October 31, 2024

"Although Vice President Kamala Harris recently acknowledged that Iran is a 'destabilizing, dangerous force in the Middle East'..."

"... the Biden-Harris administration’s dealings with the regime in Tehran have been marked by inadequate military action, ineffective diplomacy and inconsistent sanctions enforcement, enabling Iran to continue funding terrorism, attack U.S. interests and threaten Israel’s survival. In contrast, the Trump administration’s 'maximum pressure' policy showed that well-enforced sanctions could cripple Iran’s economy and significantly weaken its malign activities — without harming American consumers or triggering a spike in global oil prices. The next president should restore that policy...."

Write Jeb Bush and Claire Jungman in The Washington Post — "Why we should return to ‘maximum pressure’ against Iran/The Trump administration policy showed that well-enforced sanctions could cripple Iran’s economy."

"Although Harris acknowledges the Iranian threat, her reluctance to back a stronger stance is puzzling. If Iran is truly the United States’ greatest adversary, avoiding a comprehensive strategy that could neutralize the threat is illogical — particularly when Iran’s proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas, are weakened, and Israel, our key ally, is fighting for survival."


MadisonMan said...

Harris doesn't want Israel to survive. That might be a logical conclusion derived from her viewpoint.

Saint Croix said...

The Biden administration freed up billions of dollars to Iran in order to free five Americans held hostage.

This was done on September 11. (That's a big clue as to how stupid this was).

Iran took that money and gave it to Hamas and Hezbelloh. Less than a month later, Hamas invades Israel and murders a lot of people, and takes a lot more hostages, including Americans.

Biden funded these atrocities. He didn't mean to, but he's incompetent as fuck.

Breezy said...

If Obama is the wizard behind the Biden-Harris curtain, her reluctance is not puzzling at all.

Justabill said...

Let’s all pretend that we’re puzzled.

Peachy said...

The Democrats - Obama in particular... and of course Biden/Kamala -give millions upon millions of our tax dollars to prop up the corrupt Islamic supremacists who grasp power in Iran.

This is a slap in the face to ordinary Iranian citizens who want peace, prosperity and freedom From religion in their county. Most of Iran's people do not want the supreme Ayatollahs in charge. ( you know - the Religious supreme leaders!)
Funny how leftists at home are terrified of Christians and "theocracy!" (and anyone praying anywhere ever) ... but they are happy to support Islamic Ideology as a seat of state run power in Iran.
But - it all fits in with the Cheney war machine money whoring.

MrsX said...

I’m puzzled, shocked actually, that the article was written by Jeb Bush.

Gusty Winds said...

Did Jeb just leave the Cheney plantation? He's still holding the Bush daughters hostage.

Peachy said...

Imagine what we could do as a nation - if the corrupt left stop wasting so much of our money.

FormerLawClerk said...

^ This. Harris/Biden have been FUNDING TERRORISTS. They need to be put into prison.

tim maguire said...

Biden's first acts in office were to undo everything Trump did with no concern for whether they were positive or negative. There was a mindlessness to it that had no concern for the welfare of the American people or anybody else.

If we want to return to a government that acts for the people rather than merely against it's opponents, then we have to vote Republican. At least this time. Maybe next time it will be different, but this time it has to be the Republicans.

Kevin said...

Monkeys typing word salad occasionally communicate a coherent fact.

Dude1394 said...

And TOMMORROW Jeb! will announce he and the rest of the bush klan are voting for Kamala and the same strategy. Because no matter how screwed up the democrats have been for four years, orange man bad.

However it would be a nice change to see one of the bushies come to their senses and support America instead of who knows what they support anymore.

rehajm said...

It isn’t puzzling. The money the Biden administration provided to Iran was used by Iran to hire a top tier beltway PR firm that negotiated access to the left wing astroturf apparatus…

…its only puzzling if you don’t want the public to know what’s happening…

narciso said...

Is he cereal

phantommut said...

How to endorse Trump without endorsing Trump; good move, weasel.

tcrosse said...

When we speak of Harris we speak of the cabal that's actually running things. I doubt if Kamala could find Iran on a map.

gilbar said...

i don't understand?
we've Already given the Iranians BILLIONS of Dollars for their atomic bomb programs..
Is the article saying that that hasn't been enough? and that the Iranians need/deserve MORE MONEY for nukes? The Sooner the Iranians (And the Ukrainians) develop their nuclear strike capabilities, the Sooner WWIII can start reducing the excess populations of the world

VOTE KAMMY! Vote for Nuclear Eradication! Vote for BILLIONS DEAD!!

mccullough said...

Jeb schilling for the Saudis. The Bush family business

mccullough said...
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Paul said...
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Paul said...

