July 23, 2024

I'm getting a "Life of Julia" vibe.


Remember "Life of Julia"?

Meanwhile, on that new White House tweet, I'm noticing, in the responses, repetitions of "Where is Joe?" and "Who took Joe?"


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fake family is saving money under the corrupt regime of husk-puppetry.

Obey, and bask in the glory.

Leland said...

Received benefits is now called “savings”.

doctrev said...

They forgot to add "Rejected from the Ivy League because they don't have 'positive personalities' like Ben Shapiro."

The Japanese and Koreans dislike Biden, and increasingly Chinese Americans are going the same way.

n.n said...

Welfare, immigration reform, Obamacares, loan forgiveness, ethnic Springs, etc are the diverse reasons for welfare, immigration reform, Obamacares, loan forgiveness, labor and environmental arbitrage, a Green deal, etc. It's an Ouroboros cycle, a progressive path, a one way ticket...

Jersey Fled said...

What ever happened to Julia anyway?

Is she president of an Ivy League university?

RideSpaceMountain said...

You've got to love the "Lee" name selection and the artwork considering that the overwhelming majority of East-Asian Lees outperform economically almost every demographic in this country in terms of wealth-generation and preservation and have a higher college graduation rate matched only by American Jews.

Jersey Fled said...

Damn. I didn’t see doctrev’s post above.

narciso said...

they never stop lying,

Joe Smith said...

They just lie to your fucking face.

We are fucked as a country.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The Japanese and Koreans dislike Biden, and increasingly Chinese Americans are going the same way."

Undoubtedly. Chinese Americans, especially 2nd generation, know all about the implications of a dynastic Mandarin political system from first-hand experience.

Whiskeybum said...

What ever happened to Julia anyway?

She just resigned from USSS. No doubt with full pension + "Biden-Harris Administration's actions to lower costs".

RCOCEAN II said...

Yeah, so if you're an immigrant family on foodstamps (aka snap) then Biden has your back. So much for inflation. So what if food prices are up 35 pecent!

Iman said...

"Ma, Ma, where's my Quemala?”

“Gone to teh White House, ha! ha! ha!”

Iman said...

There is so much fuckery currently afoot that one must take care with each step one takes.

Iman said...

Wake the fuck up! QueMala is a Marxist.

Aggie said...

"The Lees receive SUN Bucks and enhanced SNAP benefits, saving them $2,000 a year..."

So, summertime food stamps plus food stamps. Just 'saving' them money, (unspoken:) by giving them some of yours, schmuck.

No mention of how much they're saving on their Student Loans, I see. That's Joe and Kamala. They should create an ad in the spirit of Mattress Mack, the Houston furniture king, who use to end his ads by jumping up in the air and whipping cash out of his back pocket: Gallery Furniture ! Saves You Moneeeeyyyy !

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Notice it's the Biden-Harris administration now. Joe's either dead or severely incapacitated.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are you getting free money and stuff from the gracious democrat party overlords?

rejoice, obey, worhsip and vote.

tim maguire said...

Are they seriously asking people to forget about how their money buys them much less than it did a few years ago just because some people get a few hand outs?

Jersey Fled said...

They’re actually giving Julia money that your kids and grandkids will pay back in the form of higher taxes, inflation and reduced economic growth. It’s an added benefit that most are too young to vote in this election.

wendybar said...

Josh Hawley

Now that Biden’s not running, it’s AMAZING what info DOJ can cough up


Just an old country lawyer said...

$39,000 per annum for a family of 4? Paying for housing, transportation, food, utilities, taxes and medical care? In this economy that would be almost grinding poverty, and $4,000 in government handouts won't help that much. Yet they seem such a happy middle-class family, with both parents still married and obviously only one of them working outside the home. What clueless government intern dreamed this Soviet inspired shit up? What American could possibly believe it?
"You won't own anything and you'll be happy."

wendybar said...

Save?? Like we were promised we wouldn't spend ONE thin dime and would save $2500. if we let them pass "obamacare". Why does anybody trust anything these liars spew anymore. This is the definition of insanity, and the American left is insane. (same can be said of the Uniparty Republicans)

narciso said...

I hold my tongue on the right invective,

Drago said...

Remember "Julia"?

Yes. As noted yesterday evening, New Soviet Democraticals require Talking Point templates to keep their bleating sheep on message.

SweatBee said...

I should publish a cute little line drawing of my middle class family with text showing how much extra it's going to cost us if the Democrats stay in power and allow TCJA to expire.

