February 9, 2024

The "elderly man with a poor memory" holds a press conference to demonstrate that he is not "an elderly man with a poor memory,"

If you click on the image, you'll see it goes to RNC Research, at Twitter, where the text is:
After a special counsel found Biden "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials" and called him an "elderly man with a poor memory," Biden held a brief — but angry and incoherent — press conference. It did not go well, so we're sharing it in its entirety....

I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent." When I watched a partial clip last night, I had the impression that "[i]t did not go well," but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden.


rehajm said...

This morning I'm trying to recall any of the Republican President gaffes the media told us were proof the Republican President was mentally unit for office. As I recall there were many but nothing as grave as this...

Clyde said...

I think most Democrats who were paying attention yesterday went through three pairs of underwear yesterday, because between the Supreme Court hearing yesterday and Biden's performance last night, they crapped their pants twice.

Oso Negro said...

It was a terrible spectacle. Biden’s people knew what was in that report. They had gone to prepare. They drugged him up and sent him shuffling out. There’s your leader of the free world. There is the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger. This is what the Democrats have done.

rehajm said...

I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent."

Oh, dear...

Breezy said...

“My memory is so bad I let you speak”.

Honestly, admitting his memory is bad and also that he’s not supposed to call on Doocy because of course not.

“That’s your opinion. That’s not the opinion of the press!”

Wut? Admitting the press is a monolithic thing that must say what they’re told to say. And what about the opinion of us everyday Americans?

“And in fact they made a firm conclusion: I did not break the law.”

This is a blatant lie. They did find he broke the law! They’re declining to charge because of his declining mental health.

He’ll be dropping out soon.

rehajm said...

As I mentioned in the open thread I'm having a hard time imagining why Biden's care givers felt the need for a hasty press conference. They had their phony baloney victories in court today, leave it at that. Perhaps for some strange reason they still care about poll numbers and some old school election strategist noticed they're ten points behind and thought they needed to 'do something' since that's been the historic political play to make up ground? Strange...

Christopher B said...

Keep hope alive!

Biden was sold as kindly old Uncle Joe in 2020, not the weird dude you need to lock in the attic when company comes.

Christopher B said...

Oh, and for all you folks that keep insisting Biden won't be on the ballot in November, *this* is why.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Is "willful intent" required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?

Christopher B said...

You do realize that over the last three days he has said he spoke with 2 dead foreign leaders (Mitterand and Kohl) along with mis-identifying the country one led (Mitterand), and in the press conference last night claimed he talked with the President of Mexico to open up aid to Gaza?

I do agree this is vintage Biden. A mean nasty foul-mouthed man with a small intellect and fumbling syntax unable to grasp basic facts.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Was he senile when he committed these crimes? Trump had Secret Service security, Biden had crack addicts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yeah typical in that he outright lied about the report, looked like a deer in the headlights, claimed Egyptian president Sisi is the Mexican president and made absurd claims about his son Beau. Pretty much SOP for old Joe. He has always been an annoying jerk but the degradation of his mental facilities is astounding, easily illustrated by watching any video of him ten or more years old.

“Not so bad” is a terribly low standard for the world’s most important chief executive. Even if I squint I don’t see even the hint of competence in Biden. Just agreeing to DO that disastrousl press conference demonstrates how bad his judgement is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Is "willful intent" required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?

No it is not a requirement. Even accidentally “mishandling” classified material is a crime.

fairmarketvalue said...

I disagree: Biden was both angry and incoherent.

Rocco said...

Ann said…
It’s typical Biden.

At least we can agree on that point.

Howard said...

He kicked ass under the most withering questioning he's ever faced as president. After that performance I wholeheartedly support him debating Donald Trump wherever whenever.

Holy Moly! said...

I remember when Democrats thought that they could beat Reagan in 1994 because of his age. How did that go?

mezzrow said...

It was typical behavior for Biden. It did not go well. This is our default state.

After all, what could possibly go wrong? Your eyes and ears are lying to you. Trust us.

The country's in the very best of hands!

Mingus Jerry said...

"Typical Biden" is a pretty low bar and should not be the standard for mental acuity.

iowan2 said...

I'm having a hard time imagining why Biden's care givers felt the need for a hasty press conference. They had their phony baloney victories in court today, leave it at that.

To me the obvious motivation is President Trump's spontaneous press conference after SCOTUS oral arguments. Trump was Presidential. He was upbeat, articulate, on message, and coherent. President Trump took all questions from an adversarial media. You may disagree with President Trump, but you can't claim he was anything but Presidential. Put those two videos side by side with no sound. Then tell me who is best suited to serve.

Oso Negro said...

"Not that bad". "Not that bad". He shuffles. He rages. He can't properly make a joke. He lauds the President of Mexico for leading the way for humanitarian aid to the savages of Gaza. He declares that he is President of the red and green states. He can't remember where the rosary came from. "Not that bad", says Althouse. "Not that bad"

donald said...

The diminished results of low expectations writ large or sumpin.

Scott Gustafson said...

Biden has lowered the bar so much that "typical Biden" is now acceptable.

Breezy said...

