March 30, 2024

"Donald Trump is presenting himself as the Man on the Cross, tortured for our sins."

"'I consider it a great badge of courage,' he tells crowds. 'I am being indicted for you.'... In January, he put up a video on Truth Social about how he is a messenger from God, 'a shepherd to mankind.'... 'All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many,' Trump barked. 'It’s my favorite book.' Maybe the Bible has replaced that Hitler book Trump’s ex-wife said he kept by his bed. But it’s all a scam. Running for president is about enriching himself....  If there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it’s exploit chaos he creates.... Declining faith in religion and rising faith in conspiracies create fertile ground for a faker like Trump...."

Maureen Dowd meowed, in "Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper" (NYT).

If they hadn't leaned so hard into persecuting him, he wouldn't have the foundation to make the comparison to Jesus Christ.

And — to repurpose Dowd's phrase — if there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it’s to exploit the chaos his haters create for him. 

ADDED: Whatever you think of Donald Trump, should you use the term "Bible thumper"? Isn't it a looking down on people who follow religions worthy of respect? The OED designates the term "derogatory," and here's a discussion in the subreddit r/Christianity. Someone writes:
["Bible-thumper"] is generally used pejoratively... It’s suggestive of the stereotype of a red-faced US southern baptist gesticulating at the pulpit, slapping their Bible for emphasis every other sentence. It isn’t a synonym for “Bible scholar” or pious or devout. It’s, at best, irreverent but usually used with some implied contempt, like “God botherer.”
Even if you want to express contempt for Trump — and even if you use an adjective such as "blasphemous" to separate him from other "Bible thumpers" — you ought to avoid the term, because it's snobby and downwardly punching. 

And here's something The Advocate presented for its readers' creepy delight, under the heading "WATCH: Little Girl Barks Back At Bible-Thumping Street Preacher":

Who taught that little girl to act out like that? Who encouraged her?

Here's another video from the man who made the first one. It contains the intertitle "The video has since gone 'viral' and garnered" — garnered — "over 1,000,000 views. Amongst the many comments were several that implied the scene was faked or setup." I don't know if the videographer was involved in setting it up, but it certainly looks as though someone put the little girl up to it and that she sustained her performance because of the attention and admiration coming from off-camera adults.


deepelemblues said...

Maureen is showing off too much nasty woman this morning.

Iman said...

Be gone, Mo Dowdy! Enjoy your cats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Its' all a scam--

all wealthy off corrupt grift.

Biden's grift is the most clumsy and awkward. - All protected scam artists - by a-holes like Maureen Dowd.(D)

Heartless Aztec said...

And on his third term he shall arise again in the White House having been crucified for Democrat sins.

rhhardin said...

Trump on the Bible Gutfeld (link tends to disappear as youtube enforces Fox copyright)

Gunner said...

Even if Trump loses, it will be a small consolation that all his haters are being forced to listen and talk about him for the next seven months.

Breezy said...

Trump really does bring out the devil in a lot of people. Behold the psycho drama.

The rest of us just want him to get back to work for us.

gilbar said...

Running for president is about enriching himself....

now do resident Biden!

Mr. D said...

Two things:

1) Dowd isn't trying to convince anyone. She's in the business of fortifying the prejudices of her bien pensant audience. At bottom, it's her eternal refrain -- he's Not Our Kind, Dear.

2) The Trump supporters I know understand full well who he is. They don't care because he's still better than the collection of cartoonish villains among the bien pensant cohort.

iowan2 said...

.' Maybe the Bible has replaced that Hitler book Trump’s ex-wife said he kept by his bed. But it’s all a scam. Running for president is about enriching himself.... If there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it’s exploit chaos he creates.... Declining faith in religion and rising faith in conspiracies create fertile ground for a faker like Trump...."

In the old days, when most lived in the real world, it was easy to exercise sarcasm, and all would smile and understand.

But today, Dowd is shamelessly identifying Joe Biden. So its useless tying to make a joke. They only irony is Dowds lack of selflessness. That stopped being funny decades ago.

GatorNavy said...

Contrast and compare Trump’s overblow rhetoric to the good Catholic Biden’s full throated approval of third trimester abortion.

Birches said...

Oh brother. Why do they even care? It's not like Maureen Dowd is a woman of faith who is upset by Trump appropriating Christianity for gain. No, it's just more, "look at those stupid rubes!"

I don't think Trump is a man of faith. I know he'd sell us out in a heartbeat if it seemed advantageous. But come on, he's not being enriched by being president and he does love traditional America.

Michael E. Lopez said...

I don't even want Trump to be President, ceteris paribus.

But the schadenfreudelicious wailing and gnashing of teeth from the clerisy makes the ceteris decidedly not paribus.

I literally am going to vote just for the purpose of maybe seeing some people squirm.

That's where today's political landscape has led me.

Readering said...

Dowd meowed? Kinda catty there AA.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Trump couldn’t make the comparisons if Democrats competed against him in the manner politics were conducted for over 200 years now. It’s as though Democrats never got over Hillary losing to him.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump has become Maureen Dowd's world. Her professional purpose in life is to write nasty things about Donald Trump and disparage his supporters. It's not easy to come up with fresh ways to do this week in and week out, year after year. Here we see this year's Easter weekend offering. On the 4th of July she'll write something about Trump's false patriotism. She has got to be bored of it by now. I know I am.

Mr. O. Possum said...

The Hitler-book link (above) goes to this Vanity Fair story:

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

narciso said...

Mo looked down on the huntress who was the most earnest believing person imaginable so fark her

tommyesq said...

Dear Maureen Dowd,

You have told us how bad, evil, horrible Trump is, ad nauseum, for the past 7 or 8 years. You have pointed out every single character flaw, every bad decision, every morally questionable action. We understand who Trump is.

Yet we still strongly prefer him to Biden.

tim in vermont said...

"I *know* he'd sell us out in a heartbeat if it seemed advantageous"

It's amazing the stuff people "know" after being bombarded with propaganda for seven or eight years that totally ignores or misrepresents the primary sources. The only defense against this kind of propaganda is to go to primary sources and to look at the original context yourself, and they *know* that that is way too much work for people who have other concerns in their life, like a job.

wendybar said...

