December 4, 2023

Oh! He's getting credit for sophistication now.

Trump is no longer a wild crazy idiot. Pay attention to the reframing.

I'm reading "Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First/Donald Trump has long exhibited authoritarian impulses, but his policy operation is now more sophisticated, and the buffers to check him are weaker" in The New York Times.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I have friends who read this crap and buy it.

Fear! Trump might win and we are doomed!

So lame. At worst he'll step on his dick and break his promises.
At best - we will get a thriving economy. At best he will deport all of the democrat/Soros illegal entrants.
Oh no! Be afraid!

Yancey Ward said...

Nothing new. We were assured in 2016 during the campaign that Trump would cause WWIII and the end of humanity if he won his first term- and it was even Republicans writing that.

tim in vermont said...

When people complain about Biden, they usually point to observable things, such as food prices, his age, his pushing of hoaxes, Ukraine, etc.

When people complain about Trump, it is usually based on their fever dreams about an unlikely future. “He might become a dictator.” “He might put people in prison camps.”

And sometimes it is about his imaginary past: The Fine People Hoax, The Drinking Bleach Hoax, The Russian Collusion Hoax, etc
- Scott Adams on X

Joe Smith said...

He used to be an arrogant ass clown and now he is an evil genius.

Noted and welcome if true.

mikee said...

I note that in the 18th century, "sophisticated" also meant corrupted, as in the devil making sophisticated arguments against following the laws of God. So they are still being negative about Trump, never fear!

Ambrose said...

According to the mainstream media, all successful Republican politicians are some mix of evil genius and ignorant dunce. The mix changes over time but never the two ingredients.

gilbar said...

How LONG? How Long before?
"for the Good of the Country".. And to "Protect Democracy".. they'll call for Trump's execution?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Trump is very stupid. He tries to get away with lying about the value of his assets, when every lawyer and district court judge in the U.S. is much better at evaluating commercial real estate than Trump is.

On the other hand, he has completely fooled banks and insurance companies--financial institutions which specialize in sifting the bottom line with a fine tooth comb, and maximizing their profits. Trump is the first person in history to fool them completely. He leaves them shivering on the river bank, with no clothes, waiting to jump in with Biden. What a genius.

Gunner said...

In 2017, most RINO Republicans were at least pretending to support Trump and go along with his policies. Now they are fully SJW libtards, so how will he be more effective?

RideSpaceMountain said...

If you ever wanted more proof that being bi-polar is much more common than thought, just look at the media. There's got to be enough Zoloft, Klonopin, and Progesterone in the sewer pipes at the NYT to tranquilize a blue whale.

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump learned exactly *one* thing during his first term: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution. That’s why he’s surrounded himself with sycophants and has a plan to get rid of the career staff in his way.

alanc709 said...

Still shilling for the fascist drones at the NYT and WaPo. I thought maybe you would show some honesty about Trump, but why expect that here, when you can post more propaganda.

Leland said...

What authoritarian impulses? When he demanded all Americans pass a covid test before leaving or entering the country? That was Biden. Maybe it was when Trump had the home of his leading opposition raided by the FBI or the opponents campaign wiretapped on a false charge of colluding with a foreign country? That was Biden and Obama.

I'll admit, covid lockdowns got out of hand, and that happened under Trump (and Trump stupidly blamed [checks notes] DeSantis), but I think that was more the authoritarian impulses of the unelected bureaucracy along with Democrat governors and blue city politicians. All Trump did was attempt to block air travel to and from China, something virtually every other country eventually did too as well China on its end.

As for whether Trump's campaign being more sophisticated, I damn well hope so. The GOP GOTV efforts have always been woefully inadequate, particularly compared to Democrats latest moves on mail in voting. I noticed early on Trump, instead of fighting mail in voting, leaned into it. I rather only military personnel overseas be allowed to mail-in vote, but if it is going to exist as it is today, then use it to your advantage. Certainly, Trump needs better than, "WWaaahh, they stole it from me."

I refrained from commenting on this stuff yesterday. Frankly, the coverage of Trump is predictable and boring for it. Trump's campaign in 2016 and today covers a lot of policy issues, but the coverage of his campaign is like that of any Republican... he is the 2nd coming of Hitler, will put blacks in chains, deny elderly their medical care, allow the beatings of gays in public, and promote the genocide of Muslims and Chinese (and previously Russia, although after 2012, it is now ok to promote genocide of Russia until they overthrow Putin).

