July 5, 2024

"Yes, Trump is a terrible person and was a terrible president. I, like many of you, believe he is unfit to hold any office. But around half the country does not feel this way..."

"... and even many people who do not much like him are wondering if he is really a worse bet than a president who at any given moment might come across like your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps."

Writes Michelle Cottle in "One by One, the Reasons to Stick With Biden Are Failing" (NYT).

I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump, and when I saw "around half the country does not feel this way," I thought I was about to see it, but then I ran headlong into "your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps."

Is that how we talk? Ironic that someone who purports to be appalled at the rough-spoken Trump came out with "your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps." I guess it's funny/clever because you're mocking an old man using old-time-y words like "papaw," "snorts," "schnapps," and the endlessly hilarious "shellshocked"...

Anyway, as for the reasons to stick with Biden... what's plain is that a key Democratic Party issue has been something about democracy, and Biden won a huge victory in the primaries. You're going to overthrow the results of that duly conducted democratic process and proceed to keep crying out about Trump's supposed disregard for democracy? Another irony.

But it's too late not to pitch the old man overboard. They've let it show that they've been lying miserably for years about this presidency. And yet there is no way to begin to tell the truth. Old lies are better lies... usually. I would think.


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Curious George said...

"...what's plain is that a key Democratic Party issue has been something about democracy, and Biden won a huge victory in the primaries."


wendybar said...

They deserve the shame and ridicule of the rest of us for the rest of their lives. We are done being lied to, and told that we are the RACIST Nazi's out to get these liars. Publicly shun them. They don't deserve a second of our time.

doctrev said...

I don't think the NYT could survive the Bidens maintaining their grip on power. It would be the kind of humiliation that ends all relevance to your party.

But they are all in, and they are clearly willing to indulge in heresy before giving up. Hold onto yer butts.

Butkus51 said...

all a bunch of malarkey

to quote a famous dementia sufferer

Iman said...

Throttle Cottle!

Iman said...

Bottled Cottle is a bitch’s brew…

Aggie said...

Maybe they have printed themselves into a corner, with ink. The physical evidence has become too stark to ignore, even when exhorted to go on ignoring it. But: What happened to the tacit agreement to refrain from showing Joe's stuttering problem, like in 2020? We didn't see many photos of Joe's 'rallies' from then, the ones with a big screen teleprompter featuring 10" high lettering, and COVID white circles on the floor, and 'small' crowds. How come, all of a sudden, we're being treated to the evidence, like yesterday's speech? The debate didn't open a floodgate; A decision was made, after the debate, to open a floodgate. The fight is on.

Achilles said...

The drum is just now warming up for Michelle.

"Polls" are coming out.


Achilles said...

Again they have to keep the window of exposure for Michelle short.

She is a dumb mean person with no accomplishments and the more people see of her the worse she looks. Her virulent hatred for the average American will eventually slip out. She has worse retail political skills than Hillary.

But she will unite Democrats with a poll or 2 showing she beats Trump.

Jersey Fled said...

Do you think Michelle cares enough about the country to try to save it?

Hubert the Infant said...

The regretful part of this is that the party line is going to be that Biden was a great President who was prevented from running again to continue saving the country due to health issues over which he had no control.

OldManRick said...

I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man. It's an article of faith on the left, but if you look at his presidency, he didn't do anything bad for the USA and had to fight off Hillary's (and the MSM's, democrat's, and deep state's) attempt to overthrow him.

He was hounded with the Russia Collusion for years.

He was impeached for trying to look into Biden corruption that is now apparent (unless you read the NYT and Washing Post).

He was backstabbed by the COVID "experts" who totally shut down the country to ruin his economic successes.

Despite all this -

He brought the first progress in the Korean war since the Armistice in 1954. And probably could have made more progress if he hadn't been weakened by the Hillary attack.

He found a framework for a more peaceful mid-east.

We had more energy independence and lower energy costs than now.

We had the lowest African American unemployment in years.

Aggie said...

"...Old lies are better lies... usually..."

They are? Like: 'My son died a military hero in Iraq'? Or, 'My wife was killed by a drunk driver?' How are they better? Or, are they better, because they're easier for the media to cover, being the lies they're already familiar with? That's the issue, I guess: The problem isn't that Joe Biden has made serial lying a feature of his political career, lies that have been easily disproven (and often have been); the problem is the media's imperfect coverage and its policy of relentless double standards. They've reached the end of their credibility by telling the public that Joe's at the top of his form for the past 4 years.

Wa St Blogger said...

"Yes, Trump is a terrible person and was a terrible president. I, like many of you, believe he is unfit to hold any office.

Always asserted, never supported. In logic we call this the initial premise for their position. They take it as axiomatic and perpetuate it over and over.

Thus every article and speech about Trump begins with the axiom that was never established, just asserted.

PM said...

It's infuriating that the Democrats equate American voters to Magic Slates who, on their say-so, will suddenly unsee and unrecall.

Jersey Fled said...

She has a well paying lifetime job now as beloved former First Lady. She can vacation anywhere she wants for free on anyone’s yacht she wants. Her kids future is secured. Why give that up for a crappy job like POTUS?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump-Hating Maddow-goat-f-ers - obsessed with Margaret Atwood's dumb book - The Handmaids Tale - and Russia Russia Russia collusion lies - hate Trump - hate you - and cannot fathom why ordinary Americans liked what Trump did for our economic prospects during his presidency.

usher in Chi Com COVID - and big pharma Fauci.

Another day - another tired op-ed from the radical progressive, never-ending insults, Trump-hate obsessive hive-left.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump-Hating Maddow-goat-f-ers - obsessed with Margaret Atwood's dumb book - The Handmaids Tale - and Russia Russia Russia collusion lies - hate Trump - hate you - and cannot fathom why ordinary Americans liked what Trump did for our economic prospects during his presidency.

usher in Chi Com COVID - and big pharma Fauci.

Another day - another tired op-ed from the radical progressive, never-ending insults, Trump-hate obsessive hive-left.


Lewis said...

I just don't get this crazy Trump hatred. All the terrible things the democrats have done - and it's a very long list - they justify as acceptable because they hate Trump. Throw character, integrity and principles out the window as these qualities don't matter because of your Trump hatred. They seem to hate Trump and his supporters as viscously as Hamas hates Jews.

Trump is just fine with me. Has a sense of humor that is completely lacking on the democrat side. I like his policies way better than the democrat ones. Way better. And you don't have to throw things like principles, character and integrity out the window to support him.

Jersey Fled said...

“I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man.”

This is one of the great mysteries of our time Rick.

Don’t expect a clear answer from our Lefty friends here. You’ll get something like “he has the morals of an alley cat”. For just (maybe) banging a porn star. I mean, who hasn’t done that.

minnesota farm guy said...

I do not understand the clearly irrational dislike of Trump- and I certainly dispute the statement that he was a terrible president. As far as I can see he was only a terrible president for those who wanted to guard their privileged positions; who do not give a damn for everyday people; and who think that fighting wars is a sound choice. Sure he makes noise and he lives on hyperbole, but an even jaundiced look at his record makes it clear that except for the very rich who benefit from Biden's subsidies we were all a hell of a lot better of 4 years ago than we are today. Perhaps it is that Trump challenges the smugly confident attitudes that the highly educated so prize and shows how transparently weak they really are.

rehajm said...

Hunting for empathy. There is nothing new that wasn’t being said by those of us paying attention four years ago. You deserve nothing but ridicule and pain of worse than you can imagine

JAORE said...

" Biden won a huge victory in the primaries."

Absolutely! What a major battle/victory against... what was that guy's name again?

rhhardin said...

Kamala is drunk half the time too.

Joe Smith said...

'Is that how we talk?'

Who is this 'We' kemosabe?

Is this a 'vote for Trump' coming out party?

tcrosse said...

Trump haters rationalize their hatred by ascribing every bad quality to Trump, rather than just owning their hatred. If you viscerally hate Trump why not just say so?

Mr. D said...

You can't run on an honesty platform with a dude who's been lying in public for half a century. And Cottle and all her pals are utterly complicit. The Democrats deserve a comeuppance.

Rory said...

"I just don't get this crazy Trump hatred."

Again, Trump himself was a dirty trick of the Clinton campaign, the DNC, the elite media, and the people who own them all:


I have no doubt that, among these groups, "Trump hatred" remains a cool-headed, cynical ploy, exactly the same as the jointly-agreed lies about Biden that have prevailed for four years.

Aggie said...

