July 16, 2024

"You're going to be so blessed, you're gonna be tired of being blessed."


Quayle said...

Speaking his language; doing his dance.
Well done.

Humperdink said...

Very good!!!

Michael said...

Look at Trump's reaction. He loved it. Can you imagine Hillary or Biden laughing at an ally gently poking them

The rule of Lemnity said...


clint said...

Wow. I'd read the quote, but reading it doesn't do it justice.

JAORE said...

Buy that man a beverage of his choice.

Terry di Tufo said...

Great photo, although for a moment thought I had clicked on the Red Scare podcast by mistake.

Ann Althouse said...

Big smile from Trump — he doesn't usually show his teeth.

Achilles said...

Trump can write the music.

Achilles said...

One thing I have noticed is that pastors and priests in general are good at reading a crowd and speaking.

It should be obvious why this is so, but we are conditioned to think about religious leaders in a very negative light.

This is another psyop that needs to be broken when we evict this despicable regime.

Priests and Pastors tend to be awesome people.

Jamie said...

I absolutely loved this. I want to see that priest give a homily.

hombre said...


Gusty Winds said...

Trump has self-awareness.

People who are comfortable with themselves, can laugh at themselves.

People who lack confidence, or who are insecure take offense at everything.

Breezy said...

Laughed out loud! Well done.

mikee said...

The post title is alarmingly close to the Southern-speak "Bless her heart" that is used to utterly condemn a horrible person or idiotic behavior.

LakeLevel said...

Wow. Laff out loud funny.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mindnumbrobot said...

Having fun and being a good cheer infuriates the Left. They're incapable of humor, which makes sense because government, power, and politics is their god.

Pillage Idiot said...

A Catholic priest, ostensibly the most somber of the MAGA contingent, is funnier on politics than about 99% of the Leftist comedians.

I suspect he can also meme better than the Left.

Achilles said...

I am now curious about how the spam filter works.

Krumhorn said...

Very entertaining and classy. Loved it!

- Krumhorn

The Middle Coast said...

Great that Trump could laugh. He’s a human being and needed a break.

MSOM said...

Norm MacDonald says that to do a good impersonation you must like the person you are mimicing.

This is a great example.

traditionalguy said...

That’s a take off on the old Trump Rally trope that Americans will have so much success under him that they will start complaining of having too much success, but Trump was sorry but he will never let up on winning a/k/a blessings.

This Priest believes there is a spiritual sense of winning again in the air. Christians are being drawn back again to their faith everywhere. It started at the revival among students at Asbury College in Wilmore, Ky and now has reached as far as Bedminster, NJ.

I blame Alina Habba.

James K said...

A question from this non-Catholic: Do priests normally wear wedding bands? This one clearly had one on his left ring finger.

Skeptical Voter said...

A priest with a sense of humor! Who knew? And a politician who can take a ribbing and smile. All good--and a prayer for the nation. Nice that Republicans aren't afraid of public prayer.

And I can say that as a lapsed Methodist who's lost his faith.

Rana said...

He's a Missouri synod Lutheran pastor.

WisRich said...

Well done Pastor!

tim maguire said...

MSOM said...Norm MacDonald says that to do a good impersonation you must like the person you are mimicing.

That must be why Alec Baldwin does such a bad Trump impression, and why SNL chose him over the far superior Darrell Hammond.

Big Mike said...

I like a man who can laugh at himself.

rehajm said...

Nice job Father Giggles

MSOM said...

tim maguire said...

That must be why Alec Baldwin does such a bad Trump impression, and why SNL chose him over the far superior Darrell Hammond.

That was exactly the context of Norm's comment.

Narayanan said...

looks like that was also the benediction

Eva Marie said...

A question from this non-Catholic: Do priests normally wear wedding bands? This one clearly had one on his left ring finger.
The Pastor is also non-Catholic. Lutheran and married. Rev. James Roemke.

Rocco said...

Eva Marie said...
"A question from this non-Catholic: Do priests normally wear wedding bands?"

It's not well known, but Eastern and African Catholic churches do ordain married men. They are a definite minority in both groups, although somewhat more common among African Catholics. Once ordained, however, no Catholic priest may marry.

I don't know anything about the priest in question.

The Real Andrew said...

The Republicans are having fun, shortly after an assassination attempt.

The Democrats are flailing in despair, as their decrepit figurehead gets worse with every appearance.

It is a good time to be alive, despite the battlefield surrounding us.