0:00 – Introduction
1:09 – Psychology of winning and losing
3:51 – Politics is a dirty game
5:28 – Business vs politics
8:04 – War in Ukraine
9:53 – Kamala Harris interview on CNN
10:36 – Trump-Harris debate
13:33 – China
15:47 – 2020 election
24:03 – Project 2025
24:52 – Marijuana
27:13 – Joe Rogan
30:54 – Division
38:00 – Communism and fascism
41:36 – Power
43:36 – UFOs & JFK
44:16 – Jeffrey Epstein
45:55 – Mortality and religion
47:25 – Lex AMA
I'll make a selection from the transcript:
Lex Fridman (00:45:36) What gives you strength when you’re getting attacked? You’re one of the most attacked people in the world.
Donald Trump (00:45:43) I think you can’t care that much. I know people that care so much about everything, like what people are saying, you can’t care too much because you end up choking.
Lex Fridman (00:45:55) One of the tragic things about life is that it ends. How often do you think about your death? Are you afraid of it?
Donald Trump (00:46:02) I have a friend who’s very, very successful, and he’s in his 80s, mid 80s, and he asked me that exact same question. I turned it around and I said, “Well, what about you?” He said, “I think about it every minute of every day.” And then a week later, he called me to tell me something. And he starts off the conversation by going, “Tick tock, tick tock.” This is dark person in a sense, but it is what it is. If you’re religious, you have I think a better feeling toward it. You’re supposed to go to heaven, ideally, not hell, but you’re supposed to go to heaven if you’re good....
I'm a big fan of Lex Fridman's interviews of scientists.
Lex asks incisive questions.
Ill have to look into more of these Lex interviews. He gets the best out of the subject and at the end you don't think Lex said anything at all!
Looking forward to Kamala Harris on the Charlamagne tha god radio show.
It just hit me. This is how you say 'Kamala can't even have a conversation', without say "Kamala can't even have a conversation".
I'm uncurious about what Trump says unless it's zingers. Character and range of interest was established long ago as a guest on Imus.
Whatever the outcome, I’m impressed by the Trump campaign’s go-anywhere-talk-to-anyone strategy. Imagine a Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush in the same battlespace. The Establishment has grotesquely stacked the deck against him but he just goes around them. It must drive them batshit.
More batshit, natch.
A passenger told me Obama was the main figure behind Joe's ouster. And Joe knew it all along. And that Joe picked Kamala as revenge for getting pushed out. Joe didn't let Obama pick his replacement.
When's Kamala doing Lex Fridman?
I'm imagining President Trump meeting Saint Peter at the pearly gates!
Oh wait! Lex is Russian.
"Inga to the white courtesy phone. Inga, please pick up."
Trump always has the answer, like when on a high rise job the Laborers Union says, we are going to take three weeks off without a 50% raise, Trump said, the Waste Haulers from Cincinnati agreed to take over for you. The Waste Haulers took a small risk, but the Laborers caved.
That is how Trump got buildings opened on time and on cost.
I like those kind of interviews, some people are good at it.
Trump is campaigning as if he were an Independent.
Most likely never.
This is such a parody of both Trump and Lex, I thought it was fake.
Trump on the Lex Fridman interview:
“Life is what you do while you’re waiting to die, you might as well do a good job”
Trump has a lot of very lazy answers in this interview.
It's amazing that the race is still a toss up. Both Trump and Harris should be losing by wide margins.
Your comment can be understood two ways. You meant to write, “When will Kamala be interviewed by Lex Friedman?”
Trump is very calm, not excitible which is a good thing.
Make zero mistake: in competent hands, presidential interviews are very revealing and useful. Time Magazine humanized George W. Bush in his first major interview after the election: it made him look much smarter than he was portrayed at the time. Donald Trump doesn't even see it as an interview, he just keeps talking and racking up a massive Internet following which is nearly impossible to crush.
By contrast, Kamala Harris can't get through a friendly taped interview without reading from her notes. The Rats are screwed on a level that is impossible to believe.
Aggie said...
"Trump is campaigning as if he were an Independent."
Trump is not a Republican, they are just the party that needed a leader. He is a Centrist American, really very middle of the road: economic growth at home, avoiding wars, making peace on abortion, growing economic relationships between nations . . .
There needs to be a hashtag -#Trumpisamoderate. More and more people are noticing.
"making peace on abortion"
That is some wild made up shit right there. "16 weeks is a nice round number" is not "making peace on abortion." It's like yanking our ass out of Afghanistan while you don't give a shit how many innocent people die just because you want the issue to go away.
And the idea that it's "moderate" to resolve the abortion fight by taking the conception line and the birth line and picking some arbitrary point in the middle is like splitting the baby in half.
You're only going to make one side happy doing that.
The acoustics of Fridman's interviews seem softer than the real world. Anyone know how he does it? It creates a calmness in the conversation.
The rule of Lemnity said...
Joe didn't let Obama pick his replacement.
I think this aligns with what we know of the timeline and other events. Joe's resignation letter (let's call it what it has turned out to be) didn't mention a successor, and IIRC the Harris endorsement was an X post rather than a formal statement. Obama appeared to push for a mini-primary or open convention, and didn't come out with an immediate endorsement of Harris following that announcement. It could be misdirection but Obama likely had a good gauge of Harris's campaign skills (or lack thereof). Joe may also have had nothing to do with it, and somebody else in a position to evaluate Harris up close decided to throw a stink bomb in the room on the way out.
Love that.
Good, fairly expensive pro quality equipment. Competent engineering. Acoustic control of the room. Smart mic placement. Smart mic placement! Also, he has the right voice for it, and knows how to use it. It's hard to say if he just a natural, or took the time to get training. Historically, too many podcasters didn't understand or just can't hear the difference. Some don't care. It's generally gotten much better over the last few years. Glenn Loury used to have awful sound. Once he started on his book and I'm guessing, got professional help, he sounds fantastic. Russ Roberts has always sounded good (his remote guests, not always so much). Prof. Roberts even credits his sound guy when closing out his show. Joe Rogan sometimes has to hand hold his guests if they aren't paying attention to the mic placement. He deserves much credit for that, because if the show isn't listenable, there's no point in even doing it. Scott Adams finally got a good mic not too long ago and it helped tremendously.
I have no data to back this up, but it seems you can only get so big if you don't sound good. A little effort and a few bucks gets you 80% there.
He's canpaigning like he's a moderate.
I wish he hadn't evaded the questions about past vote fraud and said more about the importance of not having more doubt in the future. His campaign and the Repub party are hopefully! working this behind the scenes now and maybe? don't want to talk too much about what they're doing.
There's that ear. You can get a good look at it.
I don't see any obvious damage. Looks like some makeup may be on part of it.
It looks pretty normal.
"you’re supposed to go to heaven if you’re good."
As a Christian I'm going to point out that Trump is completely wrong on this, but most Christians also think this way.
"Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."
Mark 10:18 NIV
"You're only going to make one side happy doing that."
The "side" wanting a total abortion ban is small. You're never going to get it, and insisting on it harms all the other important issues you (presumably) care about because it causes your/our "side" to lose elections and we end up with leftists running the country.
It's six weeks since it happened. A grazing injury that didn't even break through the deep layers of the dermis ought to be nicely healed up by now. I bet it hurt like a bitch, though.
That's a nice interview! They should publish it on The Legal Wire too (https://thelegalwire.ai)
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