July 13, 2024




We were watching it live.

Rewatching: I see the bullet grazes the right side of his head above the ear. His hand goes up, almost like you'd swat a fly. He doesn't fall down. He crouches down. Secret Service everywhere. He gets up. We see the blood over his ear. As the Secret Service is about to hustle him out, he says "Wait, wait!," and he turns to crowd, angry look on his face, and shakes his fist hard four 4 times and we can read his lips: "Fight! Fight!"

There was a minute there where we didn't know if he had been killed or was dying, and we were in great distress. The relief when he stood up was insane.

AND: I just saw a closeup of the wound and believe I saw a round hole in the upper part of his ear. It looked as though the bullet pierced his ear. BUT: I'm hearing on TV that what hit Trump was shattered glass after a bullet hit the teleprompter.

ALSO: Biden needs to make a statement. All I'm seeing at this point is: "President Biden has received an initial briefing on the incident at former president Donald Trump’s rally, according to the White House. Biden, who was at church in Delaware during the shooting, has returned to his residence" (WaPo).


PLUS: I'm seeing a lot of criticism of the press, especially the CNN headlines "Trump speech interrupted by Secret Service" and "Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally." And don't tell me that's a just-the-facts approach, because it's easy to see in the video that Trump did not fall, he crouched. The NYT headline at the moment is: "Trump Rushed Off Stage After Chaos at Rally."

AND: I'm hearing a TV report from police saying the shooter is dead and also that one person in the crowd died.

ALSO: I'm hearing the beginning of conspiracy theories — that it was staged — and the notion that it was Trump's fault — for heating things up or some such thing.

MORE: Biden makes a statement: "I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information. Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it."

AND: Man on TV says he saw the sniper on a rooftop. Saw the rifle. He says he struggled to get the Secret Service to do something about it. He didn't understand why the rooftops overlooking the stage were not secure.

ALSO: "The shooter, identified as a Chinese man, was in a sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said" (NY Post). [UPDATE: That sentence in the Post was updated July 13, 2024, 8:51 p.m. ET. Now, instead of "identified as a Chinese man," it says "identified only as a white male." I remember the brief flurry of excitement over the idea of a Chinese man.]

MORE: "'The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible,' a campaign official said" (The Guardian). Yes, the usual attacks on Trump are likely to reflect badly on Biden.

AND: The post title — "TRUMP SHOT" — was written while Trump was still down. "ALIVE" was written when I saw him stand up. The extra spaces were not intentional, but caused by real agitation. 


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robother said...

Sounds like both the shooter and a member of the crowd are dead. Shooter got off at least 5 shots according to guy who saw him crawling on the roof.

Wa St Blogger said...

the notion that it was Trump's fault — for heating things up or some such thing.

Like an abusive spouse...

"Look what you made me incite! If you had only sat quiet, cowed, with your head down, I would not have had to incite people to assassinate you."

effinayright said...

John henry said...
Of course the shooter is dead.

First rule of political assassination

One person to shoot the target

A 2nd person to shoot the assassin to prevent them singing about who put them up to it.

So....explain why that rule wasn't invoked when Reagan was shot....

Who would ever agree to be an assassin if he knew that "rule"?

Jack Ruby lived for four years after he shot Oswald. The guy who shot Reagan is out of jail and still walking around, right?

Your "rule" is thus falsified.

Rory said...

Watching Sky News, quoting NBC: BIden campaign is pulling down it's hateful ads for a while. Don't want people to notice how vile they are.

Drago said...

Long after the shooting, reports from Times Square showed not a single report from the assasination attempt being displayed anywhere in the heart of NYC.


FullMoon said...

Just watched the vid:
Trump shot, ducks down
Crowd not sure what happened
SS and police, with rifles, surround him.
Trump gets up, pumps his fist in the air
Crowd is shouting USA!USA! USA!

Just like a f'kin' movie.

The Donald Trump story will live forever.

Original Mike said...

Biden says he's trying to get ahold of "Donald". How touching…

Crimso said...

Biden is shocked! Shocked! That there is political violence.

Unknown said...

He shot my ear off! - Bruce Dern in High Plains Drifter

pacwest said...

Couldn't help yourself could you? You really are a piece of shit.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Everyone, I am extremely glad to convey the latest news to you that at least the gunxir wasn't Aurdrey Hale. Vibe check...check your pulses.

Drago said...

Now is also a good time to remember the New Soviet Democraticals in congress have already floated legislation to remove Secret Service protection from Trump.

narciso said...


Narr said...

I watched some coverage of Biden yesterday at a very small indoor meeting. What struck me were the very close and obtrusive SS agents. It made me wonder, assuming that everyone in the place was probably checked and scanned, and rechecked and rescanned before they got within a 100 yards . . .

We had just entered a restaurant (my wife hasn't left the house in over 3 weeks) and there were people all watching the TV. All I saw was a replay of the moment he raised his hand to his ear--I didn't hear anything but some newspuke mumbling, and thought it looked like he had been attacked by a wasp.

If it's standard practice to have one assassin killed by another, how do they recruit assassins? Won't word leak out?

doctrev said...

FullMoon said...

Just like a f'kin' movie.

The Donald Trump story will live forever.

7/13/24, 7:15 PM

It's a fine story. I am looking forward to a better than expected ending.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher B said...

