Nice use of the passive voice! Who's doing the damaging??!!
May 14, 2024
"This is all so unbelievable. It seems like a big joke. But the damage being done to America is a tragedy."
Writes Juan Williams in "Get ready to see Trump go to jail" (The Hill).
People like Williams know that Trump is being corruptly persecuted, but they want him in prison, so they either don't admit the truth, or they rationalize it as being a "one time thing to save democracy."
In a few days the judge will be put on the spot given the prosecution hasn't even tried to prove any criminal charges and has, in fact, called witnesses that disproved their theory of criminality on cross. After the prosecution rests, the only rational and just decision for the judge is going to be a directed verdict of not guilty. I predict he won't do so, however- it just isn't politically possible for him to do the right thing, just as it wasn't politically possible for Bragg to not bring this ridiculous case to trial.
And the Secret Service can’t even visit.
Poor Juan, must be tough being the dumbest person in every room you enter
Juan got fired by NPR for telling the truth about his feelings, yet he still votes for the people who control him, and ARE the ones damaging this country.... like the fool he is. His sons are smarter than he is, and are conservatives because they know how crazy Daddy and his Progressive party have become.
“I've sentenced ex-presidents noisier than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”
Trump will be convicted of the only crime enforced in America today: Firsr Degree Speakng Truth in Public.
Yancey Ward just isn't politically possible for him to do the right thing, just as it wasn't politically possible for Bragg to not bring this ridiculous case to trial.
Bragg literally ran on putting Trump in jail, which should have been disqualifying and should have gotten Bragg hauled before an ethics committee. Which should also happen to Bragg and Merchan after this trial, but it won't because the whole system is rotten.
But at the end of the day, I have a job to do,” he said, “and that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system.
That opportunity was lost when the court took the case.
Jail break!
Burn down the Bastille!
The judge’s job is to protect witnesses and jurors from intimidation.
From the American Bar Association:
What does a judge do? Maybe it's best to start with what he or she doesn't do. Even though he or she works for the state, a judge is not a law enforcement officer. A judge is not a prosecutor. Judges don't arrest people or try to prove them guilty.
Judge Merchan’s job is to convict Trump to keep him from winning the election and allow his daughter to rake in donations for her Democrat Super-PAC. That is why Juan Williams thinks Merchan should put Trump in jail.
The real joke is that Merchan didn’t throw out the trial when the prosecution failed to provide the felony crime being convicted. The joke is exacerbated by the New York Court of Appeals overturning Weinstein’s conviction because that judge allowed inappropriate testimony from witnesses about a crime not under consideration, then Merchan allowing witnesses to provide testimony about alleged activities committed by Trump not under consideration. What Trump did or did not do with Stormy Daniels has no relevance to the described misdemeanor nor any potential felony involved in this trial. The judge should have heeded the warning from the Appeals court, but Merchan did not. Finally, Merchan’s obvious conflict of interest makes a mockery of justice in New York, and those not willing to call it out are dangerous fools.
I propose a compromise: declare Trump guilty on all charges in all cases, but sentence him to house arrest in the White House for four years.
Yeah, it is Donald Trump who "...casually damages trust in the justice system" , and of course, "prosecutors and judges all recoil from ever holding Trump legally responsible".
I can't decide if I think this is written honestly or not. I suspect that the writer genuinely believes what he is saying.
Juan is another one of those liberals Trump broke. It's too bad, because although I rarely agreed with him, he seemed earnest in his opinions. Now he's just another hateful soul.
"But now that is a real possibility, because Donald Trump can’t shut up and abide by a simple gag order...He impugns the justice system with false rants about how President Biden is using the courts as a political tool to keep him off the campaign trail".
The gag order is not simple. It is one sided and ridiculous. It's nice to see Trump ignore it.
Trump is right about Biden using the courts to keep his opponent off the campaign trail, try to bankrupt him, and put him in jail. Worse than the lawfare being used, are the dishonest totalitarian minions like Juan Williams who write this bullshit.
Elon Musk re-tweeted something yesterday: Scarier than the lies and propaganda pumped out by the liberal the fact that so many braindead Americans still believe them.
Trump legitimized the whole circus by showing up. He should have shined the whole shebang, closed his businesses in the city and never stepped in New York state or city again. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
Is that racist? to say white jurors don’t nullify their verdicts.
ALL of this stems from the 2020 election fraud and Americans living under and installed President. The trials, the J6 committee, the J6 political prisoners...and now even the liberal coven on the WI Supreme Court is going to reinstate drop boxes so Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, and Green Bay can stuff them again. Milwaukee printed and filled out ballots at its iconic city hall.
