July 22, 2024

"Garner" of the Day

"Elon Musk shared a video of an AI-generated fashion show featuring world leaders such as PM Modi, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Vladimir Putin, showcasing them in futuristic outfits. The video, which has garnered significant attention on social media, highlights the capabilities of AI in creating visually striking content. The event has sparked a wide range of reactions, with some users expressing excitement and approval, while others are skeptical or critical. The AI fashion show has also raised discussions about the potential impact of AI on the fashion industry, including its role in enhancing creativity and sustainability." 

A summary at X about the virality and discussion of this video:


rehajm said...

Is anyone fooled by this or is this other people worried others will be fooled? Is anyone still impressed by the incredibly realistic dinosaur video that won Spielberg?

rehajm said...

I like that the Pope is actually less ostentatious than the actual pope.

gspencer said...

I think this would have even made Jerry Waddler appear better than the real Waddler,


Temujin said...

Gotta say, that Bill Clinton in The blue dress stole the show.

Scott M said...
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Scott M said...

It's a neat parlor trick, but I'm more concerned about the AI impact on law enforcement re video evidence.

wild chicken said...

Does AI love Obama or what.

Anyway, was that supposed to be trump in an orange jumpsuit? Pretty fancy. The best jumpsuit!

Bill R said...

I liked it. But I would. I'm the sort that enjoys disrespecting my betters.

traditionalguy said...

Beats a fungus parade.

Aggie said...

But why so many of Obama, and only one of everybody else? It's as if the man is still in power.

n.n said...

From Photoshopped to AImagined, what can't anthropogenic intelligence do by hand or sleight?

traditionalguy said...

Obama still has his only asset: a combination of a black skin with a Brilliant smile and sneaky race war leadership skills.

Sally327 said...

I laughed at that dollar sign on Jeff Bezos. He is fairly ostentatious these days with all his splashing out, which I think is the girlfriend's influence.

Whoever put that together seems to have a crush on Barack Obama. Lots more of him than anyone else.

JRoberts said...

I'd would have liked to seen "Dr. Jill" in an orange prison jumpsuit with the letters "DOC" on the front, like that old "House, MD" ad from years ago.

A preview of coming attractions?

Wilbur said...

I, for one, greatly enjoyed that. A true snickerfest.

Jersey Fled said...

“ It's a neat parlor trick, but I'm more concerned about the AI impact on law enforcement re video evidence.”

See The Capture, season one on BBC.

MarkW said...

"It's a neat parlor trick, but I'm more concerned about the AI impact on law enforcement re video evidence."

Video evidence is now the same as any other form of evidence, where providence, chain-of-custody, and supporting evidence are keys to demonstrating authenticity. A video clip can now be as much a forgery as a document of photo, but so what? And is it really that much of a change -- after all, we have long had impersonators and body doubles that could realistically appear to be famous others in audio and video clips.

We have a video of a person doing X. Who took the video? How? When? Do we have evidence that this person was at this place at the depicted time, and so on. This is why I don't really understand all of the outrage about celebrity 'deep fake' porn. Nobody thinks it is really the person it appears to be (and, in fact, I suppose that 'genuine' celebrity porn tapes can now be plausibly denied as fakes). How long before movie starts perform their nude scenes via AI? Or has this already happened?

MadisonMan said...

It's not quite perfect, to my eye.
Also: Too much Obama.

Levi Starks said...

Pretty amazing.
I’ll probably watch it a few more times.
If you want to get school kids interested in civics and world events this could do the job.

The Middle Coast said...

This is great. I need to watch ten more times.

The Middle Coast said...

Ok, I see Bill Clinton in the blue dress. He kind of looked like my mother-in-law, who did not iirc have a blue dress, but had the same hair and glasses.

Xmas said...

The Harry Potter Balenciaga videos were only a year ago...

Kevin said...

PM Modi, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Vladimir Putin

Did Joe wander around the catwalk?

planetgeo said...

Very clever and entertaining. But I suspect there might be some legal issues with respect to using their "image and likeness" for commercial purposes. Ann, any thoughts on that?

They’re eating the cats 🐈 —They’re eating the dogs 🐕 said...

Having mastered interplanetary travel, fully autonomous driving, advanced cave rescue techniques, and hyperloop technology, I would like to tell you who to vote for this November..

Narr said...

Rich doesn't come here to hunt, IYKWIMAITYD.

Danno said...

If you ascribe to Danno's philosophy, it is not artificial intelligence, but synthetic stupidity.

mikee said...

When I see the Obama "Hope" motto, I recall the Terry Pratchett scene in Going Postal where the prisoner Moist Lipwick is given Hope via a setup, where he thinks he might be able to escape, but actually he is just given a task to keep him busy until his execution.

Lawrence Person said...

Kamala Harris wishes she looked like that...