October 26, 2024

"But I’m beginning to think students who don’t read are responding rationally to the vision of professional life our society sells them."

"In that vision, productivity does not depend on labor, and a paycheck has little to do with talent or effort. For decades, students have been told that college is about career readiness and little else. And the task of puzzling out an author’s argument will not prepare students to thrive in an economy that seems to run on vibes. Recent ads for Apple Intelligence, an A.I. feature, make the vision plain. In one, the actor Bella Ramsey uses artificial intelligence to cover for the fact they haven’t read the pitch their agent emailed. It works, and the project seems like a go. Is the project actually any good? It doesn’t matter. The vibes will provide...."

Writes Jonathan Malesic, in "There’s a Very Good Reason College Students Don’t Read Anymore" (NYT).

I remember "vibes" as a hippie word, so I have trouble seeing how it functions these days in the speech of the young, and so, it annoys me. I wish I'd made a tag for it long ago, so I could could keep track of how it annoys me — at least in its usage by mainstream media. Do non-media young people go around saying it? I don't know. It just irks me when I see it in media.

For example... I wrote a post on September 4, 2024— "Mainstream media helps Kamala Harris maintain the nothingness" — where I was complaining about the no-substance strategy of the Harris campaign, and I quoted a New Republic piece("Kamala Harris Doesn’t Need Policy to Win/In fact, a detailed platform will hurt her campaign more than it will help"): "Harris’s vibes-based, personality-based approach to the first six weeks of this mad dash of a campaign is clearly working.... Harris should hang out in the coconut tree and not release any economic plans that can’t fit within a Venn diagram. To win, Harris doesn’t need policy. She just needs vibes."

Ugh. How did that work out? She's running on fumes, not vibes. 

And then there was the time Ezra Klein said to Tim Walz, "You’ve got real good Midwestern dad vibes." That was August 2, 2024. Remember when they acted as though they believed that America's men could be bought through real good Midwestern dad vibes and that Tim Walz has them?!

And to go back to before Trump won an election, to June 25, 2016, the venerable political analyst Jeff Greenfield tweeted "I put no stock in 'portents' and 'vibes,' but I can't help wondering if what's happened already this cycle is just a hint of what's to come" and I'm proud to see that I said it made me laugh "precisely because of the seriousness with which it was intended."

ADDED: That phrase "The vibes will provide" is a mocking twist on the once-common expression "God will provide." So I do have a tag — a longstanding tag — for that: "Religion substitutes." 


The rule of Lemnity said...

The vibes will provide sent to the young Isaac Bible story… ‘don’t worry son, the vibes will provide.’

Mikey NTH said...

I can't see a lawyer, engineer, or doctor winging it on "vibes".

The rule of Lemnity said...

I get the vibe Kamala’s vibes are for the birds.

doctrev said...

The good reason college students don't read is because many of them are not in fact qualified for college. But that's fine: increasingly it's looking very stupid to take on debt for worthless credentialism.

RCOCEAN II said...

I-I love the colorful clothes Kamala wears
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
I hear the sound of a gentle word
On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air
I'm pickin' up good vibrations

Kamala's giving me the excitations (oom bop bop)
I'm pickin' up good vibrations (good vibrations, oom bop bop)
She's giving me the excitations (excitations, oom bop bop

Achilles said...

Educators generally failed at business or didn't even bother and fell back to a career with unclear metrics for success.

Marketers generally failed at sales and fell back to a career with unclear metrics for success.

College students get degrees in fields with unclear metrics for success.


The rule of Lemnity said...

Kamala’s vibes are more like sur-babel

Yancey Ward said...

With the decline in standards, that surgeon will vibe that appendix right out of you within a decade.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Btw. I have a good vibe for a meme but I’m very busy right now. I’ll give it away later tonight… at the sunset vibe. Yes it’s political.

Yancey Ward said...

I doubt 5% of the people ages 18-22 today could read a novel like "Crime and Punishment" and comprehend it at even a most basic level- and that is me giving them credit for even having the willpower to finish it if they didn't like it inside of the first 5 pages.

doctrev said...

Have you looked at marketing lately? If anything, the metrics are too well-defined: if you're not constantly driving engagement upwards, your job isn't secure. These days marketing is one of the most data-driven fields in the world, at least if you have a halfway competent marketing department. Sure you need cute creatives to pull in eyeballs: but someone has to study how effective it is.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Sure you need cute creatives to pull in eyeballs: but someone has to study how effective it is.”