From the PJ Media live blog .. Sean Davis posted on X that a source familiar with Trump's security detail has told the Federalist that Trump's detail has been seeking additional resources for weeks but has been rebuffed by the Biden DHS.

Wince said...

Trump should put an earring made of rare whalebone in the bullet hole.

Landslide territory.

Mason G said...

Has the MSM settled on a motive yet?

FullMoon said...

Same CNN page showing genuine bad-ass Trump video has on the right side of page, the vid of supposed tough guy Alex Balwin breaking down in tears when his case dismissed.
What a contrast.


RideSpaceMountain said...

Hillary dialed 1-800-ARK-CIDE but they had too many DEI hires. The Clinton Foundation must be hard up 4 cash.

Dude1394 said...

It is time for all republicans ( including me ) to get off their fat asses and sign up to work phones, knock on doors and “fight, fight, fight”. Because this was created by the democrats.

RideSpaceMountain said...
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chickelit said...

Why has antifa escaped scrutinity? Didn’t Harris personally bail some of them out?

chickelit said...
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Joe Smith said...

Trump just won.

They don't need to replace Biden now and damage any future candidate.

The still shots of Trump bleeding, with the American flag in the background, will be as iconic as the Iwo Jima flag-raising photo.

Six inches the other way and there's another civil war.

I hope liberals think it was worth it.

Scott Adams has been making the point that democrats have been equating Trump with Hitler. And who wouldn't want to kill Hitler?

Political violence almost always comes from the left.

So Inga, Chuck, Cook, et al, this is on you.

You've spent years demonizing a man with with whom you have nothing but policy differences.

This is what you wanted. You own this. Fuck you.

Metaphorically I was your political adversary but now I'm your enemy.

You fucked up. Own it.

Trump wasn't happy before, but now he's pissed.

Good luck.

Christopher B said...

Sebastian .. Shooter arrested??

Sounds like maybe there was some confusion between the rally attendees who were killed and injured and the shooter, in initial reports.

Quaestor said...

President Biden said, "We're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye."

Readering's Commander-in-Chief gave his orders, and they were duly obeyed.

Readering said...

Commenters who insult other commenters instead of commenting on the post are the pieces of shit. Why keep doing it after all these years?

Humperdink said...

Hopefully someone will list all of the lefties, celebrities or not, who wanted Trump dead. Name names!

Oh Yea said...

"This is not a normal election where you want to win and if you don't, you cooperate and do the best you can for the country and hope to win the next time. This is something that is undermining our democracy. He must be stopped. He cannot be president!" Pelosi said about former President Trump.

Nancy Pelosi speaks to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell 2 July 2025

Goju said...

The MSM spews BS. Wow!!! Really? Why did you even expect any less from the propaganda whores? Even Pravda operatives are in slack jawed awe of the MSM's Absolute lack of any semblance of morals or ethics.

Biden was at church? Was he standing as godfather to his daughter's son?

chickelit said...

Antifa is a cancer on America polity. Excise it now.

Quaestor said...

Biden has been enabling an assassination attempt for weeks.

Christopher B said...

@Readering ... first rule of holes, dude.

But by all means, keep shoveling if you feel the need.

John henry said...

I agree that the immediate standing up, fist pumping and saying "fight, fight" was totally bad ass.

It made me think of Joe Hill as he was stood up before the firing squad and said "Don't mourn, organize"

Yeah he was on the other side, politically. But pretty memorable

John Henry

Joe Smith said...

Someone mentioned the JFK assassination.

But in this case there were 10,000 videos.

I wonder if the Secret Service will confiscate all phones.

I'm assuming they will.

There will be conspiracy theories galore for decades to come...

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

“ Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" — Henry II of England

RideSpaceMountain said...

I work with a lot of real estate and investment lawyers and if yall wanna hot tip, invest in real estate around DC cuz it's about to get cheaper.

Donald just won the election.

Joe Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Weevil said...

Apparently some people on Twitter are passing around a picture of someone they claim is the shooter, Mark Violet (Violets?), but it's actually an Italian YouTuber who probably doesn't even know he's world-famous, since it's 2:40 am in Italy (link).

Joe Smith said...

Unconfirmed...maybe it was a SS agent in a defensive position, but interesting nonetheless:


boatbuilder said...

Photo caption: “Meep, meep!”

Real American said...

I look forward to learning how long the shooter has been on the FBI's radar.

John henry said...

You've spent years demonizing a man with with whom you have nothing but policy differences.

Not even that. I've asked them repeatedly over the last 10 what their policy differences are.


Their differences, that they are willing to advocate murder for are all just style.

He exaggerates

He makes fun of people in mean tweets

He dresses funny

He points out that some women will let celebrities grab them

And so on.

And for that they condone and encourage murder.

Shame on you and all others like you.

John Henry

Drago said...

Real American: "I look forward to learning how long the shooter has been on the FBI's radar."

I look forward to learning how many FBI agents were running the suspect.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.

Hassayamper said...

It is time for all republicans ( including me ) to get off their fat asses and sign up to work phones, knock on doors and “fight, fight, fight”. Because this was created by the democrats.

I donated as much as I thought I could easily afford to his campaign on the day he was found guilty by the Democrat jury in New York.

I'm going to quadruple it tonight.

Tomorrow my wife and I go down to sign up as door knockers and poll watchers. We live in Maricopa County so there is lots of work to do here.