It's more than $4,000, and I have more dependents than the fictional Lees.

Drago said...

When do we get the non-existent/okay a little/okay more than a little/transient/not so transient/here to stay/going higher again/get used to it Inflation cartoon?

Art in LA said...

What are the chances the little boy's name is Robert Edward? Ha.

GatorNavy said...

“They’ll make us all beggars, because we will be easier to please.” Sorry, I cannot remember where this quote comes from, but my son’s Czech Republic borne English teacher would say this quote in high irony when he heard anything remotely socialist. He was one when his father put him on a train in ‘62, along with mom and all four grandparents.

These new soviets are just as clumsy in their propaganda attempts as the old soviets. The question is what will you do? Will you believe this propaganda as the Madistan denizens do or mock it unmercifully?

rhhardin said...

Cracking down on corporate greed, no doubt.

Michael K said...

How long before Kamala trots out the Brando story about 9% inflation when they took office ?

planetgeo said...

Where is Joe?!
Let Joe go!

Carol said...

All I remember is that soyboy Obama voter sitting on his bed in his pajamas.

BUMBLE BEE said...

OT R.I.P Duke Fakir, last living member of the Four Tops, after a 70 year career of bringing us joy.
A Hell of a Band!

JK Brown said...

The American people need to issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus for Joe Biden

Levi Starks said...

So they’re a 2 income family and only able to earn $39k a year?

tommyesq said...

SO this fictitious family of four earns in total $18.75/hr (assuming 40 hours/week for 52 weeks/year) and we should feel like they are doing enough to pull their own weight? Also, the only way they are making so little is if only one of them is working - why are they incurring child care costs of any sort that require federal capping?

If these people live in Massachusetts, they would pay $9,613.50 in taxes ($4680 federal at 12% rate, $1950 in state tax at 5% rate, $2418 in social security (which is matched by their employer), and $565.50 in medicare (also matched by their employer)). So the suggestion is that child care costs should max out at $2730 per year (7% of their salary), which, assuming 50 weeks per year and 8 hours per day of child care comes out to $1.37 per hour to the child care center. That is all you should pay to raise your kids. But the government should get more than three times as much?

Warped priorities all around.

Gospace said...

And because they're getting all those "free" benefits- I'm paying more in taxes. Hmmm...


No, seriously. My wife and I had 5 children. Never were on food stamps. Never had the children in day care- hence, never had any day care expenses or needed subsidized day care. Of course, never had a second income. Which would have been eaten up by extra expenses- so why bother?

Because of the weird way in which government calculates who is eligible for subsidies, saw others as well or better off then me draw benefits.

The only people I see being helped out of poverty by all the government help programs are all the government employees employed to hand out the help.

News flash for many. Even the minimum wage employees at Walmart are disgusted by the customers using EBT cards to buy their groceries. Even if they themselves use them. Why? Because they realize if they could keep more of their own money- they wouldn't need to be subsidized by government. And no one stays minimum wage for more then a few months. In fact, currently, no one even get hired at minimum wage at any nearby establishment I know of. Including McDonalds.

Rusty said...

Brawndo! The thirst mutilator! It's what plants crave!

They really think we're that stupid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember - while our vets often suffer with sub-standard care - Illegals get the goodies.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"All I remember is that soyboy Obama voter sitting on his bed in his pajamas."

I remember that vividly. I was home for the holidays and extended leave and I was browsing on my phone and saw it. My reaction was instant repulsion and I made some unconscious physiological utterance to a degree and my girlfriend at the time immediately cued in. I showed her. She didn't see what the big deal was initially but after seeing it a few more times in the next few days she began to catch on.

To this day I believe there is nothing about that ad that was a gaffe. So many people believe it was a case of nose-blindness but I don't. That ad was crafted to be as cringe-inducing as possible, if for no other reason than to feed the outrage-beast and get people talking about it. It clearly worked. We all remember it.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ugh. A family of four with an income of $39,000 in California is a so far underwater that they couldn't reach the surface with a scuba tank. Kamel Hair can dress it up all she wants, but that camel won't trot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WE have enough to pay for in this nation. Enough Social programs that needs funding. We don't need more.

the left going full Socialism/Soros style - is going to bankrupt us even more.
Sadly - no one talks about our unsustainable public debt. Certainly not the lying liars who lie on the corrupt left.

Kevin said...

