February 7, 2024

"Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in, and we have the right to tell them about it..."

"... because we are Americans, too. Freedom of speech is our birthright. We were born with the right to say what we believe. That right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the White House. But they're trying anyway. Almost three years ago, the Biden administration illegally spied on our text messages and then leaked the contents to their servants in the news media. They did this in order to stop a Putin interview that we were planning. Last month, we're pretty certain they did exactly the same thing once again, but this time we came to Moscow anyway.... Elon Musk, to his great credit, has promised not to suppress or block this interview once we posted on his platform X, and we're grateful for that...."

A New York Post reporter asked the White House Press secretary about Carlson's accusation:
STEVEN NELSON, NEW YORK POST: Tucker Carlson is in Moscow and just confirmed that he is going to be interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin. He argues that Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they are implicated in. Carlson contended in his preview video that the Biden administration has opposed even his attempts to interview Putin.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE: Wait, say that last part again.

NELSON: He said that the Biden administration allegedly attempted to prevent him from interviewing Vladimir Putin. Do you have a comment on either the interview or that allegation?

JEAN-PIERRE: Absolutely not.

JAMES ROSEN, NEWSMAX: Absolutely not a comment or absolutely not that it didn't happen.

JEAN-PIERRE: Absolutely not a comment, to be more clear, period.


tim maguire said...

So that's a yes, then? The accusation is accurate.

rehajm said...

Absolutely not a comment, to be more clear, period.

My first impression this statement: historical.

rehajm said...

What say you Prof. critical thinker?

Breezy said...

Great, so now we all know Tucker is telling the truth.

Michael said...

Do you believe Carlson or the WH?

tim in vermont said...

It's our patriotic duty to believe the lies we are fed, without question.

Dave Begley said...

Tucker is being portrayed as a Putin stooge for doing the interview. The Left’s hatred of Free Speech is astounding.

Wouldn’t it have been helpful to hear a tough interview of Hitler during WW2? (“Why are you running death camps for Jews, Catholics and Roma? What drugs do you consume? Why don’t you marry Eva Braun? Why did you stick the US men’s crew team in the worse lane? How did it feel when Jesse Owens won all those gold medals?”) It would, of course, never have happened.

We really know very little about this war. A NE state Senator was in Ukraine twice and he told me that the Russians leave their war dead in the field to rot and the smell is unbearable. I’ve never heard this on TV.

After this Putin interview, Tucker should interview Joe Biden. That would be interesting.

mezzrow said...

Her answer certainly gives a whole new spin to the concept of confirmation bias.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Tucker has traveled to interview Putin so Putin can tell Tucker what we already know which is Joe Biden is not really in charge of the executive functions of the President of The United States.

I am underwhelmed.

Howard said...

I hope something good comes out of it. Maybe we can have peace in our time. Then again, only the dead know the end of war.

Wilbur said...

When she says Absolutely no comment, hoo boy, she means it.

How pathetic.

Temujin said...

In keeping in line with her utter lack of forthrightness and the offering up of any solid information about anything over the course of 3 years, she has no comment. In other news today the sun came up in the east.

tim in vermont said...

It's amazing how many UN investigations that Russia has demanded have been kiboshed by the United States and its allies. The Nordsteam pipeline, the Bucca massacre, Russia has demanded the names of those murdered, and this demand has been rejected, probably because the names would turn out to be Russian sympathizers. The "Bucca massacre" was then used to kill the peace deal that Russia and Ukraine had initialed, and which left Ukraine in one piece, and even recognized Ukrainian ownership of Crimea. Recently, Russia has demanded a UN investigation into the shutdown of one of their transport planes which was carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs for a prisoner exchange. The Ukrainian position is that Russia would shoot down one of its own highly valuable transport planes, with crew, for a speculative propaganda advantage. Just like Russia blew up its own pipeline, blew up the dam that supplied agricultural water to Crimea, meaning that Crimean agriculture has been damaged for decades, and was bombing its own nuclear power plant.

Here is our response to all of these demands for investigations: "You can't believe anything the Russians say because they lie nonstop." Well, then, it seems like investigating these incidents should be a no brainer for us.

