June 17, 2024

Sunrise — 5:23, 5:25, 5:36, 5;36





That's me in the 4th picture, the one taken by Meade. 


Big Mike said...

Say her name: Rachel Morin!

TickTock said...

For all you lawyers out there who are skeptical about AI Supreme Court Justice Claude Opus

traditionalguy said...

I Predict James David Vance will be that VP pick. He is 39 and has great leadership ability. Add to that his Ohio midwestern Schlick and Yale Law, this enlisted USMC Scots Irish , Eastern Kentucky man married to an Indian lady with 3 kids has checked all the boxes.

He is a young Steve Bannon that dresses well. He is connected to the Peter Thiel internet wealth and recently converted Catholic.

He really communicates well,

narciso said...

These stupid little games that schumer is a party too and weasels like weissman have a blood price not only in kabul kiev and kiryat arba but in georgia and maryland and so many other places

narciso said...

They speak of justice and democracy and i have to hold my tongue not to vomit

How was it phrased in that trek episode denebian slime devil

narciso said...

Men of honor like justice alito and justice thomas are picked at by gnats and really not respected by slimy weasels like john roberts as the progs set the Court on fire thats not metaphorical considering events from two years ago

narciso said...

Just like when they sought to burn down lafayette square four years ago give or take one cant forget that instead of this pantomine horse tableau about jan 6th spare me

narciso said...

Another glitchy sign is how the jurors havrnt spoken out about the last pantomine presided by merchan and fat alvin

Much like how garland and wray are basenghi over the mobs rampaging through every city

narciso said...

Are my references too obtuse that had been the complaint for those who read though actes of nonsense without a complaint

narciso said...

In support of the worse gang of ruffians since the silver shirts

Joe Smith said...

You don't realize how many times the letter 'S' is used in the English language.

Watching Sean Hannity, the whistling is so bad my dog was going crazy and I had to change the channel (which I normally do when the idiot comes on).

RHONJ here we come!

narciso said...

I watch newsmax hannity is so far behind the mark

Humperdink said...

Big Mike said: "Say her name: Rachel Morin"

Remember the good old days when bank robbers, murderers and other assorted crooks would flee to Mexico to avoid apprehension in the US? Now the roles are reversed. Wanted criminals from south of the border now flee to the US for sanctuary. And the results are utterly predictable.

" (Rachel) Morin, a 37 year old mother of five, went for a run in Harford County, Maryland. She was waylaid by Victor Martinez Hernandez, who raped, viciously beat, and murdered her. Hernandez is an illegal alien. He reportedly is associated with the MS-13 gang and was wanted for murder in El Salvador, so he fled to the U.S.." (Via PowerLine blog)

A hearty thank you to Joe Biden and his assorted leftist supporters on this blog. Blood is on your hands.

Wa St Blogger said...

I've been meaning to do this for weeks. A challenge for both the left and the right (But mostly the left.)

If you still think of yourself as open minded as yourself this:
In what major issue has the left been right and the right been wrong?
Here are just a few examples of what the left asserted with vigor that turned out to be completely wrong. There are many others, and I leave it to others to remember their own examples. just keep it to items proven false, not things that are still being disputed (though likely to be proven false later.)
1. Russian Collusion
2. Hunter's Laptop
3. Fine People
4. National Guard for Jan 6th
5. Origin of Covid
6. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
7. Hands up don't shoot
8. Clearing Lafyette park
9. Trump did not pay income taxes for 18 years
10. Trump tower was not wiretapped
11. Trump Jr. Conspired with Wikileaks on Clinton emails
12. Children in cages
13. Kavanaugh sexual assaults
14. Covington Kid
15. Jussie Smollett
16. Transgender suicide risks
17. Masking for Covid
18. Quarantine for healthy people
19. Nascar Noose
20. Amy Coney Barrett Handmaid tale connection
21. Trump "Find the Fraud" coercion
22. Border Patrol whipping immigrants

On the left I give you:
1. Pizza Gate.

I have to ask those on the left. Given the overwhelming record of false narratives, how can you still assert that the information coming from the left is true even now? Every time you have a "gothcha" you don't got. You only have egg on your face, but yet to take the very next salacious story and believe it must be true. Every. single. time.

n.n said...