I'm getting a "Life of Julia" vibe.

They were both named Julia, but now they're both transitioning -- to Justin and Jamaal.

Wait until you see their medical subsidies!

Rabel said...

The SUN Bucks program was part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 which passed the house 414-10 and was unanimous in the Senate.

gspencer said...

Yeah, real realistic. Why aren't the welfare cheats/gimme/single mothers in the picture. Not a white nuclear family. Or the Mussies with their 4 wives and countless jihadist-minded kids.

Howard said...

The Harris Biden administration is more tone deaf than Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem.

Freeman Hunt said...

Childcare costs, so they both work. Yet they make $39,000 per year combined? That would be less than minimum wage in my state.

This family doesn't need subsidies; they need police action to free them from whatever slave labor trafficking ring that is holding them.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

This act provides appropriations to federal agencies for the remainder of FY2023, provides supplemental appropriations for disaster relief and to support Ukraine, extends several expiring authorities, and modifies or establishes various programs that address a wide range of policy areas.

Democracy becomes unaffordable and inaccessible through consolidation.

One Fine Day said...

Consumers, not producers. Subjects, not citizens.

Rabel said...

The fictional family would not owe any federal income tax and would be given an Earned Income Tax Credit of around $4,300.

They would also be eligible for food stamps (SUN Bucks is an extension of that program), and a wide variety of other state and federal entitlement programs, housing assistance for example.

I suspect they would vote Democrat.

pacwest said...

A maleducated populis is a controllable populis. An unfortunate side effect is that the age of American innovation is coming to an end. Step one - fix the education system. Now. Right away. Immediately.

Goldenpause said...

Another chapter in the Democrats’ favorite story: life on the dole — vote Democrat or you may have to pay your own way.

doctrev said...

Skeptical Voter said...
Ugh. A family of four with an income of $39,000 in California is a so far underwater that they couldn't reach the surface with a scuba tank. Kamel Hair can dress it up all she wants, but that camel won't trot.

7/23/24, 12:36 PM

Yeah, the only way a Chinese family of four is making that much in California is if they just got smuggled in to the country and are laboring for the Triads.

At least people can look at Julia and say "yeah, life could be like that" Not only is this ad clueless about their primary demographic, it's insultingly so.

You could probably say "Jews keep your children out of Harvard" and get more tiger moms voting for you.

MayBee said...

It’s so funny to make up a family and then make up how much you are going to help them.

narciso said...

who wrote this ad, and when are they going into the agonizer,

Mason G said...

So basically, Biden-Harris Administration's actions result in people not being able to improve their incomes and instead, just taking money from some to give to others in order to create the illusion that things are getting better.

It's been tried before, but I'm sure they'll get it right this time.

Jupiter said...

In the Democrat's ideal America, everyone has whatever the government wants them to have, and no one has anything else. Except them, of course.

n.n said...

The Lee family exceeded their bloc quota under DEI doctrine, but qualified for subsidies through voter acquisition programs.

tommyesq said...

They’re actually giving Julia money that your kids and grandkids will pay back in the form of higher taxes, inflation and reduced economic growth.

Don't forget payment of interest on the loans they are taking - annual interest payments on the national debt have risen from a previous all-time high of $414 billion in 2007 to $1.026 trillion in 2023. That comes out to $2.81 billion per day. Note that this is not the national debt - it is simply the amount that has to be paid every year in interest. For comparison, the 2023 military budget was $816.7 billion and medicare was $1 trillion.


Iman said...

“It’s so funny to make up a family and then make up how much you are going to help them.”

Definitely not ha-ha funny, but could be characterized as creative idiocy or something along those lines.

rehajm said...

I liked it when public assistance was shameful...

tommyesq said...

For more context, lets compare this hypothetical family to a family, we will call them the "Smith" family, with dual incomes totaling $500k per year. The Smith family makes 12.8 times what the Lee family makes. The Smith family pays $185,453.20 in federal income tax and social security, 26.1 times the Lee family's $7098 in tax and SS. But once you factor in the two noted kickbacks, the Lee family's net payout is only $2698, meaning the Smith family pays 68.7 times more than the lee family on income that is only 12.8 times greater.

The Smith family is, naturally, the one loathed by the Dems.

Michael K said...

Blogger Michael K said...

How long before Kamala trots out the Brando story about 9% inflation when they took office ?

God Damn autocorrect. BRANDON !

narciso said...

