July 10, 2024

"The entire Democrat establishment have been caught red-handed in the thick of the biggest scandal and the biggest cover up. It's a cover up, that's what it is."

"And I said it when they hid this guy in the basement, and then they cheated on the election: It's a cover up. It's the biggest cover up in political history. As you know, they are all co-conspirators in the sinister plot to defraud the American public about the cognitive abilities of the man in the Oval Office. Sometimes. He's there not there often. Laughing Kamala — L-A-F-F-I-N apostrophe — laffin', laffin'. Kamala was in on it. Crazy Nancy Pelosi — who by the way is also very cognitively impaired (have you watched her lately? she's not doing too well, she's not doing too well she's- I think she's worse than Joe) — you want to know that she was in on it. Cryin' Chuck Schumer — you ever see him cry? (he cries when he- the phoniest crying I've ever seen) — Cryin’ Chuck Schumer was in on it. Every Democrat Cabinet member was in on it they all knew this guy was grossly incompetent. And every Democrat in the House and the Senate was in on it. It was a scam. The American people can never trust this group of liars ever again that put our country at great risk and danger. That's why we are going to sweep them all out of office this November. I believe it'll be an election like no other...."

Said Donald Trump at his rally last night, in Doral, Florida.

Crazy Nancy, Cryin' Chuck, Laffin' Kamala... the nicknames line up. And Trump accuses them — and every Cabinet member and every Democrat in Congress — as co-conspirators in a sinister plot to defraud the American public —  the biggest cover up in political history, the biggest scandal.

The boldface is all Trump's language. Overstated?


Big Mike said...


Not in the least.

wendybar said...

Nope, not in the least....ALL TRUE!

Unfortunately, we don't have a media that tells or shows us the truth, so half the country have no clue what is really going on.

RMc said...

Understated, if anything.

pacwest said...

It's the biggest cover up in political history.

Bullshit. As bad as it may be it isn't even in the top five this century. Hillary's server, Russia Russia, 2020 election, J6, the Big Guy, Hunter's laptop. Dont get me started.

tim maguire said...

Overstated? No. Seems like objective truth. We know they engaged in a long running organized deliberate plot to hide Biden’s condition from the American people.

If we accept that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president due to his progressively declining mental state, then the rest of it follows naturally and inevitably.

rehajm said...

To ask is to answer. Those of you what missed the evidence four years, five years ago, you all deserve Trump nicknames, too.

rehajm said...

I suppose it is possible Pelosi and Schumer, wallowing in their own decrepitness, falsely assumed Joe was running things over there…

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Truer than most news reports over the last three years have been. Easily. He’s a communicator. But it’s like Shakespeare or the King James Bible in that you almost have to read it out loud in the native dialect to get the full effect of the words.

Breezy said...

It’s pretty big! How does it compare with coverup of FDRs failing health, which begot the 22nd amendment? Seems that secret was more closely held, but he was visibly in failing health - weight loss, fatigue, etc. We didn’t get a rigged election from that either.

R C Belaire said...

I recently read some posts saying that Trump was more/less keeping quiet about Joe's troubles. Nice to see him back in the game.

Another old lawyer said...

Not overstated, but exceeded by trying to get Biden re-elected.

TickTock said...

The largest by several orders of magnitude if measured by the cost to the nation.

mezzrow said...

Bullshit. As bad as it may be it isn't even in the top five this century. Hillary's server, Russia Russia, 2020 election, J6, the Big Guy, Hunter's laptop. Dont get me started.

The Biden cognitive coverup sits along the same pathway as the rest of these, and they were all engineered by the same builders. We seem to be in a process where Toto has pulled the curtain off the rod to show the mechanism at work just when it is breaking down. Follow the yellow brick road and see where the foundational cracks fail to hold up the Emerald City skyline.

What could possibly go wrong? Stick around and find out. That's my goal. Don't forget that success and good results are also options. That's hard to remember in times like these.

TickTock said...

The largest by several orders of magnitude if measured by the cost to the nation.

gilbar said...

serious question:
Would Biden have still won, IF the "51 intelligence 'experts'" hadn't LIED for him?

EVERYTHING (EVERY THING) on the laptop from hell turned out to be true!
the bribery
Joe's cut (for the big guy)
the pedophilia
ALL of it.

Want MORE?
Ashley Biden's diary turned out to be true as well.

Does anyone (asking YOU gadfly?) STILL think that showering with your 12 year old daughter is "COOL"?
Seriously gadfly? DO YOU?

rehajm said...

The magnitude of the tragedy should be judged by what happens from here. We’re being invited to ignore it all so they can remain in power. If enough of us accept it’s pretty much over and we become some kind of permanent putinesque province in the Davos EuroGalactic Senate…

Clyde said...

Overstated? It might be if they weren't "all co-conspirators in the sinister plot to defraud the American public about the cognitive abilities of the man in the Oval Office." But they were, along with the complicit media. So put me in the "Not Overstated" column.

stlcdr said...

I’d say it’s Huge!

stlcdr said...

And everyone knows it!

Humperdink said...

It wasn't just the democrat establishment, the RINO's were also aware of Biden's condition for years and were remarkably silent about it. Maybe Trump should have said "the swamp" instead of pointing his finger at Dems only.

Now that I think about it, McConnell is probably similarly afflicted.

Jamie said...

I honestly have never understood how the press - the press - could have made themselves believe that Biden was even all there, much less "sharp," going back at least to the 2020 election season. (Was he ever "sharp" before he was running against the hated Trump?) The 10am lids, the always-scripted appearances, the bizarre angry engagements with ordinary people ("Look, fat") - how was it possible that they actually believed that guy was even OK?

And we all watched him continue to decline. They more than any of us - they were in the rooms with the teleprompters and the careful guidance from aides. They were in the room with first Jen's and then Karine's obfuscations, when ol' Peter Doucy would ask one of those questions.

To my mind, the only two possibilities were self-delusion or "advocacy journalism" - the willingness to say anything at all if, by saying it, they could advance the cause of the day - in that case, driving another nail into Trump's coffin.

