February 26, 2024

"It is not clear if or how the fight contributed to Nex’s death.... [A]n early autopsy finding Wednesday showed they did not die as a result of trauma...."

"... according to police. Toxicology results and other test results are pending, authorities added.... [In police body camera video,] Nex tells the officer they poured water from their water bottle on the students and that’s when things escalated. They came at Nex and grabbed at their hair, Nex says. Nex was then able to grab one of the girls and threw her into a paper towel dispenser, they say. Nex eventually got thrown onto the ground and the other students proceeded to beat them up, Nex says in the video.... The officer then advises Nex and Sue Benedict that the courts could view throwing liquid on someone as assault and as the action that started the altercation. Police on Friday also released surveillance video that shows a group of students who make their way from the high school cafeteria to a restroom. Nex is seen on the video filling up a bottle at a water fountain outside the restroom, the video shows, then enters the restroom with two other students and eventually, all walk out of the restroom...."

This is the first time I'm blogging about Nex Benedict. If you've been following the news, you know that this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported.


Bob Boyd said...

CNN insists on using the confusing, but PC "they" and "them", but on the cop video Nex doesn't refer to herself as "we" and "us", she says "I" and "me". And her mom says "she" and "her."

Jupiter said...

"If you've been following the news, you know that this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported."

Even if you haven't been following the story, you can be pretty sure that Althouse's go-to sources, NYT and WaPo, will have provided a deeply tendentious account. I will point out that the nursing student down in Georgia does not appear to have thrown any water on the illegal immigrant who raped her and killed her. Nor did she commit suicide. What have WaPo and NYT got to say about that?

rcocean said...

throwing water on somebody isn't nice and I don't recommend it. But you don't get to attack someone and then beat them while on the ground because they splashed water on you.

This reminds me of the white teenager and his black friend in ohio, that were attacked because they squirted several black guys with a water gun. The black friend was attacked, the white guy came to his aid and was stomped to death. The DA seemed to think squirting someone with water justified a beatdown and the suspects got light sentences.

Maybe that's the new rule in American law. Splash someone with water and you get what you deserve.

rcocean said...

throwing water on somebody isn't nice and I don't recommend it. But you don't get to attack someone and then beat them while on the ground because they splashed water on you.

This reminds me of the white teenager and his black friend in ohio, that were attacked because they squirted several black guys with a water gun. The black friend was attacked, the white guy came to his aid and was stomped to death. The DA seemed to think squirting someone with water justified a beatdown and the suspects got light sentences.

Maybe that's the new rule in American law. Splash someone with water and you get what you deserve.

Dave Begley said...

I don't care about Nex. I care about Laken Riley who was "allegedly" murdered by an illegal alien. There are many cases where people have been killed by illegal aliens that Biden let into this country. I consider the invasion of this country by illegal aliens to be the single most important issue in 2024.

Both of my daughters live in cities full of illegal aliens. Like all parents, I've very concerned and worried.

Enigma said...

At some people people stop believing those who falsely cry wolf.

At some point we'll have data on the psychological and physical impact of being doused with cross-sex hormones while being gaslighted by those all around.

At some point most of those willing to do this will be dead, or we've entered another 500 year period of Janissaries.

Leland said...

Good luck keeping up with who "they", "their", and "them" is.

Larry J said...

"If you've been following the news, you know that this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported."

This is why the "48-hour rule" was created. Don't believe anything from the press within the first 48 hours after it happened. Whatever you read will almost certainly be wrong. Realistically, you probably would be better off not believing anything you read or hear from the press for much longer periods than 48 hours.

tim maguire said...

So different from what was originally reported that the media outlets that ran with the "bigots kill a trans person" story should be identified and held to account.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RideSpaceMountain said...


cubanbob said...

Being doused with water isn't the same as being doused in acid. To beat a person to death over something that trivial requires the killers to be given the harshest penalty the law allows. These are rabid animals and thus need to be removed from civil society, there is no rehabilitation for them. Isolate them from society until they die.

Aggie said...

It's highly ironic that a media company that depends upon language to communicate its product is unable to demonstrate its grasp of language with any fluency, because it's using new rules for pronouns, which render its product into unintelligible gibberish. Not reading it, not contributing any decoding effort, not buying CNN, not doing it, good luck and farewell!