So Harris lies... big deal. She mouths words put in front of her. Yet her actions speak louder than words.

She want's Israel to die.

She thinks sacrificing the Jews will bring 'peace'... sound familiar?

Peachy said...

Want peace in the middle east? Jeb does not. He's a clown.
Sanctions tend to only hurt the Iranian people.

Get rid of the Islamic supremacists in power. Jeb will never get this - as he is member of the War Machine /Never ending war/ Cheney democrat alliance.

Dave Begley said...


docweasel said...

Well duh, she and Biden followed Obama's instructions, and Obama is all in appeasing Iran..

narciso said...

there are iranian agents all over the regime, tabatal, is the latest one, who was outed
the medici, and his brother, like suleimani killed hundreds of american servicemen and probably twice as many wounded, if I could spit at him I would,

Iman said...

Look who’s laughing and having fun!

Now look at who ain’t. There’s your story.

Aggie said...

The Bush family aligning with Trump on Iran policy makes as much sense as the Cheney family aligning with Joe Biden, Obama, and (last but least), Kamala Harris.

Iman said...
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Maynard said...

Kamala-lala-ding-dong is incapable of reasoned opinions. She is both dumb and lazy.

She relies on the Democrat "experts" to tell her what to think about Iran and almost everything else.

Iman said...

I’d drop a deuce on his head if I could. Spit’s much too generous, narciso!

Jupiter said...

This is progress. Kamala remembered that Iran is in the Middle East! Someone must have briefed her first thing in the morning. Before "breakfast".

RCOCEAN II said...

Jeb wanting war with Iran. More BS neo-con war propaganda from the Bush family. I wonder if Jeb was able to write a single word of he article. I'd bet he just read it, and put his name to it.

I'm always amazed at what liars and globalists the Bush family are. No wonder Jerry "I'm a Kissinger loving Blockhead" Ford loved George Bush and forced him on Reagan.

Anyway, the Bushies like the Cheney's never gave a damn about America, and even less about average Americans. Its always about "invading the world, inviting the world" and tax cuts for the rich.

Peachy said...

Supreme Islamic rulers of Iran want Trump dead... Just like the FBI, and all the corrupt democrat brats in power in this country.

RCOCEAN II said...

Just to repeat, other then the hostages, which is 44 fucking years ago, Iran has never done anything to the USA. They're a small country with the GDP of New Jersey, and no threat to us. 5000 miles away. They're encircled by Powers with Nukes. So, i'm not concerned with the fake "Iranian Threat".

But 'murcians love war and playing risk with real people. So maybe we can go to war again, and after we win have the country flooded with Iranian "refugees" and "Interpeters" (sic). Yee-haw!

Sebastian said...

her reluctance to back a stronger stance is puzzling" Not at all. Dems want Iran to get stronger, rival the Sunnis, and stand up to Israel. Nukes would complete the picture. They're almost there.

rehajm said...

I’m still puzzled by the idea Obama is something other than an empty suit and a front for others…

Peachy said...

Why does everyone skip past the Iranian people? esp the women of Iran.
oh yeah - I forgot - leftists don't give a crap about women. They only care about aborting them.

narciso said...

they have killed people in buenos aires (twice) in beirut, in madrid, at torrejon afb in paris,

mikee said...

One day the US government will be forced to accept that the Iranian government really does intend the US harm. Hopefully without a nuclear weapon being used first.

Peachy said...

Biden is following insider mob demands.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The Obama/Biden love affair with Iran is totally responsible for the current Middle East dumpster fire. Harris will pour gasoline on it.

Christopher B said...

That was my thought, too. This is W's endorsement of Trump.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Maybe sending cash and whispering “don’t” wasn’t a great foreign policy

RCOCEAN II said...

Nobody in Iran ever called me a white racist or "garbage". They aint no enemy of mine. You and Jeb Bush hate Iran so much? Go fight em'. I'll buy you guys an airplane ticket and an assault rifle. Yee-haw!

hombre said...

Follow the money! Look also to the border and drug cartels.

hombre said...

"Death to America" likely has little to do with you. Same with American soldiers who died at the hands of Iran financed and Iran armed insurgents in Iraq and elsewhere.

Drago said...

It is undeniable, and only fools would attempt to deny it, that the official "unofficial" position of the New Soviet Democraticals from the moment obambi was elected is to softly, gently, for western political consumption, elevate Iran to a position of maximum power over Israel and the Sunni oil states in the Middle East.

This has been obvious from 2009 onwards and explains every single foreign policy action re: Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc by the New Soviet Democraticals since that time....regardless of whatever rhetoric our leftist allies of the mad mullahs of Iran might spew at any given moment.