One video I unfortunately saw after Ukraine regained some of the territory from the Russians last year, was people being executed and falling into ditches, nazi style. The video came from Ukrainian sources, but of course the firehose of lies began immediately, "they were Russian agents" "They were Ukrainians being killed by Russians" etc, etc.

What an investigation of the massacre in Bucca would likely show is that there were many people in that area who welcomed the Russians, and neighbors turned them in and they were executed.

Meanwhile the "war crime" that Putin is charged with is evacuating orphans from a war zone. From cities like Donetsk, where, just recently, American weapons were used to strike a bakery, and then strike it again when the first responders showed up. The Ukrainians are bragging about this, claiming that the bakery was supplying food to the Russian army (possible) and that the first responders were Russian soldiers (war crime by Ukrainians) It's like targeting ambulances.

We are backing nazis, the real deal.

Wince said...

Good follow up by Rosen. KJP wanted to be unclear, period.

Michael said...

She can't flat-out lie and say they didn't try to stop Tucker, so she just falls back on the no commenft position.

But why didn't the other "journalists" jump on that and press hard with follow up?

gilbar said...

WHY are we protecting the Ukraine's border?
Why are we NOT protecting OUR border?
WHAT is The Purpose, the Government of The United States?

John henry said...

This is a straight up fascist administration. They are using Mussolini's "Doctrof Fascism" as a how to manual.

John Henry

AMDG said...

I look forward to seeing the interview. I hope Carlson achieves his goal. His admitted support of Russia in the war does not provide me with hope but Tucker seems adept at changing.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm all for SELLING munitions to Ukraine. Cash on the barrelhead. Remember, "In good we trust, all others pay cash." Ukraine can run war-bond drives to fund their war. Let's make the U.S. Taxpayer the winner instead of the corruptocrats of Ukraine and the U.S. Congress.

From what I've seen, it's still party time in Kiev. People are not serious about fighting the war.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I need to include Joe Biden in the list of corruptocrats.

Dude1394 said...

They have been surveying him for years I would expect. I can’t believe we did not get rid of fisa when we had the leverage to do so.

Heartless Aztec said...

Comedy beyond useful comment.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She wasn’t very reassuring about freedom of the press was she? Par for the course for how the fascists controlling Biden act.

Gunner said...

If only Biden's press do-nothing was a white guy with a comical Italian last name, she would be the butt of every late night joke.

Curious George said...

See you next Tuesday Karine.

Todd said...

Michael said...

Do you believe Carlson or the WH?

2/7/24, 6:18 AM

Pretty low bar. I would believe a magic 8 ball over the WH.

Static Ping said...

To be fair, the press secretary is a bonafide idiot, so trying to read anything into what she says is pointless.

Oh Yea said...

Evan Gershkovich was not available for comment.

Saint Croix said...

Do you believe Carlson or the WH?

I believe both of them.

I believe the Biden administration spied on his text messages, and leaked them to the press.

And I believe her when she refuses to comment on what they did.

cremes said...

Dave Begley wrote:
> Why did you stick the US men’s crew team in the worse lane?

Haha, I just watched that a few nights ago and enjoyed it. (For those scratching their heads, this was an element of The Boys In The Boat about the Washington rowing team going to the 1936 olympics.)

Tom T. said...

Carlson is lowering expectations. Neither the questioning nor the responses are going to produce anything newsworthy, so he's trying to create some controversy. His accusation has no details behind it, and obviously the interview is going forward, so this just seems like spin.

KJP can't prove a negative and likely want briefed on Carlson anyway, so of course she's going to punt.

And from the Biden administration's point of view, there is no downside to the interview going forward. Putin's not going to be rattled, and he's not going to give something away that's embarrassing to this administration. If it turns out to be a big nothing or a puff interview, then Carlson looks like a sap. If Putin endorses Trump, or if Carlson floats the idea that Putin was manipulated into the war by the US, that's a political godsend for Biden.

Howard said...

Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. The Right’s hatred of America is astounding.

Wouldn’t it have been helpful to hear a softball interview by Charles Lindbergh of Hitler during WW2? (“Why are you running cushy summer camps for Jews, Catholics and Roma? What drugs do you consume to optimize performance? How often do you roger Eva Braun? Why did you not execute the US men’s crew team for defeating the Reichsboot? How did it feel when Germany won all those more gold medals than the USA?”) It would, of course, never have happened because the GOP traitors went into hiding during WWII.

