July 13, 2024




We were watching it live.

Rewatching: I see the bullet grazes the right side of his head above the ear. His hand goes up, almost like you'd swat a fly. He doesn't fall down. He crouches down. Secret Service everywhere. He gets up. We see the blood over his ear. As the Secret Service is about to hustle him out, he says "Wait, wait!," and he turns to crowd, angry look on his face, and shakes his fist hard four 4 times and we can read his lips: "Fight! Fight!"

There was a minute there where we didn't know if he had been killed or was dying, and we were in great distress. The relief when he stood up was insane.

AND: I just saw a closeup of the wound and believe I saw a round hole in the upper part of his ear. It looked as though the bullet pierced his ear. BUT: I'm hearing on TV that what hit Trump was shattered glass after a bullet hit the teleprompter.

ALSO: Biden needs to make a statement. All I'm seeing at this point is: "President Biden has received an initial briefing on the incident at former president Donald Trump’s rally, according to the White House. Biden, who was at church in Delaware during the shooting, has returned to his residence" (WaPo).


PLUS: I'm seeing a lot of criticism of the press, especially the CNN headlines "Trump speech interrupted by Secret Service" and "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally." And don't tell me that's a just-the-facts approach, because it's easy to see in the video that Trump did not fall, he crouched. The NYT headline at the moment is: "Trump Rushed Off Stage After Chaos at Rally."

AND: I'm hearing a TV report from police saying the shooter is dead and also that one person in the crowd died.

ALSO: I'm hearing the beginning of conspiracy theories — that it was staged — and the notion that it was Trump's fault — for heating things up or some such thing.

MORE: Biden makes a statement: "I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information. Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it."

AND: Man on TV says he saw the sniper on a rooftop. Saw the rifle. He says he struggled to get the Secret Service to do something about it. He didn't understand why the rooftops overlooking the stage were not secure.

ALSO: "The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said" (NY Post). [UPDATE: That sentence in the Post was updated July 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m. ET. Now, instead of "identified as a Chinese man," it says "identified only as a white male." I remember the brief flurry of excitement over the idea of a Chinese man.]

MORE: "'The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible,' a campaign official said" (The Guardian). Yes, the usual attacks on Trump are likely to reflect badly on Biden.

AND: The post title — "TRUMP SHOT" — was written while Trump was still down. "ALIVE" was written when I saw him stand up. The extra spaces were not intentional, but caused by real agitation. 


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Oso Negro said...

"TheDopeFromHope said...
It was a suicide mission, no other way to describe it. Shooter had to know he would end up dead."

Yes. Wait another 50 years to read the manifesto left behind.

Aggie said...

There is a high municipal water tower right there that commands a view of the entire landscape, overlooks the low buildings and the farm show grounds with a high vantage, and has a 360° full perimeter walkway. I cannot understand how that was not manned by SS. Very much looking forward to the analysis.

Ralph L said...

ABC News just did a version of Republicans pounce after showing Biden's plane flying back to DC.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Woo! CNN pundits working overtime to try and blame all this on.....Trump!

This was right after they called to an end for all of the heated rhetoric, as expected.

Yancey Ward said...

There is apparently, in my scan of the mainstream media just now, a coordinated refusal- an utter refusal- to refer to this as an attempted assassination. The closest any of them come is to call it an "alleged shooting".

Yeah- you can't despise these people nearly enough.

Drago said...

William: "My guess is that all the anti-Trump rhetoric probably had more to do with his motivation than Palin's rhetoric had to do with that Arizona shooting..."

There was no "Palin's rhetoric".

On one webpage there existed a map of congressional districts targeted as politically vulnerable.

Thats it. Nothing more. Palin never mentioned it.

The known, child of democraticals, psycho AZ shooter with a history of psychological problems never even saw the Palin web page and knew nothing of it.

But the New Soviet Democraticals still laid the shooting at Palin's feet with the support of a Full Court Legacy Media round the clock campaign to blame her.

Prof. M. Drout said...

So the whole "Chinese man" thing was a dumb red herring, and possibly the "Mark Violet" thing was another.

I will say that if the picture that's been circulating really is the dead assassin, he very much fits the scabby Antifa physical type.