Looks like a simple case of FAFO. NonBinary person died? Were pronouns involved - or drugs?

AlbertAnonymous said...

Real question looking for a real answer…

Why do these cases seem to take so long to get basic facts reported? and why does it seem to be easy to get facts in other cases of crime?

I’d like to hear if anyone has legitimate reasons why this might be so, but I haven’t heard any. Just seems so politically, narrative driven.

Trans kid dead? “they” got attacked by bigots which caused “their” death (even tho “they” appears to have started it and apparently didn’t die from trauma/beating. Ok how’d “they” die? Suicide? OD? What’s the theory or current belief if it’s not trauma from the beating? Why the delay?

Nursing student dead (apparently at the hands of an illegal
Immigrant with multiple arrests). No details on the cause of death, no details as to motive? Was she sexually assaulted? Robbed? Randomly hit in the head for fun? And why so little discussion about the suspect arrested?

This is 3rd world country propaganda news. It’s Sad.

chickelit said...

I agree with other commenters: Why is Althouse singling out this death and ignoring Laken Riley’s? It’s a fairness and ethical fault she shares with her favorite news sources.

CJinPA said...

CNN insists on using the confusing, but PC "they" and "them"

It's almost impossible to follow when the individual and the group are both identified as "they."

The power displayed by activists to force writers into obeying this rule is breathtaking.

Ice Nine said...

>Nex tells the officer they poured water from their water bottle on the students and that’s when things escalated. They came at Nex and grabbed at their hair, Nex says. Nex was then able to grab one of the girls and threw her into a paper towel dispenser, they say. Nex eventually got thrown onto the ground and the other students proceeded to beat them up, <

Um, who's on first?

Charlie said...

Headline from 3 days ago:

"Vigils held nationwide for nonbinary Oklahoma teenager who died following school bathroom fight"

Narr said...

"or we've entered another 500 year period of Janissaries."

Huh? That's an enigmatic statement to me. I know what a Janissary is*, I just don't follow your logic.

*I even have a good idea of what a woman is.

Narr said...

Oh yeah--people should quit using the singular they/them.

Dave Begley said...

Peter Schweitzer will release a new book on Tuesday on China's influence on the US. He was on Fox last night.

He claims that two Chinese billionaires are major financial backers of the trans movement. I believe it. I'm going to buy the book.

Yancey Ward said...

CNN mentioned body cam footage and security footage, but didn't put it in the article? Or did I miss it on that page somewhere?

Gusty Winds said...

you know that this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported.

Strange. This happens a lot with our media propaganda. Ukrainian intelligence Navalny died of a detached blood clot. Putin didn't kill him as we were originally told. Pfizer did.

The story of the teenage is tragic no matter the gender identity or the cause of death. But out liberal media is sick and amoral. They lie about the cause of this poor teenager's death to promote their agenda. It will be so sad if turn out to be a teenage suicide.

I addition: but the girls had ridiculed the way they [Nex] dressed before. Sue Benedict says in the prior week, she had counseled Nex to just ignore the three girls. Nex says they didn’t see the point of reporting the previous verbal abuse to school officials.

I believe this. Teenage girls are cruel. Very cruel.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Bob Boyd said...

CNN insists on using the confusing, but PC "they" and "them"...

But notice they [CNN] drop that in favor of using the persons name when speaking about the incident lest the paragraph become too confusing.

And her mom says "she" and "her."

She's already issued a groveling apology for that

Personally, I think this is a blatant attempt to create a transgender version of George Floyd.

rhhardin said...

Don't bring pronouns to a water gun fight.

tommyesq said...

throwing water on somebody isn't nice and I don't recommend it. But you don't get to attack someone and then beat them while on the ground because they splashed water on you.

Of course, you don't necessarily know that it is just water when they are throwing it on you, so I might excuse any quick response. Also, given the changes to the story, how sure are we that she was beaten while on the ground? The medical examiner has said she did not die as a result of trauma. The school did not call an ambulance or send her to the hospital. Once at the hospital, she was discharged that same day. It really feels like there is more to this story, at least medically.

In any event, from fuller accounts I have read the police officer told her that she could be charged with assault as well as the three girls - they all would be charged.

Original Mike said...

