April 23, 2024

"'There’s just one question on voting day. Do you want an Islamized Europe or a European Europe?'"

"This stark choice was posed by Marion Maréchal, a rising star of the French far right, at the launch of her party’s campaign for the European elections in June.... While Ms. Maréchal’s Reconquest party sulfurously accuses elites of orchestrating a Great Replacement of Christians by Muslims, it seeks its own place in the corridors of power. Across the continent, the aim of far-right parties like hers is not to exit the bloc but, increasingly, to take it over. In this project, they have a model: Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy....  Ms. Meloni’s group, dominated by her Brothers of Italy party and Poland’s Law and Justice, isn’t the only European home for far-right forces. There’s also the Identity and Democracy group, which houses France’s National Rally and Italy’s League party.... Far from seeking to break up the European Union, these far-right groups are now bidding to put their own stamp on it — to create what Ms. Maréchal calls a 'civilizational Europe' rather than the technocratic 'commission’s version of Europe.' Ms. Meloni, for her part, seems convinced the two can go together."

Writes David Broder, in "The Far Right Wants to Take Over Europe, and She’s Leading the Way" (NYT).

This David Broder is the author of a 2023 book titled "Mussolini’s Grandchildren: Fascism in Contemporary Italy." Don't confuse him with David S. Broder, the Washington Post journalist, who died in 2011 at the age of 81. I accidentally used my David Broder tag for this post, but have removed it.


gilbar said...

so.. It is now "FAR RIGHT" to Not want your home to become an islamic republic?

Iman said...

Yeah, Broder… this is bad news because lefty nitwits have done such a bang-up job governing Europe. Get a grip.

MadisonMan said...

Why are these parties called 'Far Right' by the NYTimes?
I'm also trying to figure out the meaning of that adverb sulfurously and picturing the Marion talking sulfurously.

Achilles said...

""'There’s just one question on voting day. Do you want an Islamized Europe or a European Europe?'""

That is far right now.

Not shockingly so is election integrity.

Political Junkie said...

Author is David Broder. Must be another David Broder. The old WP reporter David Broder I thought was dead.

fairmarketvalue said...

Nice to see ol' Get Along, Go Along David Broder consistently labeling any populist movement as "far right" or "extreme". He know who signs his paycheck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you don't demand the Islamic take over- you are a bigot and a racist... and stuff.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's "far right" to want to save your nation from insanity.

Kate said...

sulfurously ...

I guess that's a clever way of calling someone satanic. It's uglily used, though, in my opinion.

Levi Starks said...

So, if elected the “far right” becomes the new “center” is that how it works?

Political Junkie said...

We all are responsible.
The Anglo West (also Japan and others) has super low birthrates. I had no children. My mom had one. Her parents had three. The inverse pyramid. But National GDP, which matters greatly, is dependent upon a growing population. National Welfare/Retirement systems are dependent upon growing populations. Kind of a ponzi scheme, in a way.
So...we will remain the United States of 50 states, but the substance or make up is unrecognizable from 100 years ago.


baghdadbob said...

"Voting Day?!" What's that? Over here, in a more enlightened society, we have "voting month."

n.n said...

The far-left yearns to recycle a national socialist paradise replete with diversity dogma, redistributive change, and human rites.

SGT Ted said...

So, based on this new standard, are decolonization advocates now "far right"?

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

The Right is always being called extreme, for being reasonable.

n.n said...

The far-right on the governance continuum is anarchist.

RCOCEAN II said...

As the WaPo and NYTs (and all the MSM) go further and further to the Left, what they consider the extreme Right expands exponetially.

Now, only "Extreme Rightwingers" in Europe don't wont their crowded European countries filled with Muslim and African immigrants. The obvious question would be Why should any patriotic European want that?

To Broder, anyone who disagrees with 5 percent of the liberal/leftwing agenda is "Rightwing" and anyone who disagrees with 10 percent is "Extreme Right". Of couse, if you're so far left you consider Tump a "fascist" then it all makes sense.

