July 20, 2024

Things that are in the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" but not in the book.

1. Meals on Wheels

2. Funyuns

3. ... 


rehajm said...

Glen Close?

Anthony said...

I read the book and very much enjoyed it, but only got maybe 1/3 of the way through the movie.

Heartless Aztec said...

Funyuns? Legit placement. It's a rural favorite.

Kate said...

Meals on Wheels is a key decision moment in the movie. Maybe a book doesn't need that structural pivot point.

Yancey Ward said...

I still occasionally buy a small bag of Funyuns or Bugles. Not often, but I loved them as a youngster.

Sally327 said...

I don't know, I haven't read the book or seen the movie. I figured I already know quite a bit about growing up poor in rural America. (Kudos to Senator Vance for finding a way to monetize that experience!)

But I didn't realize Amy Adams was in the movie until a couple of days ago and I like her (since "The Fighter") so I might give it a look now.

Dixcus said...

Mountain Dew. I haven't seen the movie. Gotta be in there tho. Just HAS TO BE.

BG said...

I haven't read the book. I am now curious so checked my library's site for availability.
My library is part of a multiple small town system.
This is what I found for the Current Holds (waiting lists) of the different formats:
Large Print: 176
EBook: 1104
Audio Book: 19 (Only 2 available in entire system)
Eaudiobook: 1558 (One sound file)
CD Audio: 32
Book: 240

So I checked Amazon to see how cheap used ones are. That was interesting to peruse. Different languages, summaries and analysis, and also "From Hillbilly Elegy To The White House: The Wisdom Behind Trump's Choice of J.D. Vance." That didn't take long. (Only 73 pages.)

The rule of Lemnity said...

It's in my Netflix queue.

Narr said...

I'm a double H.E. virgin--haven't read/heard the book or seen the movie. There's only so much time.

Aggie said...

Now reading the book (dividing time between this, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, and In the Garden of Beasts). Haven't seen the movie yet, but might do.

I'm reading elsewhere that J.D. Vance has changed his name 3 times ! James Donald Bowman, to James David Bowman, to James David Hamel, to James David Vance. Haven't come across the reasons yet, in the book, but I'm assuming the changes to last names are a matter of convention following his mother's marriage choices.

Just an old country lawyer said...

I have the e-book on loan from our library in NE Georgia, but haven't yet read it past the forward.
The bride and I did watch the movie the other night and I was very impressed by the acting of both Glenn Close and Amy Adams.
My lovely bride who is far more hillbilly than I, and who has a masters in linguistics, quibbled with the actors' pronunciation of the letter 'i' (it was too long).
Her liberal southern friends, like mine, hate JD, but as in the case of their hatred of Trump and all his supporters, especially evangelicals, I think much of it is a poorly disguised class snobbery. Those people just aren't the right kind of poor.

lonejustice said...

I just finished the book. A fantastic read. Vance had a really tough childhood, to put it mildly. But he came out of it a survivor, thanks in large part to his rough and tough as nails grandma. Not sure if I want to watch the movie. It seems that every good book that I read gets turned into an awful movie that differs so much from the richness contained in the printed page.

Drago said...

Aggie: "I'm reading elsewhere that J.D. Vance has changed his name 3 times ! James Donald Bowman, to James David Bowman, to James David Hamel, to James David Vance. Haven't come across the reasons yet, in the book, but I'm assuming the changes to last names are a matter of convention following his mother's marriage choices."

Born with Bowman (fathers name, mother's maiden name Vance), changed to his stepfather Hamel in time, after that went south changed it to his mothers maiden name, Vance right before his marriage.

It's not complicated, but I'm certain with enough sweat equity the New Soviet Democraticals with their GOPe allies can turn that into a series of felonies and impeachable offenses.

Iman said...

Barkin’ at the fuckin’ Moon
RC Cola

rhhardin said...

Amazon is sending The Beekeeper, new Jason Stratham action flick that's probably crap owing to wokeness, but we'll see. I'm passing on Hillbilly Elegy.

Sydney said...

I have not read the book or seen the movie, mostly because I am deeply insulted whenever someone refers to Ohioans as hillbillies. I don’t care if he does come from a family of transplanted Kentuckians, Ohioans aren’t hillbillies. But I’m thinking of getting over myself and reading it.

rhhardin said...

Vance's Mein Kampf.

narciso said...

Actually is very antiwoke the beekeeper the investigators cant buy a clue

Michael K said...

I haven't read it but plan to.

Thanks for the explanation of the name changes.

Narr said...

"RC Cola."

Around here that's Arra-See Co-cola.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Sydney said...

...Ohioans aren’t hillbillies.

And millions of us hillbillies are eternally grateful for that. We've got enough problems as it is.

David53 said...

My wife and I are meals on wheels drivers. Her Dad was a customer for a few years before he died. The food, as depicted in the movie, is barely edible but it's nutrition and many people depend on it. You meet so many old and/or disabled people who live alone. Better than being locked up in an old folks home I suppose.

Yancey Ward said...

We hillbillies call Ohioans valleybillies.

traditionalguy said...

Ohioans from Cincinnati live across the Ohio River from Eastern Kentucky. Ask Meade.

