July 16, 2024

Sunrise — 5:24.



Sydney said...


Political Junkie said...

Purple passion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

wow - what are those?

traditionalguy said...

Thanks for the flowers.

mezzrow said...

Love the flowers.

Sasha's got a new episode up - 33 minutes. Not gated.

These do become addictive. She plans to put one up every night of the convention.

The Courage to Change Your Mind

imTay said...

There is an investigation underway of Jack Smit by the DoJ Inspector General because he has been accused of shaking down Serbian officials, promising to drop investigations if they paid him off. The complaint came with three sworn affidavits from witnesses to these. actions.

Judge Cannon knows about this investigation. This is the kinds of stuff that a Senate Hearing would have smoked out, which is why there was no Senate Hearing.


They are getting so careless because they believe that they control everything.

rehajm said...

I found some grace in salvaging an elegant Longines movement that is ticking away strongly as I break it in for a couple days before I regulate and adjust. It will go in the wife’s gold Weems as the balance on the old movement is a too far gone to save..

tcrosse said...

Liatris, or so I am informed.

Gusty Winds said...

Althouse: I've followed this blog since 2011 and the Act 10 Wisconsin protests. That how I found it.

In 2020 it seemed you didn't want to admit the voter fraud that took place in Madison was real. Wanted to "move on" to boring territory. Opposed Texas vs PA. Regretfully, I supported the Iraq War. Fell for the WMD lie. Foolishly thought it would bring peace. It didn't.

You even suspended comments for a while after the 2020 craziness. I don't know for how long, because after that I checked out of the blog for a year or a bit more. But I don't blame you. You were trying to balance your personal life, with a public life you created, and the 2020 censorship pressure. I get it.

Now you're posting shit like, "Did they actually try to kill they guy?" And, to your credit, you have been questioning the lawfare for the last few years.

Voter Fraud...to Lawfare...to Assassination attempt is a logical trajectory. In your well deserved retirement, it has been enjoyable watching your twilight evolution. It's made you more brave than you were four years ago.

I'm a big fan. And yeah... I'm scared too. I've got a personal life to live, and kids to protect, who might not like me, but need me. In my mind this blog is up there with what Elon Musk is doing.

"Cruel Neutrality" is a commitment to Free Speech. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Tim Kennedy (US Army Sniper) gives a brutal take on the attempt to assassinate Trump.


commoncents said...

WATCH LIVE: Republican National Convention Milwaukee 2024, Day 2


ps. would you please add CC to your blogroll? thanks!

Jamie said...
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Leland said...

Gusty, I’ve been following for longer. At least as far back as 2008 and McCain/Palin against Obama. Many criticized her for voting Obama in 2008. I would never vote for Obama, but I certainly regret my vote for McCain. She was right about McCain. 4 years later, she didn’t vote for either. I know lots of people regret their vote for Romney. I say this because Althouse recognized character flaws many of us easily glossed over. And she also has noticed the attempt to slander Trump for character flaws that don’t seem to actually exist. I wish others would give her some credit.

Jamie said...

Interesting - Trump's and Vance's ties are pretty much the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

I decided to add: a sign of reassurance that there will be an attempt to bring about a negotiated peace with recognition that Ukraine wasn't the first mover, or what?

I really need to sort out what I think about that conflict. I do think Putin's aim is to recoalesce the SSRs. But I also think actions to expand NATO could be interpreted as - may have been? - unnecessarily provocative. Ugh. Thank goodness foreign policy isn't up to me.

Gusty Winds said...

Leland said...

I would never vote for Obama, but I certainly regret my vote for McCain. She was right about McCain. 4 years later, she didn’t vote for either. I know lots of people regret their vote for Romney.

I couldn't vote for Obama either. I regret my votes for Bush I and II. Also McCain and Romney. But Obama weaponized the gov't like the afore mentioned. I was too young to get to vote for Reagan.

I believe A LOT of Trump supporters are like me. We realized we were duped as GOP voters, admitted it, and changed course in 2016. It's been a long road. Hopefully some Democrats will realize they were duped too. From the intersectionality crowd, I have a feeling it will be black men who realize it first.

Jamie said...

Gusty and Leland, I think I predate both of you! I was definitely pre-Obama here... I say with pretty decent confidence.

It is not out of the question that going that far back, I would confuse this blog with Asymmetrical Information and Protein Wisdom, both of which had similarly vigorous commentariats and intelligent hosts who assumed their commenters were up to the task of keeping it in bounds.

Gusty Winds said...


The Democrat choices in our lifetime were no better. Bill Clinton? Hillary? Gore? All birds of a feather we now see.

A populist emerged. Exposed, and changed everything.

Grant said...
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Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Jamie said...
Asymmetrical Information and Protein Wisdom, both of which had similarly vigorous commentariats and intelligent hosts who assumed their commenters were up to the task of keeping it in bounds.

Well said.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Remember after 911 how there was a collective sight of relief that it was Bush in the White House and not Al Gore?

The country dodged another one last Saturday.