And if you aren’t effective, your brand is dead.

Dave Begley said...

Flying from Seattle to LA last night, I engaged a young mom in a political discussion. She had two kids in college. Hubby worked for AMZN. She was bright but she firmly was invested in the MSNBC narrative of Trump as a facist. She didn’t go deep into the facts and just followed the vibe of Harris as a kind person and that she isn’t Trump. She had no idea why we have inflation. She worked in mental health and attributed that crisis to social media.

Big Mike said...

I remember "vibes" as a hippie word, so I have trouble seeing how it functions these days in the speech of the young, and so, it annoys me.

Agree almost 100%. My main takeaway is that it implies a lack of substance, as in “who cares about inflation, or the border, or freezing to death in the dark?” Putting a “vibes” campaign up against a realty-based campaign is almost as insane as being a Jew who supports people who turn around and support people who scream “Death to Jews!”

Aggie said...

"To win, Harris doesn’t need policy. She just needs vibes." Ugh. How did that work out? She's running on fumes, not vibes.

Very funny ! It has that painful burn of an unfortunate accuracy to it......

The rule of Lemnity said...

Vibes vibes with post-truth

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Jonathan Malesic uses a great many words to say his job is bullshit.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

God that’s stupid. Apple doesn’t design test and manufacture with “vibes.” They do it with planning and research and testing and a lot of that is condensed to executive summaries but actual people with or without AI produce the raw text and summaries. Ditto most industries. At the very least instructions and plans are read by people. Even coding is a language that must be “read” to debug. Especially if it’s not a problem previously encountered. AI is not creative. And not all work product can or ever will be reductive.

Crimso said...

They don't read (especially not the textbook), but they also can't write coherent sentences (I don't know if that's cause or effect). They are functionally illiterate. My wife teaches at the high school level, and she says students have been taught learned helplessness. They expect to be given the answers rather than find them because that's how the K-12 system treated them in order to be sure they passed the assessment exams.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

As a marketing executive for 25 years I have a far different opinion. Also I never wanted to be in sales but from hiring and managing sales guys I can state unequivocally they are a breed apart. Salespeople are born not made. And I’ll second the take above that marketing managers either produce tangible results or get cut. Well some progress upwards per Peter Principle but if they don’t do well as BDM or EVP they don’t stick around long.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’ll add one more thing. The ability to read comprehensively and write well also helps one learn to speak coherently.

The rule of Lemnity said...

That vibes with me.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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RNB said...

Do young people say 'vibes' any more? I seem to hear more about 'energy' and 'energy levels.' Also: 'My truth.' 'Healing journey.' And 'Best life.'

rehajm said...

Kids, literacy will help you stand out from the competition if there’s still an economy in the future…

Skeptical Voter said...

Perhaps this presidential election will serve as an object lesson--one way or another. It may show that "vibes" are not enough. Or it may show that the cool kids in middle school will have a free ride through life, so why bother to read the book if you can deliver word salad. Kamala been working on that second theory. We shall see.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Don’t mind me I’m just garnering vibes

MikeD said...

RCOCEAN II has won the thread!

Temujin said...

Young people don't read any longer because their entire world is videos. Look at a younger person today and their faces are in their phones. Or tablets, possibly their computers. Everyone is a 'creator' now and what they're creating are images and videos, not words, pages, books.
The written word will not die out. But it is being largely ignored these days.

Someday they'll discover, or rediscover books and reading. They'll find it's not as much of a dopamine rush, but that it does stimulate parts of the brain TikTok and Instagram, and more photos of people showing you where they are at some random moment in time, cannot reach.

henge2243 said...

I like that, "the vision of professional life". Totally disconnected from reality. I suppose, though, that reading skills are not so important when one is working in retail or food service.

Howard said...

People here talk about vibes have never heard of fast fourier transform. What no Beach boys reference?

Paddy O said...

Anymore? People have never read. A large percentage know how to now but it's probably a consistent small percentage of people who do it.

Narr said...

Exactly right. Reading has always been a minority taste, even among those who present as intellectual (I'm looking at us, librarians and professors).

Jupiter said...

