April 27, 2024

Scoop: A man walks.

I'm reading "Scoop: Biden changes walking routine to Marine One" (Axios).
With aides walking between Biden and journalists' camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old's halting and stiff gait.... Some Biden advisers have told Axios they're concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.


rhhardin said...


Drago said...

Its hilarious watching the Helper Herd disembark and then, ever so tenuously, wait for dementia boy to step on the grass and begin to move before they scoot over quickly, but not to quickly, to provide cover for the...uh..."stutterer".

(In Bowery Boys/East End Kids/Jon Lovitz' Liar Character Tone): Yeah. Stutterer! Thats the ticket! Sure sure. Stutterer.

Sally327 said...

He doesn't seem to be in pain when he walks so that's good.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Interestingly enough, when I click over there to see what they are talking about, there is no video of the president walking towards the helicopter, on a story about the president walking to the helicopter. It's as if they had to write a story they didn't want to write? They didn't want to soil their readers precious timeline with the Biden slow walk video. BTW. Those are abundant on the assholes side. ;-)

Heartless Aztec said...

What's the over/under on the CIA allowing President Biden to stay alive?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Btw, I first thought 'Scoop' had something to do with Biden's walk. That's what motivated me to click on the source material.

RideSpaceMountain said...

It still amazes me that people don't get the unprecedented nature of this. This is so much worse than anything that was done to minimize Taft's obesity or Roosevelt's use of a wheelchair due to polio. You are for the first time ever able to literally see the household chamberlains carry this decrepit dementia riddled carcass towards a finish line, and not for his sake, but so that they can keep their jobs.

tommyesq said...

Scoop - aides try to shield obvious mental and physical decline of sitting president. Why do so? They know that people would not vote for him if they saw his true condition. Conclusion - obvious election interference. Someone call Alvin Bragg's office!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Husk-puppet will be hidden from view. His loyalty to the Neo-Marxist Soros take over is very handy. That Crook Joe is decrepit, is not a problem.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Also a good way to screen him from questions shouted by the WH press pool.

Curious George said...

"Gaitgate." That's a winner.

My favorite thing about Biden's walking is when he breaks out the faux two step jog.

Aggie said...

@Heartless Aztec said: "What's the over/under on the CIA allowing President Biden to stay alive? "

I don't know, isn't it self-evident? I reckon this is a dream come true - anything the intelligence services wants, they can advocate for with whatever committee is in charge. Quite possibly, they chair that committee anyway. They've managed to do away with the potential nuisance of an extremely powerful, independent position with a bully pulpit that is potentially liable to be awkward about deployment of all the fun things in their toybox. It would seem to me that this is precisely the way a clandestine power would prefer it to be. Now they're the power behind the power behind the empty throne.

gilbar said...

Heartless Aztec said...
What's the over/under on the CIA allowing President Biden to stay alive?

dead by the end of the convention.. Most Probably, dies the first evening (possibly on camera)..
Them the nation will rally around whomever the DNC picks to be the new figurehead..
New figurehead will win the election with well over 100,000,000 votes: Largest turnout EVER

Joe said...

Wrap Biden in a powered exoskeleton that he can control with his brain.

gilbar said...

seriously, what human is going to vote for this disaster?
Fortunately, the democrats no longer even try to get human votes.

Tank said...

As long as he is walking, why not walk over to where the press is and take some random questions?

Yancey Ward said...

Here is the stock footage the White House has put out for the media to use if they desire to show Biden walking anywhere in a news story.

Wince said...

Scoop: Biden changes walking routine to Marine One


I thought Biden might have shit on the White House lawn.

Mr. O. Possum said...

As SpaceMountain above says, it is utterly amazing he remains in office after dozens of bizarre public appearances in which he appears lost or says lunatic things.

Our political system has failed us.

"The result of all this is now clear: The ‘68ers and the radical left as a whole have collapsed into something very like Nazism," says the recent essay This is the Way 1968 Ends.

Another essay "The Americans Who Long for Caesar" is equally chilling.

"Meanwhile, Michael Anton, a former speechwriter for Donald Trump, has spent a great deal of time on recent podcasts and in his book explaining why the time may now be ripe for an American Caesar, a form of government that lies somewhere between monarchy and tyranny. Charles Haywood, reviewing Anton’s book, argues that a Caesar is the only way to truly save Western civilization. Kevin Slack, a colleague of Anton’s at Hillsdale College, argues in War on the American Republic that the United States has been seized by an out-of-touch cosmopolitan class that includes “entrenched bureaucracy, the military, the media, and the government-sponsored corporations.” One solution is a “Red Caesar” or a leader “whose post-Constitutional rule will restore the strength of his people.”

