July 21, 2024

"This CNN anchor is saying Trump sent a bad message by saying fight fight fight... So the President who had just been shot was sending a divisive message?"

"Can you imagine these people? The president who had just been shot was at fault for the divisiveness, having just been shot. The guy who got shot, who almost died, who a bullet missed his head by, you know centimeters, I mean... it's crazy.... and somebody's on CNN going: Actually, we felt the message was a bit divisive. We're actually disappointed in the wording. We don't love the wording of that. I wish he had kind of workshopped that a bit as he was being bloodily dragged off the stage by the Secret Service. I wish he had kind of — I don't know— taken people's temperature more. We're trying to ramp it down.... Was that the Secret Service trying to ramp it down when there's nobody on the fucking roof? Is that what they were trying to do? Trying to ramp it down a week ago Biden goes: Let's put him in the bullseye?..."

Tim Dillon ridicules the civility bullshit:


Kevin said...

Media Prime Directive: whatever Trump does is wrong.

Corollary: there can be no exceptions.

Swede said...

I heard a guy shout "FUCK!" after he'd been shot through the arm.
I was very disappointed in him.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Damn Trump for not asking the ladies of the View what he should say before he was dragged bleeding off the stage!

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Read the room, Donald!

Jersey Fled said...

Trump hate at CNN.

I’m shocked.

doctrev said...

Yes, BlueAnon wants to go full bullet truther. These people don't realize that half the country was a quarter inch from concluding McVeigh was Right.

mindnumbrobot said...

The guy who got shot, who almost died, who a bullet missed his head by, you know centimeters...

I've been perusing the Left side of interwebs and it's just, plain, nuts. They question whether he was even shot, because his ear wasn't completely blown off. Where's the medical report?! Which of course leads to the conclusion it was staged, and thus Trump's reaction of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" is divisive.

These are the same people who claim it's beyond the pale to ask whether Biden has parkinson's or dementia while pushing the cheap fake narrative. It's madness.

Leland said...

There is no civility. CNN and their viewers would have preferred Trump dying on that stage.

FormerLawClerk said...

"a bullet missed his head by, you know centimeters"

The bullet HIT HIS HEAD. He was shot in an assassination attempt that the Secret Service LET HAPPEN. Last time I checked, my ears are a part of my head, not my arm, or my leg.

We need as a country to be demanding answers to the questions at hand:

1) Why did cops let this shooter shoot.
2) Why did the Secret Service anti-sniper teams let this shooter get off 8 shots, kill one man, injure 3 more including the former President of the United States and
3) ONLY THEN did they take him out while
4) HOLDING Donald Trump on stage for almost 90 seconds with his head in full view.
4) And then "sped off" at less than 2 miles per hour in the SUV only to
5) Pass the nearest hospital and take Trump to one much further away.

The Secret Service saw the shooter that they let get on the roof. Clearly. In the scopes of their anti-sniper weapons posted less than 200 yards away. The Secret Service LET THE SHOOTER do the assassination attempt.

If we let the Secret Service get away with such a heinous crime, then all future Presidents are at risk of earning the Secret Service's enmity if they decide they don't like him or their boss wants him put in a bullseye, and being shot as well.

We cannot as a nation allow this crime to stand. People need to go to jail over this.

Ralph L said...

I assume she meant the Trump campaign people wanted "to tamp it down," which they did to an extent at the convention.

Humperdink said...

Trumps reaction was just that ..... a reaction without fully processing what happened. It's in his DNA to fight back.

Ralph L said...

What still impresses me is how most of the crowd stood up and raised their fists, too. They didn't know if there were another shooter, either.

Mary Beth said...

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Read the room, Donald!

7/21/24, 7:45 AM

He knew the room by heart. They were elated to hear "Fight, fight, fight!"

planetgeo said...

Somebody check Gaius Asinius Pollio's accounts to see if Caesar said any mean or inappropriate/divisive things as he was being stabbed.

chickelit said...