On a positive note, it looks like we’ll dodge the boredom of a respin of the 2020 election.

Temujin said...

Watching the spectacle of our feeble President yelling at the world something that said "I am not demented" while he railed about Sisi the President of Mexico, reminded me of watching another candidate from Delaware a handful of years ago.
I remember Christine O'Donnell who apparently at one time practiced witchcraft and who was accused of being a witch, had to buy airtime to go on TV and declare, "I am not a witch." At which point her campaign was over. It's never a good moment when you have to go on TV and declare that you are not a witch. Or that you are not demented.

Biden is not demented. Ms. O'Donnell is not a witch. Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. Our border is secure. Your check is in the mail.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did he say “the president of Mexico” didn’t want to open the gate to humanitarian aid to Gaza?

For a minute I thought he was talking about the mess he created at the border and then I realised, no, he’s talking about Israel and Gaza. Oy vey.

Kate said...

Fewer people will see "feisty" or "salty" as explanations for Biden's aggressive behavior. This report has successfully reframed him. His hasty press conference looks desperate.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did he say “the president of Mexico” didn’t want to open the gate to humanitarian aid to Gaza?

For a minute I thought he was talking about the mess he created at the border and then I realised, no, he’s talking about Israel and Gaza. Oy vey.

Tina Trent said...

Dilated eyes again. Some combination of speed and neurotropics.

We deserve to know.

Leslie Graves said...

I agree it wasn't that bad. He successfully conveyed a couple of rebuttal points: It was five hours of deposition [many people hearing that would recognize that they might not come off that well at all points in a five hour deposition]; it occurred on the two days immediately following October 7 and he was distracted [normal people would relate to this]; and the special prosecutor went very inappropriately went beyond his remit in making the confused-old-man comments, giving a reason or two for believing that this was beyond the prosecutor's remit [whether you agree with the notion that this was beyond the prosecutor's remit, Biden offered arguments that it was]. People might disagree with all of that, but he laid out his case, and in laying out a somewhat complicated case like that (within hours of it appearing that it would be advisable to do this) undercuts to some extent the main claim that he has descended into senility.

fairmarketvalue said...

Hmm.., and as the former holder of TS/SCI clearances for a number of years, the annual instructions I received from the security folks was that the standard to be applied to unauthorized handling or disclosure by me would be "recklessness". No one ever referred to a "willfulness" standard such as conjured up in the Special Counsel's report, nor would any prosecutor charging such handling or disclosure. So much for equal justice for all.

Hur's tap dancing on why charges should not brought are blatantly wrong and just don't pass the sniff test. On the other hand, his report has accomplished what the Dems wanted, which is giving a reason to bail on Biden. Now, as a good little special counsel who has gone along to get along, Hur will do just fine for the rest of his legal career in D.C.

wendybar said...

rehajm said...
I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent."

Oh, dear...

2/9/24, 6:28 AM

THIS^^^ Just WOW.

Clyde said...

I think you are going far too easy on Biden, Althouse. Everyone misspeaks on occasion, but in Biden's case, it's news when he DOESN'T misspeak. Referencing Mitterand instead of Macron, Kohl instead of Merkel, and now referring to "Sisi, President of Mexico," all in one week. We live in a dangerous world, with adversaries who wish us ill and are constantly taking our measure and looking for opportunities to create mischief and mayhem. We have at least a couple of hundred million people in this country who are eligible for the office of President of the United States, and this is the best the Democrats can come up with? The desiccated husk of a grifting politician who is clearly not up to the duties of the office? And his designated successor is an empty pantsuit. Does anyone really believe that Biden is the one running the Executive Branch at this point? Scary times, people. Scary times.

Jamie said...

Is "willful intent" required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?

Is the ability to have willful intent required for the highest elected office in the country?

(The answer is no, the Constitution doesn't say you have to be cognizant, just over 35, a natural born citizen, and resident in the US for at least 14 years. But we might hope that even though it's not required, voters still think it's a good idea that the person elected to head the executive branch be the actual Executive. We'll see.)

Mrs. X said...

I’m with Ann. Every time I hear, OMG! Biden was mumbling incoherently! I watch the related video and find that it ain’t so. I think he’s a crap president and I believe that he’s not running the show, but I imagine his supporters watching this and saying, look, he’s perfectly fine. He clearly understands the charges laid against him and he refutes them.

MayBee said...

I propose that "typical Biden" is angry and incoherent.

MayBee said...

I can't believe this is our president, and that other foreign leaders know it.

tim in vermont said...

The part where he called the Special Counsel who just let him off the hook a liar was pretty good. Then where he said that he was too able to defend himself in court, so the reasons for not charging him were all BS, that was pretty good too. Typical Biden.

MikeM said...

Biden sounds just like the same devious little man we've all known. It is the press that sound like a gaggle of geese or a murder of crows.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

"Typical Biden" actually is that bad.

FleetUSA said...

"Typical Biden" certainly in the sense that he launched attacks at Trump from the get go of his talk. Obviously he planned this as another attack ad.

Owen said...

Michelle O is working on her acceptance speech. Characteristically humble and magnanimous, it will ask what we can do for our country while we remain in this posture of submission.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You want to know what’s worse than an insurrection?

