July 22, 2024

Sunrise — 5:33.



Joe Smith said...

Shit day. Hot as hell.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

YouTube: These guys claim we have Star Trek technology coming soon.

Base Molecular Resonance Technology.

Iman said...

The ducks are out early.

Original Mike said...

Soggy afternoon in northern Wisconsin. Mid-70s before the rain rolled in.

Sebastian said...

Interesting, isn't it, how quickly the Dem PTB & media turn from Biden-is-sharp to Harris-is-great, as if nothing has changed and the propaganda apparatus can just reboot. Which it probably can. Objections to gaslighting are so last month.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A headline in Europe: The bullet hit Trump - but it ki**ed Joe Biden.

Alex Jones is wondering if Joe Biden is alive. LINK

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Biden has not been seen for 5, 6 days?

FullMoon said...

I generally keep a low profile but received a message from new friend JD I would like to share with the commentariat.

FullMoon, President Trump told me all about you!

He talked about your fierce dedication to putting America FIRST.

He talked about your inspiring bravery in the face of endless attacks from the lying liberal media.

Keep this part between us, but he even told me that you’re his ABSOLUTE FAVORITE supporter.

Jimmy said...

So it seems Harris is now the anointed one, but not yet blessed by God obama.
In the last few weeks, an assassination attempt, the murder of an innocent by stander, biden disappears, only to reappear, not in person but on the phone.
The media, hollywood, the dems, and many republicans act like none of this is a big deal.
Just curious, where is the line in the sand for conservatives to begin to take action.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne, who has testified before a Congressional committee, watched most of the Cheatle testimony today. She said she was taken aback at how Chealte handled the whole thing and in her opinion i it seems like Cheatle is bucking to get fired.

Iman said...

Cheatle’s answers on the sniper smelled worse than Biden’s diaper.

gilbar said...

i'd be interested to hear the administration's take on this.. Dr Weevil? care to elaborate?
A Reuters Investigation
Years of miscalculations by U.S., NATO led to dire shell shortage in Ukraine

Since Russia seized Crimea in 2014, policymakers in America and Europe repeatedly failed to address warnings about the sorry condition of the West’s munitions industry. The result: an inability to adequately supply Ukraine with a key weapon, and a shift of the war in Russia’s favor.

effinayright said...

I predict only Biden's head will reappear, immersed in a fishbowl.

But his doctor will claim, "he's never been better!"

effinayright said...

Jessie Watters sent his successor Johnny out on NY streets to interview young passers-by, asking them about Biden and Kamela.

Tattooed, nose-ringed, eyebrow-ringed , probably clit-ringed too, none unable to form sentences let alone thoughts, one guy actually vaping as he spoke----a totally fucked up lot.

EVERY ONE of them is destined to be living in tents and cardboard boxes within ten years.

I know this is red meat for some Fox News viewers, but I cannot believe these neuron-depleted weirdos represent the youth of America.

effinayright said...

gilbar said..., quoting Reuters:

Since Russia seized Crimea in 2014, policymakers in America and Europe repeatedly failed to address warnings about the sorry condition of the West’s munitions industry. The result: an inability to adequately supply Ukraine with a key weapon, and a shift of the war in Russia’s favor.
Since fucking WHEN should America have been gearing its munitions industry to what Ukraine wants????

Why doesn't Europe have its own munitions industry, sufficient to help its neighbor?

What a crock.

wildswan said...

I was recalling the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tonight. Dr.Jekyll had a drug that turned him into Mr. Hyde and another drug that turned him back into himself. But after awhile things went wrong. First, Dr. Jekyll began turning into Mr. Hyde at random and without the drug. And then the drug to turn Mr. Hyde back into Dr. Jekyll began to fail. Finally, Dr. Jekyll began constantly turning into Mr. Hyde to the point that he couldn't show himself in public because he might transform into Mr. Hyde in front of everyone. Moreover, he had to keep upping the dose to go back to being himself. I read a Classic Comic version of this story and tonight those picures keep coming back into my memory. I wonder why.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Biden disappears without evidence. It used to be without a trace, but newspeak replaced it with ”without evidence”.

Humperdink said...