The sad truth is that most normal people don't think hard enough when it comes to forming their opinions. Beliefs and opinions have always, always been part of the societal fabric that binds communities together. To belong, one must believe. Wanting to 'belong' is a powerful motivator. It's emotional, not rational.

People that manipulate for a living understand these concepts, and work them to the benefit of their objectives. Trump, while he's not a career politician, also uses them. The contempt that is shown for Trump's coarse language and the rough hyperbole in his public speaking, is indicative of the contempt held for the people he is speaking to. Do people really think Donald Trump is stupid? Or is it more likely that the billionaire populist, with his reality TV and wrestling industry experience, has learned how he must speak in order to communicate with his audience? When he was running his hotels and casinos, it was all about being gauche and flash, displays of ostentatious wealth - appealing to a different audience.

The hate projected onto Trump is the fear they harbor for his audience, and the hate of somebody that doesn't owe favors, and thus cannot be reliably controlled. Unpredictability is a Big Fear for people that have come to think they control things.

Achilles said...

rhhardin said...

Kamala is drunk half the time too.

She probably uses marijuana products.

I am not familiar with Xanax or Mescaline many of the other "mood enhancers." But I would guess those are in the mix too.

Christopher B said...

If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

People like Cottle will wind up hating Biden as much as they hate Trump.

Leland said...

I find it difficult to comment on what is happening on the Democrat side. There is a saying in writing "show, don't tell". What is there to "tell" about what Democrats would do, when they are clearly showing what they are willing to do? Just watch.

You don't think they'll throw out valid elections results to install whoever they want as a leader, and a figure head leader at that?
Then explain how they get rid of Biden from the ticket and bypass Kamala Harris.

William50 said...

I posted this in an earlier thread but just in case you missed it, the fix is now in and Trump will lose Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Supreme Court changes course, will allow expanded use of ballot drop boxes this fall

narciso said...

cottle couldn't stand the huntress, who is the mosr decent earnest person you can imagine,

they don't ever tell this truth, even if you put a torch to them,

Achilles said...

Jersey Fled said...

Do you think Michelle cares enough about the country to try to save it?

Does she care enough about her hatred of the country and her desire to tell other people what to do enough to save it?

Barrack definitely wants a fourth term. His whole life revolves around power over other people.

But it is speculated that she wears the pants in the family. And I almost get the felling she cares about her daughters. Barrack is probably not in any way even superficially involved with the kids.

I am betting there are interesting conversations being had. They would be interesting because they are hard to predict.

Whether Michelle wants to or not, she is their only hope for 2024 outside of Abrams. It has to be a black woman or the coalition disintegrates completely.

I wonder where Susan Rice is...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We are about to see Trump's polling move beyond the margin of cheat. Do what you can. Register* to chase ballots in AZ or GA or PA or MI. GOTV effort is what failed in 2020, when we could have overcome the 20,000 vote cheat margin Joe won with (up to 1 million Rs stayed home). Don't kick back. Work towards a goal.

*Free training from turningpointaction.com and open seminars in PHX coming up.

RMc said...

You're going to overthrow the results of that duly conducted democratic process and proceed to keep crying out about Trump's supposed disregard for democracy?

Being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry.

Saint Croix said...

Biden won a huge victory in the primaries.

It's a fraudulent victory if he's been hiding a significant medical condition.

The campaign strategy was to prosecute Trump over and over. Arrest him, get his mug shot, prosecute him, convict him, and make the election about Trump being a criminal. While simultaneously hiding Biden and his worsening medical condition from the voters.

That was Biden's strategy. So he had his AG (illegally) appoint a special counsel to prosecute Trump for taking classified documents. The AG ordered a notorious FBI raid on Trump's house.

When it came out that Biden himself had taken classified documents when he was vice president, the campaign ran into a little trouble. Biden went in for an interview with the special counsel. Ultimately, Hur decided not to prosecute Biden because his memory was so bad.

The campaign lashed out at Hur, while simultaneously refusing to release the audio of the interviews.

Now the House Judiciary committee is suing the DOJ to force Garland to release the Hur audiotapes.

Garland is an obviously compromised AG and I think he is guilty of election interference. (Biden is too, of course, but immune).

Enigma said...

The reason why Democrats and others developed TDS and such disdain, is that Trump is too close to them in manner and beliefs. A NYC real estate guy with multiple wives and a TV/film career? That sounds a lot like the average Hollywood lefty. He's an insider who went rogue and who pointed out (often correctly) that the emperor had no clothes.

Everything in politics post-2016 has been about left/establishment pride and the inability of the tin-hat dictators and prideful to accept failure or defeat.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's a fraudulent victory if he's been hiding a significant medical condition.

I've been reliably informed by liberals that this is a campaign violation and can elevate mere misdemeanors to felonies in NY and Biden can be prosecuted for every time he or his agents lied on his behalf, like saying he's "sharp as a tack." He did win the primary in NY right?

Enigma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

"You're going to overthrow the results of that duly conducted democratic process and proceed to keep crying out about Trump's supposed disregard for democracy? Another irony."

How duly conducted was this "democratic" primary process? It was literally rigged to get Joe Biden renominated and it was done this way because of the memories of Joe Biden's amazing lack of success prior to the South Carolina primary of 2020 which was also rigged to get Joe Biden the nomination.

MadTownGuy said...

""Yes, Trump is a terrible person and was a terrible president..."

The first line out of the gate is the Big Lie, unsupported by facts. Of course, the pundits pound the table with it, but the facts are that his policies were good (no wars, little inflation, Putin and Rocket Man kept at bay) and if you want to talk about a terrible person acting terribly, look no further than Joseph Robinette Biden.

Achilles said...

William50 said...

I posted this in an earlier thread but just in case you missed it, the fix is now in and Trump will lose Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Supreme Court changes course, will allow expanded use of ballot drop boxes this fall

Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit.

Zavier Onasses said...

Methinks CNN was tasked to throw Biden under the bus at the debate. Split screen of DJT talking, Biden staring open-mouth and dull-eyed, was devastating to watch. There were alternatives, albeit with usual risk of being called out for favoratism.

Those with hands on levers of Power decided it was time to cut loose the opinion avalanche and bring in the Ringer candidate.

Hassayamper said...

@Achilles: She is a dumb mean person with no accomplishments and the more people see of her the worse she looks. Her virulent hatred for the average American will eventually slip out. She has worse retail political skills than Hillary.

She'll be given lots of opportunities to explain why she had no pride in America until her husband was elected President. Not to mention the duties of her handsomely paid job at the University of Chicago that she was gifted shortly after he became a Senator, and was abolished after she left. And the machinations of how Tony Rezko arranged for them to buy their house will hopefully get a thorough airing.

Achilles said...

Saint Croix said...

Biden won a huge victory in the primaries.

It's a fraudulent victory if he's been hiding a significant medical condition.

The campaign strategy was to prosecute Trump over and over. Arrest him, get his mug shot, prosecute him, convict him, and make the election about Trump being a criminal. While simultaneously hiding Biden and his worsening medical condition from the voters.

That was Biden's strategy. So he had his AG (illegally) appoint a special counsel to prosecute Trump for taking classified documents. The AG ordered a notorious FBI raid on Trump's house.

Their strategy was to replace Trump with a 60 million vote Republican in the primaries.

But Trump supporters saw through that.

Yancey Ward said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

The FBI will be watching those boxes 100% of the time in order to arrest anyone trying to record the mass ballot drop-offs.

Yancey Ward said...

If only Biden's staff had put Biden on the left side of the screen, all would have worked out well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the corrupt left continue to push out moderate democrats - and suck all the oxygen out of RFK jr's life.

My guess is the corrupt left would prefer to kill RFK jr. That's how they roll.

Rafe said...

No one who’s willing to vote for a husk puppet, controlled by a shadow cabal of just who no one knows, put up by a party that’s been lying about his mental and physical condition for years, and who they’re now thinking of throwing overboard without a single vote being cast by rank-and-file members of said party, has any business talking about their completely fake concern about the “fate of democracy” being on the ballot this fall.

- Rafe

Achilles said...

Zavier Onasses said...

Methinks CNN was tasked to throw Biden under the bus at the debate. Split screen of DJT talking, Biden staring open-mouth and dull-eyed, was devastating to watch. There were alternatives, albeit with usual risk of being called out for favoratism.

Those with hands on levers of Power decided it was time to cut loose the opinion avalanche and bring in the Ringer candidate.

I think this is clearly true.