How can Joe Biden with a straight face, claim to be "the most religiously observant commander in chief in a half century" when his administration is banning "children of National Guard members and are prohibited from presenting 'religious symbols' or 'overtly religious themes' if they are to be displayed in the residence of the 'devout Catholic' president, Joe Biden."???????

Easter is a Christian holiday. Can you imagine Joe telling Muslims they couldn't present any overtly religious themes when he celebrates them in the White House. Will NEVER happen.

These people are HEATHENS!!!

Ann Althouse said...

"Dowd meowed? Kinda catty there AA."

If I'm "catty," then Dowd is doggy. I was doing a joke based on her "Trump barked."

Ann Althouse said...

By chance, that Advocate thing characterizes the little girl as barking: "Little Girl Barks Back At Bible-Thumping Street Preacher."

rhhardin said...

Trump is a cultural Christian - recognizes the positive forces in society but is not into the theology. The theology people call him blasphemous, which suggests that they're not into the positive forces thing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rh - is that really Trump speaking?
omg - what a dork.

Geez - our choices are total corruption and decline with Biden... Versus - Trump - who is better in many ways ( except over-spending, trusting the wrong people, and breaking many promises -esp when it comes to fighting the corrupt left, etc..)

we are truly f***ed.

Sebastian said...

should you use the term "Bible thumper"? Isn't it a looking down on people who follow religions worthy of respect?"

Not religions, plural. Just one religion. Maybe two, if you include Judaism. Waiting for Dowd to dump on Hamas' Koran thumpers.

"you ought to avoid the term, because it's snobby and downwardly punching."

That's very nice. But avoiding condescension wouldn't leave progs much to say, would it? Looking down is prog MO--they know better, they mean better, they therefore deserve to rule over the lowly deplorables.

Sydney said...

Yes, "bible thumper" is an insult; along the same lines as "holy roller." No one would call a Catholic or Episcopalian or a standard Lutheran a "bible thumper." It is an insult aimed squarely at evangelical Christians. Although, I think any Christian who takes the command to spread the Good News seriously would be insulted by it.

Aggie said...

Trumps keeps on being Trump, to the delight of his followers, and to the secret delight of the publishers and ad men. Meanwhile, all the right heads keep exploding.

MadTownGuy said...

I remember The Advocate from when I worked in the periodicals section of the university library back in the Seventies. It was a tabloid format back then, and typically aimed at proselytizing impressionable college-age people into the lifestyle.

I was not impressionable.

Big Mike said...

Running for president is about enriching himself....

That would certainly be true for Barack Obama (he went from a backbench senator to owning how many mansions worth how many millions?), the Clintons, and that fellow Joe Biden, well … Per Wikipedia his net worth as of November 2009, was $27,012. By November 2020, the Bidens were worth $9 million, “largely due to sales of Biden's books and speaking fees after his vice presidency.” Sure, everybody bought a copy of his book, and two or three to spare.


Yancey Ward said...

"Trump couldn’t make the comparisons if Democrats competed against him in the manner politics were conducted for over 200 years now. It’s as though Democrats never got over Hillary losing to him."

That last part explains most of the Trump hate on the Left. Deep down, people like Dowd know they and their political colleagues literally created the Trump candidacy that took Clinton down. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump was promoted endlessly in 2015 and early 2016 by the mainstream media because they really believed that Clinton would stomp him easily in the election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of our nation.

But please - leftist hivemind a-holes - never stop raging at Trump.

tcrosse said...

Somebody tell Dowd that her preaching to the choir is not going to move Biden's low poll numbers.

gspencer said...

Trump's They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way poster is dead-on. The left through the Democrats want total control of the population. If that's not clear/obvious to you now, you're drugged up as much as Old Joe.

Trump stylizing himself as a savior is over the top. Comparing himself to the Lord is way over the top.

But his point is valid.,1028,x494,y590&width=1500

Chick said...

Mythology Matters, Maureen.

Kevin said...

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, should you use the term "Bible thumper"?

Dowd knows her audience.

Mary Beth said...

Who taught that little girl to act out like that? Who encouraged her?

The kind of people who sometimes tell her to shut her pie-hole, based on what she's yelling at the preacher.

typingtalker said...

Maureen Dowd is preaching to her choir.

mezzrow said...

The view from Mo Dowd's Cave. It takes a lot of presumption to cast aspersions from the shadows, but here we are. Those inside the bubble with her have found a singular parallax for their world, based (so based) on their contempt for the old world of the pre-counterculture Christian ascendency in America.

If you don't feel that to your core, you can't relate to anything she says. Hence the casual contempt, and its invisibility to those in the bubble. It takes a lot of training to be able to see the world the way she does. The trainers have been amply rewarded for their efforts in prestige as well as compensation. The sense that it may be coming to some kind of crossroads is a source of existential panic for those in that industry. This is kind of like the emetic reaction to a little Ronna at NBC.

They just can't help it. Cleanup on aisle three!

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narr said...

I saw the Gutfeld bit and laughed my atheist ass off at Trump's piety pretense.

As I always do when he bloviates about things he doesn't understand.

Trump was voiced by Tyler Fischer on the parody segment.

Ann Althouse said...

"At bottom, it's her eternal refrain -- he's Not Our Kind, Dear."

That plays right into his strongest game.

RCOCEAN II said...

I really hate it when parents drag their kids into politics and stunts. I don't care enough to look further, but I assume her parent are atheists and are doing it for $$

As for Dowd, she's just a nasty unfunny old hag. She's always been a leftwing dumbed-down Ann Coulter. And she's following the party-line. There's been a coordinated MSM/DNC attack (aren't they all) on Trump about the Bible selling for over a week. This is Dowd's contribution. Sullivan who Althouse doesn't quote much anymore called Trump selling bibles "Disgusting" and "Anti-Christian". Rod Dreher agreed in his usual wishy washy way.

To a large extent this is just the standard Liberal/left attack on Republican pols that has been going on my entire life. Republicans are always tagged as Nazis or "Hitler" and as bible-thumping morons. It doesn't matter how irreligious the R President is, or how moderate, Hollywood and the Entertainment "Industry" will mock them as nazi-redneck bible thumpers.

