It's mainly about tonight's SOTU. I guess the idea that it's a statesmanlike address to the whole nation is shot to hell. It's a campaign event:
His State of the Union performance — and make no mistake, in an election year, this speech is high-level campaign theater — is the perfect opportunity to show rather than tell Americans that he still has the fire in the belly.
What was the "high-level campaign theater" in the last presidential election year? Oh, yes, that was the one where Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker, sitting behind Trump, tore her copy of the speech in half.
Back to today's Michelle Cottle column:
When he steps behind the lectern, the president needs to slap on those aviators and start throwing some strategic punches....
Ever so gently, [Biden] should stick his thumb in [Republicans'] eye and swirl it around....
[H]e and his speech writing team should hang... failures firmly around the necks of extremists in both chambers....
Let Dark Brandon off the chain for the night. It’s worth the risk.
And just forget about all the times Biden was touted as a return to civility, an end to the nasty spewing we get from Trump.
Meanwhile, as noted below, Trump will be fisking Biden's SOTU in real time. So any "off the chain" verbiage from Biden will be topped an instant later by Trump, and We the People will be relegated to making claims about who was meaner or funnier. I predict it will be Trump. Biden's remarks will all be scripted and read from a teleprompter, and Trump's will be spontaneous. Biden will be restricted to what his speechwriters workshopped for the occasion, knowing it would be heard in the somber setting of a SOTU, and Trump will follow his own crazy/genius intuitions.
If you think Biden "off the chain" — that is, reading somewhat edgy scripted insults — is "worth the risk," perhaps it's because he's doing so badly, he's just got to mix it up somehow. But if they really want to display Biden as the superhero "Dark Brandon" — as depicted in that illustration above — as someone who's been holding back and could go in and fight brilliantly, then send him in to a debate with Trump. A boxer sitting in his corner does not stand and walk to a lectern. He goes into a fight with an adversary right there in the flesh.
Trump issued the challenge yesterday:
It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People. Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE! The Debates can be run by the Corrupt DNC, or their Subsidiary, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). I look forward to receiving a response. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
That's not a "soul-sucking downer."
serious questions..
how long will resident Biden talk for? Will he make it to the end of his speech?
just HOW Much stimulant CAN you pump into an old man? WILL he make it to the end of his speech?
will he start coherently? will he END coherently? WILL he make it to the end of his speech?
I'm ASSUMING, that IF he does NOT fall over dead, DURING the speech; it will be proclaimed a "Success"?
final serious questions..
have the democrats decided who they will announce they are running for President this year?
WHEN will the democrats announce?
will they ACTUALLY have to force resident Biden out? Or will his residency politely expire?
Brandon will be lucky if he makes it through the speech without several horrible gaffes.
Maybe just focus on that and leave the aviators at home.
Cottle is a debased and intellectually dishonest Dem shill.
I'd bet Big Money that Biden doesn't say Laken Riley's name.
Only liberals who ignored, implemented, or celebrated the voter fraud in 2020 consider this a "soul sucking downer".
I'd imagine Madison, WI is hating what is happening right now. Sorry. That makes me warm inside. As they say in the south..."fuck all ya'll".
MAGA seems pretty comfortable with the Presidential election so far.
Imagine if Trump win and regains the Presidency in November. MAGA will have held together, and for the moment, overcome voter fraud, lawfare, deep state corruption, and neo-con warmongering.
And it might be America's people of color that help put it over the top.
Crook Joe to roll out more lies about the border and the massive numbers of illegal entrants.
wonder how much anti-Make America Great Again propaganda and hate he will pile on? This man wants to punch every American who doesn't support him, (Well - the corrupt mob who pimps Biden - wants half the nation dead or in a gulag)
Again- the dems in the audience will dutifully clap and stand up after each and every pile of steaming hot crap regurgitated by the mob-husk-puppet. creating the spectacle that Biden's BS, lies, and punitive commie policies have been good for America.
Dark Brandon, black rock, have colored connotations.
Will he put on the aviators when he puts the big snack companies on blast over shrinkflation? When he references how the Cookie Monster is sad? When he complains about the chip count in a bag of Doritos?
