media, as usual.

Will be interesting to see Woodward's response. He will have one, for sure.

As for the last book, Woodward had Trump on tape. There is no copyright over words in a consensual interview. No legal case to answer. Just another empty Trump lawsuit.

mccullough said...

You really think Casey gave a deathbed interview to Woodward?

Woodward has been a joke a long time.

Lazarus said...

Why not Dick? Cheney that is. He'd love to get another shot at running the country, and Harris is about as dim as Bush Jr.

mccullough said...

Is Stern still hiding in his basement over Covid?

Christopher B said...

She did the interview commando?

Christopher B said...

Woodward also has reported Biden blaming Putin's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 on Obama's feckless response to the initial invasion in 2014. Gonna highlight that one, bich?

wendybar said...

Progressives LOVE traitors. She joined with her new party because she knows they lied about J6 and she may go to prison with Nancy.

Curious George said...

"I gotta win, Howard,' she said. 'I gotta win. I gotta win."

Maybe she is black.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

Howard Stern talks about the good looking girls running out of Columbine School Shooting.
@ the 56:35 mark. Classy. Perfect Democrat.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What looked to me like a Harris campaign ad on Reddit, was actually an ad for The Washington Post.

Kevin said...

Wave, cackle and nod.

Narayanan said...

why not John McCain? he can vote and his corpse can stay silent!!

rhhardin said...

the Republican whom Harris has pledged to place in her cabinet would end up being Liz Cheney

It should be Republican that Harris, not whom. The feeling is that it's not a restrictive relative clause because it's not singling out a person but pointing out a statement.

Michael K said...

rich is not alone in believing every word Woodward writes. The DNC believes it, too.

Joe Bar said...

So, someone actually listened to that old woman interview Officer Harris. Amazing.
Someone posted on X that X million people listen to Howeird. Nobody knows. Sirius/XM has no way of determining the actual number of Howard101 listeners. It's a one way transmission.

tommyesq said...

"Special K" is slang for ketamine. Ketamine can cause a user to feel "chilled, relaxed and happy" - the very "joy" attributes the Dems are trying to sell. It can cause slurred speech and confused speech - i.e., word salad.

Maybe Stern got more than he thought from this interview?

William said...

I didn't hear the interview but I read the NYT article. Banal fluff but she didn't say anything overwhelmingly fatuous and, as such, the interview must be counted as a triumph. It isn't very often that she speaks extemporaneously and doesn't says something foolish......Stern said that running for office is a stressful experience and asked her what she did for therapy. She said that talking to Howard was a form of therapy and that she had a trusted circle of friends. I'm sure many people believe that, although probably not so many of her displaced subordinates.......I suppose the sub context of raisin bran is bowel regularity. A younger Stern would have explored this subject in detail.....She also bragged about how there were death threats against her but that she didn't pay them no mind and bravely went on about her business. Oh, fuck off bitch.

Maynard said...

God, please save us from bitter menopausal women. Liz Cheney is the most obvious example.

One Fine Day said...

Just another sign that 2024 is shaping up to be a realignment election. The governing class against everyone else. IT's post-war, internationalist socialism as represented by Harris vs retrenched nationalism as represented by Trump. Probably won't see the final realignment of the US population until the 2028 election, but we're getting close.

Danno said...

She joined the J6 committee to make it look like it was bipartisan, and hasn't said one thing since 2020 that would make her appear to be a conservative. She is totally a Uniparty and endless war supporter. Trump should work to have her prosecuted (with her daddy) for war crimes should he win.

Robert Marshall said...

"Let's just say that I chose not to use one of the 10 free links the has NYT empowered me to give to you in the month of October."

I've found that the most widely-read NYT articles will already have an archive copy, so it takes no time at all to find the archive and use it as a free link, which will give everyone access to as many NYT articles as you want to blog about, with no worries about running out of free links. The main deficiency with this approach would be that the link to the NYT's Comments feature won't work from an archive copy, so your readers won't see and appreciate the special craziness of the NYT commentariat.

Christopher B said...

Not entirely true. They have an app and web streaming as well though you are correct any report other than the number of those connections would be an estimate.

Iman said...

Howard Stern is a clay dicked, five strokin’, swamp suckin’ shithead…

h/t Don Imus

Butkus51 said...
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Butkus51 said...

How did Woodward miss the Hunter laptop story?

Like leap year, he shows up every 4 years.

He's a journalism.

The Godfather said...

You must be awfully young; it was the Landon/Dewey/Nixon/Bush/Dole/Bush/McCain/Romney wing of the old GOP.

Tom T. said...

Whether or not he's right, it's remarkable that Stern thought he was helping the Harris campaign by saying this.

The Vault Dweller said...

I buy Special K with Red Berries every so often as an indulgence. It is very tasty and has the illusion of being okay for you, but actually has a fair amount of sugar in it. I guess I'm Kampaigning for Kamala now.

Joe Bar said...

Oh yes. Thanks for that. I only use it in the car, and only because I bought a lifetime subscription in the XM days.

Gunner said...

A blind, deaf coma patient could predict that.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

That's a white woman's breakfast. Blacks usually go in for eggs and scrapple.