Mason G said...

You are under absolutely no obligation to treat leftards and leftist-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich pops in with precisely the projection expected of the New Soviet Democraticals.

As expected.

Drago said...

BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said.

Was Biden’s regime behind the attack, or did it deliberately do everything it could to allow it to happen?


narciso said...


mezzrow said...

Thanks, Rich. You have a good night.

Sleep well.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Rich writes: "you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere."

I read all such posts through the lens of projection. Thanks for letting us all know about the quality of your sincerity, Rich!

Rabel said...

Thank God he survived.

Hassayamper said...

But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.

Whatever, fool.

I'll be sincere about one thing: if the Democrat enemy scum steal this election again, a lot of them will be begging for death before all the repercussions have quit repercussing.

effinayright said...

Readering said...
Commenters who insult other commenters instead of commenting on the post are the pieces of shit. Why keep doing it after all these years?

Sez Readering, as he insults other commenters!!!


Rabel said...

I guess they've finally got a Hitler comparison that holds water.

Bob Boyd said...

Great job on this post Professor. Really great job.

Mark said...

I might detest Trump, but I want him to clearly lose the election.

Anyone cheering this is as bad as the shooter.

Drago said...

Nate Silver, seeing the writing on the wall for POS moronic left wing/dem/LLR-democratical commenters: "Some of you really shouldn't be tweeting right now."

Jim at said...

But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.

Keep pushing it, boy.
Keep running your mouth.

Dave Begley said...

Mason G.

Lester Holt say motive unknown!

PJ said...

“Stochastic” to begin trending in 3, 2, Abort! Abort!

loudogblog said...

Fred Drinkwater said...

"So you listened to the audio five times, like I did? Right?"

I sincerely doubt that you'd really know what a fully automatic weapon sounds like. The fact that you had to listen to it five times, that proves my point.

Original Mike said...

"it’s good to oppose assassinations"

Whata guy.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Drago, Silver is wrong. I WANT those posts on the public record. As many as possible.

Dave Begley said...

Here’s the thing, if the Dems now steal the election there will be a March on DC. End of the Republic.

Drago said...

There can be no doubt that as soon as Rich learned of this assassination attempt he perched himself over his keyboard, wracking his brain, trying to figure some way, any way, to deliver what he would perceive as a gotcha.

And after all that time, thats what he came up with.

Pathetic doesnt begin to accurately characterize it.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Fred Drinkwater: "Drago, Silver is wrong. I WANT those posts on the public record. As many as possible."

You and Silver dont share the same goals.

Silver knows how damaging idiots like Rich are to his side and he's trying his best to shut it down.

Rabel said...

It has to be that there are a Hell of a lot of people out there who are ready to start shooting back.

Fred Drinkwater said...

So you didn't listen, then?

Btw I am the son of a USMC Colonel combat veteran, and uncle of two USMC officers.

Just sayin.

Rabel said...

Seeing this live, not knowing if he had been killed, watching him rise up, is something that will stick with you forever.

I'm glad I took a nap and missed it.

Big Mike said...

From Instapundit:

We have expected this for years. You can't spend a decade falsely painting him as Orange Hitler without this happening. The more responsible types will soon tell us that we shouldn't say what I'm about to say. But I said it when Rep. Scalise was shot and I say it again now: YES, I BLAME THE LEFT.

And I do too, from Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden wanting to put Donald Trump “in a bullseye,” to Johnny Depp trying to say he was “just joking” about assassinating Donald Trump, to Robert De Niro talking about Trump taking a punch and getting blood on his hands.

FullMoon said...

From CNN

Read Trump’s full statement below:

“I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”

Narr said...

Besides Ford and Reagan, I thought of TR.


I like it.

Original Mike said...

CNN listing past political shootings.

James Hodgkinson? Not so much.

hombre said...

The cabal has not been able to jail or bankrupt him. Biden is blowing up. This was the obvious next step. I will say it again, they will never let him back in the White House. (It doesn't matter who the shooter was supposed to be.)

Skeptical Voter said...

The Dims were in hysterics a few years back that Sarah Palin had put Gabby Gifford "in the crosshairs". And now within the last 24 hours Slow Joe said it was "time to put Trump in the bullseye". I don't want to hear another god damned word from Joe Biden--ever.

Readering said...

The onlooker tv interview referenced by AA is wild. On BBC. He was pointing out man with a rifle climbing building to roof to SS and police. After, saw SS "blow his head off."

The rule of Lemnity said...

Reports on the radio say the rooftop of the building used by the shooter, with a clear line of sight to the former president, was left unguarded by the Secret Service.

Conspiratorial minds want to know.

Humperdink said...

Sen. Chuck Schumer regarding Trump: "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you."

imTay said...

"We’re Done Talking About the Debate, it’s Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye" - Joe Biden five days ago.

boatbuilder said...

Joe Smith-the red-haired guy says later in the video that “they blew his head off,” so probably not a SS guy.

walter said...


walter said...

Will be interesting to hear Bongino on this.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The New York Post story has been edited to change “Chinese man” to “while male”:

“The shooter, identified only as a white male, was in an elevated sniper position located hundreds of yards away from Trump’s podium in Butler, Pa. as he spoke to a campaign crowd, sources said.“

pacwest said...