Rachel Morin, 37-years old, mother of 5.

Another excess American victim in the woke of immigration reform.

Iman said...

So peaceful in those photos…

Aggie said...

@Wa St Blogger said...

Your answer really boils down to this:

The Conservative Right appeals to logic and reason
The Progressive Liberal Left appeals to Authority.

Go down your list and check off the ones that were essentially appeals to authorities in institutions that have been captured by Progressive Liberals.

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

A core duty of the government of any nation — where nation is a self-defined group of people in some form of common culture — is to decide the composition of the future demography of the political entity being governed. In short the government of the nation decides who resides within the borders and the rights they have.

Modern democracies have weakened the ability of a citizenry to decide its future demographic composition. Worse yet, when a nation adopts a generalized right of asylum it transfers this function to people outside the nation. Foreigners outside the country get to decide its future composition by showing up at the border and claiming a right to asylum. The domestic population is deprived or at least weakened in having a critical say in a critical decision about its future.

So on a very fundamental question of future national direction, conservative anti-asylum political parties are putting choice back into what should be a democratically decided question of governance. That seems to be the heart of democracy. So far so good.

In contrast, the rest of the far right program almost everywhere seems to be anti-democratic and probably ultimately anti-growth since it is so isolationist and unilateral. Cooperation builds growth, not unilateralism.

If not growth, then what? How about wealth concentration in a reactionary elite?

Trump is using the emotional issue of migration to stimulate populist nativism to elect what would at best be an illiberal regime that would concentrate wealth and privilege with a small reactionary superrich elite — the only true fundamental of the Trump Republican party.

RCOCEAN II said...

The last one needs the theme from Rocky.

The rule of Lemnity said...

X I'm old enough to remember when it was republicans who couldn't get anything right.

Hint: Socials having some fun at Chuck Shumer's expense.

Chuck said...

Omg; fantastic new reporting on Trump’s unhinged personal ranting while President.

In the new book by Dr. Anthony Fauci.


The rule of Lemnity said...

You want to see Althouse levitating?

Zoom in that pic and see an optical illusion.

Old and slow said...

Apparently fences have just been installed around the US Supreme Court building. Something interesting coming?

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Old and slow said...

Never mind about the fencing. Everyone on X was showing old footage from 2022. I saw so many posts that I thought it was legitimate.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Scratch that teeve idea. The only way to see the illusion, is the way I'm seeing it, with a high-resolution computer screen.

gadfly said...

Humperdink said...
Big Mike said: "Say her name: Rachel Morin"

She was waylaid by Victor Martinez Hernandez, who raped, viciously beat and murdered her. Hernandez is an illegal alien. He reportedly is associated with the MS-13 gang and was wanted for murder in El Salvador, so he fled to the U.S.."

A hearty thank you to Joe Biden and his assorted leftist supporters on this blog. Blood is on your hands.

Of course, this single example cited hides the real truth.

"Undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes."

Joe Smith said...

'In the new book by Dr. Anthony Fauci.'

Let's all believe a mass murderer.

Btw, Hitler said he was set up : )

Joe Smith said...

"Undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses.

I am so FUCKING TIRED or hearing this bullshit excuse.

Everyone here illegally is already a criminal. They committed a crime the second the crossed the border.

Whether or not they commit another crime is unknown.

But they are all criminals.

And the 'single example' is one too many.

"It's just one girl who was raped a murdered, nothing to see here."

Fuck you. It shouldn't have happened because the rapist animal who did it broke the law to get here, and you and your addled president make excuses.

I've had enough.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "In the new book by Dr. Anthony Fauci..."



"I am Science!" sayeth the funder of ChiCom gain of function bioweapons engineering.

The lefties, like Chuck, sure do like their ChiCom weapons collaborators and biden Crime Family paymasters.

Remember the Clintons and Bernie Schwartz/Loral and the ChiCom space/missile program that was advanced 10 years in MIRV tech in one fell swoop with their Clinton/Schwartz allies?

Lots of campaign cash flowed freely from the ChiComs to the Clinton campaign after that one!

