September 21, 2024

"Biden's fun. Biden's kind of fun... I don't want to lose him now that he's just not going to be the president. He's fun now...."

Says Tim Dillon near the end of this week's podcast, reacting to Biden's putting on a Trump hat he gets from some old guy at a rally and telling the guy not to eat dogs and cats:

And watch beginning at 24:10 for Tim's critique of the Wall Street Journal piece reassuring readers about the viral video of armed migrants in the corridor of an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado: "This is the Wall Street Journal writing an article telling people to relax, going, hey, why don't you fucking relax, you racist, because what you thought was a full takeover of a building was not — it was just 10 violent Venezuelan prison gang members carrying out a routine operation or something they felt needed to be done.... Thank you, Wall Street Journal.... There are guys in the in the corridor with guns, and they're killing someone, but it's okay. They didn't take over the whole building.... Can you imagine writing this article thinking it lands?...."

Here's the Wall Street Journal piece in case you want to fact-check Tim's mockery: "In Colorado, a Murder and a Viral Video Stoke Fears of Migrant Crime/In exaggerated claim that a Venezuelan gang took over an apartment complex spread quickly through an already-on-edge community."


Dave Begley said...

World War 3 won’t be fun.

tim maguire said...

That Biden video was one of the most endearing things I’ve ever seen him in. Maybe now that his career is over and he’s not running for anything, he can finally be what he’s always tried to sell himself as—Joe Sixpack.

Kevin said...

For those who haven’t noticed, the WSJ front page and WSJ opinion page have been at war for some time.

Rabel said...

He was really out of it at the Cabinet meeting with Dr. Jill. Maybe the worst I've seen him physically.

Clyde said...

The murder victim probably felt that his “fear of immigrant crime” was well-justified.

Clyde said...

The murder victim probably felt that his “fear of immigrant crime” was well-justified.