July 22, 2024

"He announced it via Twitter... I thought that if Joe Biden was going to do this, he would've announced that he had a presser or..."

"... some sort of big statement that he was going to give from the Oval Office or from the White House somewhere, and that he was going to do that at a preset time later in the evening.... The rest of the world knows that Joe Biden is... totally senile and not in control of his faculties at this point. I mean, when Joe Biden wakes up and someone tells him he's no longer running for president, he's gonna be quite shocked about that. I would assume. I mean, by the way, he could wake up tomorrow and undo this...."

So, yeah, what evidence do we have that Joe Biden knows he has given up his candidacy and released the delegates pledged to him? We haven't seen him. He's been sick with Covid. When last we heard from him in person he was defiantly clinging to the candidacy, apparently still believing that he is the one person who can save the world from Donald Trump. We were simply handed written statements.

Shapiro imagines Joe Biden shocked to hear that he's dropped out. He could be shocked because he didn't actually agree to drop out, but he could be shocked because he actually is something like what Ben Shapiro calls "totally senile" and he doesn't remember or understand what he did or supposedly did yesterday. Is his written statement binding? 

Perhaps his people won't tell him he has withdrawn. How would we know? I've read articles about caregivers for persons with dementia that advise us to go along with the errors and not correct all the mistaken beliefs.

He shouldn't be President though, of course, if things are this bad. Couldn't they keep him in Rehoboth and call him Mr. President?

ADDED: I see Trump himself wafted this theory on Truth Social last night:
It’s not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden’s going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race today!
And he repeated the idea this morning:
It’s a new day and Joe Biden doesn’t remember quitting the race yesterday! He is demanding his campaign schedule and arranging talks with Presidents Xi of China, and Putin of Russia, concerning the possible start of World War 3. Biden is “sharp, decisive, energetic, angry, and ready to go!”


Dixcus said...

Ann Althouse wondered: "What evidence do we have that Joe Biden knows he has given up his candidacy?"

You were handed a letter typed up in Microsoft Word with Biden's pasted .jpg signature attached. Remember Dan Rather and the Texas Air National Guard memos?

Then, his Twitter account, which is controlled by a 20-year-old girl named Megan Coyne (White House Deputy Director of Platforms), tweeted out that Joe Biden was endorsing Kamala Harris for President. She works for the White House ... not the Joe Biden campaign.

So yeah, where's Jill and Joe Biden?

Tank said...

If Biden were to come out today and say he did not withdraw and is still in it, that would be the most fun thing of his whole administration.

That would be entertainment.

lgv said...

He is being held in a medically induced coma in a medical room underneath the White House. I can't prove the coma part because how could you tell?

No way he wrote any of those releases. I doubt Jill would allow an endorsement of Kamala Harris.

Dixcus said...

By Thursday, the media will report that Joe Biden has died of COVID19.

That's my prediction.

n.n said...

The dual irony of Twitter. That said, aren't Twitter-side chats first-order forcings of [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] [political] climate change?

Old and slow said...

I didn't think things could get this weird, and I suspect it is is about to take a surreal turn for the worse. Where the hell is Joe?

Gusty Winds said...

Do you think Biden's food taster is alive?

lgv said...

There appears to be two factions of the party. Harris is now backed by the Clinton machine. Obama is the front/bag man for the other faction. He has not backed Kamala. This may be a sign Harris has picked her master.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Dixcus said...
By Thursday, the media will report that Joe Biden has died of COVID19.

That's my prediction.

As of this morning, even odds.

Dixcus said...

Ann Althouse wondered: "Couldn't they keep him in Rehoboth and call him Mr. President?"

Remember the fake Oval Office they built specifically for Joe Biden?

Here's photos of it:


n.n said...

the media will report that Joe Biden has died of COVID19

Of, no. With, would be a risky proposition.
Biden has been purportedly vaxxxinated in a trillion dollar coup de cure that would garner diverse class action lawsuits.

Mark said...

The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for.

Dixcus said...

IGV wrote: "There appears to be two factions of the party."

Yes, but you have the factions wrong. The Clinton's aren't players any longer due to Epstein Island visits by Bill Clinton.