They were both very close calls. God is looking after us. There I’ve said it.

imTay said...

Afghanistan has been at war since 1979 thanks to a brain wave by Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor.

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of the story, the CIA began to assist mujahedeen in the year 1980, that is, after the invasion of the Soviet army against Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the truth that remained secret until today is quite different: it was on July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed his first order on the secret assistance to Kabul’s pro-Soviet regime opponents. That day I wrote a memorandum to the President in which I told him that that assistance would cause the Soviet intervention (…) we did not force the Russian intervention, we just, conscientiously, increased the intervention possibilities.

I like this part of the interview, done in 1998

What is the most important thing when you look at world history, the Taliban or the fall of the Soviet empire? Some excited Islamists or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?

Because we all know now that in 2001 we went to war in Afghanistan, purported to slay the monster that we had created.

john mosby said...

Gore would have done the same things as Bush, without Code Pink, or challenges to the WMD theory, or international criminal court crap, or BS stuff about burning Korans.

Abu Ghraib would never have made it into the news. No troops would have been prosecuted for war crimes. Tony Blair would have been even more enthusiastic about supporting us. No European countries would have prosecuted the CIA for renditions.

If you want the federal government to work unhindered, vote D.

If you want the federal government under a microscope, vote R.


Big Mike said...

Today Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ and Egypt) was found guilty on all charges. Could the US of A actually be edging back to a rule of law instead of a rule by Democrat whim? I hardly dare to hope.

Christopher B said...

I wouldn't be doing handstands over the Menendez prosecution/conviction. He had been a thorn in Biden's side over the Iran deals and then went over the top on 10/7 .. and oddly enough all of a sudden there's a bribery investigation aimed at him.

traditionalguy said...

The RNC tonight has victims of crime speaking now. They are amazingly better persuaders than the professional politicians. Free speech really works. Trump and Vance are getting an ear full.

Narr said...

The Five showed vid of Biden addressing the National Association for the Advancement of Certain People--30+ minutes of red-faced rage.

He's pissed that Trump still walks the earth, and is reacting in predictable fashion for someone of his age and condition.

rhhardin said...

Biden Speech to NAACP. Turn on the sometimes baffled closed captions to understand it.

Big Mike said...

@Christopher B, did Menendez oppose the Iran deals because they were wrong? Or because Egypt is in an adversarial relationship with Iran?

Kathryn51 said...

traditionalguy said...
The RNC tonight has victims of crime speaking now. They are amazingly better persuaders than the professional politicians.

I decided to turn to CNN after the convention - almost to a person, they claimed "Disinformation! Crime is actually DOWN".

Can't hate them enough.

effinayright said...
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effinayright said...

Since the flowers are blooming from the bottom of the stalk, I'm going with loosestrife---unless, of course, these plants are well past the peak of their blooming.

Liatris pycnostachya blossoms from the top of the stalk downwards.

No, I'm not a botanst, I just asked some questions at ChatGpT.

In New England, loosestrife is considered a pest, an invasive plant. But they often resemble fields of lavender you run acrosss in France.

Ralph L said...

Common Liatris blooms from the top down and has blade-shaped leaves. This looks more like something from the hollyhock genus (Alcea), but not one I've seen before. Someone wake up Meade.

Ralph L said...

The flowers do look like loosestrife (though a little tighter), but the leaves look more like hollyhock to me.
Purple Loosestrife

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


" They support open borders, allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens to pour into our country and to burden our communities. But just don't send any to Martha's Vineyard. Then they get really upset.

They have unleashed progressive prosecutors across our nation who care more about coddling criminals than about protecting their own communities. They use the unelected bureaucracy to impose their will on us without our consent. And they weaponize political power to target their political opponents like they've done to our own nominee.

They want to ban gas automobiles, eliminate Second Amendment rights, and impose gender ideology on everyone from our infantrymen to kindergarteners. They stand for DEI, which really means “division, exclusion, and indoctrination,” and it is wrong.

They mandated that you show proof of a COVID vaccine to go to a restaurant, but they oppose requiring proof of citizenship to cast the vote. ..."

Nice said...

I've seen both Loosestrife and Lupine in New England and California, but only in the Spring. It's part of the Spring colors on the Coast, but by now a bit wilted.

It's kind of cool that the Midwest keeps their Spring colors this late in the Season.

TickTock said...

Thanks, North 101. Very interesting interview.

Wa St Blogger said...


That interview was well worth the time. I recommend anyone even remotely interested in what happened to view this video from a person who knows what the job is to protect a dignitary.

This video is valuable for both left and right commenters.

As I have learned more about the situation, I am more along the lines of gross incompetence, but I do not leave out a strong possibility of purposeful degrading of the security detail.

I need more data to say there was an effort to facilitate the attempt, but given the level of degraded resources, that is not off the table.

Achilles said...

Trump Governor of NY? Oh the Horror!

Just for fun.

Kate said...

Your flowers remind me of fireweed in AK. They are nature's calendar. When the blooms reach the top of the stalk, summer is over.

Ralph L said...

