July 22, 2024

"A growing number of Gen Z men are seeking out stiff chewing gum from brands that claim their products will build up chewers’ jaw muscles..."

"... giving them a more conventionally masculine look. Teenage boys hoping to improve their attractiveness in 'looksmaxxing' communities online are encountering an explosion of gum brands that position their products as the facial equivalent of a Spartan workout routine.... Hard gum has also become a frequent recommendation in Reddit groups dedicated to 'mewing,' an unproven technique for defining the jawline that traveled from incel communities online toward the mainstream."

The gum is expensive, probably doesn't enlarge your jaw muscles, and it can cause jaw pain and damage tooth fillings.

A stupid TikTok:

@carsonteagarden I chewed hard gum for 30 days to see if it would grow my jaw muscles? #jawline #jawliner @JAWLINER® ♬ original sound - Carson


Freeman Hunt said...

Great jawline = genetics + low bodyfat. Lose weight or grow a beard if you don't like your jawline.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Geez what a bunch of slackjawed zaggots. Everyone knows that chewing American Spirit long-cut will turn any boy into a goddamned sexual tyrannosaurus...just like me.

Ice Nine said...

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder in your future if you keep that up, Dreamboat.

Joe said...

Chew on shredded tires.

Iman said...

Sweet Jaysus, don’t tell Scott Pelley!

Iman said...

SOB already looks like Karl Childers…

Temujin said...

Some Halloween Double Bubble should do the trick.

Michael K said...

Help me out here. Are there good Tik Toks?

Rich Rostrom said...

Here's a possible alternative:

"You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak —
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life."

-- Lewis Carroll

Yancey Ward said...

TMJ is going to be his future.

Narr said...

Sissies. In my day I chewed ice cubes.

Ted said...

I have bruxism, a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth together when you sleep. My dentist says that I when this happens, my jaw muscles exert as much as 2 tons of pressure. If I didn't wear strong plastic mouth guards at night, I would probably ruin my teeth. And, no, this hasn't affected my jawline at all, so I'm pretty sure the chewing gum is bullhockey.

n.n said...

Black rock. Crushing it is not only a social good, but will mitigate the large carbon footprint of heavy machinery to remove it. Remember the Climate Pledge and keep it consistent.

Aggie said...

I'm with Father William

Wa St Blogger said...

Not as stupid as tidepods, I suppose.

Gusty Winds said...

Return of the alpha male.

Might actually be a sign of hope.

Achilles said...

Freeman Hunt said...
Great jawline = genetics + low bodyfat. Lose weight or grow a beard if you don't like your jawline.

Not entirely true.

There is a lot of evidence to support the theories supporting jaw development. It takes muscles to chew as well. Increased musculature is more than sufficient to change the lines and shape of your face.

Achilles said...

Blogger Joe said...
Chew on shredded tires.


10$ on Amazon gets you rubber chew toys that work well enough.

n.n said...

They could always choose a low impact workout and chew the fat.

mikee said...

And kids, that stuff the dentist tells you about flossing being important - it is. Not until you're like, 65 or so, but then you'll feel really smart for flossing as you watch your contemporaries get various horrible things done to their teeth and gums to be able to bite and chew rather than eat pudding all the time. Not quite the jaw, but being a gumless old fart is to be avoided, too.

Drago said...

Joe: "Chew on shredded tires."

I don't care for black licorice.

Clyde said...

"You Are Old, Father William" by Lewis Carroll was one of my mother's favorite poems to read to us kids when I was little. She had some books, I think from the Childcraft series, that had belonged to her mother when she was a girl, and that was in one of the books of poems, along with classics like "Jest 'Fore Christmas" by Eugene Field, "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat" (also by Field) and "The Potatoes' Dance" by Vachel Lindsay.

JaimeRoberto said...

Sounds like another one of those things that 4chan dreams up to see if the media will take the bait.

Drago said...

JaimeRoberto:"Sounds like another one of those things that 4chan dreams up to see if the media will take the bait."

