February 6, 2024

Sunrise — 7:16, 7:19, 7:22.





MadisonMan said...

I've enjoyed the Sun the past couple days. It's not quite feeling warm to me, but that happens in about 10 days, as I recall from other years.

tim in vermont said...

If you are waiting for the new version of Ozempic, that purports to provide a long term effect, you should consider this finding.

The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist, exendin-4, reduces sexual interaction behaviors in a brain site-specific manner in sexually naïve male mice

If somebody at PJ Media is looking for a story, this looks like a good piece of click bait, and it would be doing the world a service at the same time. It turns out that the desire to eat is not the only desire that is sated by the drug's actions.

n.n said...

There is no snow in the valleys, temperatures are unseasonably warm, but... and the snow pack is over 100% of recorded levels. If this persists for 30 years, this will be recorded as climate change.

MadTownGuy said...

More details about Toby Keith. He was our daughter's favorite back in the day, and she got to see him live in concert at the Dodge County Fair.

Toby Keith, country singer-songwriter, dies at 62 after stomach cancer diagnosis

"Toby Keith, a hit country crafter of pro-American anthems who both riled up critics and was loved by millions of fans, has died. He was 62.

The “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” singer-songwriter, who had stomach cancer, died peacefully Monday surrounded by his family, according to a statement posted on the country singer’s website. “He fought his fight with grace and courage,” the statement said. He announced his cancer diagnosis in 2022.

The 6-foot-4 singer broke out in the country boom years of the 1990s, writing songs that fans loved to hear. Over his career he publicly clashed with other celebrities and journalists and often pushed back against record executives who wanted to smooth his rough edges.

He was known for his overt patriotism on post 9/11 songs like “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue,” and boisterous barroom tunes like “I Love This Bar” and “Red Solo Cup.” He had a powerful booming voice, a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor and range that carried love songs as well as drinking songs.

Throughout the cancer treatments, Keith continued to perform, most recently playing in Las Vegas in December. He also performed on the People’s Choice Country Awards in 2023 as he sang his song “Don’t Let the Old Man In.”

“Cancer is a roller coaster,” he told KWTV during an interview aired last month. “You just sit here and wait on it to go away. It might never go away.”


Keith often wore his politics on his sleeve, especially after the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in 2001, and early on he said he was a conservative Democrat, but later claimed he was an independent. He played at events for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, the latter giving him a National Medal of the Arts in 2021. His songs and his blunt opinions sometimes caused him controversy, which he seemed to court.

His 2002 song “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)” included a threat — “We’ll put a boot in your ass — It’s the American way” — to anyone who dared to mess with America.

That song got pulled from a patriotic ABC Fourth of July special after producers deemed it too angry for the show. Singer-songwriter Steve Earle called Keith’s song “pandering to people’s worst instincts at a time they are hurt and scared.”

Then there was the feud between Keith and The Chicks (formerly called the Dixie Chicks), who became a target of Keith’s ire when singer Natalie Maines told a crowd that they were ashamed of then-President George W. Bush. Maines had also previously called Keith’s song “ignorant.”
His pro-military stance wasn’t just fodder for songs, however. He went on 18 USO tours to visit and play for troops. He also helped to raise millions for charity over his career, including building a home in Oklahoma City for kids with cancer and their families.

More at the link.

Josephbleau said...

"It turns out that the desire to eat is not the only desire that is sated by the drug's actions."

The drugs are noted to reduce drinking of alcohol, so there is a confounding of factors.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I happened to stop at a red light and read a preety preety clever church sign.

"Our Sundays are more Super than a Bowl of ice-cream prepared by 49 Chefs"

Speaking of clever (or maybe lack thereof) I notice my still known as twitter platform account started pushing accounts I would not follow in a million years. I was puzzled until it occurred to me that maybe the algorithms must've picked up me calling Tucker a crackpot and it just danced accordingly.

The thing that the algorithms probably don't know, or more precisely can't predict, is that the day approaches when so called "crackpots" are going to be revered as the wise truth sayers, all knowing and all seeing.

Speaking of all seeing and all knowing. Earlier tonight I had a passenger pull a fast one. Uber has, aside from Uber Pets, Uber Deliveries and Uber Eats, something called Uber Connects for the delivery of packages. I have it turned off on my driver app, on account that it pays a fraction of what I would otherwise make giving a human a ride. Still Ubar has its ways of pushing the packages on me by depriving me of human passengers. So, earlier tonight I reluctantly accepted one, but when I showed to pick up the package came with a passenger. A stow away? Can't really call her that as she opened the back door, in front of my very eyes, and made herself confortable in the back seat, she had asked me to put the packages in the back of the Cherokee.