THe UK and Europe have the same problem. All these countries have a massive bloc of idiots who will vote for their center or Leftwing parties NO MATTER WHAT. And no matter how bad things get. For example, the french centrist constantly votes for people like Macron because they hate Le Pen. Then they get screwed by Macron who raises the retirement age. Or wants to go to war with Russia. In Germany, the crazy anti-Russian policies are literally bankrupty the country, but german centrists would rather shiver and die in the dark then vote for the German conservative party that opposes the war.

They're just stuck on stupid and doomed to die.

Kakistocracy said...

The overwhelming reason for the rise of the far right is the widespread and growing concern about illegal immigration. Address that concern and the far right would decline.

Mason G said...

"The Far Right Wants to Take Over Europe, and She’s Leading the Way"

What does the Far Left want, and who is leading it?

Enigma said...

Oh, what delicate flowers inhabit legacy media and the EU. Recall that Europe invented the "Age of Exploration," and then discovered, colonized, and taught the missionary position to every non-European country all around the world. The French and Italians even had silly no-profit empires just for filling the map and bragging rights. The USA reacted with the "Monroe Doctrine" to push the Europeans out of the western hemisphere.

The European right, center right, and far right were all killed and crushed during WW1 and WW2. Everyone in the EU bowed in apology for two generations, but those people are all gone today. So now, why the shock that Europe is returning to their historic aggression and middle-range politics.

Robert Cook said...

"The Right is always being called extreme, for being reasonable.

Ha! Extremists will naturally consider other like-minded extremists as being "reasonable."

M Jordan said...

The happiest night of my life* was election night 2016. Watching liberal meltdowns in real time gave me indescribable joy. The Young Turks nervous breakdown was the cherry on top, a meltdown so exquisite I get goosebumps today remembering it. I don’t care about European righties, wars abroad, Trump’s policies, his hush money, his sex life, his anything … I just want to watch the smirking demons in the media melt down like that again. And the cherry on top this time will be Biden escorting the Trumps back into the White House. If this makes me Far Right, so be it.

*well, allowing for hyperbole

gspencer said...

So far the answer to her question is an Islamized Europe.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This raises the question...
Who's the colonizer now, dickhead?
Sharia demands a hijab for ALL women or else everybody must get stoned.
Finally we can get rid of all those pesky women's rights once and for all.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gunny was right.
"Ya hate yourself, bitch".

Joe Smith said...

'Far right' again.

Europe is already lost I think. Certainly the UK is fucked.

The muslims will out-breed the natives and the empire will fall.

St. Paul cathedral will be a mosque in thirty years if not sooner.

The monarchy will disappear, and Buckingham Palace will be the home of the head Imam of London.

This is not hyperbole.

Deep State Reformer said...

It will be interesting to see if state & NGO media gatekeepers will allow such "plain talk" (i.e., honest discourse) in French & EU media leading up to the election. I doubt it myself.

Narr said...

Europe for the Europeans!

A guy can hope.

Michael said...

In the NYT there is no right wing only far right. Been that way for years. Never ever far left. Not even once. And yes I would argue for a Europe for Europeans having seen the destruction the adherents of the religion of peace have brought to the continent and the UK. you are clearly Jewish and thus will provoke the mob of screeching Islamists.

Ficta said...

Wouldn't you characterize the "Islamic Republic" (i.e. Iran) as "far right"? Baathism in Iraq was directly derived from Nazi models. The Muslim world teams with various versions of explicit authoritarianism. I wouldn't call opposition to the immigration of large numbers of theocratic fascists as, exactly, "far right", it sounds like liberalism to me.

At least in the US, our flood of interlopers are mostly Marxist Catholics, and that's...better? I guess? Maybe?

John henry said...

Oriana Fallaci was a helluva writer, journalist and woman.