CNN couldn't control the message and the assassination attempt just played out in front of them.
CNN has sought atonement by Trump for refusing to kowtow to their bullshit for years now.
Fuck CNN six ways from Sunday morning.

narciso said...

What is this cnn you speak of

Meade said...

Dixcus @8:09:

Hear, hear!

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

CNN: Something happened then Trump said, 'Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Big Mike said...

From Instapundit:


And they should be. Look into the Abyss, you MF-ing lefties.

Kevin said...

"On July 17, 2024, the Patriots for Europe Group in the European Parliament kicked off a plenary debate and a resolution criticizing political violence, which includes the attempted assassination of former United States President Donald Trump.

However, the bulk of MEPs voted to reject it."

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The needle on their record has been stuck for so long, not even Trump getting shot could unstuck it. Trump had to be at fault for something somehow.

A quote comes to mind. From the Internet: The phrase "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" was famously spoken by attorney Joseph Welch to Senator Joseph McCarthy during the Army-McCarthy hearings on June 9, 1954.

Iman said...

I suspect when you’re insane, it all makes sense.

Mary Beth said...

They're really just mad that an iconic photo was taken.

tommyesq said...

The whole Trump phenomenon has essentially been a cold civil war, in response to the cold civil war against America by the deep state, socialist democrats, and their Soros-level masters. "Fight" seems entirely appropriate.

Big Mike said...

The guy who got shot, who almost died, who a bullet missed his head by, you know centimeters, I mean...

Try millimeters, not centimeters. According to Dr. Ronny Jackson the bullet missed his skull by less than a quarter inch.

As I’ve commented before, I’m an atheist but a line from Chris Kyle’s autobiography American Sniper came to my mind. “God blew on that bullet.” Any of you going to church later this morning might want to thank Him.

Sally327 said...

It was Jamie Gangel who said it. I was watching CNN at the time and laughed out loud thinking how deeply would she have had to internalize the Democrat talking points, Trump is a threat, etc., to have that be her instant reaction right after the guy got shot. Classic blaming the victim.

On a somewhat unrelated note Gangel is married to the novelist Daniel Silva who writes the Gabriel Allon series.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump, angry that his speech had to be cut short by Secret Service security protocols, shouted out repeated calls for violence from his supporters.

Gunner said...

CNN: He got shot the wrong way! Indict!

Yancey Ward said...

"The guy who got shot, who almost died

This phrasing will really irk the Trump haters- they will insist he didn't "almost die" but, rather, only got his ear grazed.

cfs said...

It's been reported that CNN hasn't live streamed a Trump rally in almost 5 years. Yet they were front and center in broadcasting the one in Butler. Why? Was it because they had advance notice that something "worthwhile" would happen that day?

I think the "powers that be" wanted Trump eliminated in full gory details in front of a wide an audience as possible so the message would go out that "we have six ways from Sunday" so quit f'king with us and our power! CNN would have played the scene repeatedly from that date until the end of forever.

Joe Smith said...

My first instinct would be to flip off the unseen assailant and yell profanities at them : )

No Name said...

Had dinner yesterday with staunch big-city democrats, retired 70+ old man and his wife, he said "to bad the guy missed" with his wife appreciatively nodding her head in agreement. People are so callous.

I responded: You're talking about killing a human-being.

He was forced-out of his firm recently. They're unsure how to fund their retirement, live in the Big City with the HUGE street-crime problem. Their college-educated adult-children are not yet financially independent. Oh but, Biden, no matter what, or maybe Harris, but never ever orange-man-bad, not for them.

We don't discuss politics.

Jamie said...

They're really just mad that an iconic photo was taken.

This was the execrable Joy Reid's take - that "inexplicably" he was allowed to stand up for a "photo shoot" (I think those were her exact words) for - I think she said 9 seconds.

Now, it was kind of inexplicable that they didn't get him off the stage immediately, but now that we know who was actually staffing his security detail that day, it's far easier to explain through incompetence than through a truly inexplicable desire on the part of the Secret Service to allow Trump to have his picture taken.

Lawnerd said...

