December 2, 2023

We were kicking him, and he moved his ass.

"Pelosi calls Santos a ‘coward’ for leaving chamber before expulsion vote closed" (The Hill).
“This is not a casual vote for us. It’s something you take very seriously and and he should have taken it seriously,” Pelosi told reporters following the vote, adding that he “should have been man about it.”
Be a man — I hadn't heard that in a while.

Was that a one-time pot shot, just for Santos? He's gay, right? On any other day, you'd be canceled for advising the gay man... or any man... to "be a man." But on very special days, there's one person who liberates everyone to say what they really think.


wendybar said...

Nancy Pelosi belongs in prison for the feds rioting in the Capitol on 1/6/21. She got the outcome she wanted and she has been lying to us for decades. She should have been censured for ripping up a government document on live TV. Funny, how there is NEVER any consequences for the Progressive left.

narciso said...

No youre a clownshoe fronted by freaks with swallwell cortez and co

RideSpaceMountain said...

When asked for comment about her very publicly passive aggressive tearing of Trump’s State of the Union Speech in the most revered, most sanctified, and holiest of holies congressional chamber, Pelosi reportedly did not respond.

She was "very much a woman about it."

The Crack Emcee said...

She's the rep for San Francisco, too, so she knows what she was saying. YIKES. Stay tuned: I expect fallout from that comment.

Wilbur said...

Pelosi: “There was a coming together to say we respect the dignity of the House of Representatives.”

Sigh. SMH.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought it was fun when they kicked Pelosi out of her office.

Bob Boyd said...

Going so soon? I wouldn't hear of it. Why my little party's just beginning.
- Wicked Witch of the West

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's too bad Santos is gone. What ever will the corrupt left talk about?

Certainly not the corruption in their own house of personal profiteering.

Bob Boyd said...

I learned from Democrats that black Republicans aren't really black. Maybe it works the same way for gay Republicans.

Ice Nine said...

>Ann Althouse said...
he “should have been man about it.”

Be a man — I hadn't heard that in a while.
Was that a one-time pot shot, just for Santos? He's gay, right?<

Yeah, it was a one-time pot shot. And it had nothing to do with Santos' being gay. And she didn't say "Be a man," she said, "been man about" getting voted out. Sometimes a well known idiom is just a well-known idiom - especially "Be a man," which is almost always directed at hetero men.

Two sentences down from that one she mentions his being a "coward," which plainly clarified for that minuscule few who might somehow have decided the first comment was a gay slur, that it, of course, was nothing of the sort.

Ann Althouse said...

Bob Boyd's clip.

Howard said...

Sometimes a tactical retreat is the manly thing to do. Not saying that applies here, but knowing when to fold is how you survive the game.

Bob Boyd said...

Pelosi and the gang didn't think Santos deserved to be in Congress, not because he was a crook and a liar, but because he was such a bush league crook and liar.

Michael K said...

The Republicans in the House are the cowards. They threw away 1/4 of their majority.

Sebastian said...

"On any other day, you'd be canceled for advising the gay man... or any man... to "be a man.""

Which prog has ever been "canceled" for gay-baiting? Always directed at non-progs, of course, though anti-transgenderist gays now run a risk too.

"But on very special days, there's one person who liberates everyone to say what they really think."

Every day is a very special day for progs. Hegemony liberates.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Imagine for a moment, if you will, the most vile, degenerate, and sadistic psychopaths that you could ever conceive of. The most corrupt and base criminals. Murderers, rapists, and pederasts with the least amount of impulse control and lacking in the slightest bit of compunction. Remorseless, ruthless, and utterly dedicated to the most primal of self-interested urges. A group so psychologically unaware of their pathologies that their therapists need therapists to stop the nightmares. This is the group that you, as a foreign intelligence agent, must deal with and coerce when trying to influence the United States Congress.

Larry J said...

Santos got what he deserved, but he’s far from the only one that deserves the same treatment.

rhhardin said...

Be a man refers to taking abuse calmly, as men do with nagging wives and now HR. Men have a separate existence from the social fiction of the day.

hpudding said...

