June 18, 2024

"Corporate media has spent 8 years, in consensus, branding Trump a racist and White Nationalist."

"Meanwhile, actual Black voters are migrating away from Dems/Biden to Trump in what even CNN is describing as a historic shift (following Latino voters)."

Writes Glenn Greenwald, looking at this:


Christopher B said...

Nobody likes AWFLs

Wilbur said...

The level of astonishment/panic by our friends at CNN is hilarious.

Breezy said...

Trump has been reaching out to black voters for nine years. Remember his asking them, “What have you got to lose?” I guess Biden helped them to see….

Wilbur said...

I thought the inclusion of Kamala was supposed to prevent any black defection from their expected place on the political spectrum.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump was a hip hop/rap aspirational character as long ago as 1989.

rehajm said...

They are astonished the propaganda isn’t working.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ah, the limits of propaganda are evident for all to see. Let him who has eyes to see use them.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Kamala is what dems want to show as black Black?
In what solar system?

Bob B said...

Math is hard.

CNN's Senior Data Reporter says at this point in 2020 Biden had 86% of the black voters.

He then breakdowns the 2020 numbers. 50 and up black voters for Biden was 83%. For under 50 Black voters it was at 80%.

So how do you get to 86% overall, when the two components are at 83% or less? (I guess the black graveyard vote was at 100%.)

Patentlee said...

While Trump has been in the public eye since the 1980’s and definitely has his faults, I don’t recall him being accused of being a racist or a white nationalist until he started running for president.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Consider also that in his recent speech in Detroit Trump reminded them of the same statement Breezy mentions above. Then he went on to remind them of what he delivered: lowest unemployment for blacks ever recorded, highest wage gains for the same group, low 2.6% interest rates for mortgages, gas averaged closer to $2/gallon, inflation at 2%… Then he laughed and said “that’s all I did. Not too much really but enough to earn your vote.” The audience laughed too.

What do you have to lose indeed.

wendybar said...

Their sky is falling and the chicken littles are confused as to why nobody believes their propaganda, when we actually have eyes and can see for ourselves.

gilbar said...

Bob B pointed out..
(I guess the black graveyard vote was at 100%.)

exactly! it's Not who votes that counts.. it's who counts the votes.
We live in a fascist dictatorship

Shouting Thomas said...

Nobody likes AWFLS. Correct.

As Scott Adams has been pointing out daily, it’s black men who are rebelling.

The Democratic Party’s twin pillars now are Hate Whitey racism and hatred of normal, heterosexual men. This is the AWFL ideology.

Iman said...

We’ve seen the enemy and it is them.

tim maguire said...

Cue Democrats demonizing the black voter just like they turn on every constituency that stops supporting them.

Enigma said...

Fascist state media is gonna spew propaganda. It's what they are paid to do, and what their bully masters demand of them. When one lets the foxes into the henhouse or when makes a deal with the devil...

Will Cate said...

er, uh, link to Greenwald?

Mr. Forward said...

Hey Gadfly, when the police are looking for a suspect would it be helpful if they had a name, address, place of employment, and/or arrest record or does all that documentation just get in the way?

Ann Althouse said...

"er, uh, link to Greenwald?"

Sorry, I thought clicking on the video would take you there. Will add.

Kevin said...

Trump is a creature of the NY media.

It’s like trying to kill Godzilla with nukes.

MadisonMan said...

I'm laughing that 2 nominally white folks on CNN are discussing the black vote.

Chuck said...

It's gonna be a White Boy Summer!

Gunner said...

Aren't younger black men less likely to vote than other demographics?

As long as Trump is also gaining with white voters, this is great news though. On Election Night, I just don't want to hear that Trump is down with white voters like in 2020. Thats when I knew he was going to lose the Midwest Blue States Hillary lost. It doesn't really help him to lose Deep Blue States by slightly less than he did last time.

Meade said...

This is an Ass Chuck Advisory: click on his links at one’s own risk.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The lying liars who lie, the actual racists - the leftists Calling everyone a racist all the time isn't working like it used to.

boatbuilder said...

Chuck has repeatedly proclaimed his intent to post dishonestly and in absolute bad faith. Which he validates with every post.

Ignore him.

narciso said...

Ask yourself in what universe would white men specially blue color ones have voted less for trump there your fraud

Joe said...

Isn't Joe Biden a white racist?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All Biden voters support corruption. Mob-like corruption - and the Authoritarian Soviet take over of the Democrat party.

Leland said...

Thoughts on Fani Willis DA office from Thy Black Man.

And this is only part of the story, more here. The Georgia Supreme Court has now stepped in and suspended the Fulton County Judge's ruling.

The thing is the left and their media believe nobody sees these things for what they are, even when it is clear to an average person what is going on. I'm willing to believe Young Thug is a bad dude that deserves prison, but the people trying him need to be less corrupt than what they accuse the defendant of being. The Ex Parte meeting between the Judge, the Prosecutor, and the sworn witness seems like conspiracy to deny a defendant's Due Process rights.