For a former male model and reality show contestant, Chris Williamson is a damn good interviewer.

wendybar said...


Bill Melugin
BREAKING: Per federal law enforcement source, yesterday, HSI & Capitol Police surveilling the RNC secure perimeter stopped a suspicious man wearing a ski mask blocks away from Fiserv Forum. I’m told he had a AK47 pistol, a full magazine, & a Scream mask in a large backpack he was carrying. Milwaukee PD arrested him. Unknown what his plans or intentions were.

Milwaukee PD confirms they arrested a 21-year-old man who was carrying a concealed weapon & did not have a legal CCW permit. They sent me the following statement.
Secret Service referred me to Milwaukee PD, and I’ve reached out to DHS for comment. More details as they come.



Beatrice Peterson (@missbeae on all platforms)

New: Multiple Sources confirm that a 24-year-old woman was arrested near the RNC convention after police said she allegedly battered Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Orden, Tuesday morning. Van Orden, “sustained minor injuries and refused medical attention on scene,”police told me.
6:12 PM · Jul 16, 2024
(In a post on X confirming the assault, Rep. Van Orden said the assailant "appeared to be a member of the pro-Hamas group CODEPINK" and an "incident of political violence.")

Ralph L said...

Link to Sniper interview
posted by Northof101 at 7:49. A slow start, but worth the time. I used 1.25X speed.

wendybar said...

Joe lying to the black people at the NCAAP Convention

Rita Panahi

More than 20 people killed, hundreds bashed, riots, arson & looting across the country causing around $2 billion in damage. Are the “fact-checkers” gonna step in or nah?

Libs of TikTok
Biden just said that the George Floyd protests were "peaceful."

This is the Democrat's idea of "peaceful."

MadTownGuy said...

Editor at 'major news outlet' tells media to bury iconic photo of Trump after assassination attempt

"An unnamed photo editor at a major news outlet believes it is "dangerous" for the media to highlight the historic photo of former President Trump standing tall after the assignation attempt Saturday, calling it "free PR" for the Trump campaign, according to a report."

imTay said...
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imTay said...

“I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out,” he said, referring to the proposals under consideration. “I don’t want to prematurely announce it, but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court and what we do.”. - Joe Biden

Remember, it's Trump who is a threat to "our democracy." So much of a threat that Biden is going to have to reluctantly eviscerate the Supreme Court

Christopher B said...

Big Mike said...
@Christopher B, did Menendez oppose the Iran deals because they were wrong? Or because Egypt is in an adversarial relationship with Iran?

Well, gee, could there be some reason Egypt, and Israel, and Saudi Arabia, are all in an adversarial relationship with Iran? Do people actually need to be bribed to come to the conclusion that Iran is an aggressive terrorist sponsoring state?

A "yes" answer to both of your questions is not mutually exclusive.

And as far as I can tell, Menendez didn't suddenly come up with new policy positions. He opposed the Iran deal when it were first proposed by Obama. And he got prosecuted, but acquitted, in 2017.

And now he gets indicted again in 2024. Also after opposing a Democrat President doing dirty deals with the Iranians.

Odd symmetry there.

imTay said...

Boomer quote from Nostalgia Today Magazine: "I used to buy a hamburger for 25¢, and if I wanted a slice of cheese on it, it was 27¢, dag nab it!; now the '¢' symbol has gone the way of the penny, and a fast food hamburger is $8!"

Leland said...

imTay said...
“I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out,” he said, referring to the proposals under consideration. “I don’t want to prematurely announce it, but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court and what we do.”. - Joe Biden

Remember, it's Trump who is a threat to "our democracy." So much of a threat that Biden is going to have to reluctantly eviscerate the Supreme Court

The only reason we aren’t talking about the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice the last couple of years is unlike Trump’s detail, a protective detail stopped a guy at a Justice’s home.

imTay said...

"The only reason we aren’t talking about the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice"

Remember when Scalia got invited on a hunting trip by some people he didn't know who were members of a secret society, and then he "died in bed" at a remote hunting lodge, no autopsy was done, and to make double sure that no autopsy was done, the body was cremated before it was shipped home?

The only reason that we are not talking about it is because they have a tight clamp on what is allowed to be said in the press.

n said...

Purple Passion? Liatris? Loosestrife? I’m going with Wooly vervain.

Grant said...

As someone above noted, it can’t be liatris as I originally thought because liatris blooms from the top down. But yeah, it sure does look like wooly vervain/verbena. Anyways I like it.

MadTownGuy said...

I was kicked out of the "All Along the Watchtower" FB group to which a cousin of mine belongs for daring to present facts about how Hillary and her campaign managers created the Trump phenomenon. This is the forum that was promoting the false flag narrative. I found out when I went to controvert the claim that Trump hadn't called the widow of Corey Comperatore to express his condolences. Of course, he has, even if belatedly (he has been a little busy).

I can't say I'm surprised, but it's shameful - there I go again - that dissent from the party line isn't allowed in their club.

Here's the link reporting Donald Trump's call.