Had that liberal Democrat in Republican clothing Mitt Romney gotten elected in 2012, the sneers and jeers at his milquetoast Mormonism would've gone through the roof.

Mr. O. Possum said...

It's tub thumper and Bible beater as in "backwoods Bible-beating tub thumper."

RCOCEAN II said...

I wonder how many people care about these attacks on Trump anymore in the MSM. Maybe it affects "Normies" who half-follow the news. But to everyone else, these non-stop attacks have been going on for over 8 years now. Day after day. The drum beat of DAILY negative MSM stories and nasty anti-Trump coments from the TV talking heads and the Entertainment Industry has never stopped. Even when Trump was just a private citizen in 2021-2022 and not running for anything.

I assume anyone with a brain, has discounted their importance and doesn't really care. "Oh, there goes M. Dowd again, attacking Trump for the 1200th Time". And the antitrump attacks aren't just relentless, its that the vast majority are lies, exaggerations, or just plain stupid.

Every atttack just welds Trump's voters more closely to him. They understand the attacks on Trump are attacks on THEM. He's hated because the liberal/left hates THEM.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It’s as though Democrats never got over Hillary losing to him.

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore.

hombre said...

"Bible thumper?" Really? Maureen and/or the Times headline writer should be careful. They are giving away too much too soon. Open denigration of Christians ought to wait until the takeover is complete. If Trump has contributed nothing else, he has caused his anti-constitutional opponents to expose their nature and intentions.

Rusty said...

Birches said...
Oh brother. Why do they even care? It's not like Maureen Dowd is a woman of faith who is upset by Trump appropriating Christianity for gain. No, it's just more, "look at those stupid rubes!"
Exactly. They think critisizing you for reading the bible is some kind of insult.

jnseward said...

"enriching himself". LOL.

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump peddling bibles is the cartoon caricature of a lowlife grifter.

hombre said...

For Biden, Easter is about egg-laying rabbits. For Dowd, it's about the troll living in her head.

donald said...

Trump’s got a book. The democrats are enacting the book.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

That little girl--- her mouth is "full of sound, signifying nothing." These people, these people who worship the state, actually think the little girl wins the day. The Closing of the American Mind, indeed.

planetgeo said...

The more they strike him, the more powerful he becomes. Their flailing and bespittled sputterings are comical in their impotent excesses. And in doing so they've turned him into a people's epic hero. A contemporary legend. A Leonidas without even the 300 to help him.

Big Mike said...

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore.

@NorthOfTheOneOhOne, absolutely right!

Sydney said...

That child in the video comes across as a little demon.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Ann Althouse said...

That plays right into his strongest game.

But the alternative, treating the dirt people like they're real human beings, is unthinkable!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Maureen Dowd is a highschool Mean Girl, and has been since she came on the scene.

She wasn't the homecoming queen, but she could tell you who she thought that other girl had slept with.

Big Mike said...

FWIW, Trump probably is being persecuted for the sins of Maureen Dowd, Hillary Clinton, and a whole lot more people on the Liberal to Progressive spectrum.

hombre said...

Rich: "Trump peddling bibles is the cartoon caricature of a lowlife grifter."

Trump? A grifter? LOL! When you're a lefty and projection is what you got, project!

Ice Nine said...

>Ann Althouse said...
should you use the term "Bible thumper"? Isn't it a looking down on people who follow religions worthy of respect?<

Which religions are worthy of respect? And who decides that? And if your answer is "all religions," please explain why they are so worthy.

As for "bible-thumping," go to most any comment section on a conservative blog and you will see Christians who just cannot keep their religion to themselves (eg, in spades, Instapundit, Conservative Tree House). They are a subset of people in general who just can't keep their mystical beliefs to themselves. That is bible-thumping and they are bible-thumpers. And it and they are very annoying, which self-diminishes their claimed entitlement to respect.

And they are always indignant if they are (albeit rarely) called on it, that indignation being second order bible-thumping. (And just for fun, be assured, the same people would not long tolerate, nor afford respect, nor withhold slurs to a Muslim or...a Zoroastrian, or...a Moonie showing up in the same forum and proselytizing to them.)

The point is, bible-thumping definitely exists and to get all miffed about a not undeserved descriptive moniker for it misses that point.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only greedy corrupt leftist liars are allowed to enrich themselves.

Lilly, a dog said...

Whether or not the little girl yelling at preacher video is fake, "Pie holes should be quiet!" is a great line.

Mason G said...

"If there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it’s exploit chaos he creates...."

When Trump was president, the border was being secured, we were energy independent, inflation was low, employment and earnings were up and there were no new wars. Not much chaos there. The only chaos evident was because of the Democrats, in their response to Trump. Maybe, if they're so concerned about him exploiting chaos, they should stop creating it? Just a thought...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack hivemind loyalist One party rule press are presenting old crook husk puppet joe as a viable candidate.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Smilin' Jack said...

I prefer the term “Bible pounder”.

Also, I support that little girl 100%. She’s trying to perform a public service. And the Bible pounder should be arrested for disturbing the peace.

Mr Wibble said...

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore

That's been my take as well for a while. Absent 9/11, they would have likely taken congress in 02 and found an excuse to impeach w and win in 04, but instead they flailed about for six years before finally getting Obama. The problem is that those six years but up a lot of poison, and changed the party in ways that have not been healthy.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

"Trump couldn’t make the comparisons if Democrats competed against him in the manner politics were conducted for over 200 years now. It’s as though Democrats never got over Hillary losing to him."

That last part explains most of the Trump hate on the Left. Deep down, people like Dowd know they and their political colleagues literally created the Trump candidacy that took Clinton down. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump was promoted endlessly in 2015 and early 2016 by the mainstream media because they really believed that Clinton would stomp him easily in the election.

Standard Nevertrump garbage. Democrats are mad about Hillary losing to Trump. Republicans are just as mad about Bush/Rubio/Cruz/Desantis/Romney/Haley et al losing to Trump.

Democrats didn't make Trump. Republicans did. Their constant failure theater and backstabbing the base made Trump. We have Obamacare because of Republicans. We have medicare part B because of Republicans. We have never ending wars because of Republicans. Biden stole the election in 2020 because of Republicans.

