July 24, 2024

Sunrise — 5:37.



Narr said...

Trey Gowdy said something memorable today--Congressional investigations start at the top and get headlines; real investigations start at the bottom and get facts.

Am I the only one here who feels like I know less about the attentat of 13 July now than I did a week ago?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If Trump soft-pedals his rhetoric out of deference to Kamala's gender, couldn't he be accused of sexism?

Trump is going to do Trump, and maybe that's what the Dems are counting on; for the press to do their bidding, again, by not covering the campaigns fairly.

Achilles said...

The dogs that are not barking:

1. Barrack Obama

2. Jill Biden

3. Hunter Biden

Mr. Majestyk said...

I fly, mostly for work, about once a month. In the past 6 months or so, flights have often been significantly delayed or outright canceled. I hope it's just coincidence and not an enduring trend.

Aggie said...

Mr. Majestyk: It's a trend, and it's not just the airlines either. It's across the American experience, in my view, and it's been going on for some time, with a dramatic change in slope, post-COVID.

Achilles said...

Narr said...

Trey Gowdy said something memorable today--Congressional investigations start at the top and get headlines; real investigations start at the bottom and get facts.

Am I the only one here who feels like I know less about the attentat of 13 July now than I did a week ago?

Everything honest and useful is on X.

But it is a zoo with a lot of chaff.

john mosby said...

Ok here are my suggestions for reform of the Secret Service:

- Take it out from under DHS. This layer of supervision adds no value and probably subtracts a lot. Make it an independent agency like the CIA.

- Double (at least) the size.

- Take the employees out of the GS personnel system and merit promotion process. Need to find a sweet spot between politically fire-able and completely unfire-able. To sweeten the pot, getting fired from the USSS shouldnt set you back for any other federal employment - just because you werent the best of the best doesnt mean youre the worst of the worst.

- Increase the pay rates. Experienced non-supervisory agents should get the equivalent of GS-14 or 15. Use the SL system to give SES-level pay to very senior people without having to go thru the SES nonsense. Right now, people leave the USSS for other fedgov because they can get the same money and sleep in their own bed every night.

- BTW, that oersonnel system applies to unarmed support people as well as agents/officers.

- Discipline needs to be simultaneously tougher and more merciful, if that makes sense. Off duty conduct needs to be evaluated in the light of the heavy on-duty burden. On-duty conduct must be evaluated in terms of was the guy trying to get the job done?

- Look hard at the conventions and other National Security Soecial Events (NSSE’s). No real decision has been made at a convention for 50 years. They are just week-long political infomercials. Charge the parties for protection. Charge the UN for the UNGA every year. Charge the NFL for the stinking Super Bowl. Etc. This affects other fedgov besides the USSS.

- Keep the USSS investigative mission. It is extremely important for agents to learn basic investigative tactics by working real case that take you into projects, trailer parks, banks, stores, etc. This experience allows you to assess the danger posed by random people who come up to you in a protective assignments.

- Put money in the USSS appropriation to reimburse state/local police for supporting the USSS. Surprise to the uninitiated: this is not done rn! All current state/local assets Re provided out of the goodness of their hearts plus shared interests, e.g., the city police don’t want traffic to be messed up by motorcades, so they provide coverage to turn intersections on/off snd get the motorcade thru town quickly. This will simultaneously get more support and also give the USSS a carrot/stick for controlling state/local.

- Physical fitness is important, but it isnt that important. Yes, it’s good for the agents around the president to be able to mive him without his consent, but if you’re doing that, the system has already broken down.

- It’s much more important for the agents to understand tactics and terrain analysis. The most effective way to do that is with terrain walks and chalk talks, in the time it takes you to do one full-up scenario with paintball or whatever, you can do ten scenarios on a map or terrain model, or just walking around a piece of terrain and saying “Okay, defend this,” then talking thru different hypotheticals, kind of like the Socratic method.

- something that cant really be put into a statute: the USSS needs to be treated like a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional. Follow their advice and dont try to pressure them into things that go against their professional standards. This would take a few USSS directors and other senior managers falling on their swords until the polticals get the message. For whatever reason, politicals are much more willing to listen to the lawyer who says “if you do this, you’ll go to jail” than to the agent who says “if you do this, you’ll get killed.”

Just some ideas.


Eva Marie said...

And now for something completely different: movie recommendation
If you have Netflix - Under Paris - sharks in the Paris catacombs. An old fashioned, mindless thriller. Great gory fun.