The New Soviet Democraticals are currently far, far out ahead of anything 4chan could dream up.

It's going to give the 4chan-ers an even worse psychological complex.

Wince said...

I've seen a hollow silicone mouth piece that's marketed to do the same thing.

loudogblog said...

I remember (a few years ago) seeing something advertised online that was spring loaded thing that you put in your mouth to work your jaw muscles.

I wouldn't dismiss working the jaw muscles as being totally useless. Science has already proven that properly working any muscle, along with the proper diet, will increase the size, strength and endurance of that muscle. (Especially in younger people)

tim maguire said...

Exercising jaw muscles works just like exercising any other muscle and hard gum is a perfectly valid method. But there’s no reason to pay a lot for it. In that sense, they are getting scammed.

rehajm said...

A stupid TikTok


Howard said...

Achilles is right. Hyper processed foods are soft. Humans evolved to gnaw on fibrous plants and sinewy meat. Cave peoples had straight teeth and open sinuses. This was on Joe Rogan podcast 4-years ago: James Nestor author of Breath, The New science of a lost art.

Ignore Bro Science and enjoy your devolutionary spiral into the hell of chronic disease.

Iman said...

Biden speaks

Iman said...

or reads

Paul said...

I hear liberal women are crying cause they can't find any 'manly' liberal men...

Hahahahaha... that is cause the liberal men today are wimps.. and would run at the first sign of danger. You can't be manly without being part John Wayne.. and todays 'men' are not John Wayneable...

Paul said...

Maybe today's liberal men just eat to much tofu...

Narayanan said...

chewing is usually one sided
any bio-mechanical hacks to double side chewing?

Howard said...

You describe JD Vance to a T

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
Great jawline = genetics + low bodyfat. Lose weight or grow a beard if you don't

Narr said...

My wife has TMJ and goes through a couple of plastic inserts, that she wears to bed, every year.

Then again, she still has more of her original teeth than I have of mine.

Gospace said...

In both WWI and WWII our allies-and enemies - attributed the American habit of gum chewing with American GI success in boxing matches and why it was harder to knock out an American GI with a strike to the jaw. Caveat- you have to start as a youngster to get the effects.

It is known that in some societies jaws are plenty big enough for adult teeth to come in. In others, like ours NOW but not in the past, there's not enough room for them. The difference appears to be the toughness of the food eaten as infants and toddlers. This would include chewing gum, a habit that is near dead among youngsters, having been discouraged for generations. Comic book readers of the past are well aware that every comic book once had ads for Bazooka bubblegum.

An adult fad to chew tough gum isn't going to help them. It will almost certainly help their children if they get them started on the habit. As will stocking the fridge with carrot and celery sticks, serving lunch with rolls you have to chew apart rather then Wonder Bread, pretzel sticks vice potato chips, and any other food or snack substitution that requires more jaw and teeth efforts eat.

Deep State Reformer said...

Silly WP problems.

Kevin said...

Gospace’s comment tracks with what I’ve heard - That chewing tougher foods as a small child helps promote better jaw structure and avoid the need for braces or removing crowded teeth later on.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Gospace said...

In both WWI and WWII our allies-and enemies - attributed the American habit of gum chewing with American GI success in boxing matches and why it was harder to knock out an American GI with a strike to the jaw.

That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. No wonder we handed the Kraut's asses to them.

Leland said...

Gum? Back in my days, real kids used “jawbreakers”.

Narr said...

If I ever have grandkids, I'll make sure their chaw is hard.

The Vault Dweller said...

Similarly there is something known as Mewing which some believe will improve their jawline. I am not certain but I think mewing is clenching your jaw and then pressing your tongue into the palate of your mouth. In a perhaps related note I believe that young males today have far lower levels of testosterone than their fathers or grandfathers did at their age. I suspect this related primarily to diet and also lower levels of physical activity.

Mary Beth said...