All of the post debate "reactions" looked absolutely rehearsed too. Especially Van Jones.

They were negotiating to get Joe out and Joe refused. He was clearly losing to Trump before the debate. The Biden family is holding out.

I think Jill is more power hungry than Michelle.

That is where the real battle is now shaping up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The corrupt loyalist hive-left/democratic media industrial complex will never admit the fact - the truth.
Joe Biden is the worst president in US history.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

The FBI will be watching those boxes 100% of the time in order to arrest anyone trying to record the mass ballot drop-offs.

This has to happen. This is the battle we are in.

The harder you squeeze your grip the less space there is in your hand and the more things fall out.

This battle must be fought in order for us to win it.

tim maguire said...

Wa St Blogger said...Thus every article and speech about Trump begins with the axiom that was never established, just asserted.

Where possible, I always ask, "what was the worst part of the Trump presidency? The peace? or the prosperity?

They always reply "COVID!" They pretend COVID was Trump's fault because they have nothing else to work with.

narciso said...

as they celebrate the one who enabled covid who came into being, that would be fauci,

Hassayamper said...

@Enigma: Everything in politics post-2016 has been about left/establishment pride and the inability of the tin-hat dictators and prideful to accept failure or defeat.

Don't you mean "tin-pot dictators"? "Tin hat" is British slang for what we would call a helmet, especially one worn by a soldier. I've made the same mistake, and sometimes "tin-pan" too, perhaps thinking of Tin Pan Alley.

Kathryn51 said...

Althouse said:

But it's too late not to pitch the old man overboard. They've let it show that they've been lying miserably for years about this presidency. And yet there is no way to begin to tell the truth. Old lies are better lies... usually. I would think.

It's not too late - the glorification of Kamala ("preparing for this moment for FOUR years!!") is gaining momentum. They just have to negotiate with Jill - estimates of $100MM for the Presidential Library w/"doctor" Jill's guaranteed $5MM annual income to "manage" the library for the next 20 years, plus sinecures for every stinking member of that family. Maybe Hunter will be guaranteed the leadership role after Jill passes the baton.

As for the 1/2 of the country that doesn't "hate" Trump - it's more than Half. I don't like him, have never voted for him and if I was polled I would say I don't "approve" of him. But even so, OUR half of the country knows that this is more than just one man.

Over a year ago, I said Obama had a Plan B and Clinton had Plan C. Looks like Obama's Plan B (Kamala) is winning. So they will fight to the bitter end with kamala and try to juice the fraud.

Kamala is their Hail Mary.

jpg said...

I am curious, Dr. Ann Althouse, if you believed the gaslighting and plain lies from Biden and his sycophants about Biden's since before the last election and continuing until the Biden debate debacle? I know I didn't. Millions didn't. Did you? You fell for the Covid scam, too, didn't you?

Hassayamper said...

"Tin hat" is British slang for what we would call a helmet, especially one worn by a soldier.

In particular, the 1915 model "Brodie helmet" worn by the shell-shocked WWI soldiers in the photograph accompanying this post.

Richard said...

I remember being sad for how poorly Biden was doing everywhere in the 2020 primary. Then suddenly the powers that be affirmed him & somehow in South Carolina he was reborn. Afterwards it was as if the other candidates dropped out. Biden was the designated Trump killer. I & probably millions of others have no clue whether Biden was just that. But it was hard to argue with success, not even knowing where that success came from. Now, are these mysterious forces operating again? Seems like it? Hard to know.

Richard said...

I remember being sad for how poorly Biden was doing everywhere in the 2020 primary. Then suddenly the powers that be affirmed him & somehow in South Carolina he was reborn. Afterwards it was as if the other candidates dropped out. Biden was the designated Trump killer. I & probably millions of others have no clue whether Biden was just that. But it was hard to argue with success, not even knowing where that success came from. Now, are these mysterious forces operating again? Seems like it? Hard to know.

walter said...

“I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man.”
It's a big club. And he ain't in it.

Hassayamper said...

I am not familiar with Xanax or Mescaline many of the other "mood enhancers." But I would guess those are in the mix too.

Mescaline is a very powerful hallucinogenic, not a mood enhancer. If she ever appeared in public under its influence, she'd sound like a raving lunatic, and I mean that in the most literal sense, not merely that her ideas are crazy.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Is that how we talk?

Normally, no. But it is how you talk when a victory by the other side totally threatens your sense of superiority, self esteem and the certainty that you were born to rule over lesser men. Pretty ironic coming from the Left, no?

But it's too late not to pitch the old man overboard.

Oh no, they intend to do it. They just haven't figured out how to get rid of him and keep Kamala from ending up as nominee without enraging a large chunk of their voter base.

Inga said...

Regarding the comment and link made by William50 @ 11:41AM…

“Trump and Republicans have alleged that drop boxes facilitated cheating, even though they offered no evidence. Democrats, election officials and some Republicans argued the boxes are secure and an Associated Press survey of state election officials across the U.S. revealed no cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected the results in 2020.”

From William50’s link.

narciso said...

the problem is cottle is shes been told so many lies, she doesn't remember the first one,

walter said...

Election officials who allowed the boxes not likely to critique them.
Forget the 2000 mules bit, Cheap Fake!

Inga said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

Interesting what happened to the movie 2000 Mules and Dinesh D’Souza.

Achilles said...

OldManRick said...

I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man. It's an article of faith on the left, but if you look at his presidency, he didn't do anything bad for the USA and had to fight off Hillary's (and the MSM's, democrat's, and deep state's) attempt to overthrow him.

This goes back a long ways. I will start at Ross Perot in 1992. Understand that there were 2 parties.

The Democrats represented a coalition of racial grifters, ultra wealthy globalists, and single women.

The Republicans represented the Chamber of Commerce and a cast of Professionals and credentialed "conservatives" with "principles." The "principles" were low taxes, free trade, War, and the occasional amnesty to keep wages down.

Ross Perot came along and pointed out that NAFTA was bad for the working class.

Ever since 1992 there was a growing discontent with the constant betrayals and this came to a head in 2012.

Romney was the preferred establishment candidate. He authored Romneycare. The TEA party formed as a response to Obamacare. The GOPe forced us to run with Romney and he predictably lost.

Trump broke the Uniparty's hold on power. He represented a lot of Americans who were left out of the current political factions. He is terrible because he represents and puts Americans first.

Enigma said...

Hassayamper: Don't you mean "tin-pot dictators"? "Tin hat" is British slang for what we would call a helmet, especially one worn by a soldier. I've made the same mistake, and sometimes "tin-pan" too, perhaps thinking of Tin Pan Alley.

As with the recently destroyed word "ingenious" versus the newfangled ignorance of "genius," you make a distinction without a difference. Tin-hat or tin-pot fits, as these predators have control over nukes and drones and aircraft carriers and bombers (and they controlled most media until the recent debate). Tin-pot would suggest they lack power or the ability to execute, so maybe tin-hat is better here.

Call them corrupt warmongers. Call them War Pigs. Call them little kids playing grown up solders. Call them creators of a real-life Lord of the Flies. It matters not. Every one of them (IN POWER) is a psychopathic bully, and very happy to profit from the lives of their economic and military pawns.

"It's better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven."

Kevin said...

"around half the country does not feel this way,"

With millions of people in that category, you have to ask yourself, "Why?"

The answer given is that half the country is stupid and racist.

If you don't believe that, then you must believe there is some logical reason for tens of millions of people to vote for Trump.

And as you don't want to know what that might be, you choose to believe half the country is stupid and racist.

gadfly said...

Buried on page A7 of the NYT last Monday, behind mountains of stories about Old Man Joe Biden, NYT’s Eric Lipton reported that the Trump Organization unveiled a new project in Saudi Arabia.

The Trump Organization has signed a new deal with a Saudi real estate company to build a residential high-rise tower in the city of Jeddah, extending the family’s close ties with the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia has become one of the few reliable sources of growth for the Trump family’s business operations, as new real estate deals in the United States have slowed or stopped since the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol and since former President Donald J. Trump left the White House.

This new deal is like other international projects the Trump family has signed over the past decade... Other projects include a resort complex in Oman and Saudi-backed golf tournaments at Trump courses in recent years.

The Saudi sovereign wealth fund is also the primary investor in the investment firm that Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, set up after he left his post as a White House adviser to Mr. Trump.

Isn’t it time for the NYT to unbury news that tells voters that the Republican candidate for President is a mere house boy for the Saudi royal family? Perhaps an investigation of Trump's promises that he must keep if he wins is in order.

