From WaPo: "Trump was looking cheerful and relaxed, sharing smiles and laughs with his lawyers, as they prepared to leave for the day. As soon as the judge announced that instead we had a verdict, his demeanor changes dramatically. He crossed his arms and knitted his brows. He continued to whisper with attorney Todd Blanche, but no longer cheerfully."
ADDED: An acquittal will do Biden a favor. This story will fade into obscurity.
UPDATE from NYT: "One juror appeared to glance at Trump. The others didn’t."
ADDED: An acquittal will do Biden a favor. This story will fade into obscurity.
UPDATE from NYT: "One juror appeared to glance at Trump. The others didn’t."
Trump is guilty on first eight counts
Counts 9 through 11 are guilty
Trump is unresponsive, sitting slack at the defense table.
ADDED: There goes my hope that this could fade into obscurity. I'm steeling myself for the onslaught of spinning. Too much anxiety and no hope of anything like a normal presidential election. Is this what we, the People, deserve?
AND: Trump speaks. NYT reports it like this:“This was a disgrace,” Trump says. “This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt.”Trump is significantly less animated than he has been as he rattles off the familiar lines that have characterized his remarks in the hallway for much of the trial. He seems more sober.
He closes by saying, “We will fight for our Constitution. This is long from over.” Then, looking more somber than I have seen him at any point in the last several months, he walks away from the cameras and does not answer questions.
Video here.
AND: My transcription: "It's okay. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our Constitution.... This was done by the Biden administration, in order to wound or hurt a political opponent. And I think it's just a disgrace. And we'll keep fighting. We'll fight to the end. And we'll win. Because our country's gone to hell. We don't have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We're a nation in decline, serious decline. Millions and millions of people pouring into our country right now — from prisons and from mental institutions — terrorists — and they're taking over our country. We have a country that's in big trouble. But this was a rigged decision, right from day one, with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case — never. And we will fight for our Constitution. This is far from over."
ALSO: Strange how he slotted in the immigration issue. It seemed as though he started in on his rally speech beginning with "our country's gone to hell" and then he could have gone through a list, but he only got to one item — I presume it's his #1 issue — illegal immigration
1 – 200 of 284 Newer› Newest»Trump has been displaying a consciousness of guilt from the beginning.
They'll find him guilty of half the counts (at most), the judge will say that's good enough to satisfy the others they didn't find him guilty of, and the left media will go "Oh oh oh oh!"
Complicated trial, complicated jury instructions, complicated system for reviewing testimony, quick verdict; could be a Not Guilty verdict just so they can get out of there.
But we'll have to wait and see.
"Trump has been displaying a consciousness of guilt from the beginning."
This is the standard of justice that we are facing in the future. These are the people who will be running the courts. If they don't like somebody, then that person is obviously guilty. If that person resents being charged with some nonsense crime cooked up by his political enemies, then that proves he's guilty.
Trump will be found guilty. Since the judge orchestrated the sham and knew the outcome, he will sentence Trump today. Home confinement pending appeal.
Mark the mind reader and body language reader.
Guilty, I believe. Now for the appeal
I don't know if this quick verdict is a good predictor of the outcome either way. It could be a sign of deep-blue Manhattan Jury pool being willing to and wanting to convict Trump of anything or it could be a sign of a case that was so weak and ill founded that even a jury from deep-blue Manhattan couldn't stomach sentencing a man they despise under the offered theory.
What's that, the vigil will come to an end? Or will a new one for what remains of the soul of justice will begin?
"Mark the mind reader and body language reader."
If it weren't for mind reading, our whole legal system would fail in its overriding job of convicting Trump and putting him in jail so that Biden can keep power.
This story will fade into obscurity
That sounds like wishful thinking of a Democrat (if he is indeed acquitted). I'm not sure what's going to happen. All I know is I have work and deadlines.
Blogger Mark said..."Trump has been displaying a consciousness of guilt from the beginning."
I no longer can tell the difference between the Marks.
They jury requested 30 minutes to fill out the forms. That suggests a guilty verdict.
"An acquittal would do Biden a favor."
That's why I want a conviction, and hopefully a jail sentence. The Scarlet Letter was also about an adultery case, and the excessive punishment meted out by the powers that be, and Hester Prynne's reaction to it, only increased sympathy for Prynne and left the Puritans stained forever in the eyes of Americans.
But the point which drew all eyes, and, as it were, transfigured the wearer,—so that both men and women, who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne, were now impressed as if they beheld her for the first time,—was that Scarlet Letter, so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and enclosing her in a sphere by herself. - The Scarlet Letter
Blogger Mark said...
Trump has been displaying a consciousness of guilt from the beginning.
I've read some stupid comments from leftists, but that is about the most ignorant one thus far.
Home confinement pending appeal.
I think that's likely.
This will be the strangest campaign season ever, with Biden hiding in his basement and Trump jailed in his house.
"An acquittal will do Biden a favor. This story will fade into obscurity."
I don't think anyone has any idea how fanatical they are to keep some form of lawfare against Trump alive.
Don't ask me...
I'm the one who thought there might be a shred of honor or at least informed self-interest on the part of Merchan.
Remember when the DC jury acquitted that crooked FBI agent who lied on the FISA warrant "Because he was doing important work"?