This is California (Newsom/Pelosi) vs. Chicago (Obama). It's the fight for who controls the Party going forward.

Obama is leading right now. He will seal the deal Aug 20. when the DNC Convention is held in ... well, would look at that ... not San Francisco ... but in Chicago.

Aggie said...

I guess the person to watch for a reaction, is Jill. But someone else has mentioned, this is exactly how the Soviet Central Committee used to dispose of its tottering leaders: Wait till they head for the dacha for the weekend, then publicly declare 'they've decided to resign'. By the time they return, it's a done deal. Joe Biden doesn't send Xitter messages, his staff does. Watch Jill.

They say 'nothing in politics is accidental'. I've been keeping that in mind this year, and repeat it to myself when security failures, assassination attempts, and abrupt changes in tack like this one, happen. If there's one thing Democrats know and honor, it's the principles of 'hierarchy'. Look at their voting record. There's no real debate about who the candidate will be, who that candidate will select as their VP pick. That contest being fought at the top of the pyramid right now, by the power centers - or maybe the fight is already over and it's been decided.

But we won't find out until the convention, is my guess. Keeping one's mouth shut is another time-honored tradition among Democrat politicians. They know that a few more weeks of controversy, rabid speculation, dramatic conspiracy theories, and so on, will confer the illusion of legitimacy. It's the only thing they've got to pretend there's anything democratic about their process.

n.n said...

Obama unburdened. Kamala unburdened. The progressive path is littered with bodies to be sequestered. Watch your six, Biden.

Iman said...

The young Bob Newhart (RIP) could’ve had a lot of fun with this.

narciso said...

this story is much lamer than expected, did they tase hunter, tie up jill in the closet,

Iman said...

Lay your burden down, America.

n.n said...

Clinton's aren't players any longer due to Epstein Island visits by Bill Clinton.

Au contraire, Billy Willy Kiddy Clinton is a Democratic trend in transition.

narciso said...

people who told us this shambling heap was active, calls us a cult,

n.n said...

did they tase hunter, tie up jill in the closet

The October surprise is that Biden will come out of the closet. Here's Joey!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dixcus said...

So yeah, where's Jill and Joe Biden?

Tied up in a closet in Rehoboth?

Bob Boyd said...

Is Biden still the Democratic nominee because he's not legally capable of consent?

H&E said...

We have his Microsoft Word as a Biden, what more proof do we need?

Jersey Fled said...

For that matter, how do we know that Biden is sick with Covid?

BG said...

The first thing I said to hubby after I read the “withdrawal letter” was, “Biden didn’t write this.” Then later when I saw the endorsement I said to myself that someone else did that. C’mon, let’s see Joe. Elderly people in my neck of the woods have been getting COVID and it’s just a moderate cold.

wendybar said...

We haven't seen him. Are we sure he is still coherent?? Did he have a stroke?? Did they lie about him having Covid?? The American people have a right to know, but since Progressives only lie and spew hoaxes, I don't believe that he put that out himself.

Night Owl said...

Who is actually running this country? It's shocking that we haven't heard from Biden.

It's one thing to imagine shadowy figures in the background in control. It's another to have it blatantly shoved in your face. If this is actually a coup attempt these shadowy figures are showing that they not afraid of anyone or anything.

RideSpaceMountain said...

What if people in Rehoboth don't want him either?

doctrev said...

Night Owl said...
If this is actually a coup attempt these shadowy figures are showing that they not afraid of anyone or anything.

7/22/24, 8:10 AM

Trying to show. And failing. The oligarchs are clearly terrified out of their minds: it took insane desperation to try assassinating President Trump, and it was intolerable to fail. Now the desperation is getting much worse, and there's a non-zero chance the Rat coalition will tear itself apart while the leadership tries to play happy families.

This is very similar to countries declaring they are invincible and will last for a thousand years. Twelve years later, no one even cares where all their bodies are buried.

Jamie said...

people who told us this shambling heap was active, calls us a cult,

People who insisted that the pee tape and Putin and Trump's great love affair were both real (but the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't), and that COVID could not possibly have had a lab origin and by the way, decorated cloth masks would protect you from the bad humors, say that we will fall for any conspiracy theory.

