July 15, 2024

"He looked at her in disbelief, she recounted, as if he couldn’t believe she’d called the police over such a matter and asked: 'Why are you acting like you’re not a Muslim?'"

From "As Gambia weighs end to genital-cutting ban, this girl was cut behind mother’s back/The West African country could become the first in the world to overturn a prohibition on female genital mutilation" (WaPo)(full-access link).
Fatty, the imam promoting the ban’s repeal, appeared to refer to Fatou’s story in a sermon earlier this year, saying that a woman who takes her husband to court should be “ashamed.” Fatty compared her story with that story of a “good woman” who refused to take her husband to court even after he beat her so badly she lost four teeth.
UPDATE: "Gambia will maintain its ban on female genital cutting following a historic decision by the National Assembly on Monday that marked a victory for women’s rights advocates in this West African nation" (WaPo).
“I am relieved but sad that we had to be taken through this torment,” said Fatou Baldeh, a Gambian activist and survivor who has received international attention for her advocacy against the practice. “I am so proud of Gambian women for not giving up. We refused to let go.”


Iman said...

Different strokes for different folks?

Iman said...

“Fatty be tender with dat pudendum”

Temujin said...

I think all college students wearing keffiyehs should be given a paid-for semester to spend in one of those Muslim nations. Live a little.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Islam - The left's favored religion. No wonder. Females are subjugated - and The View ladies yawn.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why do leftists hate women? Hate of apathy. Too busy hating Trump.

Male Trans in sports insanity + approval of Islamic abuse of women. That's the modern neo-left.

Gender Apartheid

Leland said...

"Freedom baby, yeah!" - Said in the voice of Austin Powers. Noted that the comedy there that when Powers stated it in the movie, it was to stress how out of touch he was with the current culture on sexual relations. If you need FGM to keep control of the women, then you are weak men.

Joe Smith said...

Not all civilizations are equal.

And we are importing theirs by the hundreds of thousands, and so is Europe.

Joe Smith said...

Btw, I have nothing against Islam.

But Sharia should be banned in this country.

It is a political system not a religious one...

Nancy said...

Ann, full access = I need to give my email address? No thanks.

CJinPA said...

These days, we seem to be doing some nasty things to children's private parts in the west, too. To help them pick their sex.

Muslims have a long history and reasons for doing things. Their beliefs are not compatible with those of what are currently the West's.

wendybar said...

Temujin said...
I think all college students wearing keffiyehs should be given a paid-for semester to spend in one of those Muslim nations. Live a little.

7/15/24, 9:50 AM

I agree 100%

NKP said...

I'm with Temujin but there are vast differences in Muslim nations and parts of Muslim nations. A semester in parts of Malaysia, Turkey or Morocco could be quite a treat.

Killing all Imams and destroying all Koran schools has appeal but could be seen as "too much" by some.

Maybe a "Clit for Tat" program. For slicing and dicing of the former, there goes the dick of all males in her family.

rrsafety said...

"Fatty"... hee hee.

Is that short for "fatwa"?

Joe Smith said...

'I think all college students wearing keffiyehs should be given a paid-for semester to spend in one of those Muslim nations. Live a little.'

Same with African Americans raging against racist America.

A little time negotiating the open sewers in Mozambique might be instructive...

gilbar said...

to overturn a prohibition on female genital mutilation"

I'm Confused? This is a GOOD THING, right?
I mean,
here in the USA female genital mutilation isn't just allowed, it's PAID FOR under order of the Government
IF a mom here in the states, can get her O'Bamacare insurance to pay for her son's hysterectomy..
WHY shouldn't islamic children be able to get bottom surgery too?

hawkeyedjb said...

These immiserated women will get no help or sympathy from Western "feminists." Beat them, slash their genitals, put them in bags, make them utterly subservient and dependant on men. Not a problem. What is a problem? Donald Trump, Christians, Israel... you know, the people who don't cut women up.

The self-hating, ultra-tolerant Westerners who love diversity and inclusion will never help women subjugated by Islam. They would sooner throw them back into the boiling pit of despair than ever lift a finger to make their lives better. Read about the experience of Ayaan Hirsi Ali to get a feel for the depth of hatred directed toward women who have experienced Islam and want to warn of it.

