September 20, 2024

"Not only do more women want to be small; they want to be smaller. Jerry Chidester, a plastic surgeon in Salt Lake City, said his patients used to ask for C cups."

"Now, they want Bs. He often does five breast reductions a week, mostly on young, postpartum mothers.... Small breasts may not draw as much attention on the subway or the street as bigger breasts do, but they are also a fashion. Whereas big breasts signal motherhood and sexual availability, smaller breasts can convey youth, girlishness, puberty, thinness, androgyny.... They can also indicate class. In March, a meme circulated on X... 'MEN,' it said. 'Which do you prefer? The aristocratic elegance of the small breasted woman OR the Nietzschean pro-sex, pro-beauty large breasted woman?' Thornton agrees that smaller breasts signal the self-assurance of affluence whereas breast augmentation can signify social ambition — a desire to attain wealth and status via the attention of men.... For a woman to withdraw from the male gaze, to assert herself in her refusal to be ogled, to relieve her own pain, to be able to comfortably train for a marathon or dance at her own birthday party — that is liberation. But it’s a personal, individual one, said Thornton. 'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'"

I'm reading "The Power of a Smaller Breast/Breast reduction is all the rage in cosmetic surgery. Are women asserting their independence or capitulating to a yet another impossible standard of beauty?" (NYT).

Thornton is "Sarah Thornton, 59, a sociologist who lives in San Francisco, was a B cup before her double mastectomy. After breast reconstruction she had Ds, which felt huge to her — 'bulky and cartoony,' she wrote in 'Tits Up,' her recent social history of the breast."


gilbar said...

so, this is the same as dieting USED to be? you can afford not to eat
of course,
women in the '50's were curvy..
women in the '60's were rail thin..
women in the '80's were big boobed ..
what goes around comes around

Original Mike said...

"'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'"

Oh, sod off.

I like small boobs. But if a woman would change her body to please me or anyone else other than herself, the problem resides in her, not me. I would be appalled at the suggestion.

People need to accept what they are.

Sebastian said...

"men need to change" Don't we always. Women, on the other hand, are fine as they are. They don't need to change. But wait--if they want to change through surgery, that's also fine, even finer. They don't need to change, but if they feel they need to change, fine. Men just need to change to accept the change, not just accept but like the change, any change.

Tom T. said...

He often does five breast reductions a week

"Ironically, he used the money from all these surgeries to buy a motorboat."

Roger Sweeny said...

'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'

Always remember, if women have a problem, men are at fault.

The Vault Dweller said...

Looking online I found that over 300,000 breast augmentation surgeries were performed in the US in 2022. That was very surprising to me. I would have expected it to be an order of magnitude fewer in number.

rehajm said...

I thought the bra size moved like hemlines...smallness being en vogue in the early to mid 80s, The Young and the Breastless style...

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

Breasts are like toy trains ... they're for little kids, but grown men like to play with them.

Shouting Thomas said...

The female members of the Methodist and Catholic congregations I play for are mostly over 60. I’m hearing plenty of laments from them over the loss of the male gaze, and no complaints that they once received it. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.

PM said...

"...smaller breasts can convey youth, girlishness, puberty, thinness....androgyny...." Yes, those are all positiv....wait, what?

dbp said...

"capitulating to a yet another impossible standard of beauty?"

They say "impossible" but since we're talking about a type of surgery which is commonly done, I think they don't really know what impossible means. Things like being in good physical condition are hard. Hard and impossible don't mean the same thing. Also, the standard of beauty is not defined or axiomatic, nor is it compulsory. People should stop falling for the idea that they are slaves being given orders which cannot be carried out. If you want to look a certain way, accept that the price may be high, monetarily or in the level of effort required.

Tina Trent said...

I had two friends choose breast reduction for their health, one choose breast enhancement to profit from her choice to be a stripper, if you can call it a choice: it was more the manifestation of mental illness. Rest in peace to the third friend. The other two enjoyed dramatic decreases in back pain, weight loss, better sleep and the ability to comfortably exercise. For them, it was a health decision suggested by their doctors. Neither did it to appeal to men.