Getting a matzo ball confused with a burrito.

That man is off his rocker.

tim in vermont said...

"Is "willful intent"required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?"

Only if you are a Democrat, it's written right into the law in invisible ink. Of course, if you are a Republican the prosecutor and the jury are free to use mind reading, but more likely, they will just go back to the language of the law and disregard intent.

“My memory is so bad I let you speak”.

That was a good joke, but he immediately stepped on it because he is just too angry. He's just a nasty man at bottom, a pedophile who doesn't care that there was video on the laptop of his son in bed naked with his granddaughter. He thinks that's perfectly normal, I guess, given his own history.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Big Mike, or Newsolini, are on deck. This is the man the deep state gave the nuclear codes to. When the accounting is finished they'll be lucky to have skin left.

Balfegor said...

Re: Bumble Bee:

Is "willful intent" required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?

The particular provision they concluded Biden may have violated is 18 USC 793(e), which does have a willfulness requirement.

It sounds like all the elements are clearly established except mental state. There, my reading of the report (which I have only skimmed) is that the prosecutors essentially found probable cause, so they could have presented the case to a grand jury to obtain an indictment (except that he's a sitting president), but placing themselves in the position of the petit jury, they determined there was reasonable doubt as to Biden's mental state.

Incidentally, a lot of people are playing this up as Biden not being mentally competent to stand trial -- I don't think that's what the prosecutors are saying. It's not that he's mentally incompetent, just that he's credibly confused about the facts of what was in his possession, and when. They have evidence of his clearly being aware he had some classified information lying around at one point, but that point was seven years ago (when, I note, Biden was a lot more cogent), and he's typically vague: "I just found all the classified stuff downstairs." There's a big and meaningful contrast with Trump, who allegedly has a much more recent recording where he's talking about what is in the records he retained, and Trump clearly knew exactly what he had. It's not so much that what they did is meaningfully different. It's just whether it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In a vacuum, a documents case against Trump genuinely does seem more winnable than a case against Biden. In context, though, it's a bad look for the prosecutors.

Lilly, a dog said...

The angriest parts were in Biden's statements that he made prior to that clip.

“There’s even reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that. Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself it wasn’t any of their damn business,” he said.

PB said...

The claim the report exonorated Biden was a laugher! Decades of purloining secret documents? He blames it on his staff? He manages his staff and has to take responsibility for poor supervision at the least.

MayBee said...

1. Biden pretended the reason he couldn't say when his son Beau died was because it was none of the special prosecutor's business. Which is remarkable because Biden inserts Beau's death into every conversation and speech he possibly can. He then proceeded to *not say* when Beau died, and forgot, mid sentence, where he was going to say the rosary was from.

2.Biden said the reporter's opinion was not that of the press.

3. To answer the Gaza question, he flipped through his briefing book to find the answer. So at least he can still do that.

PB said...

The claim the report exonorated Biden was a laugher! Decades of purloining secret documents? He blames it on his staff? He manages his staff and has to take responsibility for poor supervision at the least.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Who gets Shabbat mixed up with 5 de mayo?

Wince said...

Althouse said...
I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent." When I watched a partial clip last night, I had the impression that "[i]t did not go well," but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden.

I, too, think people are reading Biden and his infirmities wrong, which means they miss the point of his appearance "not going well."

Biden knows what he is doing and why he's doing it. For example, Biden knows the purpose and effect when he abuses governmental power to strike-out against his enemies. In that sense, despite what the Special Counsel said, Biden is fully capable of knowingly and willfully violating the statute.

At the presser, Biden's greatest flaw on display wasn't being "incoherent" as it was concocting a string of lies contradicting the underlying facts of the case presented by the Special Counsel. Lucky for him, the cognitive questions drown-out his sheer dishonesty.

Biden's serious mental impairment is with perception, memory and with processing the symbolic logic needed to understand the cause and effect of policy in the larger world. That's what makes him dangerous to the country outside of his personal mendacity.

TreeJoe said...

That was watching a train wreck in progress.

First off, that form of shouting over each other is just ridiculous in a prepared environment. WTF.

Second, Biden was awful. I'm not sure he made it 2-3 sentences without lying, without obfuscating. And it's readily demonstrable.

Lastly, finally, the Press is seeing they can make their careers in this moment and they are HUNGRY for it.

Ann Althouse said...

"“My memory is so bad I let you speak”. Honestly, admitting his memory is bad and also that he’s not supposed to call on Doocy because of course not."

It was humor. It means I remember you're a jerk, but I call on you, which is as if I don't remember you're a jerk.

Trump uses some similar rhetoric that his enemies pretend they don't understand. Or maybe they actually don't understand. Many people are humor deaf.

Ann Althouse said...

"“That’s your opinion. That’s not the opinion of the press!” Wut?"

It mean: You're just one person. You can only say what you think, not what the people in general or the press in general think. Pretty simple... unless you're looking to construe everything against him.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

The problem with Biden's "humor" is that it's always mean-spirited. Even when he's purporting to be self-deprecating. "I let you speak." That's his dream, to shut up everyone who disagrees with him.

