July 25, 2024

Great achievements in the realm of disguise.

Caption from Nick Dixon (at X): "Matt Walsh tricking Robin DiAngelo by slightly changing his hair has got me reassessing Clark Kent’s glasses."

The clip comes from this trailer for Matt Walsh''s new movie "Am I Racist?"


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"You can't be too careful" indeed. I skipped "What is a Woman?" but I think I'd like to see this one. Matt's a clever dude.

Dave Begley said...

After my little incident with Mayor Pete, this is a must see for DDB.

Saul Alinsky was correct about how ridicule is a powerful form of persuasion.

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m so racist that I consciously set out when I was an adolescent to make love to a woman of each race, nationality and creed.

And I did. The women were great, and many of them were on a similar quest. God bless them.

Breezy said...

Matt brings a great mix of humor and common sense. He’s quite brilliantly entertaining in the way he exposes some people’s craziness.

JRoberts said...

Wow, watching that trailer made me very sad, and very concerned for our world.

Jamie said...

Shouting T, you're a church organist, right?

I swear, church organists are some of the most interesting people I've ever met. My current one is a classic car social - Pontiacs, is it? He has three at present and goes to shows all over the place. The previous one competes in masters bodybuilding. One prior to that is (or was, he's retired now) a Microsoft exec, hired by Gates himself in the early days of Microsoft right out of college... with a degree in organ performance and that's it.

Deep State Reformer said...

DeAngelo is another insufferable mid-wit race hustler. Her work is much Sound & Fury signifying nothing, but quite profitable in the short-run. Both DEI and critical race theory have about run their course but she is going milk it for as long as possible.

mezzrow said...

OT - for the church organists out there. A morsel for Shouting Thomas - you won't run across a performance of this every week.

Gillingham - Prophecy of the Earth

hawkeyedjb said...

"Am I racist?" Yes you are, if you go through life making assumptions about individuals based on their race. Which pretty well describes all the self-styled anti-racist lowlifes who make their living projecting their own racism onto others.

Birches said...

James O'Keefe too. Lol

n.n said...

Racism is a subset of Diversity, where people exercise liberal license to indulge color judgments and class bigotry. It's a progressive prejudice that influences judgment and defines labels attached to individuals and groups.

Dave Begley said...

Brian Kilmeade of Fox was just smeared as a racist. It is the sign of a despicable and desperate Democrat to make that assertion.

Shouting Thomas said...

Shouting T, you're a church organist, right?

Yes, also a sinner. I’m trying to do better in my old age, and I’m helped a lot by a general lack of opportunity.

I’ll listen in full to the “Prophecy” YouTube later.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

Shouting T - First DEI womanizer. That’s historic, man!

Temujin said...

Well...Shouting T, I'm impressed. I was never the best looking guy in the room so I always had to lean on my charm, such as it was, and work harder than my buddies. The idea of filtering down my chances to look for a specific genre of woman never crossed my mind. I did not have that luxury. I had to be more general. Woman? Check. Breathing? Check. Can respond to questions? Kinda. OK. Good enough. And I'm sure they had their own mental checklist going on, though from this vantage point, I cannot imagine what theirs was.

Looking forward to this movie. And actually, "What is a Woman" was a good watch as well. Funny and sad at the same time.

n.n said...

I’m helped a lot by a general lack of opportunity

When the war of the sexes becomes a burden, people sue for peace or detente. Some of our most celebrated peace makers were warriors in their youth.

Tina Trent said...

They put the masks on the male servers at the $2500 dinners where white women pay to be berated by white-looking women of color. The women don't have to wear masks, just the men.

How very Story of O.

I wonder how much spit is delivered from the kitchen on those plates.

n.n said...

DEI/IED/DIE, including Critical Racists' Theory, are still viable under their original heading in sanctuary states and with modified labels where they are not political congruent. These doctrines fall under the umbrella philosophy of leverage in religious practice where it is deemed that all's fair in lust and abortion.

n.n said...

where white women pay to be berated by ...

Selfie-flagellation, and sadomasochism generally, are a sexual orientation. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Ralph L said...

It may be the video quality, but that looks like an obvious wig to me. She probably thought he was balding.

Leland said...

Mike, I skipped "What is a Woman" for a long time too. I'm not much for gimmicks. But give it a watch. It is a good movie. The ending with his wife is perfect.

Mrsmyth said...

What kind of signed releases from the people filmed did he get? How much of that dinner did he pay for? How much did he pay for a conversation with Diangelo or was it an free interview? How many of those women are out there now trying to get injunctions against the film, alleging deception?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shouting Thomas.

LOL - you rock, man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White Leftist Females are the worst kind of.... Soviet Idiots.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All white radical leftist females - why do YOU get a pass from racism?

You don't.

All White left redial left females are the worst kind of racist Nazi scum.

Ice Nine said...

Mrsmyth - Well I don't know. But chances are that Matt - a pretty smart guy who has now made several such films - has given that a thought or two along the way and will be alright.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That a-hole female who wants to burn America to the ground... Says US not worth saving? All Republicans are Nazis? All white people are evil? (she says to a table surrounded by white females)

She should leave. I suggest she pop-off to an Islamic supremacist nation.

The Vault Dweller said...

I cackled like Kamala at, "You can never be too careful."

Narr said...


I'd put the scripted content at 50% minimum. No way is that dinner party for real.

I'm not saying it's not a good representation of a reality, but it's too perfectly composed, acted, and edited for documentary work.

Prove me wrong.

Curious George said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
I’m so racist that I consciously set out when I was an adolescent to make love to a woman of each race, nationality and creed."

And I did.

Oh bullshit. There are close to 200 nations and infinite creeds.

Iman said...


Iman said...

Shouting T or Wilt Chamberlain ?

You decide.

Rosalyn C. said...

It must’ve been a 60’s thing, which is so long ago I almost forgot all about it. The days of experimentation and sexual exploration. But now that ST mentioned it I could check off: Jewish, Christian, Black, Hispanic, British, Japanese, Arab, Greek, Italian, German, and maybe a few i’m sure I’ve forgotten. I’m amazed I never had any really negative experiences, but I was careful and I have a good intuition about people’s characters. I was lucky too.

It still doesn’t mean that I wasn’t raised in a racist culture and didn’t internalize certain attitudes. We all do that, even Black people do that. Hispanics do that. I live in an area now which is very Hispanic and it’s extremely apparent when I’m out and about how unfriendly they are towards me as a stranger who is White, compared to White people who are strangers and very open to friendly conversations with me as a stranger. Some of that due to the language barrier since many Hispanics here do not speak English, but it’s a general pattern that I’ve observed. Hispanics and Whites live side-by-side in two different worlds. But that’s not the fault of the white culture or racism by white people. This is a place where Bernie Sanders won, and people put up Black Lives Matter signs all over their yards.

JaimeRoberto said...

"No way is that dinner party for real."

The dinner party might be these people:https://reason.com/2020/02/04/white-women-saira-rao-dinner-regina-jackson-liberal/

Or they may be lookalikes. I guess I'm racist for not being certain if they are the same people.

Ralph L said...

Iman said...
Shouting T or Wilt Chamberlain ?

You decide.

Wilt is no longer available, so Thomas it is.

At what point does he shout?

MadTownGuy said...

Psssh. Christopher Reeve made me rethink Clark Kent's glasses.