I decided this not something to bring up now. I'll call support after and ask them for an adjustment $, right? Wrong!
I was told I violated the TOS. Something to do with insurance. I hadn't read the fine print and if I insisted on getting a fairer compensation, I would risk deactivation. So I relented.

Speaking of insurance. Scott Adams made a good point about the so called covid shot linked excess deaths. For the life of me, I couldn't make out why aren't these "excess deaths" being shouted from the rooftops. Scott asked a good question. 'If up until now it has been shown we cannot trust any data coming from any covid related authority, why shouldn't we look at this "excess deaths" data with the same level of skepticism?' BTW, Scott is not saying that the data is not true. He doesn't know one way or the other.

We know precious little these days.

Josephbleau said...

"I've enjoyed the Sun the past couple days."

One of my favorite artists is George Harrison, and "Here Comes The Sun" is one of my favorite pieces. Yay for warming.

An old Michigander sees the ice is slowly melting.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Biden confuses French President Emmanuel Macron with ex-leader Mitterrand, who died in 1996

Biden is in no condition to debate.

Big Mike said...

Up and down day. Thanks to Mike Gallagher (R-WI), Tom McClintock (R-CA), and Ken Buck (R-CO), Mayorkas survived impeachment. However I understand that Ronna McDaniel is planning to resign.

robother said...

Watched Napoleon, last night. What a disappointment. Joaquin Phoenix was one of the worst casting choices I've ever seen. Great actors can work against type (I actually thought DiCaprio did a great job in his Moon role of a dumb tool), but Phoenix seemed to have no clue in portraying one of the great rennaissance men. Except for a few battle scenes, it played as a modern domestic farce.

rehajm said...

There is noticeable geriatric decline here…

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Word is Tucker talked with Putin for 2hrs.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The harpies on "The View" had a meltdown when Chris Christie told them that Biden was past his sell date. They've drunken gallons of Kool Aide and now they can't stand to be challenged on Joe Biden's fitness.

Josephbleau said...

"Word is Tucker talked with Putin for 2hrs"

Hell for that you rusian commie fsb destroyers of american critical presious fluids.

Everyone should be destroyed for everything goddammit. get out of here you deniers!

gadfly said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The IRS is poised to take in hundreds of billions of dollars more in overdue and unpaid taxes than previously anticipated, according to a new analysis released Tuesday by the Treasury Department and the IRS.

More auditors, more audits on returns over $400,000.

So there is a long list of candidates to audit. Just a few easy pickings:

Donald Trump
Trump's Failsons
Allen Weisselberg
Warren Buffett
Jeff Bezoz
Michael Bloomberg
Elon Musk
Clarence Thomas
Sam Alito
Harlan Crow
Anthony Welters
Paul Singer
Leonard Leo
Wayne LaPierre

Howard said...

Some blue, finally

Howard said...

I might be a commie pinko jerk, but give me Toby Keith over Steve Earle every day. Hell, I don't even like his music, but always admired the man. Go easy, bro

Kai Akker said...

A peer-reviewed -- don't LOL yet -- study finds that the mRNA vaccines caused many times the number of deaths than lives they saved. If I read correctly, they caused 14x as many deaths. Study calls for global moratorium on this great wonder medicine.

From article in Epoch Times via ZeroHedge.

wendybar said...

End Wokeness
Mayor Eric Adams shows off his diverse administration: "Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York??!! This is why they hating on me!"

He then compares himself to Jesus for assembling such a non-White team.

Moral of the story?? Don't elect blacks, because when they get criticized they blame others for seeing they are black instead of looking at what they are doing and changing their way

Humperdink said...

Maui update: "There are at least 2100 properties charred from the fire

They’re only clearing an average of 2 lots per weekday so far

Only seven trucks are running cleanup.

We're from the government and we're here to help. Do the math, 2100 properties, clearing up 2 per day. Zero homes rebuilt. What a country!


Humperdink said...

So a three judge panel ruled that Trump doesn't get immunity from his time in office. The libs never look at the long game. Some enterprising red state DA may take a hard look at Biden's "behavior" while in office. Doubtful as they are few and far between, but one never knows.

tim in vermont said...

"The drugs are noted to reduce drinking of alcohol, so there is a confounding of factors."

The study was done on mice.

Humperdink said...

@ the gad. Do you not think the IRS and NY state taxing authorities audit Trump regularly?

BTW gad, when are you going to furnish us examples of Trump's corruption? You claimed with certainty that Trump was the most corrupt president ever. You keep throwing hand grenades from left field, none of which land. Gee, why is that?

gilbar said...

