April 12, 2024

"I confess, I had sometimes imagined my assassin rising up in some public forum or other, and coming for me in just this way."

"So my first thought when I saw this murderous shape rushing towards me was, 'So it’s you. Here you are.'"

Said Salman Rushdie, quoted in "'So it’s you. Here you are': Salman Rushdie describes moment he was stabbed/In first interview since his stabbing, writer tells how knifeman was 'last thing my right eye would ever see'" (The Guardian).
"One of the surgeons who had saved my life said to me, 'First you were really unlucky and then you were really lucky.' I said, 'What’s the lucky part?' and he said 'Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife'"....


mccullough said...

Surprised it took this many years.

Rushdie is the same age as OJ Simpson. He’s lucky it wasn’t OJ with the knife but just a garden variety Jihadi

gilbar said...

ANOTHER epic failure, of the world's education system!

The rule of Lemnity said...

the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife'"....

Reminds me of that 'It never occurred to anybody,' tragedy in Baltimore.

Achilles said...

'Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife'

Striking down with a knife is not nearly as effective and strikes that are level or upward. Our bodies are designed to protect from attacks that come from above and at down swing angles for evolutionary reasons.

Most trained knife strikes are going to angle up and in so that you reach organs or come up under the bone structure where arteries are usually on the bottom side of bones.

WK said...

“ 'Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife'"....
Insert Norm MacDonald OJ joke here….

Gusty Winds said...

Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife...

...unlike OJ.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife"

They're not good at killing most things with knives. I've seen hack jobs on goats in the ME that would've suffered less had they used a hatchet. It's probably one of the reasons they specifically target the helpless. Toeing the line with anyone halfway competent makes mincemeat of them.

Howard said...

What RideSpaceMountain said: a grown man isn't a small teenage girl who was just gang raped by your fellow jihajis.

FWBuff said...

My elderly neighbor and her husband go to Chautauqua every year. She teaches a class on making pies and pie crusts, of all things. They were in the audience when Rushdie was attacked, and witnessed the whole thing. Of course, they were terribly upset, especially since the Chautauqua Institution has always been a peaceful place with a 19th-century educational, utopian vibe. I'm sure Rushdie's attacker knew that he was striking at a soft target, even if his knife skills were inadequate.

Wince said...

When did he drop armed security for public events?

Well, the lucky part is that the man who attacked you had no idea how to kill a man with a knife.

"This is a kill. This is a kill. An artery, this is a kill... You try."

Eva Marie said...

Whenever book stores have these self congratulatoty anti censorship displays, they somehow always forget the Satanic Verses.

BUMBLE BEE said...

A friend of mine went out on ambushes with the Whitehorse R.O.K. while he served in Viet Nam.
He was impressed with their technique and skill with blades. As a third generation Marine he'd heard of the Turk's prowess. The Koreans were no second rate bladesmen.

CJinPA said...

Not one reference to "Islamic extremist," "fundamentalist" or any motive for the fatwa and subsequent attack that is the root of the article.

Every mainstream 21st century writer must demonstrate a talent for reporting Islamic violence without mentioning Islam. Kudos to this writer.

Ice Nine said...

We always knew that even after Rushdie's fatwa was lifted there were still hundreds of rabid loons out there who didn't care that it was.

Would it be too much of a digression to say that every time that I think of this, I think of a lawfare and election theft-vanquishing '24-winning Trump.

mikee said...

Would it be impolitic to suggest a Charles Napier-ish solution to fatwa honor killings? Napier stopped suttee in India by promising to hang immediately anyone involved in the death of a widow upon her husband's funeral pyre. He explained that of course the British would respect the traditions of the Hindus. And also that the Hindus would have to respect the British tradition of hanging murderers.

Perhaps the same could be made the fate of religious death cultists, until their policy modernizes to mere verbal condemnation of the infidel. The person issuing a fatwa of course goes to the top of the list for the gallows. Bet it would incentivize a lot of modernization.

n.n said...

A bounty for a "burden".

Sebastian said...

What CJinPA said.

What in the world could have motivated the "knifeman"? How can western civ protect itself if it doesn't dare name the menace?

The Real Andrew said...

@Eva Marie,
Great point.

Maybe the same libraries could openly publish the Danish “Jyllands-Posten” cartoons of Muhammad. Being such brave free speech warriors.

Many years ago I actually considered becoming a librarian, since I was a voracious reader. Glad I dodged that bullet. They may be worse than teachers.

Narr said...

"Many years ago I actually considered becoming a librarian, since I was a voracious reader."

You might be surprised at how few librarians are.

"They may be worse than teachers."

Could be, but they generally lack the captive audience.

Oligonicella said...

I've said it before, "This is why I draw him."

Don't like what I say about you? Don't be murdering assholes.

rwnutjob said...

I'm surprised he hasted a year after "Satanic Verses"

The Real Andrew said...

That is true.