We really know very little about this war. A NE state Senator was in Ukraine twice and he told me that the Russians leave flowers in the field to blossom and the smell is heavenly. I’ve never heard this on TV.

After this Putin interview, Tucker should interview Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei. That would be interesting.

Rusty said...

I just assume everybody involved is lying and that all those involved are involved because there's money in it. There's enough graft to go around.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You're the reason we're in this shitstorm. On your way to the polls to vote for Biden again pay attention to where the fallout shelters are. If there still are any. Because if this is where we are after four years of Biden eventually you're going to need a place to hide from the fallout.

Dave Begley said...

I saw a lib intellectual named Rachael Bitecofer on MSNBC this AM pitching her book. It really was remarkable.

She flat out says that the Dems need a villain. Trump and Putin are the two biggest villains. That's exactly what Schumer did on the border bill.

Creating a really bad villain is one of the prime elements of drama. In my "Frankenstein, Part II" I create the worst villain of all time. He's a rapist, British Captain in the Rev. War, wife beater and slave trader: Capt. Charles Saville, III.

Readering said...

Carslson tries to puff himself uo but he's gone off the deep end. At least he's chums with the 2 richest men in the world.

M Jordan said...

I think back to my junior high days when our school paper asked how we should handle the Viet Nam war. One choice was “Go all in and bomb them to smithereens”. (Not verbatim but actually fairly close to that.) That choice won about 90% approval at my rural Michigan junior/senior high school. I chose it. It was just so obvious: why wouldn’t you fight a war that way? Meanwhile, several of my schoolmates would lose their lives in that war including Francis Williams, my neighbor and the first person I knew that had quadrophonic sound in his bedroom.

And what did my friend Francis Williams die for? To stop Russia. That’s as far as anyone could state it. Today ask the hawks why we are cheering on Zelenskyy (with his two dumbass Y’s at the end of his name) and they’ll tell you what? To stop Putin? It’s really just the domino theory all over but with even less understanding. Some actually don’t realize Russia is no longer the USSR.

Americans need to hear the rationale behind Putin’s aggression. They need to think deeper than “Russia bad.” Tucker is doing us a service if he helps in that regard.

hombre said...

Howard: "Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. The Right’s hatred of America is astounding."

What in hell are you talking about? Putin is not Hitler. Do you even have an inkling that most of us are interested in what we are expending billions to prevent? Tucker is not being portrayed as a hero, merely a journalist doing his job while the others act as loudspeakers for political hacks from both parties.

You lefties are not interested in anything that might detach the rope from your nose rings.

Kevin said...

Tucker could ensure Biden gets equal time.

If Biden were doing interviews, of course.

Aggie said...

@Howard sez: "Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. "

I haven't seen that. Who did?

wendybar said...

hombre said...
Howard: "Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. The Right’s hatred of America is astounding."

What in hell are you talking about? Putin is not Hitler. Do you even have an inkling that most of us are interested in what we are expending billions to prevent? Tucker is not being portrayed as a hero, merely a journalist doing his job while the others act as loudspeakers for political hacks from both parties.

You lefties are not interested in anything that might detach the rope from your nose rings.

2/7/24, 9:29 AM


Howard said...

I was riffing off of Dave Begley's previous post for cognitive dissonance humor. You shouldn't take life so seriously especially when you have a very limited view of the facts.

rcocean said...

Dumbo Democrats and Establishment Libtards don't want to hear facts or any contrary views. They've got a party line, they're going to squawk it out, and that's that.

Anyway, thank God for Musk. He's the only reason Carlson is on twitter and we can hear/see his interview with Putin. GOPe and the libtards are afraid Putin might say something that convince people he's not HITLER or "TRYING TO CONQUER the WORLD".

Biden not only wants to put Trump in jail for daring to run against him, he's tried to stop Carlson from interviewing Putin. I guess that's why Putin hates us: Our love of Freedom (LOL).

Never trust the liberal/left. they'll pose as peacniks and "Bleeding hearts" but when the party line comes down to support a war, they'll flip and become the most vicious stone-cold killers imaginable. No regrets over wasting hundreds of billions on a silly border dispute 5000 miles away or giving Ukraine weapons (and cover) to kill hunderds of thousands. They aren't decent people.

rcocean said...