If such ruminations were simply the ramblings of a handful of cranky intellectuals there would be very little need to address them. But these ideas are gaining currency with Blake Masters, Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance, and other darlings of the so-called “new right.” Support for strongmen in the United States is also apparent in Donald Trump’s overt desire for vengeance and the fact that an increasing number of Republicans openly admire autocratic governments in China and Russia."

Both left and right appear headed in the same direction. Who will get there first?

Bob Boyd said...

The American Presidency is a phantom limb.

MadisonMan said...

I figure this was done because of an increasing fall risk.

Doug said...

Do you think his staff has ever heard of the Streisand Effect?

Gilbar, I agree. He will die in his sleep and there will be no autopsy.

John henry said...

And here I was expecting a post on Evelyn Waugh

I am disappointed

John Henry

Humperdink said...

Mr. O Possum asserted: "If such ruminations were simply the ramblings of a handful of cranky intellectuals there would be very little need to address them. But these ideas are gaining currency with Blake Masters, Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance, and other darlings of the so-called “new right.” Support for strongmen in the United States is also apparent in Donald Trump’s overt desire for vengeance and the fact that an increasing number of Republicans openly admire autocratic governments in China and Russia.""

Radio host Jesse Kelly has stated on more than one occasion the left better hope Trump wins. He will act restrained. If he loses, the next Trump will be far worse.

BTW Mr. O Possum, was there any evidence that Trump after his antagonists in his first term? Hillary in particular. He could have but chose the high road.

gilbar said...

Doug said...
He will die in his sleep and there will be no autopsy.

anyone that asks for an autopsy will be guilty of insurrection, and imprisoned without trial (or charges)

Joe Smith said...

Pretty soon they'll be carrying him on a litter like a Pharaoh of old.

There's no way in hell they will ever let him use a cane. Optics.

But one fall from here to the election and he is out.

Drago said...

If history is our guide, Howitzer Howard will deny "walking" even exists before moving to a claim that Biden walks better than any other human at anytime in history. Meanwhile, LLR-democratical Rich and gadfly will assert confidently biden's gait and pace is even MORE "evidence" of Trump's clear felonious behavior.

gspencer said...

Many of the pictures I've seen over the last year show the face of a man looking more and more like the Banjo Boy in Deliverance,


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Joe said:

“… that he can control with his brain”

Problem is, Joe’s brain is in even worse shape than his legs.

Night Owl said...

"Why do so? They know that people would not vote for him if they saw his true condition. Conclusion - obvious election interference. Someone call Alvin Bragg's office!"

Same thought popped into my head.
Another example of our two tiered system of justice. Democrats routinely interfere with elections with impunity.

I wonder how much was spent to downplay the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the last election?

Ralph L said...

Yancey Ward said...
Here is the stock footage the White House has put out

When I pulled up your youtube link, Every Single One of the side videos was also from The Obama White House. That's never happened to me before with any other channel. Youtube gave the National Archive special privileges. Trump's did the same thing, but his channel is called Trump White House Archived, not The Trump White House.

effinayright said...

They should just give him a damn walker and be done with it.

Or else have have him fitted with anti-gravity devices to hekp him move around, like that Harkonnen dude in Dune2.

(but that was needed because the guy was too "grossly and immensely fat" to walk unaided.
So...probably a better fit with Chris Christie.)

effinayright said...

Mr. O Possum quoted someone:

".... the fact that an increasing number of Republicans openly admire autocratic governments in China and Russia."

Mr O Possum....can you or the author of that allegedly factual statement offer any examples of that "admiration"?

How about of numbers, let alone "increasing numbers"?

Can YOU name any Trump supporters who admire totalitarian governments?

What bullshit.

Original Mike said...

I know there's a ton of these now, but I had to laugh at the recent video of Biden reading 'pause' off the teleprompter.

I didn't laugh at the White House covering it up as "inaudible" in the transcript.

Readering said...

I miss Obama.

Mason G said...

"Support for strongmen in the United States is also apparent in Donald Trump’s overt desire for vengeance..."

As opposed to the current administration's actual practice of vengeance, I suppose.

Readering said...

He should use a golf cart like Trump.

Readering said...

I despise Junior' no matter whom he might help, but I also think it might be fun to watch a debate with the Veep, Shanahan and the farm animal killer.

Humperdink said...

I would be surprise if Mr. O Possum responds. His best option is to play dead.