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero and allows his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies like “Sleepy Joe” “Crooked Hillary” “the Deep State” and “Fake News”.

rhhardin said...

The audience is the wild crazy idiot.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Hands flapping! Hands flapping frantically!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Forget it Ann, it's the New York Times.

Jersey Fled said...

So tiresome.

Static Ping said...

When you are reasoning backwards from your conclusion, your assumptions can be quite creative.

Mountain Maven said...

Evil sells better than crazy.

Foose said...

It reminds me of Napoleon's escape from Elba, where the closer he came to Paris, the more respectful the French newspaper reporting became:

March 9th, the Anthropophagus has quitted his den.

March 10th, the Corsican Ogre has landed at Cape Juan.

March 11th, the Tiger has arrived at Gap.

March 12th, the Monster slept at Grenoble.

March 13th, the Tyrant has passed through Lyons.

March 14th, the Usurper is directing his steps towards Dijon, but the brave and loyal Burgundians have risen en masse and surrounded him on all sides.

March 18th, Bonaparte is only sixty leagues from the capital; he has been fortunate enough to escape the hands of his pursuers.

March 19th, Bonaparte is advancing with rapid steps, but he will never enter Paris.

March 20th, Napoleon will, tomorrow, be under our ramparts.

March 21st, the Emperor is at Fontainbleau.

March 22nd, His Imperial and Royal Majesty, yesterday evening, arrived at the Tuileries, amidst the joyful acclamations of his devoted and faithful subjects.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I don't think in terms of sophisticated or unsophisticated...

Original Mike said...

I know I'm not the first to ask, but I sure would like to know what authoritarian impulses they're talking about.

who-knew said...

"Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution" Thanks Rich, I needed a good laugh today.

Paul Zrimsek said...

They're doing the best they can, but they've got a hard job: trying to whip up fear of the unknown against a candidate who's already been President.

Jon Burack said...

Ah, Rich,

"Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."

This doesn't seem to be irony. If not, amazing. I do not find even the words "career civil servants" in the Constitution anywhere. How could they have so forgotten their true defenders?

traditionalguy said...

They think he will fire their Deep State plants on inauguration day. Then he might succeed and make America great.

dbp said...

""Why a Second Trump Presidency May Be More Radical Than His First..."

This kink of headline really only appeals to the already convinced. Normal people might ask, "What was radical about Trump's presidency"?

Nothing about Trump's official actions would have raised an eyebrow, had they been done by any other president. What was radical, was the way the press and various civil servants, judges and opposition politicians pegged the exaggeration meter at 11 for Trump's whole term.

Jim at said...

Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution.

It's helpful to learn the thoughts of people completely on the backside of reality.

Iman said...

“Three scoops instead of one!”

Oh… teh humanity…

Michael K said...


Blogger Rich said...

Trump doesn’t give speeches. He tells long fake stories that provide an alternate reality in which he’s the hero and allows his audience to conflate themselves with him as he pretends to vanquish imaginary enemies

"Rich you've got the candidates mixed up. Biden is the Walter Mitty of the campaign.

Trump is an example of Dizzy Dean's rule. "If you can do it, it ain't braggin'

Immanuel Rant said...

I think the Atlantic also just dropped 24 different stories on similar themes.


It's Like Hitler and Godzilla had a baby!!

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich/C****: "Trump learned exactly *one* thing during his first term:..."

Leftists consistently present themselves as mind readers extraordinaire and are never shy about offering "analysis" and advocating punishment based on this psychotic delusional belief.

In this regard, the entirety of the sad Althouse blog LLR-democratical Brigade (Rich, C****, lonejustice) are the most hilarious practitioners.

Needless to say, the projection involved is off the charts!

Readers ought to wander back to the serial lies vomited up by Rich/C**** over the Elon/Crimea/Starlink hoax pushed by the left for a good example.

rehajm said...

Back in the day the Today show on NBC mornings had a formula for George W Bush- remember him? Anyways, the lead story on Today would be something about what an idiot W was. Five to ten minutes on how dumb. Next story- five minutes on what a brilliant schemer W was to trick the Democrats into helping him doing his evil Hitler business. He tricked them!!!

tim in vermont said...