Your first response is a snarky let God sort it out. What's next? Can't we all denounce violence like this? Just like the idiot on this site after the Paul Pelosi attack. Wait, I see Mark has already covered that one. The fact is I have never once seen you denounce antifa, Obama, Pelosi, or the myriad of prominent Democrats calling for violence. Supporting violence. Calling for blood on the sreets. YOU support the party that is behind BAMN including the violence and lawfare towards political opposition. Think about it. YOU are responsible. And you will certainly never receive civil discourse from me again. You don't deserve it. FU.

Bob Boyd said...

If Trump had been killed it would be a total disaster for America, a possibly permanent, unhealable rift. How could there be a legit election after that? Our foreign adversaries know this. The Democrats know this. We're very vulnerable as a nation right now.
Maybe it was a foreign agent who came into the country through the open border. We won't know for a while. And who will be able to believe what they tell us, whatever it is?
The media is such a bunch of stupid children. We're all going to pay the price for them throwing away their credibility believing they can just lie and manipulate us all.

Drago said...

Jacqueline Marsaw, Field Director for Congressman Bennie Thompson (January 6 Sham-peachment Committee Chairman and introducer of legislation to remove SS protection from Trump): "I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time. ooops that wasnt me talking"

Marcus Bressler said...

As much as I do believe some pre-Civil War 2 skirmishes will begin soon, (at least in Florida) it is illegal to issue a threat electronically. SO I never make specific threats of violence against anyone. Back last October, I received some FB Messenger threats from some guy who was dating an old GF of mine, warning me "away"LOLz with the usual "you don't know who you're fucking with, fuck boy". I just ignored this pussy who thought he could intimidate me into not seeing an old GF that I HADN'T seen in six months, or even talked to. Well, he turned out to be a loser, of course, relapsed while he moved in with her at her grandfather's house, and verbally, mentally, and physically abused her. He does meth, works at a local restaurant, has a two-wheel scooter because he lost his license. They broke up but he keeps bothering her. I'm not doing anything to help her except give advice. So I visited the restaurant where he works, he says, as a "line chef" (that's a line cook who has never been a chef). He has no idea of what I look like so I walked right over to his station at the open grill display and said, "Hey, I have a question." He looked up with a shit-eating grin and told me to go ahead. I asked him, "How many fingers do you think someone could cut off a cook's dominant hand, you know, like with branch pruners,... before they were no longer able to earn a living as a cook.....at all?" He looked at me in puzzlement. And then I added, "....fuckboy?" and paused again. He stared at me. He had stopped whatever he was doing. I added, "Maybe it would take four fingers and a thumb, .... Shawn. (his name) ... fuckboy." Before he could answer, as the cooks to each side of him were watching him, wondering why he stopped plating his entrees, I just smiled broadly, and walked away. Leisurely.
That's how I would feel about anyone on this blog that celebrates what just happened to Trump.
They would be dead to me.
Post Script: a few days later, the old GF called me and said Shawn had described me and asked if she knew anyone by my description. She said she didn't but, of course, called me the first thing after he left and asked if that was me. I laughed, said, "you know, for someone who said I didn't know who I was fucking with, he's not sure of two things". She said, "What two things?"
I replied, "One, He didn't know who he was fucking with; and, Two, he couldn't answer HOW many fingers snipped off could he handle and still cook?"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Dan Bongino is saying that there have been requests for more USSS resources for Trump, but USSS director Kim Cheatle has turned them down.


Jersey Fled said...

Seems like some of our Lefty friends are revealing their true colors tonight.

imTay said...

Rich is working on a How To, kind of an anti Dale Carnegie effort. "How to Lose Friends and Aggravate People"

Readering said...

Thanks for the gibberish, pacwest.

Big Mike said...

Bennie G. Thompson is a Democrat Congressman who introduced legislation to remove Donald Trump’s Secret Service detail. One of his field directors, obviously taking her cue from her boss, took to social media to write

I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops that wasn't me talking

Scratch any member of the Democrat Party and you’ll find someone who is perfectly okay with violence as long as it’s directed by Democrats and not at them.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere."
Don't people like you hand out candy when these things happen?

n.n said...

Trump must be a bigger "burden" h/t Obama, than we were led to believe.

Joe Smith said...

This is fucking incredible if real...why wasn't a rood on an obvious sightline secured???


doctrev said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Dan Bongino is saying that there have been requests for more USSS resources for Trump, but USSS director Kim Cheatle has turned them down.


7/13/24, 8:35 PM

I'm not sure that's true. Donald Trump has a full staff and he doesn't need to hire unknown people from inside the Service. He might want his detail paid for as a major presidential candidate, but no further than that.

Obviously the LLRats are going to claim the system works, but I think they would have their ears ripped off if they said it around decent people. America narrowly averted civil war today. Will Joe Biden and his insane partisans step back from the brink? Well, just ask the Russians.

Actually, I think such an overt attempt on the last legitimate President might convince Putin that a nuclear example needs to be made of someone.

imTay said...

"Commenters who insult other commenters instead of commenting on the post are the pieces of shit."

Umm Readering....

Joe Smith said...

The director of the SS and at least one agent need to be submitting their resignations immediately.

jpg said...