During Obama's candidacy and presidency, it was their constant repetition that he was the most brilliant person ever to run for and then serve as president (and that his wife was the most beautiful, sophisticated, and accomplished first lady ever). That level of hyperbole was utterly unnecessary; Obama was a skilled politician, which was all that was required, and Michelle Obama was perfectly fine. No need to attempt to resurrect Camelot. But with the hyperbole, Obama didn't even have to participate in a spelling bee, much less do or say anything incisive, to get those unearned accolades, and the press got to polish their Antiracist trophies daily. So I was betting on advocacy journalism.

The Democrat political establishment - I am willing to believe that most of Congress didn't have daily or even weekly or monthly access to President Biden, and they had true-believer aides around (people who could just as easily have been in the press pool, by training and temperament) to watch his rare appearances. So I can believe that members of Congress and of course governors had less data than the press.

But I saw it. And I rarely watch the news. So what's their excuse?

Of course Trump likes him some superlatives - I don't know if this was a bigger cover-up than Wilson or FDR, for instance, but considering that it was right out in the open, certainly there were more coverer-uppers involved in this cover-up than in either of those similarly huge cover-ups.

Enigma said...

The root cover up involves Obama administration actions after the 2010 election. Upon realizing they'd not get any agenda item through congress, the Democrats started monkeying about with EPA water "rules", allowing Hillary to evade email monitoring, allowing Hunter's "consulting business" to thrive, using the IRS for political targeting in 2013, messing around in Ukrainian politics, and aggressively using the spy agencies for illegal partisan purposes. Etc. Etc. Etc. After Trump's surprise victory, they've used any means necessary to cover their tracks. Hang together or hang separately.

Most everything happening in DC after Crossfire Hurricane has involved coordinated lies and cover ups by the Democrats and friendly pro-establishment Republicans (McCain, Romney, etc.).

I won't call Biden's mental state a "cover up" at all, as it was abundantly clear during the 2020 Democratic debates that he was sliding downhill. His installation as President was a conscious and open effort to put a malleable figurehead and safe-old-white-guy puppet in the role. This is why Clyburn and AOC just expressed support for Biden -- he's been their obedient marionette for 3.5 years.

Christopher B said...

Humperdink said...
It wasn't just the democrat establishment, the RINO's were also aware of Biden's condition for years and were remarkably silent about it.

Just a couple of days ago, Kevin McCarthy disclosed that Jill Biden was attending meetings with him when he was speaker.

Leslie Graves said...

The very long, long pieces written by people, explaining how it is that they managed not to be aware of the problem, suggest that they believe that an explanation is required, or else people will naturally believe that they were part of a cover-up. That seems to be the dynamic of the moment.

Dave Begley said...

Laffin' Kamala.



Joe’s incompetence should have been exposed by the Press during the campaign as mentioned above. The kicker that got Joe elected was the suppression and coverup about Hunter’s laptop.

The death toll numbers from Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and Russia are unreliable, but probably exceed 200,000. These people would all be alive if Trump was president now. Add in Laken Riley and all the Americans killed by illegals.

The cost of the Biden presidency has been enormous.

Leland said...

To me, better to isolate the ring leaders and build the case against them. You can say others are complicit, but hard to prove everyone was let in rather than negligently agreed to not ask questions.

Todd said...

Not overstated, actually understated [bigly].

TreeJoe said...

Hunter's laptop wasn't the scandal. The media/social media company reaction was the scandal - outright, near instantaneous, coordinated prevention from discussing or even private messaging about the story. Followed by wall to wall coverage that it was fake.

That level of societal information control, fed by those in power, is the story.

Kevin said...

the biggest cover up in political history, the biggest scandal.

The Dems have even lost the high ground on Trump being the biggest liar.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Democrats who controlled Congress demanded in a White House meeting that Edith Wilson produce her husband for direct questioning by them or he would be officially called before Congress. None of our current cowards did that.

The press did participate in the FDR physical disability cover-up but he was still mentally sharp and in-charge and respected by Allies and Enemies until he grew bedridden at the end.

This present Fiasco has been a years-long effort by the media to (1) ignore and downplay any evidence we saw with our own eyes, (2) blatantly lie when foreign reports or video contradicted their Narrative and (3) heap scorn en masse against "right wing media" for any true reporting or speculation about Biden's fitness. Worse, they admit they did these things because to report the Truth "would help Trump." That's not journalism. That's activism, straight up.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

He's missing a nice alliteration by not going with Cacklin' Kamala. (Kacklin')?

Oligonicella said...



I honestly have never understood how the press - the press - could have made themselves believe ...

They didn't. They lied. They're lying now.

Temujin said...

Not overstated. Finally stated.

Quaestor said...


Not in the least. In fact, it was understated. Trump didn't mention the 51 former spymasters, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, CNN, and the dozen other propaganda dispensers who suppressed the LAPTOP. This wasn't a lapse in Trump's case or a missing clause in the indictment. None of those others hold elective office and are beyond the voters' power to punish. They must face a higher judge.

doctrev said...

As usual, Donald Trump is right. The Epstein case is more serious, of course, but the Hillary email case was less of a problem to the Democrats than this. And a month ago they were STILL peddling the lie. It's a major gift to him.

The numbers of KIA from Ukraine, 30k+, are a pure lie from the Narco Fuhrer, and anyone with brains knows this. The real number is likely past 300k+...


When Trump reveals that, it will be sufficient justification to end support for Ukraine entirely.

Jamie said...

The kicker that got Joe elected was the suppression and coverup about Hunter’s laptop.

For my sins, I recently watched a Kellyann Conway interview with Bill Maher (I have nothing in particular against - nor love for - either one, but I don't enjoy watching people fight). As Maher was going on (and on) about how Republicans no longer care about democracy and about the impending threat of fascism posed by Trump because, after all, he refused to concede in 2020*, Conway brought up the contents of the laptop.

AS ALWAYS, and LIKE ALL HIS FELLOWS, Maher dismissed the whole story as "Nobody cares about Hunter Biden's dick pics." Conway pointed out that (1) it isn't about Hunter, it's about what Hunter said Joe was and had long been doing - selling our foreign policy for his family's gain, and (2) polls indicated that if the truth about the laptop had been reported at the time, enough voters would have changed their votes to throw the election to Trump. So where's your "election interference" now, Bill?

He denied that anyone would've changed a vote over "that." She figuratively waved the polls in his face again - no movement.