Kevin said...

As long as you think 50.00001% gives you a mandate to rule, there is no reason to understand the thinking and needs of your countrymen.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Jersey Fled said...

“I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man.”

This is one of the great mysteries of our time Rick.

Not really. You have to understand that the Left devised a brilliant scheme to frighten all the Low Info Voters out there by painting Trump as an evil ogre. Unfortunately they miscalculated and didn't realize that most of the Low Info Voters in the country are Upper Middle Class Liberals.

Kevin said...

Perhaps an investigation of Trump's promises that he must keep if he wins is in order.

Right, but Biden's promises to China are "right-wing conspiracy theories."

Throw in that Trump "isn't above the law" for good measure.

walter said...

Jabfly ought to be more concerned about Biden, Inc's ties to China.
But, you know...it's Jabfly.

walter said...

Remember Jabfly can't understand the big deal about Pedo Pete showering with his daughter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gadfly -

Tell us about all of the Biden family shell companies. Created to hide their corrupt international deals.

Trump's business is in full view.

We know what you prefer. The shell company kind.

Michael K said...

The resident dullard has "proof" that no ballot box fraud occurred. One of the MSM sources that lied since 2016 about Biden is her "proof."

I wonder why the Obama/Holder folks went after True the Vote so furiously ?

Oligonicella said...

Schnapps isn't so much old-timey as it's just cheap and bad. Works either way for his delivery though.

Hassayamper said...

@Enigma: I concur with your reply in every particular. I long for a return of the days when every Republican was an isolationist.

Kate said...

To the Neo-Puritans, Trump is a colonizer and a white man with no shame. Of course they think he's terrible; he's a heretic.

Narr said...

If you can spare a minute, go to YouTube and search "Kingsley Amis tin hat."

Be sure to stay until the punchline.

narciso said...

legitimate transactions unless otherwise noted, seeing as it's impossible to do business in the empire state,

Inga said...

“I wonder why the Obama/Holder folks went after True the Vote so furiously ?”

I wonder how Steve Bannon (someone that old Doc Kennedy lauded) is doing in jail? I recall Doc Kennedy saying he contributed to Steve Bannon’s We Build the Wall scheme. A sucker like old Doc is born every minute.

Joe Smith said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

Once the cheating is done, it's difficult to reverse it. This is what the communists are counting on.

Why are democrats so hardcore against voter ID?

Simple answer to a simple question.

Rusty said...

Achilles said...
"Yancey Ward said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

The FBI will be watching those boxes 100% of the time in order to arrest anyone trying to record the mass ballot drop-offs.

This has to happen. This is the battle we are in.

The harder you squeeze your grip the less space there is in your hand and the more things fall out.

This battle must be fought in order for us to win it."

I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that more than a few of us are going to have those drop boxes under surveilience the whole time they're out. 24/7. I know if I lived in Wisc. I'd do it. Hell put up half a dozen trail cameras where they can't be seen.

Big Mike said...

I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump, and when I saw "around half the country does not feel this way," I thought I was about to see it…

@Althouse, and you’re wasting your time looking. Your beloved Democrats are all about power, the power to jack their inferiors around, and by “inferiors” I mean the people they depend on to keep things running — to build houses and manufacturer cars and clothes and everything else; the truckers thst bring food to their grocery stores and restaurants, manufactured goods to their local stores, medicines to their hospitals and pharmacies; the people who make dire there’s a steady supply of electricity and water to their homes(and collect their trash and recyclables); the mechanics who repair their cars; the plumbers who fix their leaky toilets; and on and on and on.

Things your beloved Democrats believe, ignoring all evidence to the contrary:

Climate change is real. Every warm front that passes through is absolute proof of this. (Cold fronts, on the other hand, are “just weather.”)

No matter how bullshit their degree is, college graduates are such an asset to the country that we should use taxpayer dollars — collected in large part from people who didn’t go to college.

The Abraham Accords were no big deal.

Trump was a very bad President who lies all the time. (Just don’t ask them for examples of “lies,” and don’t you dare compare notes with workers who saw real financial gains during Trump’s administration.)

Joe Biden has been a good President. (I personally rate him below Buchanan, making him the worst President in the history of the Republic.)

There are more, but I’ve got work to do.

n.n said...

Trump is a treble person... man... once a fetus that offends her sensibilities. Hopefully, he has learned a lesson in Democratic duplicity, and Republican reticence, to earn the support of unPlanned babies everywhere. Oh, and beware experts uttering nonscience.

narciso said...

well the civil war, or the Taiwan straits war, hasn't broken out yet,

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The DNC rigged the nomination process to exclude everyone not named "Joe Biden." RFKJR was excluded from the Florida ballot. XXX million voters might have voted for FJB, but there was no choice allowed.

It's like Henry Ford's remark about the Model T's colors: you can have any color you want, as long as it's black. So for Democrat voters: You can have any nominee you want, as long as it's FJB. Of course, they didn't use FJB, but Joseph Robinette Biden, first in the hearts of Democrats for graft.

Rabel said...

Here we go again.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has overruled itself and reinstated the drop boxes.

mccullough said...

Pawpaw “snort of Schnapps” exemplifies weak writing.

Pawpaw is mostly an Appalachian term. So she wants to rip on poor whites. Fine. Most NY based writers are snobs and racists. So she’s confirming the stereotype.

But they don’t short schnapps in Appalachia. They ain’t German ancestry. And schnapps is mostly a women’s spirit anyway.

The desire to alliterate (snort and schnapps) wreaks the image.

Achilles said...

Joe Smith said...

"Videos of people dumping buckets of ballots into those boxes on X are going to be lit."

Once the cheating is done, it's difficult to reverse it. This is what the communists are counting on.

Why are democrats so hardcore against voter ID?

Simple answer to a simple question.

And everyone knows it.

Even while Inga as stupid as she is gloats that her political opponents are being thrown in jail knows it.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“I wonder why the Obama/Holder folks went after True the Vote so furiously ?”

I wonder how Steve Bannon (someone that old Doc Kennedy lauded) is doing in jail? I recall Doc Kennedy saying he contributed to Steve Bannon’s We Build the Wall scheme. A sucker like old Doc is born every minute.

Inga revels in her fascism.

She knows that everyone sees the injustice.

She just doesn't understand the box canyon she is in. The fall of your regime is inevitable.

n.n said...

Trump violated the first rule of social liberal club, pierced the inanity of progressive sects, exposed the Profits of diverse incestuous complexes. #HateTrumpsLove

narciso said...

Like beggars canyon back home

Aggie said...

Ballot boxes under citizen surveillance? What will that do? When the army of ballot-haulers are put into video evidence depositing dozens of ballots, what will that do? Of what use is that kind of 'evidence' if it doesn't stop the disregard of ballot processing / validation rules - signature verification and so on?

Is somebody going to yank the ballots out of their hands, and examine them? What would that do, beside provide cause to arrest and cry 'Voter Interference'?

These are things that can be gamed and effective strategies developed, but - the fact of the remote existence of these boxes and their uncontrolled access is the proof of their intended purpose.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump was criminally indicted for being a "terrible person" in Soviet leftwing 'Merica.

traditionalguy said...

There is no reason for the mobs declaring their hate for Donald Trump. I suspect it’s the same reason that Drug Dealers don’t hate the police, but they do all hate the drug sniffing dogs.

I always noted that DJT Has the handicap of having an extremely high level of perception of con men. It made him a success in Manhattan real estate development. He was one in a lifetime with his level of deal making and survival skills.

In the Washington DC Mega Empire of multiple Intelligence Agencies covering up for the looting and similar crimes even using assassins, Trump was the rookie. He did not know how much Red China money and George Soros money had bought up the place lock, stock and barrel years before he got to town.

But he has survived. And now with J D Vance on his team he will wipe the floor with them.

robother said...

Trump's terribleness bears direct proportion to Biden's incompetence. The worse your own candidate, the more you must demonize his opponent. That is my conclusion, from discussions I've had with Democrat family members and former colleagues over the last 4 years. Most recently last week, I summarized the legal defects of the NY criminal and civil cases against Trump in 2 minutes to a former law partner. His only response? "I hate Trump!"

Michael said...

Gadfly. Take a moment to learn about License Agreements and Franchises. You do know, of course, that Trump owns very few of the hotels with his name over the door. If you don’t, then…well.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Trump haters exclusively watch the DNC-networks which never show anything positive about Trump, and lie about his negative qualities. He's Mr. Evil, who never can be damned enough. Of course they hate him. There bubble would burst if they tuned into or read any non-DMC media. The end of the universe.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump's business is in full view.