Night Owl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Odd that the statement did not endorse Kamala, but then his X did. I demand proof of life before we negotiate any further.

Night Owl said...

And by "heard from Biden" I mean publicly. Not some damn word document.

Dixcus said...

JerseyFled asked: "How do we know that Biden is sick with Covid?"

We don't.

The only person who has spoken on this topic is Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, an employee of the White House, not the campaign.

Joe Biden did not announce that he has COVID19. Neither has Jill Biden. Nor has the campaign.

That is the only proof we have. Jean-Pierre's good word. Biden's doctor has released no comments about him having COVID19.

Wince said...

Interesting how Firesign Theater ended their 1970 "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers" album with an Old Tirebiter who transforms into a kid chasing the ice cream truck for a cone.

"Just a moment, I have to go get an ice cream cone. Hold on, I'll be right back... Hey Mister, I've got a nickel, wait for me!

MadisonMan said...

Ben Shapiro's podcast on the topic sounds pretty funny. But I doubt the underlying premise of it: That Biden doesn't know about any of this.

cfs said...

Frank Biden said to CBS that he was selfishly glad to have Joe Biden back for "whatever time we have left." Then, when he was asked if health factored into his brother's decision to step aside from the race, he said, "absolutely" his health played a "considerable role" in his decision.

"Glad for whatever time we have left" is something a family member says when a Hospice team has been called in to assist the family in the final weeks of a person's life.

I'm of the belief that Joe Biden isn't aware he has dropped out of the race. However, the question as to whether he can continue as President for the next approximate six months is going to have to be addressed at some point this week. The sooner the better.

wendybar said...

Mark said...
The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for.

7/22/24, 7:53 AM

We didn't believe the Russian Collusion hoax. We didn't believe the Jusse Smollet hoax. We didn't believe the Covid came from an animal hoax. We didn't believe the "affordable care" hoax. We didn't believe the "Biden is far sharper, more intellectually curious, and far more insightful on global affairs than any House GOP speaker I have met over 30 years." We didn't believe the "too dangerous to put a secret service member on a sloped roof" hoax.

I can name quite a few more, that the media ran with and fools here still spew...and you wonder why Trump is going to win?? Maybe look inside and see that there is a reason that people are leaving your party in droves....

Tell me again who the idiots are who believe conspiracy theories..

traditionalguy said...

Let Joey play with his toys and he will be happy. He really likes that Nuclear Codes Football that he plays on like a video game.

Dixcus said...


Check out this very, very strange wording by NBCNews:

"Biden was tested after he experienced upper respiratory symptoms, Biden’s doctor said in a statement released by the White House. Dr. Kevin O’Connor is the president’s physician; the White House did not attribute the statement to him by name."

Huh? Run that by me again. They're claiming Kevin O'Connor said something, but they don't attribute it to him. Okey dokey. SO his doctor hasn't been put on camera saying anything. Only on paper, released by the White House, who did not attribute it to him. Did you get all that?

20-year-old Megan Coyne, White House Deputy Director of Platforms, who is the author of Biden's Twitter account, posted a two-word claim: "I'm sick."

That's all she wrote. Not that Biden has COVID19. Biden HIMSELF said he was fine, when asked by NBCNews.

JAORE said...

Some possible scenarios:

Biden has gone down hill rapidly. Covid, trying to show he could campaign and progressive dementia has made him obviously pitiable. Seeing him would turn up the pressure to resign today.

Biden is in one of his down and out phases. That even a brief, pre-recorded message is beyond him. But why could they not waited a day or two and/or juiced him up? The fact his campaign was blindsided is interesting.

Someone like Pelosi broke through the barrier to reality (e.g. polls) showing Joe he had NO chance and formerly bright blue states were changing. Perhaps the shock that his most (only) inner-safe circle were lying to him made him break.

cfs said...

Could 2024 be the first Presidential election since 1976 that we do not have a Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ticket?

Jamie said...

