October 25, 2024

All this likening of Trump to Hitler has got me looking back to my 2011 posts, when Wisconsinites likened Governor Scott Walker to Hitler.

From March 19, 2011: "Scott Walker is like Hitler because 'he doesn't do nice things'" (the quote is from a young protester, in a video interview by Meade). 

From February 17, 2011: "Scott Walker compared to Hitler" (with video of Meade questioning a woman who is carrying a sign portraying showing Walker with a Hitler mustache).

Also from February 17, 2011: "I asked the woman if she thought Scott Walker was like Hitler, and she said 'Yes.' So I said, 'Are you saying that you think fascism could come to America,' and she said, 'It's what's happening.'" Here's the photo I took of the woman — hiding her face — and the Walker-as-Hitler poster:



Butkus51 said...

Andy Warhol corollary. In the future, every person will be called a Hitler.

gilbar said...

it's IMPORTANT to understand.. Everyone (and ANY ONE) that is not CURRENTLY an approved Democrat; IS Hitler..
Trump == Hitler
Romney == Hitler
McCain == Hitler
RFK Jr == Hitler
Tulsi Gabbard == HITLER!!

gilbar said...

Trivia question: WHO was the last Republican President (or Candidate), that was NOT Hitler?

was Goldwater Hitler? Was Eisenhower? Was Lincoln?
somewhere, back in time (before 1933?) there HAD to be a Republican President that wasn't referred to as Hitler (at that time)

Iman said...

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The poor, dumb, sonofabitching Left will always be with us.

Adolf Hitler was Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year”.

clint said...

Democrats don't seem to understand that when you say "Trump is as bad as Hitler" you're also saying "Hitler was no worse than Trump."

And that's a pretty crazy thing to say.

RCOCEAN II said...

Truman was calling the Republicans, including Dewey and Nixon, "Nazis" back in 48/52. But then Truman was considered a vulgar little man back then, But this "Rs = nazis" has been part of D rhetoric for a long time.

I keep waiting (30 years and waiting now) for "Hitler Fatigue" to set in. But no such luck.

Iman said...

“Vienna, 1907: after numerous attempts, have infiltrated the Academy of Fine Arts and facilitated Adolf Hitler’s admission to that institution. Goodbye, Hitler the dictator; hello, Hitler the modestly successful landscape artist! Brought back a few of his paintings as well, any buyers?”

—— Sneaky Pete

Jimmy said...

NYT , and others, called Lincoln an ape, a monkey, a reptile. I assume they held their contempt for Ike, who actually defeated Hitler. As history marches on, and the left destroys our common history, it becomes easier to call everyone Hitler.
The grand Hitler tradition is continued on this blog, by many of the trolls, who lack imagination, or knowledge of history=kind of a definition of the left btw.
Stalin and Mao, Pal Pot were much more murdereous and insane, and deadly, but then asking the left to do that means they would have to denigrate their intellectual heroes.

Lucien said...

The first rule of Trump Hate Club is that there is never any price to be paid for lying about Trump.

Original Mike said...

These are just not serious people.

Original Mike said...

Don't forget Chimpy McHitler.

Original Mike said...

Goldwater definitely was.

clint said...

I believe it was Wendell Wilkie, in 1944.

FDR and Truman likened Thomas Dewey to Hitler in the 1948 campaign, and I don't think there's been an exception since.

Interestingly, Wilkie campaigned in 1944 calling the bosses who ran the Democrat party machines in the biggest cities "petty Hitlers" -- so maybe we should be blaming Wilkie for starting the trend.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Don’t forget Dick Cheney!

Dixcus said...

I dunno. I think there is a price to be paid: credibility.

When you say that Trump is Hitler and you point to his 4 years as President, where he gassed exactly ZERO Jews ... then I think people start to realize that maybe you're a little bit off your entire fucking rocker.

Dixcus said...

They're a bunch of Lisa Simpson's ... arguing the UN Club at her middle school.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via X : Even a Trump hater can see the problem with conjuring Hitler to score cheap political points.

Skeptical Voter said...