The water bottle incident.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Nex must carry around a mouse in her pocket if she insists on using "their" and "they" as pronouns.

mccullough said...

The media is garbage.

MadisonMan said...

All students should be safe in their schools. This seems to be a story of an antagonist dying from unknown causes (although *I* would guess some kind of brain bleed) after the fight that they started.
Absent any knowledge, I don't really care to speculate too much. This must be very hard for the parent.

Ann Althouse said...

“ To beat a person to death over something that trivial requires the killers to be given the harshest penalty the law allows.”

I don’t see how you can think that’s what happened here. Maybe you’re speaking in the abstract. But if you’re influenced by the earlier reports, I highly recommend that you read this new story carefully.

Leland said...

cubanbob said...
"These are rabid animals and thus need to be removed from civil society, there is no rehabilitation for them."

Clipping for the inevitable defamation lawsuits.

JAORE said...

Sigh. Some are still taking a-b-c-d to be a-d.

She sprayed water (a). They began to fight (b). Nex threw a girl against the towel dispenser (c). Then Nex went down and the fight was on the floor.

Not to mention the early reports jumped all the way to (p) Nex died.

Lucien said...

I don’t see how anyone involved in this teen girl bathroom scuffle could have walked away thinking anyone had been mortally wounded.
(And speaking of assumptions made, was there ever any evidence that George Floyd would have been treated differently had he not been black?)

Mark said...

"He claims that two Chinese billionaires are major financial backers of the trans movement. I believe it."

Yes, shadowy foreign billionaires are always behind these plots.

Life is a James Bond movie and you have it all figured out.

Darkisland said...

One of the most bizarre things I've seen about this story was a news report that claimed the other girls "unalived" Nex.

Not killed, murdered or a dozen other words that could have been used. "Unalived"

And this is a hard story to make sense of because of the pronouns. Which is perhaps th epoint.

John Henry

rcocean said...

They have a five minute video up at various Non-NYT' sites. Its very confusing. You have lots of people, all badly dressed in unisex outfits, going into the "girls" bathroom. WHo are the bullies and who is Nex, and who are all the other people is unclear. We do see Nex walking out at the end.

There's also video of Nex being escorted off the school grounds. The NYT's tells us there was no trauma. And therefore the beating did not cause the death. However, there was no trauma with George Floyd either. With Floyd the toxic levels of Fent did NOT cause his death. Nor did his bad heart. It was Murder, supposedly.

Well, maybe Nex was killed the same way. Maybe her beatdown on the floor cause her death that happened later, because they some medical problem went untreated. Otherwise, we're left with a puzzle and no clues.

rcocean said...

They have a five minute video up at various Non-NYT' sites. Its very confusing. You have lots of people, all badly dressed in unisex outfits, going into the "girls" bathroom. WHo are the bullies and who is Nex, and who are all the other people is unclear. We do see Nex walking out at the end.

There's also video of Nex being escorted off the school grounds. The NYT's tells us there was no trauma. And therefore the beating did not cause the death. However, there was no trauma with George Floyd either. With Floyd the toxic levels of Fent did NOT cause his death. Nor did his bad heart. It was Murder, supposedly.

Well, maybe Nex was killed the same way. Maybe her beatdown on the floor cause her death that happened later, because they some medical problem went untreated. Otherwise, we're left with a puzzle and no clues.

Dave Begley said...


Looked how things worked out with St. George Floyd. He died of an overdose, but the narrative was that the cop stepped on his neck.

rcocean said...

Its very weird that way WHO is being injured or killed and WHO did it, is now the defining factor in whether the legal system and the authorities take action on these outrageous acts of violence. And how the MSM reports it.

If a couple 18 y/o black men decide to have a shootout in the middle of Football victory parade and kill an innocent person and would 20 others, the authorities withold their identities, lie about them being "underage" and the MSM play along. I don't think the MSM, if they're still covering the story, has ever identified the shooters names and race.

Meanwhile, if your someone whose white or someone who's an "Unprotected class", your name get immeditately gets plastered all over the news along with your ethnic background with the cops trumpeting how they caught you, and DA's demanding maximum jail time. An exaggeration, but not much.

In the Nex's case, we have a victim the MSM Likes, but it seems the bullies were black. So, we get mixed coverage. If Nex had simply been a straight white girl, no one in the media would care.