He had firearms training from someone, though: he managed to put a bunch of shots into a tight cluster after climbing onto and crawling across a roof. I don't see an untrained enthusiast, who would be breathing hard from the crawl and hyped up on adrenaline only barely missing Trump due to windage and putting all the shots into the same small area rather than drifting up and to the right or over-correcting.

Sadly and dangerously, we cannot trust the integrity of any of the people running (or, anymore, working in) the agencies we are forced to rely upon.

I wonder if this was brought to us by the same geniuses who orchestrated the Whitmer "kidnapping" fake plot.

That said, I don't think that if this was deliberately allowed or planned, it goes as high as Biden or "DOCTOR" Jill, and anybody who asserts that it does will make themselves look stupid.

Jim at said...

My wife just said she wished DJT had been killed. I told her it was a bad look for her side.

Her side? It's a bad look for her.

I stay out of other people's business, but you've got a problem there.

Moondawggie said...

“It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” said Joe Biden.

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap reap the whirlwind," said Hosea 8:7

Do you ever think about the consequences of your speech, Joey?

Jon Ericson said...

Thomas Matthew Crooks

Quaestor said...

New York Post reports, "The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, PA as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said."

The assassin fired from a rooftop only 150 meters from the podium. President Trump's life was saved by barely half an inch.

Quaestor said...

New York Post reports, "The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, PA as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said."

The assassin fired from a rooftop only 150 meters from the podium. President Trump's life was saved by barely half an inch.

Jim at said...


My first instinct is to tell you to shut the fuck up
But this blog has thousands of readers with only a few who comment.

So, please continue to reveal who you really are.

Jon Ericson said...


Original Mike said...

NPR: Trump is fine after gunshots fired at his rally

clint said...

GOP Convention delegates start arriving in Milwaukee tomorrow.

I hope Wisconsin is ready.

doctrev said...


Shade of the recent past. The BidenWaffen aren't sad the shot was taken, they're sad it failed. Which is fine, but you'd better be great with a gun and sleep with plate carriers if you want to live by those rules

Quaestor said...

Political Junkie writes, "My wife just said she wished DJT had been killed."

Your wife has a severe problem. Get her to a psychiatrist before she harms someone.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Apparently team Biden is taking advice from justice Sotomayor.

Darkisland said...

Just donated another $500 to our President Emeritus

John Henry

Jon Ericson said...


Rory said...

" I don't see an untrained enthusiast, who would be breathing hard from the crawl and hyped up on adrenaline"

One caveat: someone reported the kid is from that area. Hunting from childhood is common up there.

Oso Negro said...

It's great to see the citizens can move faster than the authorities in getting information out there before it can be scrubbed.

Narayanan said...

is it possible to tell from the sounds who shot first?
sniper or counter-sniper?

Joe Smith said...

From that range a professional wouldn't miss.

Jon Ericson said...

Government Sniper
Trillions are at stake.

Joe Smith said...

All social media being wiped before we get the name...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BIDEN ON MONDAY: “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

Plus? Biden voters are assholes.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"is it possible to tell from the sounds who shot first?
sniper or counter-sniper?"

Yes, if you had experience with it AND you were there, but not listening to audio. Cell phone mics and video in general doesn't do it justice. One thing I can tell you is the hiiiiiiiiiissssk/crack (bullet going supersonic) sound was likely the SS sniper as he likely had a suppressor...could pick that up.

They literally sounded to me on the video almost stacked on top of each other.

Rosalyn C. said...

I have a bad feeling that the FBI or CIA or some unnamed organization has a roster of similar nutcases who are willing to die to become famous. There are probably many more guys like this.

I believe we witnessed a genuine miracle today. I'm so grateful Trump survived and am focusing on that. But does anyone really believe this was a simple accidental lapse in security? It's beyond disturbing.

I can't imagine the state the country would be in tonight if that assassination had succeeded. That's how close we are to a complete catastrophe.

Joe Smith said...

The lady SS agents were awesome...very brave.

But they were all too short to cover up Trump. They looked tiny.

And if the shooter was in the crowd they wouldn't be able to tackle him effectively.

I get equal opportunity, but get taller, stronger women.

Joe Smith said...

Why are we seeing people's video's from the rally?

Shouldn't every phone have been seized as evidence?

lonejustice said...