Prediction: SS personnel knew this attempt was going to happen and knew the shooter's location. They were ready to kill him to shut him up and did so. Unfortunately for their plot,
the shooter wasn't quite a good enough shot. Trump isn't safe. Not so long as the SS hierarchy remains in place. I'll bet the best agents protecting Trump are the ones who are removed. This isn't over.

traditionalguy said...

Keep in mind the SS job is to station counter snipers to cover possible high sniper nests like towers and roofs.

The red headed witness was stunned about why that roof was not covered. Hmm? Trump better hire private security to protect him.

jpg said...

Prediction: SS personnel knew this attempt was going to happen and knew the shooter's location. They were ready to kill him to shut him up and did so. Unfortunately for their plot,
the shooter wasn't quite a good enough shot. Trump isn't safe. Not so long as the SS hierarchy remains in place. I'll bet the best agents protecting Trump are the ones who are removed. This isn't over.

Readering said...

If the guy interviewed by BBC is accurate, still fine for Trump to thank those who came to his aid, but for the rest of the security apparatus....

The rule of Lemnity said...

If the shooter was a Chinese looking man and we have reports that men from China have been crossing the Mexican/US border. Does president Biden bear some responsibility?

Jimmy said...

The leftists on this board, and in the media, are doing all they can to play this the 'right way'.
don't waste time encaging them. they want you in jail, in a camp, or dead. that is the bottom line. all of them, including the nimrods on this board, have promoted violence, shreeked about the sacred democracy and signaled that anything should be done to trump to prevent his rise.
short version. they are scum. given the power, they will do what ever they want, up to and including jailing us, controlling us, or killing us. They have shown who and what they are. stop treating them as honest people with honor and integrity. they have none

doctrev said...

jpg said...
Prediction: SS personnel knew this attempt was going to happen and knew the shooter's location.

7/13/24, 8:46 PM

First of all, you realize that Trump has had top flight security for more than a half-century, right? He appoints his own security to his Secret Service detail, not the government. That they have USSS clearance and procedures is because he was the President and it would be too obviously murderous to deny him that. Clinton, Bush, and Obama have similar privileges.

Secondly, 24 hour rule. The President isn't wetting the bed over rumor, neither should you.

Prof. M. Drout said...

If the specific person who gave the order not to put an agent on the roof is not identified and disciplined, the entire chain of command up to the cabinet secretary needs to be fired.

How would the guy with the rifle know that there was an undefended roof that he could climb on? Do we believe he just brought a rifle to a place where there were a lot of police and secret service and hoped for there to be an undefended roof?

This smells like something that was allowed to happen.

Also, for the person who said that this must have been a small caliber bullet: the doctor who tried to save the life of the guy in the crowd who got shot in the head said that there was brain matter outside the wound. That's no .22 from that distance.

Rabel said...

The man who shot him was able to find a hole in the perimeter defense of the worlds premier protective service and exploit it.

We can and should blame the SS for allowing that weakness, but this took planning and some level of skill. A competent amateur, maybe, but the guy didn't just happen to be on that roof unobserved by security in a partially covered position.

victoria said...

i guess that Trump was upset he was not part of the mainstream narrative..."assassination attempt" Hogwash

Vicki from Pasadena

imTay said...

Holy crap, Vickie, maybe you should step away from the keyboard until you get over the fact that the guy missed.

Original Mike said...

I hope Trump's pick for VP is commensurate with the risk posed from his enemies. There's no reason to think this is a one-off.

imTay said...

"How would the guy with the rifle know that there was an undefended roof that he could climb on?"


chickelit said...

WTF are you babbling Vicki from Pasadena you veritable cunt?
(First time I’ve ever used that word online)

The rule of Lemnity said...

"God protected President Trump"

Did Sen Rubio declare Trump winner of the next election?

(If the Secret Service is up to the job of keeping him alive, Rubio is prob right)

That's a big if, thought.

Wa St Blogger said...

You will know their character by their actions.

There is only one good response from the left about what had happened, and their hate is so strong that they could not muster the grace to do it.

The lefty commentariat on Althouse is vile, despicable and contemptable. Do they even know why they are reviled or do they think it is justifiable persecution that validates their true belief with heavenly rewards in store?

Prof. M. Drout said...

Shorter version: If there is no actual accountability for this incredible failure, we are justified in inferring that this was allowed to happen.

David53 said...

MSNBC chyron - Trump Injured in Apparent Assassination Attempt


chickelit said...

@rabel: I do worry about the security hole and the SS.

Original Mike said...

"How would the guy with the rifle know that there was an undefended roof that he could climb on? Do we believe he just brought a rifle to a place where there were a lot of police and secret service and hoped for there to be an undefended roof?

This smells like something that was allowed to happen."

You gotta wonder.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Was it glass from the teleprompter or a bullet? Even if it was glass, Trump will tell everyone he was shot.

Temujin said...

I think we all saw this coming. Or...many of us did. I happened to be watching this tonight. It looked like it was primed to be a major rally with a huge crowd, Trump in form, and an announcement of his Veep selection.

So...I'm not reading the previous 290 comments now. But my thoughts:
1) How is it possible any rooftop in that area was left uncovered by secret service?
2) How is it possible any rooftop with a sightline to the stage was not manned by a secret service agent or state police?
3) How is it possible that this shooter just happened to know which rooftop would be open to him AND have a clear sightline to the podium?

