September 3, 2024

This is Meade's sunrise picture from this morning.

That's me in the middle distance:


I'll have my sunrise photos closer to bedtime. This is the midday break in the blog. Write about whatever you want.


Iman said...

“Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush wrote a letter about the children that were being separated from their families at the border when Donald Trump was president.

Do you notice the radio silence by all of these hypocrites and hacks that 320,000 children have gone missing under the Harris/Biden administration”

—— Insurrection Barbie

Political Junkie said...

Pretty photo. Flowers in front add a lot.

Peachy said...

Lovely. The sky and the water have a similar pattern today.

n.n said...

The perennial bloom near the water's edge complements the natural scenery. Meade's favorite, if I'm not mistaken.

BG said...

If this were Facebook I would click “Love” every single time.

Kate said...

In the old days of emulsion photography, getting a sunrise picture with that much depth of field was near impossible. Good composition, Meade. It's quite proper to have Herself at the center of it all.

traditionalguy said...

Beautiful hair on that lady in the pic.

Ralph L said...

You've got big plants in Wisconsin, or was he on a cliff edge?

traditionalguy said...

Check out Lex Friedman Podcast #442. Trump looks old and tired but still ready to do the job.

wendybar said...

Funny!! I just tried to click liked under your comment!!!

narciso said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Good job, Meade!

PM said...

A little to your left...perfect.

Rusty said...

Nice one, Meade.

Smilin' Jack said...

That is very nice. You should have it framed.

Original Mike said...

Thank God it's not.

MadisonMan said...

Very cool intersecting wave fronts.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

The Meade pics are great themselves, but also always remind me what a style of your own you've developed - most of the time I recognize Meade's as having a different look than yours before seeing your attribution.

tcrosse said...

Althouse summons the sun to rise from the vasty deep.

FormerLawClerk said...

Obese teachers union head Randi Weingarten - who's family heritage goes all the way back to Hitler's Germany - has come out today to ... checks notes ... condemn Israel for Hamas' terrorist attacks. The head of the NEA believes it is her role to expound, not on schooling children ... but instead she believes it is her role to expound on international relations vis-a-vis how we can better treat terrorist organizations such as Hamas.

When are we going to RID OUR COUNTRY of these people?

Mutaman said...

Bone Spur's daughter in Law, Laura, has recorded a song. He needs to use it at his campaign stops because, except for Kid Rock, no other artist will let him play their music.

tcrosse said...

Nothing like relying on film stars and rock musicians for our political opinions.

Jaq said...

So we blew up the pipeline providing cheap Russian NG to Germany, and now Germany is closing a factory in Germany because, believe it or not, the liquified NG that we are providing to Germany to replace it at double the price, makes manufacturing there more expensive, and energy costs is one of the issues that VW complained of.

And the Russian market for German cars has been shut off by the economic iron curtain that the US has dropped across Europe, so China has simply shown up and seamlessly replaced Germany in the Russian market. One way to look at sanctions is as externally imposed market protections for America's rivals. China gets a big market, Russia gets cheap cars in repayment for its energy, bypassing the US dollar completely, and the US has a big, self-imposed gunshot wound in our own foot.

Jaq said...

Funny too how VW held the announcement until after the most recent elections, but it didn't really help Sholz, but don't worry. Headline from the Telegraph: "Even as the AfD won the election, they will not take power."

Germany and France and the EU elections have all been fortified to protect democracy from the voters.

Jaq said...

We seized Maduro's plane because we have accused him of drug trafficking, and the plane didn't even belong to him, it belonged to Venezuela, "nobody is above the law" we are told.

Well the the CIA has long been known to be involved in drug trafficking, so who is going to seize Air Force One? After all, "nobody is above the law" right?

What "no-one is above the law" really means is 'we control the judges, and good luck to anybody who crosses us." Except that Mongolia just told the ICC to cram the warrant for the arrest of Putin where the sun don't shine. That is what I would call a "green shoot" in the push back against this abusive lawfare the West is using world wide against it's enemies, like, you know, Donald Trump.

narciso said...

Yes its cabello who runs the sun cartel we traded back the lead accountanf for the group saab

FullMoon said...

Hadn't heard this one until today. From Netflix documentary, Grammy worthy?
David Brent, #1 Song in Europe for 31 weeks in 2023-2024

FullMoon said...

AA and Meade could do a book with their pics. Everyday amazing.

FullMoon said...

Load it with Chicago Venz gangsters and send it back

narciso said...

The twitchy link re the nashville shooters manifesto

Breezy said...