Why do you lie like this? Trump's businesses are not in full view. He has something like 500 LLC's. As such, he has no shareholders to answer to, no board of directors. His accounting is murky, to say the least.

Where possible, I always ask, "what was the worst part of the Trump presidency? The peace? or the prosperity?

Well, the peace is a lie. Trump let Saudi Arabia do as it wished, and provided it with arms, in Yemen and let MBS literally get away with the murder of a U.S. resident. He ordered more drone strikes than Obama, and stopped providing information about the attacks. He increased troop numbers in Afghanistan. More service members were killed during his term than during Bidens (granted, Biden still has a few months left so that can change with one bad day)

As for prosperity, the economy was decent, but far from the best. He only achieved 4% growth a couple quarters and until Covid the economy grew steadily but nowhere near what he promised (4, 5, 6 or even 7%). He also increased the deficit with his reckless tax cuts. A lot of the rise in working class wages was due to several large states (e.g. WA, CA, and NY) raising their minimum wages, something that Trump is dead set against.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

Serious question:

Why NOT Jill Biden at the top of the ticket?

I'm as serious as a heart attack. I can think of a bunch of pros.

Anyone have any cons?

John Henry

AMDG said...

Blogger OldManRick said...
I still don't know why Trump is a terrible man.

7/5/24, 11:05 AM

Untruthful: He lies about things big and small. The fist thing that comes to mind is that he acknowledged he was lying about Mexico paying for the wall. On a smaller matter he called a gossip columnist using an alias (John Barron) to falsely claim that Trump was dating Carla Brunei. That is just downright weird and creepy.

Untrustworthy: He is a deadbeat. This is one of the reasons he has trouble getting attorneys. https://fortune.com/2016/06/10/donald-trumps-many-unpaid-ious/

Unfaithful: He has cheated on each of his wives.

Disloyal: The list of ex employees that loyally served Trump has turned on is nearly endless - start with Carolyn Kepcher all the way through Steve Bannon.

Incompetent: Start with bankrupting several casinos multiple time. He overpayed for the Plaza Hotel. The Trump Shuttle, Trumo Steaks, etc. This is before mentioning how he subcontracted the management of the COVID crisis to his de3p state buddies. Also, he lost an election to a dementia patient.

He is the world’s most notorious golf cheat - Golf is a game of honor and Trump (or Pele, as caddies refer to him at one of his clubs) cheats like normal people breath.


And we can’t leave out that he advocated for the termination of the Constitution because his ego was bruised.

He is of such low character that he is cool with hosting people Kanye West and Nick Fuentes for an intimate dinner at Mar-A-Lago.

Inga said...

“There bubble would burst if they tuned into or read any non-DMC media. The end of the universe.”

Is Althouse's blog “DMC media”? I come here everyday and read her blog posts. The universe hasn’t exploded.

gilbar said...

Biden won a huge victory in the primaries.

if the number one seed.. has "bye" weeks the opening rounds.. have they "won a huge victory" ??

Who has Biden ran against this year? WHO has he debated.. HOW did THAT go?

John henry said...

Marriott franchises or manages almost 9000 hotel property under a bunch of different brands.

They own 20 (twenty)

Hilton, Hyatt, others including Trump properties are probably a similar ratio.

Fun fact:
A majority of midsize hotels in the US are owned by the Patel family and operate under virtually every brand and price point.

narciso said...

over dear abby's nephew and sybil the soothsayer, I mean marianne williamson,

Inga said...

“He is of such low character that he is cool with hosting people Kanye West and Nick Fuentes for an intimate dinner at Mar-A-Lago.”

There was a document dump recently from a grand jury case in Florida regarding Jeffrey Epstein. Trump’s name appeared on the flight log at least 7 times. Also on Epstein's “important” call log.

John henry said...

Mexico did "pay for the wall" amdg.

Perhaps not fully and not directly as in "here's a check"

But much of the reason our border was more secure was because Mexico provided Mexican troops, police, detention camps and more to prevent illegals from getting to the border.

So I'd say he kept the promise. More than most any other politician tries to keep theirs.

John Henry

Rusty said...

Now do Biden.
You're not getting it. Not surprising.
What you should do is vote for Biden and quit burdening the rest of us with your paranoia.

Largest black employment in the last 70 years.

walter said...

Dear Inga,
See "Pedo Pete" and his daughter's diary.

How's your "migrant" rescue room cominig along?
Do your duty.

narciso said...

so Clyburn foisted him on us, and he enabled as much in the primaries,

walter said...

Meanwhile, Joementia's trafficking and rape trees continue.

n.n said...

Let seeping lyes lie. #HateLovesAbortion

wildswan said...

My image of what I fear comes from the afttermath of the Baltimore Bridge collapse. As they worked on moving the bent, twisted spans so as to clear the ship cahnnel the great fear of the engineers was that heavy steel meams and cables were under stress in an unseen way and would suddenly release, twist and snap back toward the workers with terrible consequences. And that's how I feel about the Biden collapse which was just as sudden and dramatic as the Baltimore Bridge collapse. I feel that the political channel must be cleared - and by that I mean Biden must go - but that a twisted, stressed mass of steel cables and beams is lying in wait to slash out at the people trying to clear the channel. I mean heavy-duty political ambitions, heavy-duty leftism - the real revolution guys, and big, big money - and then the anger of the Dem voters. They had real engineers clearing the Baltimore bridge wreckage but they have DEI types trying to clear the political channel. When I think about it, I want to drink and/or sleep till next year. Or hide in the woods, become a hermit. Or take a raft trip down the Mississippi.

In place of these, I'm reading Andrew Marvell:

"Meanwhile the mind, ...
Withdraws into its happiness;
The mind, that ocean where each kind
Does straight its own resemblance find,
Yet it creates, transcending these,
Far other worlds, and other seas;
Annihilating all that’s made
To a green thought in a green shade"

He lived at the time of the English Civil War.

n.n said...

Joementia's trafficking and rape trees continue

Excess murder, rape, rape-rape, torture-torture, abduction, and friends with "benefits" through [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform in violation of American civil liberties union of federal and state Constitutions. Emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

narciso said...


Martin said...

I think she could be lazy enough to save the country by not running and making it more likely that Trump wins.

"Blogger Jersey Fled said...
Do you think Michelle cares enough about the country to try to save it?
7/5/24, 11:04 AM"

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

The Democrats, even if they could reelect Biden, would be setting themselves up for another Iran Contra scandal type reorganization of the White House. The issue breaks down about what to do when there is an aging president unable to fully exercise his powers — replace him with the vice president under the 25th amendment or reorganize and bolster the White House staff to effectively supervise the exercise of the presidential power.

In the wake of the Iran Contra scandal, the powers-that-be chose the reorganization approach. "They" ensconced former Senate leader Howard Baker as an all-powerful chief of staff in the White House to watch over the person of the president, now considered to have uneven abilities to fully supervise the office, and new national security advisers were appointed, first Frank Carlucci and then Colin Powell. This was fully agreed to by the Congressional leadership who did not want to diminish the dignity of either the office or Ronald Reagan personally.

With Reagan, this all occurred well after his 1984 reelection, which was tub-thumping successful.

For the fall of 2024, Biden's health will be the issue, and it will be the issue that decisively defeats him.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wa St Blogger said...

I wonder how Steve Bannon (someone that old Doc Kennedy lauded) is doing in jail?

I wonder why Holder and Garland are not spending tie in jail for the same crime?

Face Inga, you are a partisan hack with no interest in truth or justice, just willing to have justice suborned for your political benefit. you have no moral authority here.

Narr said...

So what's with the face of the soldier in the middle?

Leland said...

Blogger Enigma said...
The reason why Democrats and others developed TDS and such disdain, is that Trump is too close to them in manner and beliefs. A NYC real estate guy with multiple wives and a TV/film career? That sounds a lot like the average Hollywood lefty. He's an insider who went rogue and who pointed out (often correctly) that the emperor had no clothes.


gilbar said...

John henry said...
Serious question:
Why NOT Jill Biden at the top of the ticket?
Anyone have any cons?

MAYBE.. Will Dr Jill sit up and bark, when the O'Bamas hold up a treat? Is she A GOOD DOG?

Drago said...

