July 21, 2024

"At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney."

Writes Aaron Sorkin, in "How I Would Script This Moment for Biden and the Democrats" (NYT) (free-access link).


Achilles said...


Yes please.

Please make it official. Please cement the political realignment. Please admit to everyone that the Democrats represent the old globalist uniparty and the Republicans represent Americans.

Sebastian said...

"At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney."

LOL. Arrogant gaslighters picking a sanctimonious traitor: so fitting. But would Mittens go for abortion on demand? Seems nonnegotiable for Dems, as they will wager everything on "reproductive health."

Achilles said...

I would make a second account on discus just to go say hi to the losers at powerlineblog who banned me in 2012 because I wouldn't support Romney and told them how stupid supporting Romney was.

Marcus Carman said...

Democrats are becoming truly laughable at this point.

retail lawyer said...

Wasn't Romney sort of Hiltlery?

I never watched the show or paid any attention to Sorkin, but I read the article, and Gosh, did he strike me as an asshole.

ron winkleheimer said...


Christopher B said...

retail lawyer said...
Wasn't Romney sort of Hiltlery?

Nah, Hitler actually like his dog.

Yancey Ward said...

If I had a wish to granted on who to nominate for the Democrats, I might well choose Mitt Romney. Harris would win more votes than Romney would.

MikeD said...

Everything Sorkin knows about "politics" is the act of writing a check to a candidate.

Achilles said...

retail lawyer said...

Wasn't Romney sort of Hiltlery?

I never watched the show or paid any attention to Sorkin, but I read the article, and Gosh, did he strike me as an asshole.

+1 to all of that.

Reading his article I got the sense he believed he could make anything true by believing in it and then turn around and tell everyone else how they are dumb for not believing him.

doctrev said...

Outstanding. Are Democrats this stupid? Are they really going to take the Charlie Crist approach at the national level, in a failed attempt to salvage some credibility for their cheat?

I would have said even Kamala would be better, but Sorkin is desperate to write a script.

Dave Begley said...

“ And what if that opponent, rather than being simply unexceptional, had been a dump truck of ignorance and bad intentions? What if Bartlet’s opponent had been a dangerous imbecile with an observable psychiatric disorder who related to his supporters on a fourth-grade level and treated the law as something for suckers and poor people? And was a hero to white supremacists?”

Sorkin speaking of the guy who took a bullet for democracy and who actually did improve the lives of average Americans.

But I’ve got to say it was fascinating to look into the mind of an ultra rich liberal clueless fuckhead.

Mikey NTH said...

That would cement to me that no other Democrat wants a part in this crap show. It would also discredit completely the GOP establishment settling them question of the Republican party's direction as populist and Trump's for the foreseeable future.

Just an old country lawyer said...

I think a Roman consular type pairing of Mitt Romney and John Kerry taking turns ruling on alternate days is exactly the government we deserve.

Dave Begley said...

Hole plot. Mitt would never accept the nomination. The whole Sherman quote.

JRoberts said...

Would candidate Romney claim to be “severely progressive”?

AlbertAnonymous said...

Omg please do.

These leftists and the media (BIRM) and the Hollywood-ites (BIRM again) are hilarious when they’re desperately flailing…

tim maguire said...

It would be funny. 10 years ago they were calling Romney Hitler and accusing him of putting blacks in chains and giving your grandma cancer. Did Sorkin forget about that?

Dave Begley said...

“ And when it loses the popular vote for the eighth time in nine presidential elections, the Republican Party can then rebuild itself back into a useful force for democracy.”

Sorkin doesn’t even know we are a Republic although he references the EC earlier in his essay. Incoherent and illiterate.

Dave Begley said...

Reading that incoherent essay by Sorkin helps me understand why I’m having such a hard time selling my “Frankenstein, Part II.”

“Bad Genes” said...

The first step to solving a problem is accepting you have a problem. On this score democrats are far ahead of republicans at the moment.