Blogger MadisonMan said...
This story will fade into obscurity
That sounds like wishful thinking of a Democrat (if he is indeed acquitted).
I don't know if it will fade into obscurity, but it is probably the best political outcome for Biden. A looming threat is viewed as far more dangerous than one that has passed. An acquittal will mean the threat has passed for many observers. People naturally don't want to contemplate about the system being corrupt. While I and probably many others will still see the threat others might be fine in thinking something like, "See, the system worked he was acquitted."
Guilty is being read off.
Unbelievable. An embarrassment. I'm hearing a read out for 34 seperate counts as if there were 34 seperate crimes.
Just ridiculous.
cfs said...
They jury requested 30 minutes to fill out the forms. That suggests a guilty verdict.
Or they want to get paid?
The Sunday Talk Shows are ecstatic because they film on Friday. Other than that, I think the only thing the timing means is that a chunk of the jury is tired of this and ready to go home rather than come back another day.
Original Mike: "I no longer can tell the difference between the Marks."
DeSantis Supporter Virginia Lawyer Mark has completely morphed into Dumb Lefty Mark on all issues dealing with Trump.
We see this phenomenon with a significant chunk of DeSantis supporters/GOPe-ers that are still banking on lefty Lawfare to remove Trump from the electoral process and clear the way for DeSantis to be slotted in...where he will lose with Romney-like numbers.
The Merch sales are going through the roof.
Trump going to win in a landslide now.
His conviction will be quietly overturned on appeal.
Watch all the Trumpists sh*t bricks after saying that a guilty verdict would boost his election chances.
"I'm the one who thought there might be a shred of honor or at least informed self-interest on the part of Merchan."
The biggest obstacle to accepting the truth about where we are as a country is that it is so depressing to realize that we are now in a new era of "might makes right" and that we are back to the pre-Enlightenment Middle Ages in terms of human freedom.
"Rules Based Order" can be simply restated as "What are you going to do about it?" and that is now the same way that we can describe American "justice."
It brings to mind the apocryphal story of the group of Ku Klux Klansmen who capture a young black Freedom Rider and bury him up to his neck in sand and sic their dog on him. The young man has a thick Afro hairstyle, though, and manages to interpose it in front of the dog's teeth. After a few tries, the dog begins to whine. The Klansman who owns the dog yells "[Racial slur], fight my dog fair!" That's the trial we've been watching. "Fight my dog fair!"
"I've read some stupid comments from leftists, but that is about the most ignorant one thus far."
It's still early.
"This story will fade into obscurity."
Lol, this is all these moral hagfish will talk about for the next 6 months. They really needed this and it looks like NYC jurors didn't disappoint.
If you all have LEGAL arguments, by all means present them.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you.
This is how kangaroo courts operate. The guilty verdict was baked into the cake. It as never going to otherwise.
"Watch all the Trumpists sh*t bricks after saying that a guilty verdict would boost his election chances."
Oh darn, Mark is never going to vote for Trump now!
Like clockwork, VA Lawyer Mark @4:10 doubles down on leftist stupidity...which means he was never that far away from it anyway.
Welcome to the banana republic!
So- the dog catches the car after all.
We knew it would be guilty when the trial started. I'm not shocked at all.
Blogger Mason G said...
"I've read some stupid comments from leftists, but that is about the most ignorant one thus far."
It's still early.
Indeed, the hacks just got their dopamine hit. Everyone else called this as soon as the judge took the case, and everyone else will be right about the appeal. But the hacks going to hack.
Relax. Living in NYC is its own punishment.
My only surprise is that the jury didn't come back after 10 minutes with the guilty verdict.
The race to the bottom is officially on. A whole new level of tit-for-tat hell has just been reached. The United State of America is done-ski.
How ab out the fact that the first time that the defense heard what the "underlying crime" was, was in the jury instructions, which they were not given time to read.
When is Biden supposed to address the verdict from the White House?
Hang on to your hats!
My only surprise is that the jury didn't come back after 10 minutes with the guilty verdict.
Gotta put on a good show.
"But the hacks going to hack."
Just a guess, but I'd bet a lot of them will be whacking first.
Everyone's happy. The Never Trumpers got a convicted felon and the Ever Trumpers got a martyr.
"When is Biden supposed to address the verdict from the White House?"
30 minutes. They need to fill the forms in.
Martyrs last a lot longer than dopamine hits.
Kangaroos Ask People To Stop Unfairly Comparing Them To U.S. Justice System
I'm impressed, to run that much fiction through reality.
Trump has been displaying a consciousness of guilt from the beginning.
Guilty of what?! Why can't you people ever answer that question?
What is the underlying crime?
"The race to the bottom is officially on. A whole new level of tit-for-tat hell has just been reached. The United State of America is done-ski."
It was on long before this, but "tit-for-tat hell" is cogent. Every election. Every administration. Any party. Won't matter.
This will be the new normal.
The pressure is now on the Supreme Court to toss out the Jack Smith DC case.
ACB and Roberts are going to have to pick a side
When is sentencing?
I'll be sending a nice check to Trumps campaign.
Let the games begin!