It'll make Trump look positively sane by comparison, so by all means, have at it.
No "men in shorts" tag?
I'm reminded of what Trump did to CNN?
Mob prop Joe.
Surge the border - abuse our asylum laws.
They continue to try to sell the idea that there is nothing wrong with him.
The left are Donald Trumpian - old dithering mob-controlled crook liar joe.
kinda funny.
I’m waiting to find out what price you have to pay to get out of going through all these things twice.
So now we need fake pictures of Brandon to hide the faded shell of a man he truly is.
Gently and slowly gouging out the eyes of the Republicans. That is some high quality torture porn the NYT is providing its readers.
Do Democrats really not understand what a childish joke "Dark Brandon" is? And just how NOT "Dark Brandon" the real Joe Biden is?
They think this silliness makes him look good. I see it as basically the same thing as an RBG votive candle or Superhero Anthony Fauci. They're not serious people.
1) Why are we having the SOTU address in March? Hasn't it always been in January?
2) It'll be interesting how Biden will get out of debating Trump. I suspect he will agree to ONE debate in October and then propose debate conditions that are so biased and unfair that Trump will have to decline. At which point he can say "I wanted to debate, but Trump was a coward and...."
The problem with the "Dark Brandon" meme is that Joe Biden has shit for his brains, and everyone knows it including Cottle. This essay is major league cope.
When he steps behind the lectern, the president needs to slap on those aviators...
Strike a pose! That'll show 'em!
... and start throwing some strategic punches....
Can we hit back? I'm sure a punch in the face would be very educational for Michelle Cottle, as well as a new experience.
[H]e and his speech writing team should hang...
Preferably from the nearest lamp post!
Let Dark Brandon off the chain for the night.
Yes, yes! Let him off the chain, maybe he'll challenge someone to a pushup contest!
Sounds like a great opportunity for Trump to show his gratuitous jerkiness, which is always unfortunate. I guess it won't matter much, since few besides his true believers (of which I am one) will be watching his show.
A problem Biden faces is the long walk to the podium. With his very much old man walking gait. I'm curious (though not so curious as to watch) if the TV will show that.
Also, LOL at what Leland wrote at 905! Bwahahahahaha!
As for the state of the union speech itself. This used be a farily serious speech, and was used to show the country was unified on certain things. Although at one point, it began to be a partisan Standing O contest, with the party in power all jumping up and applauding forever while the opposition party all stayed in their seats.
But as Althouse noted, once Trump got in and Pelosi became Speaker, the whole thing went in the gutter. I've NEVER seen a more childish clownish display of partisanship than Pelosi tearing up trump's speech on camera. She should have voted out just for that.
And for those who are looking for "civility", 100-1 Biden will imply or explicitly state that the Republicans/MAGA are traitors, racists or Nazis. But then to the "civility crowd" that's OK. Its only when the Republicans fight back that things suddedenly turn "nasty".
Slightly OT:
"where Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker, sitting behind Trump, tore her copy of the speech in half"
This from the party that objects to righties violating "norms."
ElevenLabs to the rescue. Biden will just have to keep his mouth hidden in a COVID mask so he doesn't get exposed as Milli Vanilli did.
He could pass out in the middle of the thing and Joe Scarborough would still say this was the best Biden ever!
If he tries to "slap on a pair of aviators", he is very likely to take out an eye...
They're desperately trying to pull off a "Notorious RBG" here, but it won't work. With Ginsberg, they were riffing on her schoolmarm-ish and demure appearance and manner. That she was mentally sharp and capable of serving as a SCOTUS justice well into her 80s wasn't in doubt, and the "Notorious" rebranding had nothing to do with that. With Biden, the challenge isn't to take someone who people see as stodgy or old-fashioned and turn them into someone that's cool; it's taking someone who's clearly in a steep physical and cognitive decline and make THAT cool. It won't work, because voters, even the young ones to whom this kind of rebranding effort is presumably directed, don't think it's cute or funny to have a president who's incapacitated.