Rich is afraid that we will somehow miss the latest all-media talking points about Trump.

Original Mike said...

"Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."

The Founding Fathers would be spinning in their graves if they knew how an unelected bureaucracy had taken over the federal government.

gadfly said...

Sure, he destroyed democracy, but the other guy is three years older.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Career civil servants will white-out the first sentence of Article II and then defend the Constitution.

Larry J said...

Democrats have lied about every Republican nominee since at least 1948 (and maybe 1944) being Nazis who want to end Social Security. Liars is who they are and lying is what they do. You would think people would realize that the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of crooked liars by now, but with the aid of their stenographers in the press, the lies just keep on coming.

n.n said...

He will overturn political congruence ("=") and open civil unions to all consenting adults. #NoJudgment #NoLabels Democrats will, in turn, respect marriage of pedophiles, groomers, and prepubuscent children in their bid for liberal social progress.

He will affirm the 50 state legal standard of life with nervous system activity, thus restricting the performance of human rites for social, clinical, political, criminal, and climate stasis to six weeks. #NoJudgment #NoLabels Democrats will, in turn, launch nationwide witch trials to relieve "burdens", cannibalize her profitable parts, and sequester her carbon pollutants.

He will launch wars to end the Obama-era ethnic Springs, and murder, rape... rape-rape, torture, and abduction as tools of the terrorists' trade.

He will curtail the spread of the laundered Green blight through environmental arbitrage and deceit, and restore development of clean, green, reliable, affordable energy.

He will confront and end the communist economy of single, central, monopolistic solutions and profits... underfunded Medicare, unfunded Medicaid, and fraudulent federal loan provisions under the Obamacares umbrella forcing shared responsibility through progressive prices.

He will build a wall on the southern border to defend American People, Posterity, and territory, and work with foreign stakeholders to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

Labor arbitrage, slavery, diversity, and Occupy in China, etc.

tim in vermont said...

You know what? It's come out through FOIA that Jack Smith has opened an FBI file on everybody who ever liked a Trump tweet. It's not undemocratic at all, there is no "Lives of Others" vibe going on there at all!

The documents were heavily redacted, too, so it only makes one wonder what else was in there that they simply refuse to tell us.

tim in vermont said...

"If one needs an indicator of just how terrible things are going for the Biden administration, former CNN host and Democrat darling, Chris Cuomo, says he'd be "open" to voting for Donald Trump over Biden." - ZeroHedge

Drag the rotting corpse off the stage. Kamala couldn't be any worse, just get rid of him. He is an utter failure, just like Obama said he would be.

"Don't underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f*k things up." - Barrack Obama

gadfly said...

"Red Caesarism" is rightwing code – and some Republicans are listening.

An argument for a "red Caesar" to rule US may seem esoteric but the conservative think tank behind the idea has connections to Trump.

For the last three years, parts of the American right have advocated a theory called Caesarism as an authoritarian solution to the claimed collapse of the US republic in conference rooms, podcasts, and the house organs of the extreme right, especially those associated with the Claremont Institute think tank.

Though on the surface this discussion might seem esoteric, experts who track extremism in the US say that due to their influence on the Republican party, the rightwing intellectuals who espouse these ideas about the attractions of autocracy present a profound threat to American democracy.

Their calls for a “red Caesar” are now only growing louder as Donald Trump, whose supporters attempted to violently halt the election of Joe Biden in 2020, has assumed dominant frontrunner status in the 2024 Republican nomination race. Trump, who also faces multiple criminal indictments, has spoken openly of attacking the free press in the US and having little regard for American constitutional norms should he win the White House again.

The idea that the US might be redeemed by a Caesar – an authoritarian, rightwing leader – was first broached explicitly by Michael Anton, a Claremont senior fellow and Trump presidential adviser.

No, Trump is not more sophisticated, he is seeking advice from the really far right.

Jupiter said...

Must be some news that's fit to print, right?

Jupiter said...

"Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."

That's Rich!

Yancey Ward said...

If you doubt parody is being killed by reality, read Rich's fully authentic thoughts in this and another thread below.

wildswan said...