The Vault Dweller said...

I'm wondering if this wasn't a suicide after the fact. I'm assuming that Nex was bullied at school. I'm assuming that Nex was bullied at school for a while before revealing their Non-binary gender identification. I'm assuming that Nex was bullied not because of gender identification, but because of perceived low social status, being odd, and being a push-over. I suspect that when Nex first toyed with the idea of being Non-binary Nex felt like other people, outside her family, noticed and cared, for perhaps the first time. I'm assuming this incident was the first time Nex fought back against the bullies. I'm assuming it felt outrageously unfair to Nex to maybe face punishment for this incident after all the years of torment and then finally fighting back. I'm assuming this contributed to a feeling of hopeless that led to an unfortunately successful suicide attempt. Media ran with the story the way they did because they wanted to have a story to point to about a gender non-conforming person being a victim because of their identity. They miss the forest for the trees. Just because a bully may refer to a characteristic while bullying a person doesn't mean that is the reason the bullying occurs. I'm assuming the overwhelming majority of people who have been bullied and even beaten while being called a faggot are young straight males. I doubt those straight males took any solace in the fact that they weren't actually gay so they weren't being targeted for their sexual orientation.

As an aside regarding the pronouns in the article, I think that while using they or them in the singular works in spoken language and can feel natural in that context, in written it seems more confusing. And the primary purpose of third person pronouns is so that persons A and B can talk about person C. I'm not sure person C should get to foist their preferences on everyone else.

cfs said...

The proper use of pronouns so a reader can understand the allegation:

"An Oklahoma student who died the day after a fight at school told police she threw water at three students who had been bullying her and that the students responded by beating her, ....".

Steven Wilson said...

After wading through all the insistent use of "they" and "them" to refer to an individual and trying to sort out whether the reference was to Nex, Nex's friends, or the "others," I run on to this direct quote from the victim.
“They got my legs out from under me and got me on the ground and started beating the sh*t out of me,” Nex says.

Assuming the quotation is correct, doesn't Nex's use of the singular pronoun in self-reference put paid to the notion of the use of the plural for a single individual.

This is all part of the recent search to find the single most dysfunctional person in the world and make that person the sole arbiter of all social mores.

Why do I suspect there is a great deal of back story here that will never see the light of day. Sue Benedict is a guardian, where are the parents?

So sad that someone this young has died regardless of the cause, but predictably Nex will be elevated to martyr status if it is in the power of the media to do so. Martyrs are so useful, much more so that the confused and suffering children who are being subjected to all of this propaganda.

cfs said...

I've been assured by many in the media that Libs of Tik-Tok's account creator Chaya Raichik is the one who murdered Nex Benedict.

Mary Beth said...

One of the most bizarre things I've seen about this story was a news report that claimed the other girls "unalived" Nex.

The TikTok influence. Its censor will block content that says "killed" and it's spread to other areas of the internet.

Jupiter said...

Blogger cubanbob said...
"Being doused with water isn't the same as being doused in acid. To beat a person to death over something that trivial requires the killers to be given the harshest penalty the law allows. These are rabid animals and thus need to be removed from civil society, there is no rehabilitation for them. Isolate them from society until they die."

Is that you, Ms. Rosanna-danna?

Static Ping said...

Mark: Yes, shadowy foreign billionaires are always behind these plots.

First, the conspiracy theorists have been more accurate than the government recently.

Second, the foreign billionaires are not really trying to hide it anymore. It is not a conspiracy theory when the conspiracy is public knowledge. They are just insulted that you noticed.

Denying the obvious is not a sign of intelligence.

loudogblog said...

It will be interesting to see if the authorities determine what the cause of death was, but it appears that Nex started the fight by throwing water on the other girls. So it's kind of hard to say that Nex was being "bullied" in this altercation.

The only thing we know is that we still don't know the whole story.

Kai Akker said...

---Good luck keeping up with who "they", "their", and "them" is. [Leland]

Isn't it ridiculous? This is one of the bits of our lives that will be held up for comic effect someday. Imagine a major news outlet writing about one individual and referring to her as "they" and "their," especially when there were other friends (and enemies) involved in the conflict.