The way I see it, they had to be pretty desperate, to make the announcement this way. They had to know that a written statement and an invisible president were going to fuel the fires of every doubt everyone has had since the assassination attempt - maybe since the debate. And because of the debate, they can no longer act affronted and say that Republicans are gaslighting the public - everyone now knows that they, not Republicans, have been gaslighting the public for at least months (the video evidence says years).

But they did it this way anyway.

I think I'm going back to my former pessimism, unburdened by the breath of hope that I had just begun to allow myself. Trump won't be allowed to take office, by whatever means it takes. Their gloves are off.

Quaestor said...

Or maybe Biden's too ashamed to face the American people with the truth he and the entire DNC, NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, The View, the Department of Justice, the CIA, and nearly every alphabet-soup bureaucracy have conspired to hide from them. So he signs a letter of withdrawal and slinks back into seclusion... no conspiracy to pull a fast one on a helpless codger, just a guilty conscience hamstrung by cowardice.

Of course, this theory hinges on Joseph Robinette Biden having a conscience with which feel guilt... Never mind.

Bob Boyd said...

Jill lowers her phone and looks at Joe.

"The helicopter's not coming."

"What's the hold up?"

"It's never coming."

Leland said...

Comparing Joe to my own Mom that is in Memory Care with dementia; I don't think Joe is as far gone not to be cognizant of what just happened. Whatever Joe does or does not understand, Jill definitely is cognitive to know and she would speak up. So, I think Joe knows and can comprehend.

That's not to say they weren't blind-sided and this is all on the up-and-up. I just buy that Joe isn't aware.

That said, if Joe doesn't understand; then the cabinet needs to invoke the 25th Amendment. And if Joe and Jill had nothing to do with this; then we just had a coup that was more effective than anything that occurred in 2021 (and once again Pelosi was part of it).

Dave Begley said...

In Joe's address he will say that his doctors told him that - while he's fine to finish out his term - his health will not improve and may, in fact, decline. He can't do another four years up to his *high* standard of performance. That's why he did what he did.

He'll also work Beau in their somehow.

Mark this comment.

Howard said...

His dementia is likely progressing in a hyperbolic manner especially with the covid

Night Owl said...

It's been my experience based on my family that the typical Democrat.voter doesn't question what the mainstream media tells them.

When I mentioned to 2 Biden voters yesterday that some are saying he didn't write the letter, their eyes opened wide. I could tell they hadn't thought about that. After considering it, they didn't deny the possibility. They just didn't care. Coup, shmoo; they were just glad to be rid of Biden as the candidate.

I love these people so I just let it go.

TaeJohnDo said...

Blogger Mark said...
The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for.


Oh wait, you're serious?


Quayle said...

This isn't a trivial issue. We need to see the person himself, live, with real people, opponents and supporters, in the room - not just a broadcast.

With AI coming, we will need this as a safety precaution. We need to demand it to safeguard our Democratic Republic.

Achilles said...

It won’t be long now until you can’t say mean things about the nice ill/dead man.

Only a barbarian would say bad things about someone who just died.

The most likely scenario is they upped his warfarin dose weeks ago after the debate. Then he slipped a little.

Jill is holding this up right now. I am now starting to wonder if we will see her in public ever again.

wildswan said...

A Note on Regional Dialect
When you come from the Northeast, you say, "I'm ill." It's Mid Western (like Chicago) to say "I'm sick."

Leland said...

cfs said...
Could 2024 be the first Presidential election since 1976 that we do not have a Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ticket?

Don't start counting the chickens...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

If we’re going to play this nuthouse game, Kamala Harris has not spoken in public either. Maybe she doesn’t know she is running for President.

Ben Shapiro’s premise would make a good Hollywood movie. The President doesn’t know he has been dropped out of his reelection bid and is allowed to continue living in the White House after his Vice President is elected President. Everyone pretends he is still the President. Hijinks ensue.

By the same token, how do we know Ann Althouse is still blogging here? Has she made any public statements since her last appearance on Bloggingheads after the 2016 election? Maybe she has spent the last 8 years suffering from dementia under the benign care of her husband, who now does all the blogging. His occasional “Picture by Meade” post is a great fake out.

Robert Cook said...