No brawndo its that stupid

rehajm said...

meaning the Smith family pays 68.7 times more than the lee family on income that is only 12.8 times greater.

The Democrats have kind of moved on but when all the income inequality saturation bombing was going on, none of those income numbers included any transfer payments...

rehajm said...


Heh. Paid for by the Biden-Harris-Cabal administration...meaning your tax dollars...

EdwdLny said...

Or, maybe, they could stop punishing and penalizing the responsible and productive people to subsidize the leeches. It is far, far to easy and comfortable to be "poor" in this country. We have illegal alien invaders "invited" by the lib turd creatures who are immediately given thousands of dollars in aid. Rewarded for what. Living near a liberal urban "oasis" where welfare is a generational habit. People who are not, have never been, and never will be a benefit to society. Poverty is so awful that they happily live it and pass it down to their children. Stop rewarding the leeches.

Sir Loin said...

Joe = Captain Pike

rehajm said...

Julia is now Julian and owns a candle shop in Truro...

MadTownGuy said...

Straw woman, meet straw family.

walter said...

Julia became Jules.

"So what if food prices are up 35 pecent!"
That would be preferrable to reality.

Barry Dauphin said...

...and don't forget the subsidies for the gender re-assignment surgeries.

Mattman26 said...

Median income for family of 4 is around $115,000. This happy family makes about a third of that. I guess the point is that if you're a very, very poor earner (and committed to staying that way), you should vote Dem, which is probably true.

Deep State Reformer said...

Crab about it all you want folks. These ads are quite effective for single-parent, unmarried young adults, handicapped, and elderly voters. The kind of voters whose support wins elections. Maybe Trump can get some help from Romney or Ryan about Enterprise Zones™ and Medical IRA accounts? Or how rearming Israel Ukraine and Taiwan will add jobs to the economy? Nah. The R's got nothing except Trump's bombast. Lol.

tcrosse said...

In some jurisdictions each of them is allowed to shoplift up to $950 worth of goods, although the fence's cut can vary.

effinayright said...

Deep State Reformer said...

"The R's got nothing except Trump's bombast. Lol."
Fool. You need to wrap your few working neurons around Project 2025:


Iman said...

“Nah. The R's got nothing except Trump's bombast. Lol.”

The Dims got nothing but bad policies that result in horrific inflation, an open southern border, the debacle in Afghanistan, loss of full-time employment, loss of respect around the globe, etc., etc..

They’ve made a laughing stock of our justice system. And now after deposing the demented brokedick Biden, they offer the most leftwing, liberal asshole who will ever run for president.

Good luck with that! 😆

Iman said...

Blue states and blue cities are being deserted, as more people come to realize everything about them is unsustainable, let alone abhorrent.

Dixcus said...

President Donald Trump plays a round of charity golf with World #1 Bryson DeChambeau


Jersey Fled said...

Just occurred to me. Are the Lee’s here legally?

Jersey Fled said...

Just watched the Trump-DeChambeau round above.

No way Biden stays within 20 strokes of Trump.

Butkus51 said...

Hitler took good care of his people too. Jobs, education, housing. They got it all.

I wonder what happened to that Utopia.

Jim at said...

President Donald Trump plays a round of charity golf with World #1 Bryson DeChambeau

Scotty Scheffler is world #1.

n.n said...

Hitler took good care of his people too. Jobs, education, housing. They got it all.

I wonder what happened to that Utopia.

Diversity, Equivocation, Inclusion (DEI)... redistributive change, novel Green deals, Mengele dreams, abortion chambers, ethnic Springs, secular gods, etcetera. National Socialism was the very model of a Democrazi.

JIM said...

Biden-Harris phones, guaranteed income, subsidized housing, free college, free internet, free childcare. And that's just for the "newcomers" who don't vote (legally).

Old and slow said...

This youtube of Trump golfing is quite good. Chuck must be beside himself watching it. You know he is still here... Charlie, you'll need to work on your game before the $1,000,000 challenge.

Deep State Reformer said...

Effyingayeright & Iman

I am not a supporter of Harris and I find FJB's Demokratical governance has been awful. However, be that as it may, that is a very good piece of propaganda / campaign ad or whatever you want to call it. It just is, whether you like it or not. That's how I see it anyway. Struggling people don't care about foreign aid to Israel, regulatory schemes, jiggering with the tax code, and what the hell all else. The struggling class DGAF. They're too busy trying to survive. Trumpian rants and name calling doesn't help them with that.