Obviously just guessing, but it sounds like Nex had a bad reaction, slightly delayed, from a concussion. If she had really blacked out after falling on a tile floor in a school bathroom.

Jupiter said...

"Real question looking for a real answer…
Why do these cases seem to take so long to get basic facts reported?"

Start from the concept of "these cases". How many "cases" would you guess there are, every single day, in the USA? How many do you hear about? Who decides which ones you hear about?

Kai Akker said...

So any trauma, including concussion blood issues, is out? OK, but the details given sure fit that outcome, IMO.

Static Ping said...

In regard to the death, I have heard the theory that the deceased may have had a bad reaction to something given at the hospital. That's just a rumor, but not an implausible one. It would have to be one heck of a reaction, but it does happen.

It could also be completely unrelated. It is possible the death was inevitable and we would have never heard about it if not for the fight the day before and certain groups wanting to create a new Matthew Shepard.

Jupiter said...

"Absent any knowledge, I don't really care to speculate too much."

If you had started and ended with that, you might not have added anything useful to the conversation, but at least you would not have made a complete fool of yourself.

cubanbob said...

Mark said...
"He claims that two Chinese billionaires are major financial backers of the trans movement. I believe it."

Yes, shadowy foreign billionaires are always behind these plots.

Life is a James Bond movie and you have it all figured out."

Actually, it would be more comforting if life were a James Bond movie. The bad guys, just want money and power unlike the Jokers that are actually walk amongst us who actually want to see the world burn.

Zavier Onasses said...

They used so many of them that they confused them. So they left them.

The writers; pronouns; the writer (or the pronouns); the reader. The reader; the article (whose pronouns are they/them).

All this pronoun buttfuckery confounds clarity. Probably the intent of the promulgators.

Big Mike said...

If you've been following the news, you know that this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported.

Just a bit. The initial news take implied that Nex/Dagny Benedict was a biological male who identified as female, and she was jumped and beaten to death by a group of girls while attempting to use the girls’ rest room. Turns out Nex/Dagny was a biological female who identified as neither male nor female, it turns out she picked a fight with her bullies, and it turns out she was beaten but not fatally.

A sad story, made worse by the initial reporting.

n.n said...

When leveraged classes attack each other... 50 shades of trans/bisexuals in trans/homosexual venues, and trans/homosexual domestic violence published in handmade tales for em-pathetic appeals.

Laken Riley who was "allegedly" murdered by an illegal alien.

Excess death for the sake of social progress, labor arbitrage, and Democratic gerrymandering. Also, the underage girl rape... rape-raped, impregnated, by her mother's illegal alien boyfriend. Didn't make a particularly good apology by Biden and abortionists for sequestration of carbon in sanctuary States.

n.n said...

two Chinese billionaires are major financial backers of the trans movement

George "Fentanyl" Floyd Syndrome, too.

Howard said...

It's a sad little story with just the right hook to sell enough advertising to keep the News going for a couple more semi-cycles. Thank's for playing.

Quaestor said...

They? They? Is this a mass murder or a kicked over anthill?

Dear CNN:

Your insane use of insane grammar is making me increasingly outraged. I don't give a flying fuck about this freak's demise. Given the evident brain rot at work, I fail to see a tragedy here if she was not in fact murdered. Her early departure may be the best solution for all concerned, but leave the language the fuck alone, please. Stop talking and writing like you cannot count.


The Average American

Oligonicella said...

I don't think the MSM, if they're still covering the story, has ever identified the shooters names and race.

Remember when Crack denigrated the black news vloggers I linked to as being just guys who hated women? Covering what the MSM won't, Black Conservative Perspective. Note the difference in depth of information as well as not trying to gaslight.

This is why Crack hates them.

Clyde said...

It's too bad that the poor mixed-up girl is dead. Mental illness is a terrible thing. I'm curious about what the toxicology will reveal, and whether the results will even be released if they don't support the preferred narrative.

Big Mike said...

IMHO the way to get feminists to care about the rape/murder of Laken Riley is to start a rumor that she was pregnant and was attacked while on her way to an abortion clinic.


Original Mike said...

"But if you’re influenced by the earlier reports, I highly recommend that you read this new story carefully."

Frankly, with the debasement of the English language it's a very difficult story to understand. I gave up. Not intending snark, but it's quite the slog.

D.D. Driver said...