Now that Trump has cleaned out the RNC things can actually start to change.

Wince said...

How many years have I been imploring Althouse for a "Trump is like Jesus" tag?

How about "Trump is Treated Like Jesus by his Enemies"?

If people don't understand Evangelicals liking Trump, it's because they've seen this scenario played out before in the New Testament.

As for the little girl...

"Wrong answer, and the name is Hank, fuckface."

Achilles said...

Mr. D said...

Two things:

1) Dowd isn't trying to convince anyone. She's in the business of fortifying the prejudices of her bien pensant audience. At bottom, it's her eternal refrain -- he's Not Our Kind, Dear.

There are Democrat Nevertrumps and Republican Nevertrumps.

Neither of them really care about results.

They only care about letting everyone know how much better they are than Trump and the Deplorables.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I think Trump g3nerally attacks the leaders of his enemies, not ordinary voters. His enemies attack ordinary voters all the time, as in Biden's SOTU.

Aggie said...

Ice Nine said: "As for "bible-thumping," go to most any comment section on a conservative blog and you will see Christians who just cannot keep their religion to themselves (eg, in spades, Instapundit, Conservative Tree House). They are a subset of people in general who just can't keep their mystical beliefs to themselves. That is bible-thumping and they are bible-thumpers. And it and they are very annoying, which self-diminishes their claimed entitlement to respect. "

You know what I do when I come across obnoxious 'Bible Thumpers' on conservative blogs? I don't go there. I don't bother to click on their websites or their TV channels. And I manage to do that without getting all offended. You know what else I don't do? I don't take on so much self-righteous umbrage that I'm inspired to gang up and cancel their TwitterX account, or facebook account, or try to get them fired, or try to run off their advertisers or cancel their banking.

For some reason, I consider these things infinitely more obnoxious - and dangerous - than a few 'Bible Thumpers' running their own channels. They're not 'keeping their mystical beliefs to themselves', but on the other hand, they're not being tyrannical monsters demanding that 'everyone submits & complies' because they're 'triggered', either. You see the distinction? You get to control your own reactions.

William said...

I don't think Trump spends a lot of time perusing the Bible, and his comments were delivered with a sly wink. Nonetheless, I don't think he's pandering or being cynical. He's indicating to people of faith that he respects their beliefs....I can't picture Trump reading the collected speeches of Hitler anymore than I can picture him turning to the Epistles of St. Paul for guidance. The MoDo crowd believes that he's too lazy to read his briefing papers, but he somehow takes time to study Hitler's speeches? Which is it?....I do think that more of Trump's life was spent on the pursuit of money and sex than on scholarly pursuits. He was more often than not successful in those pursuits. It's said that wisdom comes from extensive reading. Sure, but the same can be said for other pursuits.

Drago said...

Failing LLR-democratical Rich: "Trump peddling bibles is the cartoon caricature of a lowlife grifter."

Fresh off Rich's continuing and serial lies about police officers being killed on Jan 6 just THIS WEEK (yes, he was literally still pushing that hoax!) Rich continues his inevitable downward rhetorical spiral with a complaint about promotion of new Bibles for sale....

...which makes complete sense now that Rich's beloved New Soviet Democraticals are fully and completely aligned with the islamic supremacists and have also declared Easter Sunday to be Transgender Awareness Day instead.

Its no wonder the Althouse Blog LLR-democratical Brigade (Chuck, Rich, lonejustice) "offerings", such as they are, dont even sway the other moron leftists like Howitzer Howard and gadfly.

And to think how much effort was put in over the years by this Triumverate of Gaslighting Incompetence (Chuck, Rich, lonejustice) to try and create the illusion of being representative of "muh principled" "conservatism".

Its so pathetic I cant even muster up a laugh.


Richard said...

“Little Girl Barks Back At Bible-Thumping Street Preacher."

Now we know what Gretta Thunberg was doing before she became a global warming fanatic.

Drago said...

Lloyd W. Robertson: "I think Trump g3nerally attacks the leaders of his enemies, not ordinary voters."

This is absolutely true.

Unlike the dems and most GOPe candidates and staffers (DeSantis, Haley, etc).

In fact, you could argue the DeSantis online influencer crew was so horrific and tone-deaf in this regard and democratical-like in their attacks on republican base voters that they actually sabotaged the DeSantis campaign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"That last part explains most of the Trump hate on the Left. Deep down, people like Dowd know they and their political colleagues literally created the Trump candidacy that took Clinton down. There is no doubt in my mind that Trump was promoted endlessly in 2015 and early 2016 by the mainstream media because they really believed that Clinton would stomp him easily in the election."

very true.

Skeptical Voter said...

"Meow". That's an interesting verb as applied to Mo Do. It's been decades since I've had drinks in the Oak Room on various business trips to New York. But I've always thought of Mo Do as the aging Cougar sitting at the end of the bar in the Oak Room hoping that someone will notice her and take her home. Ain't gonna happen in my world--but Mo Do has hope that some New Yorker will find her--and her execrable column-- interesting.

Mo Do and her readers are locked in a circle of mutual self admiration. Outsiders in flyover country need not apply.

Drago said...

"Democrats didn't make Trump. Republicans did. Their constant failure theater and backstabbing the base made Trump. We have Obamacare because of Republicans. We have medicare part B because of Republicans. We have never ending wars because of Republicans. Biden stole the election in 2020 because of Republicans."

Absolutely true...and goes back to Perot and beyond.

And when this is pointed out the reaction of the GOPe suckups is a wonder to behold as they pretend Trump is the only problem and once he steps aside or goes away all will be right again with the world.

We see that very dynamic on Althouse blog every single day.

MadTownGuy said...

Achilles said...

"Democrats didn't make Trump. Republicans did. Their constant failure theater and backstabbing the base made Trump. We have Obamacare because of Republicans. We have medicare part B because of Republicans. We have never ending wars because of Republicans. Biden stole the election in 2020 because of Republicans."

I've already debunked that, based on John Podesta's emails and the other documentary evidence I've presented previously.

The crowded primary field was a perfect opportunity for the DNC to convince Trump to run (thanks, Bill Clinton) and the other candidates were unprepared for his 'debating' style which narrowed the field.