"It's been my experience based on my family that the typical Democrat.voter doesn't question what the mainstream media tells them."

It's been my experience that the typical Republican voter doesn't question what Don Don tells them, (and doesn't believe anything from the mainstream media, even when it is documented, unless it supports--or is favorable toward--their fanatic beliefs and bugaboos).

JAORE said...

I also wonder if the political consultants in Joe's inner circle were "gotten to". Pelosi could have told them if Joe stays in THEY will be blamed. Losing the POTUS, house and Senate? Neither party would even trust them to work again. That could have led them to be honest with Joe.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Has this has been stranger than...?

Plane crashed and only she died?

Obama's birth certificate - also a 'Word' document?

narciso said...

you need the jk simmons gif of j jonah jameson for that,

wildswan said...

Perhaps Biden is really ill. Covid can be deadly in the elderly and maybe he feels sad and worn down. But his young and vigorous staff would be absolutely panicked because of the look of the thing. First, an attempted assassination of Trump. Then Biden actually dies.

Night Owl said...

"It's been my experience that the typical Republican voter doesn't question what Don Don tells them",

Then you haven't met any typical republican voters.

planetgeo said...

It's just Democrats trying to protect "our Soviet-ocracy". Thus, Soviet selection process...Brezhnev-y ending.

Bob Boyd said...

The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for.

Remember when liberals used to have bumper stickers that said, "Question Authority?"

Now asking questions is falling for conspiracy theories.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "If we’re going to play this nuthouse game, Kamala Harris has not spoken in public either. Maybe she doesn’t know she is running for President."

Please tell us you are merely playacting being this stupid.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "It's been my experience that the typical Republican voter doesn't question what Don Don tells them,.."

Alex, I'll take Things That Never Happened for $500 please!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Can this be any weirder than Barack's birth certificate, a word document, certified valid by Loretta Fuddy, and then, plane crashed and only she died?


What a sequence.

narciso said...

commisar cook, puts the party directive out,

yes the people who humiliated us on the world stage at the G7 at the Normandy anniversary, trust them implicitly,

JAORE said...

Bob Boyd.... cold.... may be accurate... funny as hell.

James K said...

It's been my experience that the typical Republican voter doesn't question what Don Don tells them, (and doesn't believe anything from the mainstream media, even when it is documented, unless it supports--or is favorable toward--their fanatic beliefs and bugaboos).

Great retort (eye-roll). Everyone has confirmation bias except--Robert Cook. Are you familiar with the widely quoted maxim about how Trump supporters view what Trump says? "Take Trump seriously but not literally"? Even his strongest supporters realize that he exaggerates, speaks off the cuff, etc. But few can match Biden's penchant for out and out lying.

Tacitus said...

You'd have to assume that anyone who has spent his entire adult life in politics would not make a graceless, legacy defining exit like this if he were able to face a camera and be coherent.

That he has dementia is now mainstream accepted. Also some physical debility. My money is on Parkinsons with his ups and downs being related to titration of meds. Fun fact, people with advanced Parkinsons have that weird shuffling gait....but if they get emotionally energized they can briefly unfreeze and actually run.

Whether he has covid, or a Yuri Andropov level cold, or an embarrassing UTI, or whatever....I guess he's not able to look life like and read the teleprompter. He's probably angry and ashamed. Dementia patients have emotional lability. We've sure seen enough of that.

The Dems tried, and maybe could have succeeded, in pulling off the biggest and most dangerous political fraud in history. They'll pay dearly for it.

By the way, the Parkinsonian shuffle is technically called a "festinating gait". Adios, Uncle Festinator....


wildswan said...

Maybe it was a staff coup and Dr. Jill is back in town raging about the White House. Who knows what's happening. As usual Althouse was far ahead. First,awile back she suddenly began posting pictures of mushrooms thus prophesying these days of rumors. Now she's got a story about AI generated faux pictures of .... political figures. Maybe Biden's dead.

Leland said...

Obama has spoken, but ctrl-F for Kamala shows 0 results.

JAORE said...

"The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for."

Shameless or stupid? Or both?

TJ said...

