September 26, 2024

Sunrise — 6:52.



Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why Eric Adams is being punished

(by the corrupt White Left)

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is a beautiful shot.

The rule of Lemnity said...

X Video : Buzz saw of a rapidly strengthening Hurricane Helene now at Category 4 intensity

Iman said...

How bad do the mosquitoes get during Summer on this lake? I’ve always heard Wisconsin has many mosquitoes and good cheese.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Yup Project 2025, get rid of NOAA Brilliant. Where do they find these people.

Sprezzatura said...

Sticking out your gyat for the rizzler
You're so skibidi
You're so Fanum Tax
I just wanna be your sigma
Freaking come here
Give me your Ohio

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Privatized hurricane and weather agencies, brilliant can't see no graft there right. Right wing agencies gonna let a liberal state know what's coming? Sure they will .Brain dead republican idea.

Sprezzatura said...

Eva Marie said...

Melania’s book, still in pre sale, is #1 on Amazon’s best seller list. approx 10,000 copies a day.

rhhardin said...

More evidence of Russian-Chinese collaboration, Rachmaninoff played by Evgeni Kissin with Myung-Whun Chung conducting. Militarizing Western culture.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Another right-wing media outlet settles with the manufacturer of voting equipment rather than facing a civil trial for spreading unfounded conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Newsmax and Smartmatic Settle Defamation Case Over 2020 Election ~ NYT

rhhardin said...

Spy dresses provocatively to distract guard, going with a sexist guard stereotype

"Anna Scholl," she said, slipping out the forged identification card that showed her to be a member of the safeguards and inspections staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency. "To see Pierre Pertels."

The guard examined her breasts long enough to see if they matched her identification, then noted her name on his register and called upstairs...

rhhardin said...

They could have won with Ken Thompson's Turing Lecture "On Trusting Trust," on how every computer everywhere is vulnerable to undetectable hacking, unknown even to the seller. A fact long known and universally ignored.

Original Mike said...

Lawmakers Must Pass 'Risky Research' Bill To Prevent Next Pandemic

They're still doing the type of research that created covid, and with viruses that could be much worse.

Dixcus said...

The FBI collected most of the evidence against him starting a decade ago.

Now why would they unleash this prosecution now? That's not the question. The question is why did they let a known felon accumulate power for a decade?

Our FBI seems like a Russian KGB operation ensuring that ONLY criminals ever get power. So that they can take them out whenever they become inconvenient.

Why are you still voluntarily paying your taxes? You fund this.

Temujin said...

I wonder how the election is going in Madison, WI?
Oh wait. It appears we have an early indicator. Duplicate ballots being mailed out?

Humperdink said...

Watched the movie The Lives of Others last night. A truly outstanding German film (2006) about Stasi. Striking parallels to you know what in the good ole US of A.

rhhardin said...

Fox is running an outdoor weather guy standing in the rain and minor wind with breathless reports, which I would have thought is by now self-parody.

Mutaman said...

"The country is suffering. People are not able to buy the usual necessities for their families,”
Melania Trump 9/26/24

The Official Trump Watch Collection, which consists of 147 gold watches that each have Trump’s name on them. The limited collection runs for $100,000 a pop.
“You’re going to love them. Would make a great Christmas Gift. Don’t wait, they will go fast,”
DJ Trump 9/26/24

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Importing the vote-bribe.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are positive this isn't happening.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People HATED and loathed by joe biden, and his party

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This woman and her comments embody the Soviet Authoritarian Democrat Party Radical Left.

Mutaman said...

Harris leading Bone Spurs among young adults 52% - 29%.

Eva Marie said...

Kamala Harris was put in charge of the Biden-Harris administration's $42 billion promise to bring broadband internet to every American. After a year, not a single American has been connected.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Rudy loses license in another state due to his TRUMP WON election lies. This loser is also charged in Georgia and is borrowing $$$ to buy McDonald.How many trump lawyers now lost or losing their licenses to practice because of election lies,Eastman,guilliania the lady in Georgia,,that perp is bringing them all down.Lindell off his rocker and so broke now he cant pay attention,keep hanging with trump folks you'll get everything you deserve.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

trump asked about Mark robinson and will he renege on his endorsement,,of course he says "I know nothing abut the issue..and runs away...(well waddles that is)

Inga said...