Dumbo Democrats and Establishment Libtards don't want to hear facts or any contrary views. They've got a party line, they're going to squawk it out, and that's that.

Anyway, thank God for Musk. He's the only reason Carlson is on twitter and we can hear/see his interview with Putin. GOPe and the libtards are afraid Putin might say something that convince people he's not HITLER or "TRYING TO CONQUER the WORLD".

Biden not only wants to put Trump in jail for daring to run against him, he's tried to stop Carlson from interviewing Putin. I guess that's why Putin hates us: Our love of Freedom (LOL).

Never trust the liberal/left. they'll pose as peacniks and "Bleeding hearts" but when the party line comes down to support a war, they'll flip and become the most vicious stone-cold killers imaginable. No regrets over wasting hundreds of billions on a silly border dispute 5000 miles away or giving Ukraine weapons (and cover) to kill hunderds of thousands. They aren't decent people.

Leland said...

I'm old enough to remember when the media praised Peter Arnett for interviewing Saddam Hussein during Desert Shield. Later Peter Arnett would interview Osama Bin Laden after 9/11. Now a days, I hear that young Americans that weren't around for 9/11, or old enough to really recall it, have a favorable view of Osama Bin Laden.

Still, none of what a reporter does bothers me as much as a US Representative claiming they represent the interest of a foreign country and saying such using the language of that foreign country. That seems a greater threat to the US interest than a reporter just talking to someone.

rcocean said...

For some reason the computer Gods keep double posting my comments. Sorry.

tommyesq said...

The White House Press Secretary seems to spend all of her time refusing to answer questions.

Aggie said...

@Howard sez: " You shouldn't take life so seriously especially when you have a very limited view of the facts."

Almost sounds like a good reason to listen to more interviews with notable world leaders, or am I wrong?

MountainMan said...

Benny Johnson posted this on X:

2013– John Daniszewski interviewed Putin for AP
2016– John Mickelthwait interviewed Putin for Bloomberg
2017– Oliver Stone interviewed Putin for Showtime
2017– Megyn Kelly interviewed Putin for NBC
2021- Keir Simmons interviewed Putin for NBC
2021– Hadley Gamble interview Putin for CNBC

Of course, all these were before the Ukraine war. But I don't recall any uproar over these.

If you really want to watch an important and very disturbing interview by Tucker Carlson watch this one with Col. Douglas McGregor. I don't know a lot about him but he sounds credible. You'll get a view on Russia, Ukraine, the war, and the state of US military that I have not heard elsewhere.

Michael K said...

Howard said...

Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. The Right’s hatred of America is astounding.

Howard may be getting senile on us. Sort of like the guy he voted for. I assume you saw the same riots I did in 2020. Tell me how many of the rioters were members of the "Right."

Skeptical Voter said...

For once KJP tiptoed up to the edge of a lie--and didn't go over the cliff.

Robert Cook said...

I've never been a fan of Carlson, but I have to give him kudos here. We are involuntarily complicit in this war, (as we are in the war between Israel and Palestine), with millions of our tax dollars supporting each bloodbath. We need to see serious journalistic investigations that will shed light on (and may counter) the tales we're being told by "our" government.

There might be a legitimate argument to be made for our support in each case--though I am opposed to both as my default position--but we have not heard any such arguments and we certainly have not been asked for our approval for our money to be spent on either endeavor. On the other hand, we're told that Social Security and Medicare--disparaged as "entitlements," though we pay for them throughout our working lives--cannot be sustained and we must expect eventual (and possibly near-future) reductions in payouts and eventually even the possibility either or both programs might be killed.

So, they have billions to hand out without debate or approval by the people on questionable programs of blood and death elsewhere in the world--(and counting the money poured into our own War Department, who cannot pass any audits, trillions of dollars)--while they have essentially already decided they will leave retired Americans to fend for themselves when in surviving in the future when we cannot pay our bills or for medical services.

Neither party is serving "we, the people."

wordsmith said...