Curious George said...

"I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent." When I watched a partial clip last night, I had the impression that "[i]t did not go well," but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden."

Typical Althouse.

Michael said...

Althouse. Not odd that the DOJ blocks for Biden. Strays somewhat from “the law.”

Mrs Whatsit said...

Blaming his staff is just disgusting. There's no bigger "tell" for lack of character. Apparently the buck doesn't stop here for Biden.

Goldenpause said...

Just remember that pushing senile Joe aside right now would give us President Harris, who is also incoherent and mentally challenged without a senility defense.

Dave Begley said...

Compare Joe to Vlad. Putin gave a long and detailed history of Russia and Ukraine. Ask Joe to give a history of Delaware and he’d say, “Ann Althouse grew up there. She was engaged to marry Beau. I was upset when he dumped Ann. Sweet girl. I heard she lives in Wisconsin now and has a blog.”

michaele said...

It was the "deer in the headlights" look in his eyes when the reporters were loudly calling out questions to him that caused me concern. The whole world was witnessing that and it didn't inspire confidence in his competence and mental acuity. It was sad.

Big Mike said...

but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden.

“Typical Biden”is that bad.

tim maguire said...

it's not that bad. It's typical Biden.

"Typical Biden" is the exception that swallows the rule.

Tacitus said...

Typical Biden....yes. But his usual schtick no longer works.

He looked cowed and buffeted by the overlapping questions. It's never good when you are looking downward in such a situation. Downcast one might say. Is it avoiding the eye contact that would give you away? (See also his weird squint). Is it looking in vain for a note card that will tell him what to do?

He lacks one thing of inestimable worth that could maybe, just maybe get him through this. A sense of humor. Reagan set the benchmark. Clinton and Bush Jr. and Sr. were light hearted when appropriate. Obama took himself too seriously for self deprecation or to even appear to relate to his audience, but he was not the grey, wooden figure that is Joe Biden 2024...


Bob Boyd said...

Biden is coherent enough to continue living at his house, but not at the White House.
That's my opinion. That's not the opinion of the press.

And Sisi is President of Egypt, not Mexico. Just sayin'...

MadTownGuy said...

"It's typical Biden."

That's a low bar. I'll watch the video before I make any more comments on it.

Iman said...

So the Hur Report feeds the narrative about Biden’s age and competency and his handlers followed NBC’s suggestion and put the president out there last night. They gave us one helluva show, yes?

America’s in the best of hands, Althouse! That man needs to GTFO.

tim maguire said...

“My memory is so bad I let you speak”.

That's actually a great line. He's sharp enough to come up with off the cuff witticisms.

R C Belaire said...

I am most definitely "looking to construe everything against him." He deserves it, you know, for being a crook, a liar, and a pedophile.

Iman said...

Biden’s in big trouble, so America is in a tight spot… as they used to say.

Oh Yea said...

If joe Biden is re-elected, the country will be in his hands for 4 more years, 11 months and 16 days.

Kevin said...

It mean: You're just one person

Wasn’t the question about a nationwide poll?

Iman said...

Soon, we won’t have Joe Biden to kick around anymore. And that’s too bad. If anyone deserves it, the old grifting prick does.

Iman said...

What a rotten situation these leftwing pinheads have created.

The Elder said...

"Typical Biden?" Hmmm. If you are correct about that, it may just be enough.

Jamie said...

I remember you're a jerk, but I call on you,

Depends on why he thinks Doocy is a "jerk," doesn't it? Is Doocy disrespectful? Does he cut the line or interrupt the President or others? Or is he a "jerk" because he asks questions from the other side of the aisle and Biden doesn't like answering them?

Seems to me - though I have never made a habit of watching presidential press conferences, and I am sure there will be some confirmation bias here - Trump called on a wide range of reporters and answered everything, sometimes giving quite long responses. He had an adversarial relationship with a lot of the press but he didn't duck them.

MadTownGuy said...

OK, I reviewed the video. What I saw was typical Biden: nasty, defensive, deflective and reliant on talking points. His statement that 'you're not the Press' was puzzling. Was this not a news conference with the press in attendance? What I got from that is that the people asking hard questions were not the lapdog reporters who ask softball questions, and he took offense to it.

It really was that bad. I'll grant that he seemed coherent, but he lost it a few times because he was not in control of the narrative.

Breezy said...

“It mean: You're just one person. You can only say what you think, not what the people in general or the press in general think. Pretty simple... unless you're looking to construe everything against him.“

The reporter was referring to polling regarding people’s concern about his mental acuity. It wasn’t her judgment - it was the public’s judgment about his state of health. He responded inappropriately - 75-80% of the public is concerned about it - not just one reporter or just the press.

I’m just looking to construe whether he’s allaying any concern with his responses.

Btw, I’ll grant that first quote may have been humor, but I didn’t hear anyone laugh, did you?

MartyH said...

The Doocy thing could have been a good punch line had it been delivered with any vigor . Confusing Mexico and Egypt is another matter entirely.

Old and slow said...