Iman said...

“Trey Gowdy said something memorable today”

What I’d like to hear from Trey is he’s found a competent barber. Ye Gods!!!

Jamie said...

Everything honest and useful is on X.

But it is a zoo with a lot of chaff.

MAN, I could use a tutorial. I just joined X last week and it is WILD.

Also, john mosby - you are in contention for my new best friend, whether or not you want that honor (such as it is). Things change. The USSS needs to change too. And I speak as a conservative, one who avoid unnecessary change (the adjective there is the thing progressives don't understand about conservatives).

Jamie said...

Iman, about the barber - strongly seconded! I gasp every time.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Glad to see some things haven't changed.

walter said...

Did Pedo Pete actually make no mention of the assassination attempt?

walter said...

Trey likely struggles with far more than his haircut...

wendybar said...


Republicans pounce after Netanyahu protesters burn U.S. flags – and wave Hamas ones instead

Another Jennifer

Replying to @politico
Democrats, on the other hand, don’t care at all
6:13 PM · Jul 24, 2024


Replying to @politico
It's absolutely unprecedented for Americans to get mad when people burn the flag our grandfathers, fathers and children fought and secured our freedom under.
6:37 PM · Jul 24, 2024

wendybar said...

Stephen L. Miller
The presumptive party nominee he is passing the torch to has never received a single democratic vote in a primary.

Alex Thompson

Inbox: some excerpts from Biden’s speech released.

“The defense of democracy is more important than any title…..I have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That is the best way to unite our nation.”


wendybar said...

This is what a lying corrupt RACIST white angry progressive looks like...

When all you have in your own heart is hate and lies.....Maybe clean out your ears for once in your life...or is this one of those racist dog whistles only Progressive assholes hear??

Claire McCaskill

This guy, as his colleague on @FoxNews says “colored sorority”. And he just sits there.

Lawrence Jones III
I’m the black man. You’re so damn dishonest. He said “college.”

But that’s all you have. You know the bullshit that you advocate for only brings death, poverty, and destruction to our black communities. You are welcome on the show anytime to debate it.

Me and you.
Jaime Harrison
“A COLORED sorority” … in 2024 on national tv… this clown thought it was correct and appropriate to use the term “colored” to describe a distinguished and historic African American sorority.

But what is even worse… a Black man sat a few feet away on that couch and didn’t…
10:05 AM · Jul 24, 2024

wendybar said...


Jay Feely

I actually agree @KamalaHarris
One party encouraged BLM riots, encouraged illegal immigration and opened the borders, changed election laws to pick their presidential candidate & changed laws to attack their political opponent
One party is a threat to democracy-Democrats

Kamala Harris
In this election, we each face a question: What kind of country do we want to live in?

Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law—or a country of chaos, fear, and hate?

And here's the beauty of this moment: We each have the power to answer that…
3:09 PM · Jul 23, 2024

Kate said...

Agree about "Under Paris". Good little shark flick.

Also, thanks to those who recommended "The Stranger". Started ep. 1 last night and found it interesting.

wendybar said...

From a comment on Legal Insurrection...
Say what you will, but it fits with our media and the left today....

4fun | July 24, 2024 at 9:34 pm
I think this is the Soviet joke you were looking for.

"The past is rewritten so fast that you don’t know what will happen yesterday."


rehajm said...

Paying attention yet?

wildswan said...

My friends, I am the current Democratic Presidential candidate and I want to lay out my overarching policy outlook for you. We need to approach the future unburdened by the past. Or in one word, my policy is:
I will not be burdened by treaties or loyalties. I will pander. Pander is my way, my truth, my life. Pander will always be the explanation. I will not meander; I will pander. I will not betray; I will pander. Pander. Grasp that and you have grasped all. All there is to me, anyhow. I am pander-in chief.
Pander to who? [Laughs a lot.] If a question can't be answered with a pander, I laugh because that's, well, just [laughs a lot] I mean, you're asking me? [laughs a lot]

rehajm said...

I’ve said it before but worth repeating- they govern as if they are unburdened by accountability to the electorate…

Breezy said...

If the rumor is correct that Obama is furious that Biden endorsed Kamala, could it be that Biden did so to tank the Dem party for 2024? Biden has stated he doesn’t think Kamala can win, that he was the only one with a chance. So why wouldn’t Biden knife the Dem elites via that endorsement?