A kind consideration:

If one or more of your main sources for information (i.e. media) has ran stories or had segments saying "Biden is sharp as a tack" or anything like that in the past several weeks, please consider the trustworthiness of that source and adjust your consumption of that source accordingly. If you don't care because that's what you want to believe, you have outed yourself as an unserious person.

Political Junkie said...

He of course should resign the presidency, but he will not, mostly because it would be harder for Kamala as a sitting president to campaign.

planetgeo said...

Bob Boyd, thanks for reminding us of all those bumper stickers Inga and Robert Cook used to plaster all over their VW buses..."Question Authority"..."Coexist"...and my favorite, "Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism".

Those were the days. I wonder if Inga still has her tie-dyed muu-muu.

Political Junkie said...

Follow up to my last post - R's should say "Country before Party" for why Joe should resign.

MadTownGuy said...

Bob Boyd said...

[The Trump cult hasn't met a conspiracy theory they won't fall for.]

"Remember when liberals used to have bumper stickers that said, "Question Authority?"

Now asking questions is falling for conspiracy theories.

It's time to subvert the New Dominant Paradigm.

narciso said...

and dissent is patriotic, pepperridge farm remembers,

Rory said...

Wouldn't habeus corpus apply? It may be benign, but he is in the hands of federal police.

Predict we'll see Joe today, having a brief walk in his pajamas or even just looking out of a window.

Sebastian said...

"He shouldn't be President though, of course, if things are this bad."

Of course. But then again, what will be done is what best serves Democratic party interests. If their elites decide they need the puppet charade a bit longer, for example to let Kamala campaign, without asking her to do two actual jobs after three years of relative leisure, they'll keep going.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

For the Hollywood movie you’d want a more bombastic President than Joe Biden. Someone like Donald Trump would do nicely.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

He shouldn't be President though, of course, if things are this bad. Couldn't they keep him in Rehoboth and call him Mr. President?
They could take him to Delaware and tell him it's teh weekend and he's on vacation, and keep on doing that for however long it takes.

But they can't do that with "Dr" Jill, who loves and craves the power / prestige of being "First Lady", and running the US President.

Yancey Ward said...

I am still working on the assumption that Biden did sign that letter and knew what it meant and won't forget that he signed it. The lack of a public announcement indicates to me that he is humiliated and despondent at having been forced get out of the race by Obama and the media.

I do think you will get the public address sometime by tomorrow and it will be interesting to see how angry he is about the entire matter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The mob-left are all liars. Listening to the democratics brag about THEIR job creation is a laugh. (leftist job creation is all public sector tax payer funded government jobs. a sort of fascism of job creation)

+ Of course jobs increased AFTER the and job--loss devastation from the Chi-Com Democrat mob virus. duh.

Gravel said...

It really feels like the strings on Joseph Marionette Biden have broken.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cook - what are you talking about. The MSM(D) is 24/7 NBC democrat party one-party news.

Trump doesn't even get to speak/ or get invited to speak/ on the MSM(D) anymore. He is completely blocked out.
So again - most democrats watch their 24/7 NBC news cycles - and buy the democrat party narratives & lies - wholesale without question.

MadTownGuy said...

Laura Loomer @lauraloomer


At 10 am ET today, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients is holding a MANDATORY call from all White House staff, followed by a call for all political appointees in the Biden administration at 11 am.

We may be getting close to a full blown Resignation from @JoeBiden.

His medical condition is now terminal, from what sources have told me.

I have no way of verifying Ms. Loomer's statement, so take from it what you will. But here's the money comment:

DT 10100 11000
"It’s been terminal since @HillaryClinton became his friend."

Rory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just an old country lawyer said...

The time lapse between "You Republicans are always pulling conspiracy theories out of your ass" to "Of course, you fascist, everybody knows that. So what?" has all but disappeared.

Jamie said...

Night Owl, I really wish you had said "coup shmoop"!

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

"He of course should resign the presidency, but he will not, mostly because it would be harder for Kamala as a sitting president to campaign."