The RNC didn't want Trump.

Most (R) voters didn't. I didn't want him, and didn't vote for him in the primary.

But when it came to a choice between Trump and Hillary!, most of us held our noses and voted for him to avert the kind of disaster we're seeing under Biden.

I still don't like Trump, and I'm not convinced that he'll be able to accomplish much of what he claims he can do that if elected. I'd be very happy if he would just retire and leave politics forever, but here we are again.

What evidence do you present in support of your assertion that Republicans created Trump?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey D-hack Maureen -

what say you? Easter is a celebration of the risen Christ. It's not about trans or bunnies.

● Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest.

● Biden Proclaims Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.

Christopher B said...


Re Yancey Ward, embrace the power of 'and'.

Phaedrus said...

Pretty much everyone is missing out on what Christians are actually seeing here although Charlie Kirk came really close on Gutfeld last night, also receiving the loudest round of applause from Greg’s audience when he said that Trump was spot on about the decline of Christian values and him bringing attention to it.

But from the perspective of a non-denom Protestant, although not evangelical, I know that God often works through the least, unlikeliest and/or the seemingly unredeemable to spread His word.

I watched the entire promotional video and I don’t see grift, or fund raising or anything that makes me roll my eyes. I see a much needed truth being told and a witness in every sense of the word as followers of Christ are called to do. So God bless the guy, faults and all.

William said...

I like reading Dowd. I don't agree with her, but she's witty and can turn a phrase. I think Trump is custom designed to stomp on her very last nerve. God bless him for that.

Ambrose said...

Still denying the 2000 election 24 years later:

tim in vermont said...

"exploit chaos he creates...."

Yeah, it's Trump creating all of the chaos. Remember when he was first elected, and the mainstream media was photographing him with a Dutch angle, the same way villains were often photographed on the old Batman series? it only got worse from there. It wasn't Trump sending out thugs to riot and vandalize and burn, it was done by Democrats to create an air of chaos around Trump. It worked for a lot of simple minded people.

tim in vermont said...

Rich is very concerned for believing Christians. It's genuine concern, you can rest assured. Rich is always right on top of the inner, unexpressed thoughts of other people. Also Rich thinks it's good for these people to have their buying power inflated away by a profligate government, that's not "grifting."

Narayanan said...

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore.
Would not Gore have fared better if D's had implemented in 2000 'Trump's 2020 strategy?' in ratification?

Narayanan said...

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore.
Would not Gore have fared better if D's had implemented in 2000 'Trump's 2020 strategy?' in ratification?

Joe Smith said...

Thank God the most devoutly Catholic man in the nation has declared Easter Sunday 'National Transgender Day of Visibility.'

And 'overtly religious symbols' have been banned from eggs decorated by children and submitted to the White House for a contest they do that corresponds to the WH egg hunt.

WTF do you think Easter is about Mr. Devout Catholic?

That is just sick.

Bruce Hayden said...

"'I consider it a great badge of courage,' he tells crowds. 'I am being indicted for you.'... In January, he put up a video on Truth Social about how he is a messenger from God, 'a shepherd to mankind.'... 'All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many,' Trump barked. 'It’s my favorite book.' Maybe the Bible has replaced that Hitler book Trump’s ex-wife said he kept by his bed. But it’s all a scam. Running for president is about enriching himself.... If there is one thing Trump knows how to do, it’s exploit chaos he creates.... Declining faith in religion and rising faith in conspiracies create fertile ground for a faker like Trump...."

He is, of course, correct, to the extent that he was indicted and sued because of what and who he represents - the great unwashed masses. Ditto too, with the mostly nonviolent imprisoned J6 protesters. MoDo is desperately trying to turn lemons into lemonade, after an even more disastrous week than normal for her party and its leaders. After everything, Trump miraculously escapes having all of his real estate stolen by a crooked DA and crooked judge. Then the three living Dem Presidents have a glitzy fundraiser, where they party with the stars, and Trump shows up at a memorial for a fallen NYPD officer, killed to a real extent by FJB/Dem policies, where he was roundly cheered. A container ship takes out the bridge in Baltimore, shutting down the harbor, and isolating critical litany assets. His Sec of Transportation slides in for photo ops, showing off his famous gay smile, while FJB ignores the calamity, within easy driving distance of the WH, recouperating fro the stressful fundraiser. While Trump is celebrating Easter week, in the news, FJB has renamed the annual Easter Egg Hunt to something non denominational.

Ice Nine said...

>Aggie said...
You know what I do when I come across obnoxious 'Bible Thumpers' on conservative blogs? I don't go there.<

Well, good for you, glad you've found a solution for yourself. I do go there because the conversations are erudite and interesting, even from the bible-thumpers, when they're not thumping.

>You know what else I don't do? I don't take on so much self-righteous umbrage that I'm inspired to gang up and cancel their TwitterX account, or facebook account, or try to get them fired, or try to run off their advertisers or cancel their banking.<

Bully for you - I don't do any of that either.

>I consider these things infinitely more obnoxious - and dangerous - than a few 'Bible Thumpers' running their own channels.<

Glenn isn't a bible-thumper, near as I can tell after watching him for fifteen years.

>they're not being tyrannical monsters demanding that 'everyone submits & complies' because they're 'triggered', either. You see the distinction? You get to control your own reactions.<

Yeah, I do see that. I don't demand anything of anyone either and I do control my reactions. But thanks for the advice, anyway.

Caroline said...

@wendybar: Biden White House declares March 31 trans visibility day. Easter Sunday.

Joe Bar said...

Who taught that little girl to act out like that? Who encouraged her?

I'm betting "The father could not be reached for comment."

Mason G said...

Re: Biden Proclaims Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.

Proclaiming a ‘Transgender Day of Visibility'? Didn't Audrey Hale already do that last year?

Prof. M. Drout said...

Drago said:
"In fact, you could argue the DeSantis online influencer crew was so horrific and tone-deaf in this regard and democratical-like in their attacks on republican base voters that they actually sabotaged the DeSantis campaign."

To me that was the 'tell' that DeSantis was sandbagged from within, probably by whoever he hired to run his social media. It seemed like 2/3 of the online DeSantis crew were just alternate accounts of the same people who were working for Democrats against Trump.