Wonder if the Bar will sanction this judge?

Steve said...

I am fascinated by the repeated use of the word “careened” by the data reporter. I am surprised we don’t have a discussion including the unlinkable OED. “Out of control and with imminent disaster” would be my guess. Seems this choice of words is both latent racism and prophetic. If Trump actually triples his voter numbers then Biden will lose in Mondalian fashion. Just have to wonder if Trump will have coat tails on this that will shake the Democrats coalition to its foundation

Aggie said...

Looks like the Powers That Be are coming around to the idea that Junior' will draw more votes away from Trump than from Joe. Bad conclusion, but I think they're talking themselves into it ! From the party of 'Trust the Science !'

If the 'senior' data analyst was selling you on a business deal, would you take it?

Koot Katmandu said...

I hope the black vote is really changing. Every election we hear it a changing but it never does.

Enigma said...

@Gunner: Aren't younger black men less likely to vote than other demographics?

Upwards of 25% of black men have felony convictions and can't vote. Many are in prison and many are dead. See federal crime data, but you'll have to do the math for percentages because the government likes to show "more white people are criminals than black people."

Black male crime is why the Democrats want to defund the police, allow felons to vote (except for Trump -- he must be chained in irons), and turn a blind eye to shoplifting, drug use, burglary, etc. More voters.

Bob Boyd said...

Black male crime is why the Democrats want to defund the police

That's what they said was the reason. I suspect it was to cleanse the ranks of conservative, white males so they could be replaced with reliably Party aligned members of designated victim groups. They're working to do the same thing in the military. They're already actively recruiting illegal immigrants in some departments. Am I being paranoid?

Chuck said...

Blogger boatbuilder said...
Chuck has repeatedly proclaimed his intent to post dishonestly and in absolute bad faith. Which he validates with every post.

Not once, but “repeatedly.” So it should be easy for you to, you know, like actually quote me. And link to those quotes. Because there are many, right?

To be very clear; I am calling you a liar, and I am saying that you cannot find anything like that.

RCOCEAN II said...

Racism is just a leftwing way to say "Fuck You, Rightwinger". Maybe conservatives will pick up on that - in 20 years.

Vance said...

Ha, Chuck here is hoping everyone forgets his posts back in 2016 and other posts acknowledging his original "I am here to lie about Trump!"

But you don't need to go back that far. Just go back to yesterday, where Chuck said something like "of course I need to come and tell you how evil and awful and lying Trump is! It's my job!" Those weren't his exact words, of course, but pretty close.

And who can forget Chuck's attacks on Bannon Trump, a young boy?

I actually hope the Trump family has a restraining order out against Chuck, and that they have somehow gotten a picture of Chuck and given it to their security with orders to terminate if Chuck approaches any member of the Trump family. It would easily be self defense.

Chuck said...

Quote me. And link. You hateful liars.

Achilles said...

Christopher B said...

Nobody likes AWFLs

The real problem was the GOPe.

People like Chuck actually.

We had to get rid of racist scumbags like Chuck in order for Black and latino people to view the Republican party as an option. Trump is making the Republican Party an option for Black people just like he made it an option for the working class.

What really makes Chuck angry is that we are replacing him with black, latino, and working class people.

For every Chuck that leaves we gain 100 voters.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Quote me. And link. You hateful liars.

We do Chuck.

Keep up the good work.

Your stupid asshole trolling on this post was worth at least 5 new Trump voters. The more dishonest your are the better.

Leland said...

Blogger Chuck said...
Quote me. And link. You hateful liars.

Ok, but quoting and linking to garbage is just garbage.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

The New York Post has been caught manipulating photos of Joe Biden in a highly partisan and deceptive manner. Team MAGA believes you should still pay attention to what they have to say about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Enigma said...

@Bob Boyd: Am I being paranoid?

IMO the Democratic Party has no clear vision, is owned by wealthy donors and niche special interest voters, and lacks the discipline to concoct or execute an effective conspiracy. They say a lot anti-Conservative things but simultaneously mimic Trump and contradict themselves at every turn.

This is how a stumbling, old, and not very competent establishment tries to defend itself, and how backward thinkers try to stop time or hold back the tide. See the other Althouse post today on the Soviet USA. Stagnant bumblers with nuclear bombs.

Jupiter said...

They've still got the crazy white ladies!

Oh, and Chuck. Yeah. Crazy white ladies and Chuck.

mikeski said...

I hope the black vote is really changing. Every election we hear it a changing but it never does.

Trump may increase his share a few percentage points, but the real value to him is blacks not voting at all.

It's gonna be a White Boy Summer!

I'm already voting for the guy. Now you're just making my dick hard.

mikeski said...

The New York Post has been caught manipulating photos of Joe Biden in a highly partisan and deceptive manner.

Who told you that? The Talking Mop? "Waaaaaah, deepfakes. Waaaaah, selectively edited."

Team MAGA believes you should still pay attention to what they have to say about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The laptop was admitted into evdience at his trial; the FBI admitted it was, and is, real.

