July 5, 2024

"Yes, Trump is a terrible person and was a terrible president. I, like many of you, believe he is unfit to hold any office. But around half the country does not feel this way..."

"... and even many people who do not much like him are wondering if he is really a worse bet than a president who at any given moment might come across like your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps."

Writes Michelle Cottle in "One by One, the Reasons to Stick With Biden Are Failing" (NYT).

I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump, and when I saw "around half the country does not feel this way," I thought I was about to see it, but then I ran headlong into "your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps."

Is that how we talk? Ironic that someone who purports to be appalled at the rough-spoken Trump came out with "your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps." I guess it's funny/clever because you're mocking an old man using old-time-y words like "papaw," "snorts," "schnapps," and the endlessly hilarious "shellshocked"...

Anyway, as for the reasons to stick with Biden... what's plain is that a key Democratic Party issue has been something about democracy, and Biden won a huge victory in the primaries. You're going to overthrow the results of that duly conducted democratic process and proceed to keep crying out about Trump's supposed disregard for democracy? Another irony.

But it's too late not to pitch the old man overboard. They've let it show that they've been lying miserably for years about this presidency. And yet there is no way to begin to tell the truth. Old lies are better lies... usually. I would think.


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Deep State Reformer said...

The American ruling class in 2024 is like the ruling class in the Soviet Union in the 70's and '80's no? They're old, infirm, and totally in on all the graft and looting they can possibly manage. I hope the United States of America's break-up goes like the Soviet's did. Which is to say, relatively little actual bloodshed, 10 years of economic chaos and then a bloodless coup to restore what Russians consider normalcy. I hope.

Rusty said...

Aggie said...
"Ballot boxes under citizen surveillance? What will that do? When the army of ballot-haulers are put into video evidence depositing dozens of ballots, what will that do? Of what use is that kind of 'evidence' if it doesn't stop the disregard of ballot processing / validation rules - signature verification and so on?"

I'll feel better. And then I'll know. When somebody wanders over and puts a a couiple of hundred ballots in the box then you'll something isn't kosher.

Aggie said...

@Rusty: Then you'll 'know'? But, that has already happened. That has already been documented in the previous election, with '2,000 Mules'. Remember the ballot haulers wearing COVID face masks to hide their face, and rubber gloves to prevent leaving any evidence? Who wears rubber gloves outside in November? Dropping in the ballots by the dozen.

And things are lining up to do it all over again: Ballot boxes on every corner with no access control. And then we'll proceed to the precincts where, gosh, we 'forgot' to check the signatures and when we rememebered it was 'too late' because we'd put them together with all the other ballots.... and by the way, those ballots that were dated a week after election, we'll take those too !

And with the same protestations coming down the line, that no court case has proven fraud - because they all 'lacked standing' or was it 'laches', so the judge threw them out.

What will that do? I can tell you: It will do nothing.

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