J D is all Scots Irish. He even looks exactly like my son. We come from the Donaldson clan, that supplied Andrew Jackson with his beloved wife. Our weakness is in enemy identification since we will fight anyone if we think we can help people. Both of us are lawyers and are born the same day of the year. Whatever I did growing up, he copied it , but he was better at it.

My point is that Vance is naturally a fighter for the downtrodden good people and totally loyal to a fault to a worthy leader. If the Dems succeed at killing Trump, they will be extremely sorry that they didn’t kill Vance too.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

What percentage of all Funyons sold are sold in gas stations? Eighty?

wildswan said...

This is a Twitter post that is related to current talk about JD Vance's liking for Tolkien although the actual post is ostensibly about Biden. I think it's extremely funny.

Noam Blum.
A source told NBC: "They have taken the Bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes... Drums. Drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark... We cannot get out... They are coming."

The Spectator Index
Jul 18
BREAKING: NBC News reports 'there is now a palpable sense that the ground has shifted underneath' President Biden and that his 'political world is collapsing', with a person close to him saying, 'we are close to the end'.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
reader said...

Now I’m curious. My mom’s maiden name was Bowman. That branch of my family is from Virgina (West Virginia now) with subsequent moves into Kentucky and Missouri.

Funyuns are delicious and I’m getting ready to smoke a 2lb chunk of baloney because I’ve gotten fancy like that. My son is going to be stopping by and I can send some home with him for his lunches. It freezes nicely.

Kate said...

Beekeeper is good. I don't think Statham does woke unless he's making fun of it, like in Spy.

rhhardin said...

Angry white lady attacks Hillbilly Elegy and the contemptible Vance Nancy Isenberg

Bob Boyd said...

Things that are in the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" but not in the book.

I haven't seen the movie but I'm let me guess,
The super-witty, but depressed lesbian bestie Vance defends from bullying by the rich white kids.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Beekeeper is good Stratham.
Strikes me as Vance is a white Dr. Ben Carson.
JD needs more accomplishments though.
Give him time.

Darury said...

Amazon is sending The Beekeeper, new Jason Stratham action flick that's probably crap owing to wokeness, but we'll see.

I was actually surprised it saw the light of day. Basic premise is the president's son is a scumbag who keeps having things covered by her administration.

The Godfather said...

I read the book before Vance went into politics (or, at least, before I'd heard he'd gone into politics). It's thoughtful, sensitive, and wise. It gave me a very favorable impression of its author. Those characteristics "thoughtful, sensitive, and wise" are not ones that I associate with Pres. Trump -- no offense intended. If you haven't read the book, you should. A few commenters seem to think they're too good for "Hillbilly Elegy". I don't know you, but the odds are you're wrong.

Anybody here think Pence was a better pick? Show of hands. Me, I think Trump has grown, in office and out of office, and this pick is an example.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

No one mentioned a Hot Brown sandwich. It’s iconic in the Ohio Valley

etbass said...

The Hot Brown sandwich was created at the Brown Hotel in Louisville decades ago and is still well known and loved in Louisville, KENTUCKY.

Amadeus 48 said...

Everyone here needs to read about Andrew Jackson. Trump admires him. I hope JD is up to speed, but it probably comes naturally to him. Jackson of course was sure that JQ Adams and Henry Clay rigged the election of 1824. Sound familiar?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Amazon delivered Hillbilly Elegy about an hour ago.

Narr said...

So, was LOTR mentioned in the book, or shown in the movie?

Narayanan said...

My wife and I are meals on wheels drivers
during summerbreak I see school buses bring kids to school for breakfast and lunch!

can we call that !wheels to meals!

NKP said...

That pretty much describes every movie that's based on a book.

wendybar said...

Didn't see the movie, but LOVED the book. It was a really good read.

wendybar said...

I’m getting ready to smoke a 2lb chunk of baloney because I’ve gotten fancy like that. My son is going to be stopping by and I can send some home with him for his lunches. It freezes nicely.

7/20/24, 2:13 PM

Wait. What?? Did you buy the chunk from the store, or did you process it yourself?? I have never had smoked bologna before, it sounds intriguing!!

Rusty said...

Once you own a smoker everything you eat will need to be smoked.

boatbuilder said...

Boyd Crowder's dead brother was named Bowman.

reader said...

I get my baloney from the deli counter at the store. It’s comes in the standard baloney width and I’ll usually ask them to cut me a chunk of three to four inches. Oscar Meyer used to sell their bologna unsliced but they were only about two inch chunks.

The texture of the baloney changes when you smoke it because some of the fat renders out. It’s really good very similar to fried baloney sandwiches.

I will smoke it at about 225 for an hour or two. I don’t put rub and sauce on it but I do score the sides. I only use a few wood chips because I don’t like my food too smokey. I just want a little bit of smoke.

reader said...

I have a Mustard BBQ sauce we use on the bread. It’s a dump and stir recipe.

3/4 cup prepared yellow mustard
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup ketchup
1 tbs brown sugar
2 tsp Worcestershire
1 tsp hot sauce (I like sriracha more than Tabasco)