I wasn't following the Laken Riley murder until the constant nagging in this thread. And, I actually agree with the Althouse readers, there are pretty strong parallels between the Nex Benedict death and the Laken Riley death. If it serves your narrative you must believe it. I have serious doubts that the guy they arrested was the perp. I'll wait to see the actual evidence.


wildswan said...

The dangers of non-binary: she was weak as a girl and aggressive as a boy.

jpg said...

The inability or unwillingness to use proper grammar makes this report vague
and requires a lot of re-reading to figure out what the author is trying to say. A large waste of time.

Mark said...

Ok, Status Ping, then present the data. It should be easy, right?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Here, let me fix that for you:

Nex tells the officer she poured water from her water bottle on the students and that’s when things escalated. They came at Nex and grabbed at her hair, Nex says. Nex was then able to grab one of the girls and threw her into a paper towel dispenser, she said (Note: even these idiots don't actually believe that "they" is 3rd person singular. Because if it was, it would have been "they said", not "they says"). Nex eventually got thrown onto the ground and the other students proceeded to beat her up, Nex says in the video....

The officer then advises Nex and Sue Benedict that the courts could view throwing liquid on someone as assault and as the action that started the altercation. Police on Friday also released surveillance video that shows a group of students who make their way from the high school cafeteria to a restroom. Nex is seen on the video filling up a bottle at a water fountain outside the restroom, the video shows, then enters the restroom with two other students and eventually, all walk out of the restroom

Yep! If you start a fight, it gets out of hand, and you shoot someone, that's murder / manslaughter

If someone attacks you, and you shot them, that's self defense.

New was the criminal instigator. Sucks to be her

Greg the Class Traitor said...

rcocean said...
throwing water on somebody isn't nice and I don't recommend it. But you don't get to attack someone and then beat them while on the ground because they splashed water on you.

Yes, you do.

At least, if I am on the jury you do.

Don't be a dick to other people. If you are, you should get your ass kicked

Kirk Parker said...

In addition to the very good advice to take it slowly, to wait 48 hours, there's also Kirk's Second Law:

"Any story that's too good -- or too bad -- to be true, almost certainly isn't."

wendybar said...

Mark said...
"He claims that two Chinese billionaires are major financial backers of the trans movement. I believe it."

Yes, shadowy foreign billionaires are always behind these plots.

Life is a James Bond movie and you have it all figured out.

2/26/24, 4:06 PM

YOU would know...you still believe the Progressive media lie about Russian Collusion that Hillary paid for and Obama started with HIS spying.

RAH said...

I never heard the first narrative. From what has been discovered ., the teenager is male that showed female traits and was teased. He then decide he would be a female and invaded the girls bathroom. Real girls teased him also about his choice of clothing . Why not? He was impersonating females?
Girls have a right to defend their turf from men try to act like them.

Now it seemed that the boy tossed water and that infuriated enough that the fight became physical. They all walked out and were fine.

Then the boy dies , an autopsy is supposed to determine cause of death. Especially if not obvious.

Leland said...

A day and over 70 comments later, RAH drops in at 4:56am and provides the simple report of the event. Good job, RAH.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

1. cfs at 5pm finally touched on the “why so much coverage?” answer: Libs of TikTok. The Left Media wants so badly to blame her for anything they can call “trans violence/trans hate.” Yesterday GLSEN was still putting out the disinformation that Chaya caused the death.

2. Gotta love how hard Mark works to stay ignorant, even after Begley said up front “Peter Schweitzer’s new book.” Mark could have googled that phrase but no. He comes back insisting he be spoon fed the answer. And we all know nothing Begley says would be accepted anyway. Mark won’t believe it until the MSM tells him to.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Mark said...
Life is a James Bond movie and you have it all figured out. Snort.

Life is a test one has to study hard.


Wise up sonny.

Tina Trent said...

Of course. If she was just some heterosexual girl, I imagine it would go unnoticed.

Don't tell me these gender types are making me a lesser person in the eyes of society and the law.

Hey Skipper said...

... according to police. Toxicology results and other test results are pending, authorities added.... [In police body camera video,] Nex tells the officer it poured water from its water bottle on the students and that’s when things escalated. They came at Nex and grabbed at its hair, Nex says. Nex was then able to grab one of the girls and threw her into a paper towel dispenser, it said. Nex eventually got thrown onto the ground and the other students proceeded to beat it up, Nex says in the video....