“The country is suffering. People are not able to buy the usual necessities for their families,”
Melania Trump 9/26/24

I wonder if she was wearing her “I don’t really care, do you?” coat.

Inga said...

Like Sergeant Schultz said…”I know nothing!”

Jupiter said...

Good question, Dinky. Where did you find these people?

Jupiter said...

Dinky is correct. The weather belongs to the government, and no one else should be allowed to say anything about it.
"Evryone talks about the weather ...". and that has to stop.

Mutaman said...

Who do you think has gone the furthest off their rocker-Bone Spurs, Rudy, or the pillow guy?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Newsmax and Smartmatic settle 2020 US election defamation lawsuit
Pair reach agreement days before case, filed after rightwing network aired false voter claims, was due to go to trial
A spokesman for the Delaware courts said the case had been settled on Thursday. He did not offer additional details. The trial was set to begin in Wilmington on Monday.The terms of the settlement are not public.
“Newsmax is pleased to announce it has resolved the litigation brought by Smartmatic through a confidential settlement,” Bill Daddi, a spokesman for the network, said in a statement.
After the 2020 election, Newsmax aired several false claims about the company, whose voting machines were only used in Los Angeles county in 2020. The network repeatedly aired false claims from Trump allies that the software was widely used across the country and that it had been hacked to change votes.Smartmatic sued Newsmax, Fox, One America News Network (OANN) and others for broadcasting their false claims. It settled the case with OANN earlier this year and the Fox case is still pending in New York.
Smartmatic said in a statement: “We are very pleased to have secured the completion of the case against Newsmax. We are now looking forward to our court day against Fox Corp and Fox News for their disinformation campaign. Lying to the American people has consequences. Smartmatic will not stop until the perpetrators are held accountable.” Sometimes its just a matter ot time. All involved with the trump won conspiracies and fraud claims are all paying.FOX $787,000,000 I bet the FOXERS dont even know it. trump has always said" we love the uneducated" GOOGLE IT. tHESE ARE ALL JUST TIPS OF THE ICEBERG, its not lawfare its charged convicted and paying for disinformation and deceit. PAY BACK IS A BITCH ask Ruppert AND SONS.

Mutaman said...

"I wonder if she was wearing her “I don’t really care, do you?” coat"

And was she carrying her 33 Thousand dollar Birkin handbag?

Jupiter said...

Igna gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Cat Lady".

Inga said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

Kevin McCarthy: "Nobody knows what Kamala Harris says when she speaks without a teleprompter"

Babylon Bee: "After Being Asked Where His Brother Is, Cain Explains To God That He Grew Up In A Middle-Class Family"

Inga said...

She could buy groceries for hundreds of poor families for the price of that ugly purse.

Inga said...

It’s a close race.

Inga said...
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Iman said...

Let loose the hogs of your rage, lefties. You are gonna get your asses handed to you before the holiday season.

Gospace said...

The statements do not contradict. Some have money to spare. Things are more expensive- but I'm not suffering any financial problems. Others I know have trouble making ends meet. Of course, I'm 69 and still working. And collecting social security since hitting full retirement age. Many I know struggling retired as soon as they hit 62 and could draw a reduced SS benefit... So they're in a double whammy- poor life choices and high inflation.

gadfly said...

Dixcus - Are your talking about Eric Adams, Donald Trump or both of them? The FBI can zero in on crooks but it's populists like you who won't protect our nation are providing support to these racketeers.

And your question about voluntarily paying taxes goes to the heart of your blindness. You could apply for a passport and try your luck in Istanbul, Moscow or Buenos Aries, I suppose.

wendybar said...


I regret to inform you that Republicans are barraging now

House Democrats fume at GOP's barrage against Zelensky trip to Pennsylvania
8:48 PM · Sep 25, 2024

wendybar said...