2024 New Soviet Democratical Inga: "I wonder how Steve Bannon (someone that old Doc Kennedy lauded) is doing in jail?"

1945 Inga: "I wonder how Alexander Solzhenitsyn is doing in the Lubyanka?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Rex Valachorum posted this thread on Twitter

After much research and painstaking detective work, I compiled a list of horrific things fascist Trump and his MAGA people will do to end democracy in America:

If Trump his MAGA people (I will abbreviate TMAGAP) will win the 2024 election, they will send FBI agents to go to school board meetings and keep an eye on all atheist people who express their displeasure with teaching of religion in schools.

They will infiltrate social media platforms with former employees of the FBI and CIA and will pay those platforms millions of dollars to silence and suspend of all the people who post things that reflect negatively on TMAGAP.

TMAGAP will send FBI informers to concoct a fake kidnapping plot against FL. Governor Ron DeSantis, coaching and entrapping two unsuspecting two low IQ liberal patsies, then claim they uncovered and arrested a dangerous left wing radical group.

Because the Supreme Court Justices issued several rulings that won't satisfy the fascist TMAGAP lust for power, TMAGAP will pack the Court with 6 more Justices who are right leaning, thus turning SCOTUS into a TMAGAP judicial rubber stamp.

TMAGAP will use the next pandemic to lock people into their homes. This will give them the justification to use mail-in vote, a method which is now banned in most Western countries due to voting fraud problems. This is how TMAGAP will cheat and win elections to stay in power.

TMAGAP will consolidate their fascist regime by opening the borders and welcoming 9 million illegal immigrants over the next 4 years. In the future, these people will repay the favor by voting for TMAGAP and eliminating the need to cheat by mail-in vote.

If Democrats will try to express their displeasure with the way TMAGAP are running America and will stage a protest in Washington DC, the FBI and the Capitol Police will stage a Fedsurrection by inciting otherwise peaceful people to respond to provocations, and entrapping them.

After these peaceful Democrats will walk into the trap, thousands of them will be arrested, tried by fascist judges and DC juries who hate Democrats, and sentenced to years in prison. This is how TMAGAP will make sure Democrats will never dare to participate in another protest.

The next Democrat presidential candidate will be the target of multiple meritless lawsuits brought by TMAGAP aligned fascist prosecutors. They will try to twist and reinterpret the law, bring charges never brought before against another political candidate and try to imprison him.

TMAGAP will infiltrate the mainstream media with journalists who will become mouthpieces of the fascist regime. Every single major newspaper and all TV newsrooms (save one), will proclaim TMAGAP are good and virtuous and their Democrat are evil or just stupid.

TMAGAP will use fascist tactics to smear their opponents by calling them Russian assets They will pay a former British spy to author a fake dossier to compromise the Democrat candidate, then appoint a special prosecutor to look into it for two years, only to find nothing.

TMAGAP will use an organization of right wing extremists called AuntTeefa as their brown shirt troops to violently assault any enemies of the fascist regime. Officially, any connection between AuntTeefa and TMAGAP will be denied. Some TMAGAP will even deny AuntTeefa exists.

Because they are inherently fascist and evil, TMAGAP will stop Jewish students from accessing campus colleges by setting up tent camps, cordoning building entrances and chasing down and beating anybody who wears a yarmulka or has a flag of Israel.

This is just a couple of things that TMAGAP fascists will do to our democracy if they ever come to power again!

We are this close to losing next election and seeing them do to us all these unspeakable evil things we Democrats would never, ever do to them will be horrifying. We swear!

Wa St Blogger said...

There was a document dump recently from a grand jury case in Florida regarding Jeffrey Epstein. Trump’s name appeared on the flight log at least 7 times. Also on Epstein's “important” call log.

Again, Inga, you have no moral standing. Your goal isn't truth but character assassination. You parrot what you hear and ignore any exculpatory evidence if it goes against your pre-judgmental position.

Trump flew on Epstein's jet four times in 1993, as well as once in 1994, 1995 and 1997, according to flight logs made public in 2021. The flights were between Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City airports, with the 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

Tell, us how many of your heroes made it to the island? Why do you never spend time denouncing them?

Jim at said...

Associated Press survey of state election officials across the U.S. revealed no cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected the results in 2020.”

Well, that settles it. I mean, if the Associated Press says so, it must be.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "In the wake of the Iran Contra scandal, the powers-that-be chose the reorganization approach. "They" ensconced former Senate leader Howard Baker as an all-powerful chief of staff in the White House to watch over the person of the president, now considered to have uneven abilities to fully supervise the office, and new national security advisers were appointed, first Frank Carlucci and then Colin Powell. This was fully agreed to by the Congressional leadership who did not want to diminish the dignity of either the office or Ronald Reagan personally."

Complete and utter BS. From top to bottom. Precisely what we would expect from our New Soviet Democratical history re-writers and airbrushers.

Really, the serial lies Rich vomits up are quite astonishing.

Reagan's issues with Alzheimers became manifest after the horrendous fall from a horse in 1989 which led to a blood filled subdural hematoma and significant fluid on the brain as well as surgery to remove that fluid.

Important: The fall was not just a fall from the horse onto flat ground. Reagan was on a bit of a hill and so when the horse reared up and Reagan fell he didn't just fall from the seat of the horse to the horse's feet distance. Reagan fell further down the incline, which allowed for more acceleration into the ground and at a more dangerous angle. Hence his injuries.

Caused by Fall Off Horse : Reagan Survives Brain Surgery to Remove Fluid
L.A. Times Archives
Sept. 10, 1989 12 AM PT


All of Rich's sturm and drang and accelerated mendacity is simply a way for him to try and cover the role he played at Althouse blog for years claiming Trump was in mental decline while biden was a Super Duper Sharpie at all times.

New lies covering old lies. Just another day for Rich and his LLR-democratical pals Chuck and lonejustice.

Inga said...

Why would Trump be friends with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? Why did Trump even bring his two young children with him when he socialized with Epstein? Don’t pretend that Trump didn’t know what Epstein was.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

doctrev said...

I'm sure She-Wolf Inga and the rest of the Democrats desperately trying the Epstein play are wondering why famed Judeo-Christian Merrick Garland has arrested no billionaires over the child trafficking.

It's a cynical ploy, but one revealing the total delusion at the core of the Biden-Waffen.

Drago said...

Its impossible not to notice how the tactics of New Soviet Democratical Inga and AMDG overlap with debunked BS over and over and over again.

Not surprising really. The GOPe is fully aligned with the democraticals in the US in the same way the British "conservative" (snort) party is fully aligned with Labour on all major issues, leading to the inevitable results from yesterday.

lonejustice said...

"If you take the vaccine, you're protected," said Trump.

The vaccine "was one of the greatest achievements; we did it in less than nine months," Trump told conservative political commentator Candace Owens in an episode of her web series, which is hosted by the Daily Wire conservative news website.

"Some people aren't taking it; the ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't take the vaccine, but it's still their choice. And if you take the vaccine, you're protected," Trump said.

Then Trump awarded Fauci with a Presidential Commendation for his fight against Covid.

CT Ginger said...

It’s a bizarre fetish to want the president to be someone you would like. I don’t need the person to be personable, or nice or attractive or even well-behaved. I need them to be effective, capable and good in a fight if necessary. Trump is, Joe Stupid is not.

Rabel said...

Biden made your point about "overthrow[ing] the results of that duly conducted democratic process" of primaries in his speech today.

It's difficult to rebut.

Wa St Blogger said...

Why would Trump be friends with the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? Why did Trump even bring his two young children with him when he socialized with Epstein? Don’t pretend that Trump didn’t know what Epstein was.

you still lack moral standing because you refuse to apply the same standards to your side.

And as far as I know, no one (other than the clients, which Trump was not), knew about the sex racket. So, no. It was not "well known" in the way that Weinstein was well known, and all YOUR guys still palled around with him.

Until you are even handed with your condemnations, you will always remain a clanging symbol.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice: ""If you take the vaccine, you're protected," said Trump."


You can tell lonejustice is so desperate to jump in like Rich and Chuck to advance New Soviet Democratical interests but he's just not very good at it.

I sort of feel sorry for him. It's embarrassing.

MadTownGuy said...

Jim at said...

[Associated Press survey of state election officials across the U.S. revealed no cases of fraud, vandalism or theft that could have affected the results in 2020.”]

"Well, that settles it. I mean, if the Associated Press says so, it must be."

I've found that headlines for AP articles are misleading. Sometimes they get around to the rest of the story just past halfway through the article.

It's easy for them to say there were no cases of shenanigans when all they did was survey election officials, or even do a cursory review of their official reports, without doing any investigative journalism.

narciso said...