Biden camp transferring $25 mil to down ballot races. Follow the money. They know Harris is a loser but need to keep $ coming in, legally or not. They need to keep one part of Congress.

As Obama is to Biden, Pelosi is to the House….she is the puppet master behind Jeffries.

narciso said...

narciso said...

Candide said...

Steady, expansive, balanced and focused photo. In a word, Masculine.

gadfly said...

The words below were taken verbatim from a campaign speech former President Donald Trump delivered in Potterville, Michigan last Thursday:

"She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?"

So he started out declaring out of the blue that Harris destroyed San Francisco but did not mention why, then his mind suddenly went to owning a big building there (Trump owns just 30 % of a 52 floor skyscraper in the Financial District) where he says he lost his ass but will not bail, then he ranked himself the worst treated president ever because he got grazed on his earlobe by a Republican sniper. So how can you vote for this nutcase who cannot make political or business sense?

narciso said...

john mosby said...

Trump should just have someone record parody versions of pop songs, with lyrics praising him and dissing his opponents. You may recall my Whitesploitation Hero version of “Shaft” from a few months back. That sort of thing. Ben Shapiro or the guy who does the historical-figure rap battles could record them.

Fair use and political speech. Trump can dare all the musicians to sue him: if they win, they lose royalties he would have paid them. If they lose, they get adverse precedent that will cost them even more in royalties.


William50 said...

For Gadfly,
Bone Spurs and Asthma Man, the dynamic duo! Ha ha

dwshelf said...

I really like the new comment layout, with replies.

What I don't like is where you're left after commenting. There's no "ok, let's move on" link.

Kakistocracy said...

Autotune doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

William50 said...

I should have said muttaman not Gadfly. My mistake.

Inga said...

Trump admits he committed election interference in the 2020 presidential election. So he really does think he’s above the law? Good of him to confess.

"It's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it," Trump told host Mark Levin. "You get indicted and your poll numbers go up."

Inga said...

I made the mistake of listening for about 30 seconds, yikes, ow.

Inga said...

Immunity for “official acts” of the presidency won’t save his ass, it’s not an official act to try to overthrow millions of Americans votes.

Jaq said...

Alexa refuses to provide partisan political content when asked why a person should vote for Trump, and gets all gabby in its reasons you should vote for Harris.

Mutaman said...

"The words below were taken verbatim from a campaign speech former President Donald Trump delivered in Potterville, Michigan last Thursday:"

"Because cognitively speaking, Trump is beginning to make Biden look like Oscar Wilde."

Hassayamper said...

You don't know what "courtesy editing" is, do you, Gadfly? All but the most careful and precise speakers have gaps, repetitions, interjections, mispronouncements, non sequiturs, and other hiccups in their extemporaneous speech.

When the speaker is a Democrat politician or otherwise on the same side as the news media filth, they carefully parse and punctuate the transcript of what he says so he sounds much more articulate. When the speaker is a Republican, or otherwise perceived as an enemy of the Left, the news media filth do no such thing, and if they edit it at all, it is to run the words together without punctuation, or to look for ambiguous statements that can be interpreted in the worst possible way.

Barack Obama in particular was a beneficiary of this phenomenon. On a teleprompter he was as glib as a TV announcer, but when speaking from a stream of consciousness he was a mess. None of his flapdoodle and verbal diarrhea EVER made it into print, unless a conservative commentator went back and listened to the tape and transcribed it word for word. George Bush the younger, by contrast, never received anything remotely like a courtesy edit, and the news media were always at pains to pounce on any minor misstatement.

It's exactly the same with Biden or Harris vs. Trump. You are a gullible fool if you realize how they are manipulating you this way.

narciso said...

Are you really this stupid, dont answer that

Inga said...

That’s what prosecutors are asking Trump.

Inga said...

Every time he speaks it’s getting worse. During his interview with Lex Fridman, he looked as if he was actually falling asleep.

Original Mike said...

"I really like the new comment layout, with replies."

I don't. If you reply to a comment a couple of hours old, few will see it.

Josephbleau said...

"You've got big plants in Wisconsin, "

There used to be big plants in Milwaukee until they were sent to China.

john mosby said...

Ref Hassayamper’s courtesy editing: I remember in the 70s the Chicago papers did it for quotes from street witnesses. Their grammar and diction were gussied up to the point you had to think it was malicious compliance with a directive not to make poor minorities look bad.


Josephbleau said...

Once a sailor man... is it not the briney vasty deep?

Mutaman said...

Hassayamper said...