"more sophisticated" means the polls are moving in Trump's direction. But not far a good reason but rather because of slick NYC ways which are taking in Democratic city voters who ought to know better. So scary. If you can't trust the dead and the dead drunk for a reliable vote, who can you trust?

Leland said...

"Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."

The same ones that declared their "resistance" to a duly elected President in 2021? There is the insurgency you've been seeking.

MadTownGuy said...

Rich said...

"Trump learned exactly *one* thing during his first term: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution. That’s why he’s surrounded himself with sycophants and has a plan to get rid of the career staff in his way."

'protect the country and defend the Constitution?' Like this?

FBI arrests L.A. actor and Republican Party official over alleged involvement in Jan. 6 riot (LA Times)

Your statement is pure sophistry.

chuck said...

Trump wasn't radical, that's just silly.

PM said...

They meant "...and the buffoons to check him are weaker."

iowan2 said...

"Trump learned exactly *one* thing during his first term: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."

I hope Trump adopts DeSantis, promise of moving half of the DC Bureaucracy out of DC. That will bust up, the little cabal of dem sycophants, clingers.

But those little sycophants have less respect for the constitution, than the Democrat Party as a whole

Rich, how about Judges. They admitted they ruled against Trump, but would have ruled for any other President.

Mind your own business said...

There's a lot of projection coming from the Left and their media. They're wailing over the things they've done, and fretting that Trump will repay them with the same.

I hope he does. There needs to be a lot of housecleaning of the Deep State. And Guantanamo and Leavenworth has plenty of room.

boatbuilder said...

"Oh! He's getting credit for sophistication now."

Just wait until he tries to get credit for swimming naked.

tim in vermont said...

All of this comparison of Trump to Caesar which is coming from the Neocon-DNC nexus, is code for the Caesar solution which we all know how that turned out. "Hey Donald! Beware the Ides of March!"

tim in vermont said...

Of course, after they killed Caesar, Rome fell into years of turmoil, and finally, in desperation, they brought in his nephew, Augustus, and made him dictator, so be careful what you wish for.

cubanbob said...

A fantasy I have is that the republicans win the trifecta and suspend the civil service act and allow the president to fire at will. Then make being an illegal alien a felony, a squatter subject to immediate deportation and stop giving welfare to woman who have more kids while already on welfare. As per the the budget, zero based for everything except contractual obligations. If we don't get the government and the spending under control this country is doomed. We are at 130% of GDP in debt. Greece was forced into austerity for less than that by the IMF. Once the dollar starts to get sus, our world reserve currency status will go to hell and our country with it.

William50 said...

Liz Cheney: 'No Question' Trump will refuse to leave office if re-elected President.

What a total douche. I don't know how she can look at herself in the mirror.

Maynard said...


Rich sounds a lot more like Inga and Vicki than he does Chuck. There is more of a fairy tale simplicity to his thinking rather than bitterness and anger.

gadfly said...

William50 said...
Liz Cheney: 'No Question' Trump will refuse to leave office if re-elected President.

What a total douche. I don't know how she can look at herself in the mirror.

Sad comment Billy.

Trump tried once to take over the government on January 6, so what will he do when 2028 rolls around and he happens to be alive? You know the answer. Well, perhaps you don't since cult members just go along with whatever the Master dictates.

And I have always admired Liz Cheney who has principles and who spent her political life fighting for conservativism.

planetgeo said...

Actually, this country could use a sophisticated wild crazy idiot right about now. When countries get this absurd and dysfunctional that's when people just say, "screw it, normal can't fix it any more." Argentina just figured that out. We're next.

wendybar said...

Rich said...
Trump learned exactly *one* thing during his first term: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution. That’s why he’s surrounded himself with sycophants and has a plan to get rid of the career staff in his way.

12/4/23, 12:58 PM

BHAHAHHAHHA....That's RICH!! Get help for your TDS. Career civil servants are the ones who are destroying what's left of our country, after Obama decided to fundamentally change it to the shithole it is becoming.

wendybar said...

gadfly said...
Sure, he destroyed democracy, but the other guy is three years older.

12/4/23, 4:54 PM

No, Obama is WAY younger than Biden.

wendybar said...

Sorry Jupiter. Didn't read the comments all the way down. Great minds think alike....

RMc said...

What authoritarian impulses?

He's a Republican. And he's Trump. (Also, he's a Republican.)