Actually, it should make it easier and more effective to campaign. There is a reason incumbents are so difficult to defeat and being President even for just a few months gives Harris some of that vibe plus the ability to travel anywhere she wants on the taxpayer dime in Air Force One and the ability to make any venue open to her by fiat. If the Democrats really want to go with Harris at the top of the ticket, they need get Biden out of the White House ASAP

Yancey Ward said...

Blogger is a piece of shit, by the way.

minnesota farm guy said...

I agree with those who think Joe doesn't even know.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "For the Hollywood movie you’d want a more bombastic President than Joe Biden. Someone like Donald Trump would do nicely."

That movie was already made.

And the President died.

That you wish a "someone like Donald Trump" in that role given the events of the last several weeks of your team's "activities" is a bit too on the nose, wouldn't you say?

The New Soviet Democratical desire for Trump's death or representations of such are clearly irresistable and insatiable for them.

William said...

Biden is definitely addled and, in the course of time, will inevitably become more addled. I wouldn't define his condition as full blown senile dementia. It is worrisome, however, to have to wait and see if he develops into such a condition....Be careful what you wish for. If Biden resigns and Harris becomes President, she'll have some of the advantages of an incumbent. Amnesty for migrants, debt forgiveness for all students and lots of jolly laughter as she makes these announcements from the Oval Office.

gilbar said...

what evidence do we have that Joe Biden knows he has given up his candidacy and released the delegates pledged to him?

this is was and will be TOTALLY irrelevant.. question is: did Dr Jill know? and how much was she paid?

FullMoon said...

Multiple Covid vax shots have ruined a once vibrant and intelligent Joe Biden.
Prove me wrong..

Anyway, Joey was over medicated during debate. In later speeches and interviews, he is a nonsensible angry old man, mostly aware of his surroundings.

The idea that bad-ass, tough guy, high IQ, top of his class, super successful Joey Biden would make this decision is laughable. He would not even do it for millions of dollars. He has enough money to last a lifetime, and as much more as needed by writing insightful bestsellers, or selling paintings. Dropping out labels him a coward, weakling, quitter, loser, 2nd rate, unpopular punk, forever. No amount of glowing MSM will change that.

If Joe actually agreed to quit, more likely threats by Pelosi and his other "friends" of exposure of crimes or sexual misbehavior by Joe or other family members possible. Threats of prosecution would frighten a weakling like Joe, as well as la familia.

PM said...

Where's Joe Hiden?

Bob Boyd said...

@ political junkie re: 9:10

Kamala might be stronger running as the incumbent.
Joe better have those pardons ready.

TheDopeFromHope said...

This'd be one of the greatest OG moves of all time. The Bidens (i.e. Jill) have certainly negotiated an "exit package" in exchange for Joe's dropping out, let's say $25M (already deposited in the Biden accounts). Jill now goes to the DNC and says, "Look, there's been no official announcement, no one has heard from Joe, it's not binding. If we don't get another $25M, Joe's jumping back in. You have 24 hours."

Static Ping said...

Biden is not allowed to drop out by proxy.

If he does not announce he has ended his candidacy in person then we must assume he is being illegally detained and this is a coup. Anyone can put out announcements for someone else.

If he is so far gone that he literally is incapable of doing it in person then he needs to be removed as president immediately.

If he is near death, then we need to know.

I love all the democracy. Democrats are so good at it.

Bob Boyd said...

"I don't want to go on the cart."

Captain BillieBob said...

Pelosi's message to Joe:

You're leaving Joe, we can do it the hard way or the easy way but either way you're going.

Captain BillieBob said...

Or, Joe had a stroke or some other incapacitating event and can n longer function in any capacity.

Megaera3 said...

Re the Biden Covid diagnosis, apart from what has been discussed above, when they showed video of him exiting AF1 to return to Rehoboth he was doing the trademark shamble, but he wasn't wearing the Dem-demanded face diaper and his SS minder was certainly not doing any social distancing. FWIW.

Bob Boyd said...

I wonder if Kamala feels queasy about what's happening to Joe. I mean, it's her turn in the barrel now and if this is how they treat their puppets...

planetgeo said...

Where is Joe?! The country needs to see and hear Joe.
Where is Joe?
Where is Joe?

narciso said...


narciso said...


Bob Boyd said...