"the actor Bella Ramsey uses artificial intelligence to cover for the fact they haven’t read the pitch their agent emailed."
I suppose it is worth noting that the idiots working for the NYT have come to the point of writing articles about inane Apple advertisements. All the news that's fit to print. But are actresses now called actors? And her pronoun is "they"? I suppose he's right, he's clearly illiterate, and he has a job as a writer.

Kate said...

Reading is a solitary act. People at this point in history don't like to feel solitary.

Book groups or read-aloud sessions aren't popular now, but chat forums and MMORPGs and video views are. The internet has created pockets of community, such as Althouse's little wooden world.

Krumhorn said...

The linked Bama Rush article was very interesting. While I'm confident that the writer, Tressie Cottom, and I are planetary systems apart on political and cultural issues, her article was restrained and remarkably well-written coming from a leftie black woman on the Chapel Hill faculty. The Bama Rush thing is certainly a vibes thing, and is a clear reaction to the current leftie vibe to "haphazardly reach for the diversity hammer in [their] progressive tool kit".

The key educational issue today that cannot be excused is that nobody is being taught how to nor required to.... think.

- Krumhorn

tcrosse said...

Red Norvo and Lionel Hampton did very well with the vibes.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Sgt. Oddball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm6yYvKbPt4

Yancey Ward said...

You could try reading the thread, Howie, before commenting.

Wilbur said...

In the FWIW department (h/t Paul Harvey), the query in Google search "is vibe still used by young people?" responds under Ai Overview:

Yes, "vibe" is still used by young people:
Common slang term
According to a survey by the New York Post, 48% of 18–26-year-olds use the word "vibes" to describe how a place feels.

Popular in Arkansas
According to KATV, "vibe" was the most popular slang term in Arkansas for 2022.

Christopher B said...

Darn, ya beat me to it!

Derve Swanson said...

I think of vibes
I think of sexx toys
but again, that's just

Mason G said...

"They'll find it's not as much of a dopamine rush..."

I don't know how much of a rush you can get, watching videos of females sitting in their cars, bitching about their lives.

But that's just me.

typingtalker said...

"And the task of puzzling out an author’s argument will not prepare students to thrive in an economy that seems to run on vibes."

Human progress requires that humans create, invent, suppose, propose and impose that which has not come before. Would AI have invented the automobile, refrigeration or open-heart surgery?

On the other hand ... "AI. I have seen many patients that experience chest pain for some weeks or months and then die. Autopsies show that their coronary arteries are often blocked. How can I help these patients?"

AI: Before they die, anesthetize the patient and using sterile procedures, expose the heart and look carefully at the patient's coronary arteries. If any appear blocked, open the artery, remove the blockage and close the artery. Close the chest. Oh! I almost forgot; we must first invent a way to oxygenate the patient's blood because on your way to the patient's heart you will be opening the patient's chest rendering the lungs useless. Let me know how it works.
Perhaps you should practice on some animals first."

Narayanan said...

did not Israel put pagers on vibes? how did that turn out?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Listening to MJQ right now. Not offended.

Randomizer said...

"In one, the actor Bella Ramsey uses artificial intelligence to cover for the fact they haven’t read the pitch their agent emailed."

My vibe is all messed up because I can't figure out how many people haven't read the pitch.

Ramsey, just use him or her for your pronoun. I don't care, but 'they' keeps making re-read to see if I skipped over a person in the story.

ALP said...

"For decades, students have been told that college is about career readiness and little else." I am calling bullshit on this. I've heard the "a liberal degree is important for a functioning democracy" argument or "the college 'experience' is a crucial phase of young adult life" argument for years.

Lazarus said...

The numerate "numbers people" colleges turn out do well in business today, and the illiterates who know nothing major in communications and hopefully will learn something about how to write sentences and paragraphs. Presumably, others will be able to read the articles and abstracts or digests in their respective fields. That still doesn't leave much of a future for the humanities or novel-reading, but it's an age of information overload.

I don't see much of a disconnect between use of the word "vibe" in the 60s and now. Maybe young people back then believed that the moods and sensations and feelings that they had were different from those created by Madison Avenue to sell products. Today, a more cynical age thinks otherwise.

Lazarus said...
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Lazarus said...

I originally said: ""Their" could also be plural, but after Cisco invested a fortune in ads with their spokeswoman Ellen Page and found they had Elliot Page on their hands, nobody's taking any chances with pronouns." But now I see that Bella Ramsey (who wasn't who I thought she was) does indeed identify as a they/them.