I think they thought that he was a cowardly dishonest scumbag who in a sense “cheated” his way into Congress pretty flagrantly and lacked the ability to even hear their judgement on it. If there’s no such thing as vocabulary you’d find appropriate for ascribing a certain kind of immaturity to that then our language must truly be a very inadequate one.

There’s spin and then there’s lying so pathological that it’s impossible to even make sense of anything someone says because it’s clear that reality and other people’s perceptions of that person mean so little to them. He was indicted on ten fraud-related felonies. At some point a basic ability to abide by the law or even care what it is should matter to these people.

He clearly had as much contempt for his accusers as he does for the public and what they think. There’s nothing wrong with searching for language to describe the contempt they must have been justified in feeling toward him in return.

The rule of Lemnity said...

“But on very special days, there's one person who liberates everyone to say what they really think.”

Yeah. I’m thinking of somebody who also, quite frequently really, elicits the kind of flavorful distinction, indistinguishable from a special occasion treat. His name begins with a T and ends with a P, T is for Trouble and P is for Predator.

There’s always somebody. Newt, Bush the son, and Trump the unholy worst.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ignored by entire corrupt MSM hack-D press.

This Sneaky Senator's Insider Trade Isn't the Most Corrupt Part of This Story

Pelosi - what say you?

Breezy said...

Says the woman who didn’t have the balls to sanction Ilhan Omar.

Oligonicella said...

"Was that a one-time pot shot, just for Santos? He's gay, right?"

It wasn't and isn't relevant.

gilbar said...

serious question:
If there was a "D" after his name, and the democrats had a 4 seat majority..
WHAT would he have to have been accused of to be removed?

HA! just kidding :) my serious question is:
If there was a "D" after his name, and the democrats had a 4 seat majority..
WHAT (if ANYTHING) would he have to have been convicted of to be removed?

wendybar said...

I can't wait until he writes a book about the Corruption in Congress. They all deserve what is coming to them.

n.n said...

Sex, sexism, and genderfication in the city.

Xmas said...

Santos did the unforgivable. He publicly stole money from other Congressmen. Not in some legislative sense, but quite literally committed credit card fraud using other members of Congress's cards.

n.n said...

The government is running an anti-bully campaign.

Quayle said...

My great grandfather was kicked out of Congress in 1882. He had served as a non-voting Utah territorial delegate to Congress since 1872, but in 1882 the Congress refused to seat him even though he had beat his opponent in the election by a margin of something like 18,000 votes to 1300 votes. They said his polygamy was incompatible with service in Congress. Shortly there after they passed the Edmunds act, which stripped Utah polygamist of their voting and property rights.

Had he been from another state and had been married but also maintained mistresses, that probably would’ve been acceptable to the other congressmen. He once said: “Our crime has been: We married women instead of seducing them; we reared children instead of destroying them; we desired to exclude from the land prostitution, bastardy and infanticide.”

But the standards of Congress are very particular I guess.

“Bad Genes” said...

‘George Santos has been expelled. If they can do this to a college volleyball star, world famous Brazilian journalist, successful NYC financier and noted producer of the Spider Man musical, what hope is there for we mere mortals?’~ Amy Klobuchar MN Senator

Now this is someone with a sense of humor…..

CapitalistRoader said...

Now do your husband Paul, Nanxi.

Leland said...

This is not a casual vote for us.

Indeed, much more thought and consideration was placed in making this vote than went into two impeachment votes against Trump. Kicking out one of our own, voted in by just their district, isn't easy. See Bob Menendez as an example of the difficulty. But if they don't work in the "People's House" (a place people can't just walk into lest they be arrested for trespassing or insurrection), then out they most go.

One more question for Pelosi, how would you describe Tlaib acceptance of her censure? Did she take it like a man?

JAORE said...

The left uses language with impunity that would scald any conservative.

Homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, racist, fat shaming. All a one way street.

Steven Wilson said...

"Be a man." Isn't that a phrase associated with NKVD executioners as they urged the next victim to stand still so they could place the ounce of lead just so. Perfectly appropriate for Nancy Pelosi to use I'd say.

narciso said...

Put a fork in it nancy

Gusty Winds said...