"Attack the voters not the leaders" is one of those qualities that gives a deep insight into the core anxieties of the person behind an account (or group of accounts). In this case it is people who are desperately afraid of being lumped in with those they consider to be of lower social status and operate as if their audience has that same fear.

Sample thought process: My deepest fear is that people might not realize what a very special smart boy I am and so mistake me for some unsophisticated, mouth-breathing rube. So I will say "You are such an unsophisticated rube for not realizing that Trump is just enriching himself at your expense," and the person will be mortified and stop supporting Trump because otherwise everybody will think they are dumb, which is the opposite of me: a very special, smart boy.

Joe Smith said...

'Also, I support that little girl 100%. She’s trying to perform a public service. And the Bible pounder should be arrested for disturbing the peace.'


Fuck the first amendment! People who speak their minds should be jailed!

Joe Smith said...

'@wendybar: Biden White House declares March 31 trans visibility day. Easter Sunday.'

Because we all know that LGBTQ folks don't get any recognition and nobody ever talks about them.

It's almost like there is a media blackout.

Except for when every US Embassy flies a gay flag in June (not in Arab countries, but we'll gloss over that one), and every muti-gazillion dollar company on earth sports a rainbow version of their logo and plasters rainbows on all of their marketing materials.

So recognition whatsoever. Poor gays...

Joe Smith said...

I count 38 days/months every fucking year:

Can't wait for June...

Achilles said...

MadTownGuy said...

Achilles said...

"Democrats didn't make Trump. Republicans did. Their constant failure theater and backstabbing the base made Trump. We have Obamacare because of Republicans. We have medicare part B because of Republicans. We have never ending wars because of Republicans. Biden stole the election in 2020 because of Republicans."

I've already debunked that, based on John Podesta's emails and the other documentary evidence I've presented previously.

Trump would not have been a candidate in 2016 if the Republicans had let us choose anyone other than Mitt Romney in 2012.

The crowded primary field was a perfect opportunity for the DNC to convince Trump to run (thanks, Bill Clinton) and the other candidates were unprepared for his 'debating' style which narrowed the field.

Typical Nevertrump condescension. Trump has received more votes in every primary and in 2020 than any of your GOPe toads by millions of votes.

The RNC didn't want Trump.

Most (R) voters didn't. I didn't want him, and didn't vote for him in the primary.

This is obviously not true. Also Trump has the highest levels of support among republican voters of any person in history including Regan. He has received more votes than anyone in history.

But when it came to a choice between Trump and Hillary!, most of us held our noses and voted for him to avert the kind of disaster we're seeing under Biden.

Even Ben Shapiro admitted he was wrong about Trump. The biggest failing of Nevertrumps is that they will never admit they were wrong.

I still don't like Trump, and I'm not convinced that he'll be able to accomplish much of what he claims he can do that if elected. I'd be very happy if he would just retire and leave politics forever, but here we are again.

What evidence do you present in support of your assertion that Republicans created Trump?

It is plainly obvious to everyone with above a room temperature IQ. What the Republican party did in 2012 spending more money destroying Romney's primary opponents than they did defeating Obama was the last straw for all of us. Romney went on to be a doormat candidate that lost to Obama on purpose.

In 2012 the Republican Party made it clear it's purpose was to lose to the Democrats. In 2016 it chose Jeb Bush and eventually Ted Cruz. They knew both of these people would have lost to Hillary in an election that would not have been close.

In 2020 Trump got 75 million votes, 15 million more than any Republican in history. And you idiots decided you wanted to go back to a 60 million vote candidate like Desantis.

The Nevertrumps are snooty louts who have more in common with democrats than deplorables and are fine with democrats being in power as long as they get to look down on the Listless Vessels that support Trump.

Unknown said...

For a story about a Bible salesman, read Flannery O’Conner’s Good Country People.

Oligonicella said...

Remember: "They're coming after you. I'm just in the way."

The Dems have shown his observation to be very accurate.

wendybar said...

Biden is cancelling Easter and proclaiming tomorrow, March 31st "TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISABILITY".....Some devote Catholic he is!!!

wendybar said...

Devout, not devote. Sorry.

wendybar said...

Caroline, Thanks, your comment after I posted the same thing. This administration is unbelievable.

Jupiter said...

"ADDED: Whatever you think of Donald Trump, should you use the term "Bible thumper"?"

I take it your answer is "No". Althouse declares anathema on the Bt-phrase. So OK, we'll add another one to the Alt-Latin list;

Jible jumper. There. All better! No religious nut-bags were offended in making this comment.

Mason G said...

Re: wendybar's link to X-

You need to take "?s=20" off the end of it for it to work.

Mason G said...

"Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest."

They've got shit-eating grins plastered all over their faces while they poke you in the eye and say "What are you going to do about it?"

Yep- *these* are your "leaders".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles -
"In 2020 Trump got 75 million votes, 15 million more than any Republican in history. And you idiots decided you wanted to go back to a 60 million vote candidate like Desantis. "

WTF are you talking about? Trump just won the nomination.
Keep insulting everyone and see if that helps Trump's chances.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles said:

"The Nevertrumps are snooty louts who have more in common with democrats than deplorables and are fine with democrats being in power as long as they get to look down on the Listless Vessels that support Trump."

You are such an ass.
oops I almost forgot... go fuck yourself.

“Bad Genes” said...

A true billionaire Christian would be donating Bibles, not selling them

Jim at said...

They still haven't gotten over Bush beating Gore.

I think it goes back further than that.

They never got over losing the House in 1994.

Jim at said...

Trump peddling bibles is the cartoon caricature of a lowlife grifter.

Again, why do you care how other people spend their own money?

The rule of Lemnity said...

I’ve never heard Trump quoting scripture.

Trump haters are running out of ammo.

Darkisland said...

I don't know or care about his religiosity.

But I wonder if he, like me, believes in Jesus's wisdom of Matthew 6?

I know their are a lot of people who take an opposite view. Including my wife, kids, and denomination. Along with others who are proud to be known as Bible thumper.

I know arguments for both views.