She was writing about this 30-40 years ago.

She called it "Eurabia"

She wasn't wrong

John Henry

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"The Right is always being called extreme, for being reasonable.

Ha! Extremists will naturally consider other like-minded extremists as being "reasonable."

Cook's self awareness = 0

PB said...

How is this a "gar right" position.ot seems common sense and this in the middle.

Gusty Winds said...

"The Far Right Wants to Take Over Europe, and She’s Leading the Way"

"White People Want to Run Europe Again Like They Have for Thousands of Years"

Rusty said...

Yes. The left , like Cook, looks at middle of the road nationalism and , clutching their pearls, call it far right. Islam is a threat. Don't do Islam.

Big Mike said...

I would not be happy to see the great cathedrals of Chartres or Cologne turned into mosques, as happened with the Hagia Sophia. I suspect lots of other Europeans feel much the same.

I read the article and I’m hard pressed to figure out what this David Broder thinks Italy’s Meloni has done wrong. Italy as a country is demonstrably better off than it was prior to her election. What’s wrong with thst?

Big Mike said...

For years the standard jibe at Republicans was that one cannot fly with just a right wing. Yet Democrats think they can fly with just the extreme tip of the left wing. Surely someone besides me thinks that’s absurd? Plus, of course, the type of extremists who write for the New York Times (and the people who read them) deliberately define centrist positions as far right extremism as they press ever further left.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


The overwhelming reason for the rise of the far right is the widespread and growing concern about illegal immigration. Address that concern and the far right would decline.

I agree (a rare situation when it comes to Rich!) But it's not quite that; it's that "far Right" is defined as opposition to Muslim and African immigration. That's the only thing you need. Oh, sure, it helps if you are also opposed to some of Brussels' wackier regulatory schemes. But immigration is the be-all-and-end-all.

I am reminded of Pim Fortuyn, who before his assassination was a Dutch politician. He was, of course, "far Right," though as a gay professor of sociology he does seem an odd candidate for the role. (Mark Steyn has a line somewhere about the grim specter of "gay sociology professors goose-stepping in their screamingly camp jackboots all over Europe.") But, see, all he did was call out radical Islam. Which, of course, got him killed.

Iman said...

‘Ha! Extremists will naturally consider other like-minded extremists as being "reasonable."’

Well said, Comrade Cookskavich!

Yancey Ward said...

On present demographic trends and trends in illegal immigration, every country in Europe will be majority Islamic by around 2075. The big problems will start far earlier, though, when the percent reaches 20%, which will be around 2040-2050.

If Christian Europe changes nothing, it will cease being Christian and cease being a liberal democracy. Right now you are witnessing pathological altruism run rampant.

Freder Frederson said...

"White People Want to Run Europe Again Like They Have for Thousands of Years"

You don't know much about European history, do you?

The Real Andrew said...

Hasn’t PM Meloni been a disappointment on this issue? What has she actually done to turn the situation around in Italy? My understanding is that many of her voters feel betrayed. I’m curious if she has actually had some success against illegal immigration, Islamic demographics, etc.

Gusty Winds said...

I really don't care about Europe's self-inflicted wounds. After two world wars, and all the shit they did to people around the globe...fuck'em. And now in some complete reversal, they are allowing the people they once oppressed (Hindus and Muslims) to dominate their cultures and governments. Must be from a sense of mass guilt. Self flagellation on a continental scale.

The Prime Minister of the UK, Rishi Sunak, is Hindu. Gandhi has to be laughing in his grave.

London Mayor Sadiq Kahn is Muslim. Humza Yousaf, Scotland's First Minister is Muslim, and just implemented draconian anti-free speech measures.

The United States has never been the same since we put a Kenyan born homosexual Muslim in the White House.

Jupiter said...

"The Far Right" = white people.

Michael said...

"The Far Right Wants to Take Over Europe, and She’s Leading the Way" (NYT).