You can also thank Trump's lawyers for this. Neither the defendant nor his counsel ever took any of this seriously. And the attorneys put on a good show for their client, they did what they set out to do, to make $$$ off of their client, but he's not the one you need to convince.
Trump still doesn't take this seriously. But he better start.
"Is this what we, the People, deserve?"
Anyone who voted for Joe Shit For Brains Biden, yes, this is what they deserve.
Animal House (7/10) Movie CLIP - Deltas on Trial (1978) HD
Not testifying was one of the few smart things Trump did.
What could the lawyers have done differently?
July 11 is the sentencing date; right before the convention.
When is sentencing?
July 11
Why should Trump take this seriously?
Trump is going to pull his Grover Cleveland and this conviction will be reversed on appeal.
I am just curious- what argument could the Trump lawyers have made that would have changed even one of guilty verdicts?
The Harry Reid syndrome continues to afflict the Commie-Pinkos. They apparently think they will hold the levers of power in the White House/ DOJ forever. Should Trump win the presidency I suspect the next AG will not be a Jeff Sessions type, but more like Attila the Hun.
Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and the others on MSNBC are in heaven. Hot sex tonight!
I must agree with Yancy.
Yes, doing anything but voting for Trump in 2020 allowed the 3rd Term of Obama, and the Fundamental Change of the United States.
The corruption of the Justice system is a fundamental change.
If you didn't figure out how much trouble we were in during 2020 you were living in denial or weren't paying attention. COVID, BLM Riots, Absentee voter fraud, courts overruling established election laws and so much more.
Our downward spiral is not over. Just follow the trajectory... Sad...but true.
Drink more beer.
Blogger mccullough said...
Living in NYC is its own punishment.
It is going to be a lot tougher for New Yorkers in and out of the city going forward. These jury verdicts show a lack of common citizenship with other Americans. All this in a city where violent crimes go unprosecuted. Previously, we learned that you can be called a rapist based on the preponderance of evidence that you may have touched a woman 30 years ago, although she can't recall when exactly. Then we learned that if you take out a bank loan and pay it back fully with interest, then you defrauded the state. Now, if your lawyer embezzles money from you, makes agreements with blackmailers to give them some money to, and you pay the invoice, then you also defrauded the state, and your lawyer can keep the money they embezzled along with the blackmailer keeping their share too. The citizens of New York agree.
How many want to do business with people who think that is fine?
It’s a sad and shameful day for the US, shameful not because he is innocent, but because is guilty. He, a former US president committed crimes, how embarrassing before the world. I hope this is a wake up call for those who still support this man, but I doubt it.
If they did this to Trump what do you think they'll do to us?
"No hope of anything like a normal presidential election."
"Is this what we, the People, deserve?"
Which people? The jury and judicial pool from NYC or everyone else? How about 81 million voters...I'm sure they're loving it when they're not pushing up daisies.
Still waiting, Mark- what strategy, what "taking it serious" would have changed the outcome one iota?
I think Trump is wrong. Merchan is still corrupt.
Oh well, oh well, I feel so good today
Merchan is the Angel Hernandez of judges
I just checked Trumps campaign web site and the donations are pouring in.
Looks like the web site might have crashed
Don't worry, the modern economic powerhouse blue states will continue to support the dirtball uneducated red states
"Blogger wishfulthinking said...
If they did this to Trump what do you think they'll do to us?"
Well we had Biden Campaign surrogate Robert DeNiro on the courthouse steps yesterday yelling that we all know that Trump is guilty, regardless of what the jury finds. A with most such appearances, the jury got the message. I expect Joe Biden himself will try to top that with a disgusting victory dance tonight.
Theoretically the judge could send him to prison for 136 years.
4 years maximum sentence per felony
and 34 felonies
which equals 136 years in prison
that seems excessive and insane
even to morons in the media
makes you wonder why that's even an option
Suddenly, everyone understands the reason behind the J6 riot.
and the shitbirds will reap what they have sown.
Yew Nork with a large and unmistakable “FUCK YOU!” to the rest of the country.
Once all the libtards and Trumpers have their celebrations and pity parties, no one will care about this
Blogger Leland said...
"It is going to be a lot tougher for New Yorkers in and out of the city going forward. "
Its always tough for New Yorkers. We thrive on toughness. Now lock the bastard up.
"We don't have the same country anymore. We have a divided mess. We're a nation in decline, serious decline...."
You can say that again.
There's your answer Prof. Althouse. This is what we, the people, deserve....apparently.
"We've gotta convict on our phony baloney felony" [pronounced, fe-LOAN-y].
So now what? Does the left really think that Trump supporters will just say, "Oh well now I'm voting for Biden"?
Do they think this will unite the nation? What do they really expect from this victory?
How many independent and moderate Democrats will now move their support to Trump because of this travesty? I suspect more than a few.
I noticed sentencing is scheduled for July 11th. That was well-planned in advance. The RNC convention is July 15-18th. Merchan plans to jail Trump at the sentencing hearing.
New Yorkers are pussies. Always were
So, Mark, have you figured out where the Trump lawyers went wrong and got their client convicted? Still waiting.
There’s no recovering from this. This is the way our politics will be conducted from now on.
Business people would be crazy to run for office.
So now what? Does the left really think that Trump supporters will just say, "Oh well now I'm voting for Biden"?