Achilles said...

Inga said...

“He is of such low character that he is cool with hosting people Kanye West and Nick Fuentes for an intimate dinner at Mar-A-Lago.”

There was a document dump recently from a grand jury case in Florida regarding Jeffrey Epstein. Trump’s name appeared on the flight log at least 7 times. Also on Epstein's “important” call log.

And Trump kicked him out of Mara-lago and banned him from the premises. Probably about the time Trump found out that Epstein was running a honeypot blackmail scheme.

The FBI has everything Epstein collected. We know for a fact that Trump didn't do anything illegal or even shady with young women because the FBI hasn't leaked it or tried to get Trump for it.

Meanwhile Inga refuses to mention that Bill Clinton clearly participated in raping young girls.

This is because Inga is a dishonest evil person. The fascists cannot be honest about what they are doing and what they support.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Trump's main problem is that he reacts. His followers never heard anybody react like him before. Somebody is Trump's position is not supposed to be reacting like that, saying what people can only think. If that makes him a terrible person, so be it.

Mikey NTH said...

Michelle Cottle is another example of a thoroughly coddled intellectual that hasn't encountered anythong in her life more traumatic than a rude barista and hasn't the mother sense to understand how fortunate she is or humble enough to appreciate wgat is around her.

I wonder if Cottle has ever said "But then again, I could be wrong"?


narciso said...

Shes mo dowd with a southerm accent

MadTownGuy said...

John henry said...

"Serious question:

Why NOT Jill Biden at the top of the ticket?

I'm as serious as a heart attack. I can think of a bunch of pros.

Anyone have any cons?

1: she'd be Hillary 2.0.
2. She'd be just as much a tool of the cabal as her husband, as long as the benefits keep coming her way.

John Henry

narciso said...


AMDG said...


What “debunked” BS have I propagated about the Big Baffoon?

Everything I state about your Lord & Savior is my opinion backed with documentary evidence. Meanwhile you sling lies about DeSantis based on what Trump told you to say and yet you cannot find anything to show that DeSantis has enacted policies or pushed legislation that betrayed the base.

Just like the Climate Change hoaxers, the Steele Dossier believers, the Hamas supporters, the Hunter Laptop deniers, the Branch Covidians, and the Biden Dementia deniers you are a slave to a narrative and believe that your narrative trumps the truth.

If anyone on this forum is like Inga it is you and the rest of the tRump Swabs. You all are allergic to the truth.

Rafe said...

No one who’s willing to vote for a husk puppet, controlled by a shadow cabal of just who no one knows, put up by a party that’s been lying about his mental and physical condition for years, and who they’re now thinking of throwing overboard without a single vote being cast by rank-and-file members of said party, has any business talking about their completely fake concern about the “fate of democracy” being on the ballot this fall.

- Rafe

Inga said...

“I’ve met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach,” the president continued, referring to the Florida town where his Mar-a-Lago resort is and where Mr. Epstein had a home. “But I wish her well, whatever it is.”

What a very strange thing to say to the child sex trafficker of Jeffrey Epstein. Why would Trump have sad such a thing?

Drago said...

Looks like Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG has reached peak LLR-democratical Chuck status!

I suppose everyone could see that one coming from a million miles away.

Inga said...

“Meanwhile Inga refuses to mention that Bill Clinton clearly participated in raping young girls.”

Who is endorsing Bill Clinton for anything? The truth has a way of finding sunlight. Is Bill Clinton running for president? I had to laugh at Trump’s idiot son Donald Jr. when he exclaimed at least my father wasn’t on any Epstein lists!

‘Donald Trump Jr has been mocked after he celebrated what he apparently interpreted to be his father’s absence from newly-unsealed court documents revealing the names of Jeffrey Epstein associates.

The former president’s son took to X on Thursday morning to hit out at critics following the release of the first batch of filings on Wednesday night.

“The left is so much more upset that Trump isn’t on the Epstein Island list than they are with the actual democrat elite pedophiles who are on the list & who took part in child molestation,” he wrote.”

The Indepedent.

Mason G said...

Don’t expect a clear answer from our Lefty friends here. You’ll get something like “he has the morals of an alley cat”.

Said by someone who voted for a pedophile who showered with his daughter, no less.

Jim at said...

If all you've got is Trump's former relationship with Epstein from 30 years ago, you've already lost.

walter said...

I challenge Inga to allow Pedo Pete to babysit her grandchildren.

Inga said...

“Said by someone who voted for a pedophile who showered with his daughter, no less.”

What sort of father is ok and agrees with Howard Stern saying on his radio show to him that his daughter is “a piece of ass”?

What sort of father says in an answer to a question about what he has in common with his daughter says”sex”?

walter said...

He'll get them squeaky clean!

Inga said...

‘While president, Donald Trump made sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka in front of his employees that were so lewd and disturbing that he was rebuked by his one-time chief of staff John Kelly, a former Trump official writes in a new book.

“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that prompted Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” writes Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, in his new book, according to Newsweek.”

Inga said...

“Taylor also writes that Kelly told him about Trump’s comments about his daughter. Kelly “retold that story to me in visible disgust,” Taylor wrote, according to Newsweek. Kelly also said that Trump was “a very, very evil man,” Taylor said.”


Saint Croix said...

WaPo reports that Senator Warner of Virginia has joined the chorus of Democrats who are publicly asking Biden to withdraw.

Biden says he's the "only" Democrat Senator who wants him to withdraw.

Somebody is anonymously circulating The Case for Kamala among Democrats.

And yes, she is engaging in race and sex discrimination in her veep selection process, which has already begun.

She is looking for a white man.

Roy Cooper (North Carolina)
Andy Beshear (Kentucky)
Josh Shapiro (Pennsylvania)

walter said...

"Mr. Taylor served for two years as a top aide to Kirstjen Nielsen, Mr. Trump’s third homeland security secretary, and wrote in The Times that he was part of a cadre of officials around Mr. Trump who were quietly working to “frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”"

C'mon Inga. He'll towel them off and give them ice cream!

Rusty said...

AMDG said...

What “debunked” BS have I propagated about the Big Baffoon?

Everything I state about your Lord & Savior is my opinion backed with documentary evidence."

But mostly your opinion. "He lied about the wall." No he didn't. He got a lot done despite having every proposal he put before congress shot down. By both the Democrats and Republicans. He wound up taking money from the defense budget to fund portions of the wall. Perhaps if he had more congressional cooperation and wasn't being harrassed legally he might have gotten more done. Am I lying?

Michael K said...

I wonder if the resident dullard has seen Naomi Wolf's Column about Bannon's imprisonment? Nah, too many big words.

William50 said...

From the Wisconsin Supreme Court article;

"The court ruled 4-3 on Friday that drop boxes can be utilized in any location.

Any location?

Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, one of the court's four liberal justices, wrote for the majority that placing a ballot in a drop box set up and maintained by a local election clerk is no different than giving the ballot to the clerk, regardless of the box's location. Local clerks have great discretion in how they administer elections and that extends to using and locating drop boxes, she added.

narciso said...

Theres no chain of custody there

Mason G said...

What sort of father is ok and agrees with Howard Stern saying on his radio show to him that his daughter is “a piece of ass”?

In another interview, from September 2004, Stern asks Trump if he can call Ivanka “a piece of ass,” to which Trump responds in the affirmative.

“My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka,” says Trump.

“By the way, your daughter,” says Stern.

“She’s beautiful,” responds Trump.

“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” Stern responds.

“Yeah,” says Trump.


Ok. So? Are you so clueless that you don't understand the context of that conversation? Rhetorical question, in case anyone else is wondering...

"What sort of father says in an answer to a question about what he has in common with his daughter says”sex”?"

Donald Trump joked that he and his daughter Ivanka have sex in common in a February 2013 taped appearance on The Wendy Williams Show.

During a question and answer game, Williams asked Ivanka, “What’s the favorite thing you have in common with your father?”

Ivanka answered, “Either real estate or golf” while Trump added, “Well, I was going to say sex, but I can’t relate that to her.”


See above.

Now, note what is *not* included in either example you provided- a father showering with his daughter. You know, like Joe Biden did.

Joe Smith said...

Inga B lashing out.

Inga B sad.

Inga B dumb.

Inga's candidate B a turnip.

Poor Inga...

Mason G said...

"Inga B dumb."

She seems to think "The Howard Stern Show" and "The Wendy Williams Show" are documentaries, so... yeah.

imTay said...