Watching Rain chew gum in Red Swan is one of the things I like best about the show. I think every episode has a shot of him popping a new stick of gum in his mouth. Korean dramas are usually full of product placement. I don't recall seeing a brand for the gum. Someone really missed the boat on that one.

pj said...

This is indeed the strangest reality.

Calvin & Hobbes

Roger Sweeny said...

If you start chewing it when you're 13, it probably won't do much. But if you've been chewing for, say, an hour a day since you started solid food, it really will make a difference. The bones and muscles will grow to be able handle the workload.

Gospace has it exactly right.

M said...

Actually eating soft foods for the last hundred + years has made our jaws smaller and narrowed our palates causing dental issues. Most orthodontists will tell you this. You really need to feed kids hard veggies when they are small. Getting them chewing on carrots, not those little shaved down “baby carrots”. IDK if starting as a teen will have any effect. Your palate will need an expander if you wait till you’re older.

BL Hansen said...

When I was a kid you got this just by chewing the gum in baseball trading card packs. It was hard as a rock in 30 seconds.

tastid212 said...

How about just going down on your woman regularly? Two birds one stone, so to speak.

Narr said...

"How about just going down on your woman regularly?"

You can practice by rolling a bowling ball up a flight of stairs, using only your tongue.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Kids!

Tired of your wussie jawline?

Take it from George 'The Animal' Steele. Chew turnbuckle pads!

The girls will love you for it.

Achilles said...

Gospace said...

An adult fad to chew tough gum isn't going to help them. It will almost certainly help their children if they get them started on the habit. As will stocking the fridge with carrot and celery sticks, serving lunch with rolls you have to chew apart rather then Wonder Bread, pretzel sticks vice potato chips, and any other food or snack substitution that requires more jaw and teeth efforts eat.


I have my kids chewing on mouth exercise chew toys. Ideally they would chew on the cartilage and connection tissue in steak and ribs.

I have all of my wisdom teeth. Most people should have all of their wisdom teeth.

I believe it is worth chewing on jaw exercisers for a little while every day while at my desk.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Narr, is that six steps or twelve?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Achilles, I grew up relishing the tough ends of sourdough loaves.

My jaws are now JAWS, iykwim.

Fred Drinkwater said...

"Gen Z boys" = a couple customers of this one boutique I frequent.

(In the heart of NYC, center of the Universe of interesting things.)

Narr said...

"Most people should have all their wisdom teeth."

I have three (two?) of mine, and could only take them because the orthodontist took out the ones in the way when I was a kid. Or so he said. My wife had hers extracted soon after we got married.

"Six steps or twelve?"

Varies with age; I can barely do six anymore.

Rt41Rebel said...

You know what else strengthens your jaw? Cunnilingus.

Eva Marie said...

The gum they sell nowadays is crap. It disintegrates very quickly. There’s a reason there’s an old song called Does Your Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight. That’s because in the olden days you could chew your piece of gum all day long and then pop it back in your mouth the next day and keep right on chewing. Whatever the ingredients were, they must have gotten expensive because cheap gum is awful. The only gum that is the same as gum from years gone by is Nicorette gum (or it’s off brand competitors). It’s expensive but well worth the price when it comes to chewing gum consistency. I tried one of these (Jawline Gum from Amazon through the Althouse portal). Yes it’s expensive but it’s similar to Nicorette gum without the nicotine.

traditionalguy said...

Weird way to work out. Is being Jaw muscle bound supposed to attract other men or women?

Free weights for the mouth must be a joke.

Aught Severn said...

Welcome to Z Nation...where every day is jaw day.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Do you mean just one bowling ball?

lonejustice said...

Two words: Bazooka Joe.

Narr said...

Just one bowling ball, but don't use one from the lanes.

JAORE said...

For just $10 I can send you the penis strengthening kit*. It is intended to lengthen your male member.

I expect MILLIONS to pour in. So, for you early adopters, I am also selling shares in my venture

Don't delay. Get in on the ground floor!


*(3 sizes of rock and a string).