Do they think this will unite the nation? What do they really expect from this victory?
How many independent and moderate Democrats will now move their support to Trump because of this travesty? I suspect more than a few.
I noticed sentencing is scheduled for July 11th. That was well-planned in advance. The RNC convention is July 15-18th. Merchan plans to jail Trump at the sentencing hearing.
One of the weird things is that Trump didn't even win New York State.
"Once all the libtards and Trumpers have their celebrations and pity parties, no one will care about this"
Totally wrong Howard. This entire farce just started a new race to the bottom. Lawyers will discuss this for years. Professors will discuss this for years. People in bars will be discussing this for years.
This is the new normal. You're not exempt from taking the ride with the rest of us, whether you bought a ticket or not.
Oligarchs can get away with:
- abusing children
- crashing banks
- commiting genocide
But Class E felonies, that's jail time.
The Bloombergs and Kagans think no one notices, but the gulf between Revolutionary America and the modern USA grows wider by the day.
Trump will get bail pending appeal.
Merchan is a clown
Trump lost.
Fuck your feelings.
As Scott Adams said in his brief 'verdict is coming in' podcast - "Remember when I've said 'this is not the hill to die on'?
THIS is the hill to die on.
(no violence... more... 'this is it').
And next we all tried donating to D J T website and first the donation portion crashed now the entire website is down.
That's it - The courts and at least the Jury was the last line of defense. We're done.
I'm quite surprised there wasn't one single defection to hang the jury.
For the first time in my life I will donate money to someone seeking office.
Thanks, guys. You've made Schadenfreude Great Again
"Once all the libtards and Trumpers have their celebrations and pity parties, no one will care about this"
Even Howard knows it's bad for Biden.
Fair enough, Howard, just sure to show up the day this verdict is overturned.
Sentencing July 11 spoils the joke "7-11 Never Forget."
People vote on "feelings." Same as jurors convict on "feelings."
Cue to complimentary-event-advantageous looting.
Still waiting for your brilliant legal analysis of how Trump's lawyers lost this case, Mark.
There's not only Schadenfreude, there's Brillenbrillanz, the sudden, innervating clarity afforded by new glasses.
He'll be sworn in before the conviction is overturned
Tina is right- one good outcome to this verdict could the celebratory looting and burning of deep blue cities.
Okey dokey.
Time to donate to the Trump campaign.
Blogger cfs said...
So now what? Does the left really think that Trump supporters will just say, "Oh well now I'm voting for Biden"?
Do they think this will unite the nation? What do they really expect from this victory?
They only want what is it front of them right now. They have no long term goal. You know it because no one could state Biden's long term goals before today? The left gets excited about paying less at the gas station because Biden is draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, as if that will go on indefinitely. They had no plan for Afghanistan. They thought they had a plan for a pier in Gaza, and look how that is going. They spent billions for EV chargers across the country and got 7 of them, maybe 8 depending on who is reporting. There is no plan but the retention of power for powers sake. Make American Great Again represents a plan, and they hate it. Look at the polls, do you see any of them asking what voters think of any specific Biden policy? No. Because there isn't one to ask about. So they ask if the nation is on the right track, and the majority answer correctly. No.
Mike Yancey said...
That's it - The courts and at least the Jury was the last line of defense. We're done.
I'm quite surprised there wasn't one single defection to hang the jury.
5/30/24, 4:37 PM
Let's see:
Soap box
Ballot box
Jury box...
Nope, that's it, country's theirs.
He will be dead before the NY Appeals Court issues a ruling- they sit on it forever trying to delay the federal court entry, Howard.
The shitbirds know it’s all bogus and they don’t care. Let that sink in.
Vote accordingly.
Howard said:
He'll be sworn in before the conviction is overturned
Not if it goes to the Supremes.
This is unlikely to improve Biden/Harris miserable poll numbers.
Not a surprise but still shocking.
Guilty of falsifying business records is a misdemeanor, but in Trump's case is a felony for reasons no one can explain unless they've been to law school. And even then, maybe not. In layman's terms Trump wasn't supposed to do anything to keep the Stormy Daniels story from the public before the election. All the fine points about concealing a crime which couldn't be explained have disappeared.
Meanwhile some of us remember that 50 heads of US intelligence agencies released a letter prior to the 2020 election, at the urging of our now Secretary of State Blinken, claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop had the markings of Russian disinformation, even though the laptop had been already verified as authentic by the FBI.
I've been grossed out by the vemon on the Left and now I'm seeing the spin at msnbc. They aren't celebrating, they are saying that we have to protect the rule of law as if they are under attack. They are not offering any explanation of the verdict, just that Trump is guilty of 34 felonies and a former president has been convicted of a criminal offense and that's a good thing.
Could our government and media be any more sanctimonious and corrupt?
There's only one way out of this - the Supreme Court needs to reverse this and it needs to be 9-0. Either we have a Constitution and the rule of law, or we don't.
"Could our government and media be any more sanctimonious and corrupt?"
Not possible to measure with existing technology.
I know this is a really big deal to you folks, but it's just another Thursday.
1These are the words of the Teacher,a the son of David, king in Jerusalem:
2“Futilityb of futilities,”
says the Teacher,
“futility of futilities!
Everything is futile!”