Nimarata (Nikki) Haley ran COMPLETELY UNOPPOSED in yesterday's Nevada primary..
She didn't Just lose, to ‘none of these candidates’; she lost by nearly two to one

“None of these candidates” was the top vote-getter on the GOP side of the bill, with the option receiving more than 60% of the vote when the race was called by the Associated Press.
Facing virtually no competition, Haley only amassed 33.2% of the vote

wendybar said...

Matt Couch
Going to be interesting to see what she says about Toby Keith..

Without Toby Keith there wouldn’t be a Taylor Swift.. Toby signed her to his record label and gave her, her start..

Hope she recognizes that today.. like she should..


tim maguire said...

The IRS announces they will do more audits and gadfly responds with a list of all the people he doesn't like.

Sounds about right.

jaydub said...

LOL! Gad"Tsetse"Fly (at 1:32 am!) only listed his political enemies as candidates for IRS audits, thus confirming Biden's fascistic purpose behind adding tens of thousands of IRS agents.

New flash, Tsetse. Everyone on that list has been audited multiple times already. What you should be up late worrying about is who those agents audit next.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

2/7/24, 5:49 AM
Blogger Humperdink said...
So a three judge panel ruled that Trump doesn't get immunity from his time in office. The libs never look at the long game. Some enterprising red state DA may take a hard look at Biden's "behavior" while in office. Doubtful as they are few and far between, but one never knows.

2/7/24, 5:57 AM

He deserves prosecution for treason. That'll never happen as he'll be ruled incompetent to stand trial. Or, he'll be suicided by his puppeteers.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

My sister lives in Whittier, CA, about an hour southeast of L.A. She's getting so much rain, that she has to pump the excess water out of her pool.

Rusty said...

tim maguire said...
"The IRS announces they will do more audits and gadfly responds with a list of all the people he doesn't like.

Sounds about right."

Stalin rips pages from the Moscow phone book. "I want these people arrested!"

wendybar said...

THIS ALONE is the only reason EVERY person who loves America should vote for Trump.

"World Economic Forum capo, Yuval Noah Harari, issued a stark warning regarding Trump’s candidacy for president and its implications for the security of the “global order” during a recent podcast appearance."


MadTownGuy said...

Humperdink said...

"Maui update: "There are at least 2100 properties charred from the fire

They’re only clearing an average of 2 lots per weekday so far

Only seven trucks are running cleanup."

We're from the government and we're here to help. Do the math, 2100 properties, clearing up 2 per day. Zero homes rebuilt. What a country!

Here's the Associated Press article (by way of US News & World Report):

Hawaii Economists Say Lahaina Locals Could Be Priced Out of Rebuilt Town Without Zoning Changes

"HONOLULU (AP) — Residents who survived the wildfire that leveled the Hawaii town of Lahaina might not be able to afford to live there after it is rebuilt unless officials alter the zoning laws and make other changes, economists warned Friday.

“The risk is very real,″ Carl Bonham, executive director of the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, told a virtual news conference ahead of the group’s release Friday of its quarterly state economic forecast.

Soaring housing prices have already forced many Native Hawaiians and other longtime Hawaii residents to leave the islands and move to the U.S. mainland. The wildfire that claimed at least 97 lives and destroyed 2,200 buildings in the West Maui community of Lahaina — 86% of which were residential — amplifies that problem for the survivors. Nearly 8,000 of them have been placed at 40 hotels or other accommodations around the island of Maui.

“Market prices for this new housing are likely to far exceed the already high prices that existed in Lahaina before the fire. For renters, the old housing stock that was destroyed provided opportunities for reasonable rents,” the economic report said.

A spike in housing costs would be a further burden for people — including retirees and those who worked in restaurants, hotels and shops — who lost their homes and jobs when their places of employment burned to the ground on Aug. 8, or when West Maui temporarily closed to tourism after the disaster.

Wait for it... The Disneyfication of Lahaina.

Leland said...

"The IRS announces they will do more audits and gadfly responds with a list of all the people he doesn't like.

Sounds about right."

That's because gadfly thinks the purpose of government is to give preferential treatment to people he likes, and of course destroy people he doesn't like. This is why liberalism is dead and people like gadfly killed it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Maui fires were a direct result of government neglect. The pineapple plantations had closed and invasive grasses covered the plantations. It can take as little as one hour for wind to dry out those grasses and turn them into fire tinder.

The local governments did not make the plantation owners keep the grasses mowed down. A tractor with a flail mower can make short work of the grass. If an owner failed to do that maintenance, then the city could have down it, and put a lien on the property.

We had a rental house in Ashland, OR. The city was very scrupulous about removing possible fire hazards from out property. They would send us a letter and give use 30 days to fix the problem, or they would do it and bill us.