Scott Adams this morning on X:
We have a verdict in the Stormy Daniels lawfare trial: Verdict: The public has concluded the 2020 election must have been rigged? Why? Same fuckers. You can't put Michael Cohen on the stand as your key witness in the most obvious case of legal and political malpractice in history and then tell me the same bag of cats DIDN'T rig the 2020 election.
Adams is right. You either benefited from the fraud, live in fear of those that would do it, or are a complete moron to think the 2020 election was clean. Juan Williams knows it was rigged.
Will the "let's just move on" crowd who know the 2020 fraud was real...still feel the same in 2024? Will the US Supreme Court cower and again turn down a Texas vs PA case? Wisconsin is preparing for absentee ballot stuffing. It stems from Madison, WI.
Classic Juan Williams. Wrong about everything. He’s a useful stooge and he plays the role because he likes the livelihood it garners him. And he has TDS:
“Trump has never been punished for trying to orchestrate state officials to manufacture votes in order to stop the transfer of power to Biden [not a crime] He saw no reprimand for his role in the violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. [not a crime]. His escape from justice is evident in his ongoing refusal to admit he lost the 2020 election [what does this even mean? And, not a crime].”
I watched about an hour of MSNBC's show about yesterday's trial testimony. They were all gleeful about Cohen. I dare say Maddow and Hayes were sexually excited about the prospect of Trump in jail.
What these fakes failed to discuss was the following:
1. Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels have less than zero credibility. The jury shouldn't believe a word they say. As the late federal judge Lyle Strom said, "Every trial is a contest of credibility." He should know as he probably tried one thousand cases in his life; more than Katie Fang.
2. What's the underlying federal felony? Trump tried to hide some damaging personal information before the election. That's not a crime. If so, then when do we indict Biden for suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story?
These people are the worst sort of liars. Many of them are fairly smart, but they are such hack partisans.
Fat Alvin, his Rube Goldberg law contraptions and his hooker witness have already done far more damage to respect for the New York City Court system than Trump could ever do. Contempt for that Court is everywhere but Trump isn't the earthquake that caused the ruin. Trump is just commenting on the damage he sees in language appropriate to the scene. The Judge will probably finish the ruin by sending Trump to jail. While I do not expect an angel to descend, throw open the door and set Trump free, as happened to Paul and Silas, I do expect that that jail door if it opens to let Trump in will also be the door that opens, letting Trump into the White House.
I sometimes think the establishment is trying to provoke a reaction from Trump supporters that they will use as an excuse to declare martial law and cancel the election. I hope that they are not that stupid, but experience tells me otherwise.
Juan’s paycheck requires him to spout these ridiculous themes. He’s part of the Big Media pack: all for one, one for all. Everyone has their job to do. It’s all about the money, trillions of it. Lives and livelihoods are at stake.
William is a trained leftist seal.
It's just a coincidence that he's black...
So our lame criminal is muzzled by the judge so now he marches his toady VP candidates into court to say the same bullshit lies that Trump spun to the media. Knuckle under or be knuckled out of the running to become his permanent sycophant.
Why would anyone want the job? Unless, of course, they think that Trump will die in office. But they have forgotten that Mike Pence almost got hung by MAGAt wolves that Donald would not call off.
traditionalguy said...
Trump will be convicted of the only crime enforced in America today: Firsr Degree Speakng Truth in Public.
Trump always lies. If he speaks truthfully he will take the stand under oath in this criminal trial. But that will never happen.
I've thought for some time that the ruling establishment is not going to relent on Trump. If it can't disqualify him in some way or put him in jail they will ultimately kill him one way or another. Williams is just saying out loud what a lot of us have thought for a while. Y'all will not vote your way out from under their control. For some this much truth will be uncomfortable but there it is anyway. Bon chance!
But at the end of the day, I have a job to do,” he said, “and that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system.
Call the next witness.
Stormy, come on down!
Williams has always been a partisan dunce. The overriding tragedy is that the ascension of Trump has been the excuse for Democrats to abandon any residual morality, patriotism and respect for the law taking their mindless minions with them.
In the same vein, some old dead guy, maybe Jefferson, pointed out that when more than half the voting population was being supported by the others, the deadbeats will rule. presumably that's why we have millions of welfare recipients crossing the border.
It's impossible to imagine the deadbeats, new or old, voting for anyone but Democrats.
The Democrats have made it clear they don't care about equal justice under the law.
They are making it clear they will use the judicial system as a tool to maintain power.