He later expressed his belief that Trump wouldn't concede in 2024 if he lost - in fact that he'd show up at the White House on Jan. 20 no matter what. Conway could only laugh incredulously.

He honestly comes across as afraid of Trump. He doesn't seem to be faking it. Why is that?

*In vain did Conway point out that Clinton claimed Trump was - and she quoted - "an illegitimate president" for his entire term; first Maher denied that she'd said it (which, considering he'd already heard it from at least one guest on his own show - Ben Shapiro? I can't remember - did strike me as... odd), and then he asked for her "actual words," so Conway reiterated them, and finally he said, "Well, that's just a false equivalency." Despite the entire Democrat/press axis's mobilization to undermine Trump's presidency for four long years, and then to paint him as a would-be dictator for four more.

All of which seems to me to be a helluva lot more serious than Trump's fighting obviously sketchy election results - that they were sketchy is absolutely undeniable; every statistical study of past results versus 2020 results reveals 2020 to be a huge outlier, and in particular ways that happened to benefit Biden and only Biden - and then encouraging his supporters to "peacefully protest" while he was still in office - followed by calmly walking away from the White House on Jan. 20.

MadisonMan said...

There is large kernel of truth in his statements, yes. It will be reported -- if it's even mentioned in the Democratic Press -- as asserted without evidence, because, of course, we are not to trust our lying eyes.

Earnest Prole said...

Don’t neglect the media’s role in the cover-up.

Democracy dies in darkness.

TreeJoe said...

In terms of the scandal around Biden, it was groupthink. Biden was hidden in a basement in 2020 claiming to be running a covid-campaign. He was in cognitive decline then. Since then, he's gotten far worse.

In 2016, Hillary and Trump and the news groups talked about who is fit for the 3am phone call. That was common during my upbringing - you want a President who is ready to take command and decisive action 24/7, instantly.

We are coming up on 4 years of a President who isn't in control of himself or his administration.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

WaPo's new slogan:

Democracy Thrives in Deceit.

Jersey Fled said...

A good two thirds of the commentariat here knew four years ago when Biden ran his basement election campaign that he wasn’t all there. And those listed by Trump didn’t know? C’mon now.

Koot Katmandu said...

No not overstated. Understated because he did not include the Rs were in on it too.

Ann Althouse said...

Trump mispronounces Kamala. On purpose?

Jersey Fled said...

There was even talk among Democrats that Joe would step down midway in his term and that Kamala would become President. Problem is, Joe won’t go away.

Achilles said...

Did he mention the entire media apparatus?

The democrats mentioned in that clip were just tools. The real puppet masters are behind them and they are using every major media outlet to carry this message.

Creola Soul said...

He’s right you know. On every conspiracy theory he’s been right.

narciso said...

He would have been there all night

rehajm said...

Trump mispronounces Kamala.

What is it supposed to be? Camel-uh? Cam-allah? Come-allah?

ron winkleheimer said...


I listened to part of an episode of the Megyn Kelly podcast where she was talking with Maher and it was the same thing. Republicans no longer care about democracy! And the same schtick about Hillary calling Trump an illegitimate president including demanding that she quote Hillary's exact words and when Kelly did, he said that it isn't equivalent.

Maher never struck me as a deep thinker and at this point I think he pretty much just regurgitates whatever his writing staff gives him.

Humperdink said...

Still waiting for the 51 intelligence officials to chime in regarding Biden's mental health condition. *cough*

narciso said...

They have been pulling that shtick for nearly a quarter century now

Curious George said...

"Jamie said...
I honestly have never understood how the press - the press - could have made themselves believe that Biden was even all there, much less "sharp," going back at least to the 2020 election season."

They didn't make themselves believe anything. They know he has dementia. They know all the lies about Biden and against Trump. They are in lockstep with the Democrats. They're job is to make everyone believe the lies.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...
Don’t neglect the media’s role in the cover-up.

Democracy dies in darkness.

Koot Katmandu said...
No not overstated. Understated because he did not include the Rs were in on it too.

And the largest corporations in the world.

And governments that are obviously manipulating elections all over the world. I can name places like Ukraine, France, Britain, Brazil the United States, where the majority of people obviously want different leadership that what democracy gave them.

This conspiracy is bigger than any group of people. It is a movement of people that want to revert to primitive ideas of how to govern.

In the past the most motivated people have had power.

Most people in the world want to escape from this pattern.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...


Understated in Schumer's case.

Curious George said...

"Blogger Dave Begley said...
Laffin' Kamala.


Nope, this:
"Howard (not that Howard) said...
He's missing a nice alliteration by not going with Cacklin' Kamala. (Kacklin')?"

narciso said...

The gaullists keep the national party out of power with the help of the moslems now the socialists and the new left alliance

Aggie said...

There's that wrestling trash talk again. Trump allows his opponents no dignity, no executive distance. He brings them right in for the sweaty, barechested embrace with a big smile, reminding everybody in the audience that the 'suit' might have a key to the wood-paneled washroom, but he's on the mat, now, his sh*t still stinks. That is the source of their outrage: Trump won't allow them their pretense. He is playing to his audience.

This one little redneck appeal helps to win him millions of votes, not just from the 'deplorables', but from America's internal economic migrants. Who is that? That is the class of people that were raised from working class, but through the American Experience, have moved up into the management and elite class. They have seen, and they remember. Virtually all of my friends are from that class. They are engineers, surgeons, public school principals. Bedrock values.

Charlie Eklund said...

Overstated? Not even close. Understated, grossly, if you want to know the truth.

Achilles said...

narciso said...
They have been pulling that shtick for nearly a quarter century now

The pattern clearly includes manipulation of the 1960 elections and installing Kennedy.

Then when he stopped taking testosterone and chasing women all of the time and started actually governing they killed him.

The his replacement started an unpopular war and they lost to Nixon in massive landslides. But we saw how that turned out.

They tried to shoot Reagan too.

Way more than 25 years. I would go back to the end of prohibition at minimum when the alcohol interdiction board released reefer madness so they could keep their jobs taking people’s stuff or the founding of the Fed.

narciso said...

We can go back to that dulles deep state mandarin for his own reasons preferred kennedy over nixon he was more controllable but kennedy rebelled and my kinsmen paid the price of course there was the missile crisis that followed

BothSidesNow said...