3What does a man gain from all his labor,
at which he toils under the sun?
4Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
5The sun rises and the sun sets;
it hurries back to where it rises.
6The wind blows southward,
then turns northward;
round and round it swirls,
ever returning on its course.
7All the rivers flow into the sea,
yet the sea is never full;
to the place from which the streams come,
there again they flow.
8All things are wearisome,
more than one can describe;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear content with hearing.
9What has been will be again,
and what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10Is there a case where one can say,
“Look, this is new”?
It has already existed
in the ages before us.
11There is no remembrance
of those who came before,
and those yet to come will not be remembered
by those who follow after.
Your translation is poverty
I thought it went pretty far when they removed and convicted and imprisoned Imran Kahn, the most popular politician in Pakistan for "espionage" and "revealing state secrets" when he waved the copy of a cable from the US threatening Pakistan's parliament with severe consequences if they didn't remove and imprison him. I thought that that should win some kind of Kafka award, but this is my own country, that I was taught to respect, my own country that has delegitimized its court system, and it seems worse.
Mr Wibble said...
"Every member of the jury deserves to be killed, along with their families. Fuck NYC. 9/11 was deserved."
Althouse it is your obligation to report this person to the US Attorneys office or the appropriate authorities.
"There's only one way out of this - the Supreme Court needs to reverse this and it needs to be 9-0."
Significant personal consequences would be useful, as well. Will there be?
One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.
5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.
6 The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.
7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
8 All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
I am going to put on the tin foil hat and make a prediction:
In the next five years, it will come out that there was massive jury tampering in this case, even to the point of threats against the jury. Were there anti-Trumpers among them who would have gone along in any case? Sure, but my guess is that there were hold-outs who thought this was a bridge too far, and those jurors needed to be herded back into line. I suspect that the inexplicable week off was used so that the "enforcers" could contact the jury and let them know things were not going to go well for them and theirs if they didn't toe the line.
I also think that the 12 hours of so of deliberation was just a smoke screen for the jury to make it look like they did their due diligence, and that the verdict came from other legal sources using the jury as cover. This explains why today the court announced that the jury was leaving for the day, still undecided, and then, all of a sudden, the judge admits there's been an error and a verdict has been reached, a verdict which includes guilty on all charges. How exactly did the court make such a yuuuge mistake in not knowing the state of the jury?
Watch, these jurors will now disappear from sight. They will not go on interviews even on friendly news sources to explain what happen and how they came to their conclusions. The reason why: they didn't really ever come to their conclusions. They just went along to not get hurt.
If this seems extreme, ask yourself what lengths the Lefty Democrats now in power wouldn't go to to keep "Orange Man Bad Hitler" out of the White House, simultaneously saving the Nation, if not the World, and keeping themselves on the gravy train. You think they're going to shrink from jury tampering?
Campaign site is overwhelmed.
One day Henny-penny was picking up corn in the rickyard when—whack!—an acorn hit her upon the head. "Goodness gracious me!" said Henny-penny, "the sky's a-going to fall; I must go and tell the King."
So she went along, and she went along, and she went along, till she met Cocky-locky. "Where are you going, Henny-penny?" says Cocky-locky. "Oh! I'm going to tell the King the sky's a-falling," says Henny-penny. "May I come with you?" says Cocky-locky. "Certainly," says Henny-penny. So Henny-penny and Cocky-locky went to tell the King the sky was falling.
They went along, and they went along, and they went along, till they met Ducky-daddles. "Where are you going to, Henny-penny and Cocky-locky?" says Ducky-daddles. "Oh! we're going to tell the King the sky's a-falling," said Henny-penny and Cocky-locky. "May I come with you?" says Ducky-daddles. "Certainly," said Henny-penny and Cocky-locky. So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, and Ducky-daddles went to tell the King the sky was a-falling.
So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, till they met Goosey-poosey. "Where are you going to, Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, and Ducky-daddles?" said Goosey-poosey. "Oh! we're going to tell the King the sky's a-falling," said Henny-penny and Cocky-locky and Ducky-daddles. "May I come with you?" said Goosey-poosey. "Certainly," said Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, and Ducky-daddles. So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, and Goosey-poosey went to tell the King the sky was a-falling.
So they went along, and they went along, and they went along, till they met Turkey-lurkey. "Where are you going, Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, and Goosey-poosey?" says Turkey-lurkey. "Oh! we're going to tell the King the sky's a-falling," said Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, and Goosey-poosey. "May I come with you, Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, and Goosey-poosey?" said Turkey-lurkey. "Oh, certainly, Turkey-lurkey," said Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, and Goosey-poosey. So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey-poosey, and Turkey-lurkey all went to tell the King the sky was a-falling.
No word yet on which jurors fell for which prosecution theory?
Even silicon valley libs see what is happening:
"I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why."
Shaun Maguire@shaunmmaguire
Partner @sequoia//
@caltechphysics PhD // quantum space crypto security (it's a niche but high impact field)
Read it here:
Does any of this make Biden look better to voters by comparison?
"Is this what we, the People, deserve?"
The same people who engineered this promoted Trump nine years ago.
Trump's donation page has crashed.
We are now truly in uncharted waters. Twelve people in Manhattan have changed the world for everyone. I wouldn’t be too confident that it’s for the better.