"I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden"

I agree with this. He's pathetic, but he isn't all gone, and he's able to speak reasonably well much of the time. Playing gotcha with politicians misspeaking is a cheap game, and it works in both directions. Biden doesn't need to be completely demented for us to need him gone.

Maynard said...

Biden's press conference sealed the deal.

Michelle Obama will be the Democrat nominee in November.

Sebastian said...

"it's not that bad"

So, Hur was wrong not to prosecute, since not-that-bad Joe could not use the dementia defense with a jury of Althouses?

MadTownGuy said...

Next thought: what if he had been asked about when he left the vice presidency, or when his son Beau passed? If he had answered them correctly, would he not be guilty of perjury, given the questions the DOJ asked?

Lincolntf said...

It is typical Biden. He blamed his staff for his breaking the law. And then he told us how focused he was on the Mexico/Egypt border. The sad thing is, he is probably the best the Dems can do. And since most of his voters probably can't find Egypt on a map, his tallies won't suffer much.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Hitler in the bunker probably thought he had the Russians surrounded.

Iman said...

Our fucking MSM… they go from being too afraid to say the words to a feeding frenzy in nothing flat.

Top shelf, baby!

William said...

On occasion, Biden can look coherent and sort of competent. On other occasions, he's clearly halting and addled. I don't think he's going to improve. I would prefer a President who's not occasionally enfeebled and might be on the brink of outright dementia. I'd also prefer a President who has enough insight into human nature to intuitively know which porn stars can be trusted to honor a NDA....All in all, I prefer Trump, but jeez what a choice.

rastajenk said...

I agree with our host that the Doocy comment was supposed to be funny. I thought it was a good line, but it didn't save the whole scene.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Biden is angry and incoherent, but those are his good points... Typical AWFL Althouse.

Birches said...

I thought it would have been ok if he hadn't gone back. He can't handle any questions off the cuff. It wasn't just calling Sisi the President of Mexico which could be interpreted as a normal variety gaffe if we had a proper president. He seems so decrepit and feeble.

Big Mike said...

Is "willful intent" required for the prosecution of mishandling classified documents?

@BUMBLE BEE, absolutely not. It’s a spin Comey put on the mishandling of classified information by Hillary Clinton to fool the gullible (e.g., Althouse) to get her off the hook, and since it worked then Hur is trying it again.

And IMO Comey was lying — Hillary’s abuse of the regulations was deliberate. Also IMO so was Biden’s,

James K said...

“It was humor. It means I remember you're a jerk, but I call on you, which is as if I don't remember you're a jerk.”

Yes, it was “humor,” but not that funny and a bit nasty and undignified. Also undoubtedly planned in advance and on his teleprompter or notes.

Big Mike said...

He’ll be dropping out soon.

Or be Epsteined.

D.D. Driver said...

Pure Baghdad Bob.

Oligonicella said...

"The conduct ... of the response ... ... in Gaza, in the Gaza strip ... has been um ... over the top".

That's a man looking for a way to phrase things other than what he thinks. Thankfully we have video instead of just NYT massaged text which wouldn't at all look like the above.

Where's his 'over the top' on Hamas' refusal to release ALL the hostages as he insists Gaza needs more aid?

On our border and their border, his sympathies lie not with the attacked but with the hordes, regardless of their actions.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We aren’t disputing the fact he’s a rude jerk, we are pointing out the fact he uses inappropriately angry outbursts to avoid answering ANY questions the press poses. That female reporter quoted him, “You said ‘watch me’…” and he should be able to at least acknowledge that he challenged us to do so even if he doesn’t believe most of us are horrified at “watching him.”

The one question on Gaza that he actually answered was flubbed. Badly.

D.D. Driver said...

I hope "I'm the most qualified man in America" becomes Joe's "the only thing we have to fear...." quote.

Oligonicella said...

Ann Althouse:
Many people are humor deaf.

Many are. Usually it's attached to specific topics.

dbp said...

Biden is in a catch-22 type situation:

"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness."

Biden is too mentally feeble to be charged with mishandling classified documents. Okay fine. How can he be, at the same time, mentally sharp enough to be president?

D.D. Driver said...

Everything in my garage was in a filing cabinet that was either locked *or able to be locked*. 😅

The US president, ladies and gentlemen!

Oligonicella said...

Anyone attaching importance to the "opinion of the press" understands the press 'in general' construes anything said by others as against them and things they say favorably.

"That's not the opinion of the press!" is not a worthwhile reposte.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"“That’s your opinion. That’s not the opinion of the press!” Wut?"

It mean: You're just one person. You can only say what you think, not what the people in general or the press in general think. Pretty simple... unless you're looking to construe everything against him."

Cruel neutrality says otherwise. He didn't mean to say "press"; he meant to say "people." But because, in that moment, he was staring at a gaggle of reporters, his neurons got crossed and sent the word "press" to his mouth. It makes no sense that he'd try to shame the young, female reporter by pointing out that her (perceived) opinion was out of step with that of the overall press. The target audience for these televised news conferences is the viewers at home, the large majority of whom do not identify with the press. If he wanted to dismiss and disparage the reporter's question, the way to do that would be to assert that she was out of step with the views of the American people, not with those of the press (of which she is obviously a part, btw).