If this were Biden, we would be asking if this was staged. Not saying it was, just saying what might have been.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice: "If this were Biden, we would be asking if this was staged. Not saying it was, just saying what might have been."


This LLR-democratical buffoon too. You just couldn't stop yourself, could you?

Josephbleau said...

“If this were Biden, we would be asking if this was staged. Not saying it was, just saying what might have been.”

To translate your statement, “I am spreading bullshit.”

Achilles said...

1. The SS is F'd. Anyone who actually knows how security works knows that the shooter does not get to that spot without the SS knowing. Multiple people are talking about how they were pointing to the shooter as he climbed the building and the SS ignored it. Most people think the SS was in on this.

2. Calling Trump a "threat to democracy" is no longer a thing. Everyone in the country is ready to snap on you people. Your deranged posts on this thread just dig your hole deeper.

3. Trump has carte blanche. When Trump is elected he can disband the FBI and nobody is going to say a thing. When Trump is elected and he passes voter ID requirements and voter roll cleaning requirements have fun trying to stop that. Nobody is going to be putting up with the Regime BS anymore.

Without mail in ballots the democrat party is no longer viable.

They may actually turn to RFK at this point to save them. He is probably their only hope.

Achilles said...

4. The assassin killed another person while trying to kill Trump. Nobody is focusing on that right now because we just missed a hot civil war by a hair's breadth. But their name will be known. I suspect they will be mentioned often at the convention. People all know who to blame. Now would be a good time to scrape those bumper stickers off.

Ralph L said...

If the NYPost is right about the shooter's ID, he had a serious Hapsburg jaw.
How did he know he could get a shot from there? The bleachers blocked most of the building.

walter said...

"I get equal opportunity, but get taller, stronger women."
How about the best person for the damn job?

walter said...

Young shooter a registered Republican?
Nevertrumper or jilted antiabortion voter?
Or just wrong info all around at this point?
I'll go with yes at this point.

Hoosier in Tokyo said...

The photo in the Rubio tweet should henceforth be referred to as "the Surabachi photo."

Hoosier in Tokyo said...

Suribachi photo

Marcus Bressler said...

"Marc's making a list
He's checking it twice
Gonna find out
Who's a nasty, unbelieveable POS who deserves to be ignored - not even a mention of his comments on this blog for ever more."
1. Readering
2. Rich
(Did I miss anyone? Feel free to ad."
These two went to funeral service to discover there was no funeral in process, so they wrote, from their fingers, pulled from their rectums, their EXACT thoughts on the matter.)
IMHO, if you continue to engage with people of this sort after a single put-down or acknowledge of their evil, and treat them as normal human beings, they are getting better than they deserve.
Pruning shears at the ready is the unlikely but proper response after ignoring such five-fingered wonders.

The rule of Lemnity said...

News coverage key words- both sides.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

1. The SS is F'd. Anyone who actually knows how security works knows that the shooter does not get to that spot without the SS knowing.

It is certainly a failure on their part at a minimum. My place was across the street from where Presidents stay in the city and there were always sharpshooters on the tallest buildings and restricted access on the ground. I always thought they were vulnerable from windows in high rises but there were usually people watching them from outside.

Big Mike said...

Did I miss anyone? Feel free to ad. [sic]

Add Vicki from Pasadena.

Narayanan said...

how to explain SS sniper acquiring/locating assassin position so quickly?
it looks to me like SS was waiting for assassin to get in position!

Rusty said...

Like Bongino said. It's a simple matter of not having enough Secret Service members on the ground. I'm going to take the high road here and say that the local and state police did their best to vet the site and Trumps SS detail did everything their numbers allowed them to do. But it's impossible to cover every contingency given the manpower at hand.
Let's wait and see what details come out.

Aggie said...

@Jon Ericson, all the pictures of the shooter that you uploaded on the thread previously, have been stripped off the internet.

We don't need to know anything like this. The incident is under review. Move along, citizen.

Achilles said...

walter said...
Young shooter a registered Republican?
Nevertrumper or jilted antiabortion voter?
Or just wrong info all around at this point?
I'll go with yes at this point.

He donated to democrats.

He most likely registered Republican to vote in primaries for Haley.

Candide said...

Not ready to blame the Secret Service for any failures at this point.