Have gone back and forth on this. Biden is plainly diminished. Is that a complete disqualifier? What does a president do? He decides. I remember a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. Someone asked her what FDR's opinion on some issue was. She said something along the lines of "He does not have opinions. What he does is to make decisions after he hear other people's opinions." People seem to feel that the President needs to be able to do all kinds of complicated, analytical work, sort of like a super nuclear physicist. No. What the President does is to make decisions. And decisions do not necessarily result from an intellectual process of analysis. They stem more from an underlying sense of values, world view, emotional sense, judgment. If Biden stays in the race, voters will ultimately be deciding whether they believe Trump will make better decisions than Biden. We know what sort of decision Trump made on Jan. 6 as to whether the peaceful transfer of power was a fundamental American value or not. Trump came down on the negative side of that question. Many voters will vote for a Biden, even a diminished Biden, and that choice can be justifed and actually makes sense, given what a president in reality does.

Iman said...

HE… ain’t lyin’…

Iman said...

Trump the Insult Comedian.

Paul said...

"The boldface is all Trump's language. Overstated?"

Not in the slightest!

Quaestor said...

Jamie writes, "I don't know if this was a bigger cover-up than Wilson or FDR, for instance..."

Wilson was cognitively fit from the day he took the oath until that day in October 1919. There was definitely a cover-up. Edith Boling Wilson was certainly among the conspirators, along with Robert Lansing and Bainbridge Colby. The White House staff (a tiny coterie in those days -- a few clerks, some domestic servants, a handful of Marine ceremonial guards who didn't even have quarters on the premises, and a single Secret Service man on duty at any given time) certainly knew something, but they have always held their peace by tradition. The other cabinet members had their administrative duties and rarely attended White House meetings, especially in times of peace. Hiding Woodrow Wilson's condition was a scandal, but it pales before this monstrosity. The land was at peace. There was no football and no War Powers Act. In 1919 there was little a demented fool could do from the Oval Office that could destroy the nation.

Roosevelt benefited from a well-mannered press corps that agreed a man's legs had little to do with the competence of his mind. Consequently, both Democrat-leaning and opposition newspapers kept FDR's handicap an open secret. Many opposed his policies, from the New Deal to the Atlantic Charter, Lend-Lease, and even the "Germany first" grand strategy, yet they never used his wheelchair as a weapon, that would have been a low blow. However, Roosevelt's increasing frailty was evident at the Yalta. Newsreel footage showed everyone who cared to look a literally shrunken man dealing with an emboldened and aggressive ally that gave warning signs of ambitions the United States could not tolerate. Our nation was at a crossroads with no good options. Germany and Japan were as yet undefeated. Any disruption in America's chain of command would encourage their resistance. Nor could we be certain the successor would be an improvement over the enfeebled Roosevelt. This was certainly the President's fault. Roosevelt chose Truman as his running mate to be rid of Henry Wallace, a man who had proved himself far too sympathetic to Stalin to risk inheriting the White House. (We didn't know at the time that he was passing information to the NKVD.) The move to Truman was sound, however, FDR made no effort to groom him for succession. Why we will never know, but we should always reject malice as an explanation when incompetence is adequate. Conclusion: No cover-up.

D.D. Driver said...

I hate Trump but he ain't wrong.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump is 100% correct. The COVID massaged 2020 absentee voter fraud is the biggest scandal in American history.

Lucky for Dems, American is now made up of 50% "highly educated" morons.

Achilles said...

Jamie said

I don't know if this was a bigger cover-up than Wilson or FDR, for instance...

It is part of the same cover up.

narciso said...

All of bidens decisions have been wrong and they have carried a blood price the break into the capital stopped the objections who knows how many lives could have been spared

Yancey Ward said...

With the media and the Democrats (I know I am repeating myself) there really are only two options to explain what has happened-

(1) they either lied relentlessly about Biden's capabilities or

(2) they are the dumbest fucks that have walked on the planet in my lifetime.

Gusty Winds said...

I still haven't seen the media interview one Democrat voter who's first exposure to Biden's frailty and cognitive decline was the debate.

There have to be millions of inattentive Democrats who just believed the media lies. They tuned in and saw what the rest of us saw.

"Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, but that's alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear my cry, but that's alright because I love the way you lie."

Iman said...

Cacklin’ QueMala… Shit-eatin’Grin Schumer… pantsuited pantload Clinton…

What a zoo.

Christopher B said...

BothSidesNow ..

A guy who can't read a script from a teleprompter is in no position to decide anything.

Thankfully not many people buy the load of J6 propaganda you're pushing.

Bob Boyd said...

They covered up the tip of the iceberg. It's like a blanket is sticking out of the water.

Iman said...

Just pay your rent and lick your head wound, DD Driver.

Quaestor said...

Gusty Winds writes "Lucky for Dems, American is now made up of 50% highly educated morons."

Any pig could go to Yale if the admission standards were adjusted and the taxpayer paid its tuition.

Rory said...

They haven't had a serious primary since 2008. They've been trying to disrupt Republican primaries and general elections since 2016. The giant reform movement - end-to-end protests and rioting - they launched in 2016 ultimately pooped out the dinosaur Joe Biden as its standard bearer. The coverup of his senility is just par for the course

Big Mike said...

Trump mispronounces Kamala. On purpose?

Does anyone besides you care?

Iman said...

EMBRACE THE POWER OF “AND”, yancey ward @8:29am!

Achilles said...

Gusty Winds said...

Trump is 100% correct. The COVID massaged 2020 absentee voter fraud is the biggest scandal in American history.

Lucky for Dems, American is now made up of 50% "highly educated" morons.

Highly motivated. Every person in the world is on a continuum that measures the desire for status and control. The Democrat party is currently the selection of the top 40% of the population as we measure this motivation.

Some people are more interested in status and control than others. This will to power causes them to find ways to obtain power and causes them to generate justifications for their actions to obtain power.

History is dominated by the most motivated people trying the hardest and selecting for the people least inhibited by morals.

This conspiracy dates back to the dawn of history.

D.D. Driver said...

Trump mispronounces Kamala.

What is it supposed to be? Camel-uh? Cam-allah? Come-allah?

I think it's exactly like the song 88 Lines About 44 Women:

Kamala, who couldn't sing/kept the beat, and kept its strooooong

Iman said...