Joe's downstairs, hanging from the same manacles that used to hold Ukrainian orphans when he had a big speech coming up.

F said...

The country is fortunate that the same Megan Coyne who wrote Joe's endorsement of Kamala Harris will be answering the White House phone at 3:00 AM.

JIM said...

The people surrounding Biden should be charged with elder abuse. Jill Saint Biden is the worst of them all. Shame on her.

Josephbleau said...

Beiden is still the National Command Authority. He still has sole nuclear release authority. Is he AWOL? It would make me feel a small amount better if he was shown to be alive with witnesses.

Megaera3 said...

Josepbleua: as per military usage, not AWOL, just HTF (Hard to Find).

Nice said...

From an entertainment perspective, I want to see Biden out and about spilling secrets, making a fool of himself, in full pathetic spectacle----as sad as it was, it was kind of fun trying to guess what he'd say next.

And "They" wanted that, correct? They trotted him out for over 4 weeks, kept it going,
knowing full well that all he'd offer was complete humiliation. Are we supposed to believe that it took Obama and Co over 4 weeks to reach an agreement with Dr. Jill on the exact payout she'd take to take her Vegetable and go away?

It doesn't take 4 weeks to negotiate get-lost money. So, yes, I'd love to know the timeline and I don't suppose they've kept an archivist or hired videographers trailing Jill Biden's camp, and the Obama Camp, as both sides came to terms, and the Backstage machinations ----for a future documentary?

Michael K said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

Blogger is a piece of shit, by the way.

I'll say ! I finally gave up reading this blog on a Kindle Fire because I can't save the comment before Blogger eats it. No trouble with other blogs I read.

Michael K said...

It just tried again .

Jamie said...

I stand with my Democrat countryfolk - the attempt of their party apparatus to subvert their will should not be allowed to continue! Peacefully and patriotically protest!

MadisonMan said...

Biden starting to seem more and more like Chernenko/Andropov. In good health until they weren't, suddenly and "unexpectedly."

wendybar said...

Why is everyone so surprised that the Progressive elites are taking away the lefts vote?? THIS is what Democratic Socialism looks like.

mikee said...

I wrote in Althouse's comments during the 2020 campaign that Biden had dementia. Four years later, it became undeniable. My questions are, who has been running this shitshow for the past four years? And why are they still in positions of authority instead of publicly shamed or jailed out of office?

MadisonMan said...

Imagine for a moment that Biden does die (I hope he is regaining health at the moment, but you never know). Or if Jimmy Carter were to die. Former Presidents always go to Presidential funerals. Would DJT be mingling with Obama at the funeral(s)?

Mark said...

That Unity theme from Trump's speech last Thursday keeps rearing it's head.

boatbuilder said...

This all happened on a Sunday afternoon in the summer. Even if Biden is addled with dementia, or just ill with Covid or maybe the flu (remember the flu?), there was no emergency requiring the announcement at that time.Why not a press conference on Monday?

What the hell is really going on here?

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "That Unity theme from Trump's speech last Thursday keeps rearing it's head."

It was nice touch as outreach to the side that hoaxed him for 9 years, sham-peached him twice for daring to notice Team Dem corruption, Soviet-style indicted him in Soviet-style "courts" and then attempted to murder him.

But that kind of one-way outreach doesn't last long when the other side relaunches the attacks first and then turns on its own to "clear the decks".

But thanks for offering up your latest "hot take" which allows Althouse to employ her "Civility BS" tag is she wishes!

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "That Unity theme from Trump's speech last Thursday keeps rearing it's head."

It was nice touch as outreach to the side that hoaxed him for 9 years, sham-peached him twice for daring to notice Team Dem corruption, Soviet-style indicted him in Soviet-style "courts" and then attempted to murder him.

But that kind of one-way outreach doesn't last long when the other side relaunches the attacks first and then turns on its own to "clear the decks".

But thanks for offering up your latest "hot take" which allows Althouse to employ her "Civility BS" tag is she wishes!

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

His withdrawal notice came out on National Ice Cream Day. There must be some significance to that.
Perhaps he overdosed on a bucket of cookies 'n cream.