I've lost two friends to breast cancer. While I would have supported any choice they made about breast modification after masectomies, neither opted for more surgery -- they had been through enough.

And among those who carry the gene that dramatically increases the chance of breast and ovarian cancer, I can only respect the bravery it takes to decide how to confront that medical tragedy. One high school friend lost her mother and younger sister in very quick succession. Other considerations become very small in the face of that knowledge.

Ampersand said...

I read the NYT for direction in my life. Women and men should go forward, not backward, upward, not sideways, always twisting, twisting, twisting....

Gerda Sprinchorn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Political Junkie said...

This seems consistent with the the devaluing/minimizing of men.

Political Junkie said...

Nice TT, or Tity.

Political Junkie said...

Within 100 years I predict women will eliminate tits and same sex marriage will have surpaased hetero marriage. Difference is harder than sameness.All procreation will be lab based.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'm triggered by " to assert herself in her refusal to be ogled" since that refusal is a task beyond her will or ability. You can no more stop "the male gaze" than stop the sun from rising in the East. What is it with Leftists and their desire to control the whole world? All we can do is control how we act on things.

Heartless Aztec said...

As Raquel Welch once opined, " Once the main machinery gets in motion, they get lost in the shuffle."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I think she needs to change the way she thinks. In fact stop thinking so much. Yeah try that.

n.n said...

The ethics of the story is that women are not a bloc act and don't follow trends.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Smaller breasts tend to be 'perkier'. This presents no problems I'm aware of for most men unless they're gay.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Meh! Same thing happened in the 20's when the flapper look was all the rage.

Not that that will stop modern women and the NYT from claiming to have invented the idea.

ron winkleheimer said...

'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'"

Any competent therapist will tell you that centering your happiness on how other people perceive you is not healthy.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Less is more until it isn’t.

planetgeo said...

... 'MEN,' it said. 'Which do you prefer? The aristocratic elegance of the small breasted woman OR the Nietzschean pro-sex, pro-beauty large breasted woman?'

This thread will not be complete until rhhardin has spoken. But yeah, that "aristocratic elegance" is quite a reach, so to speak. said...

Nice post information said...

Nice post said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said

dbp said...

It seems like an non-sequitur. In what way would men need to change? What would be the repercussions of them not changing, etc.? said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said said...

Well said

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Not only do more women want to be small; they want to be smaller." --Jerry Chidester, New York Times 2024

"One time we were getting small. And I was real small." --Steve Martin, Let's Get Small 1975

Birches said...

Eh, women in Utah have and nurse many children. After nursing for so many years, breasts are like empty tube socks. It's no surprise those women are reducing skin. Isolating Utah makes me wonder how much of a real trend this is.

tcrosse said...

Jamie Lee Curtis once said that her generous bosom was like her hair. Sometimes she wears it up, and sometimes she wears it down.

loudogblog said...

I knew a woman who was very short and had gigantic breasts. They were the bane of her existence. They gave her constant back problems and pain. Unfortunately, she could never afford a breast reduction surgery.

ron winkleheimer said...

skip ahead to 2:28

loudogblog said...

I see that we have a bot with us today.

Jay said...

Heroin Chic is back?

Kate said...

Came here to say the same, although not just about Utah. Pregnancy is destructive for most women's youthful bodies. It's worth the change, but it can be emotionally difficult to look like an old lady before 50 (or 40, or 30, depending on genetics).

Narr said...

I'm wondering how Nietzsche got involved.

My wife's boobs are medium-small, but fulfill all their functions marvelously. Pert and perky.

She had some busty friends who ultimately found the bodacious tatas more trouble than they're worth, and just between you and me I think it's possible to have too much of a good thing.

Narr said...

Well said.

Original Mike said...

"Not only do more women want to be small; they want to be smaller."

My wife is getting smaller (she says). Our 13-year-old granddaughter has surpassed her in height (which, of course, is only weak evidence that wife is getting shorter).

Yancey Ward said...

Not a Russ Meyer world any longer.'

Just my 2 cents as a guy- I don't think men in general like D-cups more than B-cups, for example. Whatever reasons women have for altering their breasts surgically is all down to their own preferences.

Michael K said...