"What was the "high-level campaign theater" in the last presidential election year? Oh, yes, that was the one where Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker, sitting behind Trump, tore her copy of the speech in half."
I was thinking of that shit-ass move just yesterday. Their assertion that it was Trump alone who lowered the level of discourse has always been bullshit.
Rush, years ago properly coined this farce as "the State of the Union Show". It's unnecessary. It's a political statement by both parties. It's unbelievably tedious. And after Nancy tore up the President's speech, I would say the shine is off the rose. (some might think it was when Rep. Wilson shouted at Obama, "Liar!", or when Justice Alito visibly took issue with Obama's denouncing an SC decision he didn't like- during the SOTU.)
I hope Biden does his best White Supremacist rants, his MAGAMAGAMAGAMAGA obsessive talk, his Red Speech, Part Deux. Let the nation see him for what he is.
Tonight I'll be watching "Napoleon" on Apple TV. It's good to watch real leadership from time to time.
Cottle doesn't consider that an angry old man is a sign of dementia. She's not thinking this through.
"Let Dark Brandon off the chain for the night. It’s worth the risk."
Lock up your girl children first.
I just wonder what kind of steroids and uppers they're pumping into the old pervert. He's gotta be on something. If nothing else it should be entertaining.
Drinking game. Everybody has to down a shot everytime he mentions MAGA.
Think about this: if Biden is re-elected at some point during his second term he will be the oldest man in his hospice facility.
Wont he spend the day sleeping so he’ll be awake at 9:30 pm?
In Ukraine, his beloved audience, it will be 2:30 pm.
It's weird that they fantasize about a dark, angry, fascist, alien Biden in the NYT.
Here's Ronald Reagan flying a velociraptor.
Now that's cool!
Wouldn't expect to see it on the WSJ op-ed page, though.
The NYT has been doing propaganda for as long as I've been alive. But their propaganda is getting dumber and dumber.
correction - the image is Donald Trumpian.
They cannot possibly be as pathetic to actually think this will work
I'd bet Big Money that Biden doesn't say Laken Riley's name.
If someone put it in the script, he would. Who do we have that can do that job? Maybe the Chinese could, or Putin. That's the ticket.
Let chaos reign.
Wait a minute. Is the NYT spreading misinformation, fake information with that picture pretending to be Joe Biden?
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the hip replacement.”
Joe “Punchie” Biden
Be Happy In Your Work... Escape Is Impossible
"And just forget about all the times Biden was touted as a return to civility, an end to the nasty spewing we get from Trump."
What moron bought that?
Be Happy In Your Work... Escape Is Impossible
"and Trump will follow his own crazy/genius intuitions."
The Meade-ing of Althouse?
"MadisonMan said...
A problem Biden faces is the long walk to the podium. With his very much old man walking gait. I'm curious (though not so curious as to watch) if the TV will show that."
He'll do a couple of those faux-jog steps to show his vigor. The bigger problem is him finding the fucking podium.
Based on the quotes, I'd say that the hope of the speech writers is to provoke Trump into comments that dominate the news cycle. They're trying to get Biden past a major public appearance and it may be that there are drugs that can restore him for one hour while he reads. Then, with comments by Trump running up the side of the screen, to provide action, they skate past another potentially revealing moment.
It's my belief that the Dems can't recover from going antisemitic. Votes in Dearborn simply can't replace Jewish drive and brains in thousands upon thousands of small entities across the country. I've faced it all often enough in prolife to know whereof I speak. I support Israel. Hamas is a mortal threat and must be defeated. But I don't support Israel because the Jews in this country ever supported my causes such as prolife, Trump, school choice. It's not a quid pro quo. It's the right thing to do. Never Again.
No president in history has ever had his dick sucked more...even more than Clinton, and that's saying something.
But speaking of white matter, I think it's dark matter between Biden's ears that's the problem.
The biggest problem with media today is that they don't even try to hide their bias anymore, they lie right to your face and revel in it.
Did anyone catch Morning Joe (yesterday I think) extolling the genius of Biden? Scarborough had his tongue so far up Biden's ass, POTUS will never need another colonoscopy.