Dixcus said...

These are not serious people. Joe Biden has no intention of going anywhere. They are going to have to take him out. Which is why they tried to take Trump out first (to be able to tell Biden he won and could step down). Now they have to "take" him out. I predict he will continue to get variants of COVID19 until one works. That's right, they're going to continue to try to kill Donald Trump and they're going to have to kill Joe Biden.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

The first step to solving a problem is accepting you have a problem. On this score democrats are far ahead of republicans at the moment.

I just can't improve on this at all.

This has to be the dumbest, most completely irrational, and least self aware thing I have seen in so few words in a long long time.

The stupidity is so dense with just the right dose of condescending ignorance.

Good work Rich. Really good work.

RCOCEAN II said...

I'm glad everyone is now admitting that Mitt Romney is a liberal Democrat who likes Big Business and isnt really that much different from Gavin Newsome or Josh Shapiro.

n.n said...

Democrats have deemed that Biden is not viable, a probable "burden". Biden should watch over his shoulder for Obama lurking in the twilight.

Sally327 said...

This kind of thing comes up every now and again, a cross-party ticket supposedly representing some kind of unity. I think the idea of Joe Lieberman (D-CT) being named as John McCain's running mate in 2008 was kicked around.

As to Mitt Romney, he's retiring as a US Senator beause he feels it's time to hang it up, that he's too old to serve full-time. He's 77 years old so he's probably right. But if he doesn't feel up to being a senator anymore I doubt he would be up to being President.

West Wing is a very well-done, really watchable show, at least it was when I watched it on TV back when. I haven't ever felt the need to rewatch. And Sorkin wrote "A Few Good Men", first as a play and then the screenplay for the movie, which I think is really good. And he wrote "Mr President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Bening, another good one. At least, if you can handle the clear bias towards Democrats as always virtuous and well-intentioned and the Republicans...not so much.

Deep State Reformer said...

Sorkin is an expert on American politics and governance! He was the power behind the throne of the Bartlett administration for the whole seven years! Huzzah!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I'm beggin', beggin' you! And make that crazy Cheney chick VP.

Narayanan said...

and Romney picks DeSantis for VP

Mark Nielsen said...

The comments at the NYT are very amusing. Lots of their readers don't outright dismiss the suggestion. "I don't know about an R at the top of the ticket, but I could definitely go for Harris/Mitt . . . "

It all means that while some of the dems are still in "anger", many have reached "bargaining". We still have "depression" to look forward to before they get around to "acceptance".

narciso said...

Lay off the coke aaron

Big Mike said...

Sorkin thinks Romney would peel off Trump voters. I don’t think he quite gets what Trump voters are all about.

Wikipedia says he’s Jewish (a secular Jew, anyway). Why does he support a party that supports people who chant “Death to Jews”? Does he have a death wish?

JAORE said...

Romney would, as Sorkin suggests, really unite the nation.

If you call getting 70%+ voting for your opponent unity.

Do it Dems. Do it.

(Not as bad as the idiot suggesting Liz Cheney. But close.)

JAORE said...

I forgot that Romney would peel off the "magic underwear" vote.

Remember THOSE attacks by the left?

Hugh said...

I’m an outlier here, but it would give me someone i could vote for even if holding my nose

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...

Sorkin thinks Romney would peel off Trump voters. I don’t think he quite gets what Trump voters are all about.

I think he would peel some "republicans" off. Trump wouldn't lose any actual voters though.

I can see the threads on PowerlineBlog now. They kicked Mirengoff but that place is still a lawyer laptop "republican" cope fest.

I have been at odds with the Bush wing of the Democrat party since Perot.

I can easily see why Sorkin thinks Romney would split the republican party. The number of actual Desantis supporters was tiny, but they are massively over represented in spaces that discuss politics like this.

And the way the average Desantis supporter describes Trump and Trump Supporters it absolutely reinforces Sorkin's paradigm.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Surprisingly good essay I thought.