Trump’s response was perfect! Even Zuckerberg said the response was “Badass.” CNN knows this and is trying to diminish the awesomeness of Trump.

JK Brown said...

That "fight, fight, fight" actually did tamp things down. Consider the crowd and all those watching that 'event'. Even though Trump was getting up, those watching were on edge. The "fight, fight, fight" provoked an emotional release that was desperately needed. An "okay, stay rational and fight, don't go off".

It is aligned with a remark I saw about how American troops are different. When the officer is killed, the common thing in most armies is to dig in and await orders. But the commenter said that if that happens to an American combat unit, they attack. In other armies, the officers push the men into battle, in the American army the officers restrain the soldiers.

And not to mention, Trump knew the media would use him being removed by Secret Service to try to "assassinate" him in the story. They were already working that with those initial headlines of him falling and SS removing him. The fist pump and "fight, fight, fight" killed that narrative. Then there was the photo.

If anything was planned it was the MSNBC, et al, immediate narrative framing that Trump blew up by getting up.

Lawnerd said...

Last Sunday, I saw the footage of Trump’s reaction for the first time. I admit I got bit emotional and teared up. It renewed my faith in Trump and increased my resolve to support him in November. CNN understands this as well, that his supporters are going to be invigorated by the response. So they do their best to undermine Trump. Fuck CNN and the horse they rode in on.

JAORE said...

There is no reason to expect reasoning from hard core religious fanatics.

Try telling extremist Christian, Muslim, Jews, Atheist or TDS fanatics that their God (or Devil) is fake. Won't happen. You'll get a ridiculous response like the one quoted.

Skeptical Voter said...

Crappy News Network scores again.

gilbar said...
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gilbar said...

Dixcus said...
We need as a country to be demanding answers to the questions at hand:

you forgot
7) WHY did they allow President Trump on stage WHILE there was a KNOWN THREAT?
8) WHY did they allow President Trump to REMAIN on stage before the shooting?
oh, and..

9) WHY did CNN and MSNBC live stream This (and ONLY This) rally?

JK Brown said...

So let me throw out a bit of a take on a conspiracy theory.

Roof was left unguarded.
Kid was "bad shot" in high school
Kid got on roof with a cheap AR-15 variant likely unsighted in

Using iron sights or possibly just the basic 1x mag red dot
He basically just shoots in the direction of Trump not a slow methodical shot as he pointed his gun at the cop who popped his head up then 10 seconds later fired his first shots.
By happenstance, one of those shots hit Trump's ear. Could have killed Trump without the head turn but shot was not some carefully aimed shot.

Anti-Trump news media was prepared with loud noises, Trump falls, Trump taken off stage headlines.

But Trump got up, with a wound, and with the wherewithal to give the crowd an emotional release by the fist pump and "fight, fight, fight"

It may have been a planned assassination attempt, but the assassins were going to be the talking heads and headline writers.

Achilles said...

We are separating out three different groups of Biden Regime Supporters right now:

1. Group one hates Trump and wants him dead by any means possible.

2. Group two hates Trump and wants him dead by any means possible, but they are intelligent enough to know you can't say this out loud and that normal decent people are watching their side self immolate right now.

3. Group three has a shred of humanity and is going to vote for Trump because they realize they are with a fascist violent group of shitheads who support persecution, violence, and censorship.

Original Mike said...

Yeah, I saw that comment live at the time. I was taken aback, to put it mildly.

JAORE said...

"Read the room, Donald!

He knew the room by heart. They were elated to hear "Fight, fight, fight!""

Could be wrong. But I believe TX I. Crude was making a sarcastic comment on the CNN nonsense.

And it was funny.

Original Mike said...

"Now, it was kind of inexplicable that they didn't get him off the stage immediately, but now that we know who was actually staffing his security detail that day, it's far easier to explain through incompetence than through a truly inexplicable desire on the part of the Secret Service to allow Trump to have his picture taken."

There was a point where the guy that I think was in charge (based on the fact that he was the one giving orders) says, "move!"; and nothing happens. It was not the well-oiled machine you would hope for.

Original Mike said...

