September 10, 2024

Sunrise — 6:20, 6:36.



Talk about whatever you want in the comments... EXCEPT the big debate. I'll put up another post for the debate.


Eva Marie said...

Melania’s book is #3 on Amazon today. (#1 sells about 10,000 copies a day.)

rhhardin said...

I tuned that debate out pretty fast.

Eva Marie said...

This from Yahoo News:
Here, presented for the first time, is an exhaustive list of the previous Republican presidents, vice presidents and nominees to these posts who have publicly said they will be voting for Trump in November:
1. Sarah Palin.

Eva Marie said...

Melania’s book has now moved up to #2

Old and slow said...

This says quite a lot about the Republicans, doesn’t it?

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Taylor Swift has 280 000,000 followers and after her endorsement of Kamala Harris over 1, 000 000 of them liked the endorsement.I was wrong I thought she would have left this for an OCTOBER surprise.After watching that angry,confused angry old man tonight rattle on about nothing guess she couldn't contain herself..People sure going down with this fella soon.VICTOR ORBON I s his man. Pathetic Orange man beaucoup Dinky Dau and is going to be sent back to his hootch( until dragged away for crimes against reality! Man that was sad. SWIFTIES ON THE MOVE!

wendybar said...

NEVER FORGET. THIS is how vile Progressives ARE.

Fuzzy Chimp πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒ

The Onion is making jokes about American citizens being murdered by left-wing lunatics.

The Onion
TRUMP: “People don’t leave my rallies.”
TRUE: They’re carried out in body bags.
10:36 PM · Sep 10, 2024

wendybar said...

I think it is sad that people like Dinky are so happy that Progressives are going to march like the lemmings they are off the cliff because Taylor Swift told them to.

wendybar said...

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” ― Albert Einstein

Ann Althouse said...

There are a lot of fake Einstein quotes out there, and that's got to be one of them. Here's Quote Investigator tracking it down:

It comes from a poster titled “On creativity” and was probably written by Francis Phillip Wernig using the pseudonym Alan Ashley-Pitt.

tim in vermont said...

They don't call them "Republicrats" for no reason. Nothing they hate more than a guy who is not in on the grift, and doesn't want in, in power.

tim in vermont said...

I was already voting for Trump, you don't have to keep selling me.

tim in vermont said...

I stopped commenting on Instapundit after having too many of my comments deleted for, you know, providing true historical context for the war mongering items Glenn runs in service of Dick Cheney's neocon friends, but there are derogatory terms for "Canadians," especially among waitstaff in restaurants, and in fact "Canadians" is a derogatory term for a table considered unlikely to tip.

tim in vermont said...

I see Instapundit is upset that Biden won't provide missiles, targeting data, high resolution mapping data, and program the missiles so that a Ukrainian can push a button and attack Russia, Of course, this won't be the US attacking Russia, any more than somebody would be responsible if they set up a shotgun pointed at your front door, tied a string to the trigger, and handed the string to a child and told them to pull it as you appeared to get your paper, it would be the child responsible for whatever mayhem ensued!

I wonder what kind of stock play Glenn Reynolds has to get rich off of WW3.

One Fine Day said...

Totally expected during a political realignment. In this case the corruptocratic uniparty is consolidating against the non-elite populists.

One Fine Day said...

Fake or not is irrelevant in our new media environment. Only truthiness counts.

Dr Weevil said...

I see 'tim in vermont' continues to pretend that Ukrainians are some kind of subhuman species incapable of targeting missiles without a much smarter American doing all the work for them.

That's a typically Russian attitude towards Ukrainians, not usually found among Americans. Of course, typical Russians believe at the same time that Ukrainians are (a) exactly like Russians in every way except their pretend-language that's really a dialect, and (b) subhuman degenerates. Put those two beliefs together and you begin to understand the subconscious self-image of the typical Russian.