April 14, 2024

Can't we use the torture devices in the best order?

"Why did this seamy Trump trial have to be the first?" Ruth Marcus complains, in The Washington Post.

Can't we conduct this persecution in a sequence most effective in shaping the emotions of the electorate?

Don't you hate when you're using the courts to destroy a man and the courts interpose their own ways of doing things and interfere with efficient destruction?


Kai Akker said...

You said it, AA. Their ugliness cannot be concealed. It oozes out of every device, every juncture.

Shane said...

To make this cartoon NYC trial get off to its best start, Bragg should walk in and begin voir dire with "Hey! Hey! Hey! It's Fat Alvin!"

Dave Begley said...

Trump is innocent, but he will be convicted. And then sent to jail right after the verdict. I’ve never heard that discussed on TV.

Our Bastille Moment will soon be upon us.

Iman said...

A sad state of affairs, WaP00.

Iman said...

Alvin and the Chiponhisshoulder


BUMBLE BEE said...

Any means necessary. In vivid color.
Even using black flunkies to do it.
Doing their master's bidding.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The opinion piece by Ruth Marcus, barbarian writer of the barbarian Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, barbarian CEO of Amazon, is behind a pay wall. I won't pay to read it. Paying would only support the barbarians of the Democrat/Barbarian Party.

The Democrat/Barbarian Party is out to destroy the Republic so they can rule with absolute tyranny. Anything to achieve that goal is permissible, including persecuting opposition candidates (DJT) or denying them Secret Service protection (RFKJr).

wendybar said...

She belongs in prison for spewing misinformation.

Freder Frederson said...

So now that Trump's lifetime of criminality has finally caught up with him you are comparing his legal troubles to torture?

Bad choice of words, Althouse, while you were very slippery about it, you certainly never criticized Bush and Cheney's torture regime, and were ready with excuses why torture wasn't torture. You were also shocked, just shocked, that John Yoo's lectures were disrupted by protesters when he returned to Berkley.

Temujin said...

Such is the state of our journalist class. But I repeat myself.

JAORE said...

The TDS folk are legally blind on the Trump indictments.

If anyone else was subjected to the tortured manipulation of laws, linking misdemeanors to felonies, etc the left would be outraged.

But Orange Man Bad trumps all.

I'm nearing where I think lawfare retaliation if conservatives take power is the only salvation. Think Harry Reid and the filibuster of judges. And I hate that it has come to that point.

Wince said...

The headline says "seamy," but the actual Marcus article ledes with "shakiest."

Accordingly, when the public gets passed the headlines and sees this case isn't about illegal "hush money," but instead the words used in a description field of a general ledger accounting system to denote a payment to a law firm for settlement of a lawsuit.

And then how the DA displayed selective prosecutorial abuse by attempting to concoct a misdemeanor into a felony.

I think that's what Marcus meant by "shakiest."

mezzrow said...

All is proceeding as I have foreseen.

Will the individuals in control of this process develop enough wisdom in the interim to step away from this path? There is no evidence to indicate this as a possibility to date.

William said...

And then there's Fanni Willis. I think Fanni Willis brings a new level of seamy into the Trump prosecutions. You kind of expect sex workers to perjure themselves and leverage their dalliances into a big payday. Such behavior is far rarer in officers of the court, however. I give Fanni a leg up on Stormy for seamy behavior.

boatbuilder said...

So now that Trump's lifetime of criminality has finally caught up with him you are comparing his legal troubles to torture?

And this is what you come up with?

Lifetime criminality ain't what it used to be.

mikee said...

Well which seamy Trump trial did you want? Oh, wait, they're pretty much all seamy.

Charlie said...

"Why did this seamy Trump trial have to be first?"

Dollars to donuts that's the opening line Ruth uses at all the DC cocktail parties

Yancey Ward said...

There are two outcomes possible to this trial:

the most likely is that Trump is convicted and the judge immediately puts him jail;
the second most likely is Trump is convicted and the judge immediately puts him jail.

If there is any sort of justice in the world, one of the jurors will decide to hang the jury, but I don't think that will work- such a juror would almost certainly be removed by the judge on whatever grounds he can make up so that Trump can be convicted and immediately sent to jail.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'd like to see the public showing up in the courtroom wearing kangaroo costumes. A kangaroo cardboard mask would do. But, this being NYC, the masks they'd wear would be Trump in black and white stripes.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "So now that Trump's lifetime of criminality has finally caught up with him..."


I warn you dear readers, some far left commenters on this blog will launch this sort of rhetoric as an attempt at gaslighting. Unfortunately, this lunatic Freder fellow actually believes this Soviet-ized stuff.

Jupiter said...

When you rely upon lackeys like Fani Willis, Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg, you can't really expect an optimal result. Bare competence may well be too much to expect of these cheapjack hoodlums.

Just an old country lawyer said...

If Trump has led a "lifetime of criminality" then why isn't he being prosecuted for real crimes that everybody understands, such as fraud, bribery, extortion, perjury, etc., instead of coming up with legal theories that stretch the law as understood to the breaking point, bootstrapping unrelated misdemeanors to nonindicted felonies, charges that have never, ever, been brought against anyone else no matter how similarly situated?
How about that for a long sentence?
As Lily Tomlin said, "No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up."

Darkisland said...

The opinion piece by Ruth Marcus, fascist writer of the fascist Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, fascist CEO of Amazon, is behind a pay wall. I won't pay to read it. Paying would only support the fascists of the Democrat/fascist Party.


BTW:Bezos is no longer CEO and has not been for 3-4 years. He is "Executive Chairman"

John Henry

Skeptical Voter said...

Ruth Marcus has been excluded from the strategery councils of the lawfare campaign against the Bad Orange Man. Boo bleepin' hoo!

Chuck said...

So what I hear you saying, Althouse, is that no matter what one might think about the legal system being used to somehow "persecute" Trump, the different elements of that system are NOT coordinating. Instead, they are (at least scheduling orders right now, for Trump) following the standard rules and protocols of criminal procedure.

Some kinda "persecution."

Goldenpause said...

Ruth Marcus clearly isn’t bothered by Trump’s political enemies bring shaky criminal charges against him. No wonder more and more Americans despise the so-called mainstream media

hombre said...

There all seamy, Ruth!

hombre said...

There all seamy, Ruth!