Pelosi just pukes bullshit every time she opens her mouth.

She should be expelled for all the corrupt inside money she and her husband made on insider trades. So should the rest of congress who have done the same.

But America is too stupid to vote them all out.

Joe Smith said...

Well, Pelosi is an evil bitch, so she's got that going for her...

n.n said...

Homophobic, transphobic

"Be a man"

A trans/homophobic riff? Sure, why not. That's why they changed biological sex to favor gender attribute classification.

rcocean said...

Pelosi should act like a decent human being - but I guess that impossible for the hate-filled shrew. Remember when she chortled over "Bombing a Russian Convoy"? Or tore up Trump's speech during the state of the union? Or laughed over Limbaugh's death?

I have no doubt she refused the offer on NG troops on J6, because she wanted chaos and a riot. It played right into her hands.

She's a disgusting human being. Souless. Out for power and has gotten wealthy through corruption. She's the perfect example of a warmongering, police state, liberal Democrat. If she insulted me, I'd feel pleased, since I'd know I was doing something moral and right.

Arashi said...

Not a casual vote for us? Horsehocky - it was the most fun any of those old dinosaurs have had recently, other than counting their brown bags of loot.

I think he should have stayed in his office until the Capital police dragged out of his office and chucked him into the street. Make the bullies actually show themselves live on camera.

loudogblog said...

"On any other day, you'd be canceled for advising the gay man... or any man... to "be a man.""

Not if you're a powerful Democrat and the gay man is a Republican.

I'm not defending Santos. I'm glad that they expelled him, but the double standard here is obvious.

Skeptical Voter said...

Pelosi really is the Wicked Witch Of The West. Inside her corrupt carcass, there's a very small mean person. She's an absolute avatar of much of the Congress. When she dies, they'll stuff her carcass with straw and re-elect her six times. She's the soul mate of Harry Reid, another mean, small person.

Drago said...

Intersting theory seen on X...

"With Bill Johnson leaving Congress, and speculation that @SpeakerMcCarthy may leave as well, the GOP has perfectly positioned themselves to lose their very slim House majority now that they have expelled @MrSantosNY.

I think @HouseGOP wants Democrats to be in control of the House and Senate so they can impeach Trump again when he wins in 2024."

To the cheers of the GOPe suckups at Althouse blog...including you know who...

Drago said...

Michael K: "The Republicans in the House are the cowards. They threw away 1/4 of their majority."


1/4 to 1/2 of the elected republicans in DC, if not more, are completely aligned with the dems....and have been for decades.

So, they weren't being cowards. They were simply serving the interests of their team.

The best part of it all for these GOPe/dems? They know there are many idiots in the base that blame all party failures on Trump which sets up the perfect win-win for the uniparty.

Some of those idiots can be found right here on Althouse blog.

Krumhorn said...

A group so psychologically unaware of their pathologies that their therapists need therapists to stop the nightmares.

Hahahah...that's priceless. Every so often, I get the sense of Laslo Spatula in your posts.

- Krumhorn

Clyde said...

I'm sure Pelosi took that vote as seriously as she took all of the bogus impeachments of Trump. Don't get me wrong, Santos was a con artist who didn't belong in Congress, but so are a high percentage of the rest of them. As the saying goes, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

Wilbur said...

Senator Joseph Paine: "Let me go! I'm not fit to be a senator! I'm not fit to live! Expel me, not him!"

RideSpaceMountain said...


Regrettably, I am not he of the eminently esoteric comment, the great spatulist himself, Laslo. If even 10% of Laslo or Bob Boyd's comedic anecdotalism has rubbed off on me, I should consider it an honor. There are so many great comments and great thoughts and great jokes here, and it keeps me coming back just like all of us.

We all try our best don't we.

narciso said...

He was the best fake congressman since eddie murphy what are the real ones doing for us

wendybar said...

"George Santos has been expelled. If they can do this to a college volleyball star, world famous Brazilian journalist, successful NYC financier and noted producer of the Spider Man musical, what hope is there for we mere mortals?’~ Amy Klobuchar MN Senator

Now this is someone with a sense of humor….."

Was she eating her salad with a comb whilst commenting??