Probably one of the reasons LLR-democratical Chuck passionately supported Hillary in 2016.

Aggie said...

@Gadfly sez: "Undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes." and then helpfully puts quotation marks around an unsourced statement, claiming it as 'proof'. Please provide the link to the source of this 'Appeal from Muh Authoritah'

Then please answer this logical quandry: If millions of people are let into the country with no idea who they are, no background checks, no criminal history or medical records, no proof of skill or education, if these unknown wildcard individuals are let in to roam unfettered and untracked, then how could it be known their crime rates are low? We don't even know how many there are - how is that 'crime rate' calculated? And in an environment where crime goes unreported, crimes are not prosecuted, not investigated, because DA's are against penalties and police departments are underfunded and struggling in a hostile societal defensive position - tell us, upon what evidence is this remarkably unsupportable statement founded?

I think you're blowing 100% smoke.

TickTock said...

These photos are lovely. I'm afraid I have become inured to the repetitious beauty of the evening posts. I had to return a second time before I appreciated the tranquility and peace in tonight's offering.

Big Mike said...

A core duty of the government of any nation — where nation is a self-defined group of people in some form of common culture — is to decide the composition of the future demography of the political entity being governed. In short the government of the nation decides who resides within the borders and the rights they have.

This is one of the stupidest paragraphs i’be ever read. It is sufficiently stupid to challenge the assumption the commentator Rich possesses at least a nominal level of intelligence.

However gadfly is not far behind with his made up facts.

Jupiter said...

"A core duty of the government of any nation — where nation is a self-defined group of people in some form of common culture — is to decide the composition of the future demography of the political entity being governed."

Rich, I have a plan for you. It is a two-part plan.

1 Eat shit.
2 Die.

If you are in a hurry, which I could easily understand, you can skip step 1.

Jupiter said...

Anyway, what I came here to say, is that, if you are walking past the kitchen after dinner, because you've decided that "reinforcing success" means making a donation to Tommy Robinson, and you hear your kids arguing, and you realize that what they are arguing about is the properties of a hypothetical circle, as its radius goes to infinity, then it probably was not a mistake to home-school them.

Wa St Blogger said...

In the new book by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

I took the time to highlight falsehoods that were originally championed by the left while the truth was labeled misinformation, and lives were destroyed in the process. Fauci was instrumental in at least 5 of those on the list. He has proven himself to be an unreliable source.

What does Chuck do shortly after my post? Reference Fauci as a source on Trump's character. What Chuck's post really does is reference himself as a source of his own character.

I am sure Chuck still holds to the belief that Trump lunged for the wheel in the beast on Jan 6th (Though it was debunked by the driver. The person making the claim was not an eye witness.)

This just proves my point. People on the left are true believers. IT doesn't matter how many times you have proven them wrong, they still believe the next great lie because it AHS to be true.

So I say again to any leftist with an open mind. Look at the track record. Eat the red pill and stop giving aid and comfort to those who would lie in an effort to destroy your fellow countrymen.

Narayanan said...

any substance to Treehouse noting JDVance will play role of Pence as inside mole for Deep State Intelligence in Trump II

The rule of Lemnity said...

JD Vance will fold at the first fake story against Trump.

I'm sorry to have to tell you, but with that guy JD, the rooster won’t have to crow even once.

wendybar said...

RNC Research
Secret Service confirms agent was robbed at gunpoint during Biden's California trip



Kate said...

I didn't know that JDV converted to Catholicism in 2019. Obviously, I like that.

Where did I read that Trump will pick Burgum for VP because he doesn't want someone who will start running for POTUS on day one? Apparently, Burgum isn't politically ambitious. I like that, too.

MadTownGuy said...

Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens

The article may be behind a paywall; I received it by email because I had a trial subscription a few years ago.

Here's a salient quote:

"Officials briefed on the discussions said the announcement could amount to the most sweeping unilateral move by a president to provide relief to unauthorized immigrants since President Barack Obama implemented DACA. In a separate move on Tuesday, Mr. Biden is also expected to announce new ways to help people in DACA, known as Dreamers, gain access to work visas."

MadTownGuy said...

Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens

The article may be behind a paywall; I received it by email because I had a trial subscription a few years ago.