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
– Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
Do Biden's chains ever get tangled up with the puppet strings?
"Lock up your girl children first."
Lock up his daughter...
I'm sure everybody will be able to spin the actual performance in a way that boosts their self esteem. Thank's to G_d that the Orange Jesus Blob will provide his flock comfort against a drooling, doddering dementia doofus.
That rumbling sound isn’t “fire in the belly”; it’s incontinence.
"Joe “Punchie” Biden"
Good point. I doubt anyone on the editorial staff made the connection to punch-drunk boxers...
few besides his true believers (of which I am one) will be watching his show
It doesn't matter. It will be quoted by people on social media and all of the major news sources. They can't help themselves.
Won't have to spin anything Howard. It's all gonna be up there for everyone to see. God knows nobody wanted a president as awful as this one, but you insisted. But, hey! If you're lucky it won't be a complete shitshow. If you're lucky. Me? I'm counting on Biden being Biden.
has the cage match between Musk and Zuck happened yet?
Biden and Trump are doing one tonight
Lem the artificially intelligent said...
Wont he spend the day sleeping so he’ll be awake at 9:30 pm?
In Ukraine, his beloved audience, it will be 2:30 pm.
it will be 4:30 am.!
with fireworks show?!
Kiev is ahead of Washington by 7 hours
the perfect opportunity to show rather than tell Americans that he still has the fire in the belly.
The last echoes of what Joe Scarborough would soon call the greatest speech in the history of speeches died away. There was dead silence in the chamber. Dark Brandon turned and left the podium...then he turned around and came back...he went the other way...then he stopped and looked around. His corner man came and led him away. The smell of burning Metamucil was thick in the air.
Meth and Metamucil or as they call it on the street, a Biden Speedball.
Trump will be fisking Biden's SOTU
The verb "fisk" comes from correcting the fantasies of Robert Fisk
So should it be capitalized because it is a proper noun/name?
Or uncapitalized as it has entered common usage?
Congrats, BTW, to Robert Fisk. He has achieved immortality for his journalism. Though probably in a way nobody would wish.
John Henry
"Thank's to G_d that the Orange Jesus Blob will provide his flock comfort against a drooling, doddering dementia doofus."
Here's a test for liberal idiots:
If you had to choose between Biden or Trump to do your taxes, who would you pick?
If you pick Biden, you're even more clueless and brainwashed than I already think you are...
These comic book depictions of Biden are embarrassing. The intellectual depth of the Democratic party is stunning in its shallowness.
I guess the article is trying to prepare us for seeing Biden in aviator glasses, because more of us are noticing his dilated eyes now.
Will the Easter Bunny be on hand to ensure Dark Brandon doesn’t aimlessly wander away from the podium in the middle of the speech?
What Iman said ��
Biden couldn’t get back in the fight with Trump, even if he paid admission. Which he could, if the Ukraine matter is to be believed.
A better way to spend time: re-watch Dave. It ends up with a big speech in Congress too. Didn't turn out well for that President. (Plus: Sigourney Weaver!)
"Dark Brandon"? More like "Dork Brandon".
Bring back the blood red lighting for the guy elected for "unity".
It's fun to remember Pelosi behind Trump shuffling, tossing around papers like the disrespectful self-centered Spaz she is.
Imagine folks from other countries watching that.
Pray for Team Juice. There's a fine line between maximimum juicing and a blood vessel exploding.
I expect a reasonably coherent speech highlighted by Joe ripping up his copy.
That "doofus" is your best idea Howard. Roll around in it, cur that you are.
Wishing for Dark Brandon to make an appearance to show some fire in the belly, sounds like a mixture of the denial and anger stages in the stages of grief. Some others on the left are in the bargaining phase of the stages of grief as they suggest Biden should admit he is old and 'lean into it," arguing that that gives him wisdom and temperance. The faster folks on the left admit reality the faster they can get past the remaining stages of grief. It would be awful for the political goals of the left for significant numbers of them to hit the depression stage of grief right during voting. Move faster towards acceptance. Joe Biden isn't a good president, and he is a really awful Presidential candidate.