Just wait ‘til teh “Big Boy Press Conference” tomorrow!

Iman said...

Their words, not mine.

Quaestor said...

RE: my 8:24 AM comment

However, Roosevelt's increasing frailty was evident at the Yalta. should read However, Roosevelt's increasing frailty was evident at the Yalta Conference.

Iman said...

“Frankly, we’re all feeling a little miffed…”

—- 300,000,000 Americans

narciso said...

Putin looks at this asssemblage with pity

Humperdink said...

James Clyburn: "We're ridin' with Biden".

So will Trump. Trump will be ridin' this story until the Dems say uncle and discard this dope.

Quaestor said...

Achilles writes, "This conspiracy dates back to the dawn of history."

Was Agamemnon one of the conspirators?

The subject here is indeed conspiracy and cover-up. I see no advantage in handing cover-up naysayers like Chuck and Inga a big, thorny stick with which to flog our collective back... unless you're one of the conspirators, Achilles.

n.n said...

Progressives' liberally leveraged handmade tales under a Democratic umbrella.

narciso said...

Democracy has been a short interval for a reason the rule by force has determined too much of world events call it feudalism
Or empire or some other framework

narciso said...

The american revolution posed a threat to many european monarchs because it was not as transformative as the french one

A similar power struggle did not take south of the border juarez gave way to santa ana of course we know the fate of bolivar and farther south partially because those liberal regimes were anticlerical

Gospace said...

Breezy said...
It’s pretty big! How does it compare with coverup of FDRs failing health, which begot the 22nd amendment? Seems that secret was more closely held, but he was visibly in failing health - weight loss, fatigue, etc. We didn’t get a rigged election from that either.

The difference between 1944 and 2024? The one big difference?

The internet. You wrote something- today. I replied. Today. Both are read by thousands of visitors to this blog, only a few hundred of which comment on a regular basis. Many of us in the past would have been "letters to the editor" writers. Well, many of us likely were. I had one letter in Time magazine, one in Analog- Science Fiction-Science Fact, and a half dozen or so in local papers where I lived at the time. I reach many more with blog comments.

Not nearly as easy to cover things up. A dedicated White House Press corps, if they like the POTUS, can decided what to and what not to cover. The great unraveling of media control of the news, rather then what we all thought was happening, media reporting of the news, occurred with Dan Rather's falsified ANG document- supposedly produced in a world of typewriters, aligned perfectly with an MS Word template. Another example, I might add, that for liberals- history began yesterday. But to the point- pre-internet, Dan Rather's reporting would have carried the day. He was a trusted, confident, honest reporter. Right up until that very moment. Quick- name one, just one, well known nationwide reporter today. I can't. Just a few years ago I knew the names of all the local AM morning drive time talk show hosts. No more.

People today have access to more information then ever before. Not all know how to use it. That's slowly changing. The aftermath of covid accelerated the downfall of experts. Fraudci being the primary cause. Trust in all basic institutions is eroding. Because truth is coming out. It's a slow process. At first. Sort of like a saying that shows up more and more today. Things happen slowly at first, then in a hurry. I firs heard that about collisions at sea. Constant bearing, decreasing range. You've got plenty of time to make decisions to avoid collision should you act when first noticed. Each minute of no reaction eventually means the collision is inevitable.

Rory said...

"Trump mispronounces Kamala. On purpose?"

There was a pro wrestler called Kamala in the 1980s, name pronounced as Trump pronounces it. Trump would have been aware of him from his WWF involvement.

Ice Nine said...

>Ann Althouse said...
Trump mispronounces Kamala. On purpose?<

Probably. Even if that is the way it is pronounced by most people in the country who have even troubled themselves to think about her...

narciso said...

If there were other outlets than the washington post and the times would the nixon witchhumt had failed they got their scalp and yet they wèrent happy till carter and the trilaterals

traditionalguy said...

No wonder the DC Circus of selling out America for cash fears Trump. He can figure out corruption on sight or within a few minutes. He is the Super Corruption Sniffing Dog from Manhattan. And he can’t be bought. Hmmm.

Ralph L said...

Dr. Feelgood shooting JFK up with speed while his Addison's treatment made him even more recklessly horny than his Kennedy genes required was definitely a more dangerous coverup, mostly due to the raging Cold War, and it stayed secret for over 10 years, which is amazing considering the lowlifes involved.

FDR made no effort to groom him for succession

That was monstrously irresponsible. Truman didn't even know about the Bomb. I believe it was Carter who first plugged his VP and his people into the NSC, but I could be wrong.

Narr said...

"There was a pro wrestler called Kamala in the 1980s"

A sometime opponent of Jerry Lawler.

What's happening now may not be the biggest or worst cover-up in American history, but it's good enough for government work.

Barry Dauphin said...

The Dems will be harping on Trump‘s “lying“ throughout the campaign. It will be their major talking point in addition to “convicted felon“. He seems to be happy to make lying an issue and to indict the Dem party and Media.

Unknown said...

Do you still think this guy is hilarious?

gilbar said...

remember the olden days?
the USSR would have votes with nearly 100% turnout for their leaders?
iraq would have votes with 100% turnout for Saddam Hussein?

Those LOSER countries have NOTHING on the Good Old USofA!!
here; Biden counted more votes, than there were registered voters.

Now to be fair; that's Not True AT ALL. Biden DID count more votes than were registered THE DAY previous;
but Approaching Election Day, the MyVote Wisconsin website
averaged nearly 100,000 unique sessions per day, with more than 400,000 sessions on November 3


Narr said...

"Unknown" is back and as stupid as ever.

RCOCEAN II said...

Of course its overstated - its Trump. Frankly, i think its an error on Trumps part. Let the Democrats commit suicide, don't jump in.

And as others have stated, the biggest coverup was FDR's terminal illness. The Democrats all knew he could barely function, and FDR knew it too, but they ran him in 1944 and pretended he was in great shape. Y'see he was just "tired" from all that hard work. Eleanor Roosevelt was still lying about it in 1948 when she wrote her memoir in 1948 - "This I remember". THe FDR's doctor was still lying about FDR's health in the 50s.

Unlike Joe Biden, who's doing the same things that Harris and every other Democrat would do, FDR was our Commander in Chief in the midst of the greatest war in USA history.