Come on, man, try harder.

Hassayamper said...

I grew up in a place with only a tiny handful of black people, none of whom I keep in touch with, so I can't speak to that. The only one I can say I know well was a right-wing fire breather before Trump ever went into politics, a real Uncle Ruckus type who was disgusted with hip-hop culture and the glorification of violent thugs in the black community. My sister went on a few dates with him, and he and I got along very well. He would have made a good husband for her. Clearly better all around than the white guy she ended up with.

I do know many Hispanic and Native American people from my school days. Maybe it's the rural upbringing-- half of them wear Western garb and fancy themselves either cowboys or cowboy-adjacent-- but they have remarkably conservative views about such things as crime and punishment, illegal immigration, and patriotism. The Indians were all Washington Redskins fans in our youth, and are still salty about the way white leftists and their "Native" sock puppets got the team's name changed and the Indian warrior logo abolished.

I'm certain that Trump gets far more support from these folks than national surveys would suggest, even taking the latest poll shifts into account. From the shit-talk I've heard from them about Biden, I heard I'd be surprised if more than 40% of the men voted for him. The women are another story, but even there I'll bet a third of them vote Trump. And that perception was from six or eight months ago, the last time I was home for any length of time. Bet it's rising.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

The New York Post has been caught manipulating photos of Joe Biden in a highly partisan and deceptive manner. Team MAGA believes you should still pay attention to what they have to say about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

You first claimed that the laptop was Russian disinformation.

Now you admit you and the media and the government openly lied about it and the New York Post.

Now you claim that the NYPost is manipulating photos.

You were caught lying. Nobody believes you. You are a liar. The Regime has been lying openly.

You are just stupid if you think people will believe you or this regime now.

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump loses in November, we Trump supporters will just learn to live with it like we did in 2020 (we know it is hard to overcome mail-in-ballot fraud) but, if he wins, Rich and Chuck are going to be suicidally angry and despondent. That would be a fun thing to watch if they have the balls to show up after the election under their original monikers.

mccullough said...

We are all White Nationalists now

Rabel said...

"So how do you get to 86% overall, when the two components are at 83% or less?"

The 80/83 figures are margin of difference. The 86 is total support.

Achilles said...

Jupiter said...

They've still got the crazy white ladies!

Oh, and Chuck. Yeah. Crazy white ladies and Chuck.

Single women in general actually. All races.

And the MAP's like Chuck.

who-knew said...

I'll ask the Rich the same question someone should have asked KJP, if the video has been manipulated or is a deep fake, please show us the real video that will dispel all of our false impressions. Rich seems pretty tied in to democratic party talking points, so I assume he has access to that.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Rich said..."The New York Post has been caught manipulating photos of Joe Biden in a highly partisan and deceptive manner. Team MAGA believes you should still pay attention to what they have to say about Hunter Biden’s laptop."

Wait, it's your contention that Hunter's laptop is fake?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Here's your link to a typical Chuck posting, enjoy at your own risk.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'll ask the Rich the same question someone should have asked KJP, if the video has been manipulated or is a deep fake, please show us the real video that will dispel all of our false impressions. Rich seems pretty tied in to democratic party talking points, so I assume he has access to that.

It was shot by the Republican hating Hollywood Reporter. The longer version looks even worse for Biden, as is usually true of his "stuttering" videos. There's nothing fake about the Hollywood video or the shorter ones from France. The more you see the worse he looks. They should be happy people edit them down. By the way, almost no video has ever been shown on TV or the internet without editing. Every news outlet edits their own videos, sometimes deceptively, usually because broadcast time is finite.

Who wants to watch a 4-hour ceremony just to see Joe get lost after it's his turn to appear animated?

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Quote me. And link. You hateful liars."


The quotes have been posted hundreds of times over the last 9+ years and you STILL think you can execute a "reset" (like your goddess Hillary) to try and regain your Reid Hoffman/George Soros/Pierre Omidyar "seminar caller" FakeCon status for the 2024 campaign!

Not a chance Chuckles. Your lying lefty-ness is now so fully established by your own psychotic, racist and misogynistic postings there is no going back.

You'll just have to depend on your fellow LLR-democratical Brigade hack amigos (Rich and lonejustice) to try and advance the democratical narrative "ball".

Drago said...

Achilles: "What really makes Chuck angry is that we are replacing him with black, latino, and working class people.

For every Chuck that leaves we gain 100 voters."

Actually, our net gain is 100 even, since Chuck was never a republican as demonstrated by his own postings for the last 9+ years. He has always been on Team Dem and actually thought he could pull off his FakeCon online persona to try and attack republicans/conservatives "from the right"....as we've seen with many leftists in the past.

Chuck is just one of those losers.

gerry said...

Wow. Our media is incompetent even when it is vilifying its archvillain, Donald Trump.

Goldenpause said...

The owners and managers of “corporate media” must realize that if Trump wins they are in for a very difficult time. I am buying popcorn futures.