Most notable: the clear acceptance of the New Soviet Democraticals to allowing the Iranian mad mullahs to develop their nukes as fast as politically possible in order to threaten the very existence of Israel.

MadTownGuy said...

Why didn't we treat that pallet of Iranian cash as a forfeiture, rather than returning it to them? Law enforcement at all levels loves civil forfeiture, but it wasn't invoked in Iran's case. I think it was intended to destabilize the Middle East... I can't figure out who benefited from it other than the mullahs and bad actors in the region. We certainly got no benefit from it.

Third Coast said...

How did Jeb muster up the energy to write the article?

mindnumbrobot said...

Indeed. She has no say so or influence on any such decisions, and I'm sure she's fine with that.

Howard said...

Iran is Israel's greatest threat. Russia and China are the biggest threats to the USA. Even Little rocket Man is a greater threat than Iran. The fact that Iran is a lower level threat means that the US has many more options for countering mitigating and eliminating that threat. That's the reason why soft and squishy NeoKhan reluctant Trumper Jeb Bush is correct on this matter.

Lazarus said...

They aren't calling for war, but for sanctions. A return to Trump's policies is not a bad idea, given what Biden's policies have given us.

RCOCEAN II said...

"Same with American soldiers who died at the hands of Iran financed and Iran armed insurgents in Iraq and elsewhere."

Iranian "Financed" - good grief. talk about weak sauce. Here's my suggestion -stop sending "our boys" to the Middle east, and they wont be targets for "armed insurgents". Of course, how dare "armed insurgents" attack our soldiers in their country. Dont they we're the "good guys"?

And how dare Iran place their country near our military bases in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Howard said...

Kharg Island should be bombed into the Stone age with a 48-hour humanitarian warning so they can evacuate workers and civilians from the area.

Mary Beth said...

Is Jeb going against the rest of his family and supporting Trump or does he just want Harris to follow Trump's policies?

Ralph L said...

BO literally and disgustingly kowtowed to the Saudi king while helping his enemies in Iran. I'm long past noting our regime's incompetence and stupidity and am now ascribing it to malice against America.

loudogblog said...

And the Washington Post's editorial staff will throw a temper tantrum about the paper platforming Republicans in 5...4...3...2...

Hassayamper said...

Can Iran and their fellow travelers (Valerie Jarrett and the Obama mafia) all go to hell, and take the Saudis and their fellow travelers (the Bush/Cheney mafia) with them? Oh and Ukraine and the Kagan/Nuland/Biden mafia too. Straight to hell with all of them.

pacwest said...

Off on a tangent here, but relevant to the present situation in the Iran/Israel war:

The Abraham Accords weren't really a peace agreement they were at the heart of it a trade agreement. (Although I guess you could say a mutually beneficial trade agreement trends to a peaceful stabilization between countries, but that's a byproduct of AA.) Estimates were trillions of dollars and millions of jobs would be added to the participants economies. Here's where it becomes relevant to Iran. In mid Sept a commission (there's an acronym for the group but I forgot its name) was finalizing a deal that would set up a trade route that would stretch from SE Asia to Europe via the ME and Israel. Basically a direct competitor with China's Belt and Road that was already in existence. Estimates were it would halve China's profitability on what they were getting from what they had in place which followed a more northerly route through Iran.

The signing of (sorry, forgot the name) was due to take place somewhere around Oct-Nov. The Saudis were part of the commission, and would have benefited from from the deal, and were expected to sign onto the AA at about the same time.

Oct 7. A few weeks after the wrinkles had been worked out and a month before the deal was to be signed. The deal fell apart. The Saudis and others in the ME couldn't move forward with it while Israel was being attacked or their populations would string them up by their thumbs. As far as I know the trade route is effectively dead.

I get that Iran vs Israel is a long standing issue, but I find the timing more than coincidental. Also, who benefits by the deal being killed? China and Iran would be the main beneficiaries. Why would the US pour money into Iran shortly before the attack on Israel?

I have very dark thoughts about US leadership when I follow through with this line of reasoning.

pacwest said...

I did that comment from memory from what I saw a year ago, correct me if I got something wrong.

pacwest said...

I'll also get my Trump or Kushner or Grinnell or whomever attaboys in here too. The Abraham Accords were absolutely brilliant. So many aspects of it were genius foreign policy. I'll give Trump kudos because it seems a businessman solution to a thorny problem. I think that the multiple aspects of AA don't get nearly the attention and plaudits they deserve.

Rusty said...

Howard. It's 2024 and the party you support pays Iran to kill people. None of this would be happening without your vote.

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