July 21, 2024

"When I was a young girl I used to seek pleasure/When I was a young girl I used to drink ale/Right out of the alehouse and into the jailhouse/Right out of the bar room and down to my grave...."

A song from the great 1969 album "Streetnoise," called to mind this morning on the occasion of spell correct. I've known for a long time that my last name, should I be so weak as to mistype it, spell-corrects to "alehouse," and that has me hearing the voice of Julie Driscoll singing "Right out of the alehouse and into the jailhouse."

I didn't slip so low as to typo my own name this morning. I typo'd "Meadhouse," my name for Meade and me, when we do something together:
Ann Althouse said...

"The shower scene was creepy too and I'm not talking about the movie."

Read aloud and laughed over here at Meadhouse. 

The auto-correct on the typo amused me: Madhouse.


Iman said...

One Step Beyond!

Sally327 said...

If you hadn’t written this I would have just figured madhouse was an inside joke or referred to some other post I missed.

It also makes me think of the song Nutbush City Limits by Tina Turner:

Church house, gin house
A school house, outhouse

How often are bad auto-fills accepted as if that word had been meant and no one realizes it, and now there is AI to contend with as well. Sure it’s funny now…

gspencer said...

Shower scene?

You mean the one where creepy Joe Biden showers with his sexually budding daughter? The scene about which said daughter wrote about in her diary?

tommyesq said...

Anyone here ever suspect that "Meade" is actually our host posting under a pseudonym a la Pierre delecto? She can break her cruel neutrality wall under the "Meade" name, gently insult commenters she doesn't like, etc.

Plus his avatar is a bird, and everyone knows birds are not real...

lonejustice said...

Ann Alehouse. I like that.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Meadhouse - Viking version of an alehouse.

Sally327 said...

Anyone here ever suspect that "Meade" is actually our host posting under a pseudonym a la Pierre delecto? She can break her cruel neutrality wall under the "Meade" name, gently insult commenters she doesn't like, etc.

I don’t think so. I’ve been reading this blog since before she met him in person when he was regularly commenting, they have different styles. Plus I don’t get the impression our hostess would feel that need to mask her reactions. And I think cruel neutrality refers to political candidates not us and was possibly more important when she was still working as a professor at UW, just a guess.

Yancey Ward said...

Wow- awesome song- will listen to the entire album now.

Ann Althouse said...

"If you hadn’t written this I would have just figured madhouse was an inside joke or referred to some other post I missed."

Your comment made me realize I'd written what was amusing wrong. I hadn't typo'd "madhouse," I'd typo'd something that activated the autocorrect, which attempted to impose "madhouse" on me.

I think my typo was "meadehouse." I don't know.

I leave out the "e" to make it easier to read as a 2-letter word, but I also like the correspondence between "meadhouse" and "alehouse." Both are drinking establishments.

Joe Smith said...

You're like Bennifer : )

Jupiter said...

It's even better if you listen to it at half-speed.

They’re eating the cats 🐈 —They’re eating the dogs 🐕 said...

Bonny Light Horseman - When I Was Younger

When I was younger I used to seek pleasure
When I was younger I used to drink wine
Now that I’m older I’m rockin a cradle
Rockin a baby who’s always a-cryin..

MadTownGuy said...

I thought about printing a larger-than-life copy of your profile picture and pasting it over the M at the Malthouse sign on East Wash... But it might have resulted in my arrest for defacing private property.

john mosby said...

Schoolhouse, State House
Althouse, Meadhouse
On Highway Number Fourteen
Ann tries to keep the city clean
They call it Madison
Oh Madison
Call it Madison City Limits

Work the blog on a weekday
Have a picnic every Sunday
Go drive (not fly) to see Dylan
If the Meadmobile is willin’
Oh up in Madison
Madison city limits
Madison city limits

(Extended Bob Seger coda follows)

Bettwe watch out for Antifa
If youre drivin into Madison
Better watch out for Code Pink
If youre drivin into Madison
Keep an eye out for BLM
Keep an eye out for the protests

Yeah Madison….
Madison city limits
Stay alive!

Sally327 said...

Schoolhouse, State House
Althouse, Meadhouse
On Highway Number Fourteen
Ann tries to keep the city clean
They call it Madison
Oh Madison
Call it Madison City Limits

John Mosby that is a really good "contrafactum" (I just looked up what I think is the right word), you should copyright those lyrics. I was just listening to Live Bullet last weekend. Detroit audiences are the great rock 'n roll audiences in the world...

George Leroy Tirebiter said...

Oh how I love love love the Julie Driscoll driven songs on Streetnoise, especially Czechoslovakia, Vauxhall To Lambeth Bridge and Indian Rope Man

Iman said...


Hey you, don't read that, read this
This is the heavy heavy monster take
The strongest take around
So if you've come in off the street
And you're beginning to feel the heat
Well, listen buster
You better make your day complete
And get off dat gubmint teat
It’s Meadhouse!
One step beyond

john mosby said...

Nancy: thanks!


john mosby said...

Sorry, I meant Sally.


Iman said...

Nice, John Mosby! Long live Tina Turner!

razzbuddy said...

StreetNoise - What a fantastic album. And Julie Driscoll... sigh, I've been crazy about her for decades. She goes by Julie Tippetts for some time now. Such a distinctive and beautiful voice. She had/has style that's for sure.

john mosby said...

Thanks, Iman!


Assistant Village Idiot said...

I never noticed the ale/mead connection