The essay's argument is based on the assumption that Democrats are sincere in their rhetoric.

IF Democrats are, indeed, sincere, the essay is compelling and Romney would be a reasonable candidate as a Democrat. It's a good script, very dramatic and high-minded. I like it.

BUT IF, Democrats are insincere and they merely gin up hysteria on command each election, then the basis for the essay is false, and it's scenario collapses both practically and dramatically.

phantommut said...

They don't call it La La Land for nothin'...

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Hugh said:

"I’m an outlier here, but it would give me someone i could vote for even if holding my nose"

I'm with Hugh.

phantommut said...

I forgot that Romney would peel off the "magic underwear" vote.

So Sorkin has become an Underwear Gnome?

n.n said...

It's a Democratic effort to split the Republican vote, to split the baby, as it were, and cannibalize her profitable parts.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Mom! Aaron's on the cocaine again!

Skeptical Voter said...

Sort of an admission by Sorkin that the Democrat bench is thin to non existent. And that includes the Kackler.

Original Mike said...

"At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney."

I could see this working.

At this point, to win the democrats have to do something dramatic. Are they capable of it? Probably not.

Kevin said...

The Dem candidate must be able to say whatever is necessary to defeat Trump.

Romney fits the bill.

natatomic said...

So NOW the “binders full of women” dude isn’t going to put blacks back in chains or kill grandma.

How convenient.

“Bad Genes” said...

This COVID infection has given the opportunity for Biden to step back without losing face. He ought to use it.

Iman said...

Their desperation is unmistakable… all of these anuses should be Ridin’ with Biden.

Ride dat pony… get on dat pony and ride, you Party of Losers.

Joe Smith said...

So I guess Sorkin is still on drugs?

Iman said...

Perhaps whack Sorkin is back on teh crack?

Iman said...

That settles it… anyway…

Narayanan said...

with COVID infection could allow FJB to show gain-of-function works!

Original Mike said...

"Hole plot. Mitt would never accept the nomination. The whole Sherman quote."

I don't know the Sherman quote. I have no doubt, however, Romney would relish getting the last laugh over Trump.

Bill in Glendale said...

UNLIKELY, but the only way I'd vote for one of the two parties this year.

doctrev said...

Achilles said...

I can easily see why Sorkin thinks Romney would split the republican party. The number of actual Desantis supporters was tiny, but they are massively over represented in spaces that discuss politics like this.

And the way the average Desantis supporter describes Trump and Trump Supporters it absolutely reinforces Sorkin's paradigm.

7/21/24, 11:57 AM

Absolutely. They really don't get that Trump voters haven't merely rejected Bush/ Romney, their absolute hatred for those traitors is a major reason that Charles Randall had to stop showing his cheeks off around here.

Sorkin only works on extremely stupid women who have already internalized leftist entertainment and aren't smart enough to reject its premises. Or liberal boomers who never learned to expand their palates.

narciso said...

The social network was good otherwise

Danno said...

Which one, Bill?

Achilles said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I'm beggin', beggin' you! And make that crazy Cheney chick VP.

Actually to make this work it would have to be AOC or Stacey Abrams. Or possibly Oprah.

Romney/Cortez would be the globalist uniparty Unity ticket.

You have:

1. Endless wars that make no sense
1a. Ceasefire in Israel in the only war that does make sense
2. open borders and amnesty to keep wages down
3. 30$ minimum wage to make sure nothing is produced in the united states
4. Free Trade to make sure the oligarchs don't pay any taxes

Who could say no to that?

Curious George said...

"Sebastian said...
But would Mittens go for abortion on demand?"

Of course. Hell, he would perform them himself to be President.

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...

"Hole plot. Mitt would never accept the nomination. The whole Sherman quote."

I don't know the Sherman quote. I have no doubt, however, Romney would relish getting the last laugh over Trump.