Just spitballing here…

RMc said...

Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law—or a country of chaos, fear, and hate?

Assuming those are really the only two choices, then...the first one.

Which is why I'm not voting for you, Kamala.

rehajm said...

When did the articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy become a puller of strings? He’s the Brady Bunch Johnny Bravo, the guy that fits in the suit…

rehajm said...

Clean? He smells like weed…

MadTownGuy said...

Josh Shapiro on X:

"We’re putting pads and tampons in our schools so girls don’t have to miss class and they can focus on learning."

A classic response:

@GadSaad: People menstruate, you transphobic maniac. Menstrual equity now!

Inga said...

No more cows or people?! OMG!

“Trump continued on, claiming Harris wants pass laws to outlaw red meat to stop climate change. “That means no more cows,” Trump said. “Eventually that’s going to mean no more people.”

Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article290392509.html#storylink=cpy

Big Mike said...

@Inga, I don’t know why stupid cows like you aren’t a lot more worried.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, make that old, fat, and lazy stupid cows like you.

wendybar said...

James Woods
What was I thinking? Obama has been on a holy mission against Israel forever, but in the same sneaky way he did everything (pallets of cash to Iran in the middle of the night, etc.).

James Woods
In honor of Kamala Harris, the first American politician to disrespect our ally, Israel.
4:39 PM · Jul 24, 2024

wendybar said...

James Woods

The President of the United States is missing in action, a DEI hire is leading the palace coup against him, the Middle East and Eastern Europe are at war, our border is wide open, armed assassins can lounge on rooftops, AND…

Congress is taking their summer vacation tomorrow!
4:35 PM · Jul 24, 2024

wendybar said...

Bonnie Blue and Zoe

When Netanyahu called the protesters "useful idiots", maybe he should have included some politicians.

Joel M. Petlin
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) was outraged by Netanyahu's suggestion that the protesters were Hamas sympathizers.

A few hours later, he was disturbed to find out that the protesters that he defended were actually Hamas sympathizers.

planetgeo said...

Wendybar, I like your posts...just not 17 or 18 of them in a single thread here. Give it a rest. Or get your own blog.

Iman said...

Keep on truckin’, wendybar! Fuck the Karens.

MadTownGuy said...

Kamala Harris's position on sustainable dairy agriculture:

"Harris has called for stringent climate action, impacting behaviors such as methane emissions from livestock. During her Senate career, she supported sustainable agricultural policies that indirectly affected the dairy business. Her support shows her commitment to animal welfare and farm sustainability for legislation that reduces the environmental effect of large-scale animal farming, as well as financial incentives for environmentally friendly methods.

Environmental rules: Given her strong position on climate change, she may impose harsher rules on methane emissions and water consumption in the dairy industry, promoting environmentally friendly technology like methane digesters.

Environmentally, Harris’ proposals may force changes in agricultural techniques to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and encourage sustainable energy. Dairy producers may need to utilize regenerative practices, better waste management, and more renewable energy. While initially tricky, these modifications may help reduce the environmental effects of dairy production and prevent climate change.

The whole article is at the link

Then there's this:

"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population [pollution], more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. (Applause.)"

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

Last of all, ask the Sri Lankans how sustainable agriculture has worked out for them:

Sri Lanka’s organic farming disaster, explained (Vox)

Vox being Vox, blame is laid at the feet of the previous "far-right" regime, but then there's this:

"At the end of 2019, tax cuts slashed government revenue, while in 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic further decimated the tourism industry, with skyrocketing inflation pouring more fuel on the fire.

Pandemic aside, that’s not an atypical set of conditions for the collapse of a developing country like Sri Lanka. But in the spring of 2021, President Rajapaksa made an unusual decision: He banned synthetic fertilizer and pesticide imports practically overnight, forcing Sri Lanka’s millions of farmers to go organic. It proved disastrous, as a group of Sri Lankan scientists and agriculture experts had warned.

Rusty said...

Easy Chicken recipe.
Your favorite Aldi chicken product. In the condiment Isle go to the asian condiment box. My favorite is terriaki sauce but thay all work. Get a bottle of terriaki sauce. Take the chicken and rinse it and pat it dry. In a big ziplock bag dump all the chicken and the whole bottle of sauce. Put the whole mess in the fridge until your ready to grill, or air fry or pan fry or stick it in the oven.