People have questions. Also- why did the secret service not swipe Trump down and off the stage IMMEDIATELY. Not in a few seconds. Not 20 seconds to get him up. Not letting him poke his head out. Just pull him down and pull him off the stage, whisk him into the waiting vehicle and out of there. I think the secret service messed up majorly all over the grounds tonight.

Lastly- the left has created this. It is all on them. (check out the June cover of The New Republic.) They've been deranged since 2016 and it's gotten increasingly worse each year. I know we're going to hear them all tell us that it's now time for all of us to be civil, to come together. I'll bite my tongue when I hear that civility bullshit.

1 cm is the difference. And this country would never have been the same had that cm been different.

Rabel said...

Seems that if the SS wanted to assassinate Trump they could have found a way that didn't point the finger at them.

I'm leaning towards a shooter was was good enough to beat their system and willing to die in the effort.

chickelit said...

I work with a cohort of semi-retired men. All of them (six) are daily Trump disparagers. They all have wives who are even TDS people.
Do a a majority of American women have a death wish for Donald Trump? I’m serious.

Dave Begley said...


I asked the roof questions early on. That roof should have been secured. Only 200-300 yards away. Head of SS needs to be fired.

imTay said...

Rich, you really should just step away from the computer until you get over your disappointment.

Joe Smith said...

Look for A LOT of White House resignations in the next month.

Nobody wants to be the last out the door...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Elon Musk @elonmusk

"I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery"

Rabel said...

Democrats aren't the only people who want Trump dead.

Aggie said...

Didn't sound like a .22 to me. Someone else mentioned suppression, and that's what I think - a NATO round from an AR-type, with a silencer. I don't think anybody would go to this amount of trouble with something like a .22. And since there was a death and serious wounding, that indicates more than a .22.

It's a disgusting act to withhold SS protection from a competing Presidential candidate. Biden is withholding the requested additional support from Trump's campaign, with this result - and let us not forget, Biden is withholding all SS support from Junior', RFKJr. So in other words, the Biden administration is withholding SS support from all of his competitors, and now we've had blood drawn.

That's the Joe Biden that I know, and you know it, too.

Original Mike said...

Go away, Rich.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Was it glass from the teleprompter or a bullet? Even if it was glass, Trump will tell everyone he was shot."

Incredible as it may seem, Rich musters up all his strength and continues to claw the hole deeper.

Much to Rich's disappointment, there appears to be incredible photographic evidence of the actual bullet that hit Trump's ear and whizzed on thru:


It appears that, despite all the evidence of Trump being shot, Rich will Rupar-it and tell everyone he was not.

imTay said...

There are a lot of serious people who want Trump dead. Plus thousands, maybe, justing by some comments here, maybe millions of nut jobs. Some of the serious people are in Ukraine, a country that has been carrying out assassinations abroad for a while now.

This will never be investigated as thoroughly as it needs to be, because these things never are. Epstein didn't kill himself, whatever the "investigators" tell you. It wasn't a "botched robbery" that killed the guy who had computer access to those DNC emails that proved that his guy, Bernie Sanders, had been jobbed out of the nomination.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Vicki, you disgusting old lefty cunt, go fuck yourself with a cactus.

Joe Smith said...

'Was it glass from the teleprompter or a bullet? Even if it was glass, Trump will tell everyone he was shot.'

You are a cocksucker of the highest order.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PrimoStL said...

RideSpaceMountain said, "Have you ever seen The Sound Of Music?"


Absolutely devastating haha👍👍👍 I doubt anyone knows who he really is but I would never type another byte on this site after that.

Mason G said...

"You are a cocksucker of the highest order."

You're slandering cocksuckers, here.

Original Mike said...

"Seems that if the SS wanted to assassinate Trump they could have found a way that didn't point the finger at them."

That's a point.

chickelit said...

WTF is wrong with you, Rich?

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
imTay said...

BTW, the Ukrainian tactic for these kinds of assassinations is to find a local dupe, and give him technical support, and disappear. The New York Times had a long article about how we trained these assassins for infiltration operations.

Very handy that the guy is dead. There was a report out of Russia that a plot to kill Tucker Carlson by planting a bomb on his car in a Moscow parking garage was planned by using a dupe.

I wouldn't call Rich a cocksucker, cocksuckers are good for something.

Donatello Nobody said...

What’s up with Margaret Brennan on CBS News? She was basically slagging Trump for not calling for an atmosphere of calm following the assassination attempt, as if to keep the blame on him for the current state of polarization. I’m thinking if you’ve just been shot, anything other than a stream of four-letter words is forgiven implicitly.

FullMoon said...

I am not a gun guy.

Is 2-300 yards something average hunter could do, or would it be somebody more skilled?

walter said...

How soon can the Dems turn this into a gun control moment.

Anthony said...

My MIL has already expressed regret that the shooter didn't have better aim.

She is no longer welcome in my house.

Original Mike said...

"That roof should have been secured. Only 200-300 yards away. Head of SS needs to be fired."

If you see an arial view of the site, it is astonishing that it was not secured.

Rabel said...

If it was a shard from the teleprompter and it had gone a few inches right then Eyepatch Trump would have been realized and the prophecy will have been fulfilled.

imTay said...

Biden pulled all of his ads because it would have looked bad if he only pulled the "Trump = Hitler" ads.

Rory said...

"Lemme get my shoes" should pass into legend.