They say that like it's a bad thing. Note the upper case; has the Times ever identified a Far Left?

Jersey Fled said...

“But National GDP, which matters greatly, is dependent upon a growing population.”

Not necessarily so.

In 1900 roughly half of the U.S. population worked in one industry. Agriculture. Today that number is 2% and we are a net exporter of agricultural products. The difference: productivity.

This is but one example.

Productivity gains trump population gains in terms of GDP growth.

Butkus51 said...

not wanting to live under Sharia law is now far right

isnt Sharia law far right?

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Is "sulfurously" the new "unexpectedly?"

Gospace said...

A truly reasonable question.

In history, this question has been asked and answered many times. By warfare, not votes. Centuries of warfare. Where all different varieties of Europeans, either together or separately, resisted muslim onslaught. City states, nations, kings and princes, knights and serfs, at sea and on land.

There is no allowance in slam for peaceful coexistence with anyone else. Period. People of the book are tolerated, barely. And are second class citizens wherever islam rules.

Today's most influential atheists and humanists and freethinkers have begun to realize they can only exist and speak freely in a Christian society. Some would like to have a Christian society without that icky Christianity part, but it seems you need the Christianity first to establish a Christian society, and the Christianity needs to continue to maintain it. What a conundrum...

Sometimes the choices are either/or. We're facing an either/or this November. There is no middle ground.

Quaestor said...

Robert Cook's position on this question boils down to the Battle of Lepanto. He thinks the wrong side won.

PM said...

Do Parisians still enjoy the 18th arrondissement?

hawkeyedjb said...

Take over Europe? Maybe "prevent the takeover of Europe," but no matter. The time for that has passed. There are hundreds of no-go zones in European cities, all of them characterized by one thing: a Muslim population. And Europe's governments continue to import vast numbers of second- and third-world habitants; Europeans have accepted this with docility and will get to live with the result in their shrinking White People Zones.

Smilin' Jack said...

"'There’s just one question on voting day. Do you want an Islamized Europe or a European Europe?'"

I can almost hear the chants now: "From the ocean to the sea, Europe shall be free!"

Russia will be a tougher nut to crack, though. Wouldn't it be ironic/cool if Putin became the savior of Western Civilization?

Joe Smith said...

'I would not be happy to see the great cathedrals of Chartres or Cologne turned into mosques, as happened with the Hagia Sophia. I suspect lots of other Europeans feel much the same.'

Then they better start doing something about it instead of welcoming in the Muslim hordes with open arms and welfare checks.

'You don't know much about European history, do you?'

Tell us about all the people of color who are indigenous to Europe. The Catholics had the good sense to kick the Muslims out.

And tell me about how the ancient Egyptians were really black and that black people are the true inventors of the airplane, etc.

All Wakanda fabulist bullshit. Like Joe Biden teaching history.

Jim Gust said...

Why is National Socialism called far right, when it was manifestly far left?

Lee Moore said...

Just a little background on the characterisation of Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy as "far-right" or even occasionally "neo-fascist." This is popular in lefty media (is there another kind - Ed?) and is based on the fact that a minor faction of Brothers of Italy is distantly descended from the Italian Social Movement, a post WW2 Mussolini apologist party, which later merged with other parties, and then other other parties, until eventually we get Brothers of Italy. Thus a small part of Brothers of Italy is distanty descended from the beastly fascists of 1945. That is enough to get La Meloni and the Brothers of Italy tagged as "far right" and "neo fascist."

Meanwhile the main oppostion party in Italy, the Democratic Party, is also the result of a number of more recent party mergers. By far the largest fraction - easily a majority - of the Democratic Party derives from the Democrats of the Left. Which was a simple renaming of the Italian Communist Party dating all the way back to ... 1991. Thus the main oppostion party does not have a tiny fascist antecedant dating back to the ancient history of 1945. Instead its majority fraction was the actual Italian Communist Party, all the way up to the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991. You may search for that little detail, or the designation "far left" or "ex-communist" in the pages of the lefty press....in vain.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"White People Want to Run Europe Again Like They Have for Thousands of Years"

"You don't know much about European history, do you?"