Do you think Romney could not predict how badly that would go for him? Even if he inherits the entire democrat party.

Say he picks a Stacy Abrams or James Clyburne for VP, gets AOC on board by promising her say Sec State and freedom to destroy Israel.

How many actual Romney Republicans are there?

On a fun side note Max Boot's wife is apparently so obviously a Chinese Spy that the Biden administration is charging her with espionage.

Yancey Ward said...

All nominating Romney on the Democratic ticket would cause is Bobby Kennedy's vote totals to reach 30-35% in every state on which he qualifies for the ballot which looks to be half the country for certain and almost all the swing states. Do you any of you who believe this would hurt Trump really think progressive voters would vote for Romney at anything approaching the rate at which they will vote for Biden or Harris? If yes, I have this bridge I would like to sell you.....

gilbar said...

with, i ASSUME? Lizard Cheney as its running mate?

mezzrow said...

Sorkin has drifted into comedy, I see.

This creative idea is going to be as welcome as a wet fart in a confession booth.

Yancey Ward said...

The most rational solution for the Democrats other than keeping Biden, I suspect, is to make RFK Jr. the nominee. Kills two birds with one stone.

Saint Croix said...

The essay's argument is based on the assumption that Democrats are sincere in their rhetoric.

Democrats have been calling Republicans Nazis and racists for the last 50+ years

including when Romney himself was the nominee

"only the 2012 Nazi can stop the 2024 Nazi"

Sorkin is really smart in some ways, and a big dummy in other ways

doctrev said...

Yancey Ward said...
The most rational solution for the Democrats other than keeping Biden, I suspect, is to make RFK Jr. the nominee. Kills two birds with one stone.

7/21/24, 12:33 PM

First of all, the (accurate) smears about the Kennedy family in corporat media will be quoted by Trump every day if that happens. Secondly, RFK's sentiments on vaccines will either make urban liberals rush to a third party, or start shooting at the doctors who gave their children experimental vaccines.

Never going to happen. Mittens Romneycare will get his face on Mount Rushmore first.

doctrev said...

Saint Croix said...

"only the 2012 Nazi can stop the 2024 Nazi"

Sorkin is really smart in some ways, and a big dummy in other ways

7/21/24, 12:35 PM

Exactly. What kind of retarded and bitter old harpy doesn't see that line coming a million miles away, GERDA?

robother said...

So, as I always suspected, when Democrats are in extremis, putting blacks back in chains is on the table. Good to know.

Original Mike said...

"Do you think Romney could not predict how badly that would go for him?"

With respect, I don't have a lot of confidence in your (or my) ability to predict the future. It feels a lot like people trash talking that their team is going to win the football game. Half the people always turn out to be wrong.

Romney would worry me a lot more than Joe or Kamala.

mikee said...

The Dem's problem isn't who to run, it is finding someone to run so that the harvested mail in ballots are just completely and utterly impossible for anyone to accept as all being valid votes. Romeny would do, but even "Homeless" Newsome or "Lovable" Schumer would be more realistic here.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

The most rational solution for the Democrats other than keeping Biden, I suspect, is to make RFK Jr. the nominee. Kills two birds with one stone.

I agree RFK is the only rational possibility for Dem victory right now.

But he would have to come out hard against the Deep State to make it happen. Would they accept that? Maybe.

Also RFK already chose a VP. She is some trust fund dowager who got all her money from her husband. She would have to be replaced with whoever Clyburne wants. Would she take the L quietly? If not RFK loses all value.

And AOC has to be mollified or the Palestinians walk. How is RFK going to talk to her?

To make all of this happen RFK would have to consent to being a figurehead like Biden did at this point. The Democrat coalition does not function or exist without a puppet in the white house with no actual principles or desire to be a part of executive decisions. I don't get that vibe from Robert.

When you start getting into the details all of these scenarios lead to one conclusion: If Trump is alive in November he wins.

Iman said...