The roof was wide open and obviously closely covered by snipers. The shooter was killed in few seconds. Determined assassin can jump out, gain a few seconds and fire a few shots before taken down under any circumstances.

Eyewitnesses claiming they saw the shooter setting up on the roof shouldn’t be taken at their words. A lot of strange things are being told right now. For example, somebody immediately claimed the shooter was a Chinaman.

Joe Smith said...

"I get equal opportunity, but get taller, stronger women."
How about the best person for the damn job?

Sure, but there is a baseline.

The small woman grabbing Trump left his head entirely exposed from the front as Trump is a foot taller than her.

A 5'2" woman might be the best at logistics and crowd surveillance and shooting, but she can't actually 'cover' a 6'3" candidate. She also can't effective tackle a 6', 200lb assassin.

You don't have Muggsy Bogues guard LeBron James...

Marcus Bressler said...

1. Readering
2. Rich the Cocksleeve
3. Vicki the Cunt

The List expands.

walter said...

I agree Joe.
But the "equal opportunity" shit leads to compromises like this.
It's not just height, there's strength concerns.

Old and slow said...

Fred Drinkwater: fully automatic gunfire at a juneteenth event shouldn't be the least bit surprising. Do a search for "glock switch", they're common as mud these days. See also, https://x.com/MrJmezz/status/1590765305961533442

Bruce Hayden said...

“It is certainly a failure on their part at a minimum. My place was across the street from where Presidents stay in the city and there were always sharpshooters on the tallest buildings and restricted access on the ground. I always thought they were vulnerable from windows in high rises but there were usually people watching them from outside.”

We have a place at Trump International in Las Vegas. Talking to a security agent there who had been there when Trump was President. Right now, we do get to see him, on rare occasion, and my partner knows some of his SS advance team (she even had one of them offer her his extra Super Bowl tickets this year). Asked him about how it was, back then, and what to expect. Snipers on all the roofs was one thing. It’s maybe not that bad - a couple on top of Fashion Show mall across the street, and maybe one on top of Resorts World. And on top of the hotel, of course (5th highest building in town). Maybe on top of Wynn and Encore, because they are a couple feet taller. Also, I think some antiaircraft assets on the roof. But the big change is apparently access to the building by the street. Apparently a cordone a block out, which is going to cause havoc with the mall, and esp Nordstrom’s across the street. In any case, apparently the security would be upped significantly when he is in town. At least the residentially challenged (actual terminology utilized) would be minimized.

walter said...

""As a public servant for nearly 23 years, I struggle not to violate the Hatch Act. So I keep quiet and skirt the median," she wrote. "To do otherwise can be a criminal offense for those in my position. Despite the fact that I am expected to take a bullet for both sides."But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.""

Readering said...

Article from Jan 2017?

walter said...

Yes readering. Very observant.

Readering said...

I'm thinking, is that closer to 7 years ago, or closer to 8?

walter said...

You think on that, bright one.
Especially since the anti-Trump sentiment has nearly vanished.

JAORE said...

"Is 2-300 yards something average hunter could do, or would it be somebody more skilled?"

At 200 yards a .223 only drops a couple of inches (depending on bullet weight and other factors). Wind gusts are certainly a factor. I admit I do not know how variable the wind was at the time of the shooting.

Then there is the fortunate head turn.

I really have not shot much for years - gotta remedy that - and at my age am NOT a marksman. But with a bit of practice*, laying prone with a decent AR I am confident I can easily put a .223 into a 12" target. That is mediocrity at best.

There must be millions of military and ex-military that can far out do me. Bunch of hunters too.

* Sadly my AR fell off a boat at the deepest part of the largest lake in Alabama. Or was it in the ocean off of Florida? Oh well.

Readering said...

Walter, no anti-Trump sentiment from me on this thread.

walter said...

So thick. Unbelievable.

Narayanan said...

geometric logic of Trump ears

Readering said...

So blinkered. After many years on this blog, believable, but still frustrating.

Readering said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

The only positive action was an apparent 488yd shot by one USSS sniper which despatched the assasin but after the assassin launched at least 5 rounds, wounding DJT and killing and severely others in the crowd.

so the counter sniper team behind podium stage were not the ones closing out incident

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