And you know even less. Which you manage to prove every time you comment.

Static Ping said...

When the elites either are so corrupt that they are damaging the people they are supposed to lord over, or when the elites hate their own people, the people will look for alternatives. The problem is the elites are often quite effective at quashing the respectable alternatives, so the people will turn to more and more radical options. The radical options are often not better than the elites they oppose, but at least they are different. The elites now shout about the far right and the fascists, but they are only here because the elites created them.

The corrupt will not give up their corruption easily.

Jim at said...

Stopped reading right there.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Jim at said...

Ha! Extremists will naturally consider other like-minded extremists as being "reasonable."

Ha! Maybe you could explain just what's so 'extremist' about our position on this issue.

guitar joe said...

One of the ironies of the last 30 years or so is that the same progressives who karp endlessly about conservative Christians think any criticism or concern about an increased influence by Islam is xenophobia. On the reverse, though, I wonder if cultural conservatives have considered that a limited partnership with Muslims might help them block some of the trends they find so appalling.

Howard said...

Thank Gaia for the Atlantic Ocean. It saves us from the consequences of our botched foreign policy and ill advised wars and coups.

Hassayamper said...

The Anglo West (also Japan and others) has super low birthrates.

That's a policy choice. There are rivers of money currently stolen from the taxpayers and pissed away on unfettered immigration, permanent foreign wars, and gifts to corrupt, far-off countries that returns as kickbacks and bribes to politicians of both parties. It's more than enough to support lavish tax credits or direct cash payments for making babies. We could double our birth rate in a year if we took it seriously.

Joe Smith said...

'Why is National Socialism called far right, when it was manifestly far left?'

Because liberals lie about everything.

They also want you to believe republicans were the party of slavery.

Manifestly untrue...

Joe Smith said...

'We could double our birth rate in a year if we took it seriously.'

Fuck for prosperity™

Kind of has a ring to it : )

Achilles said...

Jim Gust said...

Why is National Socialism called far right, when it was manifestly far left?


Definitionally as well.

It is because progressives have no self awareness and even less ability to take responsibility for their failures.

When you want to take everyone else's stuff and kill those that resist you have to be fundamentally dishonest.

Mason G said...

"I wonder if cultural conservatives have considered that a limited partnership with Muslims might help them block some of the trends they find so appalling."

As with with Democrats, the only partnership they will be interested in is one that advances their causes.

Tina Trent said...

How, precisely, is this more culturally nationalistic than the behavior of any obese towelhead dimwit middle-east billionaire eating our defense dollars like a banana split, except that Europe has a cultural history worth saving?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Freder Frederson,

You don't know much about European history, do you?

Ummm . . . Tell me, Freder, who are the indigenous people of Europe? Who should get the land acknowledgements? Who have cause to be alarmed by massive influxes of people distinctly different in culture from themselves?

I do understand that non-Europeans have some cause to resent past European incursions into their own territory. But surely you can see that this runs both ways. If Europeans were allowed to live peacefully in non-European countries, I can see a reciprocal arrangement working. But the current state of things is other than that.

Look, Europeans must originate somewhere, yes? Is it so bizarre to think that that "somewhere" might be, well, Europe? Would you have them all be permanently stateless?

Gospace said...

Jim Gust said...
Why is National Socialism called far right, when it was manifestly far left?

The L/R axis in Europe (and most of the world) is fundamentally different then the L?R axis in the USA- something a lot of Americans don't understand.
Europe- Left is total government control of the economy- and everything else. Right is business cooperation with the government in economic decisions and running everything else.

USA left is- more government control, right is more individual freedom. Almost every political party in Europe is left to the far left on the USA scale.

