May 14, 2024

"Researchers are unsure... but theories include that it is a playful manifestation of the mammals’ curiosity, a social fad or..."

"... the intentional targeting of what they perceive as competitors for their favourite prey, the local bluefin tuna."

From "Yacht sinks after latest incident involving orcas in strait of Gibraltar/Vessel measuring 15 metres in length sank after encounter with the animals, Spain’s maritime rescue service reports" (The Guardian). 

Also: "Experts believe them to involve a subpopulation of about 15 individuals given the designation 'Gladis.'"

From last year in The Guardian: "The orca uprising: whales are ramming boats – but are they inspired by revenge, grief or memory?" That's a much more interesting article....
There are two fascinating things about this. First, of course, what are the orcas doing? But the second is about another species entirely: us. Why do we like this story so much? Because we do: people – including me – love the idea of orcas attacking boats. Browsing through orca memes, there’s an orca as the sickle in the hammer and sickle, with the headline “eat the rich”, and a Soviet-style graphic of a heroic orca emerging under a superyacht. “What if we kissed while watching the orcas take back the ocean,” reads one tweet with 1m views, while a much-used image of an arm holding a microphone up to a captive orca has been repurposed endlessly to highly entertaining effect – I like one where it’s “singing” a bespoke version of the Meredith Brooks classic: “I’m a bitch / I’m an orca / Sinking yachts /Just off Majorca [sic] / I’m a sinner I’m a whale / Imma hit you with my tail.”... 
The fibreglass hulls of sailing boats might just feel nice – and orcas enjoy the sensory feedback: some Canadian pods seem to enjoy rubbing themselves on smooth pebbles (you can watch them on a webcam); or it might just be a trend. As Mustill explains, a number of observed orca fads are not obviously examples of “adaptive” behaviour (meaning “useful”) – most famously the one for wearing salmon as hats....

Salmon hats??? It happened back in 1987:

In the Puget Sound area of the northeast Pacific, one female orca from k-pod began carrying a dead salmon around on her nose. Over the next 5-6 weeks, the behavior spread, and by the end of it, orcas from her own and two other pods were wearing dead salmon hats. Then all of a sudden, the fad was over. Bar a few times the following summer – latecomers, like humans just now deciding to wear Uggs – the trend has never been seen again....

Back to the "Orca uprising" article: 

The Atlantic Orca Working Group 2021 report also suggested the interactions might be responding to individual orcas’ experiences: “A behaviour induced by an aversive incident, and therefore a precautionary behaviour.” Given a single “matriarch” orca, “White Gladis”, appears to have started these interactions, it has been suggested a prior injury or entanglement could have led her to act. Does that make it revenge? King doesn’t dismiss the idea out of hand. “If we’re talking about capacity, it’s not outside the realm of reasonable expectation and it would not necessarily be anthropomorphic,” she says, though, “I’m not suggesting this in support of an ‘uprising’ at all.”... 

As demonstrated by the actions of White Gladis, orca society is matriarchal, and females can live to 100: “They will have a memory, almost a generational memory, of a time when the ocean was not dominated by human beings; when there were not seismic surveys, steam engines then diesel engines, military sonar … The most important thing for them is sound: there will be individual whales that remember when the sea was not that noisy.” 

So they know what we’ve done and we know what we’ve done too. I think one of the reasons the #orcauprising resonates is our sense of collective guilt or, as Mustill puts it, “We feel like there’s something deeply unfair happening in the ocean.”... 

One very human-coloured notion is the idea that orcas aren’t just taking back the ocean but are somehow fomenting revolution, since the yachts they are ramming are so intimately associated with the ultra-wealthy. White Gladis has been called “a communist orca”. As one post reads: “The orcas have done more for the working class than our elected officials ever have”.......


mezzrow said...

"property is theft" - Shamu

rehajm said...

since the yachts they are ramming are so intimately associated with the ultra-wealthy.

Fuck Off you dumb shits…

Wince said...

"And like human beings, they have a profound instinct for vengeance."

- Orca (1977).

tim maguire said...

Back in the day, whales would occasionally take on a whaling ship, and sometimes the whale would win. It's not necessarily revenge to recognize a danger and try to remove that danger.

Heartless Aztec said...

If it's to be me or them I suggest an M79 grenade launcher. A couple of warning shots to warn them off, then shoot to kill.

traditionalguy said...

Do I care? Nope. But seeing their hostility, they may be Trans Orcas.

Ann Althouse said...

""And like human beings, they have a profound instinct for vengeance." - Orca (1977)."

In 1977, I lived in an apartment that had a view — from the bedroom window — of a drive-in movie theater screen. And the main movie I remember playing was "Orca."

Ann Althouse said...

I "saw" Orca so many times!

Rocco said...

Or maybe John Scalzi’s Starter Villain is drawn from real life where a cabal has genetically modified cats, whales, dolphins - and apparently orcas - in secret to human levels of intelligence.