There's a distressing lack of imagination in these Democrat insults. They start off with Hitler, then fascist, then racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and then they sort of run out of labels. Actually what they mostly mean is that someone holds political views with which they disagree. They need to find some new terms. They might try going to a third grade school yard where "poopy head" and "doo doo head" are always big. But hey gang, I pointed you to one source of new material, but there must be others. Your old shtick is getting worn out from overuse.

Arashi said...

If Donald J. Trump is Hitler, then where are the camps, the gas chambers, the piles of confiscated clothing, shoes, eye glasses, gold fillings and teeth, silverware, art work, etc? If you are going to call somebody 'literally ', you do really need to explain how they are like that person. Mean tweets and rambling speeches do not count.

Spiros said...

I wonder if the woke were alive during the Third Reich who they would compare Hitler to. Attila the Hun? Genghis Khan?

Hassayamper said...

FDR and Truman likened Thomas Dewey to Hitler in the 1948 campaign, and I don't think there's been an exception since.

Truman certainly did so. Perhaps FDR felt the same way, but we'll never know for sure, since he died in 1945.

EdwdLny said...

Every accusation by a democrat is a confession.

Christopher B said...

He probably did per Steve Hayward at Political Questions SubStack

In 1940, FDR’s next vice president, Henry Wallace, fought the election with the slogan “Keep Hitler out of the White House.” Wallace said “You can be sure that every Nazi, every Hitlerite, and every appeaser is a Republican.”

boatbuilder said...

Scott Walker as Hitler is like David Soul as Rick Blaine in one of the many fizzled Casablanca remakes.

They would have made Low Energy Jeb into Hitler if the Very Stable Genius hadn't intervened. Think about that!

MadTownGuy said...

Harry Truman likens Dewey to Hitler - NYT in 1948:

Leland said...

Well, we do have gulags full of J6 political prisoners, but it wasn’t Trump that created them. If you think of the prisoners as Ughers then you can’t call the people that put the there, fascists.

Iman said...

“All right; that’s it. Having just returned from 1907 Vienna where I secured the expulsion of Hitler from the Academy by means of an elaborate prank involving the Prefect, a goat, and a substantial quantity of olive oil, I now turn my attention to our newer brethren, who, despite rules to the contrary, seem to have no intention of reading Bulletin 1147 (nor its Addendum, Alternate Means of Subverting the Hitlerian Destiny, and here I’m looking at you, SneakyPete). Permit me to sum it up and save you the trouble: no Hitler means no Third Reich, no World War II, no rocketry programs, no electronics, no computers, no time travel. Get the picture?”

—— Silver Fox 316

Kevin said...

It’s Hitlers all the way down.

tim in vermont said...

I seem to recall reading here about some research that had been done that showed that calling a candidate Hitler actually made the hearer more disposed to that candidate because of the ridiculousness and mean spiritedness of the charge.

I am not going to research it, and I may be wrong, but I kind of doubt anybody called Eisenhower "Hitler." If they did, tell me who, and I will go piss on their grave.

David53 said...

Alleged without evidence.

How many political opponents have MAGAites murdered?
Dangerous rhetoric?
Who has been the target of political assassination?
Tell me more about how the Nazis operate.
J6 doesn't count, the only person murdered that day was Ashli Babbit.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U said...

All Republicans are Hitler - It's bloody amazing!

Iman said...

Trump voter Mel Gibson gives his opinion about Kamala Harris:

“I know what it’ll be like if we let her in… and that ain’t good. Miserable track record. Appalling track record. And she’s as dumb as a fence post.”

mongo said...

I can’t believe that even the Democrats would have been stupid enough to describe Dwight Eisenhower that way.

Maynard said...

If you have read George Orwell, it is easy to understand that anyone who was not a Communist was considered a Fascist. That includes fellow lefties who did not toe the party line. That is clearly true today.

Orwell and Ayn Rand - did they predict this or not?

Gusty Winds said...

Hitler in WI is anyone who defies the politics of Madison. A mortal sin.

Rocco said...

Bunch of Hitlers in Ohio, too: https://www.circlevilleherald.com/news/hitlers-were-county-pioneers/article_2a6487b2-a34a-55f4-83f4-dfcf116d15d5.html