If you want your country back, donate to Trump and the republicans as much as you can. And hit the streets. Right now our country is illegitimate.
wishfulthinking said...
"Okey dokey.
Time to donate to the Trump campaign."
Free Advice: Contribute many cartons of cigarettes and mucho K-Y Jelly.
Young Hegelian,
I think the truth is more mundane than that- the jury pool itself was probably not randomly selected. If you give me a person's full name and address, I can tell you within a few minutes what that person's politics are and if they don't seem to be apolitical on social media, well, you know not to put them in the jury pool as they are a risk.
You will never learn the truth, though- the people doing this have probably been doing this a long, long time in places like New York City.
At least we know now that New Yorkers believe election fraud did occur in New York in 2016, which explains why Hillary won there in a land slide.
We will dishonest people say the system and processmust be respected. I don't and I won't. There is nothing in this prosecution, the prosecutoes or the judge that deserves any respect. Everything they do in any case is corrupt because it was done by crooked and evil people.
Anyway good luck to jurors, the judge, court staff, and prosecutors, and all their families, with not getting murdered, and thanks to Federalist Society types for bringing us to the brink of fascism so you could weaken Chevron deference.
"Too much anxiety and no hope of anything like a normal presidential election. Is this what we, the People, deserve?"
I'm afraid the answer might be "Yes". As Jefferson put it, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just".
imTay said...
"Once all the libtards and Trumpers have their celebrations and pity parties, no one will care about this"
Even Howard knows it's bad for Biden.
I suspect Howard is recently disillusioned with the large swathes of the left, the side he previously felt like he belonged. He is currently in the denial/bargaining phase of the stages of grief and is hoping there is a large middle ground of pragmatic Americans who largely share his values and goals that will assume the cultural and political leadership roles. However he has yet to accept that the final two teams are already set and they are Trumpers and the Woke Left, the only thing that remains is figuring out who wins.
Sham trials always get their man. Its always been so.
We should all enjoy our life sentences in the People’s Republic of the United States or United States of the CCP if you prefer. Constitutionalists are all officially on notice, it’s a nation of people not laws and you/we are the wrong people.
Kangaroos are in awe today.
@Yancy Ward @5:07PM
I see your point about the jury's inherent bias, but I think that one must factor in the native New Yorker's disgust at being played for a chump, and I think that midway into this trial, that disgust was probably oozing out of several jurors. Too much was at stake for the Democratic Party fixers and they couldn't take any chances, and so the woolly-minded were properly castigated.
It's really difficult to see any good reason for that week long break from a court room prospective.
“Blogger BillieBob Thorton said...
I'll be sending a nice check to Trumps campaign.
Let the games begin!”
Me too.
This is the day Trump was reelected.
One had hope that there would be a reasonable person or two on the jury. Every witness for the prosecution was a disaster. What exactly was proven?
Breaking News: Alito just hoisted the distress flag!.
With ya Wibble.
I like the part where they wouldn't let the FEC official testify, that was cool. Reminded me of the impeachment, where Trump was not allowed to present any defense not pre-approved by Schiff. Well, that was political, and they make their own rules in Congress, but this trickle down effect of that brilliant innovation in jurisprudence is great!
How else do we make progress? How else does Biden get re-elected?
No one with a private sector job and a life can take a month off for jury duty.
Jurors in trials that last more than 5 days are either government workers or retired government workers.
It was nice of the jurors to give a little show by asking to rehear the jury instructions and some of the testimony. As if the outcome wasn't predetermined.
Yancey Ward said...
So, Mark, have you figured out where the Trump lawyers went wrong and got their client convicted? Still waiting.
He can't tell you, Yancey. Now that he's blown his load, he's sobering up and realizing how bad this looks for his side. Reactions are probably in from Europe and they're not quite as favorable as he'd hoped.
My facebook feed has exploded with Democrats having massive orgasms about Trump's conviction.
It's absolutely disgusting.
DJT thinks like most Americans that have to watch their own inheritance of a great country stolen from by fake News Media and their fake installed politicians and can do nothing about it. It’s like watching your execution for no crime except being alive and in the way of others.
It’s time for swift action. Every Red State should vote to no longer recognize NY as a state and refuse to extradite Trump to NY. Florida should put Trump in protective custody to prevent him from returning to NY. The GOP convention should immediately convene to nominate him.
Exactly as expected. Now we all get to live with the consequences. Get ready for the victimhood tour of 2024, or more Trump beatings to prevent it. This is set to roll out in layers, I suspect. Nothing about this is random.
The Mark Steyn trial was the tipoff, for me. As I saw that verdict drop, I felt that we'd see this happen just this way - the worst possible way? Maybe not, but it's close enough to that.
As if it matters at all what I think. This could be a before and after day. Sigh. It didn't have to be this way.
The verdict only matters if it changes the result of the Election. Biden desperately hopes that it will scare off marginal potential Trump voters. My guess is that it will encourage Trump voters, including unenthusiastic potential Trump voters, to vote in protest of abuse of government power.
I can understand New York courts having jurisdiction over New York State's electoral votes, which went to Hillary anyway, but what gives them the power to rule on Federal Elections, and why can't every state now pass laws regarding Federal elections that allow them to imprison candidates?