Iman said...

The old corksoaker Biden just said within the past few days that it was “time we put Donald Trump in a bullseye”

The useless, demented old prick can’t leave soon enough.

walter said...

Message from a friend in Jefferson county, wi.
"A county fair goer (local), and friend of ours, said the Democratic tent "cheered" when they heard that Trump was shot."

Freeman Hunt said...

We got a call from a sobbing relative that she had just seen Trump shot in the head on live television.


Major relief to find out he was okay.

Jersey Fled said...

“Head of SS needs to be fired.”

Not going to happen. She’s a diversity hire.

Political Junkie said...

My wife just said she wished DJT had been killed. I told her it was a bad look for her side. Made me think of the people that were happy when Reagan was shot. But the sad thing is, as a dumb 10 year old, I hated Reagan.

Original Mike said...

CNN: 'Republicans need to calm down.'

Rabel said...

Looking at he flags in different photos, there were gusting winds. The shooter misjudged his windage.

The people hit were in a tight cluster to trump's right. Looked good on the scope, and he held his target for several rounds.

Drago said...

chickelit: "WTF is wrong with you, Rich?"

I think what we are seeing is amazingly sheer desperation on the part of the New Soviet Democraticals. They instinctively understand that this is an inflection point of the highest order....but they desperately, desperately desire it to be otherwise.

We see that with the refusal of the media types in NYC to show this in Times Square in real time. We see it with literal "Republicans Pounce" and "MAGA Pounces" commentary on legacy media in addition to purposeful incredibly stupid headlines describing "incidents" and "Trump falling". Etc.

It's across the board.

It's literally legions of vickies calling it all a hoax, Rich's trying to turn it into a Trump lie-a-thon that they can get their very little minds around and feel better about.

Its the entire decade of collapsed lefist hoaxes and lies and smears and governmental weaponization and lawfare failing them and...They. Simply. Don't. Know. What. To. Do. Or. Say. Without. Higher. Direction.

So right now they are on their own while their betters try and come up with a series of talking points and being on their own while commenting is not a recipe for moral or honest rhetorical success.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Message from a friend in Jefferson county, wi.
"A county fair goer (local), and friend of ours, said the Democratic tent "cheered" when they heard that Trump was shot."


Save it. Save it all. Violence ain't coming. It's here.

imTay said...

It's one of two things, either it's "stochastic terrorism" that is that the atmosphere of hatred against Trump led to a nut job trying to kill him, or it was a state sponsored job.

Fico in Slovakia had also ben exposed to the same kinds of hateful press that Trump gets here, and some nut cake tried to finish him off, and failed.

Not for nothing, but if both assassinations had succeeded, the security state would be money ahead right now.

walter said...

"My wife just said she wished DJT had been killed"

Oh, honey..

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlbertAnonymous said...

Apparently the news is now worried about “reciprocal” or “retributional” violence.

That’s definitely the no. 1 issue… we need, more than anything, to stop that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

X Videos:

"I am in the center of Times Square. Not a single video monitor reporting that President Trump has been shot. The depth of the censorship and propaganda is astounding."


Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Rich said...

Was it glass from the teleprompter or a bullet? Even if it was glass, Trump will tell everyone he was shot.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Witness said...

sick and evil.

this is a reminder to anyone it may concern: please stop wishing on the monkey's paw

Aggie said...

That Photo. Man.

Donald Trump - Grazed and Unfazed

Prof. M. Drout said...

A high school friend of mine is a retired police captain. I asked him about the roof being undefended, and he said that for a visit to a NJ city by Pres. Obama in 2016: "We had every street and roof top locked down. It was a tremendous undertaking and took weeks of preparation and coordination with several law enforcement agencies."

And yes, as someone above said, the assassin missed Trump only because the windage was different than what he'd calculated. That's how close we came to a catastrophe.

(Also, I agree with Drago's analysis that we are seeing what happens when the talking points haven't been distributed. The results speak for themselves).

Drago said...

Rich: "Was it glass from the teleprompter or a bullet? Even if it was glass, Trump will tell everyone he was shot."

Achilles: "Perfect. Just perfect."


Across the nation today the left/dems/LLR-dems aren't even trying to hide their joy and rapture over the attempt and their bitter disappointment that Trump lives.

There's no walking that one back...not that New Soviet Democraticals ever would want to. But there it is.

FullMoon said...

Seal team 6?

PM said...

Fist-pump the iconic poster.

BG said...

Is it too soon to ask if "F**k you!" guy is going to be famous?

Hubby is busy analyzing any videos showing up. I don't think he has anything new to add. Just that whoever the head SS person was for that detail needs to be fired for not having the roofs covered.

Aggie said...

@FullMoon 20:17:

When you start rifle shooting (I did at a young age) 100 yds was where you started to qualify for their sharpshooter type badge, shooting .22 long rifle ammo. 2-300 yds is something you can achieve proficiency with a good bit of practice, a good rifle, good optics, and a prone position resting the rifle on something to keep it steady. A NATO round AR-type semiauto rifle would be on the edge of its effectiveness at that range. These are all my opinions.

Most practice is done on a flat range. Shooting from a different elevation, relative to target, complicates trajectory. Maybe a lot, depending on the round being shot. Shooting with wind further complicates matters, because it pushes the bullet of a straight trajectory depending how it impinges the bullet.