D.D. Driver said...

Can someone explain how the President of Mexico is a power player in the Middle East and Biden had to convince him to open the gates?! What is Joe talking about?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

I got the humor in the slam against Doocy, but the delivery wasn't funny or lighthearted, so it didn't dispel the overall impression of Biden as an angry, defensive old man.

Seriously, Ann, go back and look at video of Biden from even 2-3 years ago and then see if you still think the concerns over the state of his cognitive health are somehow unfair or unsubstantiated. Maybe you don't see a significant decline, or you think a lot more proof is needed; but you seem to be implying that those who have arrived at the conclusion that Biden is too old and infirm to serve a second term got there only by construing everything against him. I strongly disagree. People, including a lot of non-republicans, are just responding to what they have seen with their own eyes.

Levi Starks said...

Makes me wonder how the Supreme Court would rule if a rogue state legislature were to declare him ineligible for the presidency based on mental incompetency. Seriously if you lack the competence to be held accountable for your actions, how is it possible that you can hold the highest office in the land?

Rocco said...

Howard said...
“He kicked ass under the most withering questioning he's ever faced as president.”

Damn, bro. Way to throw some serious shade on the Press Corp.

Rocco said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...

Blogger Mrs Whatsit said...

Blaming his staff is just disgusting. There's no bigger "tell" for lack of character. Apparently the buck doesn't stop here for Biden.

Amen to that. On the plus side, at least he didn't let a staffer sit in jail overnight for something he (Webb) did like former dem congressman Webb. So there is that. Biden is not quite that low.

And Webb, a Marine officer.

John Henry

Old and slow said...

William said...
"I'd also prefer a President who has enough insight into human nature to intuitively know which porn stars can be trusted to honor a NDA...."

Okay, this is genuinely funny. I also agree with your other points.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Anyone can fall off a bicycle.

Iman said...

All is NOT well, Althouse!

Rocco said...

D.D. Driver said...
“I hope "I'm the most qualified man in America" becomes Joe's "the only thing we have to fear...." quote.”

*Said in a Mid-Atlantic accent*…
The only thing we have to fe-ah (fear)… is Joe himself!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Howard's on Joe's six.

Iman said...

“The only thing we have to fear is the most qualified man in America?”

—- Alfred E. Neuman

Darkisland said...

Brandon seems to have a penchant for casualness with names. For example, last night with "Sisi" (ignoring the fact that he got the country wrong. Anyone might do that. Just not every day)

It just grated on me. Shouldn't the president of one country be referring to another president as "President El Sisi" not just part of his last name? It seems disrespectful.

How would he feel If "Sisi" went on the tube and started talking about "Joey". The informality would rankle.

And on a broader note, what is it with pols and first names? I fully expect that if Brandon, or PEDJT or the governor or any other pol and I meet, they will say something like "Hi John. Good to meet you." They won't call me "Mr Henry"

Yet in most cases if I were to reply "Pleasure to meet you too, Joe" I would be castigated for excessive informality.

There is a story I once read that FDR, on meeting Senator Huey Long greeted him as Huey. Long responded by addressing FDR as "Franklin". An aide jumped in to correct him. Huey's response was that when FDR started calling him Senator Long, he would address him as "President Roosevelt"

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Brandon seems to have a penchant for casualness with names. For example, last night with "Sisi" (ignoring the fact that he got the country wrong. Anyone might do that. Just not every day)

It just grated on me. Shouldn't the president of one country be referring to another president as "President El Sisi" not just part of his last name? It seems disrespectful.

How would he feel If "Sisi" went on the tube and started talking about "Joey". The informality would rankle.

And on a broader note, what is it with pols and first names? I fully expect that if Brandon, or PEDJT or the governor or any other pol and I meet, they will say something like "Hi John. Good to meet you." They won't call me "Mr Henry"

Yet in most cases if I were to reply "Pleasure to meet you too, Joe" I would be castigated for excessive informality.

There is a story I once read that FDR, on meeting Senator Huey Long greeted him as Huey. Long responded by addressing FDR as "Franklin". An aide jumped in to correct him. Huey's response was that when FDR started calling him Senator Long, he would address him as "President Roosevelt"

John Henry

TaeJohnDo said...

"Typical Biden."


Wince said...

The good news is this media rehabilitation of Biden will forestall his easy replacement by another Democrat while Biden crumbles before the nations' eyes from now until November.

OldManRick said...


You seemed to dislike Trump because he was un-presidential. Mean tweets, calling the press fake news, and all the bragging.

I can't believe that you would think Biden is acting presidential with his rambling, nasty, lying out bursts. The man is the most embarrassing act we've had as a president in my lifetime and I'm 76 years old.

It would be interesting to hear how you would have wanted Trump to handle the false accusations of Russian collusion, the acknowledged spying on him, the extended attempts by the press and the deep state to ruin and discredit him, and the current extensive level of lawfare being brought against him. Nixon was treated better by these people than Trump was.

MadisonMan said...

As long as he has to say "My memory is fine" he is losing.

planetgeo said...