I am curious as to why Biden didn't resign the presidency while calling it quits on the campaign. It was an obvious political calculation. My guess is the Commie-Pinko power brokers do not want to give Harris a head start on her campaign. She could have curried favor as president for a few months. Nope. They wanted to see how she performs. If she tanks in the short term, she will be replaced. If she takes off, she will remain.

She will be replaced.

rhhardin said...

Dems have raised over 100 million dollars since Joe dropped out, I assume to buy voting machines.

Leland said...

Responding to Humperdink, you can’t vote for the potential first woman President if she is already President. However, we can all be certain she’ll become President before January 21st regardless of the election results. Democrats will want to cement that legacy.

MadTownGuy said...

Seven-time felon charged with using machine gun in shooting that injured LAPD officers

"A man whose record includes seven felony convictions now faces an attempted murder charge after prosecutors say he opened fire with a machine gun on two Los Angeles police officers, grazing one of them.

Malcolm Darnell Guss Jr. is accused of using a fully automatic AR-style rifle to shoot at Officers Stefan Carutasu and Joshua Rodney after they tried to stop his white Chevrolet sedan at around 9:30 p.m. on July 3 in Willowbrook near Broadway and Rosecrans Avenue, just south of Los Angeles.

Guss allegedly unloaded on the officers before they could get out of their patrol car, resulting in two graze wounds to the head. Both officers suffered lacerations from the glass fragments of the patrol vehicle’s windshield. Guss fled the scene but was apprehended July 12. On Tuesday, he pleaded not guilty in Compton court to attempted murder and other charges for allegedly using a machine gun in the attack.

Court records show Guss’ prior convictions include two strikes for residential burglaries in July 2014 and December 2018. Since 2020 he’s been charged three times with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

In December 2020, records show, Guss was arrested with drugs and a gun by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies. He was sentenced to two years in prison after striking a deal to plead no contest to a single felony charge in March 2021. That same month, he received another two-year sentence in a separate gun case that stemmed from a September 2020 incident.

The district attorney’s office in a statement said the two convictions had concurrent prison sentences.

a deadly weapon. He pleaded no contest to the resisting offense and got 16 months in prison, according to court records.

In February 2023, a judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest after he allegedly violated the terms of his release. LAPD officers in Newton Division arrested Guss on July 10, but he was released a month later, county jail records show.

Announcing the charges Tuesday, Dist. Atty. George Gascón said Guss opened fire “during what should have been a routine traffic stop,” and called the incident “absolutely horrific.”

“This unprovoked attack is a stark reminder of the dangers our law enforcement officers confront,” Gascón said. “This act of violence is not only an assault on the officers, but also on the values of safety and justice of our community.”

Jamie McBride, vice president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents rank and file officers, called Guss “a coward.”

“There’s only two places for him. Life in prison or six feet down,” McBride said.

Guss is due back in court on Aug. 10. He is being held with bail set at just over $2 million.

The district attorney’s office said a conviction would subject Guss to sentencing under the state’s “three strikes” law. He faces a maximum of life in prison.

Wasn't he already past three strikes? Gascón is a little late to the party.

tim maguire said...

The rule of Lemnity said...Biden has not been seen for 5, 6 days?

The biggest reason I think Biden is still alive is that Harris hasn’t broken through walls to get into the oval office. In every respect, it is playing out exactly like a soviet transfer of power, where the leader gets a cold and leaves the capital to convalesce and they don’t announce the death until a transfer plan is in place.

Humperdink said...

Some commenter on this site was yapping about the proliferation of conspiracy theories. Welp, when you have an absence of information from the feds, theories will fill the void. Cheatle was questioned on the hill for hours. Did she answer any question? Even one? Of course not.

And the JFK assassination papers remain under seal, 60 years later.

planetgeo said...

Cheatle's entire demeanor in the SS hearing yesterday has only 3 possible explanations:
1) She desperately wants to be fired
2) She is so certain that she won't be fired that she was essentially flipping them off
3) The SS high command really was in a conspiracy to allow and/or participate in the assassination of Donald Trump, and she was totally covering it up

Narayanan said...

House has procedure to Vacate the Chair

can they resolve Oval Office IS Vacant/available to SQUATTER

MadTownGuy said...

Geyser gone wild at Yellowstone. Thank the Lord, no injuries were reported.

Biscuit Basin closed in Yellowstone National Park after massive explosion