Here's a salient quote:

"Officials briefed on the discussions said the announcement could amount to the most sweeping unilateral move by a president to provide relief to unauthorized immigrants since President Barack Obama implemented DACA. In a separate move on Tuesday, Mr. Biden is also expected to announce new ways to help people in DACA, known as Dreamers, gain access to work visas."

wendybar said...

The story of how and why blacks are switching to Trump....(it's a tiktok posted on X)


Humperdink said...

Chuck's go to sources for truth is Fauci and Douthat. Why not go for the hat trick Chuck and cite The View?

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Ex/Twitter is 2016 Facebook. In effect it’s a fake news Russian propaganda site. Elon and his minions are helping to blind and bury you with cat poop that makes you angry and confused enough to believe Putin is a good leader and Trump is a good leader and everyone else is your enemy.

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

More than 100 South Dakota primary ballots shouldn’t have been rejected, elections official says

They are not actually looking for fraud. Their mission is to sow distrust as a precondition for claiming fraud in upcoming elections.

Humperdink said...

The gad says: "Of course, this single example cited hides the real truth."

1) There have been numerous examples cited on this blog.

2) Would Ms. Moran, mother of five, be alive had this miscreant been refused entry into the US?

Don't tsk, tsk her murder gad.

Iman said...

‘fly says criminals belong in the USA and should be imported.


Leland said...

Blogger MadTownGuy said...
Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens

Biden abandoned allies in Afghanistan to certain torture and death by the Taliban.

Leland said...

WaPo has a solution for running the aging Biden as President. Replace 59-year-old Kamala Harris with 76-year-old Hillary Clinton on the ballot. Then when the 82-year-old Joe Biden wins and takes office, he can resign and now 77-year-old Hillary can take over. Pull quote:

The problem isn’t his numerical age. People age in different ways. In some cases, people hardly age at all, they’re so physically fit and mentally astute. But even the most robust 80-year-old would be challenged to keep pace with the White House job. Far younger presidents have turned gray in the Oval Office.

Hey WaPo, per your strategy, Hillary would be 81 at the end of the first term, whereas the black woman Democrats threw out would still be in her mid 60's.

Democrats think this is a winning solution, then wonder why minority voters are shifting votes to Trump.

Old and slow said...

You are a moron Rich. My X feed is positively swimming in pro-Biden propaganda, just like Facebook. Pro-Putin? You are delusional.

Rusty said...

Go fuck yourself.

Rich said...
"A core duty of the government of any nation — where nation is a self-defined group of people in some form of common culture — is to decide the composition of the future demography of the political entity being governed. In short the government of the nation decides who resides within the borders and the rights they have."

I doubt you have the capacity, but do you remember I once asked you where our rights come from?

" We hold these truths to be self evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed with certain inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the right to persue their own self interests.(I kinda updated that last one). That to secure these right governments are instituted among men.

Unlike other governments ours was formed to protect the natural rights of all our citizens. Those rights aren't granted by our government. As stated above they are ours by virtue of our birth.

Old and slow said...

It seems to me that the volume of comments is recently down on Althouse. This is odd because the topics have been interesting. I've also seen numerous comments of mine vanish after first showing up. Is Google subtly throttling the traffic on unfavored blogs? Seems like a ridiculous notion, but these days, who can say?

Rusty said...

I think that Rich's view is the main reason the left pushes gun control. It is very difficult to deprive any group of people of their natural rights if they are armed. Which brings me to gadflys comment. What is the value of the life of a mother of five when weighed against the majority of peace loving illegal aliens? To people like gadfly the rest of are just pieces on the board. To be sacrificed by whim.
Again. Go fuck yourself.

Jamie said...

I think I figured it out: Chuck is a puckish Meade's alter ego, isn't he?

By this hypothesis, Meade, for reasons of his own (I would go with "fun"), occasionally creates his own back-and-forth, and draws in the uninitiated, like me. Otherwise, I don't get why the universal vitriol for Chuck in particular.

OTOH, there was one exchange yesterday between the two of them that sounded exactly like my husband and his best friend from high school stirring the pot - so the other possibility is that Chuck is a buddy...?

Rusty said...