Trump was very lucky, IMO, given how close multiple rounds apparently came before being grazed. My opinion: Well-experienced shooter.

imTay said...

I love that fucking bastard Trump.

FullMoon said...

Pelosi said
“As one whose family has been the victim of political violence, I know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society,” Pelosi said in a statement posted on X.

Same thing, only different.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Anyone who has ever seen a Trump rally knows he doesn’t need and doesn’t use a teleprompter. He’s a spontaneous talker and we saw it happen in front of us. Just stop saying stupid shit for a day or so. Give the facts time to be reported.

Darkisland said...

Full Moon

200-300 yards is not a serious distance with good equipment, skill and practice. There is even a National Association of Bench Rest Shooters that holds regular tournaments at 600 and 1,000 yards with winners putting 5-10 rounds into a 1" of smaller circle. (PEDJT's head is probably a 12" circle)

Several snipers have killed at 3500 meters, a bit more than 2 miles.

Just taking a wild guess, I'd bet there are between 500,000 and 1mm sport shooters and hunters in the US who could hit a head size target at 300 meters. Maybe even more than a million.

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And yes”F You!” guy is my hero. I assumed he was talking to the shooter but my brother said it was the media. Both deserve it.

Aggie said...

I've just googled up the Butler Farm Show aerial photo. The range for the shooter on the roof of the building in question to the stage Trump was on is more like 100 - 125 yds.

Darkisland said...

I don't know if PEDJT was using them, doubt it, but there were 2 teleprompter screens in front of the podium before the shot.

There were still 2 screens, not knocked down, undamaged, after he was shot.

All our Dick needs to do is watch the video to see what a fool he is making of himself.

John Henry

Drago said...

@CurtisHouck: "GRAPHIC: Just over an hour ago, NBC's Dasha Burns spoke with an OBGYN who said a man next to him was shot to death instantly in the head by the gunman trying to assassinate Donald Trump. He added he helped carry his body off the bleachers, towel over his head b/c it was gone."


Victoria from Pasadena response? Ha Ha Ha

Aggie said...

And needless to say, the idea that a shooter could make their way with a rifle - an obvious, visible threat to the outskirts of a political rally - and crawl up onto a roof, within that range, with the security detail being unaware is.....unsettling, to say the least.

Aggie said...

Trumps gonna be having his own Popemobile from now on.

Jon Ericson said...

About the shooter.


William said...

Trump's immediate response was righteous. Moreover, there's an iconic photograph to memorialize that righteous response. He was twice blessed. The shooter missed and the photographer didn't.....Trump is not always eloquent with words, but his pictures speak a thousand eloquent words. First that mug shot and now this.....The immediate response from the left on X was not righteous or even sensible. They claimed that since Trump only got a bloody ear and there was an iconic photo that it must have been staged.....I'll wait to learn more of the shooter. My guess is that all the anti-Trump rhetoric probably had more to do with his motivation than Palin's rhetoric had to do with that Arizona shooting.....I'm glad the assassin got shot dead before he could get another few rounds off. The Secret Service screwed up, but the agent who shot the assassin didn't.

Readering said...

Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.

That was Winston Churchill speaking of his experience fighting in the 4th Hussars on the NW Frontier of India. Should think Trump in some agreement.

James K said...

I believe the iconic photo was shot by an AP photographer. The AP is not exactly known for being favorable to Trump.

Bob Boyd said...

Americans do not have confidence in our institutions when we need it most. The people in these institutions brought this about. It's destabilizing and dangerous.

Original Mike said...

President Clinton's statement refers to President Trump.
President Bush's statement refers to President Trump.
President Obama's statement refers to President Trump.
President Biden's statement refers to Donald.

Yancey Ward said...

Boy, you almost hear the wailing in Bich's heart this evening.

You go with that, Bich- it was just glass.

Josephbleau said...

The assassin, or assassins were in my opinion well trained shooters, they just misjudged the wind. We have the body, why no announcement on id. The stupid govt is going to fuck around and hide everything, so you have to assume that they did it.

Why do govt officials suck wrt intelligence?

Jamie said...

What a... I'm lost for an adjective. What a night.

A friend who absolutely hates Trump says that from here on out, there will have to be a Secret Service agent assigned to carry the stool that will support Trump's gigantic balls. This friend, while working in South America, once had a gun to his head, so he has more reason to talk than most.

Of course I admire the courage of the Secret Service members who did exactly the job they hope never to have to do. But I also admire the courage of the photographers who stayed right the hell in there.

Yancey Ward said...

Security-wise, there is no excuse for not having that roof under constant surveillance at an event like this. Someone screwed the pooch on that call. My first instinct is to not blame malice when incompetence is always an option- the latter is about 99% of the time the only explanation that is valid and I think it will be the case this time, too. The shooter might well have been following Trump for a while looking for hole in security that presented itself tonight.

Original Mike said...

Althouse: "The extra spaces were not intentional, but caused by real agitation. "

We'll give you pass, this time.
But don't let it happen again.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Zero tongue-in-cheek if you have Fredos in your family and you didn't already sleep within easy reach of a weapon I genuinely recommend you start immediately. The next 24 hours could be extremely difficult for them...

Michael McNeil said...

Does Trump use a teleprompter at his rallies? Employing one seems fundamentally incompatible with his favored manner of speaking…

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