I swear, all of this foolishness just might make me pull the level for the guy. (Not that it matters: I live in New York.)

Christopher B said...

gadfly said...
... so what will he do when 2028 rolls around and he happens to be alive?

Considering that gadfly mostly posts cut-n-paste screeds and news clips from DU, I take this as an indication the need to assassinate Donald Trump is now a regular talking point in Democrat circles.

wendybar said...

And I have always admired Liz Cheney who has principles and who spent her political life fighting for conservativism.

12/5/23, 1:59 AM

And I have always admired Liz Cheney who has principles and who spent her political life fighting for left wing Progressivism, and Authoritarianism.

There, I fixed it for you.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"Red Caesar"? What bullshit is the Guardian and gadfly pulling out of their butts? Only the neobarbarian Guardian would come up with that concept. The leftwing press is scared to death and will continue to run with the "Trump is a dictator/Trump is a new Caesar/Trump is an authoritarian/Trump is a [fill in the blank]" meme. That's what they do. And their audience hoovers it up like it's the Greek ambrosia of the Gods.

cf said...

Thanks Jupiter and WendyBar for pointing and laughing at what silly Rich said so I won't have to. Its too funny and so sad.

Cato Renasci said...

Gilbar: They already have…did you see Robert Kagan’s big piece in the Commie Rag (aka Washington Post)?

bflat879 said...

Remember, the object isn't to convince the masses that Trump is a terrible human being, just so enough people are convinced to not vote for him that the Democrat, whoever that is, can win. When you look at the margin of victory, in the swing states, you see that isn't very many.

Leland said...

Ack… 2017, not 2021… at least I’m not Rich.

FullMoon said...

Refreshing to see Rich and Gadfly break character and reveal a sense of humor.

Bart DePalma said...

Trump reportedly does have a viable plan to remove and replace all bureaucrats in policy making roles as political appointees, decapitating the Deep State. The Democrats fear the new Trump appointees will weaponize the Deep State against them in the same manner they weaponized it against Trump and his supporters. Totalitarianism is all fun and games until you are the targets.

Hassayamper said...

@Rich: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution


First and foremost they will protect their do-nothing jobs and gold-plated pensions. Then, the political fortunes of the Democratic Party. They laugh at the notion of being bound by the Constitution.

Career civil servants are responsible for the Russia hoax, perjury before the FISA court for purposes of illegal surveillance of American citizens, nakedly partisan persecution of Trump and his people in the courts on the flimsiest of charges, and an immense number of other crimes. They are among the worst enemies of the average American. They are our own Praetorian Guard gone rogue, and just like the Praetorian Guard, their machinations and corruption threaten to lead to the fall of our nation.

Trump has the power to assign any of these parasites and popinjays to paper clip inventory duty in a broom closet at the back of the Fargo post office, and I hope he uses it to full advantage, making spectacular public examples of insubordinate government workers. They consider themselves the enemies of Trump and his voters, so let's see him treat them as such.

Hassayamper said...

@Rich: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution


First and foremost they will protect their do-nothing jobs and gold-plated pensions. Then, the political fortunes of the Democratic Party. They laugh at the notion of being bound by the Constitution.

Career civil servants are responsible for the Russia hoax, perjury before the FISA court for purposes of illegal surveillance of American citizens, nakedly partisan persecution of Trump and his people in the courts on the flimsiest of charges, and an immense number of other crimes. They are among the worst enemies of the average American. They are our own Praetorian Guard gone rogue, and just like the Praetorian Guard, their machinations and corruption threaten to lead to the fall of our nation.

Trump has the power to assign any of these parasites and popinjays to paper clip inventory duty in a broom closet at the back of the Fargo post office, and I hope he uses it to full advantage, making spectacular public examples of insubordinate government workers. They consider themselves the enemies of Trump and his voters, so let's see him treat them as such.

Fred Drinkwater said...

After seeing summaries of the latest "Atlantic", I am absolutely convinced that their intent is, if Trump's nominated, he'll be assassinated by someone who believes they are killing Hitler reincarnate.

PM said...

Hoping this all ends with an election night Rachel Maddow sad face.

Rusty said...

".@Rich: Career civil servants will protect the country and defend the Constitution."
You've never even read the Constitution, let alone what it means.