Biden says he’s dropping out.

RCOCEAN II said...

It just how dopey and dumb Conservatives are that they nominated a man in 2012 that was so Leftwing that he's now being considered as a replacement for Joe Biden.


Mitt Romney is probably beaming with pride that a leftwing Hollywood producer wants him to run as a Democrat.

JaimeRoberto said...

The Naughties called. They want their "Hitler" back.

Original Mike said...

"Biden says he’s dropping out."

And, here we go.

“Bad Genes” said...

Biden decides to put country before himself.

Achilles said...

Saint Croix said...

"only the 2012 Nazi can stop the 2024 Nazi"


Sorkin is really smart in some ways, and a big dummy in other ways

Calling Trump a Nazi did not motivate the shooter to try to kill him.


Trump Staged the Attempt


Too bad the shooter missed


Trump supporters are evil Nazis


Democrats are the good guys

Original Mike said...

"Biden decides to put country before himself."

Horseshit. He was forced out.

Dave Begley said...

Biden quit. Posted on Twitter.

doctrev said...

When's the last time a candidate got dunked on so bad he had to withdraw from the election? LBJ?

Time for the games to begin.

Rosalyn C. said...

So now it's real and so is this absurd fantasy.

Reality will be much more interesting after all. What will the D's do?

alanc709 said...

What does Obama think of a Romney D-nomination? Sorkin didn't answer that question, that I can see. Nothing will happen that doesn't have Obama's fingerprints on it.

Original Mike said...

"Biden decides to put country before himself."

The selfish jerk was forced out.

Zach said...

Can I just point something out that viewers of the West Wing apparently never learned?

One of the perks of being the nominee is that you get to fill all the important Party spots with loyalists, and appoint loyalists to the best jobs if you win.

So there are a lot of people who stand to benefit if their guy is the nominee, even if he loses.

Romney is a Republican. His loyalists are also Republicans. He could maybe run as a moderate Democrat in terms of policy positions, but making him the nominee would be a Republican takeover of the Democratic party.

Zach said...

One of the perks of being the nominee is that you get to fill all the important Party spots with loyalists, and appoint loyalists to the best jobs if you win.

Side effect of this: the nominee either has to be comfortable with Biden people filling all the key positions, or some of the existing people will have to step down or have new people appointed over them.

Which probably limits which "camp" of the Democratic Party the nominee can be from.

“Bad Genes” said...

Mitt Romney should be Kamala Harris’s VP. /s

Biff said...

I think there is zero chance that Romney or any other nominal Republican would get close to being nominated either for President or VP.

I think there is a very high probability that the Dems will spotlight a well-known RINO with a prime time speaking slot at the convention. Liz Cheney would be my bet.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
“The first step to solving a problem is accepting you have a problem. On this score democrats are far ahead of republicans at the moment.”

Rich, if you’re angling for a job at the Babylon Bee, it needs quite a bit of work.

rhhardin said...

Romney is my favorite example of Hannah Arendt's "Virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil."

john mosby said...

This reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where Hitler is still alive, secretly enters Britain, disguises himself by changing his name to “Hilter,” and successfully runs for Parliament.


Readering said...

Mitt Romney is 77.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"Biden decides to put country before himself."

"The selfish jerk was forced out."

Nah. They met Jill's price.

Mason G said...

"How I Would Script This Moment for Biden and the Democrats"

That didn't age well, did it?

NMObjectivist said...

Hollywood people, no matter how smart, keep embarrassing themselves. They live in a bubble.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Drugs are bad for you, Sorkin, m'kay?

MadTownGuy said...

BREAKING: Senator Joe Manchin is considering running for president, sources tell NBC News.

Narayanan said...

BREAKING: Senator Joe Manchin is considering running for president, sources tell NBC News.
very smart move

Hillbilly for Prez vs Hillbilly for VicePrez

Readering said...

Joe Manchin turns 77 next month.