Joe Biden is endorsed by Hillary Clinton.
I don’t have an advance of the SOTU but I’ll give you the advanced analysis- the pre-post game from Ann:
Joe: It wasn’t so bad. He did what he needed to do.
Trump: Just awful. Nitpick nitpick. Advice for the guy I’ll never vote for- Trump needs to _____…
Jon Stewart: Great! Definitely both sides…
I think Bob Boyd wins the thread.
I hope Let's-Go-Brandon uses the blood-red lights and the Marine Guards of his Independence Hall speech--the crypto-Nazi stylings and the banana republic vibe of his blabberings fit right in with his presidency. Maybe he'll kill a rat (or a bat) with his teeth to show he means business. Trump's comments could be the highlight of the evening.
Everything about Biden says phony--phony affect; phony stories full of self-praise; phony empathy; phony compassion; cheap, phony sentiment exploited beyond all possible justification.
Meanwhile, his wife continues to wear dresses made of sofa fabric. Take a look at the pictures of the ceremony unveiling the Betty Ford postage stamp this week--Dr. Jill is resplendent in a chintz that should grace the sitting room sofas in Rehoboth Beach.
I actually want Brandon to do a relatively competent job reading his teleprompter tonight. I don’t want to see him forced out of the race. He’s become an angry, hateful and divisive little man and I want to see him continue on as the demented face of his party. With any luck he’ll continue to mumble, bumble, and threaten Americans who oppose him, right up to election day.
I'm glad they included some slight man-boobs. That will help keep trans happy.
That article is some grade-A cringe. Biden is a brain dead meat puppet. Dems, keep trying to make "Dark Brandon" a thing. If a failed meme is all you got, you got nothing.
Does the New York Times know how stupid it makes someone look to be wearing sunglasses in a boxing ring corner before a fight?
Could they have made the editorial choice to not make it look like he has an erection, at least?
Given the low expectations set up by the GOP sycophants, it seems like Biden has a chance of doing better than expected.
The Donald no doubt will have plenty of incoherent mangled statements to soundbite as well. There's a reasonable chance he will say something offensive as well and score an own goal.
Trump tonight reminds me of that old saying about not wrestling pigs as you both end up dirty (and the pig enjoys it). There's a good chance the Dems will be enjoying Trump's heckling and the soundbites it provides.
It wasn't just the blood red lights and the Nazi–1945).svg image that he created, but in other appearances, he has had spotlights pointing up, which recall the Nazi rallies of the '30s in Germany.
The Cathedral of Light or Lichtdom was a main aesthetic feature of the Nazi Party rallies in Nuremberg from 1934 to 1938
It makes you wonder who is really in control of him, because we know that these symbols are very popular in parts of Eastern Europe to this day.
What I want to know is why did the NY Times pay Doug Chayka to illustrate what AI could do?
Besides Trump already did the pose better.
What has happened to Biden's popularity since he introduce this "Dark Brandon" character? It's plumbing new depths.
"he still has the fire in the belly. "
That's acid reflux
Come on, Joe, tell us about the Doritos shrinkflation. The price of cereal for dinner. The crushing loan debt for a increasing worthless degree from a status university.
Make it Dark, Joe, like an aerosol cloud to stop the sunlight reaching the earth with its warming free energy
Haven't watched a SOTU since Clinton's first and I turned that off 10 minutes in.
If Biden strokes out, I'll catch the highlights later.
"He’s become an angry, hateful and divisive little man..."
From the WSJ:
"A tall black metal fence was erected around the Capitol overnight, though openings were left for visitors for most of the day. Capitol police are expected to soon close the building to the public and limit access to lawmakers, their guests and people who have staff badges."
So Brandon has changed his mind about walls, has he? And badges required? I guess there won't be any black people at the speech tonight since, as Democrats regularly claim, they have difficulty getting ID. Is that about right?
Will Biden wear a Team Hamas jersey tonight during the State of the Union address or will he leave it at the White House? Asking for a friend.
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