"It seems strange for all the world leaders to show up at a house of a person who doesn't hold any elected office."
...But not if you know he is funding the downfall of America with his Daddy warbucks.

wendybar said...

RNC Research


Biden refers to Senator JD Vance as "Secretary Vance," then regurgitates the debunked lie that he dismissed school shootings as "facts of life."

That's a disgusting lie from a man in cognitive decline (which Kamala covered up).

wendybar said...

It's so obvious, but Progressives think we are as dumb and blind as their constituents.

Elon Musk

They are importing voters. It is obvious.

wendybar said...

This is what a GIANT asshole looks like, who karma would have lose his high paying job so he can live like the rest of us, so he can see what his loving government control really looks like. People like John Harwood are the problem in this country.

John Harwood
the craziest thing about this election is that we have a very good economy -- the best in the world -- and so many people feel/act/pretend that it's bad
8:01 AM · Sep 26, 2024

wendybar said...

THIS is why it is time to let Hollywood suffer a slow miserable death. I am glad I don't watch any of their crap and don't add a cent to their millions so they can fritter America away just so they can kill their own babies. Sick.

Wind-Up Alligator Hooch
What a sick and twisted world we find ourselves in.

To say such a thing like ‘I’m voting for abortion! There is nothing more important.’ is grotesque and horrible.
Jennifer Lawrence endorses Kamala Harris for president because “abortion is literally on the ballot.”

“I’m voting for Kamala Harris because I think she’s an amazing candidate and I know that she will do whatever she can to protect reproductive rights. That’s the most important…

wendybar said...

Interesting, but not surprising.

"For reasons that only it can explain, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 decided to do a research project on what 10 and 11-year olds think about Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and their supporters. On Wednesday, they reported that kids who are more supportive of Trump are more tolerant than those who are more supportive of Harris, but desperately tried to explain this away by claiming that could simply be due to them not knowing as much about her."

rehajm said...

We caught the outer bands- I can see a few limbs down and lots of debris. A neighbor had a tree hit the house. Power is out. Generators are buzzing. I slept but the rest of the house has spent most of the morning in the stair well…

rehajm said...

We caught the outer bands- I can see a few limbs down and lots of debris. A neighbor had a tree hit the house. Power is out. Generators are buzzing. I slept but the rest of the house has spent most of the morning in the stair well…

Ann Althouse said...

"Jupiter’s link posts a video of a cat being killed by having its neck wrung. I’m pretty sure that’s a violation of Blogger’s rules."

What rule? Would it also violate a rule to put up a link to the killing of George Floyd? To a hunter shooting a deer? To a lion pouncing on a zebra? Or is there a special rule about pets? Cite the rule. I'd like to read it and try to understand it, but you're just wafting fear that a rule might be violated. Why would you do that? That feels like intimidation. That feels as though you have a taste for censorship.

Ann Althouse said...

Note: I have never watched the George Floyd video because I believe it is morally wrong to watch a human being die.

Ann Althouse said...

It's not entertainment. It's important to know what happened. If you couldn't believe what you read about George Floyd's death, you might morally watch in order to understand the event. In the case of "eating the dogs and cats," there's mostly doubt that it's happening at all. It's a big political issue. If someone offers evidence, looking at the evidence isn't the same as watching animal torture as pornography.

Ann Althouse said...

With pornography, those doing the actions are the ones profiting from the video of the actions. That's why a snuff film is different from the George Floyd video. If you wanted to censor the George Floyd video because it is, you say, a snuff film, we would properly suspect you of wanting to suppress evidence of police brutality.

MadTownGuy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadTownGuy said...

Dear Comrades" is also instructive, even if not a fun movie. по-русски, with subtitles.

Humperdink said...

Georgia DA Big Fanni’s lead dog/ lover/ general miscreant in the quest to hang Trump, Nathan Wade, is on the lamb. Wade has been subpoenaed and has gone underground. The Commie-Pinko party only gives us their best