Who's right? Dunno, don't care. We go through life doing the best we can. We'll find out soon enough.

John "Bible thumpin' in the closet" Henry

rehajm said...

Dowd can suck it.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“It's not like Maureen Dowd is a woman of faith who is upset by Trump appropriating Christianity for gain.”


I’m so pleased that no one falls for the Prog “un-Christian” schtick anymore. Always amusing when the mask is completely off and some clueless Leftist acts like they’re still wearing it.

effinayright said...

Huh.....When I saw the reference to Maureen Dowd I inexplicably thought of the vagina dentata posting I think I saw here a few days ago....

The Godfather said...

The street preachers in these videos aren't "my kind of people" -- I'm an Episcopalian, and we would put it differently -- but what they were saying is basic Christian doctrine. And what had the little girl been taught to say? "Shut up, shut up, shut up !!! Nobody's listening to you, nobody's listening to you!!!" If "shut up!" is YOUR answer -- to the Christian message or to ANY message -- then you ought to think again.

Yancey Ward said...


As I understood the story, Trump ain't the one selling them.

Michael K said...

Blogger wendybar said...

Biden is cancelling Easter and proclaiming tomorrow, March 31st "TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISABILITY".....Some devote Catholic he is!!!

He and Pelosi are the worst hypocrites in politics.

effinayright said...

If you think Trump is bad, Biden claims the perpetual bulge in his pocket is a rosary.

Drago said...

LLR-democratial Rich: "A true billionaire Christian would be donating Bibles, not selling them"

The New Soviet Democraticals check in with their hottest hot takes on what Christians should be doing...just a week after Trump paid off the murdered police officer's mortgage via the Tunnels To Towers Foundation.

BTW Rich, what special events will you be attending for Trans Awareness Day?

Be sure to keep us updated.

Drago said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin: "WTF are you talking about? Trump just won the nomination.
Keep insulting everyone and see if that helps Trump's chances."

You just wrote that?

Zero self-awareness.

Mikey NTH said...

Donald Trump is the last person I would call a Bible-thumper. Religiousity is not something I associate with him.

Rabel said...

"I've already debunked that, based on John Podesta's emails and the other documentary evidence I've presented previously."

No you haven't. You've combined the fact that there was some limited discussion among some Hillary supporters that Trump might be the more easily defeated Republican, a commonly held assumption at the time, with the fact that celebrity newsmaker Trump was in the news, and with red strings and pushpins made the leap to claiming that the DNC was responsible for Trump's nomination, thus ascribing to them a power well beyond their capabilities.

Howard said...

Donald j Trump is exactly as the Antichrist was foretold in relevations 10:13.

Howard said...

If Biden was American Putin, Trump would drop out of the race and endorsement Slo Joe.

Drago said...

"I've already debunked that, based on John Podesta's emails and the other documentary evidence I've presented previously."

Rabel: "No you haven't. You've combined the fact that there was some limited discussion among some Hillary supporters that Trump might be the more easily defeated Republican, a commonly held assumption at the time, with the fact that celebrity newsmaker Trump was in the news, and with red strings and pushpins made the leap to claiming that the DNC was responsible for Trump's nomination, thus ascribing to them a power well beyond their capabilities."

Rabel is spot on.

The political dynamic that Trump rode to the 2016 nomination had been in play for decades and the low propensity and working class/working poor voters driven to support Trump after decades of disillusion with the GOPe didnt even know who the "Pied Piper" dem journalists were.

Does anyone really believe blue collar workers throughout the midwest leaped out of bed each working morning in 2016 to catch Joe and Mika as well as Chuck Todd on the weekends?

Aggie said...

@Jim said at 16:47: "Again, why do you care how other people spend their own money?"...

Sometimes I think it's not so much that they care how other people spend their own money, it's more like it bothers them that other people are allowed to spend their own money without supervision, or better yet, spend any of it themselves, at all.

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to the next incarnation of opposition to progressive leftism. And the next. And the one after that. Eventually the Dems will get exactly what they claim to have had as opposition for decades now: a truly horrible person who will meet and exceed their expectations of ruthlessness. The crushing of their party, their ideals, their ideology, their entire system of graft and their entire party will be a horror to behold. And I bet they will be surprised that after calling "Wolf" since I was a kid in the 1960s that one showed up and ate their faces.

Rusty said...

hombre said...
"Rich: "Trump peddling bibles is the cartoon caricature of a lowlife grifter."

Trump? A grifter? LOL! When you're a lefty and projection is what you got, project!"

Trump is the only president I can remember that left office poorer than when he entered it.

Rejoice! He has risen!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago Achilles tag-team should get jobs with the Trump campaign. Pocket Guards - on the look out.
The GOPe-purge tag team. Are you good enough to vote for Trump? NO!
Tag-team Trump camp agenda: Job 1: Purge the Never-Trumper/GOPe scum - including Actual Trump voters!

No critical word shall be spoken about Super-Hero perfect all-knowing Trump in front of the delicate Drago-Achilles TrumpSwab pocket guards.

GOPee scum.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

MadTownGuy you have simply pointed out the obvious, that the DNC and GOPe were singing harmony in 2015-2016, certain in their wrongheadedness. Completely unaware of average Americans utter contempt for both parties, but stuck in an ostensibly two-party system that made third party candidates impossible to elect. You are apparently unaware of the ubiquitous “choose the form of your destructor” meme that permeated conservative blogs in 2016, beginning I believe with Instapundit. Further, it has somehow escaped your attention that the facts of the Tea Party and other attempts by grassroots conservatives to wrest control away from Uniparty “Republicans” and restore sanity and populism have been presented here in exhaustive detail. The Pied Piper BS you keep shoveling is illustrative of the Elite’s mistaken belief that “Republican voters fall in line” when the Party selects who we shall vote for.

Wake up and smell the change in the air, Man. Even the minority coalition is populist now in large part and only white unmarried women are still on the DNC plantation in overwhelming numbers. Everyone else hates the old guard Party leadership and everything they stand for.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - LOL. No. 7:32

Revelations doesn't discuss clowns.

Biden and Putin are the twins of the apocalypse.

Drago said...