From what I've been reading, American journalists request interviews with Putin all the time but are routinely turned down per Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov as reported by the Washington Post. Carlson was granted access because he has a known history of advancing Russian propaganda. The Kremlin isn't interested in talking to people who aren't carrying their water. https://wapo.st/3OA7U2f

I suspect he'll be less clumsy than Hungary's lapdog Rod Dreher, who got in trouble with Viktor Orban for saying the quiet parts out loud regarding Hungary's future in the EU.

Narr said...

MountainMan, Colonel MacGregor has been predicting Russian victory "in two weeks, tops" since Tucker was still allowed on the air nearly two years ago.

At any rate, Cook sums it up well at 1051AM. I would only add that our elites can find money for millions of unvetted foreign intruders here while funding other countries' border security.

Howard said...

Aggie: I'll tune in. I'm hopeful Tucker isn't a fanboy

mikee said...

I was going to comment about a previous use of "war between Israel and Palestine" and how there is no Palestine. Then I saw it was Robert Cook. I was again trolled. Good work, RC!

tim in vermont said...

It's amazing that being for free speech and freedom of information is a sign of "hatred of America."

Good to know.

There is a funny scene in the novel 1984 where the crowd boos and hisses as Goldstein lists what should be fundamental values of Americans. "Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association... Boo! Hiss!"

And I am the one who hates America.

Oligonicella said...

As I stated when this whole crappola started, I don't care who wins. Both sides are corrupt, shitty countries who have no interest in US successes.

They both seem to be losing and I'm fine with that.

tim in vermont said...

Putin has been America's cuck, and Ukraine's cuck, since he took power, doing whatever we wanted him to do, right up to invading Ukraine, thus giving us freedom to make war on him through a proxy, and to apply sanctions that we thought would lead to the collapse and dissolution of the Russian Federation.

Basically we did every provocation suggested in this paper by the RAND Corporation, and its stated goal was to extend Russia's military and weaken it.

Extending Russia
Competing from Advantageous Ground

But let's all pretend that it was never written; it's our patriotic duty. I like the little disclaimer that just because we did all of these things, it's "pro Putin" to take it literally.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Still, none of what a reporter does bothers me as much as a US Representative claiming they represent the interest of a foreign country and saying such using the language of that foreign country. That seems a greater threat to the US interest than a reporter just talking to someone.

That was a pretty extraordinary statement Omar made. I'm kind of surprised it did not make it into this blog -- except we all know the NYT and WaPo didn't cover it, so maybe Althouse is unaware of the treasonous Congresscrritter next store.

Leland said...

From what I've been reading, American journalists request interviews with Putin all the time but are routinely turned down per Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov as reported by the Washington Post. Carlson was granted access because he has a known history of advancing Russian propaganda. The Kremlin isn't interested in talking to people who aren't carrying their water.

Says the person carrying WaPo's water into this comment section.

NBC interviewing Putin in June 2021: https://youtu.be/m6pJd6O_NT0
Here's WaPo with "Highlights" of that interview: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/highlights-from-putins-nbc-news-interview/2021/06/15/d0ab75c9-39cb-405d-99ba-4f98b7839e90_video.html
CNBC interviewed Putin in Oct 2021.

I'm willing to listen to your argument that NBC and its affiliate CNBC are Kremlin propagandists. Bring it on.

Robert Cook said...

"I was going to comment about a previous use of "war between Israel and Palestine" and how there is no Palestine. Then I saw it was Robert Cook. I was again trolled. Good work, RC!"

How odd there are Palestinians, yet no Palestine. Such an incongruity can only indicate something has been taken from the Palestinians!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I am thinking of Orianna Fallaci, who interviewed the Ayatollah Khomeini back in the day. Was she wrong to do so?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I am thinking of Orianna Fallaci, who interviewed the Ayatollah Khomeini back in the day. Was she wrong to do so?

In other matters, I see people are attacking Karine Jean-Pierre again. Why? She's a Haitian immigrant black lesbian. All she'd need for perfect intersectionality would be some disability. She's functionally invulnerable.

“Bad Genes” said...

Tucker Carlson: “Mr President for life what can you share with the American public about the Ukrainian aggression against the Russian motherland?”