Tom said...
"It’s time for swift action. Every Red State should vote to no longer recognize NY as a state "
Won't ever happen-you freeloaders need our tax money.
Good to see that in fraught times prudent citizens such as Mr. Wibble choose to comment judiciously and with measured consideration. This is the kind of citizen that "makes America Great"(sic)!
Blogger Michael said...
"This is the day Trump was reelected"
The bettors don't seem to think so- over the last 30 minutes his odd on the betting sites have been exploding.
Young Hegelian,
I think the truth is more mundane than that- the jury pool itself was probably not randomly selected. If you give me a person's full name and address, I can tell you within a few minutes what that person's politics are and if they seem to be apolitical on social media, well, you know not to put them in the jury pool as they are a risk.
You will never learn the truth, though- the people doing this have probably been doing this a long, long time in places like New York City.
Edit note- I left in a "don't" from a change in wording that made the comment harder to understand- I would normally correct and delete, but the comment has a reply to it, so I will leave the orginal.
Too much anxiety and no hope of anything like a normal presidential election. Is this what we, the People, deserve?
@Althouse, IMHO it’s what you’ve deserved ever since the Democrats persuaded you that if you couldn’t vote for someone as dishonest as Joe Biden that you should stick your nose up in the air and not vote for anyone at all. Despite the 2011 riots right there in Madison, which you observed first-hand, you seem to want to hang onto this naive image of your beloved Democrats as fundamentally decent people. They aren’t, deep inside you must realize that. They are corrupt, and they no longer even bother with their old fig leaves of “hearts in the right place” or “motivated by caring for the have-nots.” You need to adjust or it will just get worse.
"Relax. Living in NYC is its own punishment."
A comment that reveals either ignorance of the splendor of NYC...or envy for not being a resident in that splendor. (Not to mention staggering tone deafness to the psychotic lunacy of Mr. Wibble's wishes for mass deaths.)
Unsurprising. Corrupt to the maximum? Yes. But unsurprising.
"No one with a private sector job and a life can take a month off for jury duty."
"There are no automatic exemptions or excuses from jury service in New York State. Everyone who is eligible must serve. You are eligible to serve as a juror in New York State if you are: 1) a United States citizen, 2) at least 18 years old, and 3) a resident of the county to which you are summoned to serve." (NY
it was rigged. There were so many appealable errors made by the judge as to be laughable.
Of course, nothing says "Pro-Democracy" like putting your political rivals in jail using kangaroo courts and Trumped-up charges.
I will certainly be lobbying my state government to begin lawfare against any and all democrats. That is the only thing that will keep democrats from throwing anyone they disagree with in jail.
We must start now.
The Blob has decided that they need to take the same attitude toward the American people that they have taken toward the people of other countries around the world for many years and that is, "We need to show them who is really in charge."
That attitude hasn't always gotten The Blob what they wanted overseas. It has often led to mission failure and almost always to humanitarian disaster. What will it lead to now that it has come home?
Dave Begley said...
When is sentencing?
5/30/24, 4:23 PM
On July 11, four days before the RNC convention. The GOP leadership better find their balls if they want votes from the conservative base in the future.
The guilty verdict will not make Biden any less senile, Harris any more coherent, or open borders any more popular.
Remember when President Bill Clinton, while married, repeatedly sexually exploited a young intern 10 feet from the Oval Office and then lied, committed perjury, and suborned perjury? Remember how the Democratic Party, in unison, rose up and shouted “MOVE ON! Lies about sex don’t count!”?
Remember when Secretary of State Hilary Clinton recklessly transmitted classified information over her private, unencrypted, unsecured, email account eschewing the secure government account assigned to her? Remember how she destroyed evidence after Congress served her with subpoenas? Remember the reason she did all this was because she was emailing her husband who was soliciting millions of dollars from foreigners for the Clinton Family charity while she was Sec of State? Remember how Democrats rose up in unison to declare “No reasonable prosecutor” would charge Hilary with even mere negligent handling of classified material?
Remember when Joe Biden’s drug-addicted son abandoned his laptop in the repair shop and it turned out the laptop contained a mountain of evidence that Joe Biden’s son was taking millions and millions from foreign bad guys while his dad was Vice President? Remember how the Democrats rose up in unison to falsely declare “The laptop is Russian Disinformation” when there was zero evidence of Russian involvement? Remember the vast Democrat/Media conspiracy to hide the laptop story from the voters?
Notice that these same Democrats are now saying that asking a consensual one-night-stand from nine years before you became a politician to please keep quiet is (1) a felonious election fraud (2) a serious assault on Democracy itself, (3) prison worthy, and (4) a disqualifying offense.
Dude @ 5:16
They set the sentencing for July 11th, just a few days before the GOP convention. I wonder how that will play out. Jail time to prevent him from going to o the convention and accepting the nomination?
Thank you Big Mike.
I am a refugee from a communist country. I know what these Democrats are, what they are doing, and where they are taking us. I know because I've been there. I am one of the lucky ones to have escaped.
It breaks my heart to see Americans either naively or in denial refuse to vote for Trump based on the lies propagandized by the left. At this point he is our only hope to save our country and our future.
