September 11, 2024

"Thinning of the cortex is not necessarily bad; some scientists frame the process as the brain rewiring itself as it matures..."

"... increasing its efficiency. But the process is known to accelerate in stressful conditions, and accelerated thinning is correlated with depression and anxiety. Scans taken in 2021, after shutdowns started to lift, showed that both boys and girls had experienced rapid cortical thinning during that period. But the effect was far more notable in girls, whose thinning had accelerated, on average, by 4.2 years ahead of what was expected; the thinning in boys’ brains had accelerated 1.4 years ahead of what was expected.... The difference between the genders 'is just as clear as night and day,' Dr. Kuhl said. 'In the girls, the effects were all over the brain — all the lobes, both hemispheres.'"

From "Teen Girls’ Brains Aged Rapidly During Pandemic, Study Finds/Neuroimaging found girls experienced cortical thinning far faster than boys did during the first year of Covid lockdowns" (NYT).


Yancey Ward said...

No need to blame the idiotic lockdowns- just blame climate change- you know it is coming.

RCOCEAN II said...

Girls mature faster than boys. This could be the cause, not just Covoid. But anyway, its just one more instance of "X happens, women hardest hit".

RCOCEAN II said...

Girlfriend, you look so thin.
Yeah, Covoid did wonders for my Cortex. I lost 4 inches without even trying.

n.n said...

The female sex is more social than their male counterpart. The abortion and sequestration of economic and social activities during the Sino-Fauci pandemic presented the greatest burden for women and girls development. Think of it as the mommy complex, which also explains the forward-looking progress of females and psychiatric and medicated You've come a long way, baby... fetus... X.

ron winkleheimer said...

I think that on average men find isolation less stressful than woman. Cutting adolescent girls off from most normal social interactions with their peers is a pretty good way to stress them.

n.n said...

Is gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes) thinning a first-order forcing of transgender spectrum disorder?

JK Brown said...

So what they are saying is that, freed from the "school helplessness" constantly enforced by teachers and administrators, the kids' brains matured faster. Another data point on school as we do it being bad for students.

Derve Swanson said...

girl brain v boy brain
brains don't have genitals

n.n said...

Every cell in a human body is defined by an individual's immutable sex.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Covid destruction of our lives - and the destruction from forced jabs - is one of the most under-reported deals.
Why social media was restrained and forced to comply ala Leftist Brazil.

Rob C said...

How do they know that they are girls' brains?

Is it too much to expect any intellectual consistency?

n.n said...

They're right about one thing: science does not, cannot discern origin and expression, but rather plays in a sandbox of correlations in the near space and time.

n.n said...

A Diverse.... uh, diverse group of scientists subscribe to the Pro-Choice ethical religion of selectivity, opportunity, and political congruence. The fact that their beliefs are internally, externally, and mutually inconsistent is consistent with their religion, and provides a coping mechanism to mitigate the progress of cognitive dissonance. That said, flambet another fetus,, throw another baby on the barbie, it's over, maybe.

n.n said...

This is the scientific defense of human dignity from around six weeks following conception 'til evolution do us part.

Maynard said...

Any interest in the relative roles of estrogen and testosterone?

Yeah, it must be climate change.

n.n said...

Every cell is defined by an immutable chromosomal sex: male and female, which not only influences but determines our lived experience with rare exceptions where disorders evolve.

n.n said...

According to scientists, social workers, and activists, those hormones stereotypically foster toxic masculinity and depressed femininity.

n.n said...

Also, the bigoted scientific observation that Heather has one mommy and one daddy without exception.

Jamie said...

girl brain v boy brain
brains don't have genitals

And if genitals were the cause of sex rather than a symptom of it, you might, possibly, maybe have a point. Instead, I have no idea what you're getting at.

ron winkleheimer said...

Come to think of it, cutting adolescents off from most social interactions with their peers is used as a way to discipline them. Two years of Covid restrictions is the same as being grounded for two years to a teenager.

Derve Swanson said...

ie said...
girl brain v boy brain
brains don't have genitals

And if genitals were the cause of sex rather than a symptom of it, you might, possibly, maybe have a point. Instead, I have no idea what you're getting at.
That's not your fault.
It's your brain, girl jamie.

RCOCEAN II said...

"brains don't have genitals"

This is so utterly stupid and unscientific it must be satire.

ron winkleheimer said...

Its also inconsistent. If a woman can have a penis and a man can a vagina, then genitals are irrelevant for determining gender.

Smilin' Jack said...

“The difference between the genders 'is just as clear as night and day,' Dr. Kuhl said. 'In the girls, the effects were all over the brain — all the lobes, both hemispheres.'"

Gender is a social construct. Just tell the girls that society expects them to grow a thicker cortex. Problem solved.

Enigma said...

This is terrible news in all ways.

When the lockdowns ended, I was shocked by the social decline of women in their teens and 20s. Compared to 2019 and prior, they let themselves go to seed...much fatter, sloppier, not trying to be fashionable, and often disoriented.

Puberty is a huge predictor of life outcomes, as maturity locks in language skills, IQ, and many other things with a growth or learning curve. A thinning cortex on top of (biologically earlier) female puberty may result in lockdown-style coping strategies for life. This means we've got millions of proto-Karen women who will:

1. Be excessively fearful of moderate risks (beyond routine viruses).
2. Be excessively trusting of authorities who make confident assertions, even when those authorities are full of it and/or covering up their own evils.
3. Be eager to bully others into compliance for any new Spanish Inquisition or East German spy-on-your-neighbors 'morality.'

Premature thin cortex = premature aging and premature rigid old-person thinking. Idiocracy here were are.

The Vault Dweller said...

If you are a parent of adolescent you need to view their social media usage as part of their overall health, especially if your child is a girl. Limiting screen time overall seems like a good idea, and paying particular attention to some app usage like instagram seems very important. If your child is watching cute animal videos on YouTube it probably isn't as worrisome. Being able to step away for a few hours or a few days from the competition of the social pecking order is a good thing for children. If they are plugged into some of these social media companies they never get that breather.

PM said...

"Teen Girls’ Brains Aged Rapidly During Pandemic..." reads like headline from The Onion.

Josephbleau said...

"Thinning of the cortex is not necessarily bad; some scientists frame the process as the brain rewiring itself as it matures... increasing its efficiency."

The easiest way to be very efficient is to do no work and consume no energy. If the cortex thins, then, at the limit, as the cortex becomes infinitesimally thin, you win the prize for cognitive efficiency.

traditionalguy said...

Interesting attribute. How does brain thinning relate to the cultural go to of naming certain ways and things Her or feminine? Like ships and Wisdom itself? Hmmm?