“Glorious of you to be in the motherland Tucker with Russian patriots! I can tell you it’s day 718 of my 3-day assault on Kyiv. I have yet to take a provincial capital. I am relying on Iranian drones and North Korean munitions. My T90s got smashed by some old Bradley IFVs. My best and brightest have fled Russia. I am now a gas station for China and India. I have single-handedly expanded and reinvigorated NATO. I remain a master strategist.” ~ V V Putin

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"I was going to comment about a previous use of "war between Israel and Palestine" and how there is no Palestine. Then I saw it was Robert Cook. I was again trolled. Good work, RC!"

"How odd there are Palestinians, yet no Palestine. Such an incongruity can only indicate something has been taken from the Palestinians!"
Or that you don't know history.

mccullough said...

Interviewing Putin is probably pointless. He just lies like Our Leaders do.

That said, I agree with Cook. We have a staggering national debt. Why do we borrow money to give to Ukraine and the Middle East?

Especially after we pissed away all that money on Iraq & Afghanistan. It’s fucking nuts the amount of money we spend on this War Machine Bullshit.

Rusty said...

To an intelligent person any information is better than no information. If we a fighting a war with this leader isn't it benficial to know what he thinks? How he thinks? How he views his enemys? Hold judgement until we see the interview.
I just hope there won't be any stupid questions like; boxers or briefs. Or , "If you could be any animal what would it be?".

Joe Smith said...

KJP is so fucking dumb.

The left loves Putin because his aggression has enabled them to launder billions of dollars.

They don't want this war to end, just like they don't want to 'solve' homelessness.

Too big of a business.

Joe Smith said...

'How odd there are Palestinians, yet no Palestine. Such an incongruity can only indicate something has been taken from the Palestinians!'

It's kind of like calling Bob 'Katrina' just because he puts on a dress and a wig.

Just pandering and good manners...

Rafe said...

“How odd there are Palestinians, yet no Palestine. Such an incongruity can only indicate something has been taken from the Palestinians!”

Cool, I see his this all works now! I’m Trollestinian, and your current possessions and home were all formerly Trollestine’s. Odd, indeed! Now give me back all my stuff, then roll over and die.

Easy peasy!

- Rafe

n.n said...

Slavic Spring in the Obama/Biden/Clinton World War Spring series from Iraq to Ukraine, and other places he didn't have time to publish.

Iman said...

“The Right’s hatred of America is astounding.”

The grifting Left’s malevolent hatred of America - and Americans and even the idea of America - has been on display for years and is absolutely undeniable.

Float, float on, Howie. You’re a true floater in the Marilu Henner-sense.

Mikey NTH said...

I agree Putin should be interviewed. His reasons for invading Czechoslovakia after annexing the Sudetenlad should be heard.

Wait - I maybe confusing him with another brutal European strongman with a heavy accent and a fondness for tanks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How odd there are Palestinians, yet no Palestine.

Ignorance is bliss apparently. There are Eskimos but no Eskimoland. In Hawaii there are Hales who don't hale from Haleland either. Don't even get me started on Mestizos or Chicanos or La Raza.

For those unaware, the PLO chose the Roman word for Philistine as their name specifically to resurrect the idea, if not the apparatus, of a nation state. Arafat was devious that way. (He also invented hijacking as a political statement.) However, the Philistines were hardly the only ancient tribe to be driven from their homeland. And it was more likely in another part of Tans-Jordan, not "between the river and the sea." As the saying goes, "other than that..."

Mikey NTH said...

Now to be serious, I doubt this interview will do much for or against Putin. He's pretty shrewd and will spin things his way at best. Gor Carlson he has the most at risk. At best he'll come across as a neutral hard questioner. At worst he'll be seen as simping for Russia.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

rcocean said...
For some reason the computer Gods keep double posting my comments. Sorry.
2/7/24, 10:06 AM

It's the Jews.

Jim at said...

Tucker is being portrayed as a Hero for doing the Putin interview. The Right’s hatred of America is astounding.

Let me know if he shows up with one of those 'Reset' thingies.

Bunkypotatohead said...

At least Putin is willing to be interviewed, something our current president won't do.

Mind your own business said...

The Biden Cohort is a greater threat to Americans than Putin.

Freeman Hunt said...

Carlson is acting like a fool; that is, like Putin's instrument.