Jamie said...
"I think I figured it out: Chuck is a puckish Meade's alter ego, isn't he?"
No. You haven't been here from the beginning.
Chuck is a vile, lying stalker.
He has mental problems.

gadfly said...

Now that the Israeli War Cabinet has unraveled, Netanyahu reverts to being an old man desperate to stay in power. All his political skills are now devoted to this; winning the war is a secondary priority. He knows that when all this is finally done, the official inquiry will come and, as prime minister, he will not be able to escape blame.

Israel engaged in this war with one avowed and overarching objective — the total elimination of Hamas — but that has failed. The best that can be hoped for is a cease of hostilities and a governmental transition to ensure that a terror group like Hamas cannot govern Gaza again.

But Israel's parliamentary system of government takes away needed pragmatism and compromise. Still, the decision to cease fire will have to come from Israel because, even though Hamas started all this, Israel is, in the end, a democratic state, and Hamas is a bolus clod of sadistic, psychopathic thugs dedicated to destroying the Israeli state.

While drinking a beer in a Jerusalem bar, a Middle East analyst summed up the Israel-Palestinian conflict in a single sentence. Looking more exhausted than anything else, he said: “I think the technical term for all this is "irretrievably fucked."

gadfly said...

Rusty said...
Jamie said...
"I think I figured it out: Chuck is a puckish Meade's alter ego, isn't he?"
No. You haven't been here from the beginning.
Chuck is a vile, lying stalker.
He has mental problems.

We don't need these unnecessary and untrue personal attacks, Rusty. As I recall Chuck supposedly said something in a post (years ago) about Ann that may or may not have been published and Chuck was banned by Meade for a while - something that never happens to you MAGA folks.

Chuck is a real conservative and a dedicated Never Trump advocate just as I am. He is not a "vile, lying stalker." Disagreements can be discussed rationally but Trump, the felon, doesn't do that so his cultists mimic the master, I suppose.

Rusty said...

New Iowa poll has Trump at 50% and Biden at 32% among likely voters. Be very wary of Wisconsin polls. Trump has a bigger lead than is being shown.

That last one(picture) made laugh.
Althouse waiting for the fleet

Narr said...

Joe Smith says, "BTW, Hitler said he was set up :)"

There are folks here who will tell you the same thing.

Drago said...

The Hopeless Soy Boy gadfly: "Chuck is a real conservative and a dedicated Never Trump advocate just as I am."


Drago said...

The Hopeless Soy Boy gdfly: "As I recall Chuck supposedly said something in a post (years ago) about Ann that may or may not have been published and Chuck was banned by Meade for a while -..."


"some people did something" vibe!

Leland said...

Actually, Althouse once banned all commenters, because a few commenters would come to her blog and only talk about politics even in posts in which everyone else was talking about culture and lifestyle. She got tired of hippos trashing her blog with garbage.

Yet every day, Althouse manages to tolerate Gadfly posting some political garbage in her over-night thread. Sure, you can talk about anything, but Gadfly and Chuck can't talk about anything without making it political. At least Chuck takes a day or two off from time to time.

Rusty said...

Gadfly bloviated.
We don't need these unnecessary and untrue personal attacks, Rusty.
What did I say that wasn't true?
Here's the thing about public discourse. Not all opinions matter. So. If you are going to stand on the corner telling all and sundry that That little boys can become little girlds just by wishing it so I'm going to say you're an idiot and to piss off. Does it hurt your feelings? Get used to it life is tough.

I am familiar with Chuck since he first came claiming to be something he is not. He claimed to be a reasonable gun owner and was not opposed to "reasonable" new gun laws. But when questioned he didn't know what a form 4473 was or that in Michigan you need a letter from your local sheriff in order to buy a hand gun. Thereafter everything he he has posted has been suspect. He has gone on record here stating that his mission is to ruin this blog.
Nothing I have said about Chuck is untrue.

My appologies to Ann and Meade.

Jim at said...

Chuck is a real conservative and a dedicated Never Trump advocate just as I am.

You've never expressed a conservative comment, thought, statement or expression on this blog. Ever.

You're just as much of a leftist as Inga. Trump has nothing to do with it.