So not only did Biden refer to himself as a black woman, but immediately after taking the microphone from Harres, who had just introduced him, he said "Ho ho ho! Happy Fourth of July!"

Was "Ho" referring to Harris? Or was "Ho ho ho" his idea of a traditional Fourth of July greeting.


imTay said...

"I challenge Inga to allow Pedo Pete to babysit her grandchildren."

She would, it's how you get insider status in the club

Here's Joe Biden making out with the same young daughter who said that his inappropriate showers with her was part of what led her to be hyper sexualized and a drug user.


This is why it is so important to get the accusations out there about Trump, to hide Pedo Pete's (as his own son Hunter calls him) predilections in plain sight.

Rabel said...

Great. Y'all have given the page over to Inga.

imTay said...

"It's difficult to rebut."

Maybe, be we all know he twisted the rules to get the result he wanted, recklessly. He locked everybody out of the primaries, RFKJr would easily have made it possible to contest the convention, but states that allowed their Democratic voters a choice were threatened with having their delegates taken away.

imTay said...

"Why NOT Jill Biden at the top of the ticket?"

Frau Biden?

Whinny! Neigh!

Mason G said...

Frau Biden?

Whinny! Neigh!

No knocker jokes to be had there.

Jon Ericson said...

Hi Inga. You're still my favorite...

john mosby said...

Wildswan, it’s not so bad, just hang out with your coy mistress!


John henry said...

Are the walls closing in yet Inga?

John Henry

narciso said...


imTay said...

Hunter is taking bids right now for the advertising space on the bottom of his shoes.

That's a boxing joke, maybe its too dated to fly.

FullMoon said...

Hour ago saw a clip of fiery Biden repeating talking points at rally.
Minutes ago saw a clip of cool, calm, collected, demented Biden with Sthephanopolous.

Which is the doppelgänger?

walter said...

Full moon,
Both likely teleprompted...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga - Nice hearsay.

pacwest said...

Not on topic and I think I've brought this up here before.

When, and I'm beginning to believe its when not if, Trump takes the oval office on Jan 21 there are going to be so many landmines set by the Democrats it is going to be very hard for him to navigate his first year without stepping on a few. Example: I think his enemies are capable of sabatoging the transportation system as they leave among other things. Comey hiding behind the curtains is going to seem like an innocent prank in comparison. He is going to have to throttle the deepstate very quickly to stand a chance of a successful 4 years.

He's also facing some massive expenditures right off the bat. SPR refill, military replenishment, and getting rid of 10+ million invaders. Iran will have deliverable nukes before the end of his term. Oil companies are going to be reluctant to take on long term projects given what happened 4 years ago. Interest rates will be much higher than in 2016. Civil unrest will be through the roof.

If he doesn't carry the downballot in both the House and Senate he's going to have a very hard time.

imTay said...

Even if, for the sake of argument, we grant that all of that is true, that bill of particulars against Trump, even the hearsay. It doesn't make him a bad president, things were going pretty good under Trump. The economy was humming along, until the COVID that Fauci cooked up in that lab in Wuhan escaped.

Under Joe Biden, for instance, in the last twelve months, full time jobs have dropped, despite population growth, and all jobs growth is in part time work. How is that a good economy? Joe claims to be the biggest jobs creator ever, but he dates his claim to the middle of a pandemic, and counts replacing full-time jobs with part time jobs as an equal, one-for-one swap.

imTay said...

OH Yeah, and the Democrats distracted Trump from the pandemic by impeaching him over meddling with the Democrats' graft in Ukraine as it was just hitting. Impeached him over the same thing that Biden bragged about doing, and Biden wasn't even President.

imTay said...

"Iran will have deliverable nukes before the end of his term."

If Biden approves the use of American weapons on Russian soil, it's going to be hard to see the reason that Russia doesn't give them all the help they need. We already have completely taken away the impact of sanctions. Russia don't care anymore, because we shot our load. That's why Putin was in North Korea, and has happily undercut our sanctions there. He no longer has anything to lose. This is Joe Biden's brilliant geopolitical strategery. And now. Joe Biden is checked out except that he is open for interviews by former Democratic Party operatives like Stepphy, between the hours of eleven A.M and four P.M.

Wa St Blogger said...

Inga still failing in the moral standing category. Fixated, she is and unwilling to see the plank in her eye. I would say Biden wins hands down in the moral depravity department, but you keep trying. Keep pimping for the guy who showed with his daughter, who now has to endure a life in therapy.

PackerBronco said...

Job growth as defined by Joe Biden and the democrats: "we've doubled the number of jobs! Where people had to work one job before, now they get to work two!!"

Joe Smith said...

'If he doesn't carry the downballot in both the House and Senate he's going to have a very hard time.'

The alternative is worse.

pacwest said...

The alternative is worse.

Much worse.

Big Mike said...

… Trump is a terrible person

How true is that? I don’t know the man personally, nor do I personally know the other politicians he has run against (and is again running against). But as a septuagenarian li long ago discovered a way to evaluate people that has been close to infallible. And that is to ask how they deal with subordinates and ordinary people who are way below them in money and influence. And by this criterion:

Trump is a pretty good man. He is demanding of his direct reports, but he deals remarkably well with ordinary folks.

Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris are terrible people.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“Meanwhile Inga refuses to mention that Bill Clinton clearly participated in raping young girls.”

Who is endorsing Bill Clinton for anything? The truth has a way of finding sunlight. Is Bill Clinton running for president? I had to laugh at Trump’s idiot son Donald Jr. when he exclaimed at least my father wasn’t on any Epstein lists!

You voted for Bill twice. Now you pretend that voting for a known rapist is unimportant.

You voted for Joe Biden. You know he raped Tara Reade.

If the FBI found anything in the Epstein files about Trump we would all know. They obviously found nothing.

That is why you are here pedaling Hearsay and lies and still supporting a rapist.

The point is you are an absolutely terrible person and so is anyone who supports the democrat party and anyone in it.

Ralph L said...

The DailyMail has an article up about a young twerp who saw and photographed Bill and Hillary flying together. I wonder how often that happens.

Narr said...

I'm still curious about the facial markings of the soldier (actor?) in the middle of the photo, and surprised that no one from the ranks of Althouse experts has 'splained it.

Brent said...

"I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump"

Calling Trump a liar is just to signal to Democrats and anti-Trumpers disdain for anyone considering Trump.

But here is why every Democrat and anti-Trumper is a vastly worse human being than even the worst MAGA supporter:
They are all LIARS. Deeply committed to lying. Bad people. Terrible Anericans. Democracy Destroyers.
They lie - at least pre-debate - about his diminshed capacity. Everyone knew. Every Democrat and anti-Trumper. Liars.

Fine People hoax. Liars (at least Snopes corrected this lie)

Racist policies. Liars

Terrible Presidency. Liars.

There is no crisis at the Border. Liars

It's the poor, purposeful lying character of every Democrat and anti-Trumper - the absolute worst people of America - that is destroying this Democracy.


Brent said...

"I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump"

Calling Trump a liar is just to signal to Democrats and anti-Trumpers disdain for anyone considering Trump.

But here is why every Democrat and anti-Trumper is a vastly worse human being than even the worst MAGA supporter:
They are all LIARS. Deeply committed to lying. Bad people. Terrible Anericans. Democracy Destroyers.
They lie - at least pre-debate - about his diminshed capacity. Everyone knew. Every Democrat and anti-Trumper. Liars.

Fine People hoax. Liars (at least Snopes corrected this lie)

Racist policies. Liars

Terrible Presidency. Liars.

There is no crisis at the Border. Liars

It's the poor, purposeful lying character of every Democrat and anti-Trumper - the absolute worst people of America - that is destroying this Democracy.


Brent said...

"I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump"

Calling Trump a liar is just to signal to Democrats and anti-Trumpers disdain for anyone considering Trump.

But here is why every Democrat and anti-Trumper is a vastly worse human being than even the worst MAGA supporter:
They are all LIARS. Deeply committed to lying. Bad people. Terrible Anericans. Democracy Destroyers.
They lie - at least pre-debate - about his diminshed capacity. Everyone knew. Every Democrat and anti-Trumper. Liars.

Fine People hoax. Liars (at least Snopes corrected this lie)

Racist policies. Liars

Terrible Presidency. Liars.

There is no crisis at the Border. Liars

It's the poor, purposeful lying character of every Democrat and anti-Trumper - the absolute worst people of America - that is destroying this Democracy.


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