Tina Trent said...

The white nursing student beaten and possibly raped to death at UGA: I have noticed a doubling of Mexican/South American men living in illegal dormitories next door to my property in recent months. Most of them are probably nice, albeit illegal. But all of them?

I re-built this house from a burned-out shell. And against my will, I am moving. Again.

That makes 100+ years of my family fleeing from crime, illegals, gangs and community suicide. I'd love to share these guys with Madison, along with other knee-jerk liberal places. They can have them make cute murals for all the businesses with broken store windows. How ethnically diverse. I understand you may not personally feel this way. But they're not camped out on your street. I carry a gun to walk the dogs. Sounds bucolic, eh? Little House by the Illegal Rapist Tenements.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger jpg said...

"The inability or unwillingness to use proper grammar makes this report vague and requires a lot of re-reading to figure out what the author is trying to say. A large waste of time."

The forced misuse of pronouns is (1) a form of control, (2) an overt demand for attention and (3) a form of hatred and revenge against those who embrace normality.

D.D. Driver said...

The white nursing student beaten and possibly raped to death at UGA

Raped to death? The police are saying "no motive." Which should make the arrest a little iffy, but does not if the story serves your narrative. I'd say it's 50/50 at best whether the police got the right guy. I know Trumpies will be very disappointed to find out it wasn't an illegal that killed the nursing student, just like the left is very sad that a teenager was not beat to death because of her gender.

Anthony said...

I quit reading it upon realizing 'they' was referring to the decedent. I simply will not participate in destroying the Enlightenment.

mikee said...

"...this version of the story is very different from what was originally reported."

Could be the title of a history book about most of the last century or so.

Big Mike said...

@RAH, go read my comment at 5:38 pm. Nex Benedict (name at birth: Dagny) was a biological female who identified as neither male nor female. She was perfectly entitled to use the female rest room but didn’t go in there to use the toilet; she went in to start a fight. And she lost.

Unless the coroner rules otherwise, I’m going with suicide as her cause of death.

Tina Trent said...

DDDriver: her head was bashed in beyond recognition and her clothes torn off. The assailant had been released at least three times earlier, most recently in Athens, with no consequences, so they had his fingerprints and likely DNA. There is no suggestion of wrongful identification.

The Athens, GA DA, Deborah Gonzalez, is being sued for incompetence and investigated for not doing her job. 2/3 of her legal staff quit under protest of her incompetence that put 600+ offenders back on the street with no hearing. I'm sure we'll soon hear that this murderer is one of them. I know the involved parties because this is what I do: protect vulnerable victims from leftist idiots like you.

Wanna keep going? Because I can. And you're a brainless pussy who knows nothing about the case. But use your real name next time, coward. I don't bother to fight liars who hide behind fake names, pal.

NC William said...

DD: I am quite curious about your take on this, because the news story you link to asserts the Athens police identified him with video evidence. This took place on university property on the outskirts of campus. Pending further detail, that is rather compelling to me.

Enigma said...

@Tommy Duncan: The forced misuse of pronouns is (1) a form of control, (2) an overt demand for attention and (3) a form of hatred and revenge against those who embrace normality.

Among half of the pronoun practitioners, yes. But this stuff starts with compassion and some idealistic doctors or researchers saying "It's different than you thought. We need to care for this overlooked minority group that is suffereing." Many are then attracted to the notion of being the first, or overturning the mistakes of their elders, or of setting themselves out as different.

After the first generation of innovators creates a political topic/genre, the climbers and psychopaths come in to exploit, manipulate, and eventually dictate. The topic (gender identity or language) is just a tool. The compassionate people are always the first to die. They do not resist riding in box cars to the gas showers.

Mark said...

MJB Wolf, I did google Schweitzer, which is why I asked. Guy has a long history of trouble getting facts wrong.

The fact that he is hyping his book ahead of publication, given his history, is no proof of this claim.

Thus I asked for actual substantive proof, of which none was provided.

Tina Trent said...

Also DD, rape isn't officially counted as motive if the victim is a white female, only if it's a gay woman, BIOPIC, illegal, protected religion, or trans.