June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden found guilty.

"Hunter Biden guilty of felony gun charges, faces 25 years in prison" (NY Post).
Hunter Biden became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime Tuesday after a federal jury found him guilty on three counts related to lying about his drug use in order to buy a gun....

The first son stared at the jury and made no visible reaction as the foreperson read the verdict.... First lady Jill Biden, who was present at every day of the trial except one, was caught out by the speed with which the verdict was reached — entering the courtroom two minutes after it had been read.


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walter said...

So Hunty was(Is?) a menace to society, selling access to Pedo Pete via Biden, Inc, snorting everything in sight, illegally acquiring a gun that winds up near a school..all which causes Joementia to call him the "smartest man I know."
And Trump did what again?

walter said...

I mean, there are more concerns within the laptop from hell. But that whole issue has been very, very thoroughly debunked, per...SHUT UP!

Dave said...

If I am Hunter Biden, I am very worried right now about my father's health. Should I be?

RigelDog said...

He should not, IMO, get jail time. Federal sentencing guidelines are harsh, but a first-time offender convicted of a rarely-charged paper crime does not need to be imprisoned.

Tina Trent said...

Mary Beth: isn't this crime actually tied to drug trafficking? Hunter literally videotaped himself consuming and sharing (or maybe selling) weight to his prostitutes.

He also, by the admission of several people, consumed drugs in households with children. That's automatic endangerment grounds for removing the children from the home -- for their safety from the drug user and the dangerous criminals who often show up to deliver or collect on the drugs. That charge extends to other adults present in the household at the time -- his wife, girlfriend-in-law, Jill? Joe?

Even half-wit crackheads know to take the party out of any house where minors reside.

So Hunter and his relatives are being given a big pass by the DAs for child endangerment. This is one very logical rule that gets enforced across the board ... against the little people, at least. Nobody wants unhappy crack slingers around kids, right?

mikee said...

Keep Hunter away from the hookers and crack until November 6th, and the press can keep this covered up well enough to avoid serious problems for Joe. And the keepers will have proven themselves superhumans.

mikee said...

Keep Hunter away from the hookers and crack until November 6th, and the press can keep this covered up and spun well enough to avoid serious problems for Joe. And the keepers will have proven themselves superhumans, or jailers.

imTay said...

All Hunter Biden had to do to avoid this was to accept the plea deal, without the stipulation that he could never be prosecuted for any other Federal crime.

walter said...

Well Tina, that's all what the SHUT UP! takes off the table.
That and more.

bobby said...

Sort of sad. I've been smoking pot (mildly, infrequently) for five decades. I've been buying and using guns for almost that long. Most of my friends fit this description too. This was almost as ridiculous of a prosecution as Trump's records prosecution. Almost.

The Biden DOJ is just completely inept and corrupt. They dumped all of the good reasons for prosecuting Hunter, and went with the one that they knew would be the most ridiculous, and they did it just for effect.

Pretty much every DOJ employee above line-level grunt should be fired.

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