One way FDR hid his illness was by constantly going on "tours" and Great Conferences. For example his trip to Yalta took 5 weeks. But he was only in Yalta for 8 days. the other 27 days he was just relaxing on board ship or chit-chatting with Churchill or minor figures. And being at Warm Springs - and pretending it was the "southern white house", when in fact he was seeing nobody of importance and just going for drives and working on his stamp collection.

Achilles said...

Quaestor said...
Achilles writes, "This conspiracy dates back to the dawn of history."

Was Agamemnon one of the conspirators?

The subject here is indeed conspiracy and cover-up. I see no advantage in handing cover-up naysayers like Chuck and Inga a big, thorny stick with which to flog our collective back... unless you're one of the conspirators, Achilles.

Inga and Chuck are stupid people with moral limitations.

The only reason to pay attention to them is to realize how they fit into the pattern. They are mediocre people who have a desire for power over others. They can’t accomplish this on their own so they group with others who have similar desires.

This makes them willing to lie and cheat and to support lying and cheating. They are certainly part of the conspiracy even if they don’t lead it or necessarily make much of a difference on their own.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, can you imagine Nixon humping gangster molls, starlets, and interns and the Press keeping silent on it, because it was part of the "DC Code"? LOL. Some liberal/left reporter would've decided that "It was too important to keep from the American People" - but with JFK they covered it up.

Sebastian said...

"The American people can never trust this group of liars ever again"

Hyperbole and nicknames aside, it's a strong pitch. Now Trump ads can just quote the NYT and CNN.

planetgeo said...

So, let me summarize the situation. At this point, everyone (including those who colluded with the coverup, and even Joe himself) now concedes that Biden, our President and Commander in Chief, has permanent, degenerative cognitive issues. And a growing number of officials in his own party are saying he should step down. But Joe says he won't step down no matter what. And KJP says not to worry because if the 3am call comes any time in the next 5 years Joe's "team" (unelected and unidentified) will handle it.

Well, I no longer care about the coverup. What I want to know is why everyone is still placidly slurping their Starbucks Americano like it's just another morning instead of shrieking like their hair is on fire to do something, like NOW!?

Michael K said...

On FDR's illness, he had high blood pressure for which the only treatment at time was bed rest. His secretary, and mistress, Missy Lehand, was successfully treated this way.

ron winkleheimer said...

"And decisions do not necessarily result from an intellectual process of analysis. "

Certainly not in Bidens case.

The president is supposed to be a leader. It is quite clear that Biden is not capable of leading effectively, or at all for that matter.

Original Mike said...

Biden brought notes to the podium with questions arranged with specific press members because he couldn't handle unscripted Q&A.

Of course they knew.

fairmarketvalue said...

While the media and the entire Democratic establishment are guilty as charged, my personal ire is laser focused on the entire GOP establishment, who looked the other way when Slow Joe’s infirmities were apart during the 2020 campaign, as well as rolling over and whistling past the graveyard despite the obvious and obscene election fraud taking place. They have just as much complicity as the media and Democrats in foisting a husk puppet into the presidency with access to the nuclear football. As Obama said (paraphrasing) “never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up". Unfortunately, we have another 6 months for him to continue to do so.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It will be their major talking point in addition to "convicted felon"

Time for your weekly reminder that under NY law Trump is NOT in fact a convicted felon. The plan was that we would be by now, but pushing sentencing back has pushed back the day on which it becomes official. There is still a greater-than-zero chance he will never BE a convicted felon, given all the aspects of that case currently under review and the total disarray of the other cases.

As even non-Trump fans like our host has noted, Trump exaggerates (a lot) and his opponents call those "lies." It's more akin to puffery in advertising ("Coke is the best!") that is generally accepted as a figure of speech, not purposely telling untruths. Examples of purposeful lies would be the "fine people" hoax, the "drink bleach" hoax, the "Russia Russia Russia" hoax, etc., IOW whatever Joe says about Trump any given day. Even the NYT debunked the "bleach" absurdity earlier in the week, as they have gone hard at "correcting" Joe since the editorial decision that he must go.

hombre said...

"The boldface is all Trump's language. Overstated?" Not hardly!

Anybody with even marginal intelligence knew there was something wrong with Biden during the 2019 primary debates and when he campaigned from the basement. His ascension to the Presidency was a disgrace. It is a tribute to the corrupt Democrat elite's and leftmediaswine's ability to create, promote and exploit TDS.

We are grateful that the Democrat and leftmedia propensity and passion for corruption have been exposed. We may regret that it took a Trump to do it, but that's the reality, isn't it.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Achilles writes, ”Inga and Chuck are stupid people with moral limitations.”

As are we all, or so I have surmised from history and experience. I’m sure you agree with me, or are you an exception?

As for the rest, all I read are non-sequiturs that do nothing to address my question. Claims about conspiracies dating back to the “dawn of history” only do Inga’s work for her. We’re winning, so let us be dispassionate. Let the heathens rage.

M Jordan said...

L-A-F-F - I - N (pause for effect) … Apostrophe.

That’s genius level branding.

Mark said...

"Overstated?" isn't the question.

The question is whether this stuff is attractive to voters who did not vote Trump last time - the people Trump needs if he doesn't want to lose again.

John henry said...

With Pelosi and especially with Harris I think excess alcohol has something to do with.

I also question the Brandon Parkinson story. Parkinson is seen as mostly physical (incorrectly perhaps) dementia is of the mind.

"joe may not move so good anymore but it's just Parkinsons. His mind is still sharp as a tack"

John Henry

“Bad Genes” said...

Summary of the past week, post debate:

Biden: "I'm staying"
Biden: "I'm perfectly fine and I'm going nowhere."
Biden: "I'm the nominee and I can beat Trump"
Biden: "I am absolutely staying as the Democratic Nominee."
Biden: "I have considered and made up my mind: I'm staying to fight the election." ...

Pelosi: "Joe Biden needs to make his decision"

Mika: "But he has already decided he is staying in."

Pelosi: "he needs to make a (different) decision"

TJ said...

It is a LIE to spell laughing L-A-F-F-I-N-'...that is disqualifying

John henry said...

Rory proves once again that great minds think alike.

Kamala was billed professionally as the Ugandan Giant, even though he was a native of Mississippi.