Althouse: "I don't agree that Biden seems "angry and incoherent." When I watched a partial clip last night, I had the impression that "[i]t did not go well," but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad."

No offense, but...what are the dates when you were a law professor?

wendybar said...

Jamie said...
I remember you're a jerk, but I call on you,

Depends on why he thinks Doocy is a "jerk," doesn't it? Is Doocy disrespectful? Does he cut the line or interrupt the President or others? Or is he a "jerk" because he asks questions from the other side of the aisle and Biden doesn't like answering them?

Seems to me - though I have never made a habit of watching presidential press conferences, and I am sure there will be some confirmation bias here - Trump called on a wide range of reporters and answered everything, sometimes giving quite long responses. He had an adversarial relationship with a lot of the press but he didn't duck them.

2/9/24, 8:09 AM

And Jim Acosta WAS a JERK. Doocy is at least respectful. Acosta was obnoxious.

wendybar said...

Sebastian said...
"it's not that bad"

So, Hur was wrong not to prosecute, since not-that-bad Joe could not use the dementia defense with a jury of Althouses?

2/9/24, 8:17 AM


Rusty said...

"but sitting through the whole thing now, I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden."
Not a very high bar, is it?

wendybar said...

OldManRick said...

You seemed to dislike Trump because he was un-presidential. Mean tweets, calling the press fake news, and all the bragging.

I can't believe that you would think Biden is acting presidential with his rambling, nasty, lying out bursts. The man is the most embarrassing act we've had as a president in my lifetime and I'm 76 years old.

It would be interesting to hear how you would have wanted Trump to handle the false accusations of Russian collusion, the acknowledged spying on him, the extended attempts by the press and the deep state to ruin and discredit him, and the current extensive level of lawfare being brought against him. Nixon was treated better by these people than Trump was.

2/9/24, 9:55 AM

I agree!!!

Breezy said...

Recall Biden and KJP repeatedly stated that Biden takes the handling of classified documents very seriously. Over and over that was drilled into us. Biden even questioned on 60 minutes how Trump could be so irresponsible with them.

Then we hear him blame his staff for shuffling things around from place to place, and even landing in torn and dirty boxes in his garage and elsewhere in his house. No oversight whatsoever of those documents’ security. That line about caring so much about the classified documents was and is complete BS.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
It was humor. It means I remember you're a jerk, but I call on you, which is as if I don't remember you're a jerk.

Yes, but Biden said, "Let you speak," rather than "call on you."

Biden's choice of the former reveals a penchant for tyranny, which is a the heart of the Biden-Trump dichotomy in treatment by the DOJ, not a display of magnanimity.

JAORE said...

"I got the humor in the slam against Doocy, but the delivery wasn't funny or lighthearted, so it didn't dispel the overall impression of Biden as an angry, defensive old man."

I recognized the attempt at humor as he said it. (I also suspect that quip was pre-planned.) I gave him a B- for material, F for delivery. It's like he failed to understand a teleprompter saying "pause for laughter".

Also, apparently a LOT of the press have limited ability to recognize humor.

Rabel said...

"People might disagree with all of that, but he laid out his case, and in laying out a somewhat complicated case like that (within hours of it appearing that it would be advisable to do this) undercuts to some extent the main claim that he has descended into senility."

Until he took a few questions which he answered with lies, confusion and anger, he was reading a statement off of a teleprompter with an occasional off the cuff, fumbled interjection.

And he had the report well before it was released to the public.

Skeptical Voter said...

Those who would let Biden off the hook re his performance in last night's presser (and that includes our host) bring to mind the words of that Texas Sage Kinky Friedman. In his song "Wild Man of Borneo" Kinky writes, "They come to see what they want to see, but they never come to know".

Biden delivered a Bidenesque performance last night, and I suppose that's enough for some people. But not for me.

tim in vermont said...

If my time were mostly taken up by dealing with issues involving Gaza, I don't think that I would bring Mexico into the argument. I think that Biden's mind is a complete mess and he is mixing everything up, because he is too old for the job.

MikeD said...

I wasn't aware slack was possible to be cut to this degree

Joe Smith said...

If you thought that they could quietly negotiate an exit for Kamala, that just got blown up.

She can see the prize right in front of her.

If she wanted, she could ask for a billion dollars to leave and she'd get it.

No matter who else ends up on the ticket, Kamal will be one of them...

“Bad Genes” said...

I would prefer that both presidential candidates were younger and sharper, but I don’t buy “singularly uncomfortable.” We’ve had old, questionably physically and/or mentally fit presidents before. I kind of feel like one candidate being entirely lawless is more singular. Also, with both candidates being elderly, one becomes more concerned about the people they hire to run the country. Biden’s people will be at worst, to riff on P.J. O’Rourke, ‘wrong within normal parameters’, while Trump’s people will be historically sociopathic. Not a close call.

Rabel said...

“That’s your opinion. That’s not the opinion of the press!”

"It mean: You're just one person. You can only say what you think, not what the people in general or the press in general think."

Close. He meant to say "people" or "public" but said "press." He was trying to separate out the opinion of the press in general from the public, not that particular reporter, and used the wrong noun again.

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Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...