Back when I was still in practice, I would sometimes assist in boob jobs, especially if a biopsy was wanted. Lots of boob jobs were on lesbians. Maybe it's not just men who have to "change."

Michael K said...

I saw lots of boob jobs in over 65 women.

Michael K said...

I have done subcutaneous mastectomies on a number of those women. My sister had one after a suspicious biopsy. That was 40 years ago and she is fine.

Tina Trent said...

Russ Meyer and Raquel Welch and Nietzsche. I'm surprised Lt. Uhura hasn't been mentioned.

Njall said...

Nietzsche is one of those thinkers with an inverse proportion between the number of those who mention him and those who have actually read him.

I don’t agree with a fair amount of what he wrote, but go back to him again and again for his earnestness, intellect, and (yes) humor. I don’t recall a lot about sex, feminine beauty, or big boobies. Well said.

Smilin' Jack said...

“'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'"

Hee…yeah, we’ll get right on that. Please hold your breath.

Also, if it weren’t for the “male gaze” none of us would be here.

Will Cate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Will Cate said...

"independence or capitulating" << the latter.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gutfeld often shares a photo of Nancy Pelosi in a two-piece. Hubby is not a bottle baby.

Original Mike said...

"Please hold your breath."


Michael K said...

I agree.

n.n said...

More women... larger... smaller.... profit.

Most men like women... a woman as she is and through life's changes.

SGT Ted said...

Men are supposed to change themselves to please women, while women re not supposed to change themselves to please men. This is called "equality".

Mad Anthony Wayne said...

Speaking as a man who is fond of women’s breasts, no woman should ever alter them to please someone else. Unless it is medically needed, they are fine just the way they are. The best breasts are the ones you get to touch.

SGT Ted said...

Well played

Kevin said...

The NYT is the Mr. Miyagi of papers: Tats on, tats off, tits on, tits off.

One Fine Day said...

If anyone ever polled what men think, they would probably find that men have a stated preference but a revealed disregard for the size of the rack on the woman they love or are currently having sex with.

Leland said...

My only exception is to go with Clay Travis, "I like boobs". I don't really care the size, yet my wife's are perfect, because they are hers.

One Fine Day said...

In high school we ran a scientific experiment to determine the relationship of cup size and average grade points. For our small, Catholic HS there was almost an inverse relationship, most likely due to the small sample size. Amy [name withheld] blew the standard deviations out.

Vance said...

I was thinking about this the other day (gosh, a man think about boobs? Never...) and I concluded that I like almost all boobs. The big ones to motorboat and watch bounce; the small ones on a petite girl, the medium ones... Even Darcy on Married With Children with hardly anything still looked ok. When she wanted to.

It's far more about what a woman does with what she has than what she has. Kate Upton could look like a troll in the wrong circumstances.

I did like the toy train comparison... meant for kids, but males of all ages love to play with them!

R C Belaire said...

Some trends are less than good IMHO.

n.n said...

The existential question is: Do men think more about breasts or the Roman Empire? Do NYT editors and JournoLists think more about leverage, profit, or the Roman Empire?

Earnest Prole said...

As an authority on tits I can tell you authoritatively that small ones receive just as much or more of my male gaze than large ones.

Megaera3 said...

I recently encountered some posts from (purportedly) transgenders yearning for "top" surgery to "make them authentic" ... most of them planning to order up cup sizes in the range of the obviously grotesque, Like other commenters I had friends who were desperate for reduction surgery (rare in my younger days and rather expensive) because of their back pain, difficulty buying clothes, grooves cut in their shoulders affecting muscle and down to bone and other issues, With the kindliest intentions in the world, I wish all those trans types get exactly what they are demanding.

Aggie said...

"'If women are going to have an emancipated rack,' she said, 'then men need to change.'"..." Hah! The older I get, the more I'm convinced that women 'get work done' to impress other women. The men are a secondary consideration; the women are bragging about the superiority of their sexual attractiveness in defiance of their age. It's status and position-seeking within the female hierarchy, make no mistake.

There are a few exceptions, of course. The Professionals whose career is appearance driven, and of course the Trophy Wives, whose appearance is a credential.