Harun said...

"Yeah, so if you're an immigrant family on foodstamps (aka snap) then Biden has your back."

Normal immigrants have to sign a document saying they will not go on welfare.

Aggie said...

We shouldn't forget that, when the United Nations prepares their report on world poverty, when it comes to their analysis of the US's poverty rates, they specifically do not account for food stamp programs, housing allowances, child care allowances, and so forth. For quite a few families that fall into the 'impoverished' category, they actually have something like $10,000 - $25,000 in income, derived from benefits programs from Uncle Sam, that aren't being accounted for at all. Nice, eh? Think about that, the next time your upper-crust NPR commentator moans about how bad the poor people have it because of those scrooge Republicans.

Mason G said...

"The struggling class DGAF. They're too busy trying to survive. Trumpian rants and name calling doesn't help them with that."

Lower and middle class workers saw their adjusted-for-inflation incomes increasing during Trump's presidency. I do concede that's irrelevant for those who don't intend to work and just subsist off the labor of others, however.

Mason G said...

"when it comes to their analysis of the US's poverty rates, they specifically do not account for food stamp programs, housing allowances, child care allowances, and so forth."

From the Manhattan Contrarian in 2018:

While the Census Bureau reports that in 2016 some 12.7% of Americans lived in poverty, it is impossible to reconcile this poverty rate, which has remained virtually unchanged over the last 50 years, with the fact that total inflation-adjusted government-transfer payments to low-income families have risen steadily. Transfers targeted to low-income families increased in real dollars from an average of $3,070 per person in 1965 to $34,093 in 2016. Even these numbers significantly understate transfer payments to low-income families since they exclude Medicare and Social Security, which provide large subsidies to low-income retirees.

$34,093 per person would be $136,372 for a family of four. The so-called federal “poverty threshold” for a family of four in 2017 was $24,600. If the money were just handed out in cash, it would be sufficient to put these “poor” families well into the top 10% of the income distribution. How is it even possible to distribute $136,372 in government largesse to each such family and not raise them all out of poverty?

The secret, of course, is that almost none of the government spending is counted in determining who is or is not in “poverty.”

The measured poverty rate has remained virtually unchanged only because the Census Bureau doesn’t count most of the transfer payments created since the declaration of the War on Poverty. The bureau measures poverty using what it calls “money income,” which includes earned income and some transfer payments such as Social Security and unemployment insurance. But it excludes food stamps, Medicaid, the portion of Medicare going to low-income families, Children’s Health Insurance, the refundable portion of the earned-income tax credit, at least 87 other means-tested federal payments to individuals, and most means-tested state payments.

And suppose that the government handouts actually got counted in determining “poverty” status. What would be the effect?

If government counted these missing $1.5 trillion in annual transfer payments, the poverty rate would be less than 3%.


tcrosse said...

"The struggling class DGAF. They're too busy trying to survive. Trumpian rants and name calling doesn't help them with that."

Neither does a flood of migrants from the southern border.

Iman said...

Excellent point, tcrosse!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Just an old country lawyer said...
$39,000 per annum for a family of 4? Paying for housing, transportation, food, utilities, taxes and medical care? In this economy that would be almost grinding poverty, and $4,000 in government handouts won't help that much. Yet they seem such a happy middle-class family, with both parents still married and obviously only one of them working outside the home. What clueless government intern dreamed this Soviet inspired shit up? What American could possibly believe it?
"You won't own anything and you'll be happy."

7/23/24, 11:11 AM

You said it. I live alone in a rural area of a state without income tax. I make about what 'the Lees' are hauling in annually, and I barely scrape by with enough for food and rent every month. A family of four making less than $40,000? They're going hungry or living on the street.

Dave said...

Life of Julia reference.

Smilin' Jack said...

“Head to http://Invest.gov/Savings to see what your family can save on child care, grocery costs, and more.”

Without even going to the website I can see that the Lees are costing me $4400. Plus medical care, housing assistance, etc. Also without going to the website I know it’s not going to tell me that.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

We tax the other guy, and pass the savings on to you.

Mr. Forward said...

"Give a man a free house and he'll bust out the windows
Put his family on food stamps, now he's a big spender
No food on the table and the bills ain't paid
'Cause he spent it on cigarettes and P.G.A
They'll turn us all into beggars 'cause they're easier to please
They're feeding our people that government cheese"

The Rainmakers

285exp said...

Who you gonna trust, us or your lying wallet?