According to Wikipedia he stood 6'7" and weighed 380

John Henry

Quaestor said...

Ralph L. writes,"That was monstrously irresponsible. Truman didn't even know about the Bomb."

Irresponsible, yes. But I would withhold the "monstrously". I know precious little about the man to judge him in those terms. Perhaps someone here can instruct me.

As for Truman's ignorance of the Bomb, I see no reason why a vice president serving in 1945 should have known.

The Manhattan Project was the most closely guarded secret of WWII after ULTRA, which was a remarkable accomplishment given the tremendous scale of that effort. ULTRA was confined to a handful of mathematicians and technical experts. Manhattan encompassed the work of many thousands, most of them quite ignorant of its goal. There is no evidence that Germany or Japan had even a clue regarding Los Alamos. This was accomplished by applying the lessons of history regarding secrets. The best way to keep a secret is to tell one, unfortunately, a nuclear weapons project consisting of one is prohibitively difficult, so telling more than one is necessary. Telling anyone else with no immediate need to know is not and should be avoided. Vice President Truman had no business knowing about the bomb. There was nothing he could contribute, and his duties crossed no paths with Los Alamos.

Dozens of people could have informed Truman after being inaugurated far better than FDR could have, had he been willing. As it was, Truman was informed by the former Supreme Court Associate Justice James F. Byrnes, who was then the head of the Office of War Mobilization which cleared requests for funding from literally millions of enterprises. Manhattan's three billion dollar request required that Byrnes be informed lest he squawk within earshot of the press. Byrnes was a known quantity with a long career in government, consequently it was easier to clear him. Truman, much less so. He'd only been in office a few months when FDR suddenly died. Maybe Byrnes would have been a better choice for FDR's running mate, already knowing what he knew. Byrnes certainly thought so.

Lastly, no one without a doctorate in theoretical physics could be expected to know a fission bomb was even possible, let alone practical. Before 16 July 1945, there were higher priorities -- finally beating the Nazis for one, winning the Battle of Okinawa was another. If FDR had prepped Truman before his death in April, those would have been foremost in their discussions. The possibility of a war-winning bomb sometime in the undetermined future would have been a footnote.

John henry said...

JFK was in terrible physical health his entire life. Addison disease Istr. Close enough to death on at least 2 occasions that he was administered last rights.

He might have been in worse shape during his presidency than Brandon is today.

Especially during his presidency he was on a bizarre cocktail of legal, illegal, off-label, ot and other substances that his mental ability may have been worse than Brandon's. In different ways, perhaps.

John Henry

John henry said...

And speaking of JFK, does anyone, even Hordcore demmies, not accept that he cheated his way into the presidency?

In WV in the primaries

In Illinois in the general.

John Henry

Narayanan said...

since Pelosi was already in line of succession does not count as experience for nominated as replace candidate?

Narayanan said...

In India it is pronounced as cum-a-lot [t silent]

means lotus flower

Iman said...

“In India it is pronounced as cum-a-lot [t silent]”

Photos… or it didn’t happen.

Quaestor said...

This was accomplished by applying the lessons of history regarding secrets. The best way to keep a secret is to tell NO one.

Dammit! I need an editor, or maybe I should the speech-to-text feature, though I speak much more poorly than I write.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Not overstating it at all. This is stuff movies like The Manchurian candidate are made of.

Watergate was boys scouts stuff compared to this.

NC William said...

If Biden was given note cards with press members faces, questions and his answer on them, then the press member were given a version of those cards as well.

PJ said...

"the biggest cover up in political history"

excluding, of course, the successful ones.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is a hoot via Victoria Taft on
"Fanfare for the First Lady". Jill Biden's entry fanfare.


effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

Don doesn't see the world in muted shades at all, about anything, ever.

effinayright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
effinayright said...

effinayright said...
John henry said...
JFK was in terrible physical health his entire life. Addison disease Istr. Close enough to death on at least 2 occasions that he was administered last rights.

I think you mean last rites. As in the Catholic sacrament of Extreme Unction.

"Last Rights" are what the Biden regime has been administering to all of us the past three-and-a-half years.

Clarification: some Californians use "Extreme Unction" to describe Gavin Newsom.

Iman said...

“I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. As a tender but fierce lover.”

—- George Clooney

h/t Ace

Quaestor said...

effinayright writes, "...some Californians use "Extreme Unction" to describe Gavin Newsom.'

I believe you misheard those Californians. What they said is, "Gavin Newsom is extremely unctuous."

Rabel said...

He's entertaining a crowd. Always look for the worst and you will usually find it.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Michael K "On FDR's illness, he had high blood pressure for which the only treatment at time was bed rest. His secretary, and mistress, Missy Lehand, was successfully treated this way."

Lou Goodman, MD, told us as med students that FDR was treated (without much success) with mercurial diuretics which were developed in the late 1920s.

Hassayamper said...

This conspiracy is bigger than any group of people. It is a movement of people that want to revert to primitive ideas of how to govern.

This is exactly right and something that doesn't get discussed often enough. Primitive, failed ideas about government go back millennia, and yet politicians and so-called "reformers" are always trying to recapitulate them.

For example, we've known for almost 4000 years that price control laws issued by governmental fiat are always failures, and that politicians who propose them are always fools and knaves, going back to the days of Hammurabi. Yet what was the idiot Biden doing last week but proposing that grocery stores be prosecuted for "price gouging"? Misrule by unelected, unaccountable, self-selecting Deep State schemers goes back to the court intrigues of Byzantium and the Roman Praetorian Guard. The excesses of both despotism and pure democracy are well attested from ancient Athens. What difference is there between the European Commission or the WEF and the mandarins who presided over the stagnation and oppression of medieval China? We laugh at the notion of a divine right of kings, but allow the smallest details of our lives to be dictated by Ivy Leaguers in Washington and Silicon Valley and Wall Street, most of them educated but ignorant nincompoops who would have trouble managing a hot dog cart.

One of the best addresses ever given by an American president was delivered by Calvin Coolidge on the Fourth of July, 1926, in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. His distinction between primitive and enlightened forms of government was a marvel of clarity and insight, and to me is the last word on the subject:

"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."

Jim at said...

We know what sort of decision Trump made on Jan. 6 as to whether the peaceful transfer of power was a fundamental American value or not. Trump came down on the negative side of that question.