Old and slow said...

Leaving aside the Orca's motivation, it seems like a 15 meter sailing yacht should be able to sustain rudder damage without sinking.

Leland said...

Manifestation, you say? Orcas manifest?

MadisonMan said...

Let me know when the orca start walking on land. That's when the real danger starts.

Tina848 said...

There is a famous incident that inspired the book Moby Dick. It was the sinking of the whaling ship Essex which sailed to the Pacific from Nantucket. The ship was rammed by a whale and destroyed. Many crew members perished immediately and others survived the ramming, but lived a horrific ordeal.

There is a fascinating book about the incident, the 8 months it took the few survivors to be rescued, how the sailors survived (or didn't) and what happened to the Captain.

The book is called: :In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex" by Nathaniel Philbrick (great New England name)

Joe Smith said...


Fuck those rich people in their yachts raping Gaia with every stroke of their Diesel engines.

They deserve to die, especially if they're white.*

*Just saving the lefties here a bit of time so they don't have to post...

BarrySanders20 said...

Leland said...
Manifestation, you say? Orcas manifest?

Not on porpoise.

Joe Smith said...

'I "saw" Orca so many times!'

A high school friend of mine managed a local (really fun, old-fashioned) movie theater.

I would hang out with him and watch movies and eat popcorn, etc. for free.

For some reason I was there a lot during the original 'Rocky.'

I 'saw' that movie a lot.

Still like it : )

mindnumbrobot said...

It's vengeance for global warming, er, climate change. Obviously.

mindnumbrobot said...

I remember seeing the movie Orca (Richard Harris?). The scene with the baby flopping onto the deck of the boat was disturbing. I was rooting for the orca.

tommyesq said...

John Scalzi’s Starter Villain

That is a very fun read. Spoiler alert - the dolphins are dicks.

RCOCEAN II said...

Wow, they live to be 100. That's interesting. I love how people attribute all these motives to the attacks. Maybe its just fun for Orcas to sink boats. Or maybe its just an accident and as stated they like to rub up against the smooth hull.

I sincerly doubt its "revenge". Or being upset at the all the noise. "There they go again, those damn humans, making noise at every hour of the day. An Orc can't even hear herself think!"

BTW, why aren't we calling them "Killer whales"?

Original Mike said...

"Let me know when the orca start walking on land. That's when the real danger starts."

Land Shark.

gilbar said...

Whales are a carbon neutral source of valuable oils!
Hunt and HARVEST ALL whales!!!

Thar she Blows!!

Joe Smith said...

"Let me know when the orca start walking on land. That's when the real danger starts."


Jupiter said...

The legality of possessing firearms on private vessels is somewhat cloudy, given the jurisdictional issues. But I am guessing those orcas may ram the wrong sailboat at some point. Or even just get too close to the wrong sailboat. If the orcas think that rich bastards don't have machine guns, they are sadly mis-informed.

Aggie said...

No where in any of the stories that I've read so far, does it mention that a sailboat's rudder looks a lot like a fin. Is it possible that this signature is triggering a response? Are they attacking motor vessels as well?

Achilles said...

They could just be having some fun.

Tim said...

Dear Lord, people are stupid. If the orcas become a real danger to humans in boats, there will soon be a severe shortage of orcas.

Achilles said...

Orcas are probably the scariest creatures not including humans on the planet.

It is not just the predatory nature but how they kill things. Videos of them killing sharks and seals are insane. The volleyball games they have with seals are crazy. The sharks missing just their livers are indicative.

n.n said...

Orca Lives Matter (OLM)


Social justice.

Greg Hlatky said...

We can only hope the yacht was owned by someone telling us we need to take cold baths.

Rocco said...

Original Mike said...
"Land Shark.

Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark

Land Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Land Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Land Shark

JaimeRoberto said...

When heading out in the the Gulf of Alaska for halibut fishing we came across a pod of 28 orcas. We motored alongside them for a while, and one of the older males came at us perpendicularly to check us out before diving under the boat. It was both awesome and frightening to be out of sight of land and surrounded by them. Allegedly the transient pods can be quite vicious and will completely wipe out the sea otter population in a given area.

Unknown said...

A 15 meter (45 feet) yacht is generally not for the uber-wealthy. These are not super yachts. They are midsize Atlantic cruising yachts and Nanny of these sailors are retired middle income couples. So I guess if the middle class is your real enemy....

Rocco said...

This is how Planet of the Apes started. Just with the Apes(*) instead of Orcas.

* - The other apes besides humans, that is.

Mikey NTH said...

May I suggest some depth charges?

Mikey NTH said...

Ann Althouse: "I saw Orca so many times!"

I saw Orca once. You have my sympathy. Even at age 11 I thought it was awful.

Steve said...

My question is “Do Orcas experience transference?”

All of the humans writing this article sure do. I assume the Killer Whales would be anarchists and would be involved in running street battles with the socialists that speculate about their motivations.