Uh oh. Criticism of her beloved democrat-aligned GOPe-ers has, one again, sent "Joe Biden, America's Putin" right over the edge in incoherent spittle-flecked rage.

Makes sense as she is a core member of the AMDG Trump supporter-purge tag team.

Job 1: Never criticize the GOPe even as they continue 50+ years of selling out! Make sure those deplorables know how stupid they are and how unwelcome they are in the party...though they might be tolerated if they dont mention or recognize reality.

No critical word shall be spoken about Super-Hero GOPe-ers as they are all perfect. Its only Trump that stands in the way of Victory!

Achilles said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Drago Achilles tag-team should get jobs with the Trump campaign. Pocket Guards - on the look out.
The GOPe-purge tag team. Are you good enough to vote for Trump? NO!
Tag-team Trump camp agenda: Job 1: Purge the Never-Trumper/GOPe scum - including Actual Trump voters!

No critical word shall be spoken about Super-Hero perfect all-knowing Trump in front of the delicate Drago-Achilles TrumpSwab pocket guards.

GOPee scum.

One difference you will see between Trump and Desantis is that Trump didn't attack Desantis's supporters. Desantis stupidly called Trump supporters Listless Vessels and oozed contempt for the millions of new Republican voters.

But Desantis has nothing on his supporters who have no proclivity to look in the mirror. You assholes have been propping up every "next in line" douchebag the Republicans puked out there.
All of them Yale or Harvard graduates. Desantis was just the latest Harvard man who had no actual life accomplishments and had the marionette strings hitched up to his body just like all that came before him.(McCain being the only exception. Shocking they made an exception for him. He lost by more than the others.)

You people have been wrong for decades. It led to Ross Perot "handing the presidency to Clinton" but only if you ignore the fact that George W Bush Sr. was a lying traitorous piece of shit that betrayed his voters. We read your lips then too.

And then there was 2012. The biggest issue in the country was Obamacare and the Republican party won 2010 in the biggest landslide in history. Obama won lie of the year getting it passed.

And you assholes forced Mitt Romney to be the nominee in the most obvious attempt to sabotage the will of Republican voters in history.

And you did it attacking Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, and several other much better candidates with your silver spoons and your snooty snoots high in the air using the most personal attacks and destroying everyone that opposed Romney. All funded by the same people that funded Desantis. And Desantis hired the same team to run his campaign and surprised nobody by being a desanctimonious ass.

But you all took the high road against Obama and Romney tanked the general, probably on purpose. Jeb, Cruz, and Desantis were all attempts to lose to Democrats just like Romney in 2012. All 60 million vote losers. And you people keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. In 2016 we won first beating the Romney republicans then the democrats. Desantis supporters in 2020 were just the slow learners.

Desanctimonious was a great nickname because while it did accurately describe the Harvard Graduate candidate, it also accurately captured the attitude of the Desantimonians that supported him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Drago - obsessed with DeSantis.
It's precious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Drago-

Trump - the man who let Hillary eat his lunch.... The man who signed and agreed to McConnell's hideous spending sprees.... the man who surrounded himself with idiots and liars like Cassidy Hutchinson... and other lying frauds and back-stabbing spies who ended up stabbing him in the back. .. Trump who promoted Fauci instead of firing him.

Such blind faith man-love for the Orange Man. Mental illness sadly leads TrumpSwabs like Drago to dedicate maximum obsessive time (like an NBC creep) - on expressing non-stop PURE HATE for successful governor DeSantis... to help fill the void.

Even thought DeSantis is out of the race and defeated handily by the man who will lose to Biden.

Poor NBC Drago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago -
Did you vote for Romney?
Did you?
Answer the question.
Can you be honest?
I Doubt it - coward.

I never voted vote for Jeb. Had no plans to vote for Jeb. Not sure what you are attempting with your non-stop obsession with Jeb. You go on and on about him as if he has some sort of political significance. It's long past tired. Like you.
His candidacy went no-where.
News-flash - John McCain died in 2018. are you that dumb?

My guess is you are so infatuated with Trump and his style of insulting anyone GOP - while Trump lets "lovely Hillary" [Trump's words] off the hook, (and barely mentions Crook Joe) - is just the juice you need to follow in Trump's lead. Mission accomplished - TrumpSwab NBC Drago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love how I have all the power to make Romney the candidate.

So cool how much power I have. Who knew?

Drago said...

The Boulder Dolt goes right over The Triggered Cliff everytime the GOPe is criticized...or even mentioned.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Drago -
Did you vote for Romney?
Did you?
Answer the question.
Can you be honest?
I Doubt it - coward.

I didn't. I almost felt bad for a bit.

In hindsight I am clearly vindicated. Romney would have passed Cap and Trade if he was elected. But the people supporting Romney weren't really serious about fixing the country or repealing Obamneycare. We still have Obamneycare because of NeverTrump. You were just mad that we didn't happily accept your POS traitor Harvard graduate candidate.

To an extent Obama was a lame duck and could only accomplish minor things for the uniparty. It was the Republicans that passed all of the laws to create the surveillance state and I have no doubt that Romney would have been right there spying on and attacking the TEA party and he publicly supported those efforts.

Romney supporters in 2012 were the absolute worst and they have still managed to learn nothing from 2012. The immediate Jeb like flame out of the Desantis campaign gives me hope for the Republican party voters. There aren't very many snotty snoots left and most of them voted for Biden anyways.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Draino-Achilles TrumpSwab tag-team purists.

You lose your mind and repeat your hot garbage over and over. You are dedicated to protecting your super hero. Triggered? Good gravy - that's you if anyone dare point out any of Trump's failings.

but but but Jeb! GEPe!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL. Romney lost - Obama won.

I guess the two TrumpSwabs voted for Obama. Got it.

Drago said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin: "Triggered?
You lose your mind and repeat your hot garbage over and over"


You cant even keep track of who wrote what.

Go ahead and present whatever it is you believe is the worst thing I've ever written about DeSantis.

Then, when you realize there isnt really anything there, go ahead and launch another psychotic stream of "lack of" consciousness ramblings for all to see!

Deep State Reformer said...

Quite true but that's what you get for reading a confused blatherskite like the NYT's Ms. Dowdy. She thinks she's another Dorothy Parker too. Lol.