Why do you assholes continue to lie about this?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

And Trump accuses them — and every Cabinet member and every Democrat in Congress — as co-conspirators in a sinister plot to defraud the American public — the biggest cover up in political history, the biggest scandal.

The boldface is all Trump's language. Overstated?

Not really. Esp not for Trump.

FDR died early in his 4th term, but at least his brain was working before he died.

It's generally claimed that Edith Wilson did it on her own. Getting so much of the Dem Party, the Federal Gov't, AND the MSM to collude together probably does make it one of the biggest attempts at a coverup in the US, ever

Iman said...

Riders on the Joe
Riders on the Joe
They’ve made their choice, they say
The broke dick, hair of grey
Like a dog buries a bone
A howl ends in a moan
Riders on the Joe

Joe takes his act out on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
No, not the kind you lick
This Pedo Pete is sick
If you give this man your vote
You’ll surely sink this boat
Moron on the road, yeah

h/t James Morrison

Craig Mc said...

Trump nails it again.

Michael K said...

Gordon Pasha, mercurial dial diuretics were helpful in heart failure but not hypertension. A surgical attempt was popular for while in the 30s but was helpful only in rare cases. It was much misused. It was called "Goldblatt kidney."

Michael K said...

Damn autocorrect!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“the biggest cover up in political history”

Hoax? The right-wing press has been harping on Joe Biden’s supposed cognitive decline for 4 or 5 years. But it looks to me that most of what is being passed off as cognitive decline is his lifelong speech impediment.

Achilles said...

Quaestor said...

Achilles writes, ”Inga and Chuck are stupid people with moral limitations.”

As are we all, or so I have surmised from history and experience. I’m sure you agree with me, or are you an exception?

As for the rest, all I read are non-sequiturs that do nothing to address my question. Claims about conspiracies dating back to the “dawn of history” only do Inga’s work for her. We’re winning, so let us be dispassionate. Let the heathens rage.

My point is it is not a conspiracy.

They aren't getting together and discussing how to mail in votes and persecute political opponents. They aren't discussing how they are going to get Google and Facebook to shadow ban people that disagree with them. They aren't all killing leaders that block their plans. The don't openly talk about having the FBI run a false flag "insurrection" and start arresting thousands of people and giving them no due process. They are not all together making up hoax dossiers to initiate illegal spying regimes on political opponents and undermining legitimate elected presidents.

It is much more organic and it has always been present. History is a parade of groups who win violent conflict through nefarious means and write their story with them as the hero.

The same people that lied about Biden's cognitive decline have lied about:

1. Trump colluding with Russia
2. Trump raping people in dressing rooms.
3. Whatever they claimed Trump did wrong with Ukraine
4. The J6 false flag event and "insurrections."
5. Trump defrauding banks
6. Trump paying hush money

You can call everything they did for the last 10 years a conspiracy.

Except it goes back and back and back. There is really no point at which it stops.

It is more a force of nature. In every population of human beings you have a distribution of high integrity and low integrity people.

All of the low integrity people just happen to be in and/or support the Democrat party right now, whether they call themselves democrats or republicans. It isn't a conspiracy. It is a bunch of deranged liars and barbarians that are using our rule of law and social contract against us. This is a common pattern.

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“the biggest cover up in political history”

Hoax? The right-wing press has been harping on Joe Biden’s supposed cognitive decline for 4 or 5 years. But it looks to me that most of what is being passed off as cognitive decline is his lifelong speech impediment.

Case in point. Left Bank is just a cognitively and morally limited person.

He isn't hiding in some basement with 20 other awful people trying to figure out how they are going to lie about Biden's obvious mental decline. He is innately aware of what it will take to keep his tribe in power and just needs a little guidance from MSNBC every now and then.

Just like he was never snickering in the basement about how to frame Trump for colluding with Russia. He just goes forward and he knows what he needs to do.

The cognitive limitations manifest when Left Bank doesn't realize that more people are going to ostracize him as time goes on. If some douchebag cheats at a friendly board game people will stop playing with them and hate them.

Left Bank has lied about so many things at this point over the last 10 years nobody respects or cares about the inanity that he spouts except for the other liars and scumbags who cling to their tribal affinity.

But as time marches on they lose people every time they tell these stupid obvious lies.

You don't need to call this a conspiracy. This is just a collection of all the people that cheat at family card games.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

hombre said...
We are grateful that the Democrat and leftmedia propensity and passion for corruption have been exposed. We may regret that it took a Trump to do it, but that's the reality, isn't it.

7/10/24, 10:57 AM

what the fuck is that supposed to mean, "We may regret it took Trump..."? First of all, you are one of these cream-filled shitheads who feels compelled to tell everyone how you're a better man than Trump by taking snide potshots every time he's mentioned. Your kind has already been discussed around here and we're sick of your types, internet rando losers running down Trump. Trump's shit is more valuable than your opinion of him, okay?
Next, explain the elocution of that assertion- "We may regret it took Trump..." Why? Why would we regret when wrongs are righted- Because the "wrong" guy righted them? How pathetic. Go sit with Chuck and Rich in the LifeLongRepublican section.

Original Mike said...

"But it looks to me that most of what is being passed off as cognitive decline is his lifelong speech impediment."

Oh, bullshit. I've been listening to Joe Biden for decades. He has no speech impediment.

Jim at said...

But it looks to me that most of what is being passed off as cognitive decline is his lifelong speech impediment.

It's hard to fathom anybody believed this when it was first trotted out there, but to still be pushing it? Just how stupid do you think we are?

Original Mike said...

"But it looks to me that most of what is being passed off as cognitive decline is his lifelong speech impediment."

Oh, bulls***. I've listened to Joe Biden for decades. He doesn't have a speech impediment.

(my comments are disappearing again. Is it because I said bulls***?)

wendybar said...

T. Becket Adams

Remember: This was the fundraiser where Obama had to lead Biden away by the hand. You were told by the Associated Press and others that this was a perfectly normal interaction, that Obama merely wanted to appear chummy, and that to suggest otherwise was a "cheap fake."
Carl Quintanilla
GEORGE CLOONEY: “.. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. .. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. .. the dam has broken.”



Karen Myers said...

The link to this (excellent) post is triggering removal by Facebook.