I will say, CNN wasn't too bad in the immediate aftermath. They knew to button up their Trump hate. The quote we are discussing was kind of a clanker.

Leland said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
they will insist he didn't "almost die" but, rather, only got his ear grazed.

No. They have, without evidence, suggested Trump was hit by glass shattering from his teleprompter. None of the teleprompters were damaged and they are made of bullet resistant glass, but they’ll still make the claim.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Mary Beth said...

They're really just mad that an iconic photo was taken.

To be more precise they're mad because an iconic photo of Trump was taken. (Like how they got mad that 9/11 occurred on Bush's watch and not Clinton's.) They would have preferred it to be Hillary, Obama, Biden or Kamala. But that would have never happened because even the tiniest hint of a threat to one the above would have provoked a massive security lockdown and the shot would have never been taken.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Just a random thought that came unbidden early this morning; Trump's life is about to get easier. Going forward it's JD Vance that's going to get all the hate. He got where he is on brains, talent, drive and ability. That is anathema to the Nepo-Babies of the Democrat party.

hombre said...

A reputable poll found that more than 50% of the Dementiacrats polled believe the attempt was (38%), or might have been (14%), staged. Anybody who thinks we ought not to "fight" to protect the nation from that kind of hateful lunacy isn't paying attention.

The only question is: How does "fight" manifest after the next attempt succeeds or the Democrats steal the election.

Big Mike said...

I think the "powers that be" wanted Trump eliminated in full gory details in front of a wide an audience as possible so the message would go out that "we have six ways from Sunday" so quit f'king with us and our power!

@cfs, the “powers that be” don’t get Americans, do they?

Michael K said...

CNN is sort of Trump hate center. Why would anyone care that they come out with the reaction of haters?

Original Mike said...

One thing CNN did do was to vigorously "debunk" the claim that the SS had denied Trump team requests for more security (which we now know is false).It's the immediate aftermath, literally minutes after the event, and they are already out there carrying water for the Biden the Administration.

It felt like the 2020 election, when they were out 2 days after the event declaring there was no evidence of fraud. That made a big impression on me at the time. How could you possibly know so soon? They couldn't, of course.

Jamie said...

WRT JK Brown's self-declared conspiracy theory, I remember a plot point from one of the Rabbi mystery novels from the... 70s, I'm pretty sure? Harry Kemelman, anyway.

In this novel, a man is shot and killed in his study. But the police find that basically somebody emptied a gun into the room - all sorts of random things are hit, including a clock, which helps to fix the time of the shooting. It also makes it look as if the shooter was panicking and the shooting accidental - if memory serves, that the wife thought she heard an intruder and came into the room firing wildly.

Rabbi David Small (I can't believe I remember the character name - I haven't picked up one of these books since probably 1986 and it's not like they were Tom Sawyer or anything) thinks about this situation for a while (as he does), I believe visits a carnival where he tries the duck hunting game and, having removed his very necessary glasses to keep them from getting scratched or something, misses every single duck in what seems like a very crowded field, and thereby realizes that when you *actually* randomly spray bullets into a space, you're way more likely to hit nothing - i.e., a blank wall - than a book, a chair, a cup, a clock...

I know JK wasn't saying that the shooter was *actually* just spraying bullets into the crowd and one just happened to get close (while three others found non-target targets and a man was killed). But clearly he was aiming for Trump, and arguably he was aiming pretty effectively, ISTM.

Wa St Blogger said...

This is what Trump should have said...

"I gently admonish the sentiment just expressed, and I will fight my own urges to stand in defiance and instead quietly exit the stage where I am an affront to decent assassins everywhere, and I urge you here tonight to quietly disperse and go back to your sheep pens and await word from your political masters."

Wa St Blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exhelodrvr1 said...

JK Brown,
"And not to mention, Trump knew the media would use him being removed by Secret Service to try to "assassinate" him in the story. "

Absolutely! They tried to do that with Pres Bush after 9/11; there was quite a bit of criticism for him going to Omaha.

JK Brown said...