Jupiter said...

"Btw, I have nothing against Islam."

Really. I guess they aren't trying to cut your dick off, are they.

JAORE said...

All cultures are equal.

Except for the MAGA deplorables. Of course.

Where does F to M Transgender "Health Care" fall in the spectrum of female genital mutilation?

n.n said...

Progressive sects.

Iman said...

Fatty issues a Fatwa on the Fatman in the Bathtub.

Iman said...

h/t Lowell George

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. T. said...

John Hopkins U Hospital is orgasming (errrr... I mean "prebirth birthing person stuff-a-ma-jig-ism" to use the current leftist reichsprech) over this.

Jamie said...

I encourage everyone to find out more about FGM. For instance - there are 3 main types, plus a fourth that covers every other type of bad thing that can be done to a girl's or woman's genitals, such as burning and piercing (yes, I know some Western women do this to themselves).

Type 3 is the most disturbing - it basically turns the female genital area into what looks like a drink-and-wet plastic baby doll, with nothing left but a small hole through which urine and menstrual tissue are supposed to pass. That opening may need to be opened to allow sexual intercourse and childbirth - and in some women, post-childbirth, is then sewn closed again, to be reopened for the next child, reclosed, reopened...

It's truly a horrifying cultural practice with absolutely zero health benefit (unlike circumcision, for which at least a tenuous case can be made). To me, it's prima facie evidence that not all cultures are equally good.

It's an African thing, in the main. Muslims are the biggest practitioners, but Catholics and other Christians do it too. And they all need to stop.

Darkisland said...

Huma Abedin was in the news recently marrying George Soros' money. Her mother was a big advocate of FGM. I've long wondered, and speculated here, if Huma is intact or cut.

It could explain a lot about Anthony Wiener's behavior.

Note that it is generally mothers having other women do it to their daughters. This sounds like a man was involved which seems unusual.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Not just Africa

Around 60 million women, or half of the women in Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim majority, are estimated to have undergone FGM.


Rosalyn C. said...

Mostly Africa, the Middle East, and Asia but obviously people have brought their customs here and this has been an issue in the US too. Estimates from about 10 years ago indicate at least 500K women in the US have gotten some form of FGM -- Legally this is a state issue , because efforts to ban FGM on a federal level have failed. There has been federal legislation and funding to provide community engagement to prevent taking women out of the country for FGM, as far as I understand. Interesting to note only 41 states have laws against FGM and some of those states do not make it illegal to take a girl out of state to perform this procedure. So there is that loophole. For example, in CA, MN, MD, IL and NY it's illegal, but not if it's done elsewhere.

Shahid Q. Public said...

To be clear, the barbaric practice of FGM is a traditional tribal/cultaral practice, not an Islamic religious one, even if some local “religious” leaders claim otherwise. Indeed, in the places it’s practiced, the practice generally crosses sectarian boundaries. Most Muslims, including Arabs, do not practice it and most likely have never heard of it. It’s origins are largely in the tribes Middle Africa (both east and west), stretching from there to tribes and regions influenced by them. (Whether Indonesia came across the practice via trade or it orginates in its own tribes, interestingly it’s neighbor Malaysia, also majority Muslim, does not practice it except in the fringes like in the US.)

I just put this here because many presume this is Islamic in origin, when that’s far from the truth. There may be many issues with Islam, but this is not one of them. Though, the fact that Islam does not have some top-down structure does make it easier for local “Islamic leaders” to ascribe unrelated things to the religion (The minority Shias do have their Ayatollahs, but even then people can pick the Ayatollah they follow.)

Oligonicella said...

I get confused as to which medium we're allowed to criticize Islam with and which not.

Oligonicella said...

"Fatty compared her story with that story of a “good woman” who refused to take her husband to court even after he beat her so badly she lost four teeth."

Apparently in Islam, terrified woman = "good woman".

mikee said...

A woman in that situation would be morally justified in killing her muslim husband in his sleep. And also killing the imam. If enough women did this, the remaining imams and husbands might just change their behaviors.