All I can do now is donate, vote, and pray. That my fellow Americans come to their senses and understand that this is not business as usual.
We are a hair's breadth away from the point of no return.
Remember 2016 and those crowds shouting 'lock her up! lock her up!'?
It's interesting watching the people who jeered along now lying on the fainting couch.
imTay said, "and why can't every state now pass laws regarding Federal elections that allow them to imprison candidates?"
Oh ho ho ho, this is just getting started, imTay. Federal/state legal separation is old and busted. States making their own federal interpretations and prosecutions are the new hotness. If it's lawfare they want, it's lawfare they'll get.
Trump will never be POTUS again.
If by some fluke, the Democrats don't print off enough fake votes and Trump wins, he will be assassinated.
The stakes are way too high for the Democrats and RINOs. The George Floyd riots and COVID-19 were just the beginning. We are not a Republic of the people, by the people and for the people. We are slaves to the political class.
I will be donating much more money to the Trump campaign that I had anticipated before the verdict. If it is going to be a strikeout, I want to go down swinging.
For those suggesting Trump will get house arrest and probation, on what basis do you belive that thought? This I'd the 4th trial of Trump in New York City in a year's time. When has any of the judges shown any level on leniency?
I ask because I believe, barring a stay from an appellate court, Trump will be sentenced to jail through the RNC and likely longer. Democrats have shown no interest in anything but that to occur, and certainly that has been the case for these New York judges. Every judge has thrown more than the book at Trump, and this judge has been no different. And now that we have the jury conviction, I'm certain the NY Bar will do nothing to change the situation.
tcrosse said...
"The guilty verdict will not make Biden any less senile, Harris any more coherent, or open borders any more popular."
But it makes Mr Grab Em a convicted felon.
Is this what we, the People, deserve?
This is what the democrats have forced on us. We are at the point of no return.
wishfulthinking said...
If they did this to Trump what do you think they'll do to us?
Or any potential Republican candidate deemed threatening.
And, have to wonder why several Republican incumbents have chosen to retire.
In these days of easy access to everybody's secrets and prior behaviors, not difficult to threaten with embarrassment in the least and lawfare at the worst.
Guilty on 34 counts removes any hope of spinning the trial as having any legitimacy. Not that the MSM won't try, but they will look ridiculous.
G.Pub hit the nail on the head @ 5:52pm
This conviction will get overturned by the first honest appeals judge whose desk on which the appeals lands. The main issue for overturning is simple to understand- the defense wasn't allowed to present a defense against the 3 crimes the prosecution finally outlined in their closing arguments. They were allowed to call no expert witnesses on whether or not the campaign finance crimes were, in fact, crimes. The defense didn't even get to rebut the prosecution's closing argument where the prosecution outlined those alleged crimes because they went first and got no rebuttal as the first party to present.
This is why the prosecution didn't charge those other crimes- to have done so would have forced Merchan to allow an actual defense against them. This trial was truly Kafkaesque. It should embarrass practicing attorney, but here we are.
Retributive change is a row too far.
cfs: "On July 11, four days before the RNC convention. The GOP leadership better find their balls if they want votes from the conservative base in the future."
My guess would be the GOPe leadership is currently working feverishly to effect the representation of state delegations to the GOP National Convention in order to remove Trump from the ticket at the convention using the corrupted lawfare ruling as the basis for that.
Failing that, we just saw former GOPe Gov of Arizona and anti-Grump McCainiac Doug Ducey endorse the democrat/fake republican Stephen Richer for Maricopa Election Recorder.
This is on top of ant-Trumper Gov Kemp continuing to support the loathsome Mark Zuckerburg paid off and noted phone call transcript liar Raffensberger and Gabe Sterling in GA.
There are so many layers to what the uniparty/deep state is up to its not always easy to keep it organized on a priority basis.
"Or any potential Republican candidate deemed threatening."
Which makes me wonder about the intelligence of the "We need Trump's policies, just without Trump's drama" people. Not very bright, are they?
People with private sector jobs who don’t just throw out the jury summons tell the judge that they can’t afford to have zero income for a month.
While employers must give employees off for jury service they don’t have to pay them and most don’t.
Also, people with kids in school can’t afford to line up extra care.
This is basic reality.
You can quote whatever you want. The reality is that most people who serve on juries more than a week are government workers or retired.
You can look up the studies.
What I find so interesting, and potentially momentous, about this is that a couple of clownish judges and juries in NYC have just converted half the White people in America to a, more or less, Black mindset regarding the integrity and fairness of the legal system. Fascinating to watch how that plays out.
I don't think this affects the outcome of the election one way or another. The Democrat's ballot creation machine certainly hasn't shrunk in the last four years and I've never had a doubt about their ability to steal 2024. But now this kangaroo court becomes part of the tale and that could have a profound impact on how people react to the aftermath of that fraud. As some have observed, this could be a serious piece of self-sabotage on the Donk's part,
The sky is still falling
@Robert Cook
Stuff it, commie. That quote doesn't mean squat. It only reflects who is or in not *eligible* for jury duty, not how the jury selection process works. I deferred my jury service for over a year without doing more than simply calling the courthouse and saying I wanted to reschedule it. The judge has the final say on who can be excused from the jury panel, and he can excuse a prospective juror for any reason.
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