He kicked ass under the most withering questioning he's ever faced as president. After that performance I wholeheartedly support him debating Donald Trump wherever whenever.

Speaking of dementia...

n.n said...

Biden is not viable. Choice... I mean, choose.

n.n said...

Nixon was treated better by these people than Trump was.

The first rule of social liberal club...

Mr. D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. D said...

Biden is like a neglected refrigerator produce drawer. Things may appear contained, but eventually the smell of rotting cabbage becomes impossible to ignore.

Joe Smith said...

Waiting for all the lefties (you there Rich?) to chime in.


They are happy to kiss Biden's ass every day and now they disappear...

Joe Smith said...

Btw, does anyone, even rabid lefties, deny the existence of the Deep State now?

The man hasn't been coherent for his entire presidency, and the country keeps humming along (from a lefty standpoint).

We're getting into wars, spending money, enacting laws and executive orders, and the head of the executive branch can't spell his name.

Congratulations America...you are fucked.

who-knew said...

Isn't saying " I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden" saying that is was that bad? His senility has been on display for a long time. Typical Biden is a low bar indeed.

Butkus51 said...

yep, typical biden

lying liars lie

PM said...

2 conclusions:
Biden shouldn't be President.
Washington press is asshole.

JAORE said...

My M-I-L died 14 years ago after battling Parkinson's. She was in a very good, multi-tiered facility. The last tier was exclusively for dementia patients. So we were exposed to all ranges of dementia during that time.

We attended training sessions about how to deal with a patient. They also covered what to expect as the disease progressed.

Biden is well along that path.

Godot said...

Should those 'members of his staff' be prosecuted for mishandling classified materials?

Joe Smith said...

'Should those 'members of his staff' be prosecuted for mishandling classified materials?'

Scott Adams just made a good point...(paraphrasing and I will expand)...should the White House doctor be looked at? Should he lose his medical license?

D.D. Driver said...

"Biden’s people will be at worst, to riff on P.J. O’Rourke, ‘wrong within normal parameters’, while Trump’s people will be historically sociopathic."

I used to buy this but I no longer do. It's sociopaths all the way down. What flavor lawlessness do you prefer? More of Trump's terminate all rules "even those found in the Constitution."


Or do you want more of Biden's constant wars and banana republic-style political prosecutions? I'm one of the last remaining holdouts that say neither is an acceptable option and I won't pick one over the other. I'd rather just stay home and not worry about it.

Craig Mc said...

"I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden."

Expectations successfully lowered.

Iman said...

These Democrat corksoakers keep mincing around about “they’re destroying muh democracy!”, while all the while they’ve tried to conceal the absolute mental debilitation of Biden.

THEY are a threat to national security.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"We’ve had old, questionably physically and/or mentally fit presidents before. I kind of feel like one candidate being entirely lawless is more singular."

I don't think he's entirely lawless. President Biden has also made stupid mistakes and said offensive things as well.

Eva Marie said...

Paul Begala on CNN today:
“Look, I’m a Biden supporter. And I slept like a baby last night. I woke up every two hours and wet the bed. This is terrible for Democrats. And anybody with a functioning brain knows that.

Tim said...

"I'd say it's not that bad. It's typical Biden."

Why yes it is, angry and unfit. Also, dementia added now.

Skeptical Voter said...

There were two "world leaders" who faced questions from journalists this week. It's interesting to compare and contrast the performance of Putin being questioned by Tucker Carlso and Joe Biden being queried by the White House press corps.

Carlson acted as a true journalist digging harder with questions and followup when Putin wanted to dance around the question of returning the WSJ reporter held as a "spy" by the Russkis. Carlso came back five or six times pushing against Putin's claims and evasions.

Say what you will about Putin--but he was coherent, articulate, possessed of a good bit of physical vigor. If he had an an arm wrestling contest with Biden, he would have whipped him easy--even if Joe had enlisted the mythical Cornpop for help.

Biden on the other was what he always was--old, weak, incoherent and not very vigorous.

Nobody is going to claim that Putin is a good guy--he's just a not very reformed KGB colonel. But he has the physical and mental qualities that Biden sorely lacks these days.

tim in vermont said...

Not only did he confuse Egypt with Mexico, but he lied about what happened, claiming that Egypt did not open the border into Gaza until he ordered it. Egypt never closed the border to inbound aid to Gaza and still keeps it closed to outbound refugees. Biden is just spinning one more fable where he is the hero. He’s Walter Mitty with the nuclear football.

Iman said...

Biden needs to resign the office and then resign himself to brain-cell affirming care.

Jim at said...

It's typical Biden.

Um, typical Biden is angry and incoherent.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The only people who watch this stuff are political junkies. But the bulk of Democrats think he's doing a bang-up job.
So it's quite likely Joseph Robinette Mountain Dew Biden will be the next president. And Harris thereafter.

Bonkti said...

Wasn't the comment about being on the phone to the president of Mexico to "open the gate" a Kinsley gaffe or Freudian slip?

Iman said...

“So it's quite likely Joseph Robinette Mountain Dew Biden will be the next president. And Harris thereafter.”

Yeah… No.