Captain BillieBob said...

"Wrap Biden in a powered exoskeleton that he can control with his brain."

If he only had a brain.

Rusty said...

Joe said...
"Wrap Biden in a powered exoskeleton that he can control with his brain."
With his dementia? That would be hilarious. Let's do that.

james said...

It seems clear enough why someone would vote for Biden, even with his evident deficiencies.

No human being can understand the federal government in all of its complexity. Whoever you choose for President, you're really choosing an unseen team, and trusting that the "brand" represented by the candidate will encourage the things you desire. Maybe the candidate picks the team, maybe the party selects the package; we don't have direct control of any of it. (Some of the team get official positions and we hear about them.)

If you feel that this administration is on the right track, and are proud that you are now strong enough to carry $100 of groceries, you support that team. A figurehead has an advantage: a conscious candidate might interfere with the team. If it isn't broke, don't fix it; you vote for the figurehead.

Joe Smith said...

'He should use a golf cart like Trump.'

Typical low-IQ comment from a moron lefty.

Because nobody ever drives a golf cart when golfing.


Mr. O. Possum said...


The essay I quoted names Masters, Thiel, Vance, Anton, Haywood, and Slack. (Sounds like a decent law firm.)

It also says, "The political theorist and prominent Trump advisor Michael Anton has suggested that an American Caesar might be inevitable. The far-right blogger Charles Haywood openly calls for Caesarist government. The influential Catholic journal First Things has provided an impassioned defense of the Emperor Augustus. As isolated statements they are not so frightening—but they are representative of a larger move away from free government on the right, one that shares disturbing ideological parallels to the fall of the Roman Republic. If we wish to preserve American democracy, it is important to understand contemporary Caesarism."

What they wrote or said, the author does not say.

So, point taken.

Nonetheless, it is a thoughtful essay and worth reading.

The ugly games now being played by Democrats could easily be used against them in lawful and unlawful ways.

Indigo Red said...

His gait is that of an elderly man. However, I have the same gait as Biden, and no one questions my ability to think. I don't have any issues with how the man walks. In fact, I think someone should give him a cane for balance and a paved walkway between the White House and the helicopter. Walking on high-cut grass is neither safe nor easy. We have witnessed female aides and First Ladies having trouble traversing the grass. I suggest replacing the Air Force One stairs with a covered lift. Walking up and down an elevated stairway in the open is an invitation to disaster and assassination. No president should be subjected to such physical impediments.

Despite his physical frailties, Biden should have been put out to pasture a very long time ago. His mental faculties are gone with the wind. Biden's is not an administration of an executive but of a bureaucracy covering for a blathering idiot.

Drago said...

Readering: "He should use a golf cart like Trump."

Trump used a golf cart to go from the White House to Marine 1?

Wow. That's quite a claim. Can you back it up? Or is this just the latest in a list of hundreds of New Soviet Democratical hoaxes?

Let me guess: you read about in a "dossier"? You guys love anything if its in a "dossier".

Readering said...

Joe Smith, who else drives a golf cart in the greens?

mccullough said...

One small step for man

Iman said...

Curious George said…

“My favorite thing about Biden's walking is when he breaks out the faux two step jog.”

That is amusing… but teh pièce de résistance is when he’s walking (P0TATUS version), makes a rigid turn, and raises his arms like Frankenstein as he walks to the microphone.

Jupiter said...

"It still amazes me that people don't get the unprecedented nature of this. This is so much worse than anything that was done to minimize Taft's obesity or Roosevelt's use of a wheelchair due to polio."

Actually, there is a fairly close precedent in the final months of the Wilson regime, which was run by Mrs. Wilson or Colonel House, depending on whose story you believe.

Readering said...

Drago: your reading comprehension inferior to Joe Smith's.

Former Illinois resident said...

Wait till he shakes the poop out of his Depends again.

Jim at said...

Once again - on a post completely and totally about Joe Biden - some people manage to turn it into something about Trump.

Josephbleau said...

"I miss Obama."

In the words of the song, how can I miss you if you won't go away.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden's brain couldn't even control a Roomba in an otherwise empty room.

Michael said...

Smart move. He walks like he has a cob up his ass.

Achilles said...

gilbar said...

Doug said...
He will die in his sleep and there will be no autopsy.

anyone that asks for an autopsy will be guilty of insurrection, and imprisoned without trial (or charges)

And more importantly you will no longer be able to criticize the dead person and must show respect for him because that is how we are supposed to treat dead people.

Bunkypotatohead said...