"It's exactly the same with Biden or Harris vs. Trump. You are a gullible fool if you realize how they are manipulating you this way."

Its so unfair

Drago said...


Is Putin in the room with you right now?.....

Maynard said...

Did you forget to take your meds tonight, Inga?

The more manic you get, the further away from reality you fly.

Narayanan said...

and Johnsom??!!

boatbuilder said...

What percentage of the real estate in your head does he own?

Dr Weevil said...

So now we're back to it being an absolute fact that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? After the Wall Street Journal story on August 15th, all the Ukraine-haters here were assuring us that it was an absolute fact that the Ukrainians blew up the pipelines. I believe some were the very same people who had been confidently blaming the US. Was 'tim in vermont' one of them? So which is it? They can't both be true: WSJ claims that the US told Zelenskyy not to do it, but he did it anyway. I certainly don't know who or what caused the explosions, or who killed Daria Dugin, and neither does anyone else here. I do know who blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam, and find it amusing that the firm believers in US guilt on Nord Stream turn all agnostic about the dam and other proven Russian atrocities and war crimes.

As for the German power problems, the primary cause is that they shut down all their nuclear power plants to please the Greens and thereby doubled the price of power while increasing pollution. They even blew up the cooling towers on the last one a few weeks ago, to make sure it could not be reopened. (By the way, those who insist that Putin could not have blown up the Nord Stream pipelines because it damaged the Russian economy and was therefore stupid might want to think about that again. Germany intentionally damaged their own economy by blowing up their own nuclear power plant. It's called burning one's bridges.)

And Germany is now getting more gas from Russia than from the US for the first time in a couple of years because Biden limited our LNG exports. For the money, or because he's stupid and hostile to NATO?

Finally, the CIA has long been suspected of being involved in drug trafficking, but "known"? Is 'tim in vermont' endorsing the whole Mena airport conspiracy theory? Last I heard that was as discredited as Pizzagate.

Drago said...

Lefties dont understand licensing agreements. Big surprise!

Batman AZ said...

Nicely done.

Original Mike said...

"then he ranked himself the worst treated president ever because he got grazed on his earlobe by a Republican sniper. So how can you vote for this nutcase"

People like you make it easy.

dwshelf said...

That part didn't change. There didn't use to be any connection between the comment and the reply. I'd have never seen your comment. As it was, I could find it in "collapsed comments".

Fixing that problem requires "notifications", such that one can monitor one's notifications and see who has replied, even a year later.

But for me to get out of here takes three clicks and then I have created a new window.

Caroline said...

The 51 tools who signed the letter published in nyt asserting that the Hunter laptop story “bore all the earmarks of Russian disinformation”…. That was your election interference. The nonstop lawfare, the fake Steele dossier, that was your election interference. The Dems love to accuse trump of stuff they’re already doing.

Jamie said...

[whispered] Mutaman, this isn't the own you think it is...

Jamie said...

Well, it is unevenly applied... and if you don't realize it, you're a gullible fool, and if you don't acknowledge it, you're a gullible tool. So, no new news there.

Mutaman said...

"Well, it is unevenly applied... and if you don't realize it, you're a gullible fool, and if you don't acknowledge it, you're a gullible tool. So, no new news there."

I may be a fool and a tool but at least I know what "verbatim" means. Tell you what, if the transcript published by Gadfly isn't accurate, why don't you or one of the other Know Nothings publish what Trump really said.

Mutaman said...

Guess "they" edited the video too.

It's so unfair.

wendybar said...

Because ONLY President Trump is guilty of anything they can make up politically, because he isn't a bought Politician so they have to get rid of him. It's quite obvious.

wendybar said...

No kidding. She's even more miserable in the evening. Either they changed her meds, or she stopped taking them.

Inga said...

It’s going to be so difficult for these folks when he loses. So many hearts and minds will be broken.

Rusty said...

Her head cat, General Mittens, her cat army, leader of tells her what to say.

Rusty said...

Inga. Or Mutaman. Tell us how price controls are going to help consumers. What is the Harris economic policy?

Iman said...

Self-own, Mutt!

Iman said...

Don’t forget comedians… the Real Democrat Political Strategists.

Iman said...

You won’t get a coherent response from either Ren or Stimpy

The controls will be turbocharged by all teh Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Curious George said...

Every time he speaks it’s getting worse. During his interview with Lex Fridman, he looked as if he was actually falling asleep."

Our resident dullard, a big supporter of Joe Biden and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote that. They both actually fell asleep during official duties in public.

Biff said...

The photo captured a moment when a man was feeling pretty good about the choices he made in his life.

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