You cannot have a social contract with these people.
They just have to be defeated.
Gadfly the moron spinning like mad again. Hilarious!
gadfly said...
So our lame criminal is muzzled by the judge so now he marches his toady VP candidates into court to say the same bullshit lies that Trump spun to the media. Knuckle under or be knuckled out of the running to become his permanent sycophant.
Gadfly now wants to make it illegal for people to support Trump.
Fascist shitheads going to fascist shithead. News at 11.
Blogger gadfly said...
Trump always lies...But they have forgotten that Mike Pence almost got hung by MAGAt wolves that Donald would not call off.
Gadfly always lies. It's his schtick. The pseudonym alone admits it. There is zero conviction behind the manipulative words of a "gadfly"...the goal is to simply be annoying, for the simpleton's sake of being annoying. The worst type of sophistry.
Sadly, Gadfly represents a great deal of 2024 liberal Americans.
"Nice use of the passive voice!"
That's always a tell. I believe the term is "consciousness of guilt" betraying that Juan knows it's his side destroying the Rule of Law, literally acting out the speech from A Man for All Seasons in their baseless neverending quest to Get Trump.
If you want to know how we got here and why former DOJ prosecutor Mark Pomerantz
pled the 5th over and over last week after writing a tell-all book about Get Trump Inc., read Chris Bray's Substack column, where he reviews Pomerantz's book. Beria lives! The DOJ is the Stasi. Trump is going easy in his criticism of prosecutors.
Don't bother replying to me if you don't read that Substack first.
Gadfly: "Trump always lies. Yeah. Remember when he lied about his performance in law school and college? And about his wife being killed by a drunk driver? And about his son being killed in overseas combat? And about his being the first in his family to leave the coal mine (or some such) for college? And about his civil rights arrests, here and abroad? Etc.
Of course not, because these are just a few of Biden's lies. There has never been Biden's equal as a liar in the WH. The difference is that the mediaswine ignore Joe's lies until they hit critical mass. Then they cover them for an hour or so.
AND: "If he speaks truthfully he will take the stand under oath...." Seriously. This is, in part, a law blog. Mostly only stupid lawyers put their clients on the stand. Peddle that shit somewhere else.
Neither dignity nor justice have made an appearance in that courtroom.
“Nice use of the passive voice! Who's doing the damaging??!!”
Classic Hwannn Williams. You know you’ve hit the mark with him when he begins blinking at 100 mph.
First time I ever remember hearing of Juan Williams was in 90 or so during the Clarence Thomas confirmation.
I don't remember whether he actually liked Thomas or not as a candidate. What I do vividly remember was that he was very vocal about the hearings. He thought they were disgraceful and he called the various senators to task for turning them into a circus.
I was an instant fan.
John Henry
Mike (MJB Wolf)
Great Substack Post. It's great to be old.
It's only a tragedy if Donald doesn't Go to jail. He's trying so hard to get there.
> Why would anyone want the job? Unless, of course, they think that Trump will die in office. But they have forgotten that Mike Pence almost got hung by MAGAt wolves that Donald would not call off.
I remember that! They had Pence cornered at the Reflecting Pool but that slick fucker ran through the water to the other side and escaped.
And it's just so weird that they've been able to track down all of the grandmas who were there that day but they can't seem to find the carpenters who hauled in all of that wood and constructed a gallows by the Capitol. Who knew that carpenters could be so cagey?
Mike (MJB Wolf)
Great Substack Post.
It's great to be old.
Free looks at the propaganda? If I were (still) a paying subscriber I’d be pissed about that…
the corrupt a-hole Soviet left are going to place him in jail for supposedly paying someone to shut up. Not illegal.
Merchan's daughter is making sweet cash off Trump. He cant recuse himself.
Howard said...
It's only a tragedy if Donald doesn't Go to jail. He's trying so hard to get there.
When Trump goes to prison, it won't be long before the NYT has a story headlined,
"Trump Commits Suicide While Trying to Escape".
Juan Williams has always been a reliable socialist mouthpiece.
Juan Williams cheers for the sort of justice used against the Freedom Riders.
Eyes On The Prize, Juan.
West TX Intermediate Crude said...
"But at the end of the day, I have a job to do,” he said, “and that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system.
Call the next witness.
Stormy, come on down!"
Up next! Flying monkeys!!!
MSNBC is the Soviet network.
Soviet hacks, all.
The prosecutors already seed "no-jail" conviction at the start of the trial in hopes of salvaging something.
The outcome all depends on the blackmail/extortion that the prosecutors/Democrats have on the jurors.
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