I would simply point out to Jaimie that there is a reason that discharging a weapon in the direction of another considered assault with deadly force. There is no such thing as a "warning shot".

I'm not saying he sprayed and prayed, I'm saying he fired quickly with a low quality gun at a person whose whole body would have filled his sights. But sometimes the bad shot hits the target.

In any case, the media was prepared to "assassinate" Trump whether the bullet killed him or not. What they got was their worst nightmare, a bloody wounded Trump with his wits still about him.

What the media wanted was a Trump dragged out by Secret Service and a free hour to slander Trump and even then it would only be a press release put out. Instead they got fisted.

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...

I think the "powers that be" wanted Trump eliminated in full gory details in front of a wide an audience as possible so the message would go out that "we have six ways from Sunday" so quit f'king with us and our power!

@cfs, the “powers that be” don’t get Americans, do they?

The people who tried to kill Trump on Saturday have been toppling governments and rigging elections and killing political leaders all over the world for several decades now.

Look at Mexico right now. They are approaching triple digits in politicians killed publicly and brutally.

They may have underestimated the blow back, but even then they don't really care about the stupid drones.

Christopher B said...

@Original Mike .. the whole DNC media arm also tried to set up an equivalence to Biden's infirmities... remember the "Trump falls at rally after loud nouses" headlines?

John henry said...

I doubt the ss could have stopped him standing up and shouting if they'd had twice as many people.

He knew he had to let everyone see him not just alive but we'll, unhurt and feisty.

Suppose he'd been dog piled and not seen. Might he have "died of his injuries on the way to the hospital." tragically of course.

"The Injury was much worse than it first appeared"

"a nation mourns"

Yada, yada, etc.

If it was incompetence, he would have survived. If it was planned, does anyone think he would have a second chance?

Standing up like that might have saved his life.

John Henry

Meade said...

“Standing up like that might have saved his life.”
John Henry


“don’t give up the fight”

mikee said...

I listened while driving this morning to NPR. They presented a wonderfully hilarious (to me) but serious (to them) story on evangelical, entrepreneurial (i.e., fraudulent) Christian "prophets" who are making money from the gullible off Trump's near death, and how that means all Republicans are dupes and/or crazed fundamentalists. The narrative is really stretching to unreal lengths in these crisis days of the campaign. By October I expect Republicans will be painted as eaters of paint chips who support Trump because of a lead poison pica. Unity, my ass.

mikee said...

As to Trumps ear wound: There is a reason gun owners train for self defense by shooting center of target mass (i.e., chest). Heads are easy to miss.

Aught Severn said...

planetgeo said...
Somebody check Gaius Asinius Pollio's accounts to see if Caesar said any mean or inappropriate/divisive things as he was being stabbed.

7/21/24, 8:21 AM

It was clearly documented that this Caeser, literally fascist Hitler! Who didn't even oppress those colonialist jews who just decided to take over land that was not theirs and throw out indigenous peoples..., had some very divisive words. Et tu brute, as I recall. Think of the gall that took! To accuse a defender of our democracy who was doing his best to stop political violence and the existential threat to democracy.

What he should have said was this during the mass stabbing: "Yes, I deserve this. I am a racist fascist homophobe/transphobe who is xenophobic and anti-immigrant and am no better than Hitler and deserve to be stopped by any means necessary as an existential threat to our democracy. Furthermore, anyone who supported me also needs to willingly and without violence suffer the same fate as we are all bad people who only promote violence. Thank you, my friends, for helping the country survive by removing literally Hitler from power so the right people can now be in charge!

Man, Caesar was such a dictator, wasn't he?

Aught Severn said...

In any case, the media was prepared to "assassinate" Trump whether the bullet killed him or not. What they got was their worst nightmare, a bloody wounded Trump with his wits still about him.

Whether intentional or not, that is what they tried to do. Remember the headlines about Trump falling at the rally and then having to leave, or that pops at his rally had resulted in him falling down and having to leave, etc...

Clearly trying to show age- related infirmary to help Biden seem not so bad. Look! He fell down like an old man!

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