It shows up in a number of different ways in different countries. Let's take law enforcement. The USA does not have a national police force- The FBI isn't that. WE have local police- in towns that have a PD. Mine doesn't. County sheriffs, who have far more power then most people realize, and state police. And- railroad police, private companies with federally recognized police powers. When I was on a port visit to New Zealand I was partnered with the New Zealand Police. One nation, one centralized PD that decided where it would have officers stationed... No jurisdictional disputes.

Volunteer fire departments are rare outside America. They're the norm for rural America. And every state has different rules. here, in NY, the VFD has a certain area they cover, and that area is a tax district. If we don't pay the tax, we'll lose our house at a tax auction, guaranteed. When we lived in SC the VFD that serviced us was volunteer, period. No tax money. They came around once a year for a "donation". No requirement to pay them. If you didn't, and there was VFD serving your area, your fire insurance was null and void. Not the rest of the property insurance, just the fire part... If you didn't "donate" they were still required to come out and rescue any people in the house. People, not pets or anything else. Once the people were out, well, they were doe. They would watch the building burn until it was no longer a threat to neighboring properties. If we didn't pay them, we were betting we'd have no fires where we might lose the house. So a chance of losing the house instead of a guarantee we would...

In the USA any still understand that in a real emergency type emergency, the first responders are anyone nearby. In Europe, everywhere, the populace is conditioned to wait for help and instructions. One of the bigger problems in the US is authorities getting in the way of private volunteer rescues. No problem in Europe, they don't exist for the government to get in the way of. The feds have been known to stop Cajun Navy rescue efforts because the volunteers weren't properly trained in equal opportunity...

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"Thank Gaia for the Atlantic Ocean. It saves us from the consequences of our botched foreign policy and ill advised wars and coups."
Where Chinese spy balloons go to die.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Once Islam dominates Europe, it will truly be "far right".
And Broder, ironically, will welcome it.

mikee said...

Babies are destiny. If the West won't birth babies themselves, or stop the parents & kids born elsewhere from coming to visit permanently, a few censuses from now the old neighborhood is gonna look a bit different. Think of it as a larger scale block-busting effort done not by a racial minority but by a completely different and in many ways abhorrent culture. And be prepared to abhor that culture when it gets a boot on your face.

Rocco said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
Ummm . . . Tell me, Freder, who are the indigenous people of Europe? Who should get the land acknowledgements?

There’s actually a dance for that.

Rocco said...

After Islamic armies conquered Egypt, it took half a millennium for the population to become majority Muslim. It looks like it will take a fraction of that time in Europe.

Rocco said...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
“Ummm . . . Tell me, Freder, who are the indigenous people of Europe? Who should get the land acknowledgements?”

Rocco responded
There’s actually a dance for that.

Link does not seem to be working. Neanderthal Land Acknowledgement: https://krfoundation.org/grant/neanderthal-land-acknowledgement/

Narr said...

Rocco says, "After Islamic armies conquered Egypt, it half a millennium for the population to become majority Muslim."

Muslim conquerors--especially the Ottomans--seldom insisted on everyone converting or dying (though instances exist). It was much more profitable to make the conquered acknowledge their inferiority and pay taxes that Muslims were exempt from.

In the Balkans, the Ottomans got a lot of the elite to convert by allowing them to keep their wealth and status. The peasants had no wealth and status to lose and largely remained Christian.

Narr said...

There were mosques as far north as Vilnius up until the early 20th century, and a few small secluded ones can still be found in the sticks of former Poland-Lithuania according to Mikanowski's recent book "Goodbye, Eastern Europe."

And there were a few thousand African-descended sailors and fishermen in the Adriatic, remnants of which still exist. I'm not sure that was in Mikanowski or Martyn Rady's book "The Middle Kingdoms." (Probably Rady.)

OTOH, the